Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Actually that is not correct. While it is true that many of Meghan’s friends did participate in the documentary they certainly don't make up the over 98% the poster mentioned. The docuseries also involved authors, activists, journalists, and friends are listed but you don't know whose "friend". Was the individual Harry's friend first and then became a friend of Meghan ( now the couple)or vice-versa?

Thanks for clarifying your meaning, Alisa. I took the poster to mean that of the friends and family of Meghan and Harry to be in the show, 98% were Meghan’s. I didn’t take the others mentioned, such as activists, to be “affiliated” with either side.

And certainly of the “friends and family,” there were many, and all but one were Meghan’s. While certainly one would expect in the normal course of events that a friend of one person in a couple becomes a friend of both, surely we wouldn’t argue that these people aren’t “friends of Meghan” the way everyone understands that term. Their relationship with Meghan predates her relationship with Harry. And only a single person from his life before her remains willing to speak for them, and he won’t even give his name.
There are so many things I can think of to say, but if I was to hit on one thing, I’d say the immaturity is staggering.

How old are these two again?
There are so many things I can think of to say, but if I was to hit on one thing, I’d say the immaturity is staggering.

How old are these two again?

Immaturity, and a complete lack of any kind of self-awareness. They have zero ability to stand back and ask 'Is any of this my fault?' or 'Is this really the best thing to say in this precise moment?'
Has anyone else heard of the claim that her comment thanking Tom Bradby for asking about her wellbeing, "spawned the WeloveyouMeghan # " ......
That Meghan says " hit a chord for everyone for something specific to them "( whatever that means ).....

I have been following Royals for a long time. NEVER once did I hear about this. Yep, More insufferable "delusions of grandeur" from Meghan.
As I expected, this latest installment is poison. William is a screaming -threatening bully, Charles a untrustworthy liar and the poor 94 year old Queen, a doddering old fool "who quietly sat there and took it all in".

Yeah Harry, She had seen it ALL before with smarter -savier " Operators " than you.....her own Grandson. Probably could hardly process and believe that you and your malevolent wife were trying to con her.

But you failed miserably in your wish to commercialize the crown for personal advantages WHILE being part time members, didn't you.
And now are exacting revenge. Going nuclear, as it were.

As I said BEFORE this one sided revisionist dreck even came out, there was NO place for Harry and Meghan at The Coronation.
Do People STILL think they will be there ????
And to think they filmed this never knowing the Queen would pass. How horrible it would have been for her to have witnessed this treachery.
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Question - the court case that Meghan won against the Mail - is it made clear that she won because they published too much content of the letter to her dad? Is it made clear that she got a pound in compensation.
I am concerned about them saying that the letter from Jason Knauf was a smear campaign and was not of consequence to the trial. She didnt get the compensation she expected. The whole thing appears very staged to show a very different narrative. Maybe I am incorrect - maybe I am getting them mixed up?
And certainly of the “friends and family,” there were many, and all but one were Meghan’s. While certainly one would expect in the normal course of events that a friend of one person in a couple becomes a friend of both, surely we wouldn’t argue that these people aren’t “friends of Meghan” the way everyone understands that term. Their relationship with Meghan predates her relationship with Harry [/]
. And only a single person from his life before her remains willing to speak for them, and he won’t even give his name.

I don't know that to be case. I researched some of those unfamilair "friends" names and results came back "H&M friend" or the "couple's friend" there was no qualifier stating who whether Harry or Meghan knew the person first.

And certainly of the “friends and family,” there were many, and all but one were Meghan’s. While certainly one would expect in the normal course of events that a friend of one person in a couple becomes a friend of both, surely we wouldn’t argue that these people aren’t “friends of Meghan” the way everyone understands that term. Their relationship with Meghan predates her relationship with Harry
. And only a single person from his life before her remains willing to speak for them, and he won’t even give his name .

I'm confused here. Can you elaborate
Question - the court case that Meghan won against the Mail - is it made clear that she won because they published too much content of the letter to her dad? Is it made clear that she got a pound in compensation.
I am concerned about them saying that the letter from Jason Knauf was a smear campaign and was not of consequence to the trial. She didnt get the compensation she expected. The whole thing appears very staged to show a very different narrative. Maybe I am incorrect - maybe I am getting them mixed up?
You aren't getting anything mixed up. With her typical poor manners, Meghan behaved as if she had been vindicated, instead of winning on mere formality. I think it was said she had a memory lapse, at best. In fact, the judge said that Meghan's intentions were so clear that a much smaller part of the letter would have sufficed. Meaning, it was so clear that she wanted to paint her father as the villain that a few lines would have been enough.

