Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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I find it notable that her lawyer says negative stories. She doesn’t say lies. Maybe she’ll say that in the 3 episodes, but that’s not in the trailer.

And if she’s seen the evidence- then produce it. Otherwise- what she claims to have seen is not notable imo.

If they can’t back this up- I’ll give it the attention it deserves: none.

And everyone knew it was a big deal that a POC was marrying into the top of the RF. Why would they want her- of all people- to be a disaster/fail?

It was also made clear to staff members at the start that they were to do everything possible to ensure Meghan’s introduction to royal life was successful and that she and Harry were kept happy. And experienced members of the British press have spoken about the staff at Kensington Palace going to great lengths to deny any problems existed with the couple even when confronted with surprising incidents seen first hand.

I wonder if what Harry and Meghan remember as a war against them was actually the point when the team at the palace gave up trying to deny or excuse problematic behaviour. If so, that’s not a war so much as it’s two people feeling the lack of the massive (IMO inappropriate) amount of support and protection they’d previously enjoyed.
They have really stooped low, a speech of the late Queen’s was edited to place emphasis on the British empire. It makes so much sense why this production could not be done after the Queen died. How nasty and silly to do this
Whilst I continue to find H&M deeply unsympathetic people; they do have some interesting points to make in regards to the media. For instance, the first three episodes were pretty tame yet the British media is fueling the flames like no other. Its exhausting. Plus, the constant denial of racism in the British media by many is becoming very irritating. One just has to log onto the Daily Mail and one will immediately be confronted with shades of racism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Its a shame H&M haven't helped the situation by being so reactionary and suffering terrible verbal diarrhea. If they could just take a step back, drop the petty family soap opera, and laid a more clear path with their criticism of the media they would have a much stronger case and following.

Great comments. I agree 100% that if H&M had aimed their fire at where it's warranted...the right wing tabloids and blogosphere...they would be immensely more sympathetic than they are. Some of the trolls over in the comments section of the Daily Mail are simply not to be believed.

But then again, Netflix is not paying the Sussexes $100 million to listen to them moan about racist trolls in the media and online.

They want their pound of flesh, and the Sussexes seem happy to serve it.:ermm:
Posts speculating about the political affiliation of royal watchers are off topic for this thread. Please stick to discussing the Harry & Meghan Netflix series.
I really don't think they are thinking that far ahead. Just my opinion. I think they are just lashing out because the Queen said no to them. They were two very spoiled children and they have not grown up.

I am waiting for them to pay somebody to fake a thread on them, to proof they are victims and the world chases them. After all their faked videos being followed by paparazzis and esp. Harry's paranoid behaviour&talk it would be a consequent step to make up a story.
Beside they need the money and seem not to care a second about what their children will think about their behaviour in a few years ahead,
they have choosen the wrong path of being victims. psychological help urgently needed and as far as I understand Harry's body language he is getting more and more uncomfortable with M.' s (badly) acting.
After all like everybody else's marriage will undergo what lige brings along,
so let's get some popcorn and see ;)
I am waiting for them to pay somebody to fake a thread on them, to proof they are victims and the world chases them. After all their faked videos being followed by paparazzis and esp. Harry's paranoid behaviour&talk it would be a consequent step to make up a story.

Beside they need the money and seem not to care a second about what their children will think about their behaviour in a few years ahead,

they have choosen the wrong path of being victims. psychological help urgently needed and as far as I understand Harry's body language he is getting more and more uncomfortable with M.' s (badly) acting.

After all like everybody else's marriage will undergo what lige brings along,

so let's get some popcorn and see ;)

I agree with you! I have my popcorn ready for the drama to come! Queue left eye tear! I am curious which party will the Sussex squad support when the time comes!

I do hope Prince Harry gets the help he needs! He doesn’t seem okay, I hope I am wrong. I do wish everyone the best!
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Here's episode one, two parts for length. There was a lot in this one that will be discussed even if not much new was actually said.

List of those interviewed in Episode 3 (aside from Harry and Meghan): Clare Waight Keller, Meghan's wedding dress designer. Heather Dorak, Meghan's friend. Vicky Tsai, Meghan's friend.
Serena Williams, Meghan's friend. Dhou Purohit, Meghan's friend. Lucy Fraser, Meghan's Friend. Silver Tree, Meghan's friend. James Holt, executive director of Archewell. Munira Mahmud, Grenfell survivor. Afua Hirsch, Journalist and Author. David Olusoga, author. Abigail Spencer, Meghan's friend and Suits co-star. Lucy Fraser, Meghans' friend. Kehinde Andrews, Author The New Age of Empire. Doria Ragland, Meghan's mother. Lorren Khumalo, their former nanny in the UK.

Not So Brief Recap: The documentary opens with footage of Queen Elizabeth II's wedding to Prince Phillip, footage of Diana and Charles, and other royal wedding including William and Kate's. Meghan says that there's a moment when their private secretary who had worked for the Queen for twenty years (clearly Samantha Cohen) compared the Royal family to fish swimming perfectly with the current until a foreign organism arrived (her) and this is over negative tabloid headlines about her. She continues that Cohen (not named) said that after a period of adjustment, she'd be recognized as an asset to the family. This is accompanied by positive headlines about her being the one to change the face of the Royal Family and Meghan says she was hopeful that would be true.

Then the theme plays.

