Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It does get worse!
The secondary indication of this article is that Marius may, repeat may, not only have stashed drugs in his home at Skaugum, but that he also warned his criminal friends that the police was on their tail, after having been confronted by the two police officers in regards to his behavior. One friend in particular, who is right now under investigation.
That friend then left Norway for a period shortly after the police talked to Marius.
That friend is currently under investigation in the largest or one of the largest drug smuggling investigations in Norwegian history. That same friend is suspected by the police of having sold large amounts of cocaine in Oslo.
- The article basically suggest that Marius warned his criminal friends and thus gave them time to prepare and evade the police investigation. And that was possible because the two police officers mentioned Marius criminal friends during their talk with Marius and that they were currently being investigated.

- Now, as it is presented in this article I must conclude the following: Had the police not been told from "the very top" to confront Marius and had the police officers not told Marius that his friends were being investigated, then it would be likely to assume that the police would have had a stronger case and more evidence in regards to this very large drug-investigation. Because it does seem likely that Marius warned his friends the second the police officers went out the door.
That IMO unfortunately seems more plausible than not.

I also, and I must emphasize that this is my personal speculation, begin to suspect that the police investigation in this drug operation found evidence that Marius was involved in some form, including a suspicion by the police that drugs were stored at Marius place at Skaugum.
That evidence must have been reported higher up, because it involved Marius, being son of Mette-Marit as well as royal property. Then someone higher up decided either to "scare" Marius away, by sending someone to confront Marius (using "theater-street-speak" when talking to him BTW, but that's another story) or the NRF/the NRF-court officials were alerted and basically "requested" (read: ordered) the police to warn off Marius.
I suspect there was - and still is - a considerable interest in not investigating too much into what extent Marius has been personally involved in this drug-business. Because this is not what the police is currently investigating in regards to Marius. They did not ransack his home when he was first arrested and there seems to be very little desire to ransack his home even now. In other words: The police is still being held back in regards to Marius.

If I'm right in my suspicion, then Marius has been much more directly involved in the drug-activities and he may very well have housed a depot for drugs, to be distributed in predominantly the Oslo area. - It's a perfect depot. Protected by armed guards and the police. The police is most unlikely to search, intervene and investigate Marius and Marius home. The drugs could be transported in and out by Marius himself to and from his friends. Again, Marius was right: He is protected by the police. - Because no one wants to know about Marius possible direct involvement with drug trafficking and no one wants to investigate it either.
I have been puzzled by the way the police has been slow and easy-handed towards Marius until now. Bordering on being pretty reluctant to investigate more than they have to.
If, repeat if, I am right, then half the police force in Oslo will by now know for certain that Marius is personally involved in heavy crime, but that he, at least in that respect, is pretty untouchable. That must be immensely frustrating for the police officers! That will also explain the almost unheard and very detailed leaks about the investigation to the press.
Had Marius not been so stupid as to become an addict himself, and had he not been so stupid as to repeatedly exhibiting violent behavior, he could have gotten away with this for many years, eventually retiring in a decade or two to Dubai or some place similar, where he would live comfortably for live, funded by "sound investments."
As it is I will not be surprised if Marius at some point tries to make a run abroad.

