Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Stephanie is Belgian, so she definitely speaks French, which is one of the official language in Luxemburg, AFAIK.

The ones who had to learn new language are Grace Kelly, Charlene Wittstock and Marie Cavallier.

Stephanie had to learn Luxembourgish.

Charlene has yet to master French AFAIK.
Stephanie spoke French and German, but she had to learn Luxembourgish , which is now considered a separate language.

In addition to Grace, Charlene, Alexandra, Marie, Mary, and Máxima, we can also include Silvia of Sweden among the royal brides who had to learn a new language from scratch.

Adding to that list-Maria Teresa-Luxembourgish, Muna and Noor-Arabic, Paola-Dutch, Anne-Marie-Greek, the list can go on and on as there were male consorts ie: Henrik and Claus who also had to learn a new language.

Meghan was fortunate that she fell in love with a man who shared a common and widely known language with her.
Does anyone think these two privileged [people] have done themselves or their reputations any good with this series, so far anyway ?
I certainly dont.

I see two People of whom the word gratitude is simply unknown to them. I find that pathetic. Their very fame and fortune rests on being members of the most famous Royal Family in the World. Whose reputation and relevance they are seeking to tarnish and demean EVERY week.

Harry, without being part of the lucky sperm club would be an unknown. Toiling away at a 9-5 job. He has no special talents, (like most of us) to make him stand out. Would he even have finished University ? Supposedly, he had LOTS of special tutoring at both Eton and Sandhurst. Neither of which would have accepted him on his own merits.

Meghan was a C-list actress on a cable show. Not "network status" and unfortunately was aging out of the ingenue roles at 35. Hollywood is tough after that age for women.
Her luckiest break was capturing Harry's heart. She succeeded to be uber rich and famous solely due to him. And his Family connections.

Harry sounds like a sap in the latest clip celebrating being on the "Freedom Flight". Freedom, does he even know the meaning of this for many ? On a private jet he spouts this dreck. How do you become so tone deaf ? A former Soldier, who fought in Afghanistan, no less.

Meghan is telling us from her luxurious mansion in designer clothes, that cost more than most People make in months, how oppressed she was. How she was literally 'fed to the wolves'. What Planet do these People live on to think in a *post* Covid World with so many struggling with food and heating bills that this would resonate ?
There seems to be zero gravitas and dignity in this Couple. That's what strikes me in this docu-series. I thought they wanted to be like the Obama's. Michelle famously said of bullies, "When they go low, we go high".
But the Sussex's are going the Kardashian route. Low, low, low. Its now tedious and boring. The most fun is catching them out in their lies it seems.

Long term, this strategy will fail. There is no substance behind it.
And it seems both Sussex's are empty vessels, who would want them in leadership positions ? They are proving untrustworthy and incapable of making clear headed and mature decisions.
2023 will probably be their last big year......
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Eh, for the record I as an American in my many years of life have never heard of this song. I will Google it in a few minutes after I have made the rounds in the forum. Perhaps it's familiar to US servicemen (only 2 relatives) but to say it is familiar to every American is a bit of a stretch because I have never heard of it.

I will watch episodes 3 and the rest later this week to give a better informed opinion but...
. As an actress, Meghan is use to rehearsing an researching roles. That she didn't research the biggest role of her life seems unbelievable. She is also a smart woman and not some doozy- I could see her for ex. reading upon Prince Philip's mother and how incredible she was and using that as conversation starter.

As a child growing up in the 1960's Midwest "My Country Tis Of Thee" was as familiar as "Old MacDonald Had a Farm".

We were compelled to sing it at every school assembly. In fact...when I watched my first Royal Wedding in 1973, I remember hearing God Save The Queen and come the Brits stole our song! :lol:

At the age of about 9, we were given 72 hours to memorize the complete Gettysburg Address, which each student had to stand and recite in front of the class.

The week after that it was the preamble to the Constitution. I can still recite both from memory.

But ...those were the pre-historic 60's. Meghan is from a different generation.
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A reminder: you can like or dislike the Duke and Duchess as much as you please. What you can not do is to use all sorts of insults to refer to them. If you can not resist this urge we advice you to take a break and come back when you can.

And another reminder: there is no need at all to attack other posters. You can ask them for clarification. You can debate them. When you start snapping at others perhaps it is a sign that it is time for you to log off and take a break.

