Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Why would Charles and his staff try to sabotage other members of the RF? Towards what purpose?

Charles's position as Heir to the Throne was never going to change. Unless he simply wanted to even the score for all the nasty attention his own private life attracted...:ermm:
The insinuation would be make himself look better and as you said to even the score on his own private life. But I don’t think he would try with Harry though.

Actually he doesn't. Lord Frederick is not even a member of the royal family. He has no role so when Harry was talking about male members marrying women who fit the mold/role. I don't think anyone thought of relatives like Lord Frederick.
But we all know that what was insinuating wasn’t a nice thing anyways so the point about whether Freddy Windsor is part or not is moot. The point was that it was a childish and nasty thing to put out there for people to hear regardless.
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I beg to differ there. Security is the one issue that is non-negotiable. From the very beginning the paparazzi showed there was no limit to how far they would go get access. They did everything from setting up camera's in Meghan's neighbors homes, jumping the set gates, and to the (in)famous corroborating with Meghan's father. Add to all of that the death threats (some racial) the couple received in letters and social media.

Security is not to be taken lightly. Not when lives are at stake.
Security is not to be taken lightly, no, but the incidents that you're using as examples did not happen in the UK. They happened in the two countries Harry and Meghan chose to leave the UK for.
Actually he doesn't. Lord Frederick is not even a member of the royal family. He has no role so when Harry was talking about male members marrying women who fit the mold/role. I don't think anyone thought of relatives like Lord Frederick.
Lord Frederick Windsor is very much part of the Royal family. He grew up next door to Harry at Kensington palace, is currently on the 52nd place in the line of succession (could be higher if confirmed that some of his cousins are Catholics) and is regularly included in royal functions such as Queen Elizabeth's funeral. He also attended her committal service at St Georges chapel.
That said I'm quite sure that Harry did not have him and his wife in mind when he made that ridiculous comment of his.
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Actually he doesn't. Lord Frederick is not even a member of the royal family. He has no role so when Harry was talking about male members marrying women who fit the mold/role. I don't think anyone thought of relatives like Lord Frederick.

Then who was Harry referring to? Just his brother William? Freddie is a member of the House of Windsor, if not strictly speaking the Royal Family.

And frankly the average American royal watcher (to whom Harry's comments were directed) doesn't know the difference between the Royal Family and the Royal House.

We will simply agree to disagree I guess.
I think its hard to invite someone to the most important occasion in a reign when the people you are inviting have done their hardest to pull down everything monarchy stands for. Camelot makes a good point - how would H&M be able to interact with Commonwealth leaders, of which we can assume there will be lots, after their series compared it to an Empire. It is no longer a case of just being awkward for the RF in private as it once was but very much a case of making everyone who is part of events they are at feel awkward. I wonder how the rest of the RF feel about the series - it may well be that they are as upset as Charles and William are likely to be which would add further doubt to H&M being invited.

If they do go I'd see it as the biggest hypocrisy imaginable - it would clearly just be about raising their profile and market value than from any desire to actually be there for Charles or even just for the sake of the monarchy.

How much control does the government have in the Coronation? Could they tell King Charles that it would be a good idea not to invite Harry and Meghan due to the comments in the docuseries about the Commonwealth?
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How much control does the government have in the Coronation? Could they tell King Charles that it would be a good idea not to invite Harry and Meghan due to the comments in the docuseries about the Commonwealth?

It's not so much control as it is influence. The government's representatives can present their views on important matters (especially diplomatic ones) to the monarch to be taken on advisement, and if the monarch respects the representatives then they will agree with them and act accordingly. In this case, it will be a matter of whether it is Charles the King or Charles the father who decides what is to happen.
Can anyone recall the first event at which Meghan would have had to sing the national anthem in public? I'm just trying to establish how much time there was to learn it from the engagement to the event.
I remember the uncomfortable moment on the Balcony after Trooping the Colour when Harry appeared to turn and speak harshly to Mehan for talking while the national anthem was playing. For those who wish to know how hard it is to learn the verses I would say, this was not Meghan being discourteous but rather a culture clash.

