Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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While she did t have the Queen of Genovia, Meghan certainly had a number of very knowledgeable people to show her the ropes (remember Samantha Cohen everyone?) but imho Meghan had her own agenda and ways she wanted to do things from day 1. This revisionist history is really something.
As many on TRF are, I’m an American - they come across more like the Kardashians in this “docuseries” than royalty. The mocking OTP curtsy- I was appalled.
Thanks for the Anne Hathaway reference - LOL when I read that

The Times had a very good article today which explored this (amongst other things). It revealed that actually Meghan was given lots of information and sign posted to people to help her.

Harry says he “could talk her through as much as I knew, but the piece I really didn’t know about was the style, how a woman needed to dress”. He says the lack of support was “ridiculous”.

It’s “a total lie,” said a well-placed royal source. “There was prep for everything, walkabouts — even though she was engaged to someone who’d done hundreds of them — clothes, everything. The level of support was intense.”

It can also be revealed that six months before the couple married in May 2018, Harry’s then private secretary, Ed Lane Fox, known as “Elf”, presented Meghan with a 30-point dossier, studiously researched, brimming with information and contacts for the life she was taking on. It covered fashion, the royal family and the constitution, the institution’s heads of department, ladies-in-waiting, arts in the UK, the Charity Commission and public life. Each section suggested an expert who could help Meghan.

“It was huge, the amount of work Elf put into getting her access to anyone, and he gave her books on the stuff,” a source said. It is understood that Meghan took up just two meetings with the suggested experts, one with Sir Christopher Geidt [now Lord Geidt], the late Queen’s private secretary, and another with a “very well-connected, trusted fashion person” for advice on clothes.

We also know the Queen suggested Sophie Wessex as a mentor for Meghan but this offer was rejected. HM also sent her Equerry at the time (who was also a man of colour) Lieutenant Colonel Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah to help and her most senior lady in waiting Lady Susan Hussey (I'm not getting into that debate at all here) but again, both were asked very little or used in any way.

All the signs indicated Meghan didn't take the very many different forms of help offered but now they are saying she wasn't given any.
Harry and Meghan are going to lobby Commonwealth Leaders to vote them in as Heads (jointly) of the Commonwealth. Apparently that has always been the end goal. And this is where the disagreement with William starts - as apparently William didn't really care about Harry leaving and making his own money but when Harry said that he believes that they (the Sussex's) should be the figureheads of the Commonwealth - was where William took issue.

If that was the case, it's interesting that the Sussexes saw their role in Commonwealth as extending far beyond the role they were given as youth ambassadors, IMHO if that was the case, it's a huge amount of overreach and very unrealistic. (I can't imagine any of the Commonwealth countries agreeing.)

This question was formally settled last September for the foreseeable future, before the Queen's death. She had asked that Charles succeed her as the head, a symbolic position. (The Commonwealth Secretary-General is the chief executive and that position is elected. The current incumbent is from Dominica and the UK. The previous Secretary-General was from India). The countries agreed to confirm Charles as the (symbolic) head and it was confirmed. (It was in the newspapers here as Trudeau supported this confirmation of Charles.)

Over time, the Commonwealth of Nations evolved into a voluntary organization of countries that share some values and work together for mutual benefit and help (trade, diplomacy, consular assistance etc). Many other countries have joined and a few left (Ireland and Zimbabwe). At times, some countries have been suspended for human right violations.

I thought the comments about the Commonwealth being the British empire 2.0 was an incorrect assumption. Certainly the British Empire was a racist institution as were other colonial powers. The Commonwealth was founded in 1926 and initially only included the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Irish Free State and Newfoundland (which was a separate colony then, it joined Canada in 1945). Over time, it has evolved and changed.

Over time, many other countries have joined and a few have left (Ireland and Zimbabwe both left). As well, countries that were never part of the British empire have joined (Gabon, Togo, Rwanda, Mozambique).

Many people confuse the Commonwealth (a voluntary organization of countries) with realms (countries that have the British monarch as their symbolic head of state.) That isn't the case, only 15 out of the 56 states are realms, several have their own monarch but the majority are republics.

