Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Regarding the mention of Nottingham Cottage, I felt that it was more of a "fig leaf" cover for where Megan's true resentment was. Frogmore Cottage.
There was also talk that originally The Sussex's approached The Queen about having an Apartment-Home in Windsor Castle, that was rightly turned down.
She and Harry always knew that N.C. was just a starter home. I think knowing about the homes of Andrew (Royal Lodge) Anne (Gatcombe Park) Edward (Bagshot Park) and William's Kensington Palace and Amner Hall Homes, Meghan expect much grander accommodations.

Look at the Spencer Home, Althrop House, that Harry's cousin will inherit.
Meghan has never been shy about fame and fortune. I will add "status" to that. Its the Hollywood way. And the BIGGEST Status Symbol is your House.

I honestly didn't get Frogmore Cottage either. It was totally gutted for them and done over to their specifications, but it still isn't imposing or a standout. Actually a sad "history" too, In my opinion anyway. When you read up on former residents.
It certainly doesn't have the charm of nearby Adelaide Cottage either.
Was there nothing else available ? Harry had 20 million plus ? Couldn't he have tapped into that for something more prestigious?
Even the "Aston Farm House" on Princess Anne's 800 Acres Gatcombe Park is a kinda mini Castle, either Zara or Peter Philips lives in it. It IS separate from the main Mansion House.

Meghan also would have been familiar with the lovely homes of the Queens 'working 'cousins The Dukes of Kent and Gloucester in Kensington Palace and their housing setups there.
With a little research, She would have known that both originally had gorgeous Country Estates too. The Kent's had to give up Coppins House due to finances in the early 1970's. The Gloucester's sold Barnwell Manor a few year back. Both Estates originally belonged to their Parents.
I always felt there was more to this. It just drove home their secondary status. Baffling to me why they agreed to it in the first place.
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they got a reasonably large house, in Windsor which was away from the press and has a cordon of security, for a peppercorn rent. HArry is a second son, and a young man, why would he be expecing a castle?
There is no such thing as the "king and queen of the Commonwealth". The Commonwealth is a free association of independent, sovereign nations, most of which are republics (like Barbados, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, etc.) and have no king/queen. Fourteen so-called Commonwealth realms in particular, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and a few other island nations in the Caribbean and the Pacific, are parliamentary constitutional monarchies whose King is the same person who is the King of the UK, but that is pretty much it. In the other Commonwealth countries, Queen Elizabeth II and now King Charles III were recognized as holding the symbolic title of Head of the Commonwealth, but that title has no domestic constitutional significance.

Harry is not the British monarch, nor is in direct line to thrones of the UK or the Commonwealth realms, and is not expected to ever reign over any of the latter. Neither has he ever had any realistic prospect or even been considered by the Commonwealth heads of government as a possible successor to Queen Elizabeth II as the honorific Head of the Commonwealth in general (a decision that Charles would succeed his mother in that role had already been made at the CHOGM).

If the thought that he and Meghan could become the "ersatz king and queen of Commonwealth" ever crossed Harry's mind, I would say he is completely delusional.

You’re taking what I’ve said too literally. I think the palace felt by setting up their own organization overseas, funded by taxpayers, would set them up as a senior royal household.
they got a reasonably large house, in Windsor which was away from the press and has a cordon of security, for a peppercorn rent. HArry is a second son, and a young man, why would he be expecing a castle?

I saw no indication that was his expectation.
Regarding the mention of Nottingham Cottage, I felt that it was more of a "fig leaf" cover for where Megan's true resentment was. Frogmore Cottage.
There was also talk that originally The Sussex's approached The Queen about having an Apartment-Home in Windsor Castle, that was rightly turned down.
She and Harry always knew that N.C. was just a starter home. I think knowing about the homes of Andrew (Royal Lodge) Anne (Gatcombe Park) Edward (Bagshot Park) and William's Kensington Palace and Amner Hall Homes, Meghan expect much grander accommodations.