I don't expect Netflix to focus on this, though. And Ms Afia seems to have forgotten her own pathetic attempts to lecture us on what bullying is - meaning, it should be repeated and ill-intentioned. Meaning without saying it that Meghan behaved extremely harshly towards her staff but if it wasn't repeated or ill-intentioned, it was fine.

I now get why Netflix sat so long on this. If they had done it earlier. people would have reminded all kind of things that had been unfavourable on the Sussexes. Including "their truth" which was different a year ago.
And to think they filmed this never knowing the Queen would pass. How horrible it would have been for her to have witnessed this treachery.

Plus, they attended funeral events knowing all of this had been filmed and was in the can. Knowing exactly what they had said on camera, and about whom. It's pretty sickening.
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Actually that is not correct. While it is true that many of Meghan’s friends did participate in the documentary they certainly don't make up the over 98% the poster mentioned. The docuseries also involved authors, activists, journalists, and friends are listed but you don't know whose "friend". Was the individual Harry's friend first and then became a friend of Meghan ( now the couple)or vice-versa?

To clarify: People were identified on screen as a friend of either Meghan or Harry's several times during the series. If they were not identified as either, I usually tried for "Friend of the couple" or "Friend of Meghan and Harry." Sometimes, there was additional information such as "childhood friend" or "friend and former cast mate" which I also tried to capture.

I can't claim that I'm 100% accurate on what I captured- I was working too fast- but that was my methodology.
To clarify: People were identified on screen as a friend of either Meghan or Harry's several times during the series. If they were not identified as either, I usually tried for "Friend of the couple" or "Friend of Meghan and Harry." Sometimes, there was additional information such as "childhood friend" or "friend and former cast mate" which I also tried to capture.

I can't claim that I'm 100% accurate on what I captured- I was working too fast- but that was my methodology.

I don't disagree ? That is what I have observed since watching myself.
“Once upon a time, there was a girl from L.A. Some people called her an actress. And there was a guy from London. Some people called him a prince. All those people didn’t fully get it, because this is the love story of a boy and a girl who were meant to be together. They meet on July 3, 2016, in London, and they giggle endlessly. “

Yikes. That’s the first part of the wedding speech. How old are they, indeed?
Done ! And oh Boy they didn't disappoint , or maybe some die hard fans who eagerly expected some kind of anti BRF extravaganza with mucho name droppings. The fact is that Meg and "H" were even unable to deliver that. It would have been, at least, somewhat interesting. Because that's the point : all this docu was mostly boring

Pass the fact they obviously planed all this stuff all along, wich is rather disturbing, i just can"t see the point of whining about everything but you 6+ hours straight. Is it some kind of therapy or something ? Gross.

Of course it's all about her, her her. Her childhood, her friends, her issues. "H" is barely a guest star in her very own show. They are obviously very bitter, well that's their privilege , but the level of contempt against the UK is nothing short of astounishing ( and let's say ungrateful at some level).

I vaguely understood that they wanted to be considered as some kind of self made and free "humanitarians". How on earth can you be taken seriously after this bizarre, cringe worthy show ? Where's the maturity ? Where's the dignity ? Nowhere to be seen.

As i always said concerning these two, you just have to sit and whatch them self-destroying what little credibility they have left. They are definitively their own worst ennemies, and it's kind of sad.
Harry's Eton-friend has been identified as Nicky Scott (I assume his full name is Nicholas Scott).
Of all the weird things that were said during the series, the one that made me laugh out loud was when Harry claimed to be terrified when William yelled at him. My first thought was that obviously, William didn't yell nearly long enough. My second thought was that if the Queen - the same woman who dictated what uniform William was to wear at his wedding and who, not many years ago, admonished him to stand up during a balcony appearance - let William yell and scream at harry, it was most likely because she agreed with what he was saying, and the way he was saying it.
As far as I've watched, they trhew William under the bus (4), and both Charles and the Queen (5)-
that' s lower level than expected, wonder what 6 will be like and the book of course.
Time to cut them off YM CIII, pleeeease act.
I've never heard such rubbish as these two come out with. Harry served in the Army in Afghanistan, but was terrified because William raised his voice during a family argument, which pretty much everyone's done at some point or another? Seriously?
I don't know that to be case. I researched some of those unfamilair "friends" names and results came back "H&M friend" or the "couple's friend" there was no qualifier stating who whether Harry or Meghan knew the person first.