Again, if I am right in my suspicion, we will know before Christmas, because this cannot be contained now. It's too late. The lid is off. There are too many leaks within the police, there are too many in the know in and around Oslo, there may even be criminals that will throw Marius under the bus, simply because Marius is no longer useful and simply because they can. The press may also be smelling blood, and all considerations have by now been thrown overboard because the press themselves are suspected of covering for Marius.
If evidence emerge that Marius indeed is heavily involved in drugs, then the storm the NRF is in right now will turn into a hurricane. - As such there will be a lot of interest in keeping this story as low key as possible. Unfortunately they will be dealing with a most unpredictable factor; Marius himself.
We may, I fear, see the nightmare scenario unfolding in front of us in the coming months.
Never mind the criminals throwing Marius under the bus -- how long will it be before the royal house throws him under the bus? This whole thing is getting very, very close to destabilizing the monarchy. Marius is expendable.
Oh My, this is relentless! Everyday a new scandal. And quite opposite to the UK or Spain or some other Royalties the Norwegian press is connecting the dots! Where will this end?
Never mind the criminals throwing Marius under the bus -- how long will it be before the royal house throws him under the bus? This whole thing is getting very, very close to destabilizing the monarchy. Marius is expendable.
He is, and he should be.
Even the hints presented by Se & Hør (and they don't write this without having something to back this up, they are too serious suggestions to make in public otherwise,) are enough to taint Marius to such an extent that the NRF will be forced to keep as big a distance to Marius as at all possible. If they don't, well...
A royal estate being used as a drug den is appalling, but hardly surprising at this point. Only goes to show how bad things have gotten. Marius seems to excel in surpassing even the worst fears. I wonder what will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and turn the country against the monarchy. I fear we are going to find out soon...
A royal estate being used as a drug den is appalling, but hardly surprising at this point. Only goes to show how bad things have gotten. Marius seems to excel in surpassing even the worst fears. I wonder what will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and turn the country against the monarchy. I fear we are going to find out soon...
the monarchy is not going to be abolished
He is, and he should be.
Even the hints presented by Se & Hør (and they don't write this without having something to back this up, they are too serious suggestions to make in public otherwise,) are enough to taint Marius to such an extent that the NRF will be forced to keep as big a distance to Marius as at all possible. If they don't, well...
The soaring point is that he is the son of the next Queen Consort so regardless of how much distance Haralds court will keep the distance from Marius - the very second Haakon succeeds to the throne (wich we must assume will happen until something else is announced) Norway may have a King with a deep scar in his reputation and with a stepson in prison…

The chances that Mette Marit herself will distance herself from her eldest son is below zero…

What should Haakon and Mette Marit do to limit the impact ? Can they even do something only for damage control… I don’t know right now to be honest… Silence may be the short route out today but the ongoing situation where the media is being effectively blocked out from even seeing the Crown Princely Couple when they are out and about can’t go on in all eternity… It is what dictators do when they don’t want any uncomfortable questions. Not something the NRF should even consider…

We will probably now better until after the trial has started….

I don’t envy them… No matter how this ends, it is going to be extremly painful for them… This situation is like a knife with thorny edges in both ends… Marius may be the main person but there is no soft way out of this for anyone in the NRF…
Every day something new. I don't find Se og Hør's report at all surprising, I've suspected as much since I realized the type of 'friends' Marius had. Birds of a feather. His diplomatic passport needs to be pulled immediately (possibly his regular passport as well) and it needs to be investigated whether he was using it to avoid being searched when overseas. At this point I don't put anything past Marius and his gang of thugs. Nothing.

His parents should stop doing engagements if they don't want to answer questions. Back in the olden days Marius' mother would have been sent to a nunnery. Oh wait, she never would have been allowed anywhere near Haakon in the old days. She would have been a guttersnipe and stayed one. She's the most unsuitable consort I ever saw.

In the meantime the women who he's victimized are waiting for justice. Their lives are on hold and they are suffering from immense pressure. They deserve relief, quickly. Why are they suffering while he carries on as normal?

He is, and he should be.
Even the hints presented by Se & Hør (and they don't write this without having something to back this up, they are too serious suggestions to make in public otherwise,) are enough to taint Marius to such an extent that the NRF will be forced to keep as big a distance to Marius as at all possible. If they don't, well...
The soaring point is that he is the son of the next Queen Consort so regardless of how much distance Haralds court will keep the distance from Marius - the very second Haakon succeeds to the throne (wich we must assume will happen until something else is announced) Norway may have a King with a deep scar in his reputation and with a stepson in prison…

The chances that Mette Marit herself will distance herself from her eldest son is below zero…

What should Haakon and Mette Marit do to limit the impact ? Can they even do something only for damage control… I don’t know right now to be honest… Silence may be the short route out today but the ongoing situation where the media is being effectively blocked out from even reaching the Crown Princely Couple when they are out and about can’t go on in all eternity…

We will probably now better until after the trial has started….

