Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Durek Verrett: 31 August 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If I had to use a single word for all this... i would use : Shame.
I might not understand practices in Norway or other Skandinavian countries, ok, but we are not talking about a 9-5 low salary couple. We are talking about a King's daughter... come on.. selling products in the wedding venue ? Asking for a boat? 5 drinks for 2 nights? It's beyong imagination.. If you can't afford all these. Don't do 3 days 2.
I'm Greek and in Greece people when they marry they do their utmost. Ofc not everyone can offer khaviar etc... so every couple to wed, chooses according to what they can afford... but.. what is offered is offered. It can be from simple table wine and pasta or chicken.. to expensive wines and other spirits to lobster...depends on them. But we never limit people to number of glasses and never sell anything.
Presents are being offered, a wedding list could exist.. but ask for a boat?
I really wonder how this woman has been raised by her royal parents.
Seeing the King, looking frail and old which he is, I must admire him and Sonia for attending and showing their support, because ML is and will always be their child.
There are so many demands that he should have put his foot down for that relationship and marriage, but I really believe he couldn't . Do we know how his real state of health is? Out of experience with a parent that got very old I know that their cognitive and other abilities are getting worse, and that's not their fault. At 87 you cannot expect somebody to be able to judge and make decisions as in former years.
That is for me also a reason why it is advisable that royals who are in a very prominent situation should abdicate before everything is getting too much and difficult for them. I don't know why they are so vehemently clinging to their jobs, may it be a strong sense of duty, following the tradition of their forefathers,or simply (old age stubborness)
Although this is OT I always wished for the late QueenII that she had abdicated in favour of her son and could have enjoyed old age with her dear Philip.

Queen Margarethe also did the right thing IMO, as well as Henri of Luxembourg, although he is much younger. Let the next generation do the job especially when most of them are already 50 or older and are trained for the role as King.
I agree. They seem to have been intent on hosting a 5 star wedding on a 2 star budget.

The only time big weddings or parties like this really work IMO is where its family only and everyone is happy to chip in and pay for hotels for multiple nights, often sharing the costs for a villa or similar and flights etc OR where the people hosting can afford to pay for everyone to attend and party in style.

I'd actually have more respect for them if they said they were going to use the money from Hello! to pay for everyones hotels, flights etc. But I'd also respect them for simply having hosted a smaller more in their budget wedding.
Looking at the whole wedding it looks to me:

1) They are much in love and wanted a big traditional wedding with many guests, most of them from their own peer group. That has worked for them

2) The wedding is a huge commercial affair, they have used it to make big business deals, not only with "Hello" but also Netflix plus selling the "Hest" fashion label, the gin and chocolate and not what we have heard about.

3) They must be in need of money, because they want a lavish lifestyle.

If it was just about "I found the love of my life" they could live happily in the house in Norway that Märtha owns, taking care of ML daughters until all of them are of age. But they don't want to.

Märtha isn't working in her clairvoyance business anymore. I read that she had an education as a physiotherapist but never practised. Durek probably cannot have many good paying clients in Norway, as he might have had in the US.

And they know that. That's why they probably have decided to be prominent well known influencers. Durek would never have achieved that without Märtha's royal status.
Seeing the King, looking frail and old which he is, I must admire him and Sonia for attending and showing their support, because ML is and will always be their child.
There are so many demands that he should have put his foot down for that relationship and marriage, but I really believe he couldn't . Do we know how his real state of health is? Out of experience with a parent that got very old I know that their cognitive and other abilities are getting worse, and that's not their fault. At 87 you cannot expect somebody to be able to judge and make decisions as in former years.
That is for me also a reason why it is advisable that royals who are in a very prominent situation should abdicate before everything is getting too much and difficult for them. I don't know why they are so vehemently clinging to their jobs, may it be a strong sense of duty, following the tradition of their forefathers,or simply (old age stubborness)
Although this is OT I always wished for the late QueenII that she had abdicated in favour of her son and could have enjoyed old age with her dear Philip.

Queen Margarethe also did the right thing IMO, as well as Henri of Luxembourg, although he is much younger. Let the next generation do the job especially when most of them are already 50 or older and are trained for the role as King.
I feel that the King is old, frail and overbearing and that has been shamelessly exploited.
And here I'll have a go at Haakon again; At some point Haakon really should have pulled his sister aside and said: Do you want our dad to die of grief? Don't take advantage of him! Or you don't have to invite me to your circus-wedding.
Haakon could be king tomorrow, it's way past time he started to act like one. - Or at the very least acted like a concerned son.
Haakon seems to be a very "soft", nice and indulgent man. He might have tried to speak to his sister or maybe his father. With Märtha I'm sure nobody would have been successful. About talking to his father we just don't know. Maybe Harald is clinging to his job being King out of his sense of duty and wouldn't listen to Haakon. As I mentioned before, older people being in important positions can be quite stubborn. You can see that with politicians or big chiefs of corporations as well. The difference is that they can be fired and Kings and Queens not.
Without going off topic I think when it comes to abdications we have to remember than Harald's generation were raised to believe they would never do that. Its a big ask IMO to go from that to abdicating is for the best in one generation.