Look at the Spencer Home Althrop House, that Harry's cousin will inherit.
Meghan has never been shy about fame and fortune. I will add "status" to that. Its the Hollywood way. And the biggest Status Symbol is your House.

I am not an expert on these issues, but didn't they all actually pay for the aforementioned homes (except William) ? And Althorp House is a completely different situation. Harry's cousin will be the next Earl Spencer and will inherit the family estate like the Earls before him. That is the British way in the peerage.
Has Prince Harry spoken to any ministers of the Anglican Church about his feelings of deep resentment? If he did not wish to speak to his father, surely there were plenty of ministers in England.

Harry seems unlikely to seek spiritual guidance from the CoE . His religion is New Age....meditation, yoga, etc.:cool:
I am not an expert on these issues, but didn't they all actually pay for the aforementioned homes (except William) ? And Althorp House is a completely different situation. Harry's cousin will be the next Earl Spencer and will inherit the family estate like the Earls before him. That is the British way in the peerage.
I think that they all started off with smaller places, except Andrew who built a fancy house with Fergie... probably with help from the queen and rich friends.
Royals have to work their way up to a bigger fancier place. Andrew does not own Royal Lodge but he has a long lease on it, but he didnt get it for some time. Harry got a nice enough house, but as a younger son, still only the grandson of the monarch and starting his royal duties, he was not going to get something really large or fancy, right then.
I think when people talk about the other side not being squeaky clean we need to acknowledge what we are looking at. I don’t actually believe they, on a professional level, did anything against the Sussexes. In a workplace you couldn’t just get your boss to give you what you want. Their first priority is the institution they work for. Sometimes you might depending on if it serves a wider process. That Charles came out with home truths Harry claims aren’t true and William yelled at him, while his grandmother said nothing is entirely in keeping with what we know about their characters. However, something must have been said first. People don’t just launch home truths or yelling without some provocation. As for Meghan being there. Spouses are never there. Phillip wasn’t and when I thought that odd my Dad said well he has no professional interest in it. He is outside it now.

Do I think the family probably did have petty jealousies…well yeah sure. But what family doesn’t? Must be hard when your siblings are world class concert pianists too. That is up to the family to make everyone feel cherished. Now as her late majesty had 8 grandchildren and many greats, a niece, a nephew, I am sure seeing as they are all happy that they were all cherished.

Meghan trapping the headlines in the first year or so after her wedding is absolutely the way of things and they would know the rules of engagement. I didn’t understand about the BP breakfast and the big picture of her…So. What is the narrative here. She was getting too much good publicity so the family sabotaged her or the media are evil. I really don’t understand.

And quite frankly Charles has always been overshadowed by everyone…except his now wife: His mother, Diana, his sons.

I still believe the Sussexes leaked the exit information. It makes no sense otherwise. None of the others had anything to gain and they obviously wanted it done quickly which fits with all the stories about working for them and they being like teenagers.

They still can’t keep staff. How do they explain that. Although I looked up Jason Knauf. I thought he was leaving the UK but he appears to have something to do with a start up In London as well as an American company. I thought the story was his partner/Husband had gotten a diplomatic position abroad or something. Of course people can work remotely In this day and age.
Thanks for this! Can someone please help me remember: hadn’t the Sussex royal website gone live just before the Sandringham Summit? If so, I can certainly see why William, Charles, and HM would have been furious!?
JMHO --- but I think Meghan's issues all come down to expectations.

She had no understanding of nor experience with nor appreciation for British culture -- therefore, had unreasonable expectations as an American

She had no understanding of the status of a second son "the spare" -- therefore, had unreasonable expectations as to her own status

She has no understanding of the concept of duty and service in a monarchy. Therefore, had unreasonable expectations of how she should carry out those concepts.

I believe that this all rolled up into her having tremendous buyer's remorse. The only way out was to lash out and to make an unreasonable half-in/half-out request.

She got what she wanted -- a title, a prince, and a social platform.

Did she really think that a mere 2 years (more like 16 months) of "doing the job" was going to get her sympathy?