Several posts have been deleted/ edited as a result.
My Country ‘Tis Of Thee

As a child growing up in the 1960's Midwest "My Country Tis Of Thee" was as familiar as "Old McDonald Had a Farm".

We were compelled to sing it at every school assembly. In fact...when I watched my first Royal Wedding in 1973, I remember hearing God Save The Queen and come the Brits stole our song! :lol:

At the age of about 9, we were given 72 hours to memorize the complete Gettysburg Address, which each student had to stand and recite in front of the class.

The week after that it was the preamble to the Constitution. I can still recite both from memory.

But ...those were the pre-historic 60's. Meghan is from a different generation.

Thank you, Moonmaiden: I would say that it is still true that most Americans do know this song!
I, too, memorized the things above, in addition to large passages from Shakespeare. “The quality of mercy is not strained...”! Lol
And, didn’t Meghan have ballet classes? As far as I know, you still are taught to curtsy in ballet and expected to curtsy at the end of each class.
Does anyone think these two privileged [people] have done themselves or their reputations any good with this series, so far anyway ?
I certainly dont.

I see two People of whom the word gratitude is simply unknown to them. I find that pathetic. Their very fame and fortune rests on being members of the most famous Royal Family in the World. Whose reputation and relevance they are seeking to tarnish and demean EVERY week.

Harry, without being part of the lucky sperm club would be an unknown. Toiling away at a 9-5 job. He has no special talents, (like most of us) to make him stand out. Would he even have finished University ? Supposedly, he had LOTS of special tutoring at both Eton and Sandhurst. Neither of which would have accepted him on his own merits.

Meghan was a C-list actress on a cable show. Not "network status" and unfortunately was aging out of the ingenue roles at 35. Hollywood is tough after that age for women.
Her luckiest break was capturing Harry's heart. She succeeded to be uber rich and famous solely due to him. And his Family connections.

Harry sounds like a sap in the latest clip celebrating being on the "Freedom Flight". Freedom, does he even know the meaning of this for many ? On a private jet he spouts this dreck. How do you become so tone deaf ? A former Soldier, who fought in Afghanistan, no less.

Meghan is telling us from her luxurious mansion in designer clothes, that cost more than most People make in months, how oppressed she was. How she was literally 'fed to the wolves'. What Planet do these People live on to think in a *post* Covid World with so many struggling with food and heating bills that this would resonate ?
There seems to be zero gravitas and dignity in this Couple. That's what strikes me in this docu-series. I thought they wanted to be like the Obama's. Michelle famously said of bullies, "When they go low, we go high".
But the Sussex's are going the Kardashian route. Low, low, low. Its now tedious and boring. The most fun is catching them out in their lies it seems.

Long term, this strategy will fail. There is no substance behind it.
And it seems both Sussex's are empty vessels, who would want them in leadership positions ? They are proving untrustworthy and incapable of making clear headed and mature decisions.
2023 will probably be their last big year......

You are so on target, Granada! I couldn't agree with you more.

Sussex = Kardashian!
Gosh, I'd really love to hear Meghan's explanation for telling Oprah that Fergie taught her how to curtsey and then in this Netflix series, saying she wasn't taught how to do one.

So which is it? And why did she say to different things. Which one is the truth? And again, why did she say she had help and then that she didn't?

Eh, for the record I as an American in my many years of life have never heard of this song. I will Google it in a few minutes after I have made the rounds in the forum. Perhaps it's familiar to US servicemen (only 2 relatives) but to say it is familiar to every American is a bit of a stretch because I have never heard of it.

I will watch episodes 3 and the rest later this week to give a better informed opinion but...
. As an actress, Meghan is use to rehearsing an researching roles. That she didn't research the biggest role of her life seems unbelievable. She is also a smart woman and not some doozy- I could see her for ex. reading upon Prince Philip's mother and how incredible she was and using that as conversation starter.

Are you kidding me? We sang this song when I was in elementary school, though that was a 100 years ago. I can't believe kids today have not heard or sung My Country Tis of Thee.
Eh, for the record I as an American in my many years of life have never heard of this song. I will Google it in a few minutes after I have made the rounds in the forum. Perhaps it's familiar to US servicemen (only 2 relatives) but to say it is familiar to every American is a bit of a stretch because I have never heard of it.
I've never been in the service but we had to sing this song every day in my Florida elementary school (in the mid-80s), right after saying the Pledge of Allegiance. It's so ingrained in my mind that, to this day, when I hear the beginning of "God Save the King," I have to consciously stop myself from singing "My Country 'tis of Thee."
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As a child growing up in the 1960's Midwest "My Country Tis Of Thee" was as familiar as "Old MacDonald Had a Farm".