BTW the current Secretary-General (the chief executive) Patricia Scotland elected by the member countries is from Dominica and the UK and a black woman herself, which raises the question, how can it be a racist institution?
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All that is coming from the Oprah interview, Finding Freedom , now the Netflix series is that Meghan and Harry cannot be relied on or trusted.

Misinformation during the Oprah interview.
Forgetting that she cooperated with the authors of Finding Freedom.
Holes being picked in the first 3 episodes of the Netflix programme.
They did not want privacy but control oh but Netflix have not told the story the way Meghan would have.

This is now where the problems lie, what is the truth and what is misinformation.

Some of what they are saying might be true, but they are causing the doubts, I wouldn't want to go into business with people that seem to forget the basic facts.
Or turn their backs on you and dissolve themselves of any responsibility, leave you to pick up the pieces.
I said it before they have opened Pandoras box, lots of stuff will come out, I am sure some of the press want the couple to take them to court because once there it will all come out.
Watch this space.
The Times had a very good article today which explored this (amongst other things). It revealed that actually Meghan was given lots of information and sign posted to people to help her.

Harry says he “could talk her through as much as I knew, but the piece I really didn’t know about was the style, how a woman needed to dress”. He says the lack of support was “ridiculous”.

It’s “a total lie,” said a well-placed royal source. “There was prep for everything, walkabouts — even though she was engaged to someone who’d done hundreds of them — clothes, everything. The level of support was intense.”

It can also be revealed that six months before the couple married in May 2018, Harry’s then private secretary, Ed Lane Fox, known as “Elf”, presented Meghan with a 30-point dossier, studiously researched, brimming with information and contacts for the life she was taking on. It covered fashion, the royal family and the constitution, the institution’s heads of department, ladies-in-waiting, arts in the UK, the Charity Commission and public life. Each section suggested an expert who could help Meghan.

“It was huge, the amount of work Elf put into getting her access to anyone, and he gave her books on the stuff,” a source said. It is understood that Meghan took up just two meetings with the suggested experts, one with Sir Christopher Geidt [now Lord Geidt], the late Queen’s private secretary, and another with a “very well-connected, trusted fashion person” for advice on clothes.

We also know the Queen suggested Sophie Wessex as a mentor for Meghan but this offer was rejected. HM also sent her Equerry at the time (who was also a man of colour) Lieutenant Colonel Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah to help and her most senior lady in waiting Lady Susan Hussey (I'm not getting into that debate at all here) but again, both were asked very little or used in any way.

All the signs indicated Meghan didn't take the very many different forms of help offered but now they are saying she wasn't given any.

Thank you for sharing tommy100. As I expected, Edward Lane Fox and other staff would have carefully prepared and compiled the necessary information for Ms. Markle. Having learned that she was a university graduate as well as a career woman who was used to researching and preparing for a role, they likely believed that she would find this dossier to very useful for learning about her new role. From the article it seems that she was provided with access to experts in so many different areas to help ease her transition to life in the UK and the British Royal Family.

Here's an archived version of The Times article if anyone is interested in reading it.
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In the rather strange twists and turns of this scenario - I have come to where fantasy, paranoia and sheer confusion meet.

I think that everything the Sussex are doing has one goal at the end of it. And yes - you can laugh at this every Daily Express/ GOT interpretation of it.
Harry and Meghan are going to lobby Commonwealth Leaders to vote them in as Heads (jointly) of the Commonwealth. Apparently that has always been the end goal. And this is where the disagreement with William starts - as apparently William didn't really care about Harry leaving and making his own money but when Harry said that he believes that they (the Sussex's) should be the figureheads of the Commonwealth - was where William took issue.
I think that Meghan and Harry drew up a dossier about how a descendant from African slaves ruling the Commonwealth would heal the hurt of slavery. Harry also believes that he is a spiritual son of Africa and with their popularity in Australia and New Zealand, they were meant for the role.
As the head of the Commonwealth is an elected position - Harry and Meghan are quietly convinced they can be elected into the position over William and possible over Charles when the time comes. They believed that the Commonwealth position given to them by the Queen was her blessing for their greater role.