I don’t envy them… No matter how this ends, it is going to be extremly painful for them… This situation is like a knife with thorny edges in both ends… Marius may be the main person but there is no soft way out of this for anyone in the NRF…
If the uk royal family can survive a working member being a client of Epstein the Norwegian will survive this
The press may also be smelling blood, and all considerations have by now been thrown overboard because the press themselves are suspected of covering for Marius.

It's very clear now that the press has known for years of Marius being a drug addict. The reporters have been at the restaurants and clubs Marius has visited, they know the people he has been hanging around with. Now they have no reason to hide their information and they can use their contacts to find out more in this case.

It's interesting that lawyer Øyvind Bratlien has given an interview to Swedish Expressen (paywall article):
"The gangster lawyer": Marius wants my help

This website quotes Bratlien's interview in Expressen:
Bratlien tells that when Marius was arrested by the police, he contacted him.
- I received a phone call that he was arrested, from the prison, and that he wanted my help.
He is called the "gangster lawyer" in the Norwegian press as he previously, among other things, defended a leader of the Norwegian Bandidos.
- I've had many cases in recent years that have been extensively discussed, really big acquittals. Many people know who I am. I like that the clients choose me for who I am. I think it is extremely important that a defender shows that he is present and attentive. That the police know that everything they do will be followed up, carefully.
Bratlien is a rich man, makes good money from his work and collected a dividend of NOK 10.5 million with his partners last year.
Mette-Marits son tar hjälp av stormrik ”gangsteradvokat” MSN

I think that the fact that Marius wanted Bratlien as his lawyer tells a lot about what kind of case this is.
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All these things that came out about Marius! Not only a wife/girlfriend beater but drug traffiking from a Royal estate? At the moment Haakon and Mette Marit are wise to keep quiet about this. I guess they have rearranged part of their situation, propably ordered Marius from their estate, but that's in the future. As hard as that is, I can't fault Haakon for trying to include Marius in his family circle. I guess he really loves MM. But since Marius was 21, he is responsible for his own life and for not crossing his stepfather and step-grandfather in their public persona. It was okay what Haakon did until now. But now he must act the future king of Norway and that means standing for what is right! So he needs to let go of all parental feelings for Marius and let the investigation and the trial continue. Let's just hope that nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked and all find a gracious end. Though I'm not convinced....
If the uk royal family can survive a working member being a client of Epstein the Norwegian will survive this
Noone has said that the Norwegian monarchy will be abolished…

We are only discussing all the possible outcomes of this… As none of us on this forum knows everything in this saga, apart from what is written/said in the media, that’s all we can do.
Noone has said that the Norwegian monarchy will be abolished…

We are only discussing all the possible outcomes of this… As none of us on this forum knows everything in this saga, apart from what is written/said in the media, that’s all we can do.
Every other post here implies the threat also we shouldn’t considered everything the media saids to be credible
He is, and he should be.
Even the hints presented by Se & Hør (and they don't write this without having something to back this up, they are too serious suggestions to make in public otherwise,) are enough to taint Marius to such an extent that the NRF will be forced to keep as big a distance to Marius as at all possible. If they don't, well...
Yes, exactly. But I'm thinking of it from another angle, too: The NRF *needs* to be able to blame it all on Marius so nothing splashes back on the royals. Rather than protecting him, they've reached a point where they will need to make sure he is convicted and punished in order to save the royal house.

The police and even the media need for him to be punished, too. They don't want a spotlight shining on them for covering up, failing to report, and so on. Instead, they will want to be able to say that they have covered Marius's (still alleged) crimes and brought him to justice. Then they're heroes.

I see Marius as a low-level punk and, by his own description, an addict, not a criminal mastermind. But his behavior has put pressure on the royal house, the media, and the police to protect themselves. I wouldn't want to be in that position.
what likely happens
Yes, exactly. But I'm thinking of it from another angle, too: The NRF *needs* to be able to blame it all on Marius so nothing splashes back on the royals. Rather than protecting him, they've reached a point where they will need to make sure he is convicted and punished in order to save the royal house.

The police and even the media need for him to be punished, too. They don't want a spotlight shining on them for covering up, failing to report, and so on. Instead, they will want to be able to say that they have covered Marius's (still alleged) crimes and brought him to justice. Then they're heroes.