It shows Windsor Castle preparing for their wedding. Meghan says she was very calm going into their wedding and she doesn't know how. All she wanted was a mimosa and a croissant and she played "Chapel of Love" as she got ready. Images of their wedding crowds are shown. Meghan's dress designer, Clare Waight Keller, compares the crowd to being in a massive football stadium. Crowd estimates are shared. Images of famous guests arriving and William and Harry walking around are shown as Chapel of Love plays. Meghan said she didn't know that for the 15 minute drive to Windsor, crowds would line the streets. Harry says there was an expectation "Diana's Boy" would have a public wedding and that people wanted to see him married like William. The first glimpse of the dress is shown. The dress designer says they had many conversations about how Meghan wanted to present herself to the world, since billions would be watching, and the pressure to make it flawless and perfect. More wedding photos shown. Meghan says she remembers thinking "take a deep breath and keep going." Meghan says Harry chose the song she walked down the aisle to and it was beautiful. Harry says Charles helped them choose an orchestra which made all the difference. Meghan says "Harry's dad is very charming. And, I said to him like I've lost my dad in this. So him as my father in law was really important to me. So I asked him to walk me down the aisle and he said yes. The whole thing was surreal because at that moment I could also see H." Harry is asked what was going through his head when he saw her coming. He says "Look at me, look what I got" which Meghan laughs at. Then he says "oh my gosh, look what I found." He says though the world was watching, as far as he was concerned at the altar it was just the two of them. She says "H and I are very good at finding each other in the chaos. When we find each other we reconnect like oh its you, its you. It's not that the rest of it doesn't matter but the rest of it feels temporary.

Vicky Tsai, Meghan's friend, says it felt like a moment where the world paused and celebrated love. She shares more reflections about her impressions and how it almost made her cry. The choir singing Stand By Me is show. Waight Keller mentions that the wedding felt very new and different and that there was no pushback on their desire for a gospel choir- in fact Charles helped out it together by piecing together the best people from different gospel choirs. Serena Williams says it was amazing to see Meghan's culture represented at the wedding and it broke boundaries without trying to. Dhou Purohit, Meghan's friend, says there with a moment where he, Oprah, Idris Elba and his partner, all looked at each other and had a chuckle and no one needed to say anything because they were all aware of the symbolism taking place. More wedding footage.

Meghan says they had the reception at St. George's Hall, cut cake with a sword (Harry's contribution) and she says it was great, it's so over the top, Elton John was performing. She said her mom was so excited to see Elton sing. Their wedding song was Song of a Thousand Dances which she sings a bit of. She says their first dance was so fun, and never before seen wedding receptions are shown. Lucy Fraser and Silver Tree talk about how it was a perfect wedding and Meg was madly in love.

James Holt says that if you were writing the royal family as a novel, this is the moment you'd want to introduce a new character like Meghan who can speak to a modernization and a new generation of people. A video of Meghan dancing in the door way at Nottingham Cottage is shown and Harry says its his favorite video. They say that as far as people were aware they were living in a palace, but they were living in a cottage on palace grounds. Meghan says "Kensington Palace sounds very regal. Of course it does, but she says Nottingham Cottage was so small. Harry says the whole thing is on a lean and the ceilings are short and he was always hitting his head. Meghan says no one could believe what it was like then, but Oprah came for tea and saw it and said "no one would ever believe it."

Meghan says her first official engagement with Her Majesty was early on, they took the royal train, Meghan says she had a really great time with her. Footage of the engagement is shown. She's asked what you talk about with the Queen of England and she says she treated her like her husband's grandma. Knowing that there needed to be propriety in public but that at breakfast they could just talk. Her Majesty shared her blanket and Meghan said she respected her as the Queen but saw her as a grandmother figure and that felt like family. Meghan says she was very close to her grandmother and took care of her during her final years so it meant a lot to her. Meghan says it was the anniversary of Grenfell and she'd become close to the women survivors even though no one knew that at the time. Footage of the fire is shown. Meghan talks about watching it on the news at Nottingham Cottage.

James Holt talks about the immigrant population of Grenfell and the wealth disparity between it and Kensington. Meghan says she wanted to go down there and do something, and she connected with the mosque. A survivor, Munira Mahmud, is interviewed about how she started the community kitchen to try to help everyone feel normal again. She says they did it twice a week until the Duchess came. Meghan is shown with the women there, and she wanted to help in the kitchen. Meghan said she kept going back to visit and she loved the women, so Meghan came up with the cook book idea to help fund the kitchen operating every day instead of just twice a week. Meghan says the cookbook launch was the first speech she made as a member of the royal family and it is shown. Natalie Campbell, former director of the Sussex Royal Foundation is shown in the past talking about how brilliant the sales were. Positive commentary that says Meghan was changing the way the royal family is seen is shown. Afua Hirsch agrees and talks about it.

Part 2 of Recap of episode 1:

Their Australian tour is shown and David Olusoga says they spoke effortlessly for a different generation. They are called by the press then the super stars of the British Royal Family. Harry says looking back he's amazed they managed to do what they did. Meghan said it was even harder when she was pregnant. Meghan said they connected early over both wanting to be parents, and once she was pregnant they kept a "dear baby" journal of photos and press. They said they had to announce because she was starting to show. Meghan says the tour was very rigorous to do while pregnant. Harry talks about giving 100% to every person you meet because it is their moment. More positive press. Abigail Spencer, Meghan's friend, said everything seemed to be going amazing and she doesn't understand what happened to that. Lucy Fraser says Australia was a real turning point because they were so popular. Lucy Fraser says "the internals at the palace were incredibly threatened by that." Headlines saying they were bigger than William and Kate are shown. Harry then says "the issue is when someone who is marrying in who should be a supporting act is then stealing the limelight or doing the job better than the person born to do it that upsets people, it shifts the balance. Because you've been lead to believe that the only way your charities can succeed or the only way your reputation can grow or improve is if you're on the front page of those newspapers. But the media are the ones who choose who to put on the front page. First time that the penny dropped for her, M and I spent the night in a room in Buckingham Palace after an event where every single member of the family had been, including the Queen." (This looks like Remembrance concert) Meghan then says "The next morning, they'd set up breakfast for Harry and I." Harry says "and on the front page of The Telegraph- Meghan." (A photo of her, captioned United in Remembrance) Meghan went "Oh my god." Harry said "She was like but it's not my fault, and he said I know, and my mum felt the same way." Diana's panorama interview is again shown and her thoughts about how Charles was jealous of Diana's success.