I am taking this as something from the Daily Express - but I am placing it here both to show that we have cross the Rubicon with regard to confused reporting about the couple when even the outrageous is been looking at for truth - and also to be a point holder. IF in the future someone at a CWHOS meeting brings it up for debate.

it is an interesting thought, but imo the real step towards equality and 'overcoming the past' (i'm sure i'm phrasing it badly) would be to actually have a person from one of the various nations (or on a periocal rotating schedule or something) as the head, not another descendant from the British monarch with his US-american wife.

I'm sure they could bring modernity, some new ideas to anything they get involved with, but with all the interviews and such they are doing with themselves as the focal point, i would question if they had the discretion and political finesse to work in a position like that (not to mention the thick skin you'd need for it imo).
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I have been listening to the clip where Meghan states that she didnt receive help. What she actually says is there is no class where somebody tells you do this dont do this.
She will talk her way out of this one by saying well there wasn't a class. and there probably isn't a class as such, there is a folder with people to help her.

so once again word salad.
There indeed wouldn't have been a class (there was only one pupil), but there were private tutors...?
Of course there wasn't a class. How to behave when you marry into the Royal Family isn't exactly the sort of thing that people study at evening school in case they happen to meet a prince or princess! Help was offered. It was up to her to take it.
Of course there wasn't a class. How to behave when you marry into the Royal Family isn't exactly the sort of thing that people study at evening school in case they happen to meet a prince or princess! Help was offered. It was up to her to take it.

I agree, all I am saying is that it is the play on words again. She is claiming there is no class. She didn't say nobody handed me a folder with lots of information and the names of people who could help me.
I have not seen the Netflix doc, and do not plan to watch any of it, as I previously thought,the summary I read was so preposterous that it borders on idiotic. As if an educated woman Meghan’s age would have no idea how to properly meet QE2 after spending months sleeping with her grandson. I know how difficult it can be to locate a video or news event of such a scarce event. Duh! Please stop embarrassing yourself. You should have known a 1000 year old institution changes with a feather, not a sledgehammer.
I have looked back at that scene and I think you may have a point. It was meant to be a laugh out loud moment but it fell flat. So either she did bow like that to the Queen which would have been a bit of a mockery or she was trying to send herself up but it didn't work because the public have taken the mockery from it. I myself do wonder if she maybe just did a little bob.

On Oprah she said that Fergie gave her a couple of lessons outside, she would not have shown her that. It would have been a bob. Did she not say on Oprah that Fergie had said she had been fine.

Once again two different versions of events.

What is that expression , recollections may vary.

She may have trying to mock herself- and failed spectacularly. She look on her face was bizarre. Entirely possible though.

Here’s the thing with Meghan though- she has said a lot of nasty things about this family and institution. She’s threatened to say a lot of things too. It’s not like she’s above saying unkind things. She says them in this series too.

Also, in this series she’s made a real point of emphasizing that she’s the laid back, down to earth American versus the formal British family who didn’t help her do anything. It doesn’t get much more formal than curtseying.

I doubt she intended to mock TQ specifically. But I could see her mocking the formality, the institution, something she probably personally thinks is antiquated. This is the woman who wanted to work with TQ for more progressive roles or something like that…

Whatever she intended- it fell flat. And it will follow her around for a long time.
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The thing is, she clearly thinks it's a big deal if they thought it was this important to be included. The whole narrative is how much superior the natural Sussexes are to the stuffy Cambridges and they seem to think this makes Meghan wonderful, warm, loving and made to feel unwelcome.

The now Waleses do own some casual clothes, as we all know. Why weren't they wearing them? My money is on the chance that someone who hated blending in failed to mention that casual was the style. Now, now, who might that be? Someone who stuck out at a christening, perhaps?

Overall, a rather pathetic attempt to make Meghan look like a good, naive little girl. She's my age and it's wildly inappropriate for me, let alone a woman who pretends to be so knowledgeable about the world. It also looks like an attempt to show Catherine and William that she was the boss there - which is odd. I don't invite people over to demonstrate anything.

This looks like some bizarre power play and a narrative set to make Meghan look good and nice and human compared to the Cambridges.

Exactly- Meghan thought it was worth mentioning. SHE wanted everyone to know she was laid back, cool and relatable. And the Waleses are not. Such a kind compassionate thing to do.

