Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
When I remember the small flats I lived in during my twenties, occasionally in seedy neighborhoods, and then compare them with Marius's accommodations on the Skaugum estate I want to weep.😓

In their zeal to make sure that MM's eldest son was not made to feel less than his Royal half siblings, Haakon and MM went too far in the opposite direction and created a monster.😯

Making certain that he is well provided for is one thing, but where was the emphasis on his education and/or preparation for a career and life outside the Royal cocoon? He had too much time on his hands and now the chickens have come home to roost right on the doorsteps at Skaugum.

What a way for King Harald to be winding down the twilight years of his reign.🙁

It’s a tricky issue, though, because I would say that the potential parenting mistakes people have mentioned from the start of the thread wouldn’t usually add up to this level of dysfunction. With indulgent, passive parents who overcompensated for perceived unfairness you’d expect to get a spoiled brat with a chip on his shoulder. Someone who wouldn’t be out of place with all the other spoiled rich kids in Oslo. Maybe not a kid MM and Haakon would want to showcase to the press and public, but also not one who would provoke a full on crisis.

I still don’t think this is a case of Marius getting to this point because of parenting mistakes. I think it’s more likely that Marius has had significant issues for a long time, maybe from the time he was a child, and Haakon and Mette Marit have gotten increasingly out of their depth as time’s gone by. It’s possible the magnitude of this situation will somehow shock them into seeing a better way forward, (which might involve taking an enormous step back and letting the Norwegian justice system parent Marius for the next several years).
No one was divorced.

Tom Parker Bowles and Laura Lopes were adults when their mother married in, not a preschooler.

Do you really believe further ostracizing a young child who then grows up with younger siblings with every privilege in the royal world would have produced a better result?
My point was not that. My point was that it is perfectly possible for royals to have stepchildren without making them members of the royal family…

Where have i said that i think Marius should be ostracized ? Marius was 3 when they married and had no stable paternal home by then. Ofcourse he should be living with his mother then ! I haven’t said anything else.

But he is 27 now (way past the age where he needs to live 100 meters from mummys doorstep), living in a big house on one of Norways few royal estates and behaves as if he is King of the underworld… Do you really think it is wrong that it is controversial for many of us ?

Living on a royal estate means you live on stately property, behind security fences and with military security protection around the clock any time you are home…. That’s a huge privilige with more luxury than even the ambassadors have ! Certainly not a human right.
My point was that it is perfectly possible for royals to have stepchildren without making them members of the royal family…
How do you propose a preschooler being raised by the CP couple with fully-royal younger siblings have been less of a “member of the royal family” than he was without it causing more problems? This isn’t Jordan. The Camilla situation is not remotely comparable.

Other people have pointed out that Marius living on the Skaugum estate as an adult may not be parental blindness or a reward for bad behavior as much as an attempt to keep him where he could be safe and reached and not have him choose the criminal underworld over his family.
First, many thanks to @LadyFinn for the links, summaries, and translations! Your hard work is allowing those of us who can't view those pages to learn the latest. Much appreciated!

The most concerning thing I read is about the Hell's Angels being at Skaugum and meeting with MM. I have to disagree with those who say some in the group might not be so bad. It's identified as an organized crime group by multiple countries. (The Netherlands even banned it entirely.) Anyone who is a member of a recognized organized crime gang is a criminal, either by committing crimes or through association.

I'm sort of at the point where it's "three strikes, you're out!" for Mette-Marit. She entered the marriage with admitted associations with drugs and criminals, including Marius' father. She associated with Jeffrey Epstein multiple times AFTER his conviction for sex-trafficking minors. Now, she's meeting with members of an international organized crime biker gang in her home. (And all that doesn't even include possibly enabling Marius.)

This certainly doesn't point to an upstanding citizen with good judgement. Nor does it speak very well of Haakon's judgement. Or the king's.

This situation is dire. I'm beginning to think that those who think Haakon will be out of the succession -- or that he and MM will have to divorce -- may be right.
When was MM’s association with Epstein? Before Marius’ birth? I’ve not read much about this :oops:
When was MM’s association with Epstein? Before Marius’ birth? I’ve not read much about this :oops:
No, she was not part of such high-profile networks before she met Haakon. She met Epstein several times between 2011 and 2013 and apologized for her lack of judgment/ignorance in 2019.

Se og Hør publishes a new clip of the conversation Marius had with the two polices. The police talks about the role to which Marius was born and has been, with her mother becoming the crown princess and about having half-siblings with the roles they have.
Se og Hør asked the police if this is a common approach in such conversations and if they want to explain the background for such jargon. Press manager Unni T. Grøndal in an email: the police has no comments.

Se og Hør about the petrol card stolen from Skaugum:
This petrol card was issued to "The Royal Court", but was used by unauthorized persons for about a year, according to Se og Hør's sources. Neither the court nor the crown prince couple discovered that the card was used by unauthorized persons.
How do you propose a preschooler being raised by the CP couple with fully-royal younger siblings have been less of a “member of the royal family” than he was without it causing more problems? This isn’t Jordan. The Camilla situation is not remotely comparable.

Other people have pointed out that Marius living on the Skaugum estate as an adult may not be parental blindness or a reward for bad behavior as much as an attempt to keep him where he could be safe and reached and not have him choose the criminal underworld over his family.
Why should the norwegian public be expected to just quietly accept that a fully grown up commoner, a private citizen who does not want to live a public life and does not want to be visible in the media (all according to his mother) lives at the royal estate with full military protection around the clock ?

If the Crown Prince and Crown Princess has kept Marius on the royal estate in an attempt to keep him away from his friends in the underworld - then congratulations, it ended in disaster !

