Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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I dare say, no friends of his took part either and they are the type who don’t like the publicity and fanfare Harry has been on since he moved to the USA. Which family member would take part in this lie-fest ? Eugenie may be very close to him, but I think she knows where to draw the line and he’s not that close to the Spencer cousins so Harry is on his here.

My take is everyone in his family and almost all his friends knew to just stay away from this.

Even if they’d only said nice things- being associated with this at all is a big mistake imo.
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A few of Harry's (pre-Meghan) friends did participate.
How bizarre and telling that not a single one of Harry’s friends are interviewed. No longer friends, perhaps?

He had one friend from Eton interviewed. His first name is Nicky but his last name is never provided. He is the only childhood friend of Harry’s who participated.
Very interesting note re: Eugenie, which stood out to me. Throughout the documentary several of Harry’s friends and family are shown via photo or video but not identified. But when people are appearing in the documentary as such, their name and relationship to the couple appear in a particular font. This distinguishes people are just being shown because they happen to be in photos or video, as opposed to “making an appearance” in the documentary.

When the clip of Eugenie is shown, her name and relationship to Harry is shown in that font. Impossible to know if this is to imply that she is “appearing” in the series with her consent, or if Netflix just wants it to appear this way.
So many little grubby and unattractive tabloid stories confirmed. Oh, and remember how in The Cut, she claimed her wedding was celebrated like Mandela's release from prison and that was laughed at? In this one, she claims a British pilot thanked her for her service to the country and that Beyonce told her she was a generational cursebreaker (or similar, I didn't quote it directly.) The instinct to self-aggrandize isn't a rumor anymore- it's been confirmed by multiple people.

I'll be wrapping my head around this one for weeks.

This stood out a mile! Thanking someone for their service is a very American thing to do (nothing wrong with it) but it would be highly unusual for a Brit. I am not sure the average British person would know if she had been of service or not. They might just think that’s the role you’ve taken on and get the perks with it.
I thought that thanking people for their service in the USA was for people who had been In the military, not a general thing. I agree I cant imagine any British people saying this to anyone.
She didn’t know people would line the streets for the wedding? Pfffft. People line the streets for a freakin’ routine changing of the guard. I knew that before I even visited Britain as an American tourist, and I’ve never met or seen a royal, much less married one.

I know! I thought she’d watched her parents in law’s wedding. She surely seen and noticed the general publics reaction to their engagement. I honestly don’t know if she is trying to sound humble or something.
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I watched the whole thing / with subtitles on. And one point the subtitles said ´whistful music continues´ which I suppose is a good summary of the whole series.

The overall structure of the documentary was messy. Things stayed vague for the most part. With one or two exceptions accusations were flimsy, not very concrete. There were a lot of insinuations and quick conclusions while not providing any evidence. Considering these complaints were the reason why they left the story would have been more convincing if they had dived in this part more fully. Perhaps they will do so in the book.

As with the Oprah interview there is never a reflection of one or two things they could have done differently. Their argument would have been stronger if they f.e. could have admitted that no, it wasn´t very wise to use a private jet to fly to a baby shower while promoting a sustainable environment. None of that. Everybody was out to get them all the time.

There aren´t many new revelations. People yell when they are angry... who knew?

What it seems to boil down to is the no. 2 being frustrated at being the no. 2 and thinking that he and his wife could be doing a better job. In the past this would be settled on a battle field. Now we have Oprah, Netflix, a book and whatever is next.

Small irritation: this guy with the bells that Netflix keeps showing to paint a couleur locale, he is just a guy who dresses up for fun AFAIK. He doesn´t have any official capacity.
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Also, when Meghan interviewed Princess Alia Al-Senussi for The Tig in 2014, this line was included:

"Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate."

