Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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They left to set up a business and make a private income,
And let's not forget that the late Queen granted the couple a year to think about their decision, so they did have the opportunity to return to the UK where they could have their full time security again if they resumed their former roles. In the end the couple made the decision to continue in CA and pursue their new lives and thus have to fund their own security except when in the UK for official family functions ie: the Jubilee and funerals for the DoE and QEII.
Yes they were given time to think, but instead all that time they were planning their deals and they weren’t going to back as working royals.
I'm waiting for the last three episodes to drop and be done with it. In the end, neither Harry and Meghan can recover from this, and they can't blame on the press what came out of their mouths, again and again.

In the USA, the attention to celebrities last until the next celebrity couple around the block emerges. We are not in Princess Diana's timeline, just look at the amount of TV, cable and social media channels out there that vaguely mention them. And Meghan, who partied and did what she wanted to do until she had to say 'I do' upon marriage, is not Diana. Diana was barely out of her teens early 20s when she was selected over her older sister; I even recall she endured a virginity test because that was important at the time. She never had the freedom Meghan enjoyed until the divorce and still did her best to continue royal duties with her charities and never to offend the Queen in statements.

Meghan, we now find out, has been producing and documenting their story from day one, with re-edits on recollections like when she said she didn't know much about Harry. And Netflix now has the re-write of that story once again.

Also, most people that were their fans, me included, at the start of their love story feel now let down, disappointed and a bit confused. Like while Meghan exposes the truth on the Netflix series about her father and his side of the family and we also see Harry now acting up the same way toward his brother.

Like a fixation on being 2nd child and the delusion that he is like the new voice for the Windsors? The audacity and delusion of implying he wanted to protect his grandmother from people around her. Didn't Queen EII told them not to bring their camera guys in her home when she was scheduled to meet baby Archie? So, was this Netflix sold series was already being filmed in progress from before the wedding?

Even if he wanted to return and ask forgiveness, I feel like Meghan will stop him from leaving the Hollywood life she wants on that 16-million-dollar mansion were the chickens get more time with the kids than Grandpa Charles. It's all a repetitive pattern, almost fits the definition of sociopathic behavior where her drama with her father and his family is now their drama with Harry and his family.

Looking forward to the next three episodes because we need to finish the year with a closure on this chapter...until the book drops in January
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Apparently, according to the DM, Vol. 2 will make an explicit accusation that the Palace deliberately leaked negative stories about Meghan to divert coverage away from negative press about other royals.

That doesn't make sense as negative press about any royal affects the entire institution and not only the person directly involved. Meghan somehow apparently wants, however, to create this version that there was a feud going on between herself and other members of the RF who were possibly jealous of her (?), or felt like that they had to attack her to protect themselves. It sounds to me like delusion/paranoia, or an explicit attempt to misconstrue the facts. But let's wait and see what kind of evidence they provide in the docu-series to back those wild allegations.
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Netflix had dropped a new trailer. In this one, Meghan and her friends accuse the Palace of feeding negative stories to the media. Meghan says the Palace would leak stories about her in order to cover up stories about other royals.

Netflix had dropped a new trailer. In this one, Meghan and her friends accuse the Palace of feeding negative stories to the media. Meghan says the Palace would leak stories about her in order to cover up stories about other royals.

OMG, that single clip has the word 'stories' coming out of everyone's mouths to make sure repetition of a lie makes us believe it's real. She and the Netflix crew are using the same USA Big Lie tactic, repeat and repeat a lie to silence the truth. Make viewers believe she is a victim. Make viewers believe there's a huge group conspiracy, like out of an Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express story, and a big secret that Meghan and Harry, and only Megan and her husband, can expose now in the safety hills of Montecito's 16-million-dollar mansion.

Did you notice someone missing on that clip? Harry's name was mentioned once, Meghan's name was 3 times and/or implied on most clip frames. She is the star, Harry is now a supporting character on the lifestyle she has based on his titles and family. But Meghan is now star, victim and champion of human rights as long as it only refers to her story.

As I stated, there's no recovery from this and when the public's attention span moves on toward the coronation, we won't feel bad if H&M decided to stay home and be the new royal insiders for the CNN, ABC, NBC or even a Netflix live broadcast coronation coverage. :whistling:

And on that note, I log out now until tonight or tomorrow :cool:
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I'm waiting for the last three episodes to drop and be done with it...