I remember when in theatres the national anthem was routinely played before the film or the first act. It was automatic, the moment the first bar played everyone stood and sang the national anthem. Now in this case it appears that Meghan didn't react like us. Could it be that when we hear "God save our gracious Queen" Meghan heard "My Country 'tis of thee", an American patriotic song but not the National Anthem?

It takes more than learning the words to a song, in her case it was re-writing a song she has heard all of her life. And how many times did she slip up?

According to the Oprah interview though, Sarah Ferguson taught her to curtsy before the Queen arrived. She doesn’t mention it here but she did mention it then- that Fergie practiced with her. So I doubt it was as awkward as it is made out here.

For me, the bigger issue was comparing meeting the Queen to having dinner at Medieval Times.
The same culture clash is present here. Americans are adamant that they do not bow to anyone while the BRF do. For Harry to spring a meeting with his Grandmother on his fiance on her unprepared I am sure she was shocked, would the Queen like her, how would she talk to her, trying to remember how to curtsey all the while wondering if her dress was up to scratch. At least she is able to laugh at herself which is better than being mortified.
There were numerous reports that the Queen wanted Meghan to be mentored by Sophie Wessex but Meghan didn’t want to do it. Sophie would have been a perfect choice, both as someone who understands the hierarchy and has learned to do important work within it and as someone who was a PR professional and could advise on how certain choices would be perceived by the media.
Ah, reports, those nifty little things that are leaked to the media or to an intermediary by the ubiquitous "someone". We have no actual proof that the Queen wanted Sophie to mentor Meghan, and it has been suggested that Lady Susan and Sir Christopher Geidt were also tagged to mento her. I don't think Sophie would have been a terrific choice as she is the longest-lasting commoner married into the BRF. Lady Susan would have been of minimal help as a woman in her eighties and Sir Christopher was so power-hungry that he lost his place as gatekeeper to the Queen for preventing both Prince Charles, the heir to the throne and Andrew, a loved son, from seeing their mother. Angry words were spoken and Sir Christopher was reassigned as HM realised he could not continue in his current position. I wonder how caring, considerate and downright forthcoming such a man was to a divorced American commoner?

Seeing the headlines now where Harry is claiming that they (presumably “the Firm”) were “happy to lie” to protect his brother.

This seems very rich coming from Harry as it’s probably the worst kept open secret among the community of royal followers that Harry’s happy-go-lucky reputation from his pre-Meghan days was the result of the palace’s tireless efforts to orchestrate his image starting from the very early 2000s- although he hasn’t called that lying to protect him, has he?
And here we go with the ubiquitous "they" who pave the way for the way the BRF wish to be perceived. The leaks and planted stories that come from the palaces "they's" tireless efforts to make Harry the fall guy for all that was amiss, even when in the company of his invisible older brother. Yes Harry and his mates were tearaways and yes I am sure that it took a sterling effort to sanitise the situation (not), otherwise, the media wouldn't have known enough to follow him and write about him in such a denigrating way.!&&p=c7e6...lMjBwYXJ0eSUyMHRvZ2V0aGVyLiVFMiU4MCU5RA&ntb=1

So, what we know to be true is subject to the source and, in the case of the BRF, that is never disclosed. Hence the 'leaks' and 'planted stories. But one thing is clear, there are no innocents in this particular situation.
Many journos have asserted that the Palace makes a habit of briefing against H&M. They don't need to issue statements.

This one is from a journalist's account:

Hi again Kaiser ���� Always enjoy your opinions but I can tell you as a FACT, that it wasn’t William or William’s people who spoke to Robert for his book and gave him those quotes. It was someone from within Camp Sussex… who found working for them so damn hard… So stop blaming W!

Is she's to be believed (she's referring to a quote which said Meghan as sociopath/difficult), it seems the leak/brief/whatever it's called came from Sussexes' own team.