The funny thing is- she and Harry would not like it at all if the family turned around and did this to them. They’d say their privacy was violated, that details of a private meeting were made public to make them look bad.

It is so hypocritical.

The more Meghan tries to make herself relatable- the less relatable she is to me. Her behavior isn’t something I identify with.

I find the dichotomy a bit absurd when they try to present Meghan as so incredibly naive and helpless- and yet so super smart and accomplished at the same time. We’re also supposed to forget she was mid 30s, divorced, had an acting career, run a blog….
She may have trying to mock herself- and failed spectacularly. She look on her face was bizarre. Entirely possible though.

Here’s the thing with Meghan though- she has said a lot of nasty things about this family and institution. She’s threatened to say a lot of things too. It’s not like she’s above saying unkind things. She says them in this series too.

Also, in this series she’s made a real point of emphasizing that she’s the laid back, down to earth American versus the formal British family who didn’t help her do anything. It doesn’t get much more formal than curtseying.

I doubt she intended to mock TQ specifically. But I could see her mocking the formality, the institution, something she personally thinks is antiquated.

Whatever she intended- it fell flat. And it will follow her around for a long time.

She was trying to ridicule a family who had welcomed her.
I wonder how Eugenie views all this.
What´s wrong with being "formal"?! I think these days things are often much too little "formal" from my perspective...
And I don´t like hugging other people (or get being hugged) except maybe my own partner! Does this make me a "cold person"? I definitely doubt that- I am quite emotinal actually. The late Queen was also not a very touchy person and I totaly sympathise with that. Obviously that Markle woman has a problem with that and by making this remarks about hugging she criticizes her husband´s royal late grandmother in particular... By criticizing british people not to be the "greatest huggers" she makes a claim that hugging others is good in general while doing less or not is bad which really upsets me. Touchy people can be really bad while "non-huggers" could be the sweetest and kindest of all and visa versa! But to be able to make a difference like this, for the american ex-actress it seems to too difficult to understand...!
I find the dichotomy a bit absurd when they try to present Meghan as so incredibly naive and helpless- and yet so super smart and accomplished at the same time. We’re also supposed to forget she was mid 30s, divorced, had an acting career, run a blog….

The narrative about being unprepared and not getting any help is a big red herring to me. The majority of the royal wives in Europe today were middle-class working women, sometimes also from foreign countries, before they married into their respective royal families. They all had to go through similar or steeper learning curves. Honestly it is not really rocket science and, for a professional actress like Meghan, it should have been actually easier. Besides, Meghan is not a Crown Princess, so the demands and attention on her would always be comparatively lower. She is pretty much the only one, however, who uses this talking point for self-pity. Of course she wants us to believe (and that will come up in Part 2) that her situation is different from everybody else's because of the race factor.
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I have been told that Meghan and Harry drew up a dossier about how a descendant from African slaves ruling the Commonwealth would heal the hurt of slavery. Harry also believes that he is a spiritual son of Africa and with their popularity in Australia and New Zealand, they were meant for the role.

They are not popular with this Kiwi; not at all.

As the head of the Commonwealth is an elected position - Harry and Meghan are quietly convinced they can be elected into the position over William and possible over Charles when the time comes. They believed that the Commonwealth position given to them by the Queen was her blessing for their greater role.

Are they nuts?!
100% - they make out she is the only royal woman or spouse to marry into a foreign royal family. She isn't. Heck the BRF has plenty of people from other countries who have married into it - Autumn Phillips, Gary Lewis, Princess Michael of Kent and The Duchess of Gloucester all spring to mind and that's a pretty decent amount for one family.
I don't think Meghan intended(consciously) to offend anyone. It's simply that she is not nearly as funny or witty as she aspires to be when she plays to an audience.

Just like her stunt in the parking lot with the baby bottle when she did the "Ellen" show she tried for comedy and it translated as Meghan making a fool of herself.

