Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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The hypocrisy of Christopher Bouzy being the founder and CEO of Bot Sentinel that "combat disinformation and harassment online" is both astounding and unsurprising. Some of the tweets towards The Prince and Princess of Wales were absolute crass, vile and ironically dragging race into it. Bouzy himself is sued by Youtuber lawyer, Nate the Lawyer, for defamation. Bot Sentinel is also involved in Amber Heard's defence team.

Who is Christopher Bouzy in the Harry and Meghan Netflix trailer?
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Does THIS Key Player Give Us The Biggest Clue About What Part 2 Will Discuss?
There’s even an article from Hello Magazine that mentions those very nasty tweets.
Why did Meghan have to google the National Anthem? She was living with a man who knew it backwards, having sung it countless times in his life. He could have dictated it to her and even taught her how to sing it while standing to attention!
Trailer for the second batch of episodes:

Why did Meghan have to google the National Anthem? She was living with a man who knew it backwards, having sung it countless times in his life. He could have dictated it to her and even taught her how to sing it while standing to attention!

Because it would be too simple, too easy, not enough unwelcoming, not enough willing her to fail. At least, that's my explanation. I couldn't believe it when she first said it. I still can't believe she went with the whole hugger thing. Does she really think that makes her look more warm and relatable? I don't know about others but the time I pretended to be other age was when I was 15, trying to imitate the maturity and - crucial! - independence of a 25-year-old. From the very beginning, up to this documentary, Meghan has struck me as a 35-year-old trying to imitate the sweetness and innocence of a 15-year-old. Well, she said it herself. The Princess Diaries? That'e her association and reference point? So immature. And one of the reasons she can never do it right is because she's trying to squeeze in her intelligence, her career and so on.
Why did Meghan have to google the National Anthem? She was living with a man who knew it backwards, having sung it countless times in his life. He could have dictated it to her and even taught her how to sing it while standing to attention!

Besides, Meghan was a TV actress who was used to memorizing hundreds of lines of dialogue on a regular basis, and who had professional singing training as a drama major in college and before that, having been on school musicals since she was a child. It is beyond belief that she had "to practice over and over again" to learn two simple stanzas (or even one stanza only) of a national anthem.
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Can anyone recall the first event at which Meghan would have had to sing the national anthem in public? I'm just trying to establish how much time there was to learn it from the engagement to the event.
Well as I feared, according to this new Trailer, he is gunning for William. I don't know if it is pathetic or incredibly sad. Both I suppose. Just sickening.

The two people I felt bad for in the previous episode were Kate, and Meghan's niece Ashleigh.

Kate for being labeled BY HARRY as some kind of bot, that was "chosen" because She would fit the mold of a Royal Wife. A Royal Stepford Wife. How demeaning to belittle her that way. A woman he has known for 20 years that he once referred to as a "sister".

And Ashleigh, trotted out in the docu-series to bolster Meghan's narrative of a cold and controlling Palace that wouldn't allow her to be invited to The Wedding.
It now appears that Buckingham Palace IS pushing back on that. " Insiders " claim that is a lie. They felt it would actually be better optics if Meghan had someone from her blood family there other than her Mother. Which, you have to admit is downright odd. To be estranged from EVERYONE. Not just Dad and her half siblings...... But Uncles, Aunts, Cousins.

Meghan didn't want to invite Ashleigh AND DIDN'T. All on her, not the Palace.
She didn't want to bring on more conversations regarding half sister Samantha (Ashleigh's Mom) criticism of her. The sad thing is that Ashleigh IS estranged from Samantha and was raised by Grandparents who formerly adopted her.

I really felt bad for her when She said how hurt she was not to be invited. And it was falsely blamed on The Palace by Meghan. That is horrible.