I'm confused here. Can you elaborate

Certainly. To my recollection, only one person was identified as a “friend of Harry.” I took that designation to mean (for either individual) that the person was a friend from before the couple met. This person, Nicky (?) declined to even be identified by his full name. Please correct me if I am wrong on this as I have only watched once through. I could be mistaken.

Given this, I would be very surprised indeed to learn that anyone else is a friend of Harry’s from before he met Meghan. First, they would both know the terrible impression being created here—- that she had many people willing to speak for her, and he only had one, and in fact he addressed this twice. Therefore, it would have made much more sense to identify any of his earlier year friends as friends of his, as in fact they were doing for both individuals.

Second, for those who have been “royal watchers” for many years (you may be one) it is rare indeed for a friend to pop up who hasn’t been at least mentioned or seen before. William and Harry’s friends were widely named and photographed in their bachelor days. While surely they had many friends who we are not aware of, someone being SO private that no royal watcher had EVER heard of or seen that person, yet being willing to publicly appear to discuss this couple on Netflix, seems unlikely to an unbelievable degree.

The reality is this: while Meghan has no shortage of long term friends who are willing to publicly speak up for her as a person and her long-term journey and the transformation she has undergone, all evidence says Harry has a total of one person who has walked with him through this and is willing to stand up and say so- and he all but confirmed that two times.

All my opinion only.
Given this, I would be very surprised indeed to learn that anyone else is a friend of Harry’s from before he met Meghan.

Two are: Prince Seeiso of Lesotho and Nacho Figueras. Prince Seeiso was a mentor figure and charity partner of Harry's and Nacho knew him from the polo circuit.

But I think the point you are trying to make is that no one connected to Harry's UK social life was willing to participate except for one person, who did not include his last name. That is accurate.
Episode 6 Part 2:

Harry claiming the bullying reports of Meghan and staff were "institutional gaslighting" and was because they spoke truth to power, rather than because there was any truth in it. [/FONT]

Wishful thinking probably but perhaps now the investigation into Meghan's bullying will come out? The Palace was said to have made it a private matter in order to protect Meghan but I think a sharp stick has been poked and the hornets should be released for all to view.
Of all the weird things that were said during the series, the one that made me laugh out loud was when Harry claimed to be terrified when William yelled at him.

My snort-laugh moment was the bit about the member of the plane crew kneeling down and telling her he appreciated everything they'd done for the country.

Absolutely priceless. Almost as good as the 'people rejoicing in the streets like when Mandela was freed' claim.

I wish Netflix had not released this until it's evening where I live. Because nobody should have to sit through this series without booze to help them along.
I've never heard such rubbish as these two come out with. Harry served in the Army in Afghanistan, but was terrified because William raised his voice during a family argument, which pretty much everyone's done at some point or another? Seriously?

It is hard to imagine Harry himself did not raise his voice during this heated exchange - in the queen's presence.
On the contrary, that has been the one consistent thing. They have been verbally critical of the institution (note not the Queen), William, Catherine, and Charles but never have they spoken a bad word against the Queen.

Of course they never said anything about HM, Harry wanted to stay in the will!
Certainly. To my recollection, only one person was identified as a “friend of Harry.” I took that designation to mean (for either individual) that the person was a friend from before the couple met. This person, Nicky (?) declined to even be identified by his full name. Please correct me if I am wrong on this as I have only watched once through. I could be mistaken.

Given this, I would be very surprised indeed to learn that anyone else is a friend of Harry’s from before he met Meghan. First, they would both know the terrible impression being created here—- that she had many people willing to speak for her, and he only had one, and in fact he addressed this twice. Therefore, it would have made much more sense to identify any of his earlier year friends as friends of his, as in fact they were doing for both individuals.

