Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Totally agree with the Zwarte Piet comparison; I do believe that Dutch people now realize that the racist trope is not acceptable. However, whether the British tabloid culture will stop its racist attacks is another question….one can only hope, just as Prince Harry clearly has, that talking about racism will help remove the hurt. What I have seen so far of the Netflix documentary is an example of money well spent; everyone is talking about the Harry and Meghan show! Now, of course, the question is what next and I also agree that the ties that bind are stronger than those that divide. Family is everything and King Charles has spoken of his love for both his sons. We will see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Coronation next May, along with their children.

I can't see why they would want to go to the Coronation. Also they were grossly insulting to the British people in the documentary so I would actually be angry at Charles if he invited them as I am sure many people in Britain would.
Gerry, I respectfully disagree. I think them being at the Coronation is wishful thinking.
Harry and Meghan are throwing grenades at The Firm-Family and The Institution of The British Monarchy that Charles is the head of.
Commonwealth Leader too, or "Empire 2" as it was dismissively called in the first part series.
The outrage that their appearance would cause would do much damage to Charles. He can't afford this.
He has to operate as King.
Not extend UNWANTED olive branches to his wayward, rogue, angry, jealous, temper tantrum throwing son and daughter in law. That they mock increasingly.
Who strangely enough doesn't seem to be able to stop talking about his "freedom". Its becoming laughable, as they become more insufferable.

The patient and forgiving "Dad" must be secondary, to the Crown. Also to William's unenviable position in all this. Targeted by his treacherous OWN brother. Charles has to calculate British public opinion too, against the manipulating and self aggrandizing Harry and Meghan games to diminish The House of Windsor and elevate The Sussex's.
I almost wish Diana's lovely and respected sisters Sarah and Jane would speak up, its getting to the point that someone has to......
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I think Britain is very well rid of these two.
suztav, agreed. I don't think Oprah was used though. I think the Sussex's and Oprah both got what they wanted.

Purely based on this repulsive and radioactive Trailer, there is no way the Sussex's will be allowed to go to The Coronation.
They have now gone WITH this docu-series beyond just being a distraction. They would be a disturbing and destructive negative force there. They have forced Charles's hand with these attacks.
They have also given ammo to the case that is meandering thru Parliament to change the law in order to remove Titles.

But my real fear is that they will be PAID "Analysts".... Royal Correspondents, on some Network like Gayle Kings CBS " Coronation Coverage " with The Duke and Duchess Of Sussex. God only knows how scathing they would be to

Or perhaps Netflix will hire them for Royal Specials, a la "King and Country Series".

Part of me thinks that the Palace at some point will have to respond to William being attacked. It is unbelievable.
Harry and Meghan seem positively unhinged. How, how was Meghan "Fed to the Wolves". I'm old enough to remember what Fergie went thru, "Duchess of Pork" .....AND everything from her spending to her fashions sense criticized weekly. For many YEARS.

Again, Fergie WAS her own worst enemy, but Meghan's hysterics over her perceived treatment FOR LESS than a 18 month job suggests to me that she is very erratic. Almost unstable.

I would definitely pull the NDA's from The Sussex's Staff and let the information about the Bullying come out.
As I understand it, (??) the agreements were with Kensington Palace, NOT Harry and Meghan.

I wonder if any American network would actually hire them as "experts" .... usually, for royal events, the networks hire people who seem to be "royalists" or at least people who aren't torching the institution. I can't seem to think of anything they would add to the proceedings --- especially, Meghan who claims to have never been schooled in anything royal, British history ... what the heck could she add?

I agree about waiving the NDA's from any Sussex staff ... Charles and William need to let everyone sing!
Denville, because at EVERY opportunity, and most recently, the Diana Card is played by Harry. In the docu-series Harry said how much Meghan is ( in Harry's eyes) JUST like Diana. "So much of what Meghan is and how She is is so similar to my Mom.....She has the same compassion, empathy and confidence. She has this warmth around her."
She has all the warmth of a crocodile, as well as the crocodile tears down pat.