All I can say is that Harry better hope that he and Meghan never split up. Because, based on what we are seeing and hearing from Meghan's scorched early-take no prisoners strategy, when she seeks to justify actions..... she would destroy him.
Just as both are seeking to do to The Windsors. Especially William.
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I dont think that the story about Fred Mercury is true. And I dobut if Diana went out much during her engagement time, but I can see the Mountbatten sisters thinking that she "wanted to go to jive concerts rather than to learn how to be a princess".. the very word shows the age gap.

There’s actually pretty good evidence for the evening with Freddie Mercury being true. It was included in Cleo Rocos’ memoir and she was with them that night.
Just finished the 2nd episode.

Again I saw nothing that could be "potentially damaging" to the BRF and its senior members.

The 2nd episode mostly focused on Meghan's life pre-wedding. Her childhood and adult life.

Thomas Markle should be pleased with the way he was nicely portrayed as a doting father. Meghan described their time together as happy. There were videos shown of him teaching her about camera angles and the 2 of them together fishing.

I don't see how some people thought she was making a mockery of curtsying to the Queen. There was even a Daily Mail article criticizing Meghan’s supposed mockery. I re-watched that scene 3x. Meghan had never curtsied to anyone before and Meghan drew upon what she knew of and did an elaborate curtsy. How some people find this a mockery is baffling.

This episode reminded me of how I really wanted things to work out as I thought/and do think that Meghan is beautiful, smart, eloquent, and definitely has that lidfe of service attitude- that would have made her perfect for the royal family.
Alisa, I guess you and I AND a overwhelming majority of People will have to agree to disagree as to whether Meghan was mocking the practice of curtsying to The Queen. Even the look on Harry's face is, hmmmm... lets not go there.....
For a supposedly well educated and traveled Woman, who majored in " International Relations ", it was a ridiculous stunt and tone deaf to include that rude recreation in the Series. When in Rome and all. I thought Meghan would have at least had better manners upon meeting her then boyfriend's Grandmother. To question the courtesy of a curtsy. A global icon,The Queen, no less.
Pun intended.

Same as her AGAIN bringing up having to Google God Save The Queen. That this actress couldn't simply look on YouTube for it AND practice it is preposterous. Not to mention, it would be easy for an American to master, as it strangely enough, its THE SAME melody as The American Anthem "My Country Tis of Thee".

For the record, as someone who was so excited for an American to join the Royal Family WHO had so much potential, I'm horrified as how its turned out. She has revealed herself in my eyes, as a manipulative and deceitful operator, who has a VERY bitter and vengeance driven agenda against The Royal Family.
All because She and her hapless husband were denied the ability to be' half -in half out' members of The Royal Family. I bet they thought it would eventually come to *some* sort of compromise where they would be.
When it didn't, they become bitter and pushed the nuclear option.
Supposedly this Thursday Docu-series is " poisonous " too.
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Meghan’s claim that she didn’t know what a walkabout was and that she never saw pictures or videos of one, just don’t ring true for me. Harry did a few walkabouts while they were dating. So he never talked to her about his day? She never saw photos from those events in the news?

One of Meghan’s close friends once stated that when their friends moved to a new city, Meghan would create a book filled with all the special places to go and see. So Meghan puts that much effort and research into a book for her friends, but doesn’t do the same for her new life? It’s just hard to believe that she wasn’t curious enough about Harry’s life to research it. Just going to the official royal website gives you all kinds of information (including photos of walkabouts).

Harry’s comments about the “lack of support” Meghan received, actually speaks more to him than it does the BRF. Many of the things she needed help on were basic knowledge to Harry. He could have easily helped her, yet we’re told he didn’t bother to teach her the National anthem, failed to explain what a walkabout was and didn’t tell her that she would need to curtsey to family members. And if he wasn’t sure on all the protocols when it comes to the clothes Meghan should wear, why didn’t he call up Eugenie? She seemed to get on really well with Meghan and I imagine she would have been more than happy to help.

Having said all that, I really don’t believe that Meghan wasn’t given all the help she needed by the Palace.

