Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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To highlight the “ridiculous “ half in, half out proposal. I think Charles et Al didn’t want to set the up as ersatz king and queen of the commonwealth.
Trying to do commercial ventures with royal duties never works out and the Sussexes right now are just attempting poorly to be a rival court across the pond. “King and Queen of the Commonwealth” in their dreams.
To highlight the “ridiculous “ half in, half out proposal. I think Charles et Al didn’t want to set the up as ersatz king and queen of the commonwealth.

There is no such thing as the "king and queen of the Commonwealth". The Commonwealth is a free association of independent, sovereign nations, most of which are republics (like Barbados, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, etc.) and have no king/queen. Fourteen so-called Commonwealth realms in particular, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and a few other island nations in the Caribbean and the Pacific, are parliamentary constitutional monarchies whose King is the same person who is the King of the UK, but that is pretty much it. In the other Commonwealth countries, Queen Elizabeth II and now King Charles III were recognized as holding the symbolic title of Head of the Commonwealth, but that title has no domestic constitutional significance.

Harry is not the British monarch, nor is in direct line to thrones of the UK or the Commonwealth realms, and is not expected to ever reign over any of the latter. Neither has he ever had any realistic prospect or even been considered by the Commonwealth heads of government as a possible successor to Queen Elizabeth II as the honorific Head of the Commonwealth in general (a decision that Charles would succeed his mother in that role had already been made at the CHOGM).

If the thought that he and Meghan could become the "ersatz king and queen of Commonwealth" ever crossed Harry's mind, I would say he is completely delusional.
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It’s only a matter of time for the Daily Mail to come and take account of the amount of money in clothes she wore for the documentary. Some people are so blind to the false image and self-righteousness of this couple it’s quite sad and laughable.

Yes, I noticed the costly clothing too. She has a good eye for fashion, but that can get very expensive. Since she is not a full-time royal anymore, I wonder if she gets gifts from designers?

There's an aspect to H & M's agitation that IMHO is about the realities of royal money allotments and income. Charles and William were always going to have much more than Harry as monarch and PoW, and I think this inequality made Meghan very resentful. It would not have helped that she was told that she couldn't accept free merchandise as a working royal.
Yes, I noticed the costly clothing too. She has a good eye for fashion, but that can get very expensive. Since she is not a full-time royal anymore, I wonder if she gets gifts from designers?

There's an aspect to H & M's agitation that IMHO is about the realities of royal money allotments and income. Charles and William were always going to have much more than Harry as monarch and PoW, and I think this inequality made Meghan very resentful. It would not have helped that she was told that she couldn't accept free merchandise as a working royal.

I agree. She mentions in one of the first 3 episodes feeling "poor" growing up (or at least feeling economically insecure). Not being able to earn more money while being a working royal was a huge reason for their exit. They seem to live a very charmed life, or at least want us to think they do, as presented by this documentary.
Of all the weird things that were said during the series, the one that made me laugh out loud was when Harry claimed to be terrified when William yelled at him. My first thought was that obviously, William didn't yell nearly long enough. My second thought was that if the Queen - the same woman who dictated what uniform William was to wear at his wedding and who, not many years ago, admonished him to stand up during a balcony appearance - let William yell and scream at harry, it was most likely because she agreed with what he was saying, and the way he was saying it.
Thank you for making a good point on that episode, it was what you imagined had happened . I wouldn’t have been able to stomach a minute of that whine fest. Meanwhile the evil Pow and family are giving a concert to celebrate HM QE and her life of DUTY and SERVICE
11:16 PM. Just finished watching episode number five and here's my summary:
From start to end is produced like an historical drama for the BBC with a focus from Harry, more than Meghan, complaining about Queen Elizabeth II and blaming his brother William in what Harry believes bad press for him and Meghan means less bad press for his brother and his wife Catherine.

What I see, an extremely jealous grown-up man-child that always got his way now notable to take responsibilities and follow the rules for a royal to act in public. A lot of blame and finger-pointing at his older brother and their father as if they, long before Harry, didn't experience themselves the persecution from the tabloids. It's all about Harry getting his way as a part time royal as long as he has access to funding as if he was a full time one.

