The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
To clarify, there were two incidents, right? One was in September 2023 when Harry came to the UK for the Well Child Awards, requested to stay at Windsor Castle, was offered Balmoral, Harry stated that was not doable due to the distance from London and his schedule, and stayed in a hotel.

The second incident was a few months ago, May 2024, when Harry traveled to London for the Invictus Thanksgiving service. Harry was offered lodging at Buckingham Palace, rejected the offer and stayed in a hotel.

It is certainly not unfathomable that King Charles is being protected from Harry, as the monarch, an elderly man, and as someone undergoing cancer treatment, although it should be noted that the cancer diagnosis came after the September 2023 visit. Yes they are father and son, but regardless of whose "side" you are on, it can't be disputed that their relationship has been fraught for years. Ironically history seems to be repeating itself where Harry's mother, and presumably her siblings, were given limited access to her / their ailing father.

I put this more on Harry, not because I don't see that there is not pettiness or power-playing going on on both sides, but Harry is the one squawking the most about family reconciliation, further compounded by his security concerns. It sounds like security and reconciliation are paramount to Harry until he finds out he is not going to get his way / sit at the cool kids tables, then staying at London hotels is acceptable. And while I believe that Harry can be safe at one of London's numerous high-end hotels, royal properties are safer.

If Harry wants to stomp off in a snit over not getting his way, whatever, but when these actions are taking place while he is expressing grave concern over his and family's safety and taking legal action, there is a disconnect IMO.
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Why? Because most parents who might wish to catch up with their adult son in a conversation or two would invite them to stay at their actual home, not to nearby accommodation. Harry is more used to CH than he would be to an empty and echoing half-renovated BP or to St James. He lived there at one time.
Harry also lived at St. James, in fact St. James's may have been one of his longest-lived residences because Charles lived at St James after he and Diana separated and QEQM lived at Clarence House until her death, so Harry would have been in his late teens when he moved into CH, bearing in mind that he was in boarding school, took a gap year, went to military school and then joined the military, so CH may have been more of a crash pad for him until he was given his own residence.

Also as I noted above, their relationship is fraught and KC3 has challenges including health issues. I was going to say that Charles is not "most parents", and Harry should be used to experiencing and/or witnessing family members being nearby but not under the same roof. I suspect the distance from Buckingham Palace to Clarence House is less than the distance from Wood Farm or Anmer Hall to Sandringham House, or Birkhall to Balmoral Castle. However when I think about it, if you are dealing with a parent and child who are having relationship issues and the parent is elderly with health issues, royal or not, an adult child may be told that they cannot stay in their childhood home because it compromises the parent's health.
Let’s see. I still don’t see why they do these things. It’s a royal tour but let’s be honest without the real royals or the zip wire organisation that goes into it. They are being used and they are using. But whether either party get what they want I don’t know. I don’t think Harry and Meghan have the skills to be honest. They aren’t diplomats in any way shape of form.

Agreed, and this is why it is so important to emphasise that they do not represent the BRF or the UK in any official way, and also why the UK government, intelligence etc are likely keeping a close eye on what they are doing and keen to know where they are going next.

Why would Charles have to invite him to stay at Clarence House when St James Palace or Buckingham Palace were available and, according to reports, were offered to Harry? It is odd that Harry complains about lack of security while in the UK, but turns down an offer to stay at a royal palace where he would be fully protected.
Yes. Safer to keep him at arm's length so he can't eavesdrop or snoop, IMO

TBH I don't pay too much attention to the actual who lives where, it's all a bit confusing to me and plays havoc with my concentration, but it is an issue likely to arise again, so here goes:

Even if KC invites him to stay at CH (Charles and Camilla's home, so unlikely?), PH would probably insist that the Queen should not be there or something similar, which would be unacceptable, as that would force KC to "choose" between him and the Queen.

So if PH doesn't want to see her, he would need to stay somewhere else like BP or SJP and meet Dad away from CH - that is, of course, if Dad isn't too busy working or having treatment. PH doesn't get what he wants (either invited or uninvited) so turns down SJP and BP (because Camilla doesn't live there so no opportunity to force Charles to "choose") and ends up in a luxury hotel he is already familiar with; which is probably what he really wanted to do in the first place anyway, because in a hotel he can do whatever he likes.

