Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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sorry, I mean to say Powers that Be, PTB. but of course the Palace woud not contradict the notion that Harry was Diana's son. why should they? he IS her son. However from my recollection very little was ever said about Diana from the Palace in the 25 years since her death.
Because no one can get through life by being constantly told "poor you, your mummy's poor little baby, it's only natural to do this and that..." I am not saying they should have contradicted the notion that he's her son but they clearly, IMO, brought him up believing that he's her POOR LITTLE BABY and nothing else.

Some ten years ago, a ten year old student of my mum called in hysterics. There had been a call from abroad and as the only one who spoke some English the girl took the phone, so she was the one who learned that her father had just died - on the phone, not being sure if she understood what was being said, her mother crying and her brother screaming that she must be wrong. That's why she called my mum - her English teacher - to call them and ascertain that it was not true. It was.

Both children are now happy. successful young adults. But they weren't always excused as "poor little babies", especially the girl. And I do think what she went through isn't this much better than Harry - always Harry, never Harry and William, partly because William was quite tall at the time, IMO - went through behind that coffin.

Letting someone believe that they'll be forever forgiven because they lost their mum isn't the way to go.
Maybe it's just me but more than protecting William, it seems that statement was issued to show a united front and not flaming media/tabloid speculation of the riff so then they can discuss it behind the close door.

Most probably true, I am sure that the RF wanted to damp down stories about a rift, because Harry IS a member of the RF and they don't want stories of rows and permanent split ups to be out there. But honestly, Harry was scared of his brother? I mea n really??? And Charles saying things that weren't true? Harry is the one IMO who was saying most things that weren't true. Surely Harry knew that even if his family were sympathetic to his desire to leave the famiy and move away, they would NOT be hapy at the idea of being half in and half out and they would not be happy abt the idea of losing one of their younger workers and his wife, only a year after they had taken up royal duties as a couple.
Guys, before I go into the final episode, I find myself asking if I hallucinated the whole part about them being filmed doing a personal guided meditation about not proving to the media that they are good, because that just feeds the beast, in a documentary about proving they are good in the media.

Is this a glitch in the simulation? Am I real? Are any of you?

Sigh. Back to it.

Yeah, that part was bizarre. As was the segment where we watched them watch their Oprah interview.
This stuck out to me (I am reading the updates, not looking at the footage). Meghan makes a comment about her incorrectly thinking that people don't believe what they read in tabloids and then uses as an illustration someone calling out a critical comment to her about her conflict with her father.

That is a distortion, incorrect equivalency IMO because her father was giving interviews to TV shows and newspapers, yes likely tabloids. But the odds are that the person that made that comment was basing it on thoughts, views and opinions directly expressed by Thomas Markle, with the caveat that the information he provided may or may not be true or agreed upon.

And the rich irony is that a few years later Meghan and Harry are following in Thomas Markle's footsteps.
Because no one can get through life by being constantly told "poor you, your mummy's poor little baby, it's only natural to do this and that..." I am not saying they should have contradicted the notion that he's her son but they clearly, IMO, brought him up believing that he's her POOR LITTLE BABY and nothing else.

Letting someone believe that they'll be forever forgiven because they lost their mum isn't the way to go.
I don't know of any evidence that the RF or household told Harry that he was always excused because he was a poor little boy who had lost his mother, do you have any evidence of this? I think that Charles perhaps wasn't too strict with him, because he had lost his mum, but I doubt if he or anyone In the household or family kept telling Harry Oh you poor little boy you lost your mother. Im sure that there were times when H was given a good wigging in private over foolish behavirour but it just didn't sink in, because that's the way he is.
Yeah, that part was bizarre. As was the segment where we watched them watch their Oprah interview.

I'm not there yet as I assume that's episode 6, but thanks for warning of weirdness still yet to come. I have no sense of time remaining, would having a glass of wine at 5:50 AM my time really be so bad?
I agree with everything you say, what I would like to add is that Meghan IMO didn't see the role as everybody else did, she had her own ideas.
She wanted the celebrity. It was never going to work.

I also find the comments about Nottingham cottage interesting because I have read similar comments before.