He claims his father and brother yelled at him while the Queen watched the spectacle and did nothing, according to Harry. What I see is this episode like the previous four no one is allowed in to challenge their statements. So, my imagination tells me if William lost his temper and their father became agitated, then why Harry is not telling what he said to them to get them to react this way and in front of the Queen herself?

Harry talks a lot in this episode and keeps even more to himself if it makes him look bad.

One episode to go for tomorrow and I'll be free from them too!
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So far this is my favourite take on the documentary and the one that aligns closest to my take on it all.

I read this story earlier. I absolutely love The Atlantic...I used to have a subscription.

The article talks about something I had COMPLETELY forgotten about...something I would have loved to have heard M address....the fact that she committed perjury by denying that she collaborated with Omid Scobie on the book he wrote, and that she was forced to apologize to the Court when the truth came out.:ohmy:

The most poignant observation, which is one I that Harry Windsor is basically a guest star in his own life at this point. Because make no mistake, this is not so much THEIR story as it hers.. His family name and notoriety was the open sesame...the final frontier if you will.. that made Meghan happen the way she felt she was always destined, if not entitled to.

He is confined...between bitter diatribes against "the institution"... to frequent gushing about how lucky the "ginge" feels to have landed this goddess...and "see what I got" to quote him. :whistling:

And supporting act in Meghan's Story is apparently quite ok with him, so who are we to complain?

How sad...really sad it all is.
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Yes, I noticed the costly clothing too. She has a good eye for fashion, but that can get very expensive. Since she is not a full-time royal anymore, I wonder if she gets gifts from designers?

There's an aspect to H & M's agitation that IMHO is about the realities of royal money allotments and income. Charles and William were always going to have much more than Harry as monarch and PoW, and I think this inequality made Meghan very resentful. It would not have helped that she was told that she couldn't accept free merchandise as a working royal.
Some of items she definitely bought, Hermès don’t so celebritiy endorsements or whatever but right now that she isn’t a working royal it’s possible she got gifts from brands. Harry and Meghan were lucky that the then POW gave them an allowance because Charles was not obligated to give some of his portion of the Duchy money to anyone, not even William so he was lucky to have those expenses covered.
Well, I haven't watched the series nor do I intend to do, but from what I have heard and based on my thoughts on the actions of Harry and Meghan the last few years, I will say the following:

Harry and Meghan have a lack of self reflection that is truly amazing. I've caught up on all the posts (thanks to all for the laugh out loud moments) and in not one post (or review that I have read regarding this series) has either one of them said, "maybe if I had did, said, or thought" this, xxx might not have happened. Its always someone else did something to them, they are never at fault. They are truly perfect people that walk amongst us! We are so lucky that we get to witness this perfection. As my boss said about a former coworker, They have a high opinion of themselves and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

I am so disturbed by this series, these interviews that they two give. There is no pushback on obvious lies, no question on comments that stretch credibility, etc. It just never ends with these two. And the arrogance to suggest that Charles, William and Catherine were afraid of being upstaged? Charles has been around long enough to know that popularity comes and goes. And William and Catherine, I would think would be happy to have someone to share the workload with. Who cares who gets more press? At the end of the day, it changes nothing. Charles and William are the Future Kings. I don't know how Harry even had the nerve to say such a thing without laughing. Is he for real?

Now I do think that Meghan got a raw deal by the British press and we all know that anyone Harry married would have gotten the same treatment, but Meghan was special (biracial, American, actress, and divorced). And I think there was a true lack of understanding of what marrying into the BRF meant. I also think that Harry, maybe didn't do such a good job on advising her so she wouldn't run off (not that I think she would). And I also think that Meghan didn't see the need to slow down or seek assistance. But this is just incredibly sad and disturbing.

This could have all been avoided. They could have been such an asset to Charles and later William but I just don't see a way back. I guess their thinking is, why be the sidekick when you think you are the star?

We will see what the book says, but after all of this....I think there isn't much more they can say. And that sound you hear is the clock....tick tock tick tock...their 15 minutes of fame is almost up.
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I think when people talk about the other side not being squeaky clean we need to acknowledge what we are looking at. I don’t actually believe they, on a professional level, did anything against the Sussexes. In a workplace you couldn’t just get your boss to give you what you want. Their first priority is the institution they work for. Sometimes you might depending on if it serves a wider process. That Charles came out with home truths Harry claims aren’t true and William yelled at him, while his grandmother said nothing is entirely in keeping with what we know about their characters. However, something must have been said first. People don’t just launch home truths or yelling without some provocation. As for Meghan being there. Spouses are never there. Phillip wasn’t and when I thought that odd my Dad said well he has no professional interest in it. He is outside it now.