James Holt says that people in the palace started to see that this new couple could destabilize the power dynamics and the aim became to put them in a box or make them irrelevant. Then negative headlines are shown. Abigail Spencer says the media built her up and then after the wedding they tore her down. James Holt says that all of a sudden, these tabloid stories criticizing Meghan started happening. David Olusoga talks about the comparison of Kate's headlines to Meghan's. (It's all the same ones) and Harry and Meghan talk about it and agree that the coverage between the two women was unfair to Meghan. Harry says that if people can't see why it's that way, he can't help them. (The implication seems to be that the headline differences were due to racism) James Holt says the stories were negative in connotation and Tone. Kehinde Andrews says that open racism isn't seen much in Britain, but that dog whistles are everywhere. He says the headlines about Meghan being difficult were part of the "Angry Black Woman" trope. Harry says even the stereotyping and the association to terrorism wasn't seen as racism. David Olusoga talks about how anger creates clicks and racialized anger is a part of that.

Meghan said she was under the delusion that if something was in a tabloid, no one believed it because it was a tabloid. Then she said at a walkabout, a woman in Liverpool said "What you're doing to your father isn't right" and then she realized people believe it and felt rocked to her core. Harry said as a family member you get used to the noise, but he hated what it was doing to her, the pain and suffering. He says no one sees what's happening behind closed doors. He talks about his mother crying on the way to engagements and Charles telling her they were close as a signal for her to stop crying and fix her make up.

Lucy Fraser says it was gloomy, like Meghan was disappearing inside of herself. Abigail Spencer says she was scared. Meghan then talks about how she was suicidal and was very clear about it. Doria says she remembers Meghan telling her that she was suicidal and it broke her heart. Doria says she knew it was bad, but that it was awful that these vultures constantly picked away at her spirit. Doria says it was very hard to hear, she couldn't protect her, H couldn't protect her. Harry says he was devastated, he knew she was struggling, but he never thought it would get to that stage. He felt angry and ashamed it got to that stage. He says he didn't deal with it particularly well. He says he dealt with it as institutional Harry instead of Husband Harry and what took over his feelings was his royal role. He says he'd been trained to worry more about what people would think if they missed an event and looking back on it now, he hates himself for it. He says what she needed from him was so much more than he was able to give.

Meghan says she wanted to go somewhere to get help but she wasn't allowed to. They were concerned about how that would look for the institution. Harry says they knew how bad it was but they thought "why couldn't she just deal with it, everyone else has dealt with it, why can't she?" (This is over a photo of the family angled on Camilla and Kate) He then says "But actually if you strip all that away, and say ok fine, it's exactly the same, do we still believe she should have just sucked it up like other members of the family or do we say it should stop? He says no one would have a private conversation with the editors and say "Enough." Harry says "My dad said to me 'Darling Boy, you can't take on the media.' The media will always be the media" and Harry said he fundamentally disagrees. He says he had 30 years behind the curtain seeing how it all runs, constant briefings about other members of the family, about favors inviting the press in, its a dirty game. He says stories are leaked and planted. He then says if someone wants to remove a negative story about their principle, they will trade and give you something about someone else's principle, so the offices working against each other. He says there's a weird understanding that this happened. He says Charles asked if Harry thought he was condoning it, and he said no, but that he hadn't done anything to stop it.

He says "William and I both saw what happened with our dad's office and we made an agreement that we would never let that happen to our office" Then the news of their office split is shown.

James Holt says every year Kensington Palace has the Christmas party for staff, and that very shortly before the party, it became two parties, and that's when everyone realized the households were splitting.

Harry says "he'd rather get destroyed in the press than play this game of trading and to see my brother's office copy the very same thing that we promised the two of us would never do, that was heartbreaking."

Footage of their first tree at Nottingham Cottage is shown, Meghan says they were in a controlled bubble and she couldn't even text her friends a photo and her world go narrow. Abigail Spencer says it was a dark time and they were in a complex organism she couldn't help with and she wasn't allowed to say anything. She says anything being printed wasn't coming from people who knew Meghan, there were lots of lies and it was getting worse. Abigail Spencer said she went to Silver Tree and said they should do something, and they called People Magazine to do the story to defend Meghan to try to turn the narrative. They say it was to remind the world she's a person.

Meghan said her girlfriends surprised her with a beautiful baby shower in New York and they wanted it to be a magical time of celebrating her. Photos are shown. Serena Williams said they tried to have an intimate moment but there was no intimate moment one could have. Paparazzi in front of the hotel are shown. Then criticism of the shower in the media about how ostentatious it was. Meghan says it was wrong- these independent strong successful women tried to use their own money, not taxpayer moment, to show love, and the tabloids tried to take a beautiful moment and ruin it.