Not to mention lacking a sense of the innate dignity that would have served her well as a member of the BRF.:whistling:

At first I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt on this. There may have been some element of her making funof herself. But this anecdote also included a reference to being an American and the "Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament," which feels like an insult. At the very least, she was implying that the protocol of greeting the Queen is outdated and backwards.
100% - they make out she is the only royal woman or spouse to marry into a foreign royal family. She isn't. Heck the BRF has plenty of people from other countries who have married into it - Autumn Phillips, Gary Lewis, Princess Michael of Kent and The Duchess of Gloucester all spring to mind and that's a pretty decent amount for one family.

The Duchess of Gloucester had even less time to prepare for a public role as Prince Richard was not expected to undertake full time royal duties at the time of their marriage. Sadly the death of Prince William changed the Gloucesters life forever and they became full time working members of the BRF. Brigitte managed to learn the protocol, expectations and duties that accompany the role and has been doing so successfully for decades now.
At first I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt on this. There may have been some element of her making funof herself. But this anecdote also included a reference to being an American and the "Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament," which feels like an insult. At the very least, she was implying that the protocol of greeting the Queen is outdated and backwards.

Would she have done this if she had to describe meeting TM of Japan? Making fun of Japanese formalities? My guess is not.

A certain comical aspect of trying to adapt to a new culture is inevitable, no matter which the two countries are. But well-mannered people don't really advertize their own culture's stereotypes of other cultures, unless in extremely close circle or in a setting meant for people of both cultures to have fun. Even Harry didn't look very amused by his beautiful, intelligent wife's antics, right?

It doesn't take a genius to know that when you have attacked a culture and country for not living up to your own sweet, emotional, superior standards, mocking comes across as mocking the culture, even if you say it's yourself you're making fun of.

Harry may croon how amazing and intelligent Meghan is but with every such faux pas she comes across as incredibly insensitive and tone deaf to me. They may enthuse over her smarts all day long. I'm becoming increasingly ess convinced.
The documentary makes quite a few valid points. The media. The way they were treated as children. Seeing them with B and E poise for those pictures was heartbreaking. They looked so bewildered and uncomfortable. I am sure now that people would consider that unacceptable with regard to the Wales children.

The media are horrendous, they were nasty.

I fully support Harry’s decision to step back but the way he did it and the continual retelling of the same story is not right.

Would she have done this if she had to describe meeting TM of Japan? Making fun of Japanese formalities? My guess is not.

A certain comical aspect of trying to adapt to a new culture is inevitable, no matter which the two countries are. But well-mannered people don't really advertize their own culture's stereotypes of other cultures, unless in extremely close circle or in a setting meant for people of both cultures to have fun. Even Harry didn't look very amused by his beautiful, intelligent wife's antics, right?

It doesn't take a genius to know that when you have attacked a culture and country for not living up to your own sweet, emotional, superior standards, mocking comes across as mocking the culture, even if you say it's yourself you're making fun of.

Harry may croon how amazing and intelligent Meghan is but with every such faux pas she comes across as incredibly insensitive and tone deaf to me. They may enthuse over her smarts all day long. I'm becoming increasingly ess convinced.

She doesn’t come across as anything out of the ordinary intelligence wise to me. Insecure and a control freak yes.
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She doesn’t come across as anything out of the ordinary intelligence wise to me. Insecure and a control freak yes.
Which gives a new weight to the RF's reasoning to distance themselves from the pair and becoming even more formal and unwilling to try for closeness, which they both complain loudly and incessantly of. If my sister in-law had been documenting everything we say and do, you can be sure we'd only meet when I can't avoid it.
At first I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt on this. There may have been some element of her making funof herself. But this anecdote also included a reference to being an American and the "Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament," which feels like an insult. At the very least, she was implying that the protocol of greeting the Queen is outdated and backwards.

I’d said upthread that I thought it could have been intended by her either way, but now that I read this, I realize it really could have been both. That wouldn’t surprise me.

I certainly wouldn’t be shocked if modern informal American Meghan was mocking something she sees as antiquated and backwards. She likes to bill herself as a modern woman- or a naive one depending. And I think she is often clueless about how she’s coming across. Harry certainly wasn’t laughing, which is telling.

As an American- I sure am sick of her generalizing. Meghan seems to imply that all Americans are just like her- or who she is presenting herself as. We are not.

