Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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But either way no, for the life of me I don't understand Frogmore Cottage at all.

I think they were just in a rush to get out of Nottingham Cottage. My suspicion is that the original plans were for Harry to be given an apartment comparable to William’s at Kensington Palace, where their shared office worked, but that tensions in the household plus Harry and Meghan’s frustrations with Nott Cott meant they had to focus on what was available rather than waiting a few more years for a nicer property.
I think they were just in a rush to get out of Nottingham Cottage. My suspicion is that the original plans were for Harry to be given an apartment comparable to William’s at Kensington Palace, where their shared office worked, but that tensions in the household plus Harry and Meghan’s frustrations with Nott Cott meant they had to focus on what was available rather than waiting a few more years for a nicer property.

They were earmarked for apartment 1 at KP but it needed renovations, which they'd have to wait a while for. The cost could have been picked up by QE2 to save a big fuss in the media.
The one thing I most admired about Harry and Meghan after they left was the privacy they afforded their children. Of course I'd have been interested to see them but there was no longer any reason why they should be exposed to the public.

And then, in 6 hours, we saw more of the children than I'd ever have expected. They're adorable and I understand the difference between "privacy" and "control" but it felt as if they'd been held back, not for their protection and privacy, but for Netflix to pay Harry and Meghan for access. That's probably unfair but it left a bad taste for me.

ETA "I left the World behind, to start my days without a yesterday." Toledo, I love this.

Those children are still minors hence they didn't give the permission to film them in the first place and maybe in future they would consider intrusive the fact that their first birthdays and first steps were recorded to be sold out for a documentary. Personally, I think it was unnecessary to include that many private moments of them, since they are supposed to be private citizens not public figures...All of this attention that Meghan and Harry keep fuel around theie children will result in the fact they will never be able to live like regular kids. The general public doesn't even know who are Prince Edward children so in future they probably don't even need any private security, I highly doubt that would happen to Archie and Lily.
I think they were just in a rush to get out of Nottingham Cottage. My suspicion is that the original plans were for Harry to be given an apartment comparable to William’s at Kensington Palace, where their shared office worked, but that tensions in the household plus Harry and Meghan’s frustrations with Nott Cott meant they had to focus on what was available rather than waiting a few more years for a nicer property.

The Gloucesters were kicked off of their apartment, so it could had been renovated for H&M. But with all the problems with the staff and bad relationship with the now Wales, they refused it.

Princess Anne was given Gatcombe Park as a Wedding present. She owns it outright. Andrew and Sarah were given the now gone house and land for Sunninghill Estate as a Wedding present. Andrew sold it a few years back and pocketed the 15 million.

Royal Lodge and Bagshot Park are part of "The Crown Estate", " gifted" by The Queen to her sons to live in.

I certainly believe that Harry and Meghan had grander expectations for a home.
The difference were that they were the Queen's children. And most of Kensinton palace appartments were ocuped with the Queen's cousins (Probably, If she could had had more sibligs, her cousins weren't be there or hadn't the rol they have).
All things said about NC reflects that they wanted more.
JMHO --- but I think Meghan's issues all come down to expectations.

She had no understanding of nor experience with nor appreciation for British culture -- therefore, had unreasonable expectations as an American

She had no understanding of the status of a second son "the spare" -- therefore, had unreasonable expectations as to her own status

She has no understanding of the concept of duty and service in a monarchy. Therefore, had unreasonable expectations of how she should carry out those concepts.

I believe that this all rolled up into her having tremendous buyer's remorse. The only way out was to lash out and to make an unreasonable half-in/half-out request.

She got what she wanted -- a title, a prince, and a social platform.
Exactly. I think that all the material they filmed was for something. They needed be HIHO to doing it, because they wanted the benefits of beeing part of them, because it's what make them specials. But the Queen said NOT. So, they had to change the plan.
It occurs to me, perhaps HM The Queen sat there, quietly taking it all in during the SS because she couldn't quite fathom how it had come to that point, with Harry seemingly misunderstanding his position and role within The Firm. I'm not sure but that many people wouldn't have sat there in disbelief, wondering how far back this trainwreck actually jumped the tracks.
It occurs to me, perhaps HM The Queen sat there, quietly taking it all in during the SS because she couldn't quite fathom how it had come to that point, with Harry seemingly misunderstanding his position and role within The Firm. I'm not sure but that many people wouldn't have sat there in disbelief, wondering how far back this trainwreck actually jumped the tracks.