Part 3 of recap of episode 1

Lucy says they knew they didn't want to bring Archie up in the frenzy, so they were thrilled when the Queen offered them Frogmore. Meghan says they had so many memories there and it was important to them. Their baby announcement to the media is shown, with a happy Harry. This is contrasted with Queen Elizabeth II's baby coverage, Diana's, Anne's and Catherine's. James Holt says that things had been done that way for years, with a huge photocall post birth, and that was expected of Harry and Meghan so reporters were constantly phoning about plans. Meghan said the pressure of it and whether they would or not got to her and she was worried about her labor and that she wanted to use her own doctor rather than St. Mary's and she got pushback because logistically Portland didn't work. She says they tried to find a compromise. Holt thinks most members of society would be comfortable seeing the baby when Meghan and Harry were ready, but the tabloids turned it into a narrative of them being selfish. (Personal opinion: some of that seems related to reporters being frustrated on not being given expected logistical information) People talk about this as an example of why they needed to protect their family. They talk about the photo of the couple with the chimp posted by someone on twitter and Harry says it was one of the first things he saw after their birth. Doria says both Harry and Meghan had been stripped of any privacy and it was treated like not their child but the institutions child. Newborn photos of Archie are shared. Meghan says after her mom left after a month, they didn't have anyone, so they hired their former nanny, Lorren, who is interviewed. She says they were hands on parents, and a photo of them giving Archie a bath is shown. They show her wearing Archie in the style of women from Zimbabwe. Lorren says preparing to take Archie on tour was hard to know what to pack. Harry said taking babies on tours has always been a royal thing and he said it was a very strange experience to take Archie with them for work. Meghan's mother, wife, sister, speech in South Africa is shown. Meghan said culturally she felt welcomed and part of it because as an African American, it is part of her lineage. They talk about the positive and light moments of the tour and how enthusiastic a new mum Meghan was. James Holt said it was the first time he saw "how low she'd got" though.

They talk about the royal documentary that the palace greenlighted and Meghan assumed it would be a glossy version of a royal tour. Instead, when Tom Bradby asked her questions, she was honest about the pressure and she says it was unscripted and she didn't know what she was going to say. She said she was exhausted so she was grateful someone asked her something like she was a human being and she didn't think they'd use it in the documentary. Then they got on the flight and the headlines started. She said she had no idea it would be the thing that traveled around the world. She said it spawned the "We Love You Meghan" hashtag and it hit a cord with women who felt the same way about no one checking in on them. Harry said it made other women feel seen. James Holt says his view is the causes of this don't matter and getting someone to justify why they feel depressed is dangerous. He said Meghan was struggling and she needed more help.

Harry said no one in the family speaks that openly and no one had done except for one person: his mum. Even more footage of Diana's Panorama interview is shown. Harry says "from an institutional perspective, there was something wrong with her instead of the environment we were a part of." Harry says the fall out was bonkers. He said the headlines in the UK were different than the general public's reaction and he said when you would expect support from people closest, they got the opposite. Meghan said it was a turning point and that’s when they started having harder conversations about how to make it work. The episode ends on the christening photo. It fades out to Lesly Gore's "You Don't Owen Me" playing.

Potential spots of controversy (this is based on my personal opinion): Their whole thesis that Meghan was better at being royal than the royals and everyone was jealous of her. The use again of more footage from the Panorama interview and continued comparisons of Meghan to Diana. The insinuation the palace should have told editors what to stop writing and that Charles should have exercised power over other press offices. The claim William's staff was leaking stories about Meghan to trade away negative stories about themselves. Meghan's defense of her lavish baby shower as "strong independent women using their own money to show love" with no reflection about how the cost reflected to the public.
Currently watching and the first episode was doing a lovely job highlighting Meghan’s work with The Hub kitchen, then BOOM goes Harry: Meghan was meant to be a “supporting act” but was “doing the job better” than the person “born to do it,” AKA William (although Netflix disingenuously inserted a picture of Catherine). This, says Harry, is the root of all evil: Meghan was just better than William and that just wasn’t acceptable. Ok.

The other big “huh” moment from Harry so far was that his wedding had to be a spectacle because it was an expectation for him as “Diana’s son.” This perception is just odd. Weddings of sons and daughters in the lines of king’s sons have always been public spectacles, and none before him and William have ever been Diana’s sons.

I should also add that it’s evident the couple and editors have gone to GREAT lengths to make sure this series won’t produce any sound bites with family members’ names. There is a segment where Harry and Meghan directly address the media coverage of Catherine versus Meghan and only ever refer to Catherine as “her.”
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They actually name names in the 2nd and 3rd episodes. They directly accuse Willam and Charles of leaking to the media. Harry also claims that William screamed and shouted at him during the Sandringham summit. And then insinuates that William bullied him and Meghan.
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Soapstar, I came back to say I spoke about five minutes too soon before Harry started tossing William and Charles gleefully under the bus.
I am starting to find this all rather creepy, now to be fair I haven't watched this weeks episodes.

This constant reference to Diana I find to be rather disturbing.

What they are saying about Meghan being better at the job etc, taking the limelight is what was said about Diana all those years ago.

Then it was Charles that was jealous.

I think these comments say more about them than it does about the others.

I am adding another piece here.

I still cannot believe that they are telling the world how good they are, so much better than everybody else , everybody was jealous so they had to be put in their place.