I’m not overly familiar with the Medieval dinner thing, but her reference doesn’t sound positive.
I believe that it is reported that HRH Crown Princess Mary had the common sense during her courtship with HRH Crown Prince Frederick to take part in an etiquette course to give her a grounding in a more formal manner of behaviour on public occasions , oh how I wish that this couple had an iota of the dignity & common sense that this couple , and others in their sphere/ age group have displayed .
The documentary makes quite a few valid points. The media. The way they were treated as children. Seeing them with B and E poise for those pictures was heartbreaking. They looked so bewildered and uncomfortable. I am sure now that people would consider that unacceptable with regard to the Wales children.

The media are horrendous, they were nasty.

I fully support Harry’s decision to step back but the way he did it and the continual retelling of the same story is not right.

Photo ops are done in the actual hopes that it would avoid paps hunting for photos on the street or in school yards. Inspite of Beatrice best efforts we have a photo of sienna in a tabloid recently. Either way that young children will be scared if it’s done at a controlled photo opp or being chased on the street. It’s a bad option either way
Photo ops are done in the actual hopes that it would avoid paps hunting for photos on the street or in school yards. Inspite of Beatrice best efforts we have a photo of sienna in a tabloid recently. Either way that young children will be scared if it’s done at a controlled photo opp or being chased on the street. It’s a bad option either way

Children are not allowed to be persued or pictured in the UK. Sienna may have been in a foreign magazine but not a British one.

Those photcalls used to happen. They don’t anymore.
I believe that it is reported that HRH Crown Princess Mary had the common sense during her courtship with HRH Crown Prince Frederick to take part in an etiquette course to give her a grounding in a more formal manner of behaviour on public occasions , oh how I wish that this couple had an iota of the dignity & common sense that this couple , and others in their sphere/ age group have displayed .
Five weeks after meeting Crown Prince Frederick, Mary Donaldson enrolled in a 4 hour a week, six week long deportment course to learn how to speak in front of large groups of people, to be more secure in front of a camera and to set goals and focus on reaching them. This included as the article linked below says - "how to walk into a room, turn, stand and shake hands".
After she eventually moved to Denmark she took courses to learn Danish, learn about Danish society, culture and etiquette.
Which gives a new weight to the RF's reasoning to distance themselves from the pair and becoming even more formal and unwilling to try for closeness, which they both complain loudly and incessantly of. If my sister in-law had been documenting everything we say and do, you can be sure we'd only meet when I can't avoid it.

The fact that Meghan appears to have been, as you said, documenting everything since she first met Harry, is actually what now to me raises suspicions about what her intentions have been all along. Especially against the background that she said as a teen, per her own Netflix documentary, that she wanted to "be rich and famous and tell her story" to the world.

Maybe it is just her Southern California, Hollywood culture and I would not go as far as saying that she had an "evil plan" from the beginning to use the Royal Family to power up her status as a celebrity, especially in North America, and monetize her fame, but I am increasingly arriving at a conclusion that she had some misguided expectations about what being a princess would be like, and, when she realized that the reality was different from what she had anticipated, she came up with a Plan B, which was the "half-in, half-out" model. When the RF didn't go along with the latter, she then got out to rebuild her life in California, which seems to have worked out very well for her, but maybe not so much for Harry.

Of course that is not the official version of how her story will be told on Netflix and elsewhere. Instead she will present it as an issue of racism, mental health, and not feeling safe in general, which are matters to be taken seriously (if true) , but which do not square well with the original "half-in, half-out" plan. I still want to hear her case further in Part 2 of the Netflix docu-series though before I reach a final verdict.
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Children are not allowed to be persued or pictured in the UK. Sienna may have been in a foreign magazine but not a British one.

Those photcalls used to happen. They don’t anymore.

Several royal families still regularly have those photocalls. It will be interesting to see whether anything changes for the Wales family now they are the Wales family and no longer the Cambridge family - but it seems they've found a way to share pictures of their family in a more controlled manner.
Several royal families still regularly have those photocalls. It will be interesting to see whether anything changes for the Wales family now they are the Wales family and no longer the Cambridge family - but it seems they've found a way to share pictures of their family in a more controlled manner.

Not the British one…and that was led by William.
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