I would just love for the two People that CAN speak to this, Diana's sisters, put Harry on notice.......He doesn't solely "own" Diana's memory.
"No Harry, Meghan is NOTHING like Diana and She would be horrified at how the relationship between you and William has broken done since Meghan arrived".
Short and to the point. Nothing more, but just a frank rebuttal.
Just wishful thinking on my part.
I suspect that Charles, William and the rest of the family will continue to maintain a dignified silence. It’s lucky that the Princess of Wales has her Carol service that day- it’s an opportunity for the entire extended family to be seen supporting each other in a positive environment that honors the late Queen.

We only see the public story. I’ve begun to suspect that Harry’s mental health is much worse than was ever known, and I can’t see his family wanting to make anything worse.
Totally agree with the Zwarte Piet comparison; I do believe that Dutch people now realize that the racist trope is not acceptable. However, whether the British tabloid culture will stop its racist attacks is another question….one can only hope, just as Prince Harry clearly has, that talking about racism will help remove the hurt. What I have seen so far of the Netflix documentary is an example of money well spent; everyone is talking about the Harry and Meghan show! Now, of course, the question is what next and I also agree that the ties that bind are stronger than those that divide. Family is everything and King Charles has spoken of his love for both his sons. We will see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Coronation next May, along with their children.

I imagine that the British people, who will be paying for a large part of the coronation of King Charles, will NOT want to see these 2 in attendance.
It is likely the British Royal Family will treat this Netflix soap opera with the disdain it requires, and continue a dignified silence.
David Alusoga speaks about his role as ‘talking head’ in the Documentary.

From The Guardian

What was quietly and purposefully revelatory about the documentary went largely uncommented upon. The more open-minded of the 2.4 million people who clicked through to the first episode experienced a simple but central revelation: they heard the voices of a young woman of colour and her husband, who have been subjected of an unprecedented campaign of abuse and vilification, telling us what that all felt like.

As I appear as one of its talking-head interviewees, I have found the past few days revelatory in a different way. Being caught in the series’ blowback is to be shown – in bleak and granular detail – how a six-year campaign of tabloid abuse has left huge numbers of otherwise reasonable people both obsessed with and contemptuous towards a young couple they have never met.
My Twitter feed is rarely pretty, but recent days have been particularly unappealing; a primordial soup of defensiveness, racism, misogyny, jingoism and whataboutery, garnished yesterday with an antisemitic conspiracy theory, as the documentary’s producer comes from a Jewish family.

Let's be quite clear here. This is just his opinion. One amongst 65 odd other million on this island. The fact that he has been abused on a US social media site does not make him right.

It's entirely obvious that from some quarters there is a campaign to smear this country & it's monarchy. They are the ones who are contemptuous. Contemptuous of decent Britons, their history, values & identity.
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It's one thing to insinuate that William chose his wife not from his heart but because she "fit the mold"( not really, but that's a different topic).

He seems to paint all the men in the "institution" -except himself- as choosing their partners not for love but for duty and image.

Cousin Peter Phillips married a commoner Catholic Canadian who once worked as a barmaid.

Cousin Lord Freddie married an American actress (sound familiar?:cool:)

Uncle Edward married the daughter of a tire salesman.

Kate has been virtually flawless as member of the BRF but she is descended from coal miners and has parents who "work in trade" as Harry's horrified ancestors would have said.

So where does he come up with the vainglorious idea that he is the only Royal male who made a love match from the heart? The facts obviously don't support him.

Once...just once..I wish someone would push back on Harry and Meghan in REAL TIME when they make such ridiculous allegations.

But that would require the interview to be a non American familiar with the BRF, and the Sussexes have not spoken in depth to anyone like that since they left.
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If only Jeremy Paxman still did interviews... ;)
Charles loving both his sons actually means he should care about William. Harry insulted his brother and his brother's wife for all to see. If Charles overlooks this, it's a slap in the face to William and a permission for Harry to keep wounding because hey, Daddy loves his baby.

I agree that all the olive branches offered this far has been rejected. Safe in the knowledge that the RF wouldn't sink to their level, Harry and Meghan keep running their mouths and wounding everyone who outranks them and actually, with this documentary it seems they're keen to sling mud at everyone who succeeded in actually staying in the RF without being thoroughly unhappy. It's becoming increasingly hostile to both family and the British public. They might be invited to the Coronation but they will be stuck somewhere safely away from the amount of spotlight they would have gotten otherwise.
So where does he come up with the vainglorious idea that he is the only Royal male who made a love match from the heart? The facts obviously don't support him.