Edited just to add I doubt KC would invite PH to stay at CH in the first place, as in addition to the potential breach of privacy issue, he needs as little stress as possible during his treatment. And did I imagine it or did I read somewhere that at one point, PH actually wanted to stay at Windsor??? 😲

It's like trying to solve a very difficult logic problem puzzle! Maths, and particularly equations and such, was always my worst subject at school, but hopefully the above does make sense :)
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While it appears strange that harry would be offered lodging in balmoral, when his engagements were in London for well child in 2023 (one would think there is some room somewhere in the London residences – Windsor, Buckingham, st james, clarence – he can use!), I do not blame the RF for wanting distance with him. The more they include him, the more he will exploit any interaction for his next book / series / interview. The RF at this point just does not need that.

With respect to this trip to Colombia, I found it odd the vicepresident decided to invite them because of ‘their Netflix documentary’. Really? There was practically nothing there about their humanitarian work or how they can be of service – it was just a whole load of moaning about their personal affairs. Yet this lady decided it was a good use of their money to pay for their trip there, with all it entails. I’d be livid if I lived there and didn’t see that money going to schools and hospitals instead. Like I said for their trip to Nigeria, it seems that they are using (to stay relevant) and are being used (to improve image, step onto the global arena etc).
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The Duke of Sussex talks about AI and misinformation at a digital responsibility summit: 'We are no longer debating facts', says Harry in Colombia.

I think discussing AI, especially how it can be used to create realistically fake information, is very forward thinking since AI is becoming more integrated into our digital lives. Coming up with ways to distinguish between real and AI-generated information, imho, will be important in the coming years.

As for misinformation and harassment on social media, it's all about getting social media owners and the companies who advertise on them to put pressure on bad actors and make those spaces safer for everybody. There's also the laws of every country to consider that can inform how much or how little anyone can do about the issue. In the United States, for example, Freedom of Speech only means that the government cannot censure or punish a person for their beliefs. Private companies can censure and penalize anyone who sprouts beliefs that they feel are either harmful, inappropriate or at least don't align with the company's own beliefs (people are often fired for crazy stuff they put on their social media), but many social media owners choose not to do so for their own reasons.

This summit won't reinvent the wheel, but it does continue the conversation.
The Duke of Sussex talks about AI and misinformation at a digital responsibility summit: 'We are no longer debating facts', says Harry in Colombia.

I think discussing AI, especially how it can be used to create realistically fake information, is very forward thinking since AI is becoming more integrated into our digital lives. Coming up with ways to distinguish between real and AI-generated information, imho, will be important in the coming years.

As for misinformation and harassment on social media, it's all about getting social media owners and the companies who advertise on them to put pressure on bad actors and make those spaces safer for everybody. There's also the laws of every country to consider that can inform how much or how little anyone can do about the issue. In the United States, for example, Freedom of Speech only means that the government cannot censure or punish a person for their beliefs. Private companies can censure and penalize anyone who sprouts beliefs that they feel are either harmful, inappropriate or at least don't align with the company's own beliefs (people are often fired for crazy stuff they put on their social media), but many social media owners choose not to do so for their own reasons.

This summit won't reinvent the wheel, but it does continue the conversation.
Interesting take on AI. While there are, probably, people who take things as they see those things on social media, I don’t think a media channel, no matter their political inclination, would use AI to spread false news. After that, it’s up to anyone to see for themselves where they find their news.
I find all this unrest, for lack for a better word, about the online misinformation very paternalistic.
While it appears strange that harry would be offered lodging in balmoral, when his engagements were in London for well child in 2023 (one would think there is some room somewhere in the London residences – Windsor, Buckingham, st james, clarence – he can use!), I do not blame the RF for wanting distance with him. The more they include him, the more he will exploit any interaction for his next book / series / interview. The RF at this point just does not need that.


With respect to this trip to Colombia, I found it odd the vicepresident decided to invite them because of ‘their Netflix documentary’. Really? There was practically nothing there about their humanitarian work or how they can be of service – it was just a whole load of moaning about their personal affairs. Yet this lady decided it was a good use of their money to pay for their trip there, with all it entails. I’d be livid if I lived there and didn’t see that money going to schools and hospitals instead. Like I said for their trip to Nigeria, it seems that they are using (to stay relevant) and are being used (to improve image, step onto the global arena etc).
He wanted to stay in Windsor and they said no because they hadn’t enough notice. Charles was in Balmoral and he was told he was welcome to come and stay with them for a few days or for as long as he wants.