This is more luxury than most of the diplomats have, so why shouldn’t people be allowed to have expectations ? Marius has a lot of priviligies that normal citizens will never come close to.

It has nothing to do about wether he would be unfairly treated compared to his half-siblings… Their situation is unjust by virtue of nature, and they have had 23 years to prepare Marius for that…
The family needed to send him to some kind of disciplinary school or the military to straighten him out, if they couldn’t do it themselves. His actions are his fault and his alone, but in tolerating his behavior whether stemming from mental issues or whether, has led to this point. It’s obvious he has no regard for anyone, thinks he’s above the law, and still believes he’s untouchable even after getting caught. He didn’t recently develop this attitude.

Why should the norwegian public be expected to just quietly accept that a fully grown up commoner, a private citizen who does not want to live a public life and does not want to be visible in the media (all according to his mother) lives at the royal estate with full military protection around the clock ?

If the Crown Prince and Crown Princess has kept Marius on the royal estate in an attempt to keep him away from his friends in the underworld - then congratulations, it ended in disaster !

This is more luxury than most of the diplomats have, so why shouldn’t people be allowed to have expectations ? Marius has a lot of priviligies that normal citizens will never come close to.

It has nothing to do about wether he would be unfairly treated compared to his half-siblings… Their situation is unjust by virtue of nature, and they have had 23 years to prepare Marius for that…
Marius should have been raised from the start with a clear understanding that, since he is not a royal or in the line of succession, he would have to support himself as an adult and have a private career. That includes having made it clear to him that he would have to leave the Skaugum estate (or any alternative royal residence) for example when he turned 21. If he were still in full-time education at that time (for example, studying for a university degree), he could be allowed to stay until he graduated, but not after that. It should have been made clear to him also that, in addition to not getting any state dotation, his mother and stepfather would not fund him privately either when he became an adult.

Would that have pushed him to the underworld or to a criminal life? I seriously doubt it, but, in any case, if that had been his choice in life, the Royal Family should have made it clear to him that he would have no protection or immunity, and would have to face the full consequences of his actions by himself alone.
As I have indicated in a prior post: #736 In my opinion Marius unfortunately received a genetic profile from both his mother, whose father was an alcoholic and his birth father who was a drug addict that has left him behaviorially at risk. We also don't know what his first 3 years were like to trigger what has now become his 27 year old self. There are specific long-term incarcerated treatment programs available that can bring about the changes needed to turn Marius's pathological behaviors into a functional member of society.
Hopefully this will be part of a court mandated incarcerated sentencing.
No, she was not part of such high-profile networks before she met Haakon. She met Epstein several times between 2011 and 2013 and apologized for her lack of judgment/ignorance in 2019.

It’s worth noting that, like Prince Andrew, she met him multiple times AFTER his conviction and prison sentence, which received considerable international media attention. MM either turned a blind eye to this or lives in such a bubble that she doesn’t realize she is consorting with criminals.

Marius would have been a young, impressionable teen when his mother (and Haakon, at some point) was hanging around with a criminal who preyed on girls. Great role model!
Nora Haukland was interrogated for the second time today. Her lawyer John Christian Elden confirms this to Aftenposten:
- The interrogations were about the previous conditions she has explained about related to physical and mental abuse from her former partner.
Now she was also questioned about the threat case. A man was arrested and detained last week for threatening Haukland, as well as 19 other threats. Elden says that Nora is reassured that the accused has been remanded in custody. There is no reason to assume that the accused in this case has any connection to Marius Borg Høiby.

Nora Haukland wrote in her Snapchat that she really struggles with sleep and just working as a normal influencer and normal being. She is not quite "on top of her game". She wants to make it so much better, but she can't right now. She does not hide that the last few days have been difficult. She just lies and stares at the ceiling. I've been listening to "What Was I Made For", by Billie Eilish, and she is kind of tearful, but she can't cry.
Her lawyer says there is a lot of pressure on her now.
Why should the norwegian public be expected to just quietly accept that a fully grown up commoner, a private citizen who does not want to live a public life and does not want to be visible in the media (all according to his mother) lives at the royal estate with full military protection around the clock ?
Because his parents as estate owners have the right to tenant the estate however they see fit, and somehow the Norwegian public was quietly accepting Marius living there before the enormous criminal scandal broke…?

It’s not any more unfair now than it has been; people have just decided it’s an issue now.

If the Crown Prince and Crown Princess has kept Marius on the royal estate in an attempt to keep him away from his friends in the underworld - then congratulations, it ended in disaster !
Not “away from his friends”, away from a full-time life and role there. And if Marius had OD’d or been caught selling drugs last year because he had no family support, how would that have been less of a disaster?
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Se og Hør about the petrol card stolen from Skaugum:
This petrol card was issued to "The Royal Court", but was used by unauthorized persons for about a year, according to Se og Hør's sources. Neither the court nor the crown prince couple discovered that the card was used by unauthorized persons.

I have a company card. I cannot even begin to process how this happened for a whole year. No monthly reports? no reconciliations? Fraud alerts? This falls on Haakon. He is the head of his staff and royal court. Or all those meetings, nothing?
Of course, when is someone's else money, no worries right?
At the first signs something should have been done. At the least his diplomatic passport taken away but nothing?

Haakon is not just the stepfather in this situation. He is the Crown Prince. This is not just a family, this is a taxpayer funded "company".
I have a company card. I cannot even begin to process how this happened for a whole year. No monthly reports? no reconciliations? Fraud alerts? This falls on Haakon. He is the head of his staff and royal court. Or all those meetings, nothing?
Of course, when is someone's else money, no worries right?
At the first signs something should have been done. At the least his diplomatic passport taken away but nothing?

