Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Just finished the 2nd episode.

Again I saw nothing that could be "potentially damaging" to the BRF and its senior members.

The 2nd episode mostly focused on Meghan's life pre-wedding. Her childhood and adult life.

Thomas Markle should be pleased with the way he was nicely portrayed as a doting father. Meghan described their time together as happy. There were videos shown of him teaching her about camera angles and the 2 of them together fishing.

I don't see how some people thought she was making a mockery of curtsying to the Queen. There was even a Daily Mail article criticizing Meghan’s supposed mockery. I re-watched that scene 3x. Meghan had never curtsied to anyone before and Meghan drew upon what she knew of and did an elaborate curtsy. How some people find this a mockery is baffling.

This episode reminded me of how I really wanted things to work out as I thought/and do think that Meghan is beautiful, smart, eloquent, and definitely has that lidfe of service attitude- that would have made her perfect for the royal family.

I disagree though there is another point in M.'s curtsy, could be understand as a mockery on all US who she claims to be one and a smart one LOL.
Do Us people really not know how to curtsy ?
did M. go to a catholic school? Well, same curtsy as to greet bishops or enter a church, beside if she was that strong smart independant american, who so surprinsingly met HM she simply could have refused to curtsy.
Does this reality TV series complete the Sussex obligation to Netflix? IMHO, it does not.

Which brings us to the Coronation. I see them being involved in some Coronation programming.
Does anyone think these two privileged [people] have done themselves or their reputations any good with this series, so far anyway ?
I certainly dont.

I see two People of whom the word gratitude is simply unknown to them. I find that pathetic. Their very fame and fortune rests on being members of the most famous Royal Family in the World. Whose reputation and relevance they are seeking to tarnish and demean EVERY week.

Harry, without being part of the lucky sperm club would be an unknown. Toiling away at a 9-5 job. He has no special talents, (like most of us) to make him stand out. Would he even have finished University ? Supposedly, he had LOTS of special tutoring at both Eton and Sandhurst. Neither of which would have accepted him on his own merits.

Meghan was a C-list actress on a cable show. Not "network status" and unfortunately was aging out of the ingenue roles at 35. Hollywood is tough after that age for women.
Her luckiest break was capturing Harry's heart. She succeeded to be uber rich and famous solely due to him. And his Family connections.

Harry sounds like a sap in the latest clip celebrating being on the "Freedom Flight". Freedom, does he even know the meaning of this for many ? On a private jet he spouts this dreck. How do you become so tone deaf ? A former Soldier, who fought in Afghanistan, no less.

Meghan is telling us from her luxurious mansion in designer clothes, that cost more than most People make in months, how oppressed she was. How she was literally 'fed to the wolves'. What Planet do these People live on to think in a *post* Covid World with so many struggling with food and heating bills that this would resonate ?
There seems to be zero gravitas and dignity in this Couple. That's what strikes me in this docu-series. I thought they wanted to be like the Obama's. Michelle famously said of bullies, "When they go low, we go high".
But the Sussex's are going the Kardashian route. Low, low, low. Its now tedious and boring. The most fun is catching them out in their lies it seems.

Long term, this strategy will fail. There is no substance behind it.
And it seems both Sussex's are empty vessels, who would want them in leadership positions ? They are proving untrustworthy and incapable of making clear headed and mature decisions.
2023 will probably be their last big year......

It seems as if Harry did not pick a cent from his mother's destiny though he keeps talking about her and the media. Now he does the same and even worse! What will his children think when only a few years ahead can read and watch everything those two produced.
As soon as children are involved it's over.
It's not so much control as it is influence. The government's representatives can present their views on important matters (especially diplomatic ones) to the monarch to be taken on advisement, and if the monarch respects the representatives then they will agree with them and act accordingly. In this case, it will be a matter of whether it is Charles the King or Charles the father who decides what is to happen.

Good idea. The PM could advise The King that owing to the economic situation (the economy just shrank :eek:) only working members of the rf should attend. That way the taxpayer saves on security.;)
Absolutely! I often wonder “what is their end game?” To try to bring down the RF? William and Catherine’s ratings are very high in the UK - the ONLY place that really matters because the citizens in the UK pay for them. What difference does it really make how other citizens in the world think of the BRF? So Harry and Meghan are unlikely to make that happen and there is no way they could ever go back after all they’ve said and done IMHO.