If there is an issue over CH - and nothing has been said, and it involves not wanting Camilla there - well it’s her home. That would be unreasonable. There was talk he didn’t want her there when he visited father after the cancer diagnosis.

Whatever, it is complete family breakdown. It wouldn’t be unusual for one person who isn’t given what they want to then throw toys about. Time and space if any repair is possible.
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Interesting take on AI. While there are, probably, people who take things as they see those things on social media, I don’t think a media channel, no matter their political inclination, would use AI to spread false news. After that, it’s up to anyone to see for themselves where they find their news.
I find all this unrest, for lack for a better word, about the online misinformation very paternalistic.
This has always been the case regardless of medium. Propaganda is essentially the same. Education to teach people not to take things on face value is what is needed and to remain intellectually curious. Governments are forever putting out propoganda. None of us buy it if it doesn’t match up to lived experience. Believe 100% of what you see with your own eyes and 50% at most of what you hear.
I think discussing AI, especially how it can be used to create realistically fake information, is very forward thinking since AI is becoming more integrated into our digital lives. Coming up with ways to distinguish between real and AI-generated information, imho, will be important in the coming years
Harry didn’t say anything meaningful though- nothing that could possibly move that conversation forward. He just said that AI scares people and is bad for social cohesion. He states obvious things (AI may accelerate misinformation) but because he has no technical expertise on the topic, he can’t really contribute anything to a solution. That’s why I’ve always found it a strange topic for him to get involved with.
Interesting take on AI. While there are, probably, people who take things as they see those things on social media, I don’t think a media channel, no matter their political inclination, would use AI to spread false news. After that, it’s up to anyone to see for themselves where they find their news.
I find all this unrest, for lack for a better word, about the online misinformation very paternalistic.
Why is that?

Harry didn’t say anything meaningful though- nothing that could possibly move that conversation forward. He just said that AI scares people and is bad for social cohesion. He states obvious things (AI may accelerate misinformation) but because he has no technical expertise on the topic, he can’t really contribute anything to a solution. That’s why I’ve always found it a strange topic for him to get involved with.
Very good points. I would 100% agree if Harry was the sole contributor to this conversation, but this was a summit with "a diverse group of thought leaders, experts, activists, and community members."(Building a Responsible Digital Future | The Office of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex) Whether or not they have more or less expertise than the Duke of Sussex, we won't know unless they list the participants.

I suspect that Harry's own comments were highlighted because he's the most known globally at the summit, not necessarily because he had the most to say on the subject.
this was a summit with "a diverse group of thought leaders, experts, activists, and community members

This phrasing is entirely meaningless though, unless as you say, the experts are listed so their expertise can be evaluated.

Grandiose language with little substance behind it is a Sussex way of working.
The recent unrest in the UK had a lot to do with fake news. Someone falsely claimed that the Southport murderer was a Syrian illegal immigrant, and someone else falsely claimed that there had been a racist acid attack in Middlesbrough. That wasn't to do with AI, more to do with people trying to stir up trouble, but misinformation can cause a lot of trouble.

Having said that, I'm not sure what Harry can do about it. Nor am I sure what the standard of English teaching at Eton is like, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't include saying "Me and my wife believe that" rather than "My wife and I believe that".
The recent unrest in the UK had a lot to do with fake news. Someone falsely claimed that the Southport murderer was a Syrian illegal immigrant, and someone else falsely claimed that there had been a racist acid attack in Middlesbrough. That wasn't to do with AI, more to do with people trying to stir up trouble, but misinformation can cause a lot of trouble.

Having said that, I'm not sure what Harry can do about it. Nor am I sure what the standard of English teaching at Eton is like, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't include saying "Me and my wife believe that" rather than "My wife and I believe that".
Yes but also to opportunists. Reading what happened with those that were convicted is straight out of drunken, mass hysteria. Not unknown. And unfortunately not rare in the UK. Football hooliganism was a massive issue 20 odd years ago but policing - basically clearing people out after matches sorted that to a large extend.

It’s just standard subject, object issues with the speech but he would never have had great spoken language.
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Why? Because most parents who might wish to catch up with their adult son in a conversation or two would invite them to stay at their actual home, not to nearby accommodation. Harry is more used to CH than he would be to an empty and echoing half-renovated BP or to St James. He lived there at one time.
But why would you have someone in your home who has proven he will record and/or repeat private conversations?