And here we go with the ubiquitous "they" who pave the way for the way the BRF wish to be perceived. The leaks and planted stories that come from the palaces "they's" tireless efforts to make Harry the fall guy for all that was amiss, even when in the company of his invisible older brother. Yes Harry and his mates were tearaways and yes I am sure that it took a sterling effort to sanitise the situation (not), otherwise, the media wouldn't have known enough to follow him and write about him in such a denigrating way.!&&p=c7e6...lMjBwYXJ0eSUyMHRvZ2V0aGVyLiVFMiU4MCU5RA&ntb=1

So, what we know to be true is subject to the source and, in the case of the BRF, that is never disclosed. Hence the 'leaks' and 'planted stories. But one thing is clear, there are no innocents in this particular situation.

For this particular case, if my memory serve me right, even during that time there were part of media who tried to put the blame on William, we even have one thread in this forum for that. William was also "attacked" (read: criticised) by the press, but since it's Harry who's wearing it, O think it make sense if most of the critism directed to him instead of his brother.

I find this topic if one of the contradicting point who ofeten being used by Harry's defender: it's William's fault not to advise Harry from wearing those swastika (let's forget that Harry was 20 and apparantly a 20 yo army cadet still needed to be told what to wear), but when William (alledgely) advised him to take his relationship with Meghan carefully it was an unsolicited advice. It seems whatever it is, everything bad things happening to Harry will always be William's fault. Who know maybe someone also thought that Harry's Vegas scandal was also something planted by William to boost his popularity (though contrary to popular belief, Harry is not always more popular than William. At that point, William was more popular than Harry, it's William's photo that made cameo in the Princess' Diary, not Harry) or because William's jealousy or to protect William from the scandal of dating a commoner Middleton?
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Alisa-Lord Frederick Windsor is most definitely a member of the British Royal Family. He might not be a senior working royal, however he is still considered to be a part of the family just like his parents and sister.

As to his marriage to Sophie Winkleman in 2009, he like other member of the British Royal Family was required by the Royal Marriages Act 1772, to seek the consent of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
TLLK-Lord Frederick Windsor is a member of the King's family- not the British royal family. There is a difference. Ask yourself when was the last time you saw him carry out an official engagement.

Then who was Harry referring to? Just his brother William? Freddie is a member of the House of Windsor, if not strictly speaking the Royal Family.

And frankly the average American royal watcher (to whom Harry's comments were directed) doesn't know the difference between the Royal Family and the Royal House.

We will simply agree to disagree I guess.

To me it was clear that Harry was speaking about senior members of the RF, his grandfather, father, and brother.
He wasn't talking about Peter Phillips for example- (who is much higher on the succession list) and he certainly wasn't talking about people like Lord Frederick Windsor.

I agree that the average American doesn't know the difference. However the average American doesn't know Lord Frederick either. I would bet my left kidney- the average American couldn't pick him out of a line-up!
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And here we go with the ubiquitous "they" who pave the way for the way the BRF wish to be perceived. The leaks and planted stories that come from the palaces "they's" tireless efforts to make Harry the fall guy for all that was amiss, even when in the company of his invisible older brother. Yes Harry and his mates were tearaways and yes I am sure that it took a sterling effort to sanitise the situation (not), otherwise, the media wouldn't have known enough to follow him and write about him in such a denigrating way.!&&p=c7e6...lMjBwYXJ0eSUyMHRvZ2V0aGVyLiVFMiU4MCU5RA&ntb=1

So, what we know to be true is subject to the source and, in the case of the BRF, that is never disclosed. Hence the 'leaks' and 'planted stories. But one thing is clear, there are no innocents in this particular situation.

I don't see the evidence that anyone was lying about Harry to protect William. I remember when this happened and there were articles criticizing William for not stopping Harry from wearing the costume.

Harry was an adult and there is no suggestion that William forced him to wear the costume. If this is an example of Harry's complaints, I think it really shows Harry's refusal to take responsibility for his own actions.
To me it was clear that Harry was speaking about senior members of the RF, his grandfather, father, and brother.
He wasn't talking about Peter Phillips for example- (who is much higher on the succession list) and he certainly wasn't talking about people like Lord Frederick Windsor.

I agree that the average American doesn't know the difference. However the average American doesn't know Lord Frederick either. I would bet my left kidney- the average American couldn't pick him out of a line-up!

Why would Philip be included? He married into the family.