I think that, to be fair to Meghan, she honestly DID NOt realise what royal life was like, and that it did come as a shock to her. I had that feeling about her when she and H got engaged, that (a) she was rather fakey and ((b) she was letting herself in for something she did not understand. I think she had an American idea of royal life that it was like being a Disney princess, in that she would have unlimited wealth, live in a castle, be seen in beautiful dresses and meeting glamourous people, as well as the adoring ordinary public, and that the Royals got completely adoring press coverage which would mean that no one ever said negative things about her...
And it just wasn't like that. she got a house that was too small, and then a house at Frogmore that was bigger but still not a palace or castle.. She got some negative press coverage because that is the way of the tabloid press, and it shook her up. I suspect she thought that the RF could control the press and make sure she did not get bad press. She was told that she was expected to show off her baby, as other royal women had done and she didn't like being told what to do. I think she found there were a lot more dull duties visting a clinic in a northern city rather than film premiere type engagements and she found that daunting.
I am not sure if she ALWAYS had a plan of steping out of full time royal life, but I think she did. However I think that she and Harry did step out sooner than they planned, because she did find the job so daunting and not what she had expected..
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I have to agree. I don’t think Megan knew what life would be like in the royal family. I don’t think Harry truly prepared her. Yet instead of taking responsibility for that failure, he’s lashing out and blaming it on everyone else.

I'm not there yet as I assume that's episode 6, but thanks for warning of weirdness still yet to come. I have no sense of time remaining, would having a glass of wine at 5:50 AM my time really be so bad?

Yep. It’s episode six. You’ll probably need some wine to get through another episode.
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Maybe it's just me but more than protecting William, it seems that statement was issued to show a united front and not flaming media/tabloid speculation of the riff so then they can discuss it behind the close door.

The whole build up of 'they lied to protect my brother but would not tell the truth to protect us 'was that William was angry and shouted at him at a family meeting.

The palace put out a joint statement saying William didn't bully him out of the family, is Harry now saying that William did bully him out of the family.

Surely William was angry that he was leaving, so how is that bullying you out of the family, or is the next piece that William bullied him out because he was jealous.

God save us, people are drowning in the icy waters of the Channel trying to get a better life.

We are experiencing a particularly cold spell with huge heating bills but William shouted at Harry.

Grow up grow a pair and get a life that does not involve trading on other peoples lives. Meghan don't bother with an acting job as you are not that good.
I sign off before I say too much more and get into trouble again.

You all know where I am if you want to compare notes.
I’ve only read your summary of episode 1 so far. Thank you so much for your hard work!

My armchair psychologist idea:

Harry wants to recreate his mother’s life. Except he wants to embrace her and protect her. He wants Meghan to go to Australia and be a star. He wants everyone to be a little jealous, like his father was. But, he wants to be different and bask in her glory. I’d go so far to say he actually wants, on some psychological level, for the press attention, for the motorcycles with flashbulb cameras to follow their car. Except, when they are about to go through the tunnel, he wants to buckle her in, tell the driver to slow down, and then watch as the ones with the cameras speed ahead alone into that dark tunnel.

Meghan, for her part, plays the role of the 19 year old shy Di who could never possibly understand what was about to become of her life.

She saw Harry’s vulnerability, there. But, for the rest of us who live in reality, she comes across as fake (to him, she’s absolutely real and honest). She didn’t know people would line the streets for the wedding? Pfffft. People line the streets for a freakin’ routine changing of the guard. I knew that before I even visited Britain as an American tourist, and I’ve never met or seen a royal, much less married one.
I would really like to see the script and yes there is a script. There was also several round table discussions - where it was decided that they would focus on, what they would show and what they wanted to show, what they wanted the public to take away - this is when the first director walked away.

You can see that they are desperate to claim Diana's legacy. They also want you to put Meghan and Diana together in your head. If you love Diana you should love Meghan. I am Diana's son. I will continue her legacy ect.
There is also the strong prompting that Meghan is the All American girl next girl, intelligent and down to earth push.
They have really pushed family here as well - so they have retaliate that they mistreated their families . We are a loving family - Instagram pics, lot of baby pics ect.
Then juxtapose with the Cambridge's and UK family - unwarm and unsupportive.
They allured to William bullying, but don't talk about Meghan's bullying allegation.