Of course ... Harry did absolutely nothing to teach her and set up reasonable expectations.

She is not getting any sympathy now ... my God ... they filmed themselves almost immediately upon their marriage. She knew she was getting out. Video was one of her keys. The Sussex website was published almost immediately upon their announcement.

It was all premeditated. She had tremendously unreasonable expectations and she plotted the entire escape plan ... video ... tears ... social media platform.

The whole thing is a bit too contrived for anyone to accept.
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It's your brother,' she says, I'm not going to say anything about your brother. But it's so obvious.'

Very typical Meghan. She says she’s not going to attack his brother, but by saying the above, she just did.
Thanks for this! Can someone please help me remember: hadn’t the Sussex royal website gone live just before the Sandringham Summit? If so, I can certainly see why William, Charles, and HM would have been furious!?

The website was the reason for the SS.

Their announcement as fact of the HIHO plan necessitated the need for the SS very soon after the website went live. The TQ wanted the matter settled quickly.

I think the family had every reason to be upset before the meeting ever started. Harry and Meghan handled things- at best- in a very unprofessional manner by releasing the website as fact when it wasn’t. Everyone had to drop everything to quickly address their now public demands.

And when Harry tells his version of the SS, he conveniently leaves out anything he might have said/done during the meeting that would have inflamed an already stressful situation. He was just the guy in the room getting yelled at by his brother and had to listen to dad lie. Apparently he was just there. Doing nothing. According to him. He was just afraid. (Cue the violins…..)
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Just to clarify, I'm simply pointing out how lovely a house like The Spencer side of the Family, Althorp House is. I completely understand how the Peerage System works. Too bad "Spare" Harry doesn't.

Princess Anne was given Gatcombe Park as a Wedding present. She owns it outright. Andrew and Sarah were given the now gone house and land for Sunninghill Estate as a Wedding present. Andrew sold it a few years back and pocketed the 15 million.

Royal Lodge and Bagshot Park are part of "The Crown Estate", " gifted" by The Queen to her sons to live in. Edward paid 5 million to extend a 150 year long lease. So presumably it will be in his family for his grandchildren. Same as Royal Lodge. Andrew paid 1 million for a 75 year lease. Both are personally responsible for any remodeling they did.
The Queen gave the grand Apartments in Kensington Palace to live in free to her working cousins The Dukes of Kent and Gloucester.
She also gave one to non working cousin Prince Michael, for 69 pounds a week until 2002 when that became public. The Queen took over paying the "market rate" until 2008 when Prince Michael had to take it on. They sold their County House a few years later as they couldn't afford both.

I certainly believe that Harry and Meghan had grander expectations for a home.
Gatcombe Park and Bagshot Estate are both used in commercial ventures too. Gatcombe is a working farm and hosts Equestrian Events. Bagshot Park has some thing that I can't remember rented out also. These estates all have smaller homes on them too. Royal Lodge has its OWN Chapel where Princess Beatrice got married.
As I understand it, William was given Amner Hall on the Sandringham Estate as a Wedding Present.
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I think that's one of the points of what they are doing. The more they keep pushing, and repeating, their narrative the more people will forget about anything outside of it.

I agree. But I think this was easier to do pre internet.

Now there’s constant and immediate pushback to their versions.

Plus- it’s getting to the point where people are tired of hearing their various stories.
One more thing .... if you remember in one of the first three episodes Meghan mentions that she wore pale colors all the time because other more senior members (QEII, Camilla, and Kate) got first pick on colors.

That's total BS! Take a look at the royal women at last night's Christmas concert ... both Kate and Zara wore burgundy. In fact, so did Pippa!

Meghan likes to spout "alternative" facts.
The whole of the BRF should have had a clear strategy to deal with the new bride's press coverage, especially as she was very new, unlike Catherine who'd been around for 10 years before joining the BRF and starting royal duties. They'd have known Meghan would take the media's centre stage for all events so they should have exploited that for visits to factories in Wigan, hospices in Inverness and children's centres in Truro. No foreign tours and nothing arranged independently. Nothing high profile for at least two years to enable a slow, steady introduction to the work and the people. They'd also have benefitted from less 'advice' that they could ignore and more 'instruction' from Charles and QE2. Meghan would have disliked that and Harry would have kicked off but it would have given them more stability, less publicity and therefore a reduction in them (especially Meghan) taking the limelight off the heirs & wives.