Haakon is not just the stepfather in this situation. He is the Crown Prince. This is not just a family, this is a taxpayer funded "company".
Most likely they noticed that the gas card (or petrol card in British English) had been stolen/ was being misused and are denying knowing anything about it now to save face.
Most likely they noticed that the gas card (or petrol card in British English) had been stolen/ was being misused and are denying knowing anything about it now to save face.

and in turn enabling Marius further. Facing consequences is needed. Loving your children is also allowing for them to face real consequences. Covering for them in everything they do is not helping them as people.
Just to take stock here: If I remember it right - please correct me, if I am wrong - the whole story began, when a friend of a girlfriend of Marius called the police, after he had hit her and demolished the interior of her flat. A friend and not the victim herself! Perhaps the poor girl knew about Marius' status in the Royal Family and was too scared...

But if this friend of the girlfriend had not called the police, everything could have go on perfectly "normal" and we would know nothing. I wonder, if this friend is identical with the person Marius has threatened with death.
Just to take stock here: If I remember it right - please correct me, if I am wrong - the whole story began, when a friend of a girlfriend of Marius called the police, after he had hit her and demolished the interior of her flat. A friend and not the victim herself! Perhaps the poor girl knew about Marius' status in the Royal Family and was too scared...

But if this friend of the girlfriend had not called the police, everything could have go on perfectly "normal" and we would know nothing. I wonder, if this friend is identical with the person Marius has threatened with death.
Sounds plausible.

And yes, things would have gone on as "normal" until at some point Marius would inevitable have done something that would have blown the lid off, as is the case now. And that something could very well be more dramatic because as I see it Marius life and behavior was escalating - until he would have hit reality like it was brick wall.
The worst case scenarios of course being that he killed or injured someone or killed himself.
Marius getting away with beating up this third victim would only be a reprieve.

We can of course speculate as to how even more damaging this would have been for the NRF had this happened in a couple of years, say shortly after Haakon became king.
Right now, with Haakon as CP, there should still be time for the NRF to do some serious damage control, if done professionally.

At present with Haakon as CP this is bad enough but without a King Harald around to dampen the fury out of the deep respect and even veneration he enjoys, it would no doubt be a lot worse.

Everything hinges on three things:
A) What has emerged about Marius is bad enough as is! If even more and perhaps even worse things emerge, it is bound to get worse and more damaging for the NRF, Haakon and MM in particular.
B) To what extent did MM and Haakon cover up for Marius and what did they close their eyes for? One of the more serious questions being: Did Juliane Snekkerstad ask for help? She was after all with Marius for four years and that makes her almost a daughter-in-law. So if it emerges that she asked for help and was ignored it would be close to disastrous for Haakon and MM's reputation.
C) What happens now? If Marius continue on his self-destructive path, a lot will depend on how Haakon and MM will deal with that. If they continue to be in a state of denial, or try to keep shielding him and allow him to keep on living his extravagant lifestyle, it will be pretty destructive for Haakon and MM as well.

I believe that once the trial is over, Haakon and MM needs to go public with their own thoughts and despair and explain why they did as they did - and take responsibility. I.e. doing a big public Mea Culpa!
They also need to cut off Marius. He cannot live on a royal estate. He cannot have his unfortunate friends anywhere near the NRF. He cannot attend any public royal events whatsoever. He's too tainted. He should be treated like a distant cousin.
Because Marius will not change. I don't believe that. I hope he will, of course I do. To be honest I think he's too stupid to change. On top of that I think he's too entitled and too far out to change. He'll probably end up dying from an overdose one day or kill himself in a car crash.
I have problems seeing how he would change now. If he is cut off and left to fend for himself, he will have to find the means to continue the lifestyle he is used to. And Marius working 9-5? Yeah right! So he will have to find an alternative income...
And if he is supported financially, what should induce him to start a normal "boring" life?
I'm very pessimistic about Marius. I hope it will somehow be possible to reach him and turn him around, but I think the odds are against that happening.

Mette Marit. I cannot see Haakon divorcing Mette Marit. That would also be a cruel move IMO, and from a PR view pretty destructive as well for the NRF, Haakon in particular.
I believe MM should retire. She can use her illness as a plausible (and face-saving) excuse. Everybody can pretend they believe her and move on. I mean when she is talking about women's rights and domestic abuse in the future she'll risk tomatoes being thrown at her. Her credibility is in tatters. Everything she has build up since she married Haakon is basically being torn down around her these days and considering her illness I don't think she has enough time left. It would take years of hard work to rebuild her reputation. So better let her retire quietly - that I also think would be the most helpful move for Haakon and Ingrid.

Haakon. Once he has found a spine somewhere he might just as well learn how to put it into use. Because he's going to need it! When the trial is over and we have an even clearer picture of what happened and who knew and did what, Haakon will most likely have run out of credit in regards to the Norwegians and he will have to work hard for the rest of his life to restore that credit. - While at the same time having to deal with a Marius that IMO is likely to continue his downward spiral and ML and her shaman. If you think the two of them will hold back and stop pushing the boundaries and adhere to the agreed conditions, well, then I've got some goldmines I'd like to sell you.
Ironically I can see Mette Marit divorcing Haakon. Not the other way around, that I don't believe for a second. MM is obviously very protective of Marius, even to beyond reason. How will she react to the NRF and perhaps a king Haakon, having to impose sanctions of some sort (including denying funds and not inviting him for major family events) on Marius? Will she more or less grudgingly accept it or could it end up with her divorcing Haakon out of sheer frustration or even as an ultimate threat?