Do I think the family probably did have petty jealousies…well yeah sure. But what family doesn’t? Must be hard when your siblings are world class concert pianists too. That is up to the family to make everyone feel cherished. Now as her late majesty had 8 grandchildren and many greats, a niece, a nephew, I am sure seeing as they are all happy that they were all cherished.

Meghan trapping the headlines in the first year or so after her wedding is absolutely the way of things and they would know the rules of engagement. I didn’t understand about the BP breakfast and the big picture of her…So. What is the narrative here. She was getting too much good publicity so the family sabotaged her or the media are evil. I really don’t understand.

And quite frankly Charles has always been overshadowed by everyone…except his now wife: His mother, Diana, his sons.

I still believe the Sussexes leaked the exit information. It makes no sense otherwise. None of the others had anything to gain and they obviously wanted it done quickly which fits with all the stories about working for them and they being like teenagers.

They still can’t keep staff. How do they explain that. Although I looked up Jason Knauf. I thought he was leaving the UK but he appears to have something to do with a start up In London as well as an American company. I thought the story was his partner/Husband had gotten a diplomatic position abroad or something. Of course people can work remotely In this day and age.
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Well, I haven't watched the series nor do I intend to do, but from what I have heard and based on my thoughts on the actions of Harry and Meghan the last few years, I will say the following:

Harry and Meghan have a lack of self reflection that is truly amazing. I've caught up on all the posts (thanks to all for the laugh out loud moments) and in not one post (or review that I have read regarding this series) has either one of them said, "maybe if I had did, said, or thought" this, xxx might not have happened. Its always someone else did something to them, they are never at fault. They are truly perfect people that walk amongst us! We are so lucky that we get to witness this perfection. As my boss said about a former coworker, They have a high opinion of themselves and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

I am so disturbed by this series, these interviews that they two give. There is no pushback on obvious lies, no question on comments that stretch credibility, etc. It just never ends with these two. And the arrogance to suggest that Charles, William and Catherine were afraid of being upstaged? Charles has been around long enough to know that popularity comes and goes. And William and Catherine, I would think would be happy to have someone to share the workload with. Who cares who gets more press? At the end of the day, it changes nothing. Charles and William are the Future Kings. I don't know how Harry even had the nerve to say such a thing without laughing. Is he for real?

Now I do think that Meghan got a raw deal by the British press and we all know that anyone Harry married would have gotten the same treatment, but Meghan was special (biracial, American, actress, and divorced). And I think there was a true lack of understanding of what marrying into the BRF meant. I also think that Harry, maybe didn't do such a good job on advising her so she wouldn't run off (not that I think she would). And I also think that Meghan didn't see the need to slow down or seek assistance. But this is just incredibly sad and disturbing.

This could have all been avoided. They could have been such an asset to Charles and later William but I just don't see a way back. I guess their thinking is, why be the sidekick when you think you are the star?

We will see what the book says, but after all of this....I think there isn't much more they can say. And that sound you hear is the clock....tick tock tick tock...their 15 minutes of fame is almost up.

The book may have some interesting stuff of what it was like growing up in that family. That I would love to hear about. I heard a story once about William and Harry teaching the QM how to do Ali G and her turn to the Queen at Christmas dinner and saying. Great dinner Queenie, respect.

There may be incredibly stories about growing up in what is surely one of the worlds most famous families.

In reality ai think he will moan. He is so like his father that way but at the moment we can’t see any of the good characteristics. Charles is so like that too but he has so many positive attributes. Harry’s are hidden now.

Well this is it, the documentary would make you believe Meghan didn’t want to be the star.
The article talks about something I had COMPLETELY forgotten about...something I would have loved to have heard M address....the fact that she committed perjury by denying that she collaborated with Omid Scobie on the book he wrote, and that she was forced to apologize to the Court when the truth came out.:ohmy:.

I think that's one of the points of what they are doing. The more they keep pushing, and repeating, their narrative the more people will forget about anything outside of it.
I think that's one of the points of what they are doing. The more they keep pushing, and repeating, their narrative the more people will forget about anything outside of it.