We were compelled to sing it at every school assembly. In fact...when I watched my first Royal Wedding in 1973, I remember hearing God Save The Queen and come the Brits stole our song! :lol:

At the age of about 9, we were given 72 hours to memorize the complete Gettysburg Address, which each student had to stand and recite in front of the class.

The week after that it was the preamble to the Constitution. I can still recite both from memory.

But ...those were the pre-historic 60's. Meghan is from a different generation.

I remember watching Hayley Mills in Pollyanna and wondering why she was singing the wrong words to God Save the Queen.

memories and showing my age,
Eh, for the record I as an American in my many years of life have never heard of this song. I will Google it in a few minutes after I have made the rounds in the forum. Perhaps it's familiar to US servicemen (only 2 relatives) but to say it is familiar to every American is a bit of a stretch because I have never heard of it.

I will watch episodes 3 and the rest later this week to give a better informed opinion but...
. As an actress, Meghan is use to rehearsing an researching roles. That she didn't research the biggest role of her life seems unbelievable. She is also a smart woman and not some doozy- I could see her for ex. reading upon Prince Philip's mother and how incredible she was and using that as conversation starter.

But that is your experience only, not of "every American". I would dare say that most people know of the song if not every word of the lyrics.

Why would she read up on Prince Philip's mother? Talk about not being familiar with something, I doubt she has a clue who Philip's mother was or would care to devote 10 seconds to learn about her. Just because Meghan went to university doesn't mean she's smart. I feel she's quite lazy intellectually and doesn't care to learn unless it's a subject she's interested in.
‘My Country Tis of Thee’ may no longer be sung in schools, but it’s still something many Americans would be familiar with. They may not know all the words, but they’ve heard it. It’s sung at Presidential inaugurations and national 4th of July events. I still remember Aretha Franklin singing it at former President Obama’s first inauguration.
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If you want to find stories of briefing against Harry and Meghan, all you have to do is google the search terms. And it’s not just Omid Scobie who has made this assertion.
Why would Charles and his staff try to sabotage other members of the RF? Towards what purpose?

Charles's position as Heir to the Throne was never going to change. Unless he simply wanted to even the score for all the nasty attention his own private life attracted...:ermm:

To deflect attention away from them. The press is rabid and wants negative stories. Without conflict, there’s not much of a story.
If you want to find stories of briefing against Harry and Meghan, all you have to do is google the search terms. And it’s not just Omid Scobie who has made this assertion.

Would you be so kind to share those search terms? I wasn’t able to find anything that proves the palaces or the staff briefing against them, but it might be my age that doesn’t help me.
I have been following this thread with great interest and reading all of the comments.

My two cents, for what its worth is this: I don't believe that Harry ever had an issue with big brother William until he met Meghan. Unless he is a much better actor than she is. For example, when William married Catherine they then became the threesome doing things together and Harry has said more than once that Catherine was like a sister to him.

He always knew his position in the pecking order and seemed fine with it - until Harry met Meghan (name of the full length movie next LOL). I do not believe that Harry grew up always resenting William. I just don't.

They were close as children and teenagers and William always seemed so protective of Harry and I think Harry appreciated that. He welcomed Catherine into their circle and seemed fine with that connection - until Meghan.

I just think that Meghan convinced him he was worth more than second, or fifth place in the line of succession and fed on that. I also don't think Harry has mental issues other than low self-worth.
If you want to find stories of briefing against Harry and Meghan, all you have to do is google the search terms. And it’s not just Omid Scobie who has made this assertion.

I explored this, and I think the confusion is that saying the palace was briefing against Harry and Meghan makes it sound like a coordinated, concerted effort was made to plant negative stories about them to benefit other royal family members. I will reserve judgment until after the three episodes air Thursday that cover this topic, but thus far, I’ve never seen any evidence of this. Instead, it’s just been what has always happened: some palace staffers and/or their family, friends, or outside contractors that work with the royal family sharing their stories as an anonymous tips.