Speaking from experience here - this is a reputational PR stunt from start to finish. But there are sever problems - besides the taking responsibility of the Nazi uniform. I would have had Harry admit they purposely forced the royal family into action by the manifesto and walk away as well as the Oprah interview. There is no doubt in my mind that taking responsibility and acknowledging guilty in some of this was discussed with them. The lack of it - sees a lot.
In all what wasn't said says more then what was.
I’ve only read your summary of episode 1 so far. Thank you so much for your hard work!

My armchair psychologist idea:

Harry wants to recreate his mother’s life. Except he wants to embrace her and protect her. He wants Meghan to go to Australia and be a star. He wants everyone to be a little jealous, like his father was. But, he wants to be different and bask in her glory. I’d go so far to say he actually wants, on some psychological level, for the press attention, for the motorcycles with flashbulb cameras to follow their car. Except, when they are about to go through the tunnel, he wants to buckle her in, tell the driver to slow down, and then watch as the ones with the cameras speed ahead alone into that dark tunnel.

Meghan, for her part, plays the role of the 19 year old shy Di who could never possibly understand what was about to become of her life.

She saw Harry’s vulnerability, there. But, for the rest of us who live in reality, she comes across as fake (to him, she’s absolutely real and honest). She didn’t know people would line the streets for the wedding? Pfffft. People line the streets for a freakin’ routine changing of the guard. I knew that before I even visited Britain as an American tourist, and I’ve never met or seen a royal, much less married one.

Are you saying Harry is delusional (I don't know if that is the right technical term) while Meghan is ill-intentioned and taking advantage of him?
Episode 6. This is the first recap where I couldn't refrain from snarky comments. They are noted where appropriate. Forgive the lapse in decorum, I have been watching The Sussexes talk about their lives for what feels like all of human history.

List of those interviewed in Episode 6 (aside from Harry and Meghan): Tyler Perry, Friend of Meghan and Harry. Doria. Jenny Afia. Abigail Spencer. Nicky, Harry's friend from Eton. Misan Harriman. Ashleigh, Meghan's niece.

Not So Brief Recap: The episode opens with Harry doing a video diary of their flight from Canada to LA which he calls their "freedom flight." Doria was on the plane, as were both their dogs. Meghan talks about how their security had been pulled. Doria says it felt like they were running from their stress. Harry says this flight happened because of "an amazing friend who we have never met but who wants to help."

Interview opens with Tyler Perry, who says he would have been hurt if his father behaved the way Thomas Markle did, and that made him feel bad for Meghan and want to help. Tyler says when he got successful, family members became different people and he knows it can be hurtful. He empathized so he sent her a note praying for her and offering to help in the future if needed. Meghan says she called him years later from Canada crying and she said it was easier to open up to him because he knew nothing at all. Perry says he could hear the fear and he told her that her fears were valid. He knew about the royal family almost entirely through the context of Princess Diana's death. He talks about her tabloid coverage and how because of Princess Diana he knew Meghan was at risk. Perry says Meghan and Harry were both abused, like his mother, who went through domestic violence. He says cutting off the money and not giving them security was to make them comply and come back like a domestic abuser would. Perry offered them his house and his security and told them to stay as long as they needed.

Harry and Meghan walk around Tyler Perry's house with him and reminisce about good times there and thank him. Meghan says it was a little slice of freedom. Meghan narrates video from the time about how they could have a normal life and shows Harry with the dogs and her playing with Archie. Doria said she just wanted them to be happy and wanted to be with them and having them close was great. Meghan makes a balloon arch for Archie's first birthday. Harry and Meghan talk about how its not their home but it is a huge relief to be there and film themselves kissing.

Harry then says six weeks later, the Daily Mail found out where they were. It was six weeks in Canada and then six weeks at Tyler's house. Then Tyler Perry's staff constructed a huge to ward off paparazzi photos. A helicopter circles. Tyler Perry says no celebrities in the area had ever seen an assault like this. The chain link fence was being cut and people were sneaking onto his property. Meghan talks about the work that went into her Daily Mail lawsuit and how they covered constant coverage of the litigation when all she wanted was an apology. Defense asked for disclosures that were very personal and included her email and texts specifically mentioning Archie, William and Catherine by name as search terms. (Personal Note: One might consider that this is why the royal family advisors advised them against this legal fight in the first place, but I digress) Harry films Meghan receiving the legal arguments and talks about how his mum always said If they're talking about you in the tabloids, you're probably doing the right thing. He felt it was worth fighting for.

