Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Excellent recaps, HRHHermione.

I watched all six episodes. It was hard to watch at times, with all of that bristling anger.

That story about the airline staffer removing his hat, kneeling down and complimenting M. on her service is hard to believe.
Was anyone else surprised by hearing that Lili was christened in England, and according to Tyler Perry he was asked to be one of her godparents but he declined to attend to actual ceremony because he "didn't want to be a part of all that".

Whatever that was supposed to mean..a part of all what?:whistling:

Anyway I wonder where it took place and when? Which members of the family attended, if any?

Amazed that the Sussexes were able to pull it off in complete secrecy apparently.:ohmy:

As far as I am aware Lili has been to the UK only once: for the queen's Jubilee - when she celebrated her first birthday. I wouldn't be surprised if they had her christened that day as well - as I assume the most important persons to them were already there to meet their daughter (several for the first time). I don't think many family members were present as they were rather busy celebrating the queen's jubilee.
Was anyone else surprised by hearing that Lili was christened in England, and according to Tyler Perry he was asked to be one of her godparents but he declined to attend to actual ceremony because he "didn't want to be a part of all that".

Whatever that was supposed to mean..a part of all what?:whistling:

Anyway I wonder where it took place and when? Which members of the family attended, if any?

Amazed that the Sussexes were able to pull it off in complete secrecy apparently.:ohmy:

I took it to mean that Tyler Perry was not keen on the church ceremony.
But I am also not willing/able to accept that everyone on the "other side" the family and out of it...have completely clean hands and acted 100% good faith toward the couple. What continues to stick in my craw even now is that BP and KP were willing to let the false story of Meghan's bullying of Kate take on a life of its' own, and it would still be accepted as fact today if Meghan hadn't refuted it. That bothered me because I believed the story and I held it against MM.

But was it actually refuted? The Duchess of Sussex did, but did anybody else? There are so many different versions of the story around that it is difficult to keep up.
Was anyone else surprised by hearing that Lili was christened in England, and according to Tyler Perry he was asked to be one of her godparents but he declined to attend to actual ceremony because he "didn't want to be a part of all that".

Whatever that was supposed to mean..a part of all what?:whistling:

Anyway I wonder where it took place and when? Which members of the family attended, if any?

Amazed that the Sussexes were able to pull it off in complete secrecy apparently.:ohmy:

It wasn't mentioned either what faith she was baptized in. One would assume it would be in the CoE, but we don't really know for sure.

I don't remember them saying that the christening took place in England. I assumed it had taken place in America, in which case she would probably have been baptized in the Episcopal Church USA, but I was not paying much attention to that part of the docu-series.

I thought the comments about Nottingham Cottage were just that the space was smaller than she expected. As an American traveling in England, I was often surprised at spaces that were tinier than expected.

Yes. Many Americans watch Downton Abbey and assume all "rich" people in England live in homes like Highclere Castle. Although a few hundred peers and gentry still own those stately country houses, the average home in the UK is actually small by North American standards and houses in urban areas in particular are not very spacious. The few large townhouses left in London are now mostly commercially let out, I think.
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This made my day! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I remember that scene and thought it was cool they were getting guided meditations and wondered if maybe there was an app for that.

But was it actually refuted? The Duchess of Sussex did, but did anybody else? There are so many different versions of the story around that it is difficult to keep up.

I don’t know what to make of this episode because I cannot fathom what the heck happened to make someone cry. I sort of think that Kate was pretty experienced in royal life at the time, and Meghan was the bride and perhaps given to hysterics, as some brides are.
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I don’t know what to make of this episode because I cannot fathom what the heck happened to make someone cry. I sort of think that Kate was pretty experienced in royal life at the time, and Meghan was the bride and perhaps given to hysterics, as some brides are.

To be fair, Catherine was only three weeks or so post-partum with Prince Louis at the time. The hormone fluctuations during that time period can physically make anyone prone to mood swings, and not because they're being unreasonable- just because their body is reacting more strongly than normal due to hormones.

There are many different versions of the story. Most agree that both women were upset with each other.

I have a theory. Again, it is my own opinion and could be entirely off base.

Personally, I think Catherine was tired, physically not at her best, and was trying to explain that how her daughter is presented on the world stage is different than the other children because no one will be looking at the photos of the other children and editorializing on them in the future. She is aware that's not the case for her own and she has strict boundaries about how they are presented in public. She was trying to make sure those were respected.

Meghan was new to the system and did not understand that. She saw someone making a fuss about what seemed an insignificant detail and saw it as deliberately hostile to her emotional needs.

In that scenario, neither is unreasonable but it's easy to see how it would lead to bad feelings.
Sarah struggled to cope with being married to a naval officer who was away for most of the time. Diana and Charles were ill-suited from the start and got engaged after only a few dates. Neither of those situations were about marrying into the Royal Family per se.