End game of being popular in the US and other countries to make money? My sense is that most Americans don’t really care about them - they are celebrities now more like the Kardashians than actors such as Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hanks, Julia Robert’s - people who are respected for their talent.

After they have their 15 minutes of fame with this Netflix yawn fest and Harry’s book, then what? Americans (for one)will be on to the next “thing.” Perhaps so will folks in other countries, IDK. So when William is king in the next 20ish years, what then for the Sussexes or Harry, at least? Where will the money come from then? I am cynical enough to believe that when Harry becomes more of a liability than an asset, Meghan will move on. California is a community property state - each would get half of what they’ve made during the marriage.

Every time I think of them, these expressions come to mind: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” (warning against revenge) or “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” For someone who is supposed to be as smart as Meghan , I do not see any strategic thinking. Maybe I’m missing something???

I really don't think they are thinking that far ahead. Just my opinion. I think they are just lashing out because the Queen said no to them. They were two very spoiled children and they have not grown up.
I don't think they are any danger to the monarchy. Their approval ratings here are well into negative figures. The general feeling is that they are whingers at best and liars at worst. Very few people are taking anything they're saying seriously.

That is good to hear. Thanks.
I disagree though there is another point in M.'s curtsy, could be understand as a mockery on all US who she claims to be one and a smart one LOL.
Do Us people really not know how to curtsy ?
did M. go to a catholic school? Well, same curtsy as to greet bishops or enter a church, beside if she was that strong smart independant american, who so surprinsingly met HM she simply could have refused to curtsy.

Americans are not raised being taught how to curtsy because there is no one in American we curtsy too. However, it looks easy enough from what I have seen on television of royal family members curtseying. Meghan presents herself as a smart, savvy woman, so I am baffled why she could have gone to you tube, watched a few people curtsy, and practiced it a little.
Stephanie spoke French and German, but she had to learn Luxembourgish , which is now considered a separate language.

In addition to Grace, Charlene, Alexandra, Marie, Mary, and Máxima, we can also include Silvia of Sweden among the royal brides who had to learn a new language from scratch.

Also Maria Teresa of Luxemburg
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That is good to hear. Thanks.

The damage to the monarchy is reputational among certain groups. That's a result of the deliberate innuendos & smears which have poisoned some peoples' opinions.

I think it's transitory though. And it's never been a threat to the actual existence of the monarchy. Even the abdication didn't do that.

But this documentary also contains elements that damage Britain's reputation. Hence the reaction from many people here. H&M have allied themselves with, or at the very least allowed themselves to be used by, those with unsympathetic & highly partisan views of British society, culture & history. So if that was their plan then bravo to them I suppose.
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Does this reality TV series complete the Sussex obligation to Netflix? IMHO, it does not.

Which brings us to the Coronation. I see them being involved in some Coronation programming.

The media has reported their deal with Netflix is worth a hundred million dollars. I doubt they got anything like that amount of money, but let’s say they got twenty five million upfront plus some percentage of future profit - that’s still too much for a single six episode docu-series, especially since Oprah got to them first.

Netflix will have set up the contract to ensure it gets its money’s worth, and given Harry and Meghan’s emotional state at the time they made the deal, as well as their stated goal of financial independence, it wouldn’t surprise me if they rushed into signing something without considering all the ramifications.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if they were invited to the Coronation with the condition that they sign some sort of non disclosure agreement that prevents them from publicly discussing both the event and members of the BRF.
Meghan has talked about her father picking her up from ballet classes. The first thing you are taught in Ballet is to curtsy at the beginning and ending of every class. I’m not buying her pretending that she didn’t know how to curtsy!
Lots of Americans take ballet classes and are quite comfortable doing a graceful curtsy. There is a large ballet school in my community.
Good idea. The PM could advise The King that owing to the economic situation (the economy just shrank :eek:) only working members of the rf should attend. That way the taxpayer saves on security.;)

It won't make any difference whether it is a full royal family turnout or just the 11 working royals (plus Tim) the security cost will be the same.