Jenny Afia goes over the legal case. Afia says Meghan would be unable to sleep and texting at 1AM or 3AM California time to go over details. She knew it was stressful on Meghan especially the argument that Meghan had authorized her friends to speak to People magazine. Abigail Spencer talks about how that one piece of the interview took away the intentions of the interview which was for love of Meghan.

Meghan's miscarriage is then discussed. Apparently Abigail Spencer was present. Harry says "I believe that my wife miscarried because of what the Mail did. Now, do we absolutely know that the miscarriage was created, caused by that? But bearing in mind the stress, the lack of sleep, the timing of the pregnancy, how many weeks in she was, I can say from what I saw that miscarriage was created by what they were trying to do to her." Doria says it was brave and courageous of Meghan to write about it four months later. Meghan talks about writing it to help others. Then their Archewell work is spotlighted- Meghan talking to female entrepreneurs and Harry's speech about vaccine equity. NAACP Image awards are shown again. Meghan talks about how if people are looking at them, they should be looking at what they're looking at (meaning their charity work.)

Meghan's Immaculate Heart commencement speech about Black Lives Matter is shared. They are shown at Tyler Perry's house. (Side note: the barley twist style four poster king bed he has in their room is really quite lovely, I sort of want it and don’t want to know how much it cost)

Harry plays with Archie on a slip and slide. They kick a soccer ball with Doria and a child whose identity is obscured (a friend's child it is implied). Meghan hikes with her mom. The soundtrack is very serene. An extended montage of them having fun, and filming themselves. Gorgeous scenery in California. Misan Harriman recounts Meghan's pregnancy with Lilibet being announced on zoom and how happy he was for them and to take their announcement photos. Harry talks about how it was a coincidence or maybe not that they announced the same day that his mom announced she was pregnant with him in 1984. (Snarky remark I can't help but make: the not a coincidence is implied to be Diana influencing it from the beyond. Meghan doing her research is not considered as a potential explanation.)

The bullying report is discussed. Meghan's full statement on it at the time is read again. Abigail Spencer says the bullying report was a sign "someone was panicking over there" clearly meaning the palace. Harry says " I can't think what my mum went through all those years by herself. To see this institutional gaslight that happens is extraordinary. And that's why everything that's happened to us was always going to happen to us. If you speak truth to power, that's how they respond." There is an extended segment where they talk about each segment of their Oprah interview and comment on their own interview. (Snark note: It's an interview with them about an interview with them! It's Interview-ception!") They are shown in lounge chairs actually watching their own interview at the time. Meghan said the racial issues eclipsed what she wanted people to get out of it. Meghan is filmed doing a Zoom call with Doria the day after the interview where Doria expresses pride. Meghan says Beyonce just texted. Harry is blown away by that. Meghan reads out loud her text from Beyonce word for word. (Personal note: I wonder if they asked Beyonce if they could do that?) Tyler Perry says of the Oprah interview there's so much more Meghan could have said but didn't because she's a classy elegant woman. Meghan reads out loud the royal family's statement about the Oprah interview including the "recollections may vary" line. Harry is filmed holding the phone up to Meghan and she says "H just got a text from his brother" and Tyler Perry asks if they do that? Harry says he wishes he knew what to do and they hold each other and sway. (Note: this feels like an invasion of William's privacy even though the text isn't shared)

Meghan and Doria plant a garden and hide easter eggs. (Note: Could this be "Lilibet's Bunny Garden as mentioned in The Cut?) Then they cut to the announcement of Prince Philip's death.

Harry talks about how his grandfather cruised around London in a black taxi and shows the black taxis lined up to honor him. He thinks its nice. A heavily pregnant Meghan explains Covid travel restrictions to Harry and how soon he needs to leave to make the funeral. Harry reads his own statement released in honor of Philip's death. Nicky, Harry's Eton friend, talks about much Harry loved Philip and how Harry is like Philip in some ways. Nicky talks about how walking behind Philip's coffin probably brought up things for Harry. Harry shares he's glad his grandfather had a peaceful death. Harry says going back was hard, especially the chats with his father and brother who were still "focused on the same misinterpretations of the situation, so neither… none of us really wanted to have to talk about it at my grandfather's funeral but we did." Harry says "he's had to make peace with the fact that we're never going to get genuine accountability or a genuine apology. You know, my wife and I, we're moving on. We're focused on what's coming next." Lilibet is born and her newborn photos are shown. Meghan said people respected their time to nurture and be alone this time. Harry says at the moment he sees a lot of his wife in Archie and a lot of his Mum in Lilibet, who has the Spencer blue eyes. Lilibet crawling is shown and Misan Harriman shares how honored he was to be asked to be one of Lilibet's godfather but that he wanted the ceremony to be private. It's implied she was baptized privately though into what faith is not confirmed. Serena Williams says they're creating a family of their friends. Footage from Lili's first birthday at Frogmore is shown.
Episode 6 Part 2:

Princess Eugenie is in town! Harry records them on their way to the Super Bowl. Eugenie is filmed playing with Archie on the beach. Harry talks about how California is now home for both his kids and for him and Meghan. Harry says he does things with the kids he'd never be able to do in the UK. (Note: Examples of this are not given) Jenny Afia talks about how the judge called the case in Meghan's favor and then they appealed, and then just before appeal a senior member of the Duke of Cambridge's team came through with a witness statement that wasn't required. The implication is that William authorized Jason Knauf to act against Meghan. Meghan and Harry talk about how it's definitely coming from William and that Knauf shouldn't be talked about as "Meghan and Harry's former aide" but rather "as the person who works for your brother." Harry says he left the country because of this. Meghan talking about privacy and standing up for what's right at an online summit of Deal Book.

Meghan is filmed in front of the Hermes blanket (that promo shot from the trailer) by Harry who narrates that they are about to find out the results of the Daily Mail's appeal. They call Jenny Afia who tells them congratulations, they won. They celebrate. Jenny Afia said Knauf's statement had no legal effect on the case and he only made it to defame Meghan. Harry talks about the case as standing up to the media.

The first Archewell holiday party is shown. Meghan reconnecting with Ashleigh, Meghan's niece, is shown. Ashleigh was there with them for Christmas and she's around the kids a lot. Meghan and Harry take the kids to see horses. (Probably at the polo grounds) and other fun kid activities are shown.

Harry is asked if he misses anything about life in the institution. He says he misses the weird family gatherings where everyone is under one roof at certain times of the years. He misses the U.K. and his friends. He says he lost some friends in this process. He said he came to California because he'd outgrown his environment and California is potentially a place his mum would have ended up living in. Xavier Rudd's "Follow the Sun" plays in the background. (Personal Note: I have seen Xavier Rudd live three times and I love his music so this is quite distressing as an association for me.) Nacho Figueras talks about how Harry wants a simpler life and always have.
Harry says he can't be angry because they made it to the other side and are exactly where they should be. Just when you think they'll end on Harry, they cut to Meghan. Meghan reads out loud her speech from their wedding reception, noting it's unusual for brides in the U.K. to read one. (Note: I can't transcribe this, you guys are on your own for that bit. It starts at 57:22) She calls their love a modern fairy tale and it begins with "Once Upon a Time." (Snark Note: This is the kind of speech that if I had to listen to someone read at a wedding would have me discreetly making eye contact with my sister and trying not to laugh. Parts of it actually rhyme) The credits begin to roll. Over images of them walking on the beach and the infamous two palm trees that grow together from The Cut interview. It ends with statements from Jason Knauf and one from Meghan and Harry disputing it. That will be all over the media.

Potential spots of controversy (this is based on my personal opinion): Tyler Perry's ahistoric comments about Princess Diana being scrutinized and his comments about the royal family cutting off Harry and Meghan financially and taking their security being like the actions of a domestic abuser. Meghan's miscarriage being linked directly to the Daily Mail by her and Harry. Harry claiming the bullying reports of Meghan and staff were "institutional gaslighting" and was because they spoke truth to power, rather than because there was any truth in it. Meghan reading out loud a text from Beyonce praising her as a generational curse breaker is going to be mocked. Harry being filmed reacting to a text from William. Harry saying he's never going to get accountability or an apology for what happened to him and Meghan without taking any responsibility at all for contributing to the situation. Harry's statement that William authorized Jason Knauf to act against them in the Mail's case and that's why he's living in a different country. The statements from Jason Knauf and Meghan and Harry against each other will be discussed.
Thanks for the extensive recaps. It sounds as if my earlier assessment of them seeing themselves (and particularly Meghan) both as the as the savior (that wasn't sufficiently recognized as such) as well as the victim (of the wicked royal family) -if others don't see her/them the same way- is being confirmed over and over again.