The big royal love match of the last 80 years was that of his grandparents. His grandmother definitely did not marry someone that fit the mold or was what her parents had planned for. How convenient of him to forget that.
The big royal love match of the last 80 years was that of his grandparents. His grandmother definitely did not marry someone that fit the mold or was what her parents had planned for. How convenient of him to forget that.

He most likely didn't want to taint their memory, so he only talked about the 'men' marrying with their head rather than their heart (it seems that primarily applies to his father's first marriage - so, it is the exception, not the rule).
Well as I feared, according to this new Trailer, he is gunning for William. I don't know if it is pathetic or incredibly sad. Both I suppose. Just sickening.

Yes, and it's so insidious.
Harry doesn't say who lied, or what they lied about, or why William needed protection.

I'm assuming he won't explain either, but just put these nebulous accusations out there, and never specify so that no one can refute them.
Totally agree with the Zwarte Piet comparison; I do believe that Dutch people now realize that the racist trope is not acceptable. However, whether the British tabloid culture will stop its racist attacks is another question….one can only hope, just as Prince Harry clearly has, that talking about racism will help remove the hurt. What I have seen so far of the Netflix documentary is an example of money well spent; everyone is talking about the Harry and Meghan show! Now, of course, the question is what next and I also agree that the ties that bind are stronger than those that divide. Family is everything and King Charles has spoken of his love for both his sons. We will see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Coronation next May, along with their children.

British tabloids are holding them to account for their behaviour. And doing a good job as well. So good for them!

Not that I read them of course.;)
It's one thing to insinuate that William chose his wife not from his heart but because she "fit the mold"( not really, but that's a different topic).

He seems to paint all the men in the "institution" -except himself- as choosing their partners not for love but for duty and image.

Cousin Peter Phillips married a commoner Catholic Canadian who once worked as a barmaid.

Cousin Lord Freddie married an American actress (sound familiar?:cool:)

Uncle Edward married the daughter of a tire salesman.

Kate has been virtually flawless as member of the BRF but she is descended from coal miners and has parents who "work in trade" as Harry's horrified ancestors would have said.

So where does he come up with the vainglorious idea that he is the only Royal male who made a love match from the heart? The facts obviously don't support him.

Once...just once..I wish someone would push back on Harry and Meghan in REAL TIME when they make such ridiculous allegations.

But that would require the interview to be a non American familiar with the BRF, and the Sussexes have spoken in depth to anyone like that since they left.

Wrong, cousin Freddie married an English actress, her name is Sophie Winkleman:)
Yes, and it's so insidious.

Harry doesn't say who lied, or what they lied about, or why William needed protection.

I'm assuming he won't explain either, but just put these nebulous accusations out there, and never specify so that no one can refute them.

Apparently- the subtitles indicate “they” is the British media.

Regardless- it’s a terrible way to treat his brother. Because, no matter who “they” are, people will wonder just exactly what got covered up- unless Harry decides to get specific. Either way- it’s William’s business not his.
In regards to them attending the coronation - why would they want to? They think the UK is a racist country, they think the RF is too hierarchical and too cold, Meghan seems to think she has to perform a "dying swan" curtsey and they both think they are at risk of security threats in the UK and would have to face the lying, racist media that follows them everywhere while they are here. Why bother? They don't have proper true affection for Charles or William so it would only be to be seen at the coronation for their profile but the risks seem to outweigh it. Charles should state all those reasons when he doesn't invite them IMO.
I'm sad that the relationship between Harry and William has come to this, but if it's this toxic then maybe William is better off without Harry in his life. He's got a wife, children, father, stepmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends ... . He held out an olive branch with the joint walkabout at Sandringham, and the King spoke about loving Harry and Meghan, and it's all been thrown back in their faces. There's only so hard that you can try.
Yes, and it's so insidious.
Harry doesn't say who lied, or what they lied about, or why William needed protection.

I'm assuming he won't explain either, but just put these nebulous accusations out there, and never specify so that no one can refute them.


Once again it's unspecified "they"s who are to blame. Such a cowardly thing to do.