Ingrid too will also have to make a choice:
Is she Marius kid-sister? With the close bonds there obviously are between them remaining un-severed?
Or is she a future queen, who will have to put a considerable distance between herself and Marius?
Who will she remain most loyal to? Her family, with all the faults they have and have made. Or the NRF and the dynasty, the monarchy, Norway.
So far Ingrid is untainted by Marius and she is the best hope there is for the monarchists in Norway. But that comes with a price, because she too will have to take side, and within the next few years what side that is, must be crystal clear.
If it turns out that Ingrid has inherited her father's spine and her mother's liberal interpretation of what are acceptable associates and behavior, then the Norwegian monarchy only has Magnus left... There will be no more cards to play.
So sorry Ingrid, you are going to have to mature even faster than you already must.
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wow wow.
So now Marius and friends stole from the NRF which is stealing from the taxpayers. Stealing the company credit card and Haakon and MM did nothing?
Marius now puts the guards life in danger and Haakon and MM did nothing? imagine a little to the left and we would have a dead guardsman.
Haakon and MM need to apologize to the taxpayers and the guardsmen and their families.
This is years now. Not just something that happened last month.
They think they are above the law.

That Marius has abused multiple girlfriends in multiple years, and Haakon and MM can just smile and say what a close family they are.

Now the media is even questioning Ingrid-Alexandra's judgement? All because of Marius.
The media is wrong to do that
and in turn enabling Marius further. Facing consequences is needed. Loving your children is also allowing for them to face real consequences. Covering for them in everything they do is not helping them as people.
A little off topic, but I have a family member who never faced the consequences for his actions thanks to our mother always covering for him and at this late stage of my parents lives, it is a disaster. Enabling anyone from suffering consequences is very wrong and I speak from experience.
Sounds plausible.

And yes, things would have gone on as "normal" until at some point Marius would inevitable have done something that would have blown the lid off, as is the case now. And that something could very well be more dramatic because as I see it Marius life and behavior was escalating - until he would have hit reality like it was brick wall.
The worst case scenarios of course being that he killed or injured someone or killed himself.
Marius getting away with beating up this third victim would only be a reprieve.

We can of course speculate as to how even more damaging this would have been for the NRF had this happened in a couple of years, say shortly after Haakon became king.
Right now, with Haakon as CP, there should still be time for the NRF to do some serious damage control, if done professionally.

At present with Haakon as CP this is bad enough but without a King Harald around to dampen the fury out of the deep respect and even veneration he enjoys, it would no doubt be a lot worse.

Everything hinges on three things:
A) What has emerged about Marius is bad enough as is! If even more and perhaps even worse things emerge, it is bound to get worse and more damaging for the NRF, Haakon and MM in particular.
B) To what extent did MM and Haakon cover up for Marius and what did they close their eyes for? One of the more serious questions being: Did Juliane Snekkerstad ask for help? She was after all with Marius for four years and that makes her almost a daughter-in-law. So if it emerges that she asked for help and was ignored it would be close to disastrous for Haakon and MM's reputation.
C) What happens now? If Marius continue on his self-destructive path, a lot will depend on how Haakon and MM will deal with that. If they continue to be in a state of denial, or try to keep shielding him and allow him to keep on living his extravagant lifestyle, it will be pretty destructive for Haakon and MM as well.

I believe that once the trial is over, Haakon and MM needs to go public with their own thoughts and despair and explain why they did as they did - and take responsibility. I.e. doing a big public Mea Culpa!
They also need to cut off Marius. He cannot live on a royal estate. He cannot have his unfortunate friends anywhere near the NRF. He cannot attend any public royal events whatsoever. He's too tainted. He should be treated like a distant cousin.
Because Marius will not change. I don't believe that. I hope he will, of course I do. To be honest I think he's too stupid to change. On top of that I think he's too entitled and too far out to change. He'll probably end up dying from an overdose one day or kill himself in a car crash.
I have problems seeing how he would change now. If he is cut off and left to fend for himself, he will have to find the means to continue the lifestyle he is used to. And Marius working 9-5? Yeah right! So he will have to find an alternative income...
And if he is supported financially, what should induce him to start a normal "boring" life?
I'm very pessimistic about Marius. I hope it will somehow be possible to reach him and turn him around, but I think the odds are against that happening.

Mette Marit. I cannot see Haakon divorcing Mette Marit. That would also be a cruel move IMO, and from a PR view pretty destructive as well for the NRF, Haakon in particular.
I believe MM should retire. She can use her illness as a plausible (and face-saving) excuse. Everybody can pretend they believe her and move on. I mean when she is talking about women's rights and domestic abuse in the future she'll risk tomatoes being thrown at her. Her credibility is in tatters. Everything she has build up since she married Haakon is basically being torn down around her these days and considering her illness I don't think she has enough time left. It would take years of hard work to rebuild her reputation. So better let her retire quietly - that I also think would be the most helpful move for Haakon and Ingrid.

Haakon. Once he has found a spine somewhere he might just as well learn how to put it into use. Because he's going to need it! When the trial is over and we have an even clearer picture of what happened and who knew and did what, Haakon will most likely have run out of credit in regards to the Norwegians and he will have to work hard for the rest of his life to restore that credit. - While at the same time having to deal with a Marius that IMO is likely to continue his downward spiral and ML and her shaman. If you think the two of them will hold back and stop pushing the boundaries and adhere to the agreed conditions, well, then I've got some goldmines I'd like to sell you.
Ironically I can see Mette Marit divorcing Haakon. Not the other way around, that I don't believe for a second. MM is obviously very protective of Marius, even to beyond reason. How will she react to the NRF and perhaps a king Haakon, having to impose sanctions of some sort (including denying funds and not inviting him for major family events) on Marius? Will she more or less grudgingly accept it or could it end up with her divorcing Haakon out of sheer frustration or even as an ultimate threat?