"I remember the uncomfortable moment on the Balcony after Trooping the Colour when Harry appeared to turn and speak harshly to Mehan for talking while the national anthem was playing. For those who wish to know how hard it is to learn the verses I would say, this was not Meghan being discourteous but rather a culture clash."

No, in every country in the world, standing still, quietly in a respectful manner while the National Anthem is played is acceptable if you are foreign and do not know the words. Talking during the anthem is unacceptable.
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"I remember the uncomfortable moment on the Balcony after Trooping the Colour when Harry appeared to turn and speak harshly to Mehan for talking while the national anthem was playing. For those who wish to know how hard it is to learn the verses I would say, this was not Meghan being discourteous but rather a culture clash."

No, in every country in the world, standing still, quietly in a respectful manner while the National Anthem is played is acceptable if you are foreign and do not know the words. Talking during the anthem is unacceptable.

Yes it certainly expected in the U.S. that citizens and residents are expected to stand quietly, remove their hats and remain so during the playing of the national anthem. I would find it incredible if Meghan was not aware of this prior to marrying Prince Harry.
Alisa, I guess you and I AND a overwhelming majority of People will have to agree to disagree as to whether Meghan was mocking the practice of curtsying to The Queen. Even the look on Harry's face is, hmmmm... lets not go there.....
For a supposedly well educated and traveled Woman, who majored in " International Relations ", it was a ridiculous stunt and tone deaf to include that rude recreation in the Series. When in Rome and all. I thought Meghan would have at least had better manners upon meeting her then boyfriend's Grandmother. To question the courtesy of a curtsy. A global icon,The Queen, no less.
Pun intended.

Same as her AGAIN bringing up having to Google God Save The Queen. That this actress couldn't simply look on YouTube for it AND practice it is preposterous. Not to mention, it would be easy for an American to master, as it strangely enough, its THE SAME melody as The American Anthem "My Country Tis of Thee".

For the record, as someone who was so excited for an American to join the Royal Family WHO had so much potential, I'm horrified as how its turned out. She has revealed herself in my eyes, as a manipulative and deceitful operator, who has a VERY bitter and vengeance driven agenda against The Royal Family.
All because She and her hapless husband were denied the ability to be' half -in half out' members of The Royal Family. I bet they thought it would eventually come to *some* sort of compromise where they would be.
When it didn't, they become bitter and pushed the nuclear option.
Supposedly this Thursday Docu-series is " poisonous " too.
Well stated! Every American her age knows the tune and at least the first verse to “my Country ‘Tis of Thee” which is, as you said, the exact same tune as “God Save the Queen.” She acts like it was so difficult - my guess is that she didn’t try. How embarrassing - I don’t think she realized it was the same tune or she would have never complained about having to learn it so quickly. Ridiculous!

Meghan didn’t say ‘I was never given any assistance or advice’ in the documentary. She just stated that there is no school there to tell you what to do. She was a foreigner in a new country and everything, Harry’s family, the surroundings, the Court, the way of life, was all new.

Diana was English and aristocratic but also later complained that she was not given help and advice. So they both felt isolated. And sometimes it’s the way advice is offered not the advice itself that can be off-putting.

Maybe a military officer, even one of colour, and an elderly English aristocrat like Lady Susan Hussey wasn’t the right choice to ‘help’ a new youngish family member. A similar quite elderly aristocrat was chosen to assist Diana and that didn’t work.

Meghan did strike a chord with Sir Christopher and did speak to the fashion expert so she was willing to learn. It’s just that perhaps some of the teachers were remote or, God Forbid, not particularly welcoming to her.
Diana was NOT given as much help. Due to the issues the RF had with this in the past they made sure they gave Meghan a lot of info - they didn’t want to make the same mistake again.
I don’t understand what you mean by a “school.” A school for one person? She was essentially offered private tutors - and chose not to take advantage of their expertise.
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I simply cannot believe/understand that an actress who was accustomed to memorizing pages and pages of dialogue for a TV series was stressed about learning the British National Anthem "God Save the Queen".

For goodness's sung to the tune of "My Country Tis' Of Thee" . ..familiar to every American.

Or is it??:ermm:

No way. I think Meghan is exaggerating big time.