So, there half-in half-out was about them being 'the Commonwealth couple': so, lots of high-profile trips in which they are being admired and none of the day-to-day work in the UK. Someone earlier alluded to their end goal being to become the joint heads of the Commonwealth might not be too far off.

And while I must say that I found that 'joint' press release rather weird at that time, so I can understand their frustration at that point - the lack of any responsibility regarding what transpired in January 2020 acknowledging that the response of the family (while unpleasant) was in reaction to them suddenly putting out not only a statement but a full website laying out their plans for their future within the royal family hoping to force the BRF's hand. And how did they expect the BRF to meet while Meghan was in the UK: she left within a few days, so it's a bit rich to blame that on the royal family if you weren't prepared to stay for at least a week.

I also thought the description of the UK as not being Meghan's country is quite telling... She was willing to travel the world to represent it (and profit from her British titles) but she still considered her country to be the US (which of course, technically is true as she never became a British citizen) - so, that is where her loyalty has always been.
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I'm going to have to think about all of this and re-read my own notes before I really come to major conclusions, but I have to say: I came away from these six episodes with the last conclusion Harry and Meghan would want a viewer to reach. That is, that the royal reporters did an excellent job reporting on this couple and that nearly every insinuation ever made about how they perceive themselves has turned out to be true. If anything, they undersold some of it. Additionally, I can't believe how many small details of Bowers and Low were confirmed in this documentary. Stuff like Meghan being denied mental health help really meant she was denied an opportunity to go to a specific program of her choosing. Harry really did believe he was entitled to taxpayer security for life, regardless of what he contributed to the family. They really did document nearly everything on their phones constantly, including what should be very private moments.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a worse own-goal in public relations.
Thank you again for your hard work. I don’t have Netflix. And, I don’t think I could manage six hours anyhow.

Re: do I think Harry is delusional? I’m no psychologist, but I think that word gets thrown around like someone’s totally crazy and living in an alternate world. That’s not Harry. But, if delusional is used in a softer way, meaning fearing things like being followed and conspired against…in an exaggerated way, then, yes, I would say he is.

He certainly feels Meghan has a great, exaggerated importance in this world, and I think he felt the same about his mom.

That doesn’t mean they’re not important or influential, or that he hasn’t been followed unfairly in his life…but it means his head has elevated all of that to a level that is beyond reality.
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Am I the only one convinced they wrote the script for these last two episodes by reading TRF and seeing what so-called rumors their staunchest supporters vehemently denied were true, then confirming them all?

Among those:
- that the irreparable rift between William and Harry began as a result of the documentary in South Africa, at which point communication between the two broke down almost completely
- that most of Harry’s friends disappeared from his life, and that if you were to ask them why this is, they would tell you it is due to Meghan
- that Tyler Perry did not know the couple before lending them his house
- that at least some of the “secret godparents” were celebrities barely known to the couple
- that Oprah did not know the couple before attending their wedding and began angling for an interview almost right after attending

There are at least several more, but when each of these (and especially the first two) were reported, the couple’s greatest supporters dismissed them as tabloid hate-mongering, gossip-spreading, and targeted lying. It is interesting in hindsight that the couple, in a series purportedly about the false narrative created around them, confirms a lot of that narrative.
Am I the only one convinced they wrote the script for these last two episodes by reading TRF and seeing what so-called rumors their staunchest supporters vehemently denied were true, then confirming them all?

Among those:
- that the irreparable rift between William and Harry began as a result of the documentary in South Africa, at which point communication between the two broke down almost completely
- that most of Harry’s friends disappeared from his life, and that if you were to ask them why this is, they would tell you it is due to Meghan
- that Tyler Perry did not know the couple before lending them his house
- that at least some of the “secret godparents” were celebrities barely known to the couple
- that Oprah did not know the couple before attending their wedding and began angling for an interview almost right after attending

There are at least several more, but when each of these (and especially the first two) were reported, the couple’s greatest supporters dismissed them as tabloid hate-mongering, gossip-spreading, and targeted lying. It is interesting in hindsight that the couple, in a series purportedly about the false narrative created around them, confirms a lot of that narrative.