With everything going on atm in the NRF would abdicating help - yes it removes King Harald from having to make tough decisions about his daughter but would place a new King Haakon in the position of having to make tough decisions about his step-son, potentially his wife, and his sister.
There is a fine line between being willful/stubborn and simply selfish.
M-L is the latter in my opinion but it's who she has always been.
She didn't have to cross any lines.

The bottom line is that she is(imo) the product of indulgent and permissive Royal parenting.

She knew -as did everyone- that if the NRF had chosen to avoid this circus they would have faced some pretty ugly accusations. The king and queen were between the proverbial rock and hard place. ML leveraged their love for their only daughter and always has.

She won, but I hope her conscience remains clear in the limited time that she has left with them.
I have to say that beeing a Norwegian ( and super proud of my royal family) , it is really difficult and sad reading these comments about King Harald. I truly belive that he is doing his best. Beeing a King, is his duty, and there are no way he will abdicate. He have said that numerous times, when he have been asked the question. It's easy for outsiders to say what he should do about ML, but no matter what's going on, she is still his daughter, and he wants the best for her. ❤️
Without going off topic I think when it comes to abdications we have to remember than Harald's generation were raised to believe they would never do that. Its a big ask IMO to go from that to abdicating is for the best in one generation.

With everything going on atm in the NRF would abdicating help - yes it removes King Harald from having to make tough decisions about his daughter but would place a new King Haakon in the position of having to make tough decisions about his step-son, potentially his wife, and his sister.
That's true, but he will have to take responsibility sooner or later, and sorry to say and don't wishing it at all, but that time might come sooner as expected. Märtha is married, that's a fact, the only thing he can do in the future is to demand not using her royal title for commercial deals. About Marius that is another story, because he is not in the line of succession. That is something IMO he and MM have to deal with in private and also in the near future in public to save their reputation.
And yet the King stayed at the party until 1AM, and still had to go back to the Royal Yacht… Admirable and surprising for a gentleman of 87.
I have to say that beeing a Norwegian ( and super proud of my royal family) , it is really difficult and sad reading these comments about King Harald. I truly belive that he is doing his best. Beeing a King, is his duty, and there are no way he will abdicate. He have said that numerous times, when he have been asked the question. It's easy for outsiders to say what he should do about ML, but no matter what's going on, she is still his daughter, and he wants the best for her. ❤️
I am sorry that you feel offended or hurt. Nobody said anything bad about your much loved and respected King. In fact many members here have full understanding for him supporting his daughter, including myself. The main concern is when looking at him and seeing that he has serious health issues to wonder if it wouldn't be easier for him to give Haakon the responsibilities.

Having lived all my life in a republic and not being unhappy about that fact, I might be guilty of not having the same understanding as people who are living in a still existing, although only representative, monarchy. That doesn't exclude my being much interested in observing, discussing and still learning lots of historical facts about those monarchies which are still existing.
Märtha Louise gathered eight friends, including Durek's sister Angelina Verrett-Byrne, for a fast-paced boat trip in the Geiranger Fjord.
The company Fjord Guiding provided survival suits and life jackets for everyone.
The boat was of the Raven Rib brand and has seats for 14 people. And very first sat the speed-loving princess with dark sunglasses, gold in her veins and her hair sensibly gathered in a ponytail.
It is unknown exactly where the trip went, but the girls definitely got wind and salt in their hair, and a fast-paced experience.
I have to say that beeing a Norwegian ( and super proud of my royal family) , it is really difficult and sad reading these comments about King Harald. I truly belive that he is doing his best. Beeing a King, is his duty, and there are no way he will abdicate. He have said that numerous times, when he have been asked the question. It's easy for outsiders to say what he should do about ML, but no matter what's going on, she is still his daughter, and he wants the best for her. ❤️
It must indeed be most unpleasant for you.

However, being a monarch is sometimes an unforgiving and cruel job.
King Harald - and CP Haakon's - primary consideration is their country and the preservation of the monarchy as long as the Norwegians wish to retain it.
Being kind and forgiving, also towards his own family, will sometimes conflict with that primary role - and often has in the past, in every single monarchy I'm aware of through history.

