The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Where are you reading that they are 'partnering' with WCK? My understanding that they just happen to be featured at the same event. I don't read anything about partnering.

According to the article, they do intend to work with the WHO (and others) in the area of 'ending violence against children'; it will be interesting to see in what shape or form that will be.
Articles explaining collaborative WCK/Archewell programs that are either currently under way or being forecast. Who knew!!(y)

Harry could be set to receive millions on his 40th birthday from the Trust Fund created by the late Queen Mother

I read the article
"...William and Harry were set to receive £6 million when they reached 21, with the bulk going to Harry. A further £8 million was said to have been set aside for the brothers when they turned 40.
In June 2022 William marked his 40th birthday. Later that year, he became the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall when he became heir apparent when his father acceded the throne. Last year William received £23.6 million from the estate..."

My only hope is Harry consults with investment managers, not named Meghan, on what to do to make the potential 23.6 million pounds/$30,970,280.00 USA Dollars or 27,932,960.00 Euros to invest it for his family's future.

If he goes winning lottery ticket crazy and start spending it, like ending the house mortgage or financing the lifestyle of the wife, there will be little left of Great-Grandma Elizabeth's money to reach the end of the decade.
Not sure on how the property law would apply with this USA/UK couple, but I assume Meghan is entitled to half of it before the 2025 collections hit the runaways?

Harry, if you are listening, this is the time to walk down to Oprah's or Ellen DeGeneres' house and ask them to refer you to their wealth management teams. Run!
I read the article
"...William and Harry were set to receive £6 million when they reached 21, with the bulk going to Harry. A further £8 million was said to have been set aside for the brothers when they turned 40.
In June 2022 William marked his 40th birthday. Later that year, he became the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall when he became heir apparent when his father acceded the throne. Last year William received £23.6 million from the estate..."

My only hope is Harry consults with investment managers, not named Meghan, on what to do to make the potential 23.6 million pounds/$30,970,280.00 USA Dollars or 27,932,960.00 Euros to invest it for his family's future.

If he goes winning lottery ticket crazy and start spending it, like ending the house mortgage or financing the lifestyle of the wife, there will be little left of Great-Grandma Elizabeth's money to reach the end of the decade.
Not sure on how the property law would apply with this USA/UK couple, but I assume Meghan is entitled to half of it before the 2025 collections hit the runaways?

Harry, if you are listening, this is the time to walk down to Oprah's or Ellen DeGeneres' house and ask them to refer you to their wealth management teams. Run!
An inheritance almost always remains personal property. Only in certain situations can someone be forced to give a part of it up in a divorce.
I think if Harry were to keep it in his own bank accounts (or even better Trusts) and it not be used to fund their day to day lifestyle, mortgage etc it would be seen as his but as soon as its used to fund their day to day joint lifestyle it would almost certainly become a joint asset.
It does need careful managing - it is possibly their biggest, most secure, income source yet. It could last for a long time if invested carefully and well managed. Alternatively they could run through it in 4 years if the security they pay for is at the levels estimated by many.
I read the article
"...William and Harry were set to receive £6 million when they reached 21, with the bulk going to Harry. A further £8 million was said to have been set aside for the brothers when they turned 40.
In June 2022 William marked his 40th birthday. Later that year, he became the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall when he became heir apparent when his father acceded the throne. Last year William received £23.6 million from the estate..."

My only hope is Harry consults with investment managers, not named Meghan, on what to do to make the potential 23.6 million pounds/$30,970,280.00 USA Dollars or 27,932,960.00 Euros to invest it for his family's future.

If he goes winning lottery ticket crazy and start spending it, like ending the house mortgage or financing the lifestyle of the wife, there will be little left of Great-Grandma Elizabeth's money to reach the end of the decade.
Not sure on how the property law would apply with this USA/UK couple, but I assume Meghan is entitled to half of it before the 2025 collections hit the runaways?