Agreed. I don’t really think Diana and Fergie belong in the same sentence with Meghan. They had martial problems, as you stated. The Sussexes quit and are still married.

Sure- they had issues with the media like everyone else, but Diana, in particular, was good at the role. She came across as genuine. She worked at it.

Meghan is a class all of her own imo. That’s not a compliment.

In retrospect- I was so wrong about her. I thought surely a mid 30s educated woman with a career and a marriage behind her took the time to know what she was getting into. Surely she was smart enough to research the role and listen.

She wasn’t attention seeking, self absorbed, interested in the celebrity life, etc like so many posters saw from the beginning. Yikes. This series has shown even more clearly that I just didn’t read her right at all.
Two comments:
1. I wonder how Netflix assesses ratings. The first 10 minutes of the first episode probably got very high ratings, but how many people hung on for the rest of the show or subsequent episodes.
2. I'm still scratching my head at why these people who wanted to find "privacy" hired a camera crew to film them for years and participated in a documentary about themselves.
I don’t see anything fun in hating on this silly documentary. In all honesty, I feel some pity for these two as their credibility goes down the drain even further. I actually watched some scenes, and turned down the volume because some of the things they were peddling were so ridiculous.

But who leaked it? I dare say it was probably staff of theirs not the BRF. What legitimate reason would the BRF have for leaking on these two?

The comment about Nottingham cottage was very superficial and shows how far they thought as slights were concerned. William and Kate lived there before having kids so what’s the issue? Did they think were deserving of some giant mansion or palace for themselves? Delusions of grandeur most definitely.

This was a giant mistake if they want to be respected and seen as credible people to work with imo.

I’d have had to mute Meghan’s wedding speech. From the snippet someone posted- there is no way I could have actually listened to the whole thing. I can’t imagine hearing it in person.
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Two comments:
1. I wonder how Netflix assesses ratings. The first 10 minutes of the first episode probably got very high ratings, but how many people hung on for the rest of the show or subsequent episodes.
2. I'm still scratching my head at why these people who wanted to find "privacy" hired a camera crew to film them for years and participated in a documentary about themselves.
They never said they wanted privacy.
They never said they wanted privacy.

True. They wanted control. What I don’t think they get is that they can tell various versions of their story until they are blue in the face- they can’t force people to like them or buy what they’re selling.

I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone less interested in privacy than Meghan. Good grief. Maybe some other reality tv stars, but I ignore all that.

Though didn’t Harry say he had issues with cameras at some point? Apparently not so much.
I remember that scene and thought it was cool they were getting guided meditations and wondered if maybe there was an app for that.

I don’t know what to make of this episode because I cannot fathom what the heck happened to make someone cry. I sort of think that Kate was pretty experienced in royal life at the time, and Meghan was the bride and perhaps given to hysterics, as some brides are.

IMHO it was a trying day for a bride to be, a postpartum mother, a pre-schooler, and a design team. These days happen where nerves are frayed and tears come easily.
To be fair, by American (or even, I suppose, Canadian or Australian) standards, Nottingham Cottage is indeed a small house. I am not surprised that Meghan would not expect that.
Yes, but she had seen the property before they were officially married so why the shock? Plus they didn’t have any kids at that time and Harry was already there before he married. Plus in the end, they got Frogmore cottage and decorated it to their tastes so why bring up Nottingham cottage. Plus they didn’t pay have to pay rent to live in Nottingham cottage.
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Do I believe that the Sussexes are economical with facts, have an inflated sense of their own importance, and are on an angry slash-and-burn tear via this Netflix series?Absolutely.

But I am also not willing/able to accept that everyone on the "other side" the family and out of it...have completely clean hands and acted 100% good faith toward the couple. What continues to stick in my craw even now is that BP and KP were willing to let the false story of Meghan's bullying of Kate take on a life of its' own, and it would still be accepted as fact today if Meghan hadn't refuted it. That bothered me because I believed the story and I held it against MM.

BUT...I am just as interested in the stories about MM's abrasive attitude toward staff, and her well documented tendency to drop people with no notice after they have outlived their usefulness.

The fact that she apparently didn't address these things speaks for itself.

As someone else mentioned, there is apparently nothing...not one thing...that the Sussexes feel that they could have handled better as members of the BRF. And that speaks for itself as well.:sad:

My thing is- I don’t necessarily buy Meghan’s version of events. I haven’t read anyone say that her version is THE exact true version. And I thought the sole point of her telling that story was to make herself look good at Catherine’s expense. Maybe they both cried. IDK. But Meghan says- does nothing for me. She can’t even tell a straight story about her own engagement.