I don’t think that’s quite how it works though. In the UK people have a life long knowledge of how royalty works so after a program which pummels an extreme side you are just left with questions.

The BBCs the Princes and the Press talked about a lot of the same press stuff H and M did but it made very clear that they were active participants in the game.

No one said this was easy and I remember a BBC documentary a number of years ago that very clearly stated that Charles had, not given bad stories on his sons to the media, given stories that made him look like an excellent father at eye xpense of having the boys occasionally look bad.

The rules of engagement with the media is something everyone in public life has to grapple with. I can’t see how Harry doesn’t understand that is what he is doing now. If he thinks Netflix will let them make any of those worthy programs thy want he is mistaken. They may do something about Invictus.
Here's the thing about the Meghan/Harry inconsistencies, lies, flip flops.

What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.

That's it.

To their true fans, it doesn't matter that what they say doesn't make sense. Most of their fans have not followed the BRF, they don't know about the letters of Patent of 1917, they don't know that William lived in Nottingham cottage before, they don't know that the BRF motto Never complain, never explain. They don't know that the true superstar of the BRF is the Monarch, no matter who it is. Whether that person is young, old, male, female, etc.

They don't know and they don't care. That's their base. They don't care about the truth.

That's why Meghan and Harry will continue (and I think they will to keep the interest up and the money flowing) to seek people who support them (i.e. Hollywood celebrities) and interview with people who don't push back on their narrative or ask pertinent follow up questions. Say Harry, Meghan says that Archie isn't a prince because of this, but what are these Letters of Patent that I keep hearing about?

Its amazing to me that Netflix even put this out, but I guess its entertainment and not a documentary.
I haven’t watched it so maybe I don’t understand but, please, bear with me. So, when M finds out that Knauf has submitted the emails to the court she puts the blame on William, who, as Harry’s brother, shouldn’t have given permission for Knauf to speak. What if M counted on William to not give permission? What if she never forgot about those emails but counted on William and Knauf to do “the right thing” and not interfere in her suit against ANL? I suspect she interpreted the staff’s discretion as an NDA, when they are always allowed to whistleblow. Hmmm….
I haven’t watched it so maybe I don’t understand but, please, bear with me. So, when M finds out that Knauf has submitted the emails to the court she puts the blame on William, who, as Harry’s brother, shouldn’t have given permission for Knauf to speak. What if M counted on William to not give permission? What if she never forgot about those emails but counted on William and Knauf to do “the right thing” and not interfere in her suit against ANL? I suspect she interpreted the staff’s discretion as an NDA, when they are always allowed to whistleblow. Hmmm….

The way Harry talked about "they're willing to lie to protect my brother", maybe M&H expected JK (and the Palace in general) to lie before the Court to protect her.

In the 6 episodes, he never said that "they" leaked/planted/briefed untrue stories, but negative stories.
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I agree. She mentions in one of the first 3 episodes feeling "poor" growing up (or at least feeling economically insecure). Not being able to earn more money while being a working royal was a huge reason for their exit. They seem to live a very charmed life, or at least want us to think they do, as presented by this documentary.

Yes the issue to all that is money unfortunately. But if their way to get financially independent as they quoted in their statement is to sell their private life being filmed in very private moments this is very sad because this means that they are not able to get à proper job and stick with it instead of bad mouthing the whole family whom they know will not be able to answer. This is so sad.
Valentine Low has written a column under Comments for The Times in response to James Holt's accusation of the bullying allegation as "anti-Meghan conspiracy". Low doubled down on the importance of timing and how it was the palace staff who came forward to him about Meghan's alleged poor treatment of staff.

Wher of bullying members of staff, Team Meghan came out fighting. Her spokesman described the story as a “calculated smear”.

It is a theme they have returned to again in the Netflix documentary. James Holt, the affable chief executive of their Archewell Foundation, who used to be a Palace press officer, says in the Netflix documentary: “The timing of the bullying story has even been admitted by the journalist that wrote it that it was done explicitly because of the Oprah interview.”

He says this with a rather satisfied smile, as if to suggest: I’ve got you there. The implication is obvious: the Times story was obviously part of some sinister anti-Meghan conspiracy designed to put the skids under her forthcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey, which at that stage was just four days away.