Crucially, I have yet to see a negative story about Meghan and Harry that wasn’t witnessed by multiple people and that hasn’t turned out to be true, aside from the back and forth about who made who cry about the bridesmaids dresses. (I’ve always suspected they both had a hard day that day)

A lot of stories about them only started coming out when journalists saw things on tours that were unusual and questioned it. This is covered extensively in Valentine Low’s book.
I’m actually interested in seeing the segment about the palace briefing against the Sussexes. I’m very curious to see if they provide actual proof, instead of the usual vague accusations. It will also be interesting to see if they discuss their own briefings with the media. Will they touch on their cooperation with Omid Scoobie for his book, and how they had to apologize to the court for denying they did it?

Agree, HRHHermione. So far I haven’t seen any proof that the palace briefed against them. I’d like to see if the Sussexes provide some proof to these allegations.
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I have been following this thread with great interest and reading all of the comments.

My two cents, for what its worth is this: I don't believe that Harry ever had an issue with big brother William until he met Meghan. Unless he is a much better actor than she is. For example, when William married Catherine they then became the threesome doing things together and Harry has said more than once that Catherine was like a sister to him.

He always knew his position in the pecking order and seemed fine with it - until Harry met Meghan (name of the full length movie next LOL). I do not believe that Harry grew up always resenting William. I just don't.

They were close as children and teenagers and William always seemed so protective of Harry and I think Harry appreciated that. He welcomed Catherine into their circle and seemed fine with that connection - until Meghan.

I just think that Meghan convinced him he was worth more than second, or fifth place in the line of succession and fed on that. I also don't think Harry has mental issues other than low self-worth.

I agree, Meghan definitely antagonized the situation.

I think that they moved too fast at the start of the relationship, and she was in too deep once Harry issued his "my girlfriend" statement. For her to withdraw and dump him would have made him look foolish. So, I believe, that she went ahead with the relationship but had buyer's remorse.

Once they moved past the fairy tale wedding, she used her buyer's remorse to convince him that everyone was against both of them ... and, the rest is history. She was able to move out of England, and the royal restrictions ... and, she has his $$ to fund a lifestyle she was never going to have on her own.

Would you be so kind to share those search terms? I wasn’t able to find anything that proves the palaces or the staff briefing against them, but it might be my age that doesn’t help me.

“Briefing against Harry and Meghan.”
I do not think any such a segment exists. I think we will find the “they” is the press and the clip was cut for drama.
“Briefing against Harry and Meghan.”

I didn’t find anything beaide Omid’s claim, articles about this series on netflix and older claims they - Harry and Meghan - have made. The only article that was not about their claim was an article from beginning of 2020, funny enough, a palace source recounting how the late queen has chosen to omit a photo of them from her table for the Christmas speech 2019.
I would particularly like to ask the people on this forum who are from the UK what your feelings are about the danger of Harry and Meghan to the Monarchy, particularly with their claims made in this docuseries? Do you think King Charles needs to take a hard line with them? See the article below. It is from the Daily Mail, and I understand the DM is to be taken with a grain of salt, but some of the claims in it got me to thinking. I am an American so I don't know what the feeling in the UK is, which is why I asked, but I honestly don't see H & M being a danger to the Monarchy. They are revealing themselves to be untruthful with their ever changing stories about particular events. They are also revealing themselves to be petty, out for revenge (for what I don't know--maybe not getting their way), and a number of other unflattering adjectives. What I find most telling is that they are saying all these bad things about an Institution that they wanted to work half-time for. If they really thought it was that bad, why did they want to work for the Monarchy at all? I think it is because they don't truly think it is bad. They are just pitching a public temper tantrum because the Queen said no to their half in, half out plan. So, if the Monarchy won't work like they won't it to, then they don't want it to work at all. I wonder if they have stopped to think that if they were to destroy the Monarchy (not happening), those titles they cling to and the ones they want for their children would have no meaning.
Although I am not from the UK, as a Canadian I do feel qualified to give an answer to your question. It is important to remember the facts in the Harry and Meghan debate and not get involved in the many (too many, in my view) opinions that are being thrown into the online fray regarding this couple. Of course they are not out to damage the British Monarchy: Harry is a British citizen and owes loyalty to his father the King! However, he took a decision to leave Britain (many Britons have followed his example!) and start a new life elsewhere. Rather than stay quiet and become a gentleman Californian farmer, he has chosen to share his insider views on British institutions like the tabloid press with the international media. The resulting tumult is fascinating to watch but should be taken with a very large grain of salt. There are more serious issues in the world, climate change for example, that the Duke and Duchess are also involved with and I am interested to watch how they will act to help solve such issues.
I've never been in the service but we had to sing this song every day in my Florida elementary school (in the mid-80s), right after saying the Pledge of Allegiance. It's so ingrained in my mind that, to this day, when I hear the beginning of "God Save the King," I have to consciously stop myself from singing "My Country 'tis of Thee."