That new So they’re accusing someone (the palace?) of lying to protect William?
Well as I feared, according to this new Trailer, he is gunning for William. I don't know if it is pathetic or incredibly sad. Both I suppose. Just sickening.

The two people I felt bad for in the previous episode were Kate, and Meghan's niece Ashleigh.

Kate for being labeled BY HARRY as some kind of bot, that was "chosen" because She would fit the mold of a Royal Wife. A Royal Stepford Wife. How demeaning to belittle her that way. A woman he has known for 20 years that he once referred to as a "sister".

And Ashleigh, trotted out in the docu-series to bolster Meghan's narrative of a cold and controlling Palace that wouldn't allow her to be invited to The Wedding.
It now appears that Buckingham Palace IS pushing back on that. " Insiders " claim that is a lie. They felt it would actually be better optics if Meghan had someone from her blood family there other than her Mother. Which, you have to admit is downright odd. To be estranged from EVERYONE. Not just Dad and her half siblings...... But Uncles, Aunts, Cousins.

Meghan didn't want to invite Ashleigh AND DIDN'T. All on her, not the Palace.
She didn't want to bring on more conversations regarding half sister Samantha (Ashleigh's Mom) criticism of her. The sad thing is that Ashleigh IS estranged from Samantha and was raised by Grandparents who formerly adopted her.

I really felt bad for her when She said how hurt she was not to be invited. And it was falsely blamed on The Palace by Meghan. That is horrible.

All I can say is that Harry better hope that he and Meghan never split up. Because, based on what we are seeing and hearing from Meghan's scorched early-take no prisoners strategy, when she seeks to justify actions..... she would destroy him.
Just as both are seeking to do to The Windsors. Especially William.

The best part of the trailer is when Harry is vlogging their "flight to freedom" (to record it for posterity maybe?) shortly after having literally begged the Queen to stay "half-in, half-out". And Meghan saying that "they had to leave" because "their security was being pulled" and that she was "being fed to the wolves".

I've never seen such a blatant example of revisionist history and timeline confusion. We will see it in the full context in the program (trailer editing can be misleading), but if "they were happy to lie to protect my brother; they were not willing to tell the truth to protect us" is not an all-out declaration of war, I don't know what is.
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Alisa, I guess you and I AND a overwhelming majority of People will have to agree to disagree as to whether Meghan was mocking the practice of curtsying to The Queen. Even the look on Harry's face is, hmmmm... lets not go there.....
For a supposedly well educated and traveled Woman, who majored in " International Relations ", it was a ridiculous stunt and tone deaf to include that rude recreation in the Series. When in Rome and all. I thought Meghan would have at least had better manners upon meeting her then boyfriend's Grandmother. To question the courtesy of a curtsy. A global icon,The Queen, no less.
Pun intended.

According to the couple, there was no long planned meeting with the Queen. If there was the yes, Meghan had ample time to do her research. Instead Meghan was told on the way over "Oh by the way my Grandmother is will be there, do you know how to curtsy? "

If anyone was mocking anything. It was Meghan mocking herself and how awkward she looked performing her first curtsy. The first time someone does something is usually not perfect, especially when it spur of the moment and unplanned. I actually think it is endearing that she is so transparent about how awkward she looked doing such an elaborate curtsy.
According to the couple, there was no long planned meeting with the Queen. If there was the yes, Meghan had ample time to do her research. Instead Meghan was told on the way over "Oh by the way my Grandmother is will be there, do you know how to curtsy? "

If anyone was mocking anything. It was Meghan mocking herself and how awkward she looked performing her first curtsy. The first time someone does something is usually not perfect, especially when it spur of the moment and unplanned. I actually think it is endearing that she is so transparent about how awkward she looked doing such an elaborate curtsy.

According to the Oprah interview though, Sarah Ferguson taught her to curtsy before the Queen arrived. She doesn’t mention it here but she did mention it then- that Fergie practiced with her. So I doubt it was as awkward as it is made out here.