Ultimately, Harry and Meghan had too much freedom to do their own thing and do it their way, which backfired on them. It might sound harsh but with the immense privileges of being the monarch's grandson and the next monarch's son comes a restrictive lane within which to operate. If you opt to accept the privileges, then you have to accept the restrictions too.

I think that the BRF did learn their lessons from Diana and Sarah's experiences and that was to take things slowly and give the girlfriend and fiance significant time. The problem was that Meghan was fast-tracked and I recall people, who were supportive of the couple I might add, stating that they were moving too fast. For me personally I was surprised that the engagement was announced and the wedding date set when Meghan had not even been in the UK for a month (IIRC). The counter to that was that as a women in her 30s who, as an actress and blog owner, that was considered sufficient preparation and, tagging on that she had a loving and supportive fiance, she did not need any additional time to adjust and better understand the country and the institution. I guess we now know which perspective was the correct one.

I strongly doubt that Harry and Meghan would have allowed themselves to be instructed via doing low-key bread and butter engagements. They would have seen it as an attempt to sideline them and not let them outshine higher ranking royals. It should be noted that Harry, prior to Meghan, expressed a negative viewpoint of that type of royal work.

Technically the Queen could have not approved their marriage and Charles could have tried to exert control via the purse strings, but when you are dealing with two people in their 30s who, at that time, are convincingly presenting themselves as a couple in love who want to earnestly "hit the ground running" serving Queen and country, that is very difficult to try and redirect, and by redirect, meaning advising to take things slower. Also bear in mind that William advise that very thing and it was not received well. Over time it became evident that the Sussexes were operating from the Veruca Salt playbook.

Now one point that Harry made that is valid IMO is the protection question and that the BRF should be prepared to privately fund security for a girlfriend and her family members. I will also add in that they should also offer communications staff to the girlfriend / partner. I think that this should be done in a supportive and not dictatorial manner and independent of the pecking order, for example, if for some reason Louis starts dating someone and it garners significant attention, the pushback should not be, "We are not going to do this for Louis because we did not have to do this for George and Charlotte." Having said all that I think that these things were offered to Meghan and her family definitely after the engagement, and I think in Meghan's father case, it was rejected, which there is nothing that the BRF could do about that. To me the improvement is to do it quicker (can be done for a girlfriend), be independent of rank and carried out with consideration and respect.
One more thing .... if you remember in one of the first three episodes Meghan mentions that she wore pale colors all the time because other more senior members (QEII, Camilla, and Kate) got first pick on colors.

That's total BS! Take a look at the royal women at last night's Christmas concert ... both Kate and Zara wore burgundy. In fact, so did Pippa!

Meghan likes to spout "alternative" facts.

Actually, my first reaction yesterday when I saw Camilla in white (?) was to wonder if that was a direct response to the docu-series.
I haven't been watching the show; does Harry ever explain why William shouted?

Or what Charles lied about?
I read this story earlier. I absolutely love The Atlantic...I used to have a subscription.

The article talks about something I had COMPLETELY forgotten about...something I would have loved to have heard M address....the fact that she committed perjury by denying that she collaborated with Omid Scobie on the book he wrote, and that she was forced to apologize to the Court when the truth came out.:ohmy:

The most poignant observation, which is one I that Harry Windsor is basically a guest star in his own life at this point. Because make no mistake, this is not so much THEIR story as it hers.. His family name and notoriety was the open sesame...the final frontier if you will.. that made Meghan happen the way she felt she was always destined, if not entitled to.

He is confined...between bitter diatribes against "the institution"... to frequent gushing about how lucky the "ginge" feels to have landed this goddess...and "see what I got" to quote him. :whistling:

And supporting act in Meghan's Story is apparently quite ok with him, so who are we to complain?