Harry, if you are listening, this is the time to walk down to Oprah's or Ellen DeGeneres' house and ask them to refer you to their wealth management teams. Run!
The estate that William received 23.6 million from was the Duchy of Cornwall, not the Queen Mum's.
I think if Harry were to keep it in his own bank accounts (or even better Trusts) and it not be used to fund their day to day lifestyle, mortgage etc it would be seen as his but as soon as its used to fund their day to day joint lifestyle it would almost certainly become a joint asset.
It does need careful managing - it is possibly their biggest, most secure, income source yet. It could last for a long time if invested carefully and well managed. Alternatively they could run through it in 4 years if the security they pay for is at the levels estimated by many.

I'm sure the moment he gets the access to the money transfer it will be all over the news. Let's hope for the best and that he received advice from his family years ago, to prepare for this income to be a source to keep him independent.
If he is not ready to listen and burns it into any business Meghan wants to come up with out of the blue, not much will be left to make it produce and multiply it in a decade.

For his birthday the Trust should arrive to his house with ballons, like a Publishers Clearinghouse TV ad, and a big cardboard check the size of a door!
The estate that William received 23.6 million from was the Duchy of Cornwall, not the Queen Mum's.
Exactly. The annual income that the Prince of Wales gets from the surplus revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall is traditionally in the range of 20 million pounds/ year. I believe it went up slightly (in real terms) during Charles' time as PoW due to his sound management of the Duchy.
The estate that William received 23.6 million from was the Duchy of Cornwall, not the Queen Mum's.
Correct. According to the article £8 million was set aside for William and Harry. On the one hand the £8 million has presumably grown due to compound interest and / or asset growth. But then whatever the amount is has to be shared between William and Harry, and it is rumored / speculated that Harry is getting a bigger share due to William being expected to get other income sources first from the Duchy of Cornwall, and then from the Duchy of Lancaster. William got his share when he turned 40, and Harry is due to get his share, the remaining amount, when he turns 40 in a few days.

I guess I got to backtrack, or acknowledge that different sources have different info. This article states that William and Harry both got £6 million when they turned 21, and it seems like both got / will get £8 million when they turned 40, so in this article, they are getting the same amount. I wonder if the £8 million is supposed to reflect asset growth / compounding.
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An inheritance almost always remains personal property. Only in certain situations can someone be forced to give a part of it up in a divorce.
Yes, it looks as if California makes a clear distinction between community and separate property, where separate property is defined as 'what you each own or owe individually from before you married or after you separated, and any gifts or inheritance'.

I would interpret this to mean that any bequest Harry receives from the QM will remain his and wholly his.
I'm sure Harry's advisors and trustees long ago figured out what they're doing with that money, especially from a tax perspective. It's not like he'll get a check for $30 million one morning.
I wonder if when talking about the amounts some media might not be getting confused between what Diana left her sons in Trust and what the Queen Mother left her great-grandchildren in Trust. With Diana both sons got equal amounts, its always been said William was getting less than Harry with the Queen Mother's Trust - but the media often overlook that the trust she created was for all of her great grandchildren not just William and Harry.
Thanks to everyone for the clarification on the article about what they got at age 21 an what they received/will receive at age 40: 💰
The estate that William received 23.6 million from was the Duchy of Cornwall, not the Queen Mum's.
@Mbruno 🤑
Exactly. The annual income that the Prince of Wales gets from the surplus revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall is traditionally in the range of 20 million pounds/ year. I believe it went up slightly (in real terms) during Charles' time as PoW due to his sound management of the Duchy.
and @Queen Claude 💷
Correct. According to the article £8 million was set aside for William and Harry. On the one hand the £8 million has presumably grown due to compound interest and / or asset growth. But then whatever the amount is has to be shared between William and Harry, and it is rumored / speculated that Harry is getting a bigger share due to William being expected to get other income sources first from the Duchy of Cornwall, and then from the Duchy of Lancaster. William got his share when he turned 40, and Harry is due to get his share, the remaining amount, when he turns 40 in a few days.

I guess I got to backtrack or acknowledge that different sources have different info. This article states that William and Harry both got £6 million when they turned 21, and it seems like both got / will get £8 million when they turned 40, so in this article, they are getting the same amount. I wonder if the £8 million is supposed to reflect asset growth / compounding.
@tommy100 💰
I wonder if when talking about the amounts some media might not be getting confused between what Diana left her sons in Trust and what the Queen Mother left her great-grandchildren in Trust. With Diana both sons got equal amounts, its always been said William was getting less than Harry with the Queen Mother's Trust - but the media often overlook that the trust she created was for all of her great grandchildren not just William and Harry.