Heaven forbid if she had been Maxima Zorregueta, Mary Donaldson, or Stephanie de Lannoy. Women who not only had to adapt to a new country and culture but learn a new language as well!:ohmy:
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I simply cannot believe/understand that an actress who was accustomed to memorizing pages and pages of dialogue for TV series was stressed about learning the British National Anthem "God Save the Queen".

When she complained about having to google the words during the Oprah interview, I felt she was complaining that the staff didn't think about doing it for her. I thought it was a bit arrogant because it is not that hard to do.
I’ll reserve judgement until the final episodes of this train wreck are out, and I guess also until the book is released, but my thought now is that William should permanently end all contact with Harry. I usually come down on the side of many family disputes working themselves out with time and effort, but the way Harry is willing to trash his family in public is unforgivable. Especially his brother and sister in law. I mean, poor little Harry has daddy issues and decides to work through them on TV like he’s auditioning for the Real Housewives of Windsor? Awful, but that’s what spoiled little boys do. But going after his brother is a whole other level of despicable behaviour.

This is one of the only situations I can think of where I’d say if he were my brother I’d be finished with him. And the fact that Harry is willing to torpedo the relationship with the person who will be in the position to offer him the most help over the medium-long term is unbelievably stupid. Wives and Netflix deals can come and go, and Harry may wish in ten or fifteen years time that he’d kept King William in his corner.
Absolutely! I often wonder “what is their end game?” To try to bring down the RF? William and Catherine’s ratings are very high in the UK - the ONLY place that really matters because the citizens in the UK pay for them. What difference does it really make how other citizens in the world think of the BRF? So Harry and Meghan are unlikely to make that happen and there is no way they could ever go back after all they’ve said and done IMHO.

End game of being popular in the US and other countries to make money? My sense is that most Americans don’t really care about them - they are celebrities now more like the Kardashians than actors such as Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hanks, Julia Robert’s - people who are respected for their talent.

After they have their 15 minutes of fame with this Netflix yawn fest and Harry’s book, then what? Americans (for one)will be on to the next “thing.” Perhaps so will folks in other countries, IDK. So when William is king in the next 20ish years, what then for the Sussexes or Harry, at least? Where will the money come from then? I am cynical enough to believe that when Harry becomes more of a liability than an asset, Meghan will move on. California is a community property state - each would get half of what they’ve made during the marriage.

Every time I think of them, these expressions come to mind: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” (warning against revenge) or “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” For someone who is supposed to be as smart as Meghan , I do not see any strategic thinking. Maybe I’m missing something???
I don't believe that's how she said it. She said Americans have an idea in their heads that's based on medieval imagery and films about that period. So when they (and she meant average American, not royal watchers) imagine curtsying or bowing that's how they imagine it happens. She didn't say it was similar to medieval times.

Doesn't seem that weird to me. If you don't care and don't follow this, how would you know? There was an article online here where journalists couldn't imagine people don't know the British anthem. I don't.. I'd recognise it, but I'd have to Google it. I bet most people around me don't know.. In fact I bet they don't know what a walkabout is either. They might know some of the royals by name and face, but that's it.


She brought up the comparison about Medieval Times to connect with the lowest common denominator in the US and then she said

"It was like that."

It was like that.

She brought up the comparison about Medieval Times to connect with the lowest common denominator in the US and then she said

"It was like that."

It was like that.

It was indeed. That was a part I chose to include in my recap because it stood out. I didn't include that she said it was like "Medieval Times, Dinner and a Show" but that's the context.
Moonmaiden23;2514577 Heaven forbid if she had been Maxima Zorregueta said:
Stephanie de Lannoy.[/B] Women who not only had to adapt to a new Country and culture but learn a new language as well!:ohmy:

Stephanie is Belgian, so she definitely speaks French, which is one of the official language in Luxemburg, AFAIK.

The ones who had to learn new language are Grace Kelly, Charlene Wittstock and Marie Cavallier.
Stephanie is Belgian, so she definitely speaks French, which is one of the official language in Luxemburg, AFAIK.

The ones who had to learn new language are Grace Kelly, Charlene Wittstock and Marie Cavallier.