There won't be any fewer people in the streets to see the non-working royals drive to and from the Abbey as there would be to see the working royals.

The security will be because the King and the heir apparent (and possibly the heirs children) will be in carriages to and from the Abbey.

There will also be foreign royals and representatives of foreign governments moving around the city.

Whether the Sussex's or York's are attending the ceremony will have no impact on the cost of security.
The damage to the monarchy is reputational among certain groups. That's a result of the deliberate innuendos & smears which have poisoned some peoples' opinions.

I think it's transitory though. And it's never been a threat to the actual existence of the monarchy. Even the abdication didn't do that.

But this documentary also contains elements that damage Britain's reputation. Hence the reaction from many people here. H&M have allied themselves with, or at the very least allowed themselves to be used by, those with unsympathetic & highly partisan views of British society, culture & history. So if that was their plan then bravo to them I suppose.

I really don’t get the sense that the show has damaged Britain’s reputation, at least not among my pool of American and Canadian friends and family members who will admit they watched it! No one is tuning into this thing for a lesson on colonialism.

Actually, for all the casual discussions about Harry and Meghan I’ve heard or taken part in over the past couple of years I can’t remember the UK coming up at all. I think people here don’t really associate the British Royal Family with everyday British life and culture, and Harry and Meghan are seen as being in a category all their own.
So far there have been no dire revelations but rather Harry and Meghan want to be heard. I don't think that is an unreasonable request and while they cite various incidences of what, to them, was hurtful or unfair, they are not wrong. Even the late Queen said we all have our different truths.

It is uncomfortable I agree, but when people are angry and hurt they often shut down and, I honestly believe Charles probably cannot understand how it came to this, let alone why. Whether we like it or not, the BRF is known for its inability to keep up with ordinary, common, everyday life and change seems to always be made as the result of some incident or embarrassment, etc.
So far there have been no dire revelations but rather Harry and Meghan want to be heard.

There is a large difference between 'wanting to be heard' and endless whingeing.

Nothing constructive is coming out of Harry and Meghan's relentless attacks because the majority of it is petty nonsense that they won't take any personal responsibility for their part in it all. For one, they can't seem to keep the stories straight from one representation to the next. For another, I'd have more sympathy if they weren't being handsomely compensated for their tales. It makes for an unreliable narrator.

Eventually, even the most ardent supporter will grown weary of a pair of career complainers who still have a life far grander than the majority of the world.
There is a large difference between 'wanting to be heard' and endless whingeing.

Nothing constructive is coming out of Harry and Meghan's relentless attacks because the majority of it is petty nonsense that they won't take any personal responsibility for their part in it all. For one, they can't seem to keep the stories straight from one representation to the next. For another, I'd have more sympathy if they weren't being handsomely compensated for their tales. It makes for an unreliable narrator.

Eventually, even the most ardent supporter will grown weary of a pair of career complainers who still have a life far grander than the majority of the world.
I suppose that, when they have "expressed" themselves, there will nothing more to say, as they are estranged from the RF and people are only interested in that.
So far there have been no dire revelations but rather Harry and Meghan want to be heard. I don't think that is an unreasonable request and while they cite various incidences of what, to them, was hurtful or unfair, they are not wrong. Even the late Queen said we all have our different truths.

It is uncomfortable I agree, but when people are angry and hurt they often shut down and, I honestly believe Charles probably cannot understand how it came to this, let alone why. Whether we like it or not, the BRF is known for its inability to keep up with ordinary, common, everyday life and change seems to always be made as the result of some incident or embarrassment, etc.

It’s been over 3 years that they’ve been telling their story. They’ve been heard. It’s repetitive. And, from what I’m seeing in the US media, people are tired of it. I really think this show is a mistake for them long term. Aside, I suppose, from the paycheck.

From what I’m reading from TV personalities, news sites, many people are over it: Tired of the whining, tired of them changing their story, tired of things not making sense, tired of easy to spot lies, tired of the vague cheap shots, tired of their self centeredness, tired of 2 rich people’s endless- mostly petty- complaints, etc.

Nothing they’ve said- that I can think of- the world really needed to know. And so much of it is just petty.