This constant reference to the Queen as grandmother I find patronising, considering Meghan claims to be a strong woman she could never get the point that the Queen regardless of her age was the boss. She is making her out to be this little old lady who needed to cover legs to keep warm.
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IOW, poor us, we were so amazing that no one could leave us alone, we were the brightest shining stars of the whole boring institution... Again. Do they really believe their own hype? Harry's body language does point at embarrassment from Meghan. her poor acting skills and her total inability to understand when she's overdoing it - but also at anger at the situation, so he lashes out with his vitriol at everyone else because else, he'd have to admit that he did this to himself. Not Meghan, not his family. He. He chose someone who fed his worst tendencies. He allowed himself to be strung along. He's the one who lost out. A tough thing to admit, so everyone else is guilty for not indulging their poor little boy again. After all, Harry walked behind his mother's coffin and this is an indulgence for life. I blame this on the RF. Some tough love would have done him lots of good. Instead, they rushed to hide every thing he did wrong. Why wouldn't he expect this to continue? Congrats, RF, you did this to yourselves as well. Good thing is, their whining marathons are getting frankly repetitious. The only difference is that Harry's irritation and anger in his happy new life are getting more obvious.
Sandy Henney but she didn't say Charles had done it. The issue was about Charles' aide Mark Bolland spinning stories about William and Harry to make Charles look good eg publishing private details of William's first meeting with Camilla and altering the order of events around Harry's drug taking episode to make it look like Charles responded by taking Harry to visit a drug rehabilitation place when in fact that had taken place before.

thanks - was there an implication that Charles had let his PR guy do a job of makng him seem good while not getting involved himself? or did he just leave it to Bolland who did what he thought fit to help his boss? Is there anything about the accusation that Charles or his people spread negative stories about Diana?
So the rumour that she already had place in mind to get help is true, it's not just that the palace/HR denied her mental health help. So is the rumour that Harry often checking social media.

And does it sound like they short off throwing ITV's Tom Brady under the bus for the SA tour documentary?
On the comment about her father during walkabout, doesn't she realise that his father talked on television so that person could have drawn conclusion from his word and not what written in the tabloid.

As for planting stories/leaks to "protect" other royal, during the periods of Meghan's negative stories the only royal I can think of who can benefit from the distraction was Andrew.

At this rate, I don't think the Sussexes will even return to England for Christmas.
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IOW, poor us, we were so amazing that no one could leave us alone, we were the brightest shining stars of the whole boring institution... Again. Do they really believe their own hype? Harry's body language does point at embarrassment from Meghan. her poor acting skills and her total inability to understand when she's overdoing it - but also at anger at the situation, so he lashes out with his vitriol at everyone else because else, he'd have to admit that he did this to himself. Not Meghan, not his family. He. He chose someone who fed his worst tendencies. He allowed himself to be strung along. He's the one who lost out. A tough thing to admit, so everyone else is guilty for not indulging their poor little boy again. After all, Harry walked behind his mother's coffin and this is an indulgence for life. I blame this on the RF. Some tough love would have done him lots of good. Instead, they rushed to hide every thing he did wrong. Why wouldn't he expect this to continue? Congrats, RF, you did this to yourselves as well. Good thing is, their whining marathons are getting frankly repetitious. The only difference is that Harry's irritation and anger in his happy new life are getting more obvious.

THe RF - BTB DONT reveal the faults of the Royal family to the public. when you are in the family, you are protected. I think its very rare that aides will spread a negative story about another member, at most they will do a bit of tweaking to defend their own particular royal, so I don't believe this stuff of Harry and Meg's about the Royal aides/RF spreading negative stories about him and Meghan because she was More popular. I think that during Harry's younger days, the RF covered up his behaviour, unless it was absolutely impossible to hide it, like the Vegas party, because he was one of them and that was what they did. Which is why, now that he has gone more public about his life, he sees radically different to the jolly chap that we saw before, which was perhaps largely due to the RF covering up his oddities and his drink and drug taking and so on. If the press is negative about him now, it is IMO due to the fact that he himself has come out with a lot of stuff about himself which does not look so good, but that the Royal machine kept under wrapts before.
So the rumour that she already had place in mind to get help is true, it's not just that the palace/HR denied her mental health help.

And does it sound like they short off throwing ITV's Tom Brady under the bus for the SA tour documentary?

As for planting stories/leaks to "protect" other royal, during the periods of Meghan's negative stories the only royal I can think of who can benefit from the distraction was Andrew.

At this rate, I don't think the Sussexes will even return to England for Christmas.

I am yet to see Vol.2, which I plan to, but haven't had the time yet, but from the live coverage on the BBC site, I agree they have burned all bridges. It is not just not being invited to the coronation at this point. Based on that Netflix documentary and what is still to come in Spare, I assume the family will break all contact with the Sussexes. It is very sad.

The other big “huh” moment from Harry so far was that his wedding had to be a spectacle because it was an expectation for him as “Diana’s son.” This perception is just odd. Weddings of sons and daughters in the lines of king’s sons have always been public spectacles, and none before him and William have ever been Diana’s sons.

sort of half true. In bygone days, weddings of royals were usually private, but since the 20th Century yes they did become a public thing and were seen as a way of giving the public some entertainment and giving the royals a bit of glamourous coverage. So yes, it was not because he was Diana's son that he was expected to have a public and media covered wedding, it was because he was a senior royal.
HRHHermione, thank you for the recaps. They’re excellent and so informative.

Soapstar, I came back to say I spoke about five minutes too soon before Harry started tossing William and Charles gleefully under the bus.
Yep. He’s completely throwing them under the bus.

Some quotes from Harry. In the second quote, he’s basically accusing William of bullying him out of the family.
“It was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout at me, and my father say things that just simply weren’t true and my grandmother sit there quietly and take it all in.”