Ingrid too will also have to make a choice:
Is she Marius kid-sister? With the close bonds there obviously are between them remaining un-severed?
Or is she a future queen, who will have to put a considerable distance between herself and Marius?
Who will she remain most loyal to? Her family, with all the faults they have and have made. Or the NRF and the dynasty, the monarchy, Norway.
So far Ingrid is untainted by Marius and she is the best hope there is for the monarchists in Norway. But that comes with a price, because she too will have to take side, and within the next few years what side that is, must be crystal clear.
If it turns out that Ingrid has inherited her father's spine and her mother's liberal interpretation of what are acceptable associates and behavior, then the Norwegian monarchy only has Magnus left... There will be no more cards to play.
So sorry Ingrid, you are going to have to mature even faster than you already must.

I agree with 99.8% of what you said here, @Muhler. I have a slightly difference spin on a few little things:
  • More to come on Marius? Yes, there will be more to come, even if he hasn't done anything else that merits media coverage. He is now a topic that the media will be able to go back to again and again like a cash cow. Even if the guy straightens up and becomes a respectable citizen, we'll be reading tabloid reports that say, "Law-Breaking Marius Jaywalks in Oslo!"

  • H & MM taking responsibility: I'd advise them NOT to take any responsibility for Marius. Not for bad parenting, not for enabling, not for anything. Don't poke that bear! Instead, they should acknowledge Marius's failings and move on to discuss how they are working to make life better for people with addictions, their families, and their victims. Make it positive. If they accept any responsibility, they will never be able to live it down. (They'd do well to look at how Bill Clinton handled the problems with his troubled brother, Roger. He showed a lot of sympathy and support, but did not take responsibility for him.)

  • Securing the royal house: They need to do a very public audit of people who come in contact with family and into their residences, how their finances are managed, and how the police and other agencies interact with the royal family and royal house (including their staff). Announcing plans for these things -- and following up in 3-6 months -- would be wise.

  • Mette-Marit: Stepping back is mandatory. Whether its retirement or divorce, she needs to be out of the working picture, at least until everything with Marius is settled, and probably for many years after that. She could rehabilitate her imagine, but it will take years of hard, quiet work.

  • Ingrid and Magnus: This is a tougher one. They need to inoculate these kids from their own brother. I don't know what to suggest at this point. They may need to re-assess after we find out how all this shakes out.

  • Martha-Louise and Dureck: Given Dureck's criminal past, it's more important than ever that he have nothing to do with the royal house or even the country. They need to pay them off to move away and stay out of the media.
Once Marius admitted his assault against , the first acknowledged victim , I'm afraid I was simply waiting for further evidence of his behaviour . Now we have been provided with evidence that the CP couple not only knew ,[ there is no way they would not have been informed] , but permitted behaviour , i.e using an official credit card , stealing property , almost killing a serving member of the Norwegian armed forces , [ in Marius's own words ], well , I have lost all respect for the CP couple . I gave full credit to MM for growing past her earlier choices , I felt she had matured , with the news that she had been diagnosed with a life limiting condition my respect for the way she had conducted herself in her official role increased . Now however I can only see her as a deluded enabler of a pathetic child whose ego she , [ and undoubtedly Haakon ], pandered to . My heart goes out, to not only their majesties , but also to IA and SM , for , frankly the inevitable loss of a beloved brother . Thank heavens , IA has decided to extend her military service , at least this will keep her out of the public eye .

I forgot to say , and this I regret , that I hope not only his victim's , but especially Marius will get appropriate help . He himself has admitted that he did not take the help he was offered seriously . There is a saying " you can take a horse to water , you cannot make him drink ". Unfortunately this would appear to be the case with Marius , and the CP couples continued enabling has not helped him . After all what other 27yr old lives in a house protected by the armed forces , where they can entertain known criminals , has no real discernible income , yet can swan of to Italy for a fortnight ? I have seen no evidence that says Marius has any diagnosis of mental health issues , beyond the drink / drugs , apart from his own claim . The CP couple need to clarify their position , and accept in part at least their responsibility for this situation . They have 2 other children that need their support .
On the night of August 4, a message arrived in the inbox on Instagram for a man in his 20s. The police believe it was Marius who sent it. The content was short: "You are a f**king dead man".
Nettavisen has got access to the message. It has been confirmed that it is this that the police believe forms the basis for opening a case against Marius for death threats. The man has not wanted to get legal assistance. He didn't report the message, the police opened a case on their own initiative.
The police believe that Marius sent the death threat from his registered address in Skaugum, where he lives in a residence in close proximity to the CP couple. The message is said to have been sent after a private conflict.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski doesn't comment on details of the investigation and Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien doesn't want to comment.
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Thanks, LadyFinn. So a timeline is emerging.
On the night to 4th August at around 03.00 Marius went nuts in the apartment of his girlfriend, where he apart from being abusive towards her smashed a chandelier, a phone, a headset and a mirror.
But it seems that prior to that Marius, from Skaugum, send a message to the Instagram account of a man in his 20s, saying: You're a f*cking dead man. - Then he must have gone to the apartment of his girlfriend and acted up.

That however is not the first time Marius was abusive toward his third girlfriend. On the 25th this year, he, the girlfriend and two friends (a couple?) went on a boat trip in Oslo fjord. After that trip the friends witnessed Marius being abusive towards his girlfriend whom he hit (fist or slapping, but certainly at hit, punch or slap of some sort = assault.) and he also spat at his girlfriend (also assault). That too is being investigated by the police.