For me, the bigger issue was comparing meeting the Queen to having dinner at Medieval Times.
Meghan’s claim that she didn’t know what a walkabout was and that she never saw pictures or videos of one, just don’t ring true for me. Harry did a few walkabouts while they were dating. So he never talked to her about his day? She never saw photos from those events in the news?

One of Meghan’s close friends once stated that when their friends moved to a new city, Meghan would create a book filled with all the special places to go and see. So Meghan puts that much effort and research into a book for her friends, but doesn’t do the same for her new life? It’s just hard to believe that she wasn’t curious enough about Harry’s life to research it. Just going to the official royal website gives you all kinds of information (including photos of walkabouts).

Harry’s comments about the “lack of support” Meghan received, actually speaks more to him than it does the BRF. Many of the things she needed help on were basic knowledge to Harry. He could have easily helped her, yet we’re told he didn’t bother to teach her the National anthem, failed to explain what a walkabout was and didn’t tell her that she would need to curtsey to family members. And if he wasn’t sure on all the protocols when it comes to the clothes Meghan should wear, why didn’t he call up Eugenie? She seemed to get on really well with Meghan and I imagine she would have been more than happy to help.

Having said all that, I really don’t believe that Meghan wasn’t given all the help she needed by the Palace.

That new So they’re accusing someone (the palace?) of lying to protect William?

Yes again the couple's words do not match their actions. Meghan has repeatedly made comments about her intelligence and that she was the "smart" girl. However the series depicts someone who appears to be helpless and unable to find answers. No there wasn't a " princess class" rather a bespoke, tailor made tutorial created to provide a foreign national with the necessary information on her soon to be adopted nation, the British monarchy and her future role. Each aspect had an expert assigned who would have been able to offer her advice and support if she truly wanted it. I find it puzzling that she reportedly only reached out to two experts.

Yes, this does not make Harry look good at all. While I don't expect him to provide information on clothing and accessories, he certainly knew the lyrics to the national anthem and could have answered dozens of questions.
Meghan’s claim that she didn’t know what a walkabout was and that she never saw pictures or videos of one, just don’t ring true for me. Harry did a few walkabouts while they were dating. So he never talked to her about his day? She never saw photos from those events in the news?

One of Meghan’s close friends once stated that when their friends moved to a new city, Meghan would create a book filled with all the special places to go and see. So Meghan puts that much effort and research into a book for her friends, but doesn’t do the same for her new life? It’s just hard to believe that she wasn’t curious enough about Harry’s life to research it. Just going to the official royal website gives you all kinds of information (including photos of walkabouts).

Harry’s comments about the “lack of support” Meghan received, actually speaks more to him than it does the BRF. Many of the things she needed help on were basic knowledge to Harry. He could have easily helped her, yet we’re told he didn’t bother to teach her the National anthem, failed to explain what a walkabout was and didn’t tell her that she would need to curtsey to family members. And if he wasn’t sure on all the protocols when it comes to the clothes Meghan should wear, why didn’t he call up Eugenie? She seemed to get on really well with Meghan and I imagine she would have been more than happy to help.

Having said all that, I really don’t believe that Meghan wasn’t given all the help she needed by the Palace.

That new So they’re accusing someone (the palace?) of lying to protect William?

There were numerous reports that the Queen wanted Meghan to be mentored by Sophie Wessex but Meghan didn’t want to do it. Sophie would have been a perfect choice, both as someone who understands the hierarchy and has learned to do important work within it and as someone who was a PR professional and could advise on how certain choices would be perceived by the media.
I actually think it is endearing that she is so transparent about how awkward she looked doing such an elaborate curtsy.

If that's the kind of curtsey Meghan performed it's no wonder she felt awkward.