How sad...really sad it all is.

Yep. Meghan LIED to the court and had to apologize. Oh- I mean- she “forgot.” The judge clearly knew her excuse was nonsense, but of course, couldn’t prove otherwise. She did indeed collaborate on the book- as many suspected. It’s something I keep in my mind whenever she opens her mouth: the extent to which she’s willing to lie includes perjury.

Indeed. This is Meghan’s show. Everything is really all about her- how smart, wonderful, talented, caring she is and how put upon she was during 18 months of her life.

I generally wouldn’t hold someone to what they said as a kid- but she made a point of letting us know that as a kid she said she’d be rich, famous and tell her story. And here we are.

Of course- she only got here because she married into the most famous family in the world, quit after 18 months and became a professional victim. That is what she is known for. Not her acting talent. Not her writing skills. Not her philanthropy. Not whatever other skills she has.
9:07 AM - finished watching episode 6, the last one.

The episode is focused on the tabloid's persecution toward the couple even after the Sussex family had to be rescued by a person they didn't know, movie producer Tyler Perry, into his California home. And within six weeks the tabloids found out the location and literally invaded the property, broke in cutting wire fences and even Gayle King exposed their location while interviewing Perry on live TV. He refused to talk.

So, this part is much more sympathetic to them than all previous five episodes. Harry also lashes out at William and their father, Charles, when the episode discusses his visit to the UK to attend Prince Phillip's funeral.

And this episode was more of exposing the reality that neither Meghan nor Harry can go back home, and their life now will have to be in the USA.

Of all episodes this is the one that I enjoyed the most because the whining and complaining of the previous five was exhausting. This one was more in control focusing on the legal battle with the tabloids.

I have to mention the production was good overall. Great background music and in episode five, at the end, I was surprised they used a little-known Roberta Flack track from her 1970 2nd album Chapter Two. I've known this track, Do What You Gotta Do, since my teens in late 70's. I even bought the LP and transferred to cassette I think when I was 18 or 19 and still have in on my PC as an Mp3. I'm sure next year this series will get awards on the production and direction sides.

Overall, I'm glad I'm done with it. The last episode made me see and understand their point of view but still, as I stated before, Harry's wild and often irresponsible life (a.k.a. the Nazi outfit and his band of upper-class boys and parties) flooded into Meghan's and drowned them both.

And he fails to acknowledge responsibility nor view that his brother William was equally affected by the loss of their mother and that his brother's girlfriend Catherine suffered more persecution and abuse than Meghan. Because in the end is all about Harry having a privileged life and seemingly endless funds without accepting to fit in. And he brought in a person not even prepared to face Harry's World.

I wish them the best of luck in the USA because I doubt returning to the UK is out of the question. That bridge has been burned to the ground by Harry and Meghan. And I agree with the mention above, this is now The Meghan Show.
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I haven't been watching the show; does Harry ever explain why William shouted?

Or what Charles lied about?

I don't think so, but it does explain what the Palace was "happy to lie about" to protect William, namely, the joint statement where Harry, according to him without his consent, is mentioned as denying the rumors that William had bullied him and Meghan out of the Royal Family.

That was actually anti-climatic TBH. From the trailer, some people, including some journalists, speculated that Harry had dirt on his brother, which might include a major secret, scandal, or offense that he was hiding and required lying about, but that proved to be not the case in the end.

It is quite bizarre that the docu-series began with racism and the media being responsible for Megxit, and then ultimately ended with fingers being pointed at "William's bullying" instead. That does not bode well for H&M as William is likely to become King in their lifetimes and they will be fighting an asymmetric battle.
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The one thing I most admired about Harry and Meghan after they left was the privacy they afforded their children. Of course I'd have been interested to see them but there was no longer any reason why they should be exposed to the public.