“That day a story came out saying, that part of the reason why Meghan and I were leaving was because William had bullied us out. And once I got in the car after the meeting, I was told about a joint statement that had been put out in my name and my brother’s name, squashing the story about him bullying us out of the family. I couldn’t believe it. No one had asked me. No one had asked me permission to put my name to a statement like that. And I rang M and I told her, and she burst into floods of tears because within four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother, and yet for three years they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us.”
THe RF - BTB DONT reveal the faults of the Royal family to the public. when you are in the family, you are protected. I think its very rare that aides will spread a negative story about another member, at most they will do a bit of tweaking to defend their own particular royal, so I don't believe this stuff of Harry and Meg's about the Royal aides/RF spreading negative stories about him and Meghan because she was More popular. I think that during Harry's younger days, the RF covered up his behaviour, unless it was absolutely impossible to hide it, like the Vegas party, because he was one of them and that was what they did. Which is why, now that he has gone more public about his life, he sees radically different to the jolly chap that we saw before, which was perhaps largely due to the RF covering up his oddities and his drink and drug taking and so on. If the press is negative about him now, it is IMO due to the fact that he himself has come out with a lot of stuff about himself which does not look so good, but that the Royal machine kept under wrapts before.
Yes, this. But I also believe the Palace did nothing to contradict the notion that Harry, in particular, was Diana's poor baby boy, right throughout all of his scandals. It was a smart way to win him some public goodwill but from what we see now, the way he's acting, I think they left it this way in their private lives too. Which didn't do him a favour.
thanks - was there an implication that Charles had let his PR guy do a job of makng him seem good while not getting involved himself? or did he just leave it to Bolland who did what he thought fit to help his boss? Is there anything about the accusation that Charles or his people spread negative stories about Diana?

I can't remember exactly but I think the implication was that Charles didn't stop Bolland and of course he could have done that. That film isn't available now (I mean the bit where Sandy Henney talks about it) and seems to be wiped from the Internet. She definitely did say it though on camera. It reminds me that this kind of thing has been going on for years in the BRF (on and off) just as it does in politics. This is one of the reasons I think having separate BRF households is a disaster because they become silos intent on promoting/protecting their man rather than one household, which acts for the benefit of the monarchy as a whole.

The bombshells being lobbed right now about this happening to Harry & Meghan will resonate with people who remember the previous film but Harry's claim that it's about Meghan doing a better job are nonsense. What it's really about is the press going bananas over a new person, which happens with all the new brides. It doesn't mean they're better than anyone else, just that novelty draws crowds, drives media clicks and sells papers.

I've said before that Harry was ill-equipped to support a new bride due to his own anger, resentment and mental instability (I'm not blaming him for that). A more mature, resilient person could have supported Meghan to survive and thrive within the institution, while accepting his subordinate role and the requirement to promote the heirs above himself.
Episode 2 recap, part 1. There were moments in this one so bad I couldn't help but editorialize, but I tried to note it.

List of those interviewed in Episode 5 (aside from Harry and Meghan): Jenny Afia, Meghan and Harry's lawyer from Schilling's. Afua Hirsh, David Olusoga again. Christopher Bouzy, founder of Bot Sentinel. Safiya Noble, Author Algorithms of Oppression

Not So Brief (but briefer!) Recap: Archie is shown running through a corn maze. Meghan says her childhood was great but she remembers feeling alone a lot. She wanted cousins and lots of people in a big family. So when she was pregnant with Archie, she was so excited he would have a big family. She and Harry are shown walking with William and Catherine at Sandringham in 2018 and she said she did everything she could to make the royal family proud and be a part of the family and then the bubble burst. Harry says it was clear to the media the palace wouldn't protect Meghan so the floodgates were open. Meghan says she wasn't being thrown to the wolves, she was being fed to them.

Theme music plays.

Meghan said her family wasn't perfect but she talked to her dad several times a week until the media got involved. Footage of Tom's interviews were shown and she said they were incredibly painful. She said his criticism of the royal family got embarrassing and the problem needed to be solved and they wanted her to make it stop. She said she reached out to the Queen for advice and ultimately it was suggested by the Queen and the Prince of Wales that she write her dad a letter. She went to great lengths to get it to him discreetly. She said the signature on the received notification did not match her father's. Meghan said the Daily Mail's redactions of her letter mischaracterized their relationship. Harry said the Daily Mail knew the royal family would encourage them not to sue. She says she reminded the royal family she'd written the letter on advice of senior members, and that after months of the family taking no action, they took separate legal advice. Jenny Afia with Schillings is interviewed, and she says Meghan went along with "never complain, never explain" for a long time and that Afia had seen evidence the palace was briefing against Harry and Meghan to suit other people. Lucy Fraser says that the palace leaked stories about Meghan to get rid of negative stories about others and Meghan agrees. Meghan says the litigation against the Daily Mail was the catalyst for relationships falling apart. Harry says they knew the coverage of the lawsuit would be negative and it was their chance to get away with Archie and clear their heads. Videos of them in Canada are shown. Meghan says she loved Canada and it was peaceful. Harry said it was amazing because the main thing they needed was space to figure out what they were doing. Harry said he was very refreshed and ready to greet the new year, when their location was leaked. Harry said they chose it because it was an island with no paparazzi, but then they showed up and harangued them endlessly. Harry said it was a toll on both of them but especially Meghan. Then they started talking about how to protect their well-being within the institution and that's when he called his father and said they had a plan to move to Canada. Harry said they were passionate about continuing their Commonwealth coverage, and it would get Meghan away from the London based Royal Rota. Harry said they considered New Zealand, then South Africa, where they wanted to do their "Cause driven work" and Meghan said there was an asset in having a woman of color do Commonwealth work given the majority are people of color. Harry said their plan to move to South Africa was shared with the Queen, his father, and his brother's offices and it was very internal but then it was leaked to The Times. He said no one knew and it was an internal document, and then the whole plan was scrapped because it had now become a public debate. He says once plans become public debates, 9 times out of 10 it fails. Harry said his father made him put their Canada move in writing even though he didn't want to because the previous plan leaked, and then he did and this one leaked too. Harry said they were willing to relinquish their Sussex titles if need be.