If it's one thing this docu series has made clear to me it's that it's not going to change anyone's mind about what they think about Harry and Meghan. You watch and interpret what you see through the lens of the opinion you already have about them.
Me personally I struggled to finish episode 1 because I found it all so uninteresting. What ever story they're telling it's obviously not aimed at a middle-aged Scandinavian gay man like myself.
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There were numerous reports that the Queen wanted Meghan to be mentored by Sophie Wessex but Meghan didn’t want to do it. Sophie would have been a perfect choice, both as someone who understands the hierarchy and has learned to do important work within it and as someone who was a PR professional and could advise on how certain choices would be perceived by the media.

Not only Sophie, I read that also Camilla has offered her to help. But Meghan rejected them both.
According to the Oprah interview though, Sarah Ferguson taught her to curtsy before the Queen arrived. She doesn’t mention it here but she did mention it then- that Fergie practiced with her. So I doubt it was as awkward as it is made out here.

For me, the bigger issue was comparing meeting the Queen to having dinner at Medieval Times.

So again we have Meghan changing or not sharing all of the facts in her story of what occurred. She continues to erode her own credibility and this is the biggest issue of all with both Harry and Meghan. When called out, they'll point the finger at someone else again. :sad:
Seeing the headlines now where Harry is claiming that they (presumably “the Firm”) were “happy to lie” to protect his brother.

This seems very rich coming from Harry as it’s probably the worst kept open secret among the community of royal followers that Harry’s happy-go-lucky reputation from his pre-Meghan days was the result of the palace’s tireless efforts to orchestrate his image starting from the very early 2000s- although he hasn’t called that lying to protect him, has he?
According to the couple, there was no long planned meeting with the Queen. If there was the yes, Meghan had ample time to do her research. Instead Meghan was told on the way over "Oh by the way my Grandmother is will be there, do you know how to curtsy? "

Presumably the only person at fault for not briefing Meghan that HM would be at Royal Lodge would be Harry?
The best part of the trailer is when Harry is vlogging their "flight to freedom" (to record it for posterity maybe?) shortly after having literally begged the Queen to stay "half-in, half-out". And Meghan saying that "they had to leave" because "their security was being pulled" and that she was "being fed to the wolves".

I've never seen such a blatant example of revisionist history and timeline confusion. We will see it in the full context in the program (trailer editing can be misleading), but if "they were willing to lie to protect my brother; they were not willing to tell the truth to protect us" is not an all-out declaration of war, I don't know what is.

I’ll reserve judgement until the final episodes of this train wreck are out, and I guess also until the book is released, but my thought now is that William should permanently end all contact with Harry. I usually come down on the side of many family disputes working themselves out with time and effort, but the way Harry is willing to trash his family in public is unforgivable. Especially his brother and sister in law. I mean, poor little Harry has daddy issues and decides to work through them on TV like he’s auditioning for the Real Housewives of Windsor? Awful, but that’s what spoiled little boys do. But going after his brother is a whole other level of despicable behaviour.

This is one of the only situations I can think of where I’d say if he were my brother I’d be finished with him. And the fact that Harry is willing to torpedo the relationship with the person who will be in the position to offer him the most help over the medium-long term is unbelievably stupid. Wives and Netflix deals can come and go, and Harry may wish in ten or fifteen years time that he’d kept King William in his corner.
They are torching the bridge! If I were the Palace ... I would not make a statement. I would just let them sink themselves. Do not engage in their games.

Regarding the Coronation ... do not invite them. Don't announce that they aren't invited ... just don't invite them and let them hang in the proverbial wind.

Does anyone know is here neighbor Oprah has pipped-in on any of their latest stories and accusations or has Oprah figured out that she was used?
I could be wrong, but the clip where Meghan complains that their security was being pulled and the whole world knew where they were, then Harry is saying how they had to get out, I think that referred to their stay in Vancouver. That's when the security was withdrawn.