And then, in 6 hours, we saw more of the children than I'd ever have expected. They're adorable and I understand the difference between "privacy" and "control" but it felt as if they'd been held back, not for their protection and privacy, but for Netflix to pay Harry and Meghan for access. That's probably unfair but it left a bad taste for me.

ETA "I left the World behind, to start my days without a yesterday." Toledo, I love this.
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I saw no indication that was his expectation.
If it wasn’t his expectation, then why complain about the property? It’s not as if the house was full of insects and rodents. William and Kate lived in there long before they had kids so the complaint didn’t make sense.
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I saw no indication that was his expectation.

Had Harry still been in the family and if the renovation of Windsor had taken the original project time it was supposed to take - he would have by now moved into Charles old apartments at Windsor. And he would have a country house somewhere as well.

He might also have Clarence House.

That was the plan. When the royals moved out of Windsor for the revamp. It was known to the staff that only The Queen, Charles, William and Harry would be moving back. Adalaide is also only a temp solution as the revamp is taking so long - eventually William will move into apartments at Windsor as well.

There was a lot of houses to choose from - Harry and Meghan choose Frogmore, and you cannot blame anyone for the delays to the revamp of Windsor. That just happened. I do think it is more telling that they never got around to buy the country house.

I was wondering that people made about the 5 options at the Sandringham Submit.
1. Been all in
2 - 5 been variation of all out?

Why would the palace give them options of all out - if they are out, they are out on their own? Do you think that an attaché job, doubt Governor General ect was on the cards? Maybe the live in Africa for 5 years and come back option? But 5 distinct options - can't thing what they could have been? Harry notes that half in - half out, was not on the cards, but then says it was option 3.
I think that the BRF did learn their lessons from Diana and Sarah's experiences and that was to take things slowly and give the girlfriend and fiance significant time. The problem was that Meghan was fast-tracked and I recall people, who were supportive of the couple I might add, stating that they were moving too fast. For me personally I was surprised that the engagement was announced and the wedding date set when Meghan had not even been in the UK for a month (IIRC). The counter to that was that as a women in her 30s who, as an actress and blog owner, that was considered sufficient preparation and, tagging on that she had a loving and supportive fiance, she did not need any additional time to adjust and better understand the country and the institution. I guess we now know which perspective was the correct one.

I strongly doubt that Harry and Meghan would have allowed themselves to be instructed via doing low-key bread and butter engagements. They would have seen it as an attempt to sideline them and not let them outshine higher ranking royals. It should be noted that Harry, prior to Meghan, expressed a negative viewpoint of that type of royal work.

Technically the Queen could have not approved their marriage and Charles could have tried to exert control via the purse strings, but when you are dealing with two people in their 30s who, at that time, are convincingly presenting themselves as a couple in love who want to earnestly "hit the ground running" serving Queen and country, that is very difficult to try and redirect, and by redirect, meaning advising to take things slower. Also bear in mind that William advise that very thing and it was not received well. Over time it became evident that the Sussexes were operating from the Veruca Salt playbook.

Now one point that Harry made that is valid IMO is the protection question and that the BRF should be prepared to privately fund security for a girlfriend and her family members. I will also add in that they should also offer communications staff to the girlfriend / partner. I think that this should be done in a supportive and not dictatorial manner and independent of the pecking order, for example, if for some reason Louis starts dating someone and it garners significant attention, the pushback should not be, "We are not going to do this for Louis because we did not have to do this for George and Charlotte." Having said all that I think that these things were offered to Meghan and her family definitely after the engagement, and I think in Meghan's father case, it was rejected, which there is nothing that the BRF could do about that. To me the improvement is to do it quicker (can be done for a girlfriend), be independent of rank and carried out with consideration and respect.

I don’t agree with this at all, unless the person is to be engaged or definitely get married, then possibly but just a girlfriend? No.
The one thing I most admired about Harry and Meghan after they left was the privacy they afforded their children. Of course I'd have been interested to see them but there was no longer any reason why they should be exposed to the public.