I see Marius as a low-level punk and, by his own description, an addict, not a criminal mastermind. But his behavior has put pressure on the royal house, the media, and the police to protect themselves. I wouldn't want to be in that position.

the monarchy is not going to be abolished
Actually, it very well could be. It's not without reason Norway has been labelled a hereditary republic.
It's very clear now that the press has known for years of Marius being a drug addict. The reporters have been at the restaurants and clubs Marius has visited, they know the people he has been hanging around with. Now they have no reason to hide their information and they can use their contacts to find out more in this case.

It's interesting that lawyer Øyvind Bratlien has given an interview to Swedish Expressen (paywall article):
"The gangster lawyer": Marius wants my help

This website quotes Bratlien's interview in Expressen:
Bratlien tells that when Marius was arrested by the police, he contacted him.
- I received a phone call that he was arrested, from the prison, and that he wanted my help.
He is called the "gangster lawyer" in the Norwegian press as he previously, among other things, defended a leader of the Norwegian Bandidos.
- I've had many cases in recent years that have been extensively discussed, really big acquittals. Many people know who I am. I like that the clients choose me for who I am. I think it is extremely important that a defender shows that he is present and attentive. That the police know that everything they do will be followed up, carefully.
Bratlien is a rich man, makes good money from his work and collected a dividend of NOK 10.5 million with his partners last year.
Mette-Marits son tar hjälp av stormrik ”gangsteradvokat” MSN

I think that the fact that Marius wanted Bratlien as his lawyer tells a lot about what kind of case this is.
Exactly. Assuming he was innocent of anything "more serious" than being abusive, I think it would be more natural for him to call his mother or Haakon for that matter. Or least the NRF family-lawyer so to speak. Rather than a lawyer specializing in defending hardcore criminals.
Every other post here implies the threat also we shouldn’t considered everything the media saids to be credible
The press should indeed always be looked at with critical eyes. However the Norwegian press is not the British or US press. We are at a level where the things expressed and written about in the press, also by named editors-in-chiefs, could easily end up landing them in prison if they don't have something credible to back it up. Or at the very least cost them their jobs and careers.
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If the uk royal family can survive a working member being a client of Epstein the Norwegian will survive this
Ah, but the member of the BRF that had anything to do with Epstein lost his position in the royal family. If he had been crown prince I imagine the story for the BRF would have been different.

And Mette-Marit had multiple interactions with Epstein after he was indited, she even apologized for her poor judgement. She's the future Queen, not someone down 10 pegs in the succession. Her lack of judgement and Haakon being okay with her shortcomings does matter.
Yes, exactly. But I'm thinking of it from another angle, too: The NRF *needs* to be able to blame it all on Marius so nothing splashes back on the royals. Rather than protecting him, they've reached a point where they will need to make sure he is convicted and punished in order to save the royal house.

The police and even the media need for him to be punished, too. They don't want a spotlight shining on them for covering up, failing to report, and so on. Instead, they will want to be able to say that they have covered Marius's (still alleged) crimes and brought him to justice. Then they're heroes.

I see Marius as a low-level punk and, by his own description, an addict, not a criminal mastermind. But his behavior has put pressure on the royal house, the media, and the police to protect themselves. I wouldn't want to be in that position.
I think his story is not different from that of many addicts who, through their addiction, interact with the criminal underworld and end up being dragged into criminal activities themselves, assuming that it is true that he turned his Skaugum home into an illegal drug depot. Personally I think that, if it is not true yet, it would have become true eventually given how deeply involved he was with his so-called friends.

The fact that Marius was apparently also an entitled spoiled brat with some practical degree of immunity only made him a more likely candidate to be recruited by his friends for illicit actions. After all, again assuming the story is true, could you possibly think of a better location for a drug warehouse than inside a royal estate protected by the Norwegian Army itself and off-limits to pratically everybody who is not authorized to be there? And who would stop and search Marius, the son of the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince's stepson, as he entered and left the estate?

That has no direct link, however, to Marius also being a long-term abuser to his girlfriends, both physically and mentally. The latter, as other posters have said, is more likely related to his mental health issues and genetic footprint, aggravated by his drug and alcohol addiction.
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