Right there with you. This list is more than I remembered but I spotted a few as well.
Tyler Perry was the only godparent mentioned in the documentary. He was asked to be godfather to Lili. It was hardly secret as he spoke about it himself in the doco. No ‘secret’ godparents of Archie’s were mentioned that I heard and I’ve seen all the episodes now.
Tyler Perry was the only godparent mentioned in the documentary. He was asked to be godfather to Lili. It was hardly secret as he spoke about it himself in the doco. No ‘secret’ godparents of Archie’s were mentioned that I heard and I’ve seen all the episodes now.

I actually recorded it as Misan Harriman.
Well, we will know what is in the episodes soon enough. I am now on Christmas vacation from school and work, so I will be getting up at 3am this morning and recapping the episodes right as they are released. My detailed recaps should be up no later than 8am ET. (Sometimes I have to take breaks and/or pause to capture an exact quote)

Thanks for your reviews! I noticed the episodes 4, 5 and 6 are available today. I'll watch them during the day and post my overall review later or over the weekend. I'm reading now the reactions about them.
Interesting thing is that on the Behavioral Panel video above the best body language descriptions confirm what everyone is talking about in here for days. But the go further with Meghan and all four state nothing comes out of her that is not staged for sympathy.

Best of their quotes I paraphrase was the Sussexes discovered how to market misery into a career.
I haven't watched the latest installments ... but, just read this on CNN. He also throws Granny under the bus! He says she just sat there are took in all in while Charles and William hollered. She was more interested in protecting the institution.

Well ... I guess that undercuts their story that they respected the Queen!
VERY True and usually people criticising the RF, like Diana or Fergie, stick to having a go at the courtiers and pretty much always say that the queen was OK. Like Harry initially said that whoever made the racist remark, it wasn't Philip or the queen. But now he's prepared to have a go at her.
Really?Nah,not relevant to those with an extra grey cell...World stage?...My foot..But she did take that actress thing to an entirely different level,yes...scheming...lies here and there when convenient...the odd tear here and there...and she tricked a prince, easy target....Made a fool out of his beloved grandmother in part 1..while he sat there like,oh well like...whatever,fill in for yourselves...a disgrace at best!

Oh the house smells nice of bread in the oven and soup,fresh chickensoup!!Anyone??

Eh ok...You seem bent on distorting facts and ignoring obvious truths. Oddly enough the very thing thing you accuse the couple of doing.

I'll end the back and forth by saying. I'll agree to disagree.
OMG, now trashing Grandma! It's like he is on a path of self-destruction in the UK while Meghan makes a career out of the UK titles here in the USA. The level of entitlement and delusion is off the charts.
I haven't watched the latest installments ... but, just read this on CNN. He also throws Granny under the bus! He says she just sat there are took in all in while Charles and William hollered. She was more interested in protecting the institution.

Well ... I guess that undercuts their story that they respected the Queen!

I find their actions over the past three years have clearly shown that they only had contempt for her. :sad:
Harry never "trashed" his grandmother.
Even the quoted CNN article highlighted that while the couple were critical of the Queen's aides they had the highest respect for the Queen.
Harry never "trashed" his grandmother.
Even the quoted CNN article highlighted that while the couple were critical of the Queen's aides they had the highest respect for the Queen.

Unfortunately their actions have not matched their words for the last three years.
I'm going to have to think about all of this and re-read my own notes before I really come to major conclusions, but I have to say: I came away from these six episodes with the last conclusion Harry and Meghan would want a viewer to reach. That is, that the royal reporters did an excellent job reporting on this couple and that nearly every insinuation ever made about how they perceive themselves has turned out to be true. If anything, they undersold some of it. Additionally, I can't believe how many small details of Bowers and Low were confirmed in this documentary. Stuff like Meghan being denied mental health help really meant she was denied an opportunity to go to a specific program of her choosing. Harry really did believe he was entitled to taxpayer security for life, regardless of what he contributed to the family. They really did document nearly everything on their phones constantly, including what should be very private moments.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a worse own-goal in public relations.

Thanks so much for doing this!

This sounds like it was hideous to get through.

I fail to see how this helped them. My over all impression is: what a mistake. They will be criticized over a lot of this and deservedly so imo. And that will include the US, where the criticism has gotten steadily louder.

Do they ever stop playing the victim and look at their own behavior? Apparently not.
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