And his comments about being aboard a "freedom flight" are nonsensical. He wasn't a hostage. If he wanted to leave all along why didn't he just say so. All the money the taxpayer would have saved!
They are torching the bridge! If I were the Palace ... I would not make a statement. I would just let them sink themselves. Do not engage in their games.

Regarding the Coronation ... do not invite them. Don't announce that they aren't invited ... just don't invite them and let them hang in the proverbial wind.

Does anyone know is here neighbor Oprah has pipped-in on any of their latest stories and accusations or has Oprah figured out that she was used?

Many journos have asserted that the Palace makes a habit of briefing against H&M. They don't need to issue statements.
It's one thing to insinuate that William chose his wife not from his heart but because she "fit the mold"( not really, but that's a different topic).

He seems to paint all the men in the "institution" -except himself- as choosing their partners not for love but for duty and image.

Cousin Peter Phillips married a commoner Catholic Canadian who once worked as a barmaid.

Cousin Lord Freddie married an American actress (sound familiar?:cool:)

Uncle Edward married the daughter of a tire salesman.

Kate has been virtually flawless as member of the BRF but she is descended from coal miners and has parents who "work in trade" as Harry's horrified ancestors would have said.

So where does he come up with the vainglorious idea that he is the only Royal male who made a love match from the heart? The facts obviously don't support him.

Once...just once..I wish someone would push back on Harry and Meghan in REAL TIME when they make such ridiculous allegations.

But that would require the interview to be a non American familiar with the BRF, and the Sussexes have spoken in depth to anyone like that since they left.

That was really a horrible thing to say. And it doesn’t make sense, as you pointed out. Though if I had a dollar for everything they said that didn’t make sense, I could probably retire.

Harry was nice and vague with his “men” comment. Since I’m quite sure Harry knows the difference between singular and plural, he had to have been referring to more than Charles.

Certainly a lot of the media have interpreted it as a swipe against William, particularly since he said he wanted to make sure she was up for the job. (Unlike Harry, who it is safe to say, did not.)

And- yes- it would be nice to see someone push back on what they say, rather than just let it stand. It’s so obviously biased.
Many journos have asserted that the Palace makes a habit of briefing against H&M. They don't need to issue statements.

I hope they do brief against them. They deserve to be briefed against for the way they behave.

If anything the palace shouldn't brief. Just make public statements correcting of all of H&M's, erm, "errors".

In fact don't be shy. Type it up, put it on a golden easel & stick it at the entrance gates to Buckingham Palace.:D
Why would the Spencer aunts speak up?

According to author Christopher Anderson, Lady Sarah and Lady Jane have indeed spoken up. During the engagement period Harry brought Meghan to Althorp to meet his maternal relatives. And when Harry began his enthusiastic "isn't she just like Mummy" spiel not only did his aunts politely but firmly demur, but so did his uncle the Earl.

Relations with his Spencer relatives, once pretty close, have been chilly ever since. also didn't help that Lord Spencer reportedly echoed William's advice not to rush things with Meghan.

So it looks like Harry is quite alone in seeing the so called Diana/Meghan similarities. No one else who was close to her agrees with him at all.

The one person who would likely be very vocal in shutting Harry down regarding this matter would be his maternal grandmother, the late Frances Shand-Kydd. I have very clear memories of an incident after Diana's death when Victoria Beckham-or someone in her circle- was comparing the level of press interest/harassment of Beckham to that of the recently dead Princess of Wales.

They feared Posh would meet the same tragic fate.

Shand-Kydd issued a chilly statement "with all due respect to Mrs. Beckham" your situation is not close to that of my daughter, or something close.

I don't think she would sit quietly for Harry's nonsense either.
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I actually think the silence from the Spencer family speaks volumes.
Presumably the only person at fault for not briefing Meghan that HM would be at Royal Lodge would be Harry?
Well from the tone of conversation- it seemed that it dawned on Harry at the last minute that she was going to be there.
Regarding the coronation, I guess it could look a bit vindictive if the King does not invite his son to the ceremony. The wise thing to do is to invite them and make sure they ''choose'' not to attend it.

But if Harry and Meghan do want to be present, it would be interesting (to be polite) to see them attending such an ancient and hierarchical tradition, just months after trashing the Royal Family.
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