Stephanie had to learn luxemburgich (I don’t even know how to spell it). Assuming she was already speaking german. But luxemburgich is what the locals speak - if I understand correctly it is a mix between german and neederlandisch.
What this all seems to boil down to is a final reveal of the insecurity and resentment of a second born son marrying a B-list actress/activist who gives him all the affirmation he's ever needed that he's been a victim all his life and now they need to 'tell their truth' about how awfully they were treated.

I don't doubt that Harry had some problems growing up. Losing his mother. Gaining a stepmother that he doesn't seem to like very much. Constantly having the tabloids insist that he wasn't actually Charles' son and, if we are to believe the stories, a disappointment to Charles that he wasn't born a girl.

Obviously it's becoming even more clear that he's also harbored a fair amount of resentment against William for some time, even if he didn't let it show before. Add to that the realization by Meghan that royal life wasn't all glitzy parties, celebrity hob-knobbing and tiaras but actual duty and sometimes dull obligations in the face of constant media scrutiny that isn't always going to be kind, and you have quite an unhappy pair.

Every generation of Windsor has had their malcontents. David and Wallace who threw the tantrum to end all tantrums because Wallace couldn't be made queen. Margaret's resentment over being denied marriage to Peter Townsend that becomes a story of raging alcoholism and rampaging adultery. Charles and Diana's bloody War of the Waleses. Andrew and the less said about him the better. Now there's Harry and Meghan.

I gave William a lot of credit for the time he took in making sure that Kate could handle the job before committing to her although I'm sure it seemed unkind at the time to string her along for so many years. She understood completely what was going to be expected of her and I think it's a reason why she doesn't seem to have had many missteps.

You would think that a smart girl like Meghan could read a book or two before marrying in instead of complaining about it all afterwards, and maybe making more of an effort to solicit advice from all the women who married in successfully. If this little series has shown anything, it's that Meghan wanted it all done her way, regardless of how the institution operates, but found out quickly that there are limitations when you are a royal.

I could not agree with you more.

Based on the first three episodes, it is clear that, growing up, Harry harboured deep resentment towards William being the future King, and Meghan did a fantastic job at weaponising that resentment.

So that said, the choice is clear now. Harry can either spend the rest of his days lobbing "truth bombs" and continuing to display his resentment towards his family, the country and the institution that gave him so much, or he can use the attention he gets to actually work to highlight some of the causes he cares deeply about. He has the late King Edward VIII as an example of the former, or he can take his mother's campaigning against land mines as an example of the latter. Clear choice. No ifs, no buts.

If only Jeremy Paxman still did interviews... ;)

Paxman could, but so could Emily Maitlis. The point is if H & M would ever be willing to be interviewed by them, or any reasonable journalist. I suspect not!

Regarding the coronation, I guess it could look a bit vindictive if the King does not invite his son to the ceremony. The wise thing to do is to invite them and make sure they ''choose'' not to attend it.

But if Harry and Meghan do want to be present, it would be interesting (to be polite) to see them attending such an ancient and hierarchical tradition, just months after trashing the Royal Family.

Would it not be rather reckless to invite them though? All the stories will be sold to the highest bidder afterwards, at least if the present actions are something to go by.

On the contrary, might it not be better to invite them and keep them close, than have them is the US and broadcasting their misery live with Gayle King and the others, overshadowing the Coronation?

Well from the tone of conversation- it seemed that it dawned on Harry at the last minute that she was going to be there.

Looks like Harry clearly did not consider preparing "M" for meeting "HM" relevant, so may be "M" should be directing her propoganda towards H!

Or perhaps, might that be for the book and series at another time?
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Looks like Harry clearly did not consider preparing "M" for meeting "HM" relevant, so may be "M" should be directing her propoganda towards H!

Or perhaps, might that be for the book and series at another time?

As long as they cash in,it is all and only about that..Let Karma work big time, and bite them.
I simply cannot believe/understand that an actress who was accustomed to memorizing pages and pages of dialogue for TV series was stressed about learning the British National Anthem "God Save the Queen".

For goodness's sung to the tune of "My Country Tis' Of Thee" . ..familiar to every American.

Or is it??:ermm:

No way. I think Meghan is exaggerating big time.