And- it’s a bad idea for them to refute all false stories or fix the wrong parts of various stories imo unless it is truly egregious. (This was not imo.) Then everyone knows for sure what the true ones are. A similar problem the Sussexes have now.

I don’t think the other side was perfect either- no one is- but I absolutely cannot stand whiners. I also don’t like it when people take private family matters and make them public. Especially for money- and when your family is the sole reason for your lavish lifestyle. And then proceed to whine for over 3 years about 18 months.

I just don’t relate to Meghan period. The more she tries to show me how relatable she is- the more I think- nope- I don’t relate to you.

Beyond that- we agree.

Anyway- I may be going OT a bit.
This was a giant mistake if they want to be respected and seen as credible people to work with imo.

I’d have had to mute Meghan’s wedding speech. From the snippet someone posted- there is no way I could have actually listened to the whole thing. I can’t imagine hearing it in person.
How do people honestly still want to believe in these two when they are putting out two different images 1) we are so humble and down to earth and 2) we got little Nottingham cottage as if it’s some type of snub or slight to them and the Hermès blanket on the chair, soooo down to earth that one ?
On the contrary, that has been the one consistent thing. They have been verbally critical of the institution (note not the Queen), William, Catherine, and Charles but never have they spoken a bad word against the Queen.

Perhaps but they were very upset when they couldn't see the Queen alone while Megxit, but they didn't have time to see the Queen when they were specifically invited. Harry saw her once and then immediately used the visit to generate interest in an interview. It was especially sad that they were so close during the last few days of her life. It occurs to me that they were only interested in seeing her if they felt they could get something out of it.
I watched it all. Often bored. I don’t know what to say really.

Is Harry claiming Charles leaked their exit? Quite a claim. I always thought it was them.

William came in for quite a beating. Well yes Harry people grow up and find themselves doing things they once thought were awful. Because they grow up and realise the rules of the game. So he yelled at you when he was pissed off. Normal. And basically insinuating he bullied them out? First I heard of that

Breezed over the fact they had that website ready to launch. Breezed over the fact it was her friends who mentioned the letter and then the media went after it. Breezed over the fact they too had refused to settle with the mail. Breezed over the fact that what Jason K said was true.

The Archie birth was interesting because now they are saying it was the Portland that made it difficult. But B and E born there.

Really left me with no indication what was so awful they had to leave, they still get bad press. What’s so different now. Harry just seems sad and you bet he lost friends. And Ashleigh…being used now isn’t she.

I think the whole thing is desperately sad.

And released on the day all that family he misses were having one of those moments when they were all together. Looking so united.

I don’t really know what this documentary was about. It was all very self indulgent.

And small Nottingham Cottage. Cracks me up. Meghan was deluded about royal life.
Yes, they have never taken responsibility for that incredibly detailed website which outlined their plans before they were approved. I remember the first time I looked at it I was shocked as it was so polished. Obviously it had been in the planning stages for some time - they glossed over lots imo. Unbelievable! :whistling:
The implication was that it was Charles office.

I thought the comments about Nottingham Cottage were just that the space was smaller than she expected. As an American traveling in England, I was often surprised at spaces that were tinier than expected.
Charles told them to get their plans into writing as they had been discussing it for months. They didn’t want to do that and I think the Sussexes or their office leaked it to force the BRF into their ridiculous half-in half-out plan which would never have worked out. How would Charles benefit from leaking the Sussexes plans?
Yes, they have never taken responsibility for that incredibly detailed website which outlined their plans before they were approved. I remember the first time I looked at it I was shocked as it was so polished. Obviously it had been in the planning stages for some time - they glossed over lots imo. Unbelievable! :whistling:
Or rather believable, now that we know more about them. They really believed their own stardom. They really expected that the RF would agree to anything to keep them, so the monarchy would not lose their vibrant power.

Re: who made whom cry. We've got a jittery bride to be and a postpartum mother. One of these women is silent, the other loves oversharing and can't keep her stories straight. I know whom I don't believe.
Excellent recaps, HRHHermione.

I watched all six episodes. It was hard to watch at times, with all of that bristling anger.

That story about the airline staffer removing his hat, kneeling down and complimenting M. on her service is hard to believe.
Agreed. This is what Americans say to folks who have served in our military.
How do people honestly still want to believe in these two when they are putting out two different images 1) we are so humble and down to earth and 2) we got little Nottingham cottage as if it’s some type of snub or slight to them and the Hermès blanket on the chair, soooo down to earth that one ?

The Hermes blanket made me laugh. Yeah- I get it. You can afford an expensive blanket.

I’m not a big fan of things that have the label slapped all over it to begin with. I like my labels- if I must have them- as small as possible. Just not my taste at all. So I saw that and cringed. It’s expensive and unattractive imo.

Yeah. They don’t come across as down to earth at all. And I don’t even think they realize it.