The only trouble with that is that I was always explicit that the timing of the story was definitely connected with the Oprah interview. I did not have to “admit” anything, as James would have it: I was completely upfront about it.

Only it wasn’t my desire to get the story out before Oprah, or even the wishes of a sinister cabal of Palace plotters: it was the victims of the alleged bullying who wanted to have their story heard.


I drummed home this message in a series of broadcast interviews, including one with Good Morning America, in which I said that the alleged bullying victims felt their story had never been told. And if they did not tell their story then, once Meghan had had her say on Oprah no one would care. “They are keen to correct the narrative. They think that Meghan has been having it all her own way. She has portrayed herself as a victim of the royal family . . . But there are two sides to this.”

Low also criticised Harry and James Holt for not contributing any new to Meghan's bullying allegation. In other words, Meghan, Harry and Holt neither confirm or deny that the accusations are true in the Netflix documentary.

In the documentary Meghan does not deny the bullying claim or say that it was unfair. She is silent. She just lets James Holt and Prince Harry speak for her. And, in reality, they have nothing to say either.

Yes, the timing was connected — as I said all along
I was always explicit that the publication of the article was linked with the Oprah interview
Archive link:

From reading Valentine Low's column, I could tell he is ready for any legal actions directed against him from the Sussexes. I would even admit, he seems to be surprised that there has been no lawsuit filed from such litigious couple.
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Absolutely true. Harry has been incredibly critical of his late grandmother (the monarch) by his actions as she is the head of the institution. Very sadly, he appears to have harbored feelings of deep resentment.
I hope that one day he can find some peace.

Has Prince Harry spoken to any ministers of the Anglican Church about his feelings of deep resentment? If he did not wish to speak to his father, surely there were plenty of ministers in England.
I think when people talk about the other side not being squeaky clean we need to acknowledge what we are looking at. I don’t actually believe they, on a professional level, did anything against the Sussexes. In a workplace you couldn’t just get your boss to give you what you want. Their first priority is the institution they work for. Sometimes you might depending on if it serves a wider process. That Charles came out with home truths Harry claims aren’t true and William yelled at him, while his grandmother said nothing is entirely in keeping with what we know about their characters. However, something must have been said first. People don’t just launch home truths or yelling without some provocation. As for Meghan being there. Spouses are never there. Phillip wasn’t and when I thought that odd my Dad said well he has no professional interest in it. He is outside it now.

Do I think the family probably did have petty jealousies…well yeah sure. But what family doesn’t? Must be hard when your siblings are world class concert pianists too. That is up to the family to make everyone feel cherished. Now as her late majesty had 8 grandchildren and many greats, a niece, a nephew, I am sure seeing as they are all happy that they were all cherished.

Meghan trapping the headlines in the first year or so after her wedding is absolutely the way of things and they would know the rules of engagement. I didn’t understand about the BP breakfast and the big picture of her…So. What is the narrative here. She was getting too much good publicity so the family sabotaged her or the media are evil. I really don’t understand.

And quite frankly Charles has always been overshadowed by everyone…except his now wife: His mother, Diana, his sons.

I age.
No, Charles was very popular in the 1970s when he was in hte Navy or had just started his royal duties. That was probalby why he found it so hard when Diana came along and was so much more popular. However I dont think that he tried to outshine his mohter who was superior to him in the hierarchy.
I've had some more thoughts. The central theme of this film seems to be that the BRF didn't like the 'superstar' coverage Meghan was getting so they did deals with the media to knock her down while promoting the heirs. Given that this kind of thing has happened before, I'm sure there's a nugget of truth in that, even if it's just that the BRF didn't do enough to try and alleviate the situation.

Another recurring theme is that "Diana's boy" is popular and look at the amazing wife he now has, hasn't he done well. The couple has so much to offer the BRF and the world so let them go forth and spread their stardust. This is, of course, self-indulgent clap-trap that wilfully ignores the fact that their role was to support QE2 and the heirs to spread THEIR stardust.

The whole of the BRF should have had a clear strategy to deal with the new bride's press coverage, especially as she was very new, unlike Catherine who'd been around for 10 years before joining the BRF and starting royal duties. They'd have known Meghan would take the media's centre stage for all events so they should have exploited that for visits to factories in Wigan, hospices in Inverness and children's centres in Truro. No foreign tours and nothing arranged independently. Nothing high profile for at least two years to enable a slow, steady introduction to the work and the people. They'd also have benefitted from less 'advice' that they could ignore and more 'instruction' from Charles and QE2. Meghan would have disliked that and Harry would have kicked off but it would have given them more stability, less publicity and therefore a reduction in them (especially Meghan) taking the limelight off the heirs & wives.