I hope that it will be written on my tombstone that: Here lies a good man, who did his best.
That would be an epitaph I would be proud of. But I'm not a king. I'm not a head of state and I'm not crucial in preserving the monarchy.
King Harald - and already now, Haakon - is.
Seeing the King, looking frail and old which he is, I must admire him and Sonia for attending and showing their support, because ML is and will always be their child.
There are so many demands that he should have put his foot down for that relationship and marriage, but I really believe he couldn't . ...
I have to agree.
If he had refused to accept the marriage, he'd have encountered criticism; his daughter would have gone ahead and married Durek anyway, and the result would be estrangement.

This isn't the only questionable marriage among royalty. But arguing against them is useless, since the royal will proceed anyway and accuse the monarch of some type of bias. Might as well let them get on with it.
It appeared King Harold and Crown Prince Haakon gave Shaman Durek a great big embracing hug right after the nuptials. Ordinarily this would have been lovely but in this instance it kinda gave me the creeps!
It appeared King Harold and Crown Prince Haakon gave Shaman Durek a great big embracing hug right after the nuptials. Ordinarily this would have been lovely but in this instance it kinda gave me the creeps!
Reading all of this, I have to say that for two "spiritual" people, they just staged one of the most cynical, commercial weddings in recent memory. "Rose ceremony?" Veils, which traditionally hide the bride's innocence, attached by her daughters? Drinks tickets? Swag bags? Exclusive media coverage? Boats on the gift registry? The bride shilling for her own brand?

They might as well have sold the naming rights to the event: "Martha and Durek's Wedding, brought to you by Mastercard. There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard."

Why not just have a party and skip the charade of the wedding?

I happened to watch the wonderful film, "A King's Choice," last night, and I couldn't help but think that if King Haakon or King Olaf were still alive, these things could never have happened. (Nor the Marius situation.)
I have to say that beeing a Norwegian ( and super proud of my royal family) , it is really difficult and sad reading these comments about King Harald. I truly belive that he is doing his best. Beeing a King, is his duty, and there are no way he will abdicate. He have said that numerous times, when he have been asked the question. It's easy for outsiders to say what he should do about ML, but no matter what's going on, she is still his daughter, and he wants the best for her. ❤️
We are sorry if you felt offended, personnally i never wanted to criticize your King. He is an old generation gentleman, fully respected and in top of that with frale health. He (and Queen Sonja) should feel completely stressed between their role as King (and Queen) and as parents. Unfortunately this generation was paying more attention to their royal duties than to their parental function. I strongly believe that they failed in their childrens' education (especially ML) and now he has no choice than to let her do.. She seems ready to do everything to fulfill her goals, without fearing at all to provoke any scandal.
I don't really see what power would have the King to stop her, unless to forbid publicly and not go to the wedding. But in this case.. i easily see ML claiming to all world press.. thay her father the King is a narrow minded racist (skin color and former homosexuality of the groom)... and then Norway would feel ashame...
Remember Meghan Markle and the so called racism issue among BRF...
Poor King escape. So he let her do... and as she has no mesure neither considération for others (her parents)... she did this bad taste Circus.
Since you are from Norway, i heard from Norwegian living in Greece that people has a deep respect for the King. Nevertheless, it is an important trend, planning when the King will pass, to raise matter of abolishing the Monarchy as they don't appreciate the young generation.
Could it be true?
:flowers:Thank you for all the photographs, comments and insight into this remarkable wedding. The groom is an American; the Norwegian princess can follow Prince Harry to California. The business opportunities: Netflix, Heste (note to self: doesn’t this mean ‘horse’..) are many in the US and the new couple will do well in La La Land, I was also curious why the Danish Royal Family did not appear but understand Muhler’s objections…I hope the new Prince (does he get a title?) will have very good health insurance: this could also be a reason to stay in Norway so am intrigued how this story will play out. Good luck to all!:love:
Some of these many pictures have not been posted here, including one of a nice kiss between Haakon and Mette Marit.

:flowers:Thank you for all the photographs, comments and insight into this remarkable wedding. The groom is an American; the Norwegian princess can follow Prince Harry to California. The business opportunities: Netflix, Heste (note to self: doesn’t this mean ‘horse’..) are many in the US and the new couple will do well in La La Land, I was also curious why the Danish Royal Family did not appear but understand Muhler’s objections…I hope the new Prince (does he get a title?) will have very good health insurance: this could also be a reason to stay in Norway so am intrigued how this story will play out. Good luck to all!:love:
There is no new prince. Durek’s name remains unchanged after the wedding. He will keep the name he picked (and had legally changed) 10 years ago. In theory, he could of course decide to change his name again - but he will not receive a royal or noble title.
The NRF giving big hugs to Durek is an honest reflection of what kind, lovely people they are. Durek most likely interprets these hugs as being all about him. I think he is a narcissist, a conman and a grifter constantly struggling with the truth. I find it unfortunate he has become a member of the NRF. I doubt I'm alone.
Amalie is wearing a dress that belongs to Mette-Marit! Ok, they're serious!