Not so fast! Prince Harry's book will be published at the beginning of the next year - so, fasten your seat belts for a media blitz to promote this revealing master piece!

There are already rumours about a special at prime time with the well known American TV-personality Gayle King, which happens to be a good friend of Meghan (she was at Meghan's baby shower), the Mirror reports.

And the value of the book deal was alledgedly 30 million Dollar - there are huge financial interests to keep it boiling!
I'm in the USA and I don't trust Gayle King since she worked on the local TV station in my former state of residence for over 3 decades, Connecticut. Her morning show here in the USA had a reporter on table speak about massive layoffs in Apple before Christmas and she took over his interview clip with a big Apple boss to talk only about their new line of products available for Black Friday and Christmas. Literally she turned on live TV the story about people losing jobs into a forced advertisement.

If she interviews Meghan you'll see Gayle's style of heavily edited out moments when the camera cuts on her lines, then reassembles the sentence for shock value. That's Gayle King's style or reporting.

Re her friend Oprah: they are friends since their early 20s and also family, Oprah is the godmother of both Gayle King's children.
New trailer
Harry & Meghan, continues December 15.
But that is your experience only, not of "every American". I would dare say that most people know of the song if not every word of the lyrics.

Why would she read up on Prince Philip's mother? Talk about not being familiar with something, I doubt she has a clue who Philip's mother was or would care to devote 10 seconds to learn about her. Just because Meghan went to university doesn't mean she's smart. I feel she's quite lazy intellectually and doesn't care to learn unless it's a subject she's interested in.

Are you not doing the same thing by saying "most people know of the song"? You may know of the song but to say that "most people" is a bit of a stretch. I have never in all my near 40 years heard of the song and neither have my parents ( I just asked them).

I would've done my homework. I was just using Prince Philip's mother as an example. She was an incredible woman who did some pretty amazing things. For someone who champions herself as a feminist- I think Meghan would've like that story and obviously she could have used that as a talking point.
She is quite far from intellectually lazy. Her charity work, speeches locally and on the world stage pre-royal life can ttest to that.
Netflix had dropped a new trailer. In this one, Meghan and her friends accuse the Palace of feeding negative stories to the media. Meghan says the Palace would leak stories about her in order to cover up stories about other royals.

Now this I am interested in. I can't wait to catch up on the episodes this weekend.
I have longed believed this to be true so it'll be right up my alley!
Are you not doing the same thing by saying "most people know of the song"? You may know of the song but to say that "most people" is a bit of a stretch. I have never in all my near 40 years heard of the song and neither have my parents ( I just asked them).

I would've done my homework. I was just using Prince Philip's mother as an example. She was an incredible woman who did some pretty amazing things. For someone who champions herself as a feminist- I think Meghan would've like that story and obviously she could have used that as a talking point.
She is quite far from intellectually lazy. Her charity work, speeches locally and on the world stage pre-royal life can ttest to that.

I have certainly heard of the song and I'm not even American.
Now this I am interested in. I can't wait to catch up on the episodes this weekend.
I have longed believed this to be true so it'll be right up my alley!

I rather think that its Meg and Harry who have fed stories to the press to denigrate the RF
Netflix had dropped a new trailer. In this one, Meghan and her friends accuse the Palace of feeding negative stories to the media. Meghan says the Palace would leak stories about her in order to cover up stories about other royals.

Well, this kind of leaking/story planting has been done years before by (then) Prince Charles' aide Mark Bolland in Charles' favour. This was corroborated by Charles' former press secretary. It's not a new tactic so I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it's still done.
Meghan was not raised Catholic but she attended Immaculate Heart School for Girls where Mass attendance is mandatory and where the students are taught to not only genuflect in Church, but whenever the bishop or Cardinal visits.

And even if a non-Catholic student is not compelled to do those things, she still has ample opportunity to observe the practice of curtsying/genuflecting over and over.

My vibe from MM's comments is that it was a culture shock to her that EVERYONE curtsies to the monarch even if they are a family member.

Which verifies what I have felt from the beginning...MM didn't do her homework before marrying Harry.:ermm:

I totally agree.
I rather think that its Meg and Harry who have fed stories to the press to denigrate the RF

I rather think it's the opposite way. They- palace insiders, PR people from different camps fed stories to the press to make the Sussexes look bad.

To their credit- H &M have been very open and transparent in their criticism of the RF. They went on Oprah, did magazine interviews, the Netflix documentary, and now Harry's upcoming memoirs.
they told a lot of untruths in their Oprah interview... is that being open and transparaent?
Now this I am interested in. I can't wait to catch up on the episodes this weekend.