Ultimately, Harry and Meghan had too much freedom to do their own thing and do it their way, which backfired on them. It might sound harsh but with the immense privileges of being the monarch's grandson and the next monarch's son comes a restrictive lane within which to operate. If you opt to accept the privileges, then you have to accept the restrictions too.
I haven’t watched it so maybe I don’t understand but, please, bear with me. So, when M finds out that Knauf has submitted the emails to the court she puts the blame on William, who, as Harry’s brother, shouldn’t have given permission for Knauf to speak. What if M counted on William to not give permission? What if she never forgot about those emails but counted on William and Knauf to do “the right thing” and not interfere in her suit against ANL? I suspect she interpreted the staff’s discretion as an NDA, when they are always allowed to whistleblow. Hmmm….

This was truly bizarre. Anyone who has information about a legal proceeding that he feels is relevant should feel free to come forward. There was a very nasty implication that- what? Because Knauf wasn’t compelled to speak and was working for Meghan’s brother, he should have kept his mouth shut, even if his perspective was that the truth was being misrepresented in court and he had information to correct it? Or that people who are loyal don’t say things that are potentially damaging, even if they are true and right, unless forced to?

This was a very ugly look behind the curtain.
Yes, but she had seen the property before they were officially married so why the shock? Plus they didn’t have any kids at that time and Harry was already there before he married. Plus in the end, they got Frogmore cottage and decorated it to their tastes so why bring up Nottingham cottage. Plus they didn’t pay have to pay rent to live in Nottingham cottage.
The Sussexes also had a second home early in their marriage, they were renting a home in the Cotswolds.
Yes the issue to all that is money unfortunately. But if their way to get financially independent as they quoted in their statement is to sell their private life being filmed in very private moments this is very sad because this means that they are not able to get à proper job and stick with it instead of bad mouthing the whole family whom they know will not be able to answer. This is so sad.

Although the "truth" is debatable, I won't debate their allegations that it had to do with race, institutional gaslighting, the media, or mental health. Whatever the true reasons were, I think we can all agree, however, that Meghan did not adjust to life in the UK and clearly wanted to live in North America. I emphasize "North America" because, although that has also been changed somewhat in the docu-series compared to things that Harry had said before, it appears that Meghan herself also turmed down Harry's original proposal to live part-time in Africa, which perhaps would have been actually more acceptable to the Palace (a wild guess on my part here).

In any case, I also agree that mulitimillionaire deals resulting in things like this docu-series or Harry's book, plus the revelation in the docu-series that H&M were indeed gathering footage from their private lives for apparently no other plausible reason than calculated future commercial use, do make the couple look bad, even in America and much more so in the UK.

Overall, I think Meghan brought and projected much of the American Hollywood culture into her brief royal life, e.g. someone's worth and rank being directly proportional to his or her popularity, or actors in the same show having to compete for popularity and putting each other down in the process. In hindsight, it could never have worked since that is not what royal life is about, just as it is not the same as "being rich and famous", "telling your story", or being an activist either (all things that Meghan at one point said she wanted to do in her life).

This was truly bizarre. Anyone who has information about a legal proceeding that he feels is relevant should feel free to come forward. There was a very nasty implication that- what? Because Knauf wasn’t compelled to speak and was working for Meghan’s brother, he should have kept his mouth shut, even if his perspective was that the truth was being misrepresented in court and he had information to correct it? Or that people who are loyal don’t say things that are potentially damaging, even if they are true and right, unless forced to?

This was a very ugly look behind the curtain.

Then again the end credits in the docu-series acknowledge that Jason Knauf and the Sussexes' legal team have "vartying recollections" about that particular episode.
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Although the "truth" is debatable, I won't debate their allegations that it had to do with race, institutional gaslighting, the media, or mental health. Whatever the true reasons were, I think we can all agree, however, that Meghan did not adjust to life in the UK and clearly wanted to live in North America. I emphasize "North America" because, although that has also been changed somewhat in the docu-series compared to things that Harry had said before, it appears that Meghan herself also turmed down Harry's original proposal to live part-time in Africa, which perhaps would have been actually more acceptable to the Palace (a wild guess on my part here).