Second, for those who have been “royal watchers” for many years (you may be one) it is rare indeed for a friend to pop up who hasn’t been at least mentioned or seen before. William and Harry’s friends were widely named and photographed in their bachelor days. While surely they had many friends who we are not aware of, someone being SO private that no royal watcher had EVER heard of or seen that person, yet being willing to publicly appear to discuss this couple on Netflix, seems unlikely to an unbelievable degree.

The reality is this: while Meghan has no shortage of long term friends who are willing to publicly speak up for her as a person and her long-term journey and the transformation she has undergone, all evidence says Harry has a total of one person who has walked with him through this and is willing to stand up and say so- and he all but confirmed that two times.

All my opinion only.

Thanks for elaborating. No, there is certainly more than one pre-Meghan friend of Harry that participated in this.

So far (I have not completed the whole series just a few episodes), I have seen three pre-Meghan friends of Harry that have participated in the series.

1. Nicky- the childhood friend. Why his last name isn't listed is strange because he shows his face clearly so it's not like he doesn't want to be identified.

2. Prince Seiso of Lesotho- Harry’s longtime friend and mentor

3. Nacho Figueras-Harry’s long-time friend and polo playing buddy.
Immaturity, and a complete lack of any kind of self-awareness. They have zero ability to stand back and ask 'Is any of this my fault?' or 'Is this really the best thing to say in this precise moment?'

Yes. That too. No self awareness at all. Thoroughly self centered. Lacking in any gratitude. Incapable of telling a consistent, believable story. Whiny. Petty. Nasty. I could go on.

I find the need to document everything bizarre.

Meghan, Harry, et al have stated how intelligent she is- but I sure don’t get that from this. I get that she has a good education. Not that she has applied it.
I want to thank you, HRH Hermione, for the work you’ve done. I, for one, couldn’t last more than 20 minutes into the first episode, it was too much for me. Thanks to you we have it all without the trouble to watch it. Thank you!
“Once upon a time, there was a girl from L.A. Some people called her an actress. And there was a guy from London. Some people called him a prince. All those people didn’t fully get it, because this is the love story of a boy and a girl who were meant to be together. They meet on July 3, 2016, in London, and they giggle endlessly. “

Yikes. That’s the first part of the wedding speech. How old are they, indeed?

Are you serious? That was actually part of the speech?!

I don’t know why I’m shocked, but I’m shocked. Who wrote that?
Are you serious? That was actually part of the speech?!

I don’t know why I’m shocked, but I’m shocked. Who wrote that?
It was Meghan's speech during the wedding, so I'd imagine she is the author.
Wishful thinking probably but perhaps now the investigation into Meghan's bullying will come out? The Palace was said to have made it a private matter in order to protect Meghan but I think a sharp stick has been poked and the hornets should be released for all to view.

So, in my opinion, they made a tactical error in episode 6 when they specifically say that Jason Knauf cooperated with the Daily Mail's lawsuit because he worked for Prince William and was trying to smear Prince Harry. Mr. Knauf responded that he participated because he was called as a witness for both the Duchess and for the Associated Newspapers (common in trials) and he had evidence in his possession he was legally obligated to share. Meghan and Harry's lawyer then disputes this.

That is a pretty easy thing to back up with evidence, in my lay person's opinion. Legal experts will be reviewing that. It may end with Mr. Knauf being allowed to speak.

I think that's far more likely than the palace being directly involved.
I have only been reading recaps. For the first time I can see both sides of the argument from the point of view of everyone.

It's all so very sad, really. The idea of William screaming verbal abuse at his brother is so troubling to me , as is the idea of Harry's family planting stories in the press against him.

But I was also hoping in vain that they (Sussexes) would address the issue of the mass exodus of their staff.

There is no way to plant or spin it. It happened. And H/M's silence on the issue is deafening.

Anyway....just as I will never regain my respect and regard for Harry, my image of the BRF as an institution has taken quite a bruising.

I clearly remember the births of both William and Harry. It was so sweet watching them grow up together.

I've rarely felt so sad and disillusioned by people I have never met.:sad:
Question - the court case that Meghan won against the Mail - is it made clear that she won because they published too much content of the letter to her dad? Is it made clear that she got a pound in compensation.
I am concerned about them saying that the letter from Jason Knauf was a smear campaign and was not of consequence to the trial. She didnt get the compensation she expected. The whole thing appears very staged to show a very different narrative. Maybe I am incorrect - maybe I am getting them mixed up?

They selectively printed excerpts to make distort her words.
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