The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I do not find anything on social media dignified, they are all as bad as each other.
Thank you! The internet is filled with bad actors who thrive off of being acknowledged by either the people they stan or "haters" of those people. Acknowledging them in any way, even to condemn them, validates their hateful actions and encourages them to be more aggressive with regards to them.

The Sussexes and the BRF are doing the right thing by ignoring them.

This is why I like how Prince Harry is mainly focusing on protecting youth mental health as they navigate the internet and the, albeit harder, goal of getting better moderation of social media (at least to my understanding).
I am not surprised because they likely have the proof from the former staffers. This story, like Valentine Low's, would not have been released if Hollywood Reporter didn't have "receipts."
Both claims are probably true — some former staffers were happy and some weren’t. Some described “Duchess Difficult” and some liked her.
The Duke of Sussex spoke about the impact of social media on mental health of children during the Clinton Global Initiative Day 2 in New York City today, September 24:

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a worthy cause for sure, very related to their alleged experiences, and i like that they are involved in this. it is so important. however, like all of the sussexes initiatives, it is half baked. they created the 'parents network' via archewell, which sounds like it would be something lofty, yet the link only has a few guides for parents on social media, and then links to existing resources for parents from other organisations. let's hope they put more effort into this.

The Daily Beast has another article about Meghan’s behavior with staff. Some quotes:

one courtier who worked for Meghan and Prince Harry as part of their service at the palace told The Daily Beast: “There have been plenty of difficult royals over the years, and I do think that after the ill-feeling of Megxit (when Harry and Meghan left the royal family), Meghan’s bad moments were amplified and distorted and blown out of proportion. Princess Margaret regularly got people to hold out their hands to use as ashtrays, for example, and that’s just laughed off as hilarious eccentricity. Look at Prince Andrew he was unbelievable to the staff.

That said, there definitely were bad, very bad, even psycho moments. I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s--t.”

“Another person who worked with Meghan in the run-up to her wedding told The Daily Beast: “I always thought she was a classic narcissist and getting her staff to tell a magazine how amazing she is only confirms that in my mind. She is lovely when it is all going her way but a demon when the worm turns.”

Another source told The Daily Beast a story of a florist who was “screamed at down the phone” for half an hour after they posted an insignificant detail online about a bouquet they were working on for Meghan (without identifying that Meghan was the client).

They vowed never to work with her again, despite the prestige of having her as a client. If you were working for her, you were often treated like a tradesman who could be treated like s--t.”
Fair enough.

At the end of the day, however, Prince Harry or the Duke of Sussex or Henry Mountbatten-Windsor was born special. He's admired or criticized for things he's done as an adult, but none of those things made him special in the first place. There are many people who have done the things that he's done with no fanfare. As soon as he was born to the future king of the United Kingdom, Harry was born special.

Harry was born into a society that places one family above all others due to the actions of their ancestors and was lucky enough to be born into that family. Just being born into that family made him revered, scrutinized, desired for different reasons, and influential.

Many have argued that being born into such privilege means that there's a greater responsibility to be the best person he can be to honor that privilege...but he never had to do anything to gain that privilege in the first place. He was literally born into it. He could have been a murderer or a drug trafficker and he would still be special because he's the son of a king, and the society he grew up in will not undermine the specialness of the one family on top for the sake of one person.

Harry will always be a prince. He will always be the son of a king. He will always be significant as long as the British Royal Family is still an institution that places value on those born within it. And people will forever want to associate with Harry regardless of his relationship with the BRF.

Luckily, Prince Harry is using his platform to bring more eyes and hopefully support to mental health in children and cyberbullying, two very important causes that will hopefully lead to discovering ways to interact with the internet, as ubiquitous as it is, in healthier ways.
This sounds very odd to British ears. Nobody thinks members of the rf are “special”. Maybe some us still think that the monarch is but not his relatives. They’re just people. I don’t know anyone who thinks the rf is “above all others”. I really don’t. Quite the reverse actually.

As for being a prince, well who knows what might happen in the future.

And ideas about about what the brf is for are very recent in historical terms. Really a late c19th & early c20th construct than reached it’s apogee under the late queen. I suspect the future will be very different & centred exclusively around the monarch, the heir & maybe their spouses.
I just find it a bit odd that THR article is coming out now. Seems to be a distraction from all that Prince Harry has going on in NYC this week.
It is a shame that attention is being diverted, this is Harry at his best. He does appear more comfortable with this work, and it shows. He does not appear as comfortable in the celebrity circuit.
I just find it a bit odd that THR article is coming out now. Seems to be a distraction from all that Prince Harry has going on in NYC this week.
But the original article was released on Sept. 12, 2024 which was prior to Prince Harry's birthday on Sept. 15.

Plus the US Weekly story came out yesterday, so if the Sussexes were worried about Harry’s trip being overshadowed, then it’s odd that they would allow their employees to speak while he’s on this trip. The US Weekly story has done nothing but fuel more headlines. So instead of the focus being on Harry and his work, it’s on Meghan.
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