The Sussexes are pretty contradictory in general.
Do I believe that the Sussexes are economical with facts, have an inflated sense of their own importance, and are on an angry slash-and-burn tear via this Netflix series?Absolutely.

But I am also not willing/able to accept that everyone on the "other side" the family and out of it...have completely clean hands and acted 100% good faith toward the couple. What continues to stick in my craw even now is that BP and KP were willing to let the false story of Meghan's bullying of Kate take on a life of its' own, and it would still be accepted as fact today if Meghan hadn't refuted it. That bothered me because I believed the story and I held it against MM.

BUT...I am just as interested in the stories about MM's abrasive attitude toward staff, and her well documented tendency to drop people with no notice after they have outlived their usefulness.

The fact that she apparently didn't address these things speaks for itself.

As someone else mentioned, there is apparently nothing...not one thing...that the Sussexes feel that they could have handled better as members of the BRF. And that speaks for itself as well.:sad:
BP actually put out a statement years ago that the incident was nothing serious in summary. In any case, not many people cared about the story because it died down during the week of the wedding so why make a confirmation of who made who cry? The palace weren’t going to engage in he said she said arguments over something small like that.

The Hermes blanket made me laugh. Yeah- I get it. You can afford an expensive blanket.

I’m not a big fan of things that have the label slapped all over it to begin with. I like my labels- if I must have them- as small as possible. Just not my taste at all. So I saw that and cringed. It’s expensive and unattractive imo.

Yeah. They don’t come across as down to earth at all. And I don’t even think they realize it.

The Sussexes are pretty contradictory in general.
It’s only a matter of time for the Daily Mail to come and take account of the amount of money in clothes she wore for the documentary. Some people are so blind to the false image and self-righteousness of this couple it’s quite sad and laughable.
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Charles told them to get their plans into writing as they had been discussing it for months. They didn’t want to do that and I think the Sussexes or their office leaked it to force the BRF into their ridiculous half-in half-out plan which would never have worked out. How would Charles benefit from leaking the Sussexes plans?

To highlight the “ridiculous “ half in, half out proposal. I think Charles et Al didn’t want to set the up as ersatz king and queen of the commonwealth.
To highlight the “ridiculous “ half in, half out proposal. I think Charles et Al didn’t want to set the up as ersatz king and queen of the commonwealth.

I don’t follow.

They weren’t going to get HIHO whether it was leaked or not. That was glaringly apparent to royal reporters and a lot of posters as soon as their announcement went live. What exactly they wanted was not going to work.
The context of the quote people are referring to is an interview prior to this documentary where Harry said he was making sure she had the right people around her and was protected. This implied that some of the people around her weren't the right people and that he had authority over who his grandmother was surrounded with. This would be a normal thing to say about your aging grandparent, but it's an incendiary thing to say about your sovereign head of state. Think about the ramifications for her job. If she was aged to the point that she needed Prince Harry to decide for her who was the right person for her to trust, then she certainly wouldn't be considered of sound mind to exercise her constitutional authority. These are the moments where it's very important to remember she was never just the Queen and never just a grandmother and mother. She was always both.

I honestly very much empathize with how hard it can be to have a different opinion around here and I respect your right to yours, but I wanted to explain why people interpreted those comments as negative.

I 100% Agree.

I can understand Prince Harry being concerned about his elderly grandmother's well-being. But it was not his place. He seemed to have forgotten the pecking order He was the grandchild, not the child.

If he had serious concerns about his grandmother's well-being and the people around her, then he should have passed them on to Prince Charles, his Aunt & Uncles and let them deal with it. Obviously, if there was a reason to be worried or seriously concerned I am sure they would have done something.

My grandmother is starting to some early signs of dementia. At the moment it is kind of an open secret in our family. While I am concerned I am not about to take matters into my own hands, rush her off to the doctor's office and get to the bottom of it because it is not my place. It was up to my mom, her siblings and especially first and foremost my grandpa.
I have watched the series twice now and overall quite enjoyed all the footage and pictures. The first 3 episodes were really nothing burgers. It is obvious that Harry is really hurt by William's behavior (or perceived behavior). The last episode in particular will make it difficult for Harry to ever have a close relationship with his brother. I think that is sad for them, and if Harry doesn't regret it now, will likely regret it in the future.

This series has really piqued my curiosity about Meghan's family. It is obvious to me that her step-sister, Samantha, has some mental health issues. I would NEVER have even mentioned her if I were them. Just pouring gasoline on that fire. Why was Doria the only family member at the wedding? I had to invite all kinds of cousins I had only met a handful of times that I didn't care about to my wedding. They were my parents' guests. Since the BRF was excited about more diversity I'd think they would have welcomed Doria's side with open arms. Is Doria not close with her family? She has siblings.
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