So the list of offenses that Marius is being investigated for is by now pretty long!
1) Two counts of assault towards his third girlfriend.
2) Threats on the phone towards her, after the assault in August.
3) Vandalism in her apartment.
4) Harassment after calling her countless times at all hours after the incident on 4th August. After which a no contact was issued by the police.
5) Breaking that no contact by calling her at 00.55 from Skaugum on 7th September.
6) Threatening to kill a named man in his 20s. These threats were made on the phone in a "conversation" with his third girlfriend. (And now also in writing on 4th August on Instagram.)
7) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Nora Haukland, with whom he was together for a little less than a year.
8) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Juliane Snekkestad, with whom he was together for four years.
9) Petty theft of a scooter.
10) Using cocaine in August this year.


Among the reader's comments I found this from Helge Hoff:
Her går altså en vandrende katastrofe rundt i samfunnet og yter vold over en lav skog, misbruker narkotika mer eller mindre åpen lyst og ingen bryr seg, men mange av øvrig heten vet om det. Hvordan i huleste kan slottet sitte rolig nå? Eller stikke hodet i sanden etter alt som har kommer fram nå? Er nå så utrolig skuffet over hele gjengen som jeg har sett opp til og støttet innen kongefamilien at jeg for første gang nå vil begynne å tenke på at vi kanskje skal avslutte kongedømmet å begynne å se på mulighetene for å få ett annet styresett. En ting er at alle kan slite og få problemer med livet sitt og Marius kanskje ikke har takklet det og det kan vi skjønne, men at politiet har blitt styrt fra en øvrig makt som har lammet dem å gjøre jobben sin er så graverende at det ikke finnes ord. Og at på toppen av alt som nå har kommet fram så fortsetter slottet med å tie er blitt fallitt erklæring så mangler sidestykke i Norge. Her skal ikke bare Marius dømmes, men det må snarest settes ned en total uavhengig organ for å finne ut hva i huleste har skjedd, og at her må ingen kunne bli spart. Om det skjer kan det være et lite håp at vi kan ha en konge familie videre.

Google translated (slightly edited for better understanding by me):
Here, then, a walking disaster goes around society and commits violence, abuses drugs more or less openly and nobody cares, but many of the rest of the community know about it. How in the hell can the castle sit still now? Or stick their head in the sand after everything that has come to light now? I am now so incredibly disappointed with the whole bunch that I have looked up to and supported within the royal family, that for the first time I now want to start thinking that maybe we should end the monarchy and start looking at the possibilities of getting another system of government. It is one thing that everyone can struggle and have problems in their lives and Marius may not have coped with it and we can understand that, but that the police have been controlled by another power that has paralyzed them from doing their job is so serious that there are no words. And the fact that, on top of everything that has now come to light, the castle continues to remain silent has become a failed declaration that there is no equivalent to in Norway. Now, not only Marius must be judged, but a totally independent body must be set up as soon as possible to find out what the hell has happened, and that no one can be spared here. If that happens, there may be little hope that we can continue to have a royal family.

----------- I suspect that sentiment is shared by quite a lot of Norwegians.
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----------- I suspect that sentiment is shared by quite a lot of Norwegians.

Yes, I think so too.

Se og Hør claims that witnesses and sources have told to the police that Marius has stored a significant amount of drugs at Skaugum. Marius is said to have been confronted with this claim during an interrogation on Monday. He is said to have denied any knowledge of this. Nor has he been charged with possession of drugs in large quantities.
According to Se og Hør, the police is now investigating the case further to clarify the conflicting explanations. It is uncertain whether further legal action will be taken against Marius, depending on the evidence that may emerge in the investigation.
Lawyer Øyvind Bratlien doesn't comment. Press manager at the Oslo Police Unni Grøndal states that the police have no comment on this.
Every day something new. I don't find Se og Hør's report at all surprising, I've suspected as much since I realized the type of 'friends' Marius had. Birds of a feather. His diplomatic passport needs to be pulled immediately (possibly his regular passport as well) and it needs to be investigated whether he was using it to avoid being searched when overseas. At this point I don't put anything past Marius and his gang of thugs. Nothing.

His parents should stop doing engagements if they don't want to answer questions. Back in the olden days Marius' mother would have been sent to a nunnery. Oh wait, she never would have been allowed anywhere near Haakon in the old days. She would have been a guttersnipe and stayed one. She's the most unsuitable consort I ever saw.

In the meantime the women who he's victimized are waiting for justice. Their lives are on hold and they are suffering from immense pressure. They deserve relief, quickly. Why are they suffering while he carries on as normal?
Thanks, LadyFinn. So a timeline is emerging.
On the night to 4th August at around 03.00 Marius went nuts in the apartment of his girlfriend, where he apart from being abusive towards her smashed a chandelier, a phone, a headset and a mirror.
But it seems that prior to that Marius, from Skaugum, send a message to the Instagram account of a man in his 20s, saying: You're a f*cking dead man. - Then he must have gone to the apartment of his girlfriend and acted up.

That however is not the first time Marius was abusive toward his third girlfriend. On the 25th this year, he, the girlfriend and two friends (a couple?) went on a boat trip in Oslo fjord. After that trip the friends witnessed Marius being abusive towards his girlfriend whom he hit (fist or slapping, but certainly at hit, punch or slap of some sort = assault.) and he also spat at his girlfriend (also assault). That too is being investigated by the police.

So the list of offenses that Marius is being investigated for is by now pretty long!
1) Two counts of assault towards his third girlfriend.
2) Threats on the phone towards her, after the assault in August.
3) Vandalism in her apartment.
4) Harassment after calling her countless times at all hours after the incident on 4th August. After which a no contact was issued by the police.
5) Breaking that no contact by calling her at 00.55 from Skaugum on 7th September.
6) Threatening to kill a named man in his 20s. These threats were made on the phone in a "conversation" with his third girlfriend. (And now also in writing on 4th August on Instagram.)
7) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Nora Haukland, with whom he was together for a little less than a year.
8) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Juliane Snekkestad, with whom he was together for four years.
9) Petty theft of a scooter.
10) Using cocaine in August this year.