Heaven forbid if she had been Maxima Zorregueta, Mary Donaldson, or Stephanie de Lannoy. Women who not only had to adapt to a new Country and culture but learn a new language as well!:ohmy:

Eh, for the record I as an American in my many years of life have never heard of this song. I will Google it in a few minutes after I have made the rounds in the forum. Perhaps it's familiar to US servicemen (only 2 relatives) but to say it is familiar to every American is a bit of a stretch because I have never heard of it.

I will watch episodes 3 and the rest later this week to give a better informed opinion but...
. As an actress, Meghan is use to rehearsing an researching roles. That she didn't research the biggest role of her life seems unbelievable. She is also a smart woman and not some doozy- I could see her for ex. reading upon Prince Philip's mother and how incredible she was and using that as conversation starter.
Stephanie is Belgian, so she definitely speaks French, which is one of the official language in Luxemburg, AFAIK.

The ones who had to learn new language are Grace Kelly, Charlene Wittstock and Marie Cavallier.

Maxima had to learn Dutch and Mary had to learn Danish —- not the easiest!
Stephanie is Belgian, so she definitely speaks French, which is one of the official language in Luxemburg, AFAIK.

The ones who had to learn new language are Grace Kelly, Charlene Wittstock and Marie Cavallier.

Stephanie spoke French and German, but she had to learn Luxembourgish , which is now considered a separate language.

In addition to Grace, Charlene, Alexandra, Marie, Mary, and Máxima, we can also include Silvia of Sweden among the royal brides who had to learn a new language from scratch.
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Well stated! Every American her age knows the tune and at least the first verse to “my Country ‘Tis of Thee” which is, as you said, the exact same tune as “God Save the Queen.” She acts like it was so difficult - my guess is that she didn’t try. How embarrassing - I don’t think she realized it was the same tune or she would have never complained about having to learn it so quickly. Ridiculous!
It becomes even more ridiculous when she behaves like she was expected to carry the weight of the whole opera on her innocent American shoulders. She spoke as if this was an auditioning for a singing contest.

For God's sake, no one cared just how she would sing it. No one would have even heard the sound she produced. Literally all that was expected of her was to open her mouth and say the words. Soundlessly if the melody was too overwhelming for this smart woman to handle. No one would have known. She needed just to show the respect. But of course, Meghan loves talking. Her poor manners shone again in this.

How presumptuous of her to think someone cared about her "performance". Open your mouth and that's it. Or keep it respectfully closed. Alas, Meghan seems unwilling to do either.
I remember the uncomfortable moment on the Balcony after Trooping the Colour when Harry appeared to turn and speak harshly to Mehan for talking while the national anthem was playing. For those who wish to know how hard it is to learn the verses I would say, this was not Meghan being discourteous but rather a culture clash.

I remember when in theatres the national anthem was routinely played before the film or the first act. It was automatic, the moment the first bar played everyone stood and sang the national anthem. Now in this case it appears that Meghan didn't react like us. Could it be that when we hear "God save our gracious Queen" Meghan heard "My Country 'tis of thee", an American patriotic song but not the National Anthem?

It takes more than learning the words to a song, in her case it was re-writing a song she has heard all of her life. And how many times did she slip up?

The same culture clash is present here. Americans are adamant that they do not bow to anyone while the BRF do. For Harry to spring a meeting with his Grandmother on his fiance on her unprepared I am sure she was shocked, would the Queen like her, how would she talk to her, trying to remember how to curtsey all the while wondering if her dress was up to scratch. At least she is able to laugh at herself which is better than being mortified. Ah, reports, those nifty little things that are leaked to the media or to an intermediary by the ubiquitous "someone". We have no actual proof that the Queen wanted Sophie to mentor Meghan, and it has been suggested that Lady Susan and Sir Christopher Geidt were also tagged to mento her. I don't think Sophie would have been a terrific choice as she is the longest-lasting commoner married into the BRF. Lady Susan would have been of minimal help as a woman in her eighties and Sir Christopher was so power-hungry that he lost his place as gatekeeper to the Queen for preventing both Prince Charles, the heir to the throne and Andrew, a loved son, from seeing their mother. Angry words were spoken and Sir Christopher was reassigned as HM realised he could not continue in his current position. I wonder how caring, considerate and downright forthcoming such a man was to a divorced American commoner?

