Staff of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

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I thought this was the most damning bit from the article.

A source said "some of the staff don't seem to want to give Meghan a chance. Harry is besotted and understandably extremely protective of her

This doesn't make anyone look good and it makes it seem like the staff aren't falling in line. There seem to be staff who don't like or accept Meghan for whatever reason and if the staff don't want to give Meghan a chance what can she do? No wonder there's leaks all over the place that put her in a negative light. It doesn't sounds like a professional environment but rather that the staff of the palace are more snobby and judgmental than the royals themselves.

Seems pretty simple to me regarding the part I've put in bold letters. As I see it, the staff is working for The Duchess of Sussex. She is their employer. If her team isn't functioning the way it should be or the way she wants it to be, all she has to do is tell those that aren't "team" players to take a very long lunch, permanently, to find a new job without references. I'm sure that Harry would back her up on this. :D
I thought this was the most damning bit from the article.

A source said "some of the staff don't seem to want to give Meghan a chance. Harry is besotted and understandably extremely protective of her

This doesn't make anyone look good and it makes it seem like the staff aren't falling in line. There seem to be staff who don't like or accept Meghan for whatever reason and if the staff don't want to give Meghan a chance what can she do? No wonder there's leaks all over the place that put her in a negative light. It doesn't sounds like a professional environment but rather that the staff of the palace are more snobby and judgmental than the royals themselves.

THIS. I said when the snide Hurricane Meghan article came out. In an attempt to be snarky about Meghan, it makes others look worse. None of the articles actually says she’s snapping at people for no reasons or that she’s just throwing tantrums. In all the details decribed, she seemed like a woman who is trying to work and doesn’t like to slow down. That being labeled difficult and demanding makes the Palace staff look weak and lazy. I’m sure there are some in sexist quarters that will see a woman with work ethics and opinion to be negative, but other than that, it just seems like someone who works hard and have standards.
I thought this was the most damning bit from the article.

A source said "some of the staff don't seem to want to give Meghan a chance. Harry is besotted and understandably extremely protective of her

This doesn't make anyone look good and it makes it seem like the staff aren't falling in line. There seem to be staff who don't like or accept Meghan for whatever reason and if the staff don't want to give Meghan a chance what can she do? No wonder there's leaks all over the place that put her in a negative light. It doesn't sounds like a professional environment but rather that the staff of the palace are more snobby and judgmental than the royals themselves.

Sounds like the Sussexes may need new staff if that is the case. That is complete and utter nonsense, this business of giving her a chance. The staff is extraordinarily privileged to get a chance to add a stint at KP to their resume. If the working conditions or their bosses are not to their taste, they can move along and let Meghan and Harry find staff who are loyal to them and willing to work hard.

And how shocking that Harry is "besotted and protective"! Frankly, I'd find it a whole lot more shocking if he weren't, and it would make me wonder about the long term viability of the relationship.

I'm actually wondering if these so called leaks are coming from the previously mentioned and mysterious Melissa: it seems to me she might be the one with the disgruntled axe to grind.

Edited to add: And here's an additional thought. If the leaks that fueled this latest round of negativity about Meghan and Catherine is not Melissa, and came from current KP staff, it is not a Harry and Meghan problem, it is a Harry, William, Kate, and Meghan problem, and knowing that both William and Harry have short fuses with anything regarding their family, I wouldn't care to be any of the staff at KP while William and Harry are getting to the bottom of all this. It also wouldn't surprise me if Charles got involved. The Windsors expect loyalty and discretion above all, and this is definitely neither. Which is why I'm still suspecting Mysterious Melissa as the source.
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Sounds like the Sussexes may need new staff if that is the case. That is complete and utter nonsense, this business of giving her a chance. The staff is extraordinarily privileged to get a chance to add a stint at KP to their resume. If the working conditions or their bosses are not to their taste, they can move along and let Meghan and Harry find staff who are loyal to them and willing to work hard.

And how shocking that Harry is "besotted and protective"! Frankly, I'd find it a whole lot more shocking if he weren't, and it would make me wonder about the long term viability of the relationship.

I'm actually wondering if these so called leaks are coming from the previously mentioned and mysterious Melissa: it seems to me she might be the one with the disgruntled axe to grind.

Edited to add: And here's an additional thought. If the leaks that fueled this latest round of negativity about Meghan and Catherine is not Melissa, and came from current KP staff, it is not a Harry and Meghan problem, it is a Harry, William, Kate, and Meghan problem, and knowing that both William and Harry have short fuses with anything regarding their family, I wouldn't care to be any of the staff at KP while William and Harry are getting to the bottom of all this. It also wouldn't surprise me if Charles got involved. The Windsors expect loyalty and discretion above all, and this is definitely neither. Which is why I'm still suspecting Mysterious Melissa as the source.

What I've noticed is that when all of them say Palace staff, non are specific about which Palace or which offices specifically. I've never seen any issues with the smaller core Sussex team. Or at least not the close ones. As much as the media try to blame Meghan for ELF leaving, which most RRs knew was coming even when it was announced, the few moments I've seen, they've genuinely seemed happy for Harry and Meghan.

Today is the one year anniversary of their engagement. Thinking back to this date a year ago, while I was extremely happy (I woke up with the announcement as a news alert from NYT), I was struck by how happy ELF and Heather Wong looked as the couple walked back to KP from the Sunken Garden.

And since I'm on the topic of the date, I do want to point out it's ONLY been ONE year. I think we all forget that because so much has been done since. I realize it must be a much busier time at KP, but all of this couldn't have happened in such short time if Meghan DIDN'T have the work ethic that some "sources" seem to be bothered by.
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I agree that the more complaints are leaked about Meghan the more it sounds like she’s a focused, reasonable woman dealing with an overly high-on-themselves staff that has its panties