And then, in 6 hours, we saw more of the children than I'd ever have expected. They're adorable and I understand the difference between "privacy" and "control" but it felt as if they'd been held back, not for their protection and privacy, but for Netflix to pay Harry and Meghan for access. That's probably unfair but it left a bad taste for me.

Yes, senior royals (not only in the UK, but in other monarchies too) give interviews, have photoshoots and release children's pictures, but they never get paid to do that. I get that Harry and Meghan are private citizens now and have a private career as producers (they literally own/manage a production company), but selling images of yourselves and your family to Netflix as some kind of reality show is very vulgar by royal standards. Diana herself for example didn't get paid for Panorama, did she?

I wonder how they will be seen after that, not only by the British Royal Family, but also by their cousins in other European Royal Families as well.

Why would the palace give them options of all out - if they are out, they are out on their own? Do you think that an attaché job, doubt Governor General ect was on the cards? Maybe the live in Africa for 5 years and come back option? But 5 distinct options - can't thing what they could have been? Harry notes that half in - half out, was not on the cards, but then says it was option 3.

The nomination of the Governor General of Canada is a matter to be decided by the Prime Minister of Canada only. And, nowadays, the PM follows the recommendation or makes a pick from a shortlist prepared by an independent vice-regal appointments committee or an Ad Hoc search committee. And, since 1952, all GGs have been Canadian citizens. I don't doubt that Harry and Meghan would take it if the vice-regal chair were offered to them (and would actually be glad to accept it), but Harry would never have been seriously considered in Canada for that position nowadays and the constitutional position of Canada as an independent country would have precluded the Queen from making such decision on her own, or any person in the UK other than the Queen from getting involved in that decision.

Finally, GG is normally a five-year appointment only anyway. So it would not have been a permanent solution to Harry and Meghan's problem.
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I dont think that Clar house was on the cards for Harry.. I think that Charles is planning on staying there.
Mirabel, no, there was NEVER any background or information as to Harry's claim that "it was TERRIFYING to have my brother scream and shout at me and my father says things that simply weren't true".
I'm ALSO still waiting to find out what " the STAKES" were ? That were SO high that propelled them to make the Docu-series. That apparently was years in the making.

Who makes a recording of themselves face timing a friend as their future husband IS about to propose ? "Oh my God, Jess IT'S happening.....He told me not to peek." . All conveniently recorded on Video, complete with the dog and candles in the Garden.
I myself called People later. Not during my Proposal.

Which directly contradicts the orginal Engagement Interview version. That claimed they were inside, roasting a chicken And in Megan's own words "he got down on one knee AND IT WAS JUST AN AMAZING SURPRISE". Harry had to THEN REMIND her about the Ring..."CAN I GIVE YOU THE RING".
Harry says in that original interview, AND I quote, "I managed to catch her by surprise" !

So just like the contradictions about their original meeting and engagement, we don't get information about what William was shouting about or Charles was lying about. Allegedly. How convenient.
Just throwing stuff out to see what sticks. Just more of the vague accusations and The Sussex's VERSION of how events played out. Or claim they did. Nothing concrete with proof.

I guess the first Director that left the project originally, had a very lucky break from Prince Petulant and Duchess Diva.
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Honestly, can anyone beleive that Harry was really scared of his brother shouting at him?
I'm still gathering my thoughts and feelings about this docu-series. It certainly exposed more than I thought it would as far as personal videos and photos are concerned, but I get how this probably was a part of the Netflix deal.

What is actually going through my mind right now is a very loose theory that the palace actually wanted to go with Meghan the "Kate Middleton" way - very slow and steady introduction and a gradual increase of projects, responsibilities, tasks. And I wouldn't blame them - it worked before! Sussexes had to do at least one tour per year, but other than that, just taking the new life in. Potential maternity leave.

Calm and steady doesn't win the race, but it can win a marathon.

But Meghan wanted to hit the ground running. Wanted to do everything everywhere all at once - which could also be a reason for the conflicts between her and the staff. In this very Hollywood way she wanted to use her popularity and big spotlight moment (the wedding) as a foundation for important projects and plans. Maybe she thought she can handle that and that the good press will continue, and then was surprised when she hit a wall.