And here we go with the ubiquitous "they" who pave the way for the way the BRF wish to be perceived. The leaks and planted stories that come from the palaces "they's" tireless efforts to make Harry the fall guy for all that was amiss, even when in the company of his invisible older brother. Yes Harry and his mates were tearaways and yes I am sure that it took a sterling effort to sanitise the situation (not), otherwise, the media wouldn't have known enough to follow him and write about him in such a denigrating way.!&&p=c7e6...lMjBwYXJ0eSUyMHRvZ2V0aGVyLiVFMiU4MCU5RA&ntb=1

So, what we know to be true is subject to the source and, in the case of the BRF, that is never disclosed. Hence the 'leaks' and 'planted stories. But one thing is clear, there are no innocents in this particular situation.

I can’t speak to the other posters quoted here, but my post doesn’t refer to any “they,” and everything I refer to comes from sources with names. In fact, one such source was linked a few pages before this post.

This said, even if this wasn’t true, perhaps nothing in the history of the Royal Family has turned out to be quite so right as the “they” who spoke about Harry and Meghan since the beginning of their relationship, and this is why people are increasingly willing to believe it when they never would in the past. I am in this group.

Just to pull out an example at random… “they” have been saying for over a year now that Harry and Meghan have been recording their intimate moments to sell for a TV documentary. Unbelievable, right? I certainly thought so.

“They” are being proved right again. And again. And again. And again.
I would particularly like to ask the people on this forum who are from the UK what your feelings are about the danger of Harry and Meghan to the Monarchy, particularly with their claims made in this docuseries? ]

I don't think they are any danger to the monarchy. Their approval ratings here are well into negative figures. The general feeling is that they are whingers at best and liars at worst. Very few people are taking anything they're saying seriously.
My guess seeing trailer 2, is that they decided not to go after Charles and Camilla. They’ll have a couple of digs at Kate and William, without providing much detail.

It’s a stupid thing to do, of course, since William and Kate are immensely popular and many Brits consider William to be very much in Diana’s image, perhaps more so than Harry. And all outside images of the Wales are of a positive, loving, close family. Those images will be of great contrast to whatever bitterness Harry has of his brother.

I don’t think there’s going to be any big “truth bombs”, however. Despite their disgust with the institution, they seem very much to want to be a part of it with titles and access. Anyhow, that’s my prediction. It’ll be another three hours of personal photos and love story, and a few digs to get the media in a tizzy and eyeballs (money!) on the project.

But, yeah, even if I’m right, if I were anyone in the family, I’d keep my distance from them with a ten foot pole since anything can be monetized.

And, in fact, if I were a charity or company, I’d advise to keep them away, as their credibility is questionable and their record of keeping staff is abysmal. Plus, although they’ll still have plenty of fans, they’ll have just as many (if not more) who will roll their eyes and dismiss their work as having the real motive of personal profit.
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If they start giving names to the 'They's' would that be easier for people to retaliate with court cases?

Also pretty certain the book will be the sword against Charles and Camilla.

I think that is how they made things right between Netflix and Penguin Random House. We will talk about William in the one , Charles in the other. Next season - it will be the rest and the Queen.

It becomes even more ridiculous when she behaves like she was expected to carry the weight of the whole opera on her innocent American shoulders. She spoke as if this was an auditioning for a singing contest.

For God's sake, no one cared just how she would sing it. No one would have even heard the sound she produced. Literally all that was expected of her was to open her mouth and say the words. Soundlessly if the melody was too overwhelming for this smart woman to handle. No one would have known. She needed just to show the respect. But of course, Meghan loves talking. Her poor manners shone again in this.

How presumptuous of her to think someone cared about her "performance". Open your mouth and that's it. Or keep it respectfully closed. Alas, Meghan seems unwilling to do either.

It is also very short - terribly short. It is not a recital of Paradise Lost here. And considering she seemed fine learning those horrendous lines from Suits. Surely a less then 10 lined song - would be no issue.
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