My feeling is that the three were in various stages of grief at their vision for the future with H&M as very much senior royals shattered:
P.William: Anger
P.Charles: Bargaining (or denial)
QEII: Acceptance
Isn’t it possible that the tabloids would take issue with Meghan not working? I could totally see this happening.
I'm not saying not working - just working slower and smarter. Smaller, mostly. Though who knows, maybe Meghan was not interested in the small work?

And of course the tabloids would take issue, but it's not like they were there writing nice thing about her work - there is no version of reality where the coverage would be 100% positive. But maybe if she has spend some time bulding her life in the UK, that would hurt her less.
I think they were just in a rush to get out of Nottingham Cottage. My suspicion is that the original plans were for Harry to be given an apartment comparable to William’s at Kensington Palace, where their shared office worked, but that tensions in the household plus Harry and Meghan’s frustrations with Nott Cott meant they had to focus on what was available rather than waiting a few more years for a nicer property.
Well I do understand that, but also I don't think Nott Cott would be a great place to live after Archie was born, sure, it's not that small, but let's say a nanny or a night nurse, and Doria, plus of course Sussexes with the baby would be a tight squeeze.

If they waited a few years for a nicer property they would end up with a nanny, two kids and two dogs in there. Doesn't really seem like a good idea.

I'm not saying Frogmore was any kind of slight from the BRF, it was probably just a matter of circumstances, but still interesting.
Isn’t it possible that the tabloids would take issue with Meghan not working? I could totally see this happening.
Of course the tabloids would, just as they did when Catherine had fewer duties. Both William and Catherine were labelled as lazy in the early years of their marriage because they did far fewer engagements but the time spent with a lower public profile was part of William's strategic, long-term plan and it worked out far better than a hit the ground running, all cylinders firing, bells and whistles approach.

Well I do understand that, but also I don't think Nott Cott would be a great place to live after Archie was born, sure, it's not that small, but let's say a nanny or a night nurse, and Doria, plus of course Sussexes with the baby would be a tight squeeze.

If they waited a few years for a nicer property they would end up with a nanny, two kids and two dogs in there. Doesn't really seem like a good idea.

That wouldn't have happened. They'd have been given another temporary (but larger) property to live in until their home was ready.
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Question for anyone who knows on UK taxes and USA taxes about the 100 million said that they requested for takers and ultimately the offer landed and accepted by Netflix.
In the USA my assumption is a 100 million payout, like the lottery, will be just around 50-60 % after they pay Federal and State taxes on it.

1. Do they have to pay a similar amount in taxes in the UK since Harry is a British citizen?

Now the twist on the Netflix payout and all other money they have been accumulating. They established non-profits before leaving royal life, from websites to merchandise. Good for them because here in the USA non-profits are basically tax shelters for rich people.

2. If Meghan and Harry cashed in the Netflix payout into the Archwell Foundation, anyone knows if that means this lets a company potentially get the 100 million in full and tax free and, as nonprofits go, with use to the discretion of the CEOs H&M?

That amount will be a factor to tell if they will be able to survive on 100 million or back to Netflix next year for part 2 spinoffs: Keeping Up with the Sussexes, Christmas at Montecito Special and so on. :lol:

By the way, this is now Netflix most viewed show in their history so far. They were in financial crisis because of the new Plus channels and shutting down projects and on-going series. The Harry and Meghan series brought Netflix back to the top.
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I thought it was the media that was lying to protect his brother.
Please the media is no one’s friend, why do people insist on the media favoring couple vs another couple, the media has written nasty things about almost every royal from the Queen to the Kent’s. Nasty things have been put out about William so the media protects no one.
It's supposed to be the season of peace and goodwill. This spiteful, self-obsessed, self-pitying pair seem to bear nothing but hatred and ill-will. What a shame that it's come to this.
Another interesting segment was when Meghan pointed to the moment her “popularity” “clicked.” She and Harry attended an event with the entire family and the next morning her picture was featured on the front page of the paper. She couldn’t believe it! Her, the new one! Featured over (the unspoken implication… everyone less popular than her. William. Catherine. The Queen herself!)