She knew exactly what a royal wedding looked like.
A few of Harry's (pre-Meghan) friends did participate.
Which of Harry’s friends pre-Meghan took part? Almost 98% of those people in the doc are Meghan’s friends. So which friends of his?
I would say that to insinuate that the queen just sat there while William attacked Harry and Charles said things that weren't true, is a criticism of the queen. Its basically saying that she, the head of the family tolerated an unkind attack by one grandson on another and her own son making or agreeing to false statements.
He says one thing and will say another. Has he forgotten the interview with Hoda where he said he can make the Queen laugh? I see why the doc was pushed back initially, after saying one silly thing, he says another different silly thing that the Queen allowed William to bully him. He is a coward because he could not say this when she was alive but now that she’s passed on, he comes to say this.
Small irritation: this guy with the bells that Netflix keeps showing to paint a couleur locale, he is just a guy who dresses up for fun AFAIK. He doesn´t have any official capacity.

He doesn't. He dresses like a 'Town Crier', which is an old, official role for announcing the news but nobody has asked him to. My local town (like many others) has an official Town Crier, appointed by the Mayor and he dresses in the traditional clothes, rings his bell and announces things at local events.
The Commonwealth statement was awful and should never have been said . Sorry I had to watch it so I can make an educated response.
I'm guessing the these new statements is a response to William and Catherine's trip to places like Jamaica. After all, if they really felt that way about the Commonwealth why did they accept ambassador roles snd why did Meghan have the national flowers from the Commonwealth countries embroidered in her veil?

I don't believe that criticizing the institution and its elements is tantamount to criticizing the sovereign. All throughout history there have been disputes and disagreements with couriers and royals. Fergie and Diana were mentioned in this thread and I certainly never viewed their complaints and grievances with the institution as grievances against the Queen. In recent years Andrew and Charles were very critical of senior courtiers and people like the Queen's private secretary. Again- beiing critical of the elements or the institution doesn't equate to being critical of the monarch.
But he has literally criticized and made veiled digs at the Queen, William, Kate and Charles. In honesty, when it comes to these things, no one is going seriously come after the courtiers because they are not recognizable to anyone on the street, but the monarch is definitely recognizable because they are the Head of the institution and work with courtiers so the blame and fingers pointed at will be directed at the monarch.
Dear God, the shouting thing was cringeworthy. Poor Harry, poor baby, terrified of his big bad brother.

I'd say the UK posters here are very lucky that he was never expected to guard your sky. He would have handed it over as soon as someone shouted at him.

How did anyone think this was a good image to project is beyond me. Is this how the UK wants to see her soldiers?

Denville, I made it a point to say it was my opinion that the family was too soft on Harry, Diana's poor little baby. My opinion. I base it on the way he presents himself - Diana's son, Diana's son, his trauma because of Diana's death... He comes across as vastly entitled, thinking that he could do everything and still be welcome back. Anyone else remembering him claiming that he'd now built bridges after the Oprah interview? And this wasn't the only time he came across as thinking that eventually, everything would blow over and he was the one the decision depended on. That's my reasoning - after the early loss of a parent, many families spoil the children. It's just that these families don't have the resources for their children to grow into Harry's level of delusions. William shouted at him and Harry trembled in his boots? But he's perfectly entitled to shout at people, right?

This episode looks so familiar. "Grandpa, she hit me! She's bad!" "Did you hit her first?" "Yes." No understanding that this wasn't something she could do and expect no retaliation. The difference is, the child in question is two. Harry nears forty.
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Which of Harry’s friends pre-Meghan took part? Almost 98% of those people in the doc are Meghan’s friends. So which friends of his?

I'm genuinely curious. Have you been watching the series for yourself?
Or relying on recaps and articles?
My question is : we’re the Netflix crew always there with them at their home ? How come they can film the part when he is receiving William’s message ? It is a reality show in fact ! How sad ! All their private time is documented every day ?
My question is : we’re the Netflix crew always there with them at their home ? How come they can film the part when he is receiving William’s message ? It is a reality show in fact ! How sad ! All their private time is documented every day ?

There was a report last week that H&M were uncomfortable doing anything unscripted on camera. These moments were all scripted, planned and staged. Probably rehearsed as well.

They had someone filming them watching their own interview on 'Oprah'. Do they have someone at their house now, filming them watching the scene in the Netflix show where they watch the Oprah interview? Are we now looking at Megception?