Among the reader's comments I found this from Helge Hoff:
Her går altså en vandrende katastrofe rundt i samfunnet og yter vold over en lav skog, misbruker narkotika mer eller mindre åpen lyst og ingen bryr seg, men mange av øvrig heten vet om det. Hvordan i huleste kan slottet sitte rolig nå? Eller stikke hodet i sanden etter alt som har kommer fram nå? Er nå så utrolig skuffet over hele gjengen som jeg har sett opp til og støttet innen kongefamilien at jeg for første gang nå vil begynne å tenke på at vi kanskje skal avslutte kongedømmet å begynne å se på mulighetene for å få ett annet styresett. En ting er at alle kan slite og få problemer med livet sitt og Marius kanskje ikke har takklet det og det kan vi skjønne, men at politiet har blitt styrt fra en øvrig makt som har lammet dem å gjøre jobben sin er så graverende at det ikke finnes ord. Og at på toppen av alt som nå har kommet fram så fortsetter slottet med å tie er blitt fallitt erklæring så mangler sidestykke i Norge. Her skal ikke bare Marius dømmes, men det må snarest settes ned en total uavhengig organ for å finne ut hva i huleste har skjedd, og at her må ingen kunne bli spart. Om det skjer kan det være et lite håp at vi kan ha en konge familie videre.

Google translated (slightly edited for better understanding by me):
Here, then, a walking disaster goes around society and commits violence, abuses drugs more or less openly and nobody cares, but many of the rest of the community know about it. How in the hell can the castle sit still now? Or stick their head in the sand after everything that has come to light now? I am now so incredibly disappointed with the whole bunch that I have looked up to and supported within the royal family, that for the first time I now want to start thinking that maybe we should end the monarchy and start looking at the possibilities of getting another system of government. It is one thing that everyone can struggle and have problems in their lives and Marius may not have coped with it and we can understand that, but that the police have been controlled by another power that has paralyzed them from doing their job is so serious that there are no words. And the fact that, on top of everything that has now come to light, the castle continues to remain silent has become a failed declaration that there is no equivalent to in Norway. Now, not only Marius must be judged, but a totally independent body must be set up as soon as possible to find out what the hell has happened, and that no one can be spared here. If that happens, there may be little hope that we can continue to have a royal family.

----------- I suspect that sentiment is shared by quite a lot of Norwegians.
I wonder what it is going to take to get the royal house to respond to any of this. Soon Haakon and MM are going to find themselves being booed when they appear in public, if they don't get hold of this soon.
Yes, I think so too.

Se og Hør claims that witnesses and sources have told to the police that Marius has stored a significant amount of drugs at Skaugum. Marius is said to have been confronted with this claim during an interrogation on Monday. He is said to have denied any knowledge of this. Nor has he been charged with possession of drugs in large quantities.
According to Se og Hør, the police is now investigating the case further to clarify the conflicting explanations. It is uncertain whether further legal action will be taken against Marius, depending on the evidence that may emerge in the investigation.
Lawyer Øyvind Bratlien doesn't comment. Press manager at the Oslo Police Unni Grøndal states that the police have no comment on this.
It does get worse!
The secondary indication of this article is that Marius may, repeat may, not only have stashed drugs in his home at Skaugum, but that he also warned his criminal friends that the police was on their tail, after having been confronted by the two police officers in regards to his behavior. One friend in particular, who is right now under investigation.
That friend then left Norway for a period shortly after the police talked to Marius.
That friend is currently under investigation in the largest or one of the largest drug smuggling investigations in Norwegian history. That same friend is suspected by the police of having sold large amounts of cocaine in Oslo.
- The article basically suggest that Marius warned his criminal friends and thus gave them time to prepare and evade the police investigation. And that was possible because the two police officers mentioned Marius criminal friends during their talk with Marius and that they were currently being investigated.

- Now, as it is presented in this article I must conclude the following: Had the police not been told from "the very top" to confront Marius and had the police officers not told Marius that his friends were being investigated, then it would be likely to assume that the police would have had a stronger case and more evidence in regards to this very large drug-investigation. Because it does seem likely that Marius warned his friends the second the police officers went out the door.
That IMO unfortunately seems more plausible than not.

I also, and I must emphasize that this is my personal speculation, begin to suspect that the police investigation in this drug operation found evidence that Marius was involved in some form, including a suspicion by the police that drugs were stored at Marius place at Skaugum.
That evidence must have been reported higher up, because it involved Marius, being son of Mette-Marit as well as royal property. Then someone higher up decided either to "scare" Marius away, by sending someone to confront Marius (using "theater-street-speak" when talking to him BTW, but that's another story) or the NRF/the NRF-court officials were alerted and basically "requested" (read: ordered) the police to warn off Marius.
I suspect there was - and still is - a considerable interest in not investigating too much into what extent Marius has been personally involved in this drug-business. Because this is not what the police is currently investigating in regards to Marius. They did not ransack his home when he was first arrested and there seems to be very little desire to ransack his home even now. In other words: The police is still being held back in regards to Marius.