The same here in Brazil and the failed coup by Bolsonaro supporters. Our doorman -who is a kind and friendly man- is sending all sorts of fake news to the entire building. At one point he sent an article that said the Swedish Foreign minister doubted the win of president Lula. One look at the article made me realise it was fake, as the photo of the minister was non-other than Agnetha of ABBA!

Not doing anything is not changing the situation. And raising the alarm/ awareness is the way to start. So I salute any attempt to do that, even when it is small -scale, as this is. They obviously have zero expertese on the matter, but I imagine they can serve as a way to attract people with expertise & public to such a meeting, as royals do with other causes too. I do not know if that happened here.
So it shows that misinformation, whether accepted in good faith or taking advantage of by opportunists, can have detrimental consequences. All the more reason its important to find ways to control or at least ameliorate it.

There are many people, celebrities, politicians, everyday people, etc., who speak on things without vast knowledge of the topics they're talking about, but the topic itself is either important to them or, more significantly, said topics affect them regardless.

Many people will ignore them due to their lack of knowledge. Others will go out of their ways to correct that lack of knowledge. Others will be interested in the topic brought up, but frustrated due to the lack of information.

Either way, there's a good chance that the presentation of the topic alone will compel people to research and/or think about it more than they had before. So, even though Harry is not an expert on digital misinformation or AI, there's a slight chance that it may encourage a person who is to start working on a solution, or help someone be more vigilant with regards to the information they consume.

It's like the starfish story. You don't have to help everyone; helping one person makes a difference.
The cause is a very good one, any awareness to ever growing amount of fake news and misinformation is good.

It's just the irony of Harry and Meghan doing this when as i see it they have very publicly been spreading misinformation themselves
The original master of misinformation and propaganda, if my knowledge is correct, was Napoleon sending nees from Egypt.
It has always been, it will always be. My take and for me only is to be prudent about believing things, checking info from different sources (woth different political affinities), and trust my gut.
Maybe, just maybe, education would be a way to go: logical, critical thinking.

Bu the way, Harry cropping the photo of the elephant is the abc of misinformation.
The recent unrest in the UK had a lot to do with fake news. Someone falsely claimed that the Southport murderer was a Syrian illegal immigrant, and someone else falsely claimed that there had been a racist acid attack in Middlesbrough. That wasn't to do with AI, more to do with people trying to stir up trouble, but misinformation can cause a lot of trouble.

Having said that, I'm not sure what Harry can do about it. Nor am I sure what the standard of English teaching at Eton is like, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't include saying "Me and my wife believe that" rather than "My wife and I believe that".
Don't blame Eton!
Harry mentioned in his book that he often felt guilty while he was at school, for wasting an Eton education.
(Didn't stop him, though).
I’m surprised to hear Harry turned down the offer to stay at BP over a hotel during his last stay. It doesn’t necessarily do him any favours in his appeal about RAVECs decision as some could argue- if you are that worried why turn down the offer of a well protected palace over a hotel? The risk can’t be that great and he has proved he can be adequately protected by his own team in a public hotel.

Wasn’t it said Harry and Meghan were going to have a suite of rooms at BP for the occasional overnight stay when it was announced they were moving to Frogmore? If so then Charles offering BP is actually a hugely logical choice- they were happy with it when they were given the choice of residences.

I also don’t blame Charles not inviting him to stay at CH- Harry said and wrote some awful things about Camilla (and indeed Charles) so I think its fair not to expect Camilla to either have to help host him or avoid her own home because of him. But, yet again, Harry seems to think there should be consequences for everyone else's actions but not his own.
Harry and Meghan’s second day in Colombia.

Harry and Meghan begin second day of engagements in Colombia with security ring of steel: Sussexes visit most dangerous district of Bogota before lunch with vice president Francia Marquez and meeting with Invictus Games team as Meghan dons Diana's earrings.​

Some sweet moments when they meet kindergarten pupils, practise their Spanish speaking skills and speak of Prince Archie.

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I haven't seen anything about it in the states.
Following a comment I’ve read on an article about the Sussexes, I checked four colombian newspapers: El Tiempo, El Espectador, Nuevo Siglo and El Diario de Bogota. None has any piece about this visit! One of them has an article about the VP but nothing about the Sussexes.
The Colombian tour is receiving international coverage. This tells me all I need to know about the relevance and reach of H and M.
I realise you possibly cannot post clips or articles but what media is reporting their visit as I would like to read the coverage.
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