Certainly Meghan was popular, but I think she and Harry were both already so far in their heads at this point that they misread this (and other situations). Of course Meghan was on the front page. People had seen hundreds of thousands of identical pictures of everyone else. Respectfully, it had nothing to do with Meghan personally. Any new family member would have been been the photograph on the front page. She and Harry totally misread the situation and it seeped into their thinking about every other situation for years.

You cringe listening to it. Meghan is reflecting on how she can’t believe how much these people liked her, how interesting she was, how popular, how it all became so clear then. Well, no. That’s not what was happening.
Another interesting segment was when Meghan pointed to the moment her “popularity” “clicked.” She and Harry attended an event with the entire family and the next morning her picture was featured on the front page of the paper. She couldn’t believe it! Her, the new one! Featured over (the unspoken implication… everyone less popular than her. William. Catherine. The Queen herself!)

Certainly Meghan was popular, but I think she and Harry were both already so far in their heads at this point that they misread this (and other situations). Of course Meghan was on the front page. People had seen hundreds of thousands of identical pictures of everyone else. Respectfully, it had nothing to do with Meghan personally. Any new family member would have been been the photograph on the front page. She and Harry totally misread the situation and it seeped into their thinking about every other situation for years.

You cringe listening to it. Meghan is reflecting on how she can’t believe how much these people liked her, how interesting she was, how popular, how it all became so clear then. Well, no. That’s not what was happening.

I completely agree. Implying that the Queen would have cared for a second about who was on the front page that day is so silly. She’s been photographed her entire life and covered the front page of many, many magazines. Her authority didn’t rest on that she was well aware that young, glamorous, younger family members often get press attention. Catherine and William also don’t seem to love press attention and probably would have been thrilled to share the spotlight. Charles has long grown out of that.

It was taking a story from Diana’s life, where Charles as a young man struggled, and trying to apply it to a situation where it did not fit.
If I were William at the SS, I would have screamed and shouted at Harry too. After all, Harry's withdrawal from being a working royal would increase the burden on William and Catherine. If I had discovered that Harry and Meghan had been planning their exit for two years, I would have been pretty upset. I find Harry's assertion that William was frightening very interesting. I guess he and William had never had major sibling rows, or maybe he wasn't used to William losing his cool (although isn't William known to have a temper?). Harry may have understood that his plan was going up in flames. Any of these things would have caused distress. We can never know (although there is always Harry's book that may enlighten us). I suspect there was a bit of hyperbole in Harry's retelling. If not, I would worry that he is very mentally fragile.

In my view, there are two important take-aways: Harry is a very angry, troubled man who appears to lack any capacity for self-reflection, and Meghan is unsuited to any life in which she does not play the starring role. So sad--they could have accomplished so much within the BRF.
I completely agree. The late Queen didn't care what colours the female members of her family wore to events (remember Margaret Thatcher once asked the Palace what colour the Queen would be wearing to an event, and the Palace said something like the Queen didn't worry about that), and she certainly wouldn't care about Meghan being on the front pages.
One more thing .... if you remember in one of the first three episodes Meghan mentions that she wore pale colors all the time because other more senior members (QEII, Camilla, and Kate) got first pick on colors.

That's total BS! Take a look at the royal women at last night's Christmas concert ... both Kate and Zara wore burgundy. In fact, so did Pippa!

Meghan likes to spout "alternative" facts.

Meghan said nothing in the documentary about any of the other royal women having first pick on colours. When she talked about clothing she stated that she wore beiges and similar shades because she didn’t want to stand out, was trying to blend in as a new royal.

There wouldn’t be more than half a dozen times in the whole six episodes of the documentary where any of the royal females were named, apart from Diana.