Harry said they planed to see the Queen and then he got a message they couldn't. Harry said it was the opposite to what the Queen told him. Harry said she didn't know she was busy but then she'd been told she was busy all week. Meghan says the family and the family business were in direct conflict because they were blocking Harry from seeing the Queen but also blocking a grandson from seeing a grandmother. Harry said then the tabloids found out about the proposal. Harry said the key piece of info that made him know his father's office leaked his plans to the tabloids was the detail that they were willing to give up their Sussex titles.

Meghan discusses their proposal for a reduced role. Harry says the purse strings had always been controlled by his family his whole life and that within his family that financial control is the norm. Meghan said their intentions were clear that they valued and wanted to keep their roles in the Commonwealth. Harry said he never blindsided his grandmother and it had been on going for months. Harry said he requested a meeting via the three most senior private secretaries but the meeting request was rejected. Meghan had to leave and go back to Canada and then the meeting was arranged. Meghan says "imagine a round table discussion about the future of your life when the stakes are this high and you as the mom and the wife and the target in many regards aren't invited to have a seat at the table." Harry says to Meghan "It was clear they planned this so you wouldn't have a seat in the room." Harry discusses his happy memories of Sandringham at Christmas and how jarring it was to be back there in very different circumstances.

Harry said he went in to the Sandringham Summit with the proposal they'd made publicly but was instead given 5 options. 1 being they were all out and 5 being they were all in. He said he chose option 3- half in half out- have their own jobs but work in support of the Queen. Harry said it became clear that was not up for debate. He says he was terrified when William screamed and shouted at him and Charles said things that weren't true and his grandmother quietly sat there and took it all in. He says that from her perspective there are ways to do things and her whole goal is the institution. He says she went on the advice she was given and that it was very hard. The meeting finished without an action plan. Harry says "I think from their perspective, they had to believe it was more about us and the issues we had, as opposed to their partner, the media and themselves and that relationship that was causing so much pain to us. They saw what they wanted to see. I mean, the saddest part of it was this wedge created between myself and my brother so he's now on the institution's side." Harry says he gets its his brother's inheritance for the institution to survive. Harry said the story came out that day that William had bullied them out, followed by a joint statement to squash the story about William bullying him out. Harry said he did not sign or approved that statement and wasn't asked for permission to put his name to the statement. Harry said "I rang M, and she was in floods of tears, because within four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother, and yet for three years they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us." Meghan said what clicked in her head was that it was never going to stop, the Palace would never protect her. Harry said there was no other option but to leave and said he needed to get out of there.

Harry says he's seen cartoons of Meghan holding him on a dog lead, and that the woman was blamed. Harry said he was the one who chose to leave, and it was misogyny to claim otherwise. Olsugoa talks about how the tabloid press is devoid of journalism and the term Megxit is a part of that.

Meghan said they took everything from her, her sense of self and confidence. She said the truth didn't matter, the clickbait did. They show Harry on a call with Wired talking about Bot Sentinel finding a small percentage of accounts on twitter were responsible for most of the hate to them. The author of Algorithms of Oppression says that what was interesting in the reports was they saw accounts that were highly coordinated and working together spread most of the misinfo. Christopher Bouzy says that many of these accounts were housewives, middle aged women coordinating these attacks. He says Samantha Markle was part of the group putting out this info and after she was suspended he found 11 additional accounts and they were baffled by her half sister being in a hate group. Samantha Markle denies this. Bouzy mentions racist counts as alt accounts of someone who posted other more innocuous accounts. Meghan talks about social media attacks incited death threats to her and it scared her. She feels the tabloids created this.

Part 2, episode 2:

More footage of Archie playing. The Algorithms of Oppression author says that it is symbolic destruction, that if you can destroy people who stand for social justice, it scares others from stepping into that realm.

They show Meghan and Harry going through a guided meditation. The voice says "Remember that what is transpiring in the media, what's being created, is an illusion. When you try to prove that you're good and that you're not the person you say they are, you're taking the bait, you're feeding the beast. It is an illusion. Your work is not to prove your goodness. You know who you are, both of you. When you are ready you can open your eyes" (Personal Note: I am bolding this because my personal opinion is that this is going to be endlessly parodied from now until the end of time, given that it is included in a propaganda that's about proving their goodness which is very much feeding the beast)

Harry says to move to the next chapter all this pain needs to be worked through. He talks about them going back to Frogmore in March from Canada and doing their farewell week. Photos of them packing up Frogmore to move are shown. Meghan said it gave them a chance to look back on their whole love story. They talk about it being said, more about their relationship. Meghan says often when a guy falls in love, his buddies get mad because she's the thing that took him away and they don't get to see him anymore. She said that's true even in the royal family. She said he wouldn't have been attracted to her if he wasn't already on his own path but people needed someone to blame. She says if she can be blamed, they have no fault. She said that last week was bittersweet.

Meghan's now talking about how she never wore colors as a member of the royal family but could once they were leaving. The Rolling Stones "She's Like a Rainbow" plays over images of Meghan wearing colored gowns that week. (Personal note: I did not make that up, I am not that good at satire)

Meghan said in that week she realized the public loved them and the people embraced them despite "two years of lies" and that people were sad they were leaving. Harry is shown in a video diary of the time saying he will miss the British public, not the British press.

Meghan says the first time they saw the royal family that week was at Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth service and they said they were nervous because the cameras were viewing it as a soap opera. He says he felt distant from the rest of the family and that how they operate is about how things look rather than how they feel. He says in this case "It looked cold, but it also felt cold." Meghan says the pilot on the flight back came to her and told her "We appreciate everything you did for our country." She said it was the first time she felt like someone saw the sacrifice, not for her own country but for a country that isn't hers. She says she is very triggered thinking of this because nothing she did was good enough and she still didn't fit in.