And, from the looks of this below from @GondorHasNoPants , we can foreshadow where Great Grandma Elizabeth's money will be invested in: the lawyers that keep encouraging Harry to proceed, again and again, with endless lawsuits in the UK 💸

The Mail on Sunday is reporting that Harry is pressing ahead with his legal battle against the Home Office over taxpayer funded security, and a two-day hearing will be heard at the Court of Appeal next April.
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Meghan spoke at Oprah Winfrey’s local book club in Summerland, California yesterday, which promotes and encourages local writers. Oprah was present and they greeted each other.

Apparently the Sussexes aren’t allowed to move, breathe or speak on any royal anniversary according to the Sun article.
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Thanks to everyone for the clarification on the article about what they got at age 21 an what they received/will receive at age 40: 💰

@Mbruno 🤑

and @Queen Claude 💷

@tommy100 💰

And, from the looks of this below from @GondorHasNoPants , we can foreshadow where Great Grandma Elizabeth's money will be invested in: the lawyers that keep encouraging Harry to proceed, again and again, with endless lawsuits in the UK 💸
A fool and his money are soon parted!
Nobody knows how much money the Sussexes have in their investment portfolios, how much money the QM, late Queen and Prince Philip left Harry, nor anything about their finances. And that includes the British media who have been squawking that the couple are broke for years.
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It isn’t exactly word for word. And British tabloids are known to follow each other repeating the same stories anyway.
We don’t know. Being equally distanced from British, American, German and Spanish tqbloids it’s interesting to see such a conception, they are, to me, all the same. DM is equal to Bunte which is equal to In Touch which is equal to Vanitatis.
If Harry wishes to spend his inheritance on legal fees, that's his problem. Just as long as it doesn't cost the British taxpayer any more than it has done already.
Whether Harry spends his money on legal fees, Meghan's failed ventures, their ludicrous PR or whatever, it is his choice. Just hope he realises he will not be getting much more money from his father in a hurry, and aged 40, it might be time to try and stand on his own 2 feet.
It also sheds an interesting light on the wealth of the Queen Mum's other great grandchildren - Zara, Peter and what Bea and Eugenie's may be one day. I can't imagine Harry would get considerably more than the other great grandchildren (unless he did by virtue of probably being a "working royal" one day in which case it poses interesting moral questions about getting more than the others).
It also sheds an interesting light on the wealth of the Queen Mum's other great grandchildren - Zara, Peter and what Bea and Eugenie's may be one day. I can't imagine Harry would get considerably more than the other great grandchildren (unless he did by virtue of probably being a "working royal" one day in which case it poses interesting moral questions about getting more than the others).
And let’s not forget Lady Louise and James, Earl of Wessex……although their 40th birthdays are farther away.
And let’s not forget Lady Louise and James, Earl of Wessex……although their 40th birthdays are farther away.
They were born after the Queen Mother's death, do we know if they were included in the trust she set up?

Is it allowed to include in a trust unborn children? I think that the answer to that is yes, but not sure if it was allowed for the kind of trust QEQM set up.

Also, did QEQM bypass her grandchildren and only set up trusts for her great-grandchildren?
David Linley and Sarah Chatto are also named by many sources as beneficiaries of the trust - neither one had children at the time the trust was created in 1994 so I suspect they were include because of that - its very possible Edward was as well. These sorts of reports are always third or fourth hand, comments passed down by someone else to someone else to a journalist etc so its possible IMO that a quite complex structure including the Queen Mother's great grandchildren and her childless grandchildren Edward (QE2s child) and David and Sarah (Margaret's children) gets passed down more simplified as "her great great grandchilren and David and Sarah". I don't know if its possible that Edward, Sarah and David's share of the trust could be 'passed on' somehow to their children; whether legally a provision allowing for this could be included. That said, even without that being legally possible I can see it being agreed informally between the family that whatever the at the time childless grandchildren got from the Trust would make its way to their future children one day.
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