I have longed believed this to be true so it'll be right up my alley!

I’ll be interested to see if they can be specific. What exact negative stories were about the Sussexes that came out that? What exact stories- according to them- were covered up?

Oh- and were any of these negative stories true? I think that’s an important point.

And- can they prove any of this? Or am I just supposed to take their word for it….because I don’t think their word is worth much.
Well, this kind of leaking/story planting has been done years before by (then) Prince Charles' aide Mark Bolland in Charles' favour. This was corroborated by Charles' former press secretary. It's not a new tactic so I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it's still done.

Not sure I really buy into the notion Charles would do that against his son. Not without proof anyway.
I don't remember any, during the year or so of their marriage. They began to get negative press when they started to say things like they didn't want to pose with Archie etc.
I rather think it's the opposite way. They- palace insiders, PR people from different camps fed stories to the press to make the Sussexes look bad.

To their credit- H &M have been very open and transparent in their criticism of the RF. They went on Oprah, did magazine interviews, the Netflix documentary, and now Harry's upcoming memoirs.

It’s all been Harry and Meghan said. I don’t recall seeing proof of much of anything.

They’ve gotten a fair amount of publicity and money- directly and indirectly- for doing so. And I think it’s pretty clear they need money to maintain their expensive lifestyle. They’ve also gotten revenge. They’re clearly angry.

I also don’t recall them taking responsibility for what went wrong either. I will never buy they are the 100% victims they claim to be.
I rather think it's the opposite way. They- palace insiders, PR people from different camps fed stories to the press to make the Sussexes look bad.

To their credit- H &M have been very open and transparent in their criticism of the RF. They went on Oprah, did magazine interviews, the Netflix documentary, and now Harry's upcoming memoirs.

I agree they talk a lot (interviews, series, podcasts, books), i disagree that they are transparant and open, imo they throw vague accusations without proof (many of which have been proven false), or with 'proof' that turns out to be out of context or not related to them at all, they are very vocal about what others did wrong, but don't mention what they themselves might have done better.
To their credit- H &M have been very open and transparent in their criticism of the RF. They went on Oprah, did magazine interviews, the Netflix documentary, and now Harry's upcoming memoirs.

Oh yes, just like they didn't hesitate in telling who exactly made a racist remark about their child, instead of putting the entire family in the racist camp.

Or just like, I'm sure, Harry will say exactly what the Palace was/is hiding about William, instead of throwing yet another bogus accusation at them.

No, what H&M have been good at is doing statements that mingles truth and falsehood with deliberate intent to deceive and achieve their agenda.
Not sure I really buy into the notion Charles would do that against his son. Not without proof anyway.

who was the press secretary who said that Charles did this?
they told a lot of untruths in their Oprah interview... is that being open and transparaent?

I don't have a fact sheet and the palace didn't release one to counter. So who knows. My point is that they didn't secretly criticize the royal family. They did it publicly!
I agree they talk a lot (interviews, series, podcasts, books), i disagree that they are transparant and open, imo they throw vague accusations without proof (many of which have been proven false), or with 'proof' that turns out to be out of context or not related to them at all, they are very vocal about what others did wrong, but don't mention what they themselves might have done better.

I do agree that alot of their gripes is about how they have been wronged instead of mentioning what they did wrong or could've done better.
I don't have a fact sheet and the palace didn't release one to counter. So who knows. My point is that they didn't secretly criticize the royal family. They did it publicly!

They're getting money for it, obviously it has to be publicly (yet proofs seem to be unnecessary).
I don't have a fact sheet and the palace didn't release one to counter. So who knows. My point is that they didn't secretly criticize the royal family. They did it publicly!

Telling a lot of lies publicly is not criticising, it is just telling untruths -
who was the press secretary who said that Charles did this?

The Panorama program "Reinventing the Royals," goes into this. The program includes interviews with Charles' former press secretary Sandy Henney and author (and Charles fan) Penny Junor. Very interesting show.

I wonder if the Sussexes will be upfront about the fact that they have also leaked to the media? They fed stories to Omid Scoobie for his book and then had to apologize to the court for not disclosing it.

If the Sussexes have proof that the Palace deliberately leaked against Meghan, they should absolutely release it. Otherwise they’re just throwing out vague accusations that really don’t help their case, or their credibility.
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