They’re supposedly happily married, have 2 healthy kids, enjoy good health, have a lot of money. Money they have because of the family/business they can’t stop complaining about on literally any platform. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say: move on already. You supposedly have a nice life- maybe act like it.

I don’t think this series is changing any minds in their favor or giving them new fans. But I do think, so far, it is costing them some. I think their reputation is taking a hit.

If they want to be taken seriously in the future- this is not helping imo. If they want to be seen on the same level as reality tv stars- then mission probably accomplished. They’re just less interesting.
I suppose that, when they have "expressed" themselves, there will nothing more to say, as they are estranged from the RF and people are only interested in that.

And then there’s that.
Americans are not raised being taught how to curtsy because there is no one in American we curtsy too. However, it looks easy enough from what I have seen on television of royal family members curtseying. Meghan presents herself as a smart, savvy woman, so I am baffled why she could have gone to you tube, watched a few people curtsy, and practiced it a little.

Meghan was not raised Catholic but she attended Immaculate Heart School for Girls where Mass attendance is mandatory and where the students are taught to not only genuflect in Church, but whenever the bishop or Cardinal visits.

And even if a non-Catholic student is not compelled to do those things, she still has ample opportunity to observe the practice of curtsying/genuflecting over and over.

My vibe from MM's comments is that it was a culture shock to her that EVERYONE curtsies to the monarch even if they are a family member.

Which verifies what I have felt from the beginning...MM didn't do her homework before marrying Harry.:ermm:
I beg to differ there. Security is the one issue that is non-negotiable. From the very beginning the paparazzi showed there was no limit to how far they would go get access. They did everything from setting up camera's in Meghan's neighbors homes, jumping the set gates, and to the (in)famous corroborating with Meghan's father. Add to all of that the death threats (some racial) the couple received in letters and social media.

Security is not to be taken lightly. Not when lives are at stake.
Security can actually be something that can be changed at times, a good example are the York girls, a little over a decade lost royal protection. Plus RAVEC is the one who decides who gets security and who doesn’t and they are experts on it, not Harry. They would have had security if they remained working royals, but they didn’t so they lost it. If they stayed in the U.K they might have had royal protection but that’s not the case. If Harry thought in the long term, he wouldn’t be where he is now.
Security can actually be something that can be changed at times, a good example are the York girls, a little over a decade lost royal protection. Plus RAVEC is the one who decides who gets security and who doesn’t and they are experts on it, not Harry. They would have had security if they remained working royals, but they didn’t so they lost it. If they stayed in the U.K they might have had royal protection but that’s not the case. If Harry thought in the long term, he wouldn’t be where he is now.
And let's not forget that the late Queen granted the couple a year to think about their decision, so they did have the opportunity to return to the UK where they could have their full time security again if they resumed their former roles. In the end the couple made the decision to continue in CA and pursue their new lives and thus have to fund their own security except when in the UK for official family functions ie: the Jubilee and funerals for the DoE and QEII.
So far there have been no dire revelations but rather Harry and Meghan want to be heard. I don't think that is an unreasonable request and while they cite various incidences of what, to them, was hurtful or unfair, they are not wrong. Even the late Queen said we all have our different truths.

It is uncomfortable I agree, but when people are angry and hurt they often shut down and, I honestly believe Charles probably cannot understand how it came to this, let alone why. Whether we like it or not, the BRF is known for its inability to keep up with ordinary, common, everyday life and change seems to always be made as the result of some incident or embarrassment, etc.

I agree that there haven't been any dire revelations so far - even the complaint that they lied to protect William was part of the Oprah interview. I am a bit amused by the assertion that the BRF is not able to keep up with "ordinary, common, everyday life" while at the same time defending a 35+ year old multimillionaire who complained that his family cut him off financially. Reportedly, he still thinks his family owes him more money. The two people who you believe are keeping up with "ordinary, common, everyday life," live in a huge mansion, fly private planes, and then lecture others about the protecting the environment.