As I remember, the pandemic lockdowns were taking place and the Sussexes had a limited amount of time to leave Canada if that was indeed in their plans. The trailer seems to be jumbling the storylines.
Regarding the walkabouts: it’s a little blurred in my memory, didn’t Harry have the (very sucsseful) Carribean tour while he was already dating her? If I remember right, he even made a detour to see her after the tour? Seeing how she (and he) read everything about themselves, I find it is quite possible that she’s seen the walkabouts he’s done in Jamaica, for example. I don’t know, they say so many things only up to half of the facts to make a desired impression, leaving half the truth out…
I could be wrong, but the clip where Meghan complains that their security was being pulled and the whole world knew where they were, then Harry is saying how they had to get out, I think that referred to their stay in Vancouver. That's when the security was withdrawn.

As I remember, the pandemic lockdowns were taking place and the Sussexes had a limited amount of time to leave Canada if that was indeed in their plans. The trailer seems to be jumbling the storylines.

I think you’re right. I can remember how chaotic things were and foreign nationals were basically being told to head back to their home countries and only had a number of days to pull things together and do so. I can remember lots of speculation about where they were going to go - back to the UK, stay in Canada as part of the Commonwealth, move to California, etc.
suztav, agreed. I don't think Oprah was used though. I think the Sussex's and Oprah both got what they wanted.

Purely based on this repulsive and radioactive Trailer, there is no way the Sussex's will be allowed to go to The Coronation.
They have now gone WITH this docu-series beyond just being a distraction. They would be a disturbing and destructive negative force there. They have forced Charles's hand with these attacks.
They have also given ammo to the case that is meandering thru Parliament to change the law in order to remove Titles.

But my real fear is that they will be PAID "Analysts".... Royal Correspondents, on some Network like Gayle Kings CBS " Coronation Coverage " with The Duke and Duchess Of Sussex. God only knows how scathing they would be too.

Or perhaps Netflix will hire them for Royal Specials, a la "King and Country Series".

Part of me thinks that the Palace at some point will have to respond to William being attacked. It is unbelievable.
Harry and Meghan seem positively unhinged. How, how was Meghan "Fed to the Wolves". I'm old enough to remember what Fergie went thru, "Duchess of Pork" .....AND everything from her spending to her fashions sense criticized weekly. For many YEARS.

Again, Fergie WAS her own worst enemy, but Meghan's hysterics over her perceived treatment FOR LESS than a 18 month job suggests to me that she is very erratic. Almost unstable.

I would definitely pull the NDA's from The Sussex's Staff and let the information about the Bullying come out.
As I understand it, (??) the agreements were with Kensington Palace, NOT Harry and Meghan.
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What this all seems to boil down to is a final reveal of the insecurity and resentment of a second born son marrying a B-list actress/activist who gives him all the affirmation he's ever needed that he's been a victim all his life and now they need to 'tell their truth' about how awfully they were treated.

I don't doubt that Harry had some problems growing up. Losing his mother. Gaining a stepmother that he doesn't seem to like very much. Constantly having the tabloids insist that he wasn't actually Charles' son and, if we are to believe the stories, a disappointment to Charles that he wasn't born a girl.

Obviously it's becoming even more clear that he's also harbored a fair amount of resentment against William for some time, even if he didn't let it show before. Add to that the realization by Meghan that royal life wasn't all glitzy parties, celebrity hob-knobbing and tiaras but actual duty and sometimes dull obligations in the face of constant media scrutiny that isn't always going to be kind, and you have quite an unhappy pair.

Every generation of Windsor has had their malcontents. David and Wallace who threw the tantrum to end all tantrums because Wallace couldn't be made queen. Margaret's resentment over being denied marriage to Peter Townsend that becomes a story of raging alcoholism and rampaging adultery. Charles and Diana's bloody War of the Waleses. Andrew and the less said about him the better. Now there's Harry and Meghan.

I gave William a lot of credit for the time he took in making sure that Kate could handle the job before committing to her although I'm sure it seemed unkind at the time to string her along for so many years. She understood completely what was going to be expected of her and I think it's a reason why she doesn't seem to have had many missteps.