If I'm right in my suspicion, then Marius has been much more directly involved in the drug-activities and he may very well have housed a depot for drugs, to be distributed in predominantly the Oslo area. - It's a perfect depot. Protected by armed guards and the police. The police is most unlikely to search, intervene and investigate Marius and Marius home. The drugs could be transported in and out by Marius himself to and from his friends. Again, Marius was right: He is protected by the police. - Because no one wants to know about Marius possible direct involvement with drug trafficking and no one wants to investigate it either.
I have been puzzled by the way the police has been slow and easy-handed towards Marius until now. Bordering on being pretty reluctant to investigate more than they have to.
If, repeat if, I am right, then half the police force in Oslo will by now know for certain that Marius is personally involved in heavy crime, but that he, at least in that respect, is pretty untouchable. That must be immensely frustrating for the police officers! That will also explain the almost unheard and very detailed leaks about the investigation to the press.
Had Marius not been so stupid as to become an addict himself, and had he not been so stupid as to repeatedly exhibiting violent behavior, he could have gotten away with this for many years, eventually retiring in a decade or two to Dubai or some place similar, where he would live comfortably for live, funded by "sound investments."
As it is I will not be surprised if Marius at some point tries to make a run abroad.

Again, if I am right in my suspicion, we will know before Christmas, because this cannot be contained now. It's too late. The lid is off. There are too many leaks within the police, there are too many in the know in and around Oslo, there may even be criminals that will throw Marius under the bus, simply because Marius is no longer useful and simply because they can. The press may also be smelling blood, and all considerations have by now been thrown overboard because the press themselves are suspected of covering for Marius.
If evidence emerge that Marius indeed is heavily involved in drugs, then the storm the NRF is in right now will turn into a hurricane. - As such there will be a lot of interest in keeping this story as low key as possible. Unfortunately they will be dealing with a most unpredictable factor; Marius himself.
We may, I fear, see the nightmare scenario unfolding in front of us in the coming months.
Thanks, LadyFinn. So a timeline is emerging.
On the night to 4th August at around 03.00 Marius went nuts in the apartment of his girlfriend, where he apart from being abusive towards her smashed a chandelier, a phone, a headset and a mirror.
But it seems that prior to that Marius, from Skaugum, send a message to the Instagram account of a man in his 20s, saying: You're a f*cking dead man. - Then he must have gone to the apartment of his girlfriend and acted up.

That however is not the first time Marius was abusive toward his third girlfriend. On the 25th this year, he, the girlfriend and two friends (a couple?) went on a boat trip in Oslo fjord. After that trip the friends witnessed Marius being abusive towards his girlfriend whom he hit (fist or slapping, but certainly at hit, punch or slap of some sort = assault.) and he also spat at his girlfriend (also assault). That too is being investigated by the police.

So the list of offenses that Marius is being investigated for is by now pretty long!
1) Two counts of assault towards his third girlfriend.
2) Threats on the phone towards her, after the assault in August.
3) Vandalism in her apartment.
4) Harassment after calling her countless times at all hours after the incident on 4th August. After which a no contact was issued by the police.
5) Breaking that no contact by calling her at 00.55 from Skaugum on 7th September.
6) Threatening to kill a named man in his 20s. These threats were made on the phone in a "conversation" with his third girlfriend. (And now also in writing on 4th August on Instagram.)
7) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Nora Haukland, with whom he was together for a little less than a year.
8) Abuse in a relationship in regards to Juliane Snekkestad, with whom he was together for four years.
9) Petty theft of a scooter.
10) Using cocaine in August this year.


Among the reader's comments I found this from Helge Hoff:
Her går altså en vandrende katastrofe rundt i samfunnet og yter vold over en lav skog, misbruker narkotika mer eller mindre åpen lyst og ingen bryr seg, men mange av øvrig heten vet om det. Hvordan i huleste kan slottet sitte rolig nå? Eller stikke hodet i sanden etter alt som har kommer fram nå? Er nå så utrolig skuffet over hele gjengen som jeg har sett opp til og støttet innen kongefamilien at jeg for første gang nå vil begynne å tenke på at vi kanskje skal avslutte kongedømmet å begynne å se på mulighetene for å få ett annet styresett. En ting er at alle kan slite og få problemer med livet sitt og Marius kanskje ikke har takklet det og det kan vi skjønne, men at politiet har blitt styrt fra en øvrig makt som har lammet dem å gjøre jobben sin er så graverende at det ikke finnes ord. Og at på toppen av alt som nå har kommet fram så fortsetter slottet med å tie er blitt fallitt erklæring så mangler sidestykke i Norge. Her skal ikke bare Marius dømmes, men det må snarest settes ned en total uavhengig organ for å finne ut hva i huleste har skjedd, og at her må ingen kunne bli spart. Om det skjer kan det være et lite håp at vi kan ha en konge familie videre.

Google translated (slightly edited for better understanding by me):
Here, then, a walking disaster goes around society and commits violence, abuses drugs more or less openly and nobody cares, but many of the rest of the community know about it. How in the hell can the castle sit still now? Or stick their head in the sand after everything that has come to light now? I am now so incredibly disappointed with the whole bunch that I have looked up to and supported within the royal family, that for the first time I now want to start thinking that maybe we should end the monarchy and start looking at the possibilities of getting another system of government. It is one thing that everyone can struggle and have problems in their lives and Marius may not have coped with it and we can understand that, but that the police have been controlled by another power that has paralyzed them from doing their job is so serious that there are no words. And the fact that, on top of everything that has now come to light, the castle continues to remain silent has become a failed declaration that there is no equivalent to in Norway. Now, not only Marius must be judged, but a totally independent body must be set up as soon as possible to find out what the hell has happened, and that no one can be spared here. If that happens, there may be little hope that we can continue to have a royal family.

----------- I suspect that sentiment is shared by quite a lot of Norwegians.
I a idea anyone suggesting that abolishing the monarchy would be rightfully ignored by society
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