I almost missed this post and now, on a second take, I get it. The young girl didn't have a dress gown-type to wear so CP Mette-Marit let her use one from her collection from younger days to match with her son's formal attire. That was a sweet gesture. And she even has matching jewelry, is it Mette's too? This young girl is ready for royalty.

Will respond here:
Trond Blindheim, a sociologist and lecturer at Kristiania College and a reputation expert:
The wedding was a mixture of marriage ceremony, catwalk, marketing, shop and Norwegian advertising, used as a catwalk for Märtha Louise's clothing brand. The guests received gifts from her brand, and at the same time displayed the products. You get something and are in a kind of debt of gratitude. Many of the guests probably felt obliged to buy something. Märtha Louise only has her family connection to sell, and is dependent on being the king's daughter in order to succeed. Hést has become a success because Märtha is a princess. Blindheim says the wedding was a great profile success for Märtha, with the whole of Europe as spectators, she creates a personal brand for herself as "the princess no one can match - not even the king". Princesses are supposed to be cute and well-behaved, but Märtha is anything but. She defies all expectations, and that certainly makes her more interesting.

Yesterday the press told that among others the Nigerian princess was seen wearing Hést clothes at the hotel.

Meet en Greet Party bij Hotel 1904 - Images _ Dutch Press Photo Agency
Boottrip naar Geiranger Noorwegen - Images _ Dutch Press Photo Agency
Huwelijk prinses Martha Louise - Images _ Dutch Press Photo Agency

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I'm sure that most of us have been in the awkward position of not being very keen on a friend/relative's partner. But you just have to get on with it, because they *are* your friend/relative, and because, if it came to a choice, they would probably choose the partner over you.
The positives:

1. The wedding location, Geiranger is absolutely beautiful. I hope the city sees a boost in tourism after this wedding. The beautiful nature scenes were very calming and awe-inspiring. It's nice that the guests were treated to experience the beauty of Norway via the boat cruise and coming into the city.

2. The photo of the Royal Family in bunads on the royal yacht against the gorgeous background of Geiranger is the best photo I have seen of the Royal Family. Absolutely beautiful.

3. The anesthetics of the wedding party, decor, and colors were really nice. I didn't care for Martha Louise's dress or Derek's mariachi band inspired outfit with the gawdy initials. However the color schemes were really nice. I love the official group photo the pink and champagne colors looks beautiful especially paired with bunads of guests wearing them.

4. The program or order of service was lovely. I was particularly surprised by this. The music selection was also very thoughtful and beautiful.

5. All members of the Royal Family seem genuinely happy to be there and appeared to be very happy for the couple. Or...Perhaps they are good actors.


1. The selling of merchandise of Martha Louise's company for guests to purchase at her wedding is soooo tacky. That she should do this at an event attended by the King, Queen, and Crown Prince again shows her brazeness and how much she does not care about the rules of using her title for commercial gain.

2. The 5 drink tickets scream "we cannot afford an open bar" and there are budget restrictions. Not a good look.

3. The bridal dress...the pieces on the dress were annoying and I wanted to cut them off. The style and shape of the dress was beautiful. Durek 's mariachi band outfit was ill-fitting and just gawdy with the monogram of the couple's initials on his sleeves.

I wish them a lifetime of happiness. I hope it works out. Stranger things have happened so who knows!
What a wonderful wedding! The bride was beautiful and the dress were perfect. The tiara and the weil were just spot on! A friend of mine were there, and she was sending me loads of photos during the day! ML and D did look so happy together and that is all the matters❤️
Yes, I liked the dress and veil too. Nice detailling of the flowers along the sides.
I don't understand what people find tacky about the dress (except perhaps for the monogram) and unsuited for a second wedding.
What should she have worn? A two-piece-suit with a row of pearls?
HELLO! justi published an Exclusive video:

As a thank you to the village, Märtha Louise and Durek wanted to give the wedding cake to the residents (and of course at the cake has M & D -monogram).
"We would like to send a big thank you to everyone in Geiranger who has come forward in connection with our wedding. You have hung flags, planted flowers, cleaned the gardens, decorated yourselves and stood in the streets sending us congratulations on our big day.
As a small thank you, we would like to share our wedding cake with you. We hope you like it.
Sincerely, Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett."

The director thinks it's a great way to say thank you to the villagers, and reveals that it's carrot cake with a classic filling.
- It is very fancy, and made by our pastry chefs in the kitchen.
But haven't Märtha and Durek eaten the cake themselves?
- Yes, they have tasted, but there have been portions on the side for the guests.

The wedding cake on Saturday with portions
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