There were stories going round in the first six months or so of their marriage (roughly speaking as I recall) that they were going to live in Africa, so possibly newspapers had picked up something about this being discussed. I dont pretend to any inside knowledge but I wonder if the couple were expressing unhappiness with Royal duties or UK life then and had been offered a hiatus or a permanent drop out from that life? But I think that somewhere along the line Harry has said that there were security issues involved with living in Africa, and the idea got dropped? I am guessing that the idea was for a hiatus rather than a complete drop out from royal life, that while the queen was still fit and well, and while the couple were setling into married life and parenthood, that they could sepnd a few years in Africa, out of the limelight and doing some conservation work or the like, and having children...
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There were stories going round in the first six months or so of their marriage (rougly speaking as I recall) that they were going to live in Africa, so possibly newspapers had picked up something about this being discussed. I dont pretend to any inside knowledge but I wonder if the couple were expressing unhappiness with Royal duties or UK life then and had been offered a hiatus or a permanent drop out from that life? But I think that somewhere along the line Harry has said that there were security issues involved with living in Africa, and the idea got dropped?

Yes, that is exactly what I meant when I said recollections have changed over time in this case. Harry originally said that he had discussed living in South Africa with Meghan and there were alleged security/safety concerns. That was apparently dropped in the docu-series.

My take, which others may disagree with, is that Meghan specifically preferred to go back to the US not least for professional/financial reasons, in addition to obvious personal reasons (it is "her home", as she put it). Canada was an acceptable original alternative provided that they were given some sort of official status there and taxpayer-funded security from the RCMP, to which the Canadian government ultimately said no.
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Do I believe that the Sussexes are economical with facts, have an inflated sense of their own importance, and are on an angry slash-and-burn tear via this Netflix series?Absolutely.

But I am also not willing/able to accept that everyone on the "other side" the family and out of it...have completely clean hands and acted 100% good faith toward the couple. What continues to stick in my craw even now is that BP and KP were willing to let the false story of Meghan's bullying of Kate take on a life of it's own, and it would still be accepted as fact today if Meghan hadn't refuted it. That bothered me because I believed the story and I held it against MM.

BUT...I am just as interested in the stories about MM's abrasive attitude toward staff, and her well documented tendency to drop people with no notice after they have outlived their usefulness.

I am back I couldnt keep away, I see where you are coming from regarding 'making Kate cry '
All I would say is that the royals do not normally deny stories unless really really serious because once you start to deny the false ones the media and the public can pick up what is true because they are not denied.

I have always put this incident down to a bridzilla and a hormonal new mother clashing, nothing serious just a moment in time.

It was brought up in Finding FReedom but more who they were accusing of leaking the story, then again in Oprah but Kate was blamed, so in effect Meghan just did to Kate what she complained about others doing to her.

The problem is we do not know the correct story, we have the newspaper version then we have finding freedom and we have Meghans Oprah version. We have never heard Kates version.

I just wished she had said two women at vital moments in their lives became weepy, and I was angry and hurt that my name wasn't cleared.

Everybody would have understood.

The problem with Meghan and Harry is that everybody else is wrong and they are innocents in all of this and to be honest I do not believe that either.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant when I said recollections have changed over time in this case. Harry originally said that he had discussed living in South Africa with Meghan and there were alleged security/safety concerns. That was apparently dropped in the docu-series.

My take, which others may disagree with, is that Meghan specifically preferred to go back to the US not least for professional/financial reasons, in addition to obvious personal reasons (it is "her home", as she put it). Canada was an acceptable original alternative provided that they were given some sort of official status there and taxpayer-funded security from the RCMP, to which the Canadian government ultimately said no.

I may have the date wrong it might have been a year or so after their marriage, but I think that for some reason, Harry and Meg were seen as having problems and being unhappy, and the RF were trying to accommodate them. but I think that Meghan was really working towards going to the US to spend say half the year and the rest in the UK or travelling, and SHE at least did not fancy Africa. so IMO all the insinuations that Meghan was very unhappy and tehy were not getting any help from the RF were not true, I think that Canada was a half way house for them, where they hoped they could get free security and be close to the USA.
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