Olusoga is talking about how the palace needed to defend Meghan to retain legitimacy in the Commonwealth. Hirsch is asking about what modern Britain chooses to make their symbols. Footage of other royals being received negatively by people of color (William and Catherine in Jamaica and Sophie and Edward in Grenada) is shown and they talk about Barbados replacing the Queen as the head of state.

Harry says the institution and family missed an enormous opportunity with his wife and how far that would go globally. Photo of them leaving Buckingham Palace is shown. Harry's video diary from March 2020 says that the next few months will be when they are at their most vulnerable. They talk about a swarm of media in Canada unlike any he'd ever experienced before. Harry said Meghan asked if they'd remove their security, and Harry said they never would because of the threats that come with her background as a person of color, and then it shows that he's' been given "less than three weeks to find security for my family." (Personal Note: it strains credibility that this was never discussed as part of the Sandringham Summit)

Meghan says as covid started, their security was pulled and everyone knew where they were, they were worried the border would be closed soon. Harry says he did what any husband and father would do which is get them out.

Potential spots of controversy (this is based on my personal opinion): Meghan claiming she worked very hard to get along with the royal family is likely to be questioned. Meghan's claim her letter to her father was written on direct advice from the Queen and the Prince of Wales. Afia's claim that Meghan went a long time not "complaining and explaining" is likely to be ridiculed given how short her tenure in the family was. Afia's and Fraser's claim about the palace briefing against Meghan without sharing compelling supporting evidence. Their discussion about their enthusiasm for Commonwealth work will be contrasted with last week's negative comments about the Commonwealth. The claim they were willing to relinquish their Sussex titles will probably renew calls for them to do so. The blame of Charles and his office for leaking their plans. Harry's claim that Meghan was deliberately excluded from the Sandringham Summit Harry saying he was terrified by William screaming and shouting at him and Charles was saying things that weren't true. Harry's contention the Queen was given bad advice about them. Harry's claim he didn't approve the joint statement about William not bullying him and Meghan and that this was a catalyst for them to move on. Christopher Bouzy comparing tabloid coverage of Meghan and Harry to disinformation about climate change and Covid will probably come off as very self-important. Bouzy's comments about the hate coming from middle aged housewives, plus his personal history of negative comments about other members of the family. The comments about missing the British public but not the British press will be juxtaposed with criticisms last week of the British public. Meghan's story of the pilot on her flight home thanking her for the sacrifices she made on behalf of Britain will be ridiculed, as will the guided meditation. Harry saying that Meghan could have gone far globally and the institution missed it. Harry believing he and Meghan would get taxpayer security for life even after stepping back.
HRHHermione, thank you for the recaps. They’re excellent and so informative.

Yep. He’s completely throwing them under the bus.

Some quotes from Harry. In the second quote, he’s basically accusing William of bullying him out of the family.

“That day a story came out saying, that part of the reason why Meghan and I were leaving was because William had bullied us out. And once I got in the car after the meeting, I was told about a joint statement that had been put out in my name and my brother’s name, squashing the story about him bullying us out of the family. I couldn’t believe it. No one had asked me. No one had asked me permission to put my name to a statement like that. And I rang M and I told her, and she burst into floods of tears because within four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother, and yet for three years they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us.”

Maybe it's just me but more than protecting William, it seems that statement was issued to show a united front and not flaming media/tabloid speculation of the riff so then they can discuss it behind the close door.
Yes, this. But I also believe the Palace did nothing to contradict the notion that Harry, in particular, was Diana's poor baby boy, right throughout all of his scandals. It was a smart way to win him some public goodwill but from what we see now, the way he's acting, I think they left it this way in their private lives too. Which didn't do him a favour.

sorry, I mean to say Powers that Be, PTB. but of course the Palace woud not contradict the notion that Harry was Diana's son. why should they? he IS her son. However from my recollection very little was ever said about Diana from the Palace in the 25 years since her death.
Guys, before I go into the final episode, I find myself asking if I hallucinated the whole part about them being filmed doing a personal guided meditation about not proving to the media that they are good, because that just feeds the beast, in a documentary about proving they are good in the media.

Is this a glitch in the simulation? Am I real? Are any of you?

Sigh. Back to it.
I can't remember exactly but I think the implication was that Charles didn't stop Bolland and of course he could have done that. That film isn't available now (I mean the bit where Sandy Henney talks about it) and seems to be wiped from the Internet. She definitely did say it though on camera. It reminds me that this kind of thing has been going on for years in the BRF (on and off) just as it does in politics. This is one of the reasons I think having separate BRF households is a disaster because they become silos intent on promoting/protecting their man rather than one household, which acts for the benefit of the monarchy as a whole.

The bombshells being lobbed right now about this happening to Harry & Meghan will resonate with people who remember the previous film but Harry's claim that it's about Meghan doing a better job are nonsense. What it's really about is the press going bananas over a new person, which happens with all the new brides. It doesn't mean they're better than anyone else, just that novelty draws crowds, drives media clicks and sells papers.

I've said before that Harry was ill-equipped to support a new bride due to his own anger, resentment and mental instability (I'm not blaming him for that). A more mature, resilient person could have supported Meghan to survive and thrive within the institution, while accepting his subordinate role and the requirement to promote the heirs above himself.

I agree with everything you say, what I would like to add is that Meghan IMO didn't see the role as everybody else did, she had her own ideas.
She wanted the celebrity. It was never going to work.

I also find the comments about Nottingham cottage interesting because I have read similar comments before.
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