You would think that a smart girl like Meghan could read a book or two before marrying in instead of complaining about it all afterwards, and maybe making more of an effort to solicit advice from all the women who married in successfully. If this little series has shown anything, it's that Meghan wanted it all done her way, regardless of how the institution operates, but found out quickly that there are limitations when you are a royal.
David Alusoga speaks about his role as ‘talking head’ in the Documentary.

From The Guardian

What was quietly and purposefully revelatory about the documentary went largely uncommented upon. The more open-minded of the 2.4 million people who clicked through to the first episode experienced a simple but central revelation: they heard the voices of a young woman of colour and her husband, who have been subjected of an unprecedented campaign of abuse and vilification, telling us what that all felt like.

As I appear as one of its talking-head interviewees, I have found the past few days revelatory in a different way. Being caught in the series’ blowback is to be shown – in bleak and granular detail – how a six-year campaign of tabloid abuse has left huge numbers of otherwise reasonable people both obsessed with and contemptuous towards a young couple they have never met.
My Twitter feed is rarely pretty, but recent days have been particularly unappealing; a primordial soup of defensiveness, racism, misogyny, jingoism and whataboutery, garnished yesterday with an antisemitic conspiracy theory, as the documentary’s producer comes from a Jewish family.

While i think the documentary nor the Oprah interview didn't strengthen their claim about the tabloids by not being able to produce headlines that actually had to do with Harry and Meghan, if i zoom out from that detail, this discussion reminds me somehow of the 'Zwarte Piet' (Black Pete, the helper of 'Sinterklaas' the traditional dutch december bringer of presents and joy to especially kids), you might be familiar with it:
Very few (if any) dutch kids thought of Black Pete as a 'person of color' but more of a jolly and fun character (next to the stern and serious old Sinterklaas). but when people from outside the NL commented on the skincolor of the character, to my surprise quite a number of comments from 'the average dutch person' indeed did border (or cross the line) to best people argued Pete was black because he's the one who climbs down the chimney to bring the gifts to the kids and gets loads of soot on his face, at worst...well, i'll not repeat that.

I can imagine it is similar in this case, many commented on Meghan (and the kids)not in any way different than they would comment on other royals (the ones who called Camilla a horse weren't being very nice either, were they), and many may not have intended anything race-related, but loads of the comments that are dropped now, like described above, certainly can be described as racist.

Personally i don't think there is any culture on the planet that doesn't discriminate 'others' to some extent, and skincolor, haircolor, gender are often easy targets unfortunately.

It is very good that the topic is discussed and people are made aware (like with Black Pete) because awareness is the start of change.
This is exactly why, as i've mentioned earlier, it would be such a good message if Harry looked back on his own racist slurs against people from Pakistan (racism is not only directed at people from african ancestry..), how he learned, and how he looks back on it.

That would be an awesome message for the couple to share and would have been even stronger if they had stayed in the royal fold.

Why they felt the need to leave royal life i understand, they only wanted to do that if they could change a lot, and changes like that don't happen in the 18 months they gave it.

I'm hoping for some level of self-reflection in the remainder of the series or in the book, i think if there's a shred of awareness from H&M's side they could have done things differently (because you always can), I think the door to civil relationships with the family is still open..
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Totally agree with the Zwarte Piet comparison; I do believe that Dutch people now realize that the racist trope is not acceptable. However, whether the British tabloid culture will stop its racist attacks is another question….one can only hope, just as Prince Harry clearly has, that talking about racism will help remove the hurt. What I have seen so far of the Netflix documentary is an example of money well spent; everyone is talking about the Harry and Meghan show! Now, of course, the question is what next and I also agree that the ties that bind are stronger than those that divide. Family is everything and King Charles has spoken of his love for both his sons. We will see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Coronation next May, along with their children.
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