I also very much agree with one of the previous ideas that in some way, it was about the money - the money Harry and Meghan will never have. If they stayed, by normal people standards, they would be rich, just never Charles and Camilla or William and Catherine levels of rich.

I honestly didn't get Frogmore Cottage either. It was totally gutted for them and done over to their specifications, but it still isn't imposing or a standout. Actually a sad "history" too, In my opinion anyway. When you read up on former residents.
It certainly doesn't have the charm of nearby Adelaide Cottage either.
Was there nothing else available ? Harry had 20 million plus ? Couldn't he have tapped into that for something more prestigious?
Even the "Aston Farm House" on Princess Anne's 800 Acres Gatcombe Park is a kinda mini Castle, either Zara or Peter Philips lives in it. It IS separate from the main Mansion House.

Meghan also would have been familiar with the lovely homes of the Queens 'working 'cousins The Dukes of Kent and Gloucester in Kensington Palace and their housing setups there.
With a little research, She would have known that both originally had gorgeous Country Estates too. The Kent's had to give up Coppins House due to finances in the early 1970's. The Gloucester's sold Barnwell Manor a few year back. Both Estates originally belonged to their Parents.
I always felt there was more to this. It just drove home their secondary status. Baffling to me why they agreed to it in the first place.
Oh me neither. I didn't get the Frogmore Cottage from the start, especially looking at the houses of Yorks or Wessexes or Princess Anne. And sure, Harry at that point was not a son of a monarch but a grandson, but we all knew that that was something that would happen at some point in the future, unfortunately.

I had two theories about it at the time:
1. Instead of going the route of a big country house + small apartment in London they wanted a medium country house + medium apartment in KP. They would be able to live comfortably in both places, spend some time in London and in the countryside.

2. When the rumours about them wanting to live somewhere else rather than the UK started, I was maybe thinking this was connected to the fact that it would be a temporary home until they will get back from SA/NZ for good.

But either way no, for the life of me I don't understand Frogmore Cottage at all.
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I don't think so, but it does explain what the Palace was "happy to lie about" to protect William, namely, the joint statement where Harry, according to him without his consent, is mentioned as denying the rumors that William had bullied him and Meghan out of the Royal Family.

That was actually anti-climatic TBH. From the trailer, some people, including some journalists, speculated that Harry had dirt on his brother, which might include a major secret, scandal, or offense that he was hiding and required lying about, but that proved to be not the case in the end.

It is quite bizarre that the docu-series began with racism and the media being responsible for Megxit, and then ultimately ended with fingers being pointed at "William's bullying" instead. That does not bode well for H&M as William is likely to become King in their lifetimes and they will be fighting an asymmetric battle.

I thought it was the media that was lying to protect his brother.

I'm still gathering my thoughts and feelings about this docu-series. It certainly exposed more than I thought it would as far as personal videos and photos are concerned, but I get how this probably was a part of the Netflix deal.

What is actually going through my mind right now is a very loose theory that the palace actually wanted to go with Meghan the "Kate Middleton" way - very slow and steady introduction and a gradual increase of projects, responsibilities, tasks. And I wouldn't blame them - it worked before! Sussexes had to do at least one tour per year, but other than that, just taking the new life in. Potential maternity leave.

Calm and steady doesn't win the race, but it can win a marathon.

But Meghan wanted to hit the ground running. Wanted to do everything everywhere all at once - which could also be a reason for the conflicts between her and the staff. In this very Hollywood way she wanted to use her popularity and big spotlight moment (the wedding) as a foundation for important projects and plans. Maybe she thought she can handle that and that the good press will continue, and then was surprised when she hit a wall.

I also very much agree with one of the previous ideas that in some way, it was about the money - the money Harry and Meghan will never have. If they stayed, by normal people standards, they would be rich, just never Charles and Camilla or William and Catherine levels of rich.

Isn’t it possible that the tabloids would take issue with Meghan not working? I could totally see this happening.
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