The media tried to say for instance, in the run up to the doco being shown, that for certain Camilla would be viciously attacked by Harry. I read the reports myself. If she was mentioned by name more than once in the whole series then I must have missed it and even then it wasn’t in a critical way.
After watching the 6 episodes, I wonder, what now?

I guess letting it all out must give them a bit of relief, but I doubt they feel satisfied. The level of anger they have demonstrated, especially Harry, is something that will linger on for years (if not forever).

I can see them behaving in the future just like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, an effervescent couple with a very stylish lifestyle (Hollywood baby!) but also bitter, always complaining about their royal relatives and how mistreated they were.

I hope I'm wrong and they finally find their peace.
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Another interesting segment was when Meghan pointed to the moment her “popularity” “clicked.” She and Harry attended an event with the entire family and the next morning her picture was featured on the front page of the paper. She couldn’t believe it! Her, the new one! Featured over (the unspoken implication… everyone less popular than her. William. Catherine. The Queen herself!)

In that particular segment, wasn't the coverage on the papers the next morning actually a negative one? Something about the event being a Remembrance Service and Meghan doing an odd smirk/facial expression that was considered disrespectful? I will have to watch it again.

Statistically speaking, based on YouGov data, I believe that Meghan was actually never more popular than the Queen or Kate and William for that matter, and her popularity literally sank after she left. So any claims that she was a superstar are actually factually incorrect.

Harry, however, was once the most popular member of the Royal Family.
Another interesting segment was when Meghan pointed to the moment her “popularity” “clicked.” She and Harry attended an event with the entire family and the next morning her picture was featured on the front page of the paper. She couldn’t believe it! Her, the new one! Featured over (the unspoken implication… everyone less popular than her. William. Catherine. The Queen herself!)

Certainly Meghan was popular, but I think she and Harry were both already so far in their heads at this point that they misread this (and other situations). Of course Meghan was on the front page. People had seen hundreds of thousands of identical pictures of everyone else. Respectfully, it had nothing to do with Meghan personally. Any new family member would have been been the photograph on the front page. She and Harry totally misread the situation and it seeped into their thinking about every other situation for years.

You cringe listening to it. Meghan is reflecting on how she can’t believe how much these people liked her, how interesting she was, how popular, how it all became so clear then. Well, no. That’s not what was happening.

I think that lack of understanding may have been at the root of a lot of the conflict and misunderstanding between the Sussexes and the rest of the BRF and staff. Everyone else has been down this road at least once before, with William and Kate, and some would have also remembered how things were with Diana and also somewhat with Sarah Ferguson. And of course the Queen would have remembered the press coverage she and Philip, as well as Margaret used to get when they were young. So on one hand there was this group of people that saw Meghan’s popularity for what it was - nothing new under the sun, but hopefully a base from which they could help her build lasting affection and respect - and on the other hand there was Meghan, who thought all the excitement was something uniquely about her.

I can honestly understand how someone with Meghan’s background would have thought that. I’m stereotyping, but actors as a group aren’t known for their small egos or being immune to flattery. And being a cast member on an ensemble cable TV show is more about how to monetize popularity and make it last as long as possible than how to build skill over time in order to become a great, memorable actor.

What’s less understandable is that Harry either genuinely bought into this nonsense or he actually knew the deal, but didn’t give Meghan a more realistic view of what was happening. It says nothing good about him either way.
Of all the weird things that were said during the series, the one that made me laugh out loud was when Harry claimed to be terrified when William yelled at him. My first thought was that obviously, William didn't yell nearly long enough. My second thought was that if the Queen - the same woman who dictated what uniform William was to wear at his wedding and who, not many years ago, admonished him to stand up during a balcony appearance - let William yell and scream at harry, it was most likely because she agreed with what he was saying, and the way he was saying it.

You are exactly correct! Prince William respected his grandmother and still respects her memory. And, if it is true that Prince William yelled, what brothers haven't yelled at each other? Harry needed yelling at.

As far as I've watched, they trhew William under the bus (4), and both Charles and the Queen (5)-
that' s lower level than expected, wonder what 6 will be like and the book of course.
Time to cut them off YM CIII, pleeeease act.