As others have asked, what is the purpose? What change is going to occur in the royal family based on these revelations, which we agree are not really that major. In other words, what are the stakes, why are they so high, and who are impacted by these stakes? My personal opinion is that the only change they are going for is money and I have absolutely no sympathy for people who hurt and embarrass other people because of greed.
I agree that there haven't been any dire revelations so far - even the complaint that they lied to protect William was part of the Oprah interview. I am a bit amused by the assertion that the BRF is not able to keep up with "ordinary, common, everyday life" while at the same time defending a 35+ year old multimillionaire who complained that his family cut him off financially. Reportedly, he still thinks his family owes him more money. The two people who you believe are keeping up with "ordinary, common, everyday life," live in a huge mansion, fly private planes, and then lecture others about the protecting the environment.

As others have asked, what is the purpose? What change is going to occur in the royal family based on these revelations, which we agree are not really that major. In other words, what are the stakes, why are they so high, and who are impacted by these stakes? My personal opinion is that the only change they are going for is money and I have absolutely no sympathy for people who hurt and embarrass other people because of greed.

The more I listen and read the more I am convinced that they want something from the family to go away and be quiet.

S.A interviews ,Oprah, Finding Freedom, the podcasts, now the Netflix programme have the common thread of what they know , how they were treated and what they could say if they wanted to without actually producing any real facts.

I do not think life was easy for Meghan, it was a major change to her life and lifestyle and I really do believe not what she thought it would be.

She possibly also thought it rather strange that granny in her 90's had the final say in everything.

As a young couple they couldn't just go and buy a big house because Harry didn't have that kind of money they had to wait for granny or Charles to provide one. Did she think there was a bottomless pit of money that they could just help themselves to for property etc.

I am just sad that they couldn't just leave and do their own thing but they have found it necessary to throw grenades at every opportunity.
Especially since the stories are not always accurate.

They are both very bitter, it is not a good look and I really do not think it will do them any good in the long run. It is not a good business model to throw brickbats as your only business plan.

If politics is the next move then Meghan needs to be prepared to be scrutinised and lets be honest the stories have not stood up to scrutiny so far.

I also need to add that this was all filmed and ready to go before the Queen passed, was he really going to allow this to go out for his beloved grandmother to hear the Commonwealth referred to as Empire#2, yet this is the man who claimed she could only speak to him, he had to check up on who was around her, that it was the right people. He was the only one who could make her laugh.
Yet he did not go to visit her when he was here for the Invictus games, he could have flown up to Balmoral and back in one day, but he chose not to. I wonder if he regrets that.

There is a lot going on just now, the world is not a happy place, not just globally but within peoples individual lives, and all they contribute is a moanfest.

Good Luck Harry and Meghan I really do hope you do not regret your actions.
The more I listen and read the more I am convinced that they want something from the family to go away and be quiet.

S.A interviews ,Oprah, Finding Freedom, the podcasts, now the Netflix programme have the common thread of what they know , how they were treated and what they could say if they wanted to without actually producing any real facts.

I do not think life was easy for Meghan, it was a major change to her life and lifestyle and I really do believe not what she thought it would be.

She possibly also thought it rather strange that granny in her 90's had the final say in everything.

As a young couple they couldn't just go and buy a big house because Harry didn't have that kind of money they had to wait for granny or Charles to provide one. Did she think there was a bottomless pit of money that they could just help themselves to for property etc.

I am just sad that they couldn't just leave and do their own thing but they have found it necessary to throw grenades at every opportunity.
Especially since the stories are not always accurate.

They are both very bitter, it is not a good look and I really do not think it will do them any good in the long run. It is not a good business model to throw brickbats as your only business plan.

If politics is the next move then Meghan needs to be prepared to be scrutinised and lets be honest the stories have not stood up to scrutiny so far.

I also need to add that this was all filmed and ready to go before the Queen passed, was he really going to allow this to go out for his beloved grandmother to hear the Commonwealth referred to as Empire#2, yet this is the man who claimed she could only speak to him, he had to check up on who was around her, that it was the right people. He was the only one who could make her laugh.
Yet he did not go to visit her when he was here for the Invictus games, he could have flown up to Balmoral and back in one day, but he chose not to. I wonder if he regrets that.

There is a lot going on just now, the world is not a happy place, not just globally but within peoples individual lives, and all they contribute is a moanfest.