It's just ridiculous. How I wish someone in the BRF had had the sense to say 'no' when Harry said he wanted to marry Meghan. Or to at least make them date for longer. Think of all the nonsense we would have been spared.
There was a report last week that H&M were uncomfortable doing anything unscripted on camera. These moments were all scripted, planned and staged. Probably rehearsed as well.

They had someone filming them watching their own interview on 'Oprah'. Do they have someone at their house now, filming them watching the scene in the Netflix show where they watch the Oprah interview? Are we now looking at Megception?

It's just ridiculous. How I wish someone in the BRF had had the sense to say 'no' when Harry said he wanted to marry Meghan. Or to at least make them date for longer. Think of all the nonsense we would have been spared.

Absolutely agree !
I'm genuinely curious. Have you been watching the series for yourself?

Or relying on recaps and articles?

I, too, am curious whether many people have watched or are relying on recaps, simply for how that might affect their opinions.

But pretty much the only thing that would not affect is what the poster you quoted was making a point about, and as it is, her point was 100% correct.
I'm on chapter four and my jaw dropped to the floor on Meghan's ego, delusions and total indifference toward anything that is not about her. This chapter is only to sell Meghan to the USA as a TV princess and absolutely not caring about Harry's family. Not even the love the people from the UK shown as they flooded the streets during the wedding clips to show she was so beloved in the UK is enough for Meghan to say thanks, or a kind word, to the UK people happy for her. I do hope those wedding clips were hers and not another royal bride! They already used clips from Harry Potter, Diana and a UK TV celebrity Katie Price's court appearances and passed them as Meghan's!

And a lot of namedropping and celebrity clips to glorify Meghan and Meghan only. Harry is but a footnote on this episode. And as the Behavioral Panel described, every word that comes out of her mouth reads to them as fake. I'm glad I watched the body language experts with their live review, because now I'm on chapter 4 and everything makes sense how staged this production is. That seems started filming when they met.

Still, their level of ingratitude toward the UK people that adored their wedding, her joining the royal family, is beyond belief. Even at the 14:45 mark into the episode, the day with the Queen, it's all about her.

In her podcast series, and every interview, she does her claim is she is now working to empower women and using all the internet politically correct approved words and lines like she invented them. Yet she fails on this section to praise Queen Elizabeth's decades of service to her nation, because it's all about Meghan that, at the 16:02 mark, she switches from the Head of State and the Church in England to her own grandmother to add in "... I took care of her in her final years ". Even Meghan's late grandmother is used to glorify her to viewers.

And even in the mention of the event on the Grenfell Tower fire year anniversary, Meghan adds in for no reason she became close to the women that survived the fire " ...even though no one knew it at the time". Well, thanks to this documentary we know from Meghan herself, she wants her name to be associated alongside survivors. Then the event to promote her book for the charity at the time is again to glorify her as the monarchy's Saviour that thinks she walks on water.

Overall, Harry gets to say a word or two to add to Meghan's narrative, and often gets cut off mid-sentence to make sure she starts and ends the sentence.

And not a moment of gratitude to those who welcomed her and into the UK and the royal family. Only complains and delusions of victimization. I can't go on. When I watch episode five tonight, I hope Harry gets Meghan to allow him to finish a sentence at least once.
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Re the filming and photographing everything they do - remember Harry’s comment about how life in the royal family is like being in the Truman show?
The Behavioral Panel mentioned, in their body language live show, the production copies Downtown Abbey from start to end with the similar music that doesn't stop to create sympathy for the couple. Everything makes sense now. I'm so disappointed at them.
But pretty much the only thing that would not affect is what the poster you quoted was making a point about, and as it is, her point was 100% correct.
Actually that is not correct. While it is true that many of Meghan’s friends did participate in the documentary they certainly don't make up the over 98% the poster mentioned. The docuseries also involved authors, activists, journalists, and friends are listed but you don't know whose "friend". Was the individual Harry's friend first and then became a friend of Meghan ( now the couple)or vice-versa?
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The wedding speech scene was pure, solid, toe-curling cringe. I had to remind myself it was still the Harry and Meghan show, and not an out-take from an episode of 'The Office'.

And of course we had to be shown a glimpse of the handwritten letter on her phone. Complete with the overdone calligraphy.

I have no words.
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