As much as I would love for King Charles for Parliament to strip them of their titles, it probably won't happen. They didn't strip the Duke of Windsor of his title and he appeared to be a Nazi sympathizer.
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Meghan said nothing in the documentary about any of the other royal women having first pick on colours. When she talked about clothing she stated that she wore beiges and similar shades because she didn’t want to stand out, was trying to blend in as a new royal.
Not literally, but actually, she totally did just that. Meghan's quote directly from the documentary:

"Most of the time that I was in the U.K., I rarely wore color—there was thought in that. To my understanding, you can't ever wear the same color as Her Majesty if there's a group event, but then, you also shouldn't be wearing the same color as one of the other more senior members of the family. So I was like, 'Well, what's a color that they'll probably never wear?' Camel, beige, white. So I wore a lot of muted tones, but it also was so I could just blend in."

She does say she did it also to blend in, but as a first and foremost reason she's giving us a (false) claim that she was not supposed to wear the same colour as other senior members of the family.

We do see members of BRF wearing the same colours - yesterday's carol service at the Abbey, or Trooping the colour 2018 I think, with late HMQ, Camilla and Catherine wearing different shades of blue, as examples.
The wearing of the Green

Not literally, but actually, she totally did just that. Meghan's quote directly from the documentary:

"Most of the time that I was in the U.K., I rarely wore color—there was thought in that. To my understanding, you can't ever wear the same color as Her Majesty if there's a group event, but then, you also shouldn't be wearing the same color as one of the other more senior members of the family. So I was like, 'Well, what's a color that they'll probably never wear?' Camel, beige, white. So I wore a lot of muted tones, but it also was so I could just blend in."

She does say she did it also to blend in, but as a first and foremost reason she's giving us a (false) claim that she was not supposed to wear the same colour as other senior members of the family.

We do see members of BRF wearing the same colours - yesterday's carol service at the Abbey, or Trooping the colour 2018 I think, with late HMQ, Camilla and Catherine wearing different shades of blue, as examples.[/QUOTE
I’m sure we remember Meghan’s head to toe green at the Commonwealth Service in 2020! Definitely not muted!
The Commonwealth Service in 2020 was virtually the last official Royal engagement of Harry and Meghan’s before departing to live permanently overseas. When Meghan talked about muted colours at group engagements she was speaking about her first appearances, the first Xmas before she married, etc.

And I have read that burgundy and purple are officially half-mourning colours, so Charlotte turning up in burgundy like her mother for instance is hardly likely to be a riposte to her aunt.
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And I have read that burgundy and purple are officially half-mourning colours, so Charlotte turning up in burgundy like her mother for instance is hardly likely to be a riposte to her aunt.

Half-mourning outfits were not expected. the Queen herself, who gives the tone, was in plain white !

Zara and Pippa turned out in burgundy as well ...
Half-mourning outfits were not expected. the Queen herself, who gives the tone, was in plain white !

Zara and Pippa turned out in burgundy as well ...

Those are both muted colours. Beatrice was in a muted white check coat, Eugenie in a light brown plaid, again muted. And if wearing burgundy was a snub to Meghan, as the newspaper article suggested, then surely Queen Camilla would have been leading the pack? ‘A sea’ of burgundy, with only four wearing the colour and one of them a child, is more than a slight exaggeration!
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Those are both muted colours. Beatrice was in a muted white check coat, Eugenie in a light brown plaid, again muted.

But not Half-mourning colors ! The point is that not less than four ladies turned out in burgundy last night, wich is intriguing. That's all.
We do see members of BRF wearing the same colours - yesterday's carol service at the Abbey, or Trooping the colour 2018 I think, with late HMQ, Camilla and Catherine wearing different shades of blue, as examples.

I was about to make this same point. There are many examples of the royal women wearing coordinated shades at group events.

Not necessarily in the same color scheme as the queen, as we all know QEII wore vividly bright colors that she didn't particularly like just to make sure that she could be seen. But the other senior royal women have worn the same colors at the same event fairly regularly. It's absurd for Meghan to claim otherwise.
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