Good Luck Harry and Meghan I really do hope you do not regret your actions.

I don’t think she had any idea what she was getting herself into. What did she want: endless money pot, platform to say whatever she wanted without accountability, an ability to do what she wanted when she wanted, control the narrative to show a perfect Netflix film of perfection. Instead she got a gilded cage, no real money, no platform, no control. No wonder she is angry. This will only last so long though. They can’t keep telling the same story. And frankly no one wants to hear any other and they don’t have talent beyond being royal.
I disagree though there is another point in M.'s curtsy, could be understand as a mockery on all US who she claims to be one and a smart one LOL.
Do Us people really not know how to curtsy ?
did M. go to a catholic school? Well, same curtsy as to greet bishops or enter a church, beside if she was that strong smart independant american, who so surprinsingly met HM she simply could have refused to curtsy.

I have only seen a few episodes of Suits and in one of them she did a little curtsy so she knew how to.
Whilst I continue to find H&M deeply unsympathetic people; they do have some interesting points to make in regards to the media. For instance, the first three episodes were pretty tame yet the British media is fueling the flames like no other. Its exhausting. Plus, the constant denial of racism in the British media by many is becoming very irritating. One just has to log onto the Daily Mail and one will immediately be confronted with shades of racism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Its a shame H&M haven't helped the situation by being so reactionary and suffering terrible verbal diarrhea. If they could just take a step back, drop the petty family soap opera, and laid a more clear path with their criticism of the media they would have a much stronger case and following.
Whilst I continue to find H&M deeply unsympathetic people; they do have some interesting points to make in regards to the media. For instance, the first three episodes were pretty tame yet the British media is fueling the flames like no other. Its exhausting. Plus, the constant denial of racism in the British media by many is becoming very irritating. One just has to log onto the Daily Mail and one will immediately be confronted with shades of racism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Its a shame H&M haven't helped the situation by being so reactionary and suffering terrible verbal diarrhea. If they could just take a step back, drop the petty family soap opera, and laid a more clear path with their criticism of the media they would have a much stronger case and following.

I couldn't agree more, I really do think they could have offered so much.

All they have done is made wild claims that reflects on all media and all the people.
Whilst I continue to find H&M deeply unsympathetic people; they do have some interesting points to make in regards to the media. For instance, the first three episodes were pretty tame yet the British media is fueling the flames like no other. Its exhausting. Plus, the constant denial of racism in the British media by many is becoming very irritating. One just has to log onto the Daily Mail and one will immediately be confronted with shades of racism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Its a shame H&M haven't helped the situation by being so reactionary and suffering terrible verbal diarrhea. If they could just take a step back, drop the petty family soap opera, and laid a more clear path with their criticism of the media they would have a much stronger case and following.

I’d say they reply with the same weapon. Out of only this series, the commonwealth being the empire 2.0 and the chopping of the then princess Elizabeth’s 21st birthday speech are examples of the Sussexes and/or their side playing dirty. Oh, and the muddling of “pulling the security” timeline. I’d say they invite the game, too.
I think its all very sad, to lose ones family like this ...........just for money .....very Sad indeed.
Whilst I continue to find H&M deeply unsympathetic people; they do have some interesting points to make in regards to the media. For instance, the first three episodes were pretty tame yet the British media is fueling the flames like no other. Its exhausting. Plus, the constant denial of racism in the British media by many is becoming very irritating. One just has to log onto the Daily Mail and one will immediately be confronted with shades of racism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Its a shame H&M haven't helped the situation by being so reactionary and suffering terrible verbal diarrhea. If they could just take a step back, drop the petty family soap opera, and laid a more clear path with their criticism of the media they would have a much stronger case and following.

The media are free to publish whatever they want; it's called freedom of the press. If they cross the line and break the law, they may be held responsible in court following due process. Harry himself has sued many British newspapers.

The point some British people are complaining about is that the docu-series, or at least Part 1 so far, has misconstrued the image of the United Kingdom and the British media as being institutionally racist, which is not accurate. If anything, the UK has a better record on race than many comparable majority-white western countries. And H&M sanctioned those misleading generalizations solely to back a revisionist version of why they actually left the Royal Family and moved full-time to California.
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