Me too! I automatically supply those words in my head! :flowers:
You can also google “Catherine Philp.” I’m pretty sure one of the Sunday show hosts mentioned the same thing. I want to say it was Jake Tapper.
I didn’t find anything beaide Omid’s claim, articles about this series on netflix and older claims they - Harry and Meghan - have made. The only article that was not about their claim was an article from beginning of 2020, funny enough, a palace source recounting how the late queen has chosen to omit a photo of them from her table for the Christmas speech 2019.

I found one, but nothing new, just the usual nudge and winks.
Personally I think that there was too much coincidence that is what resulted in Harry and Meghan's paranoia. And they looked around and saw it as collusion between the palace and the press - but lets look at it bit by bit.

1. Camilla Tominey visible saw the argument between Meghan and her staff - it was done in the open with all to see. She also saw the staff member crying in the car. Both action was done in the open. No attempt was made to do these action in private. She was not the only person to witness this - just the first person to write that someone was not up with the Sussex's and their staff. It is not rocket science to see those getting yelled out moving out of an office and know that their has been an issue. Many journo predicted the split of the offices - too many people were coming and going.
How would the palace saying there was no issue with the staff and that Meghan wasn't mistreating her staff going to help?

2. Valentine Louw knows the palace politics inside and out. So essentially he knows when when the palace is given him and story and knows to start looking for the story around it. He is also trusted - which is why he was send the emails. Personally I see this as a form of whistle blowing and would this have happened if the Oprah interview wasn't happening.

3. I have been told that only Meghan and Kate know what happened at the dress fitting - a bit that Meghan has now been told to stay away from. I honestly don't care who made who care. But I am concerned that Meghan appears to be under the illusion that Kate must have told someone as there was noone else in the room. Seems unlikely that they would have been the only people there - the dresser, the designer possible, Jessica Mulroney - the parents of the other children?

The same can be said of the Tiara issue - it was just too juicy for staff at the palace not to pass on. I don't think Angela Kelly spread it - but you never know. Also there was additional staff brought in for the wedding.
However I do remember a number of puff pieces like Meghan and an ice cream truck for her staff getting leaked to the press as well. Sometimes through her favorite journalists and usually to US based organizations. So personally I think the Sussex teams was leaking more to the press than the palace was.
Well as I feared, according to this new Trailer, he is gunning for William. I don't know if it is pathetic or incredibly sad. Both I suppose. Just sickening.

The two people I felt bad for in the previous episode were Kate, and Meghan's niece Ashleigh.

Kate for being labeled BY HARRY as some kind of bot, that was "chosen" because She would fit the mold of a Royal Wife. A Royal Stepford Wife. How demeaning to belittle her that way. A woman he has known for 20 years that he once referred to as a "sister".

And Ashleigh, trotted out in the docu-series to bolster Meghan's narrative of a cold and controlling Palace that wouldn't allow her to be invited to The Wedding.
It now appears that Buckingham Palace IS pushing back on that. " Insiders " claim that is a lie. They felt it would actually be better optics if Meghan had someone from her blood family there other than her Mother. Which, you have to admit is downright odd. To be estranged from EVERYONE. Not just Dad and her half siblings...... But Uncles, Aunts, Cousins.

Meghan didn't want to invite Ashleigh AND DIDN'T. All on her, not the Palace.
She didn't want to bring on more conversations regarding half sister Samantha (Ashleigh's Mom) criticism of her. The sad thing is that Ashleigh IS estranged from Samantha and was raised by Grandparents who formerly adopted her.

I really felt bad for her when She said how hurt she was not to be invited. And it was falsely blamed on The Palace by Meghan. That is horrible.

All I can say is that Harry better hope that he and Meghan never split up. Because, based on what we are seeing and hearing from Meghan's scorched early-take no prisoners strategy, when she seeks to justify actions..... she would destroy him.
Just as both are seeking to do to The Windsors. Especially William.

Exactly what I feel, especially since H. said " they would lie to protect William"- I hope he does not tell more, remember the media is still curious to find out who made the racist comments. Why should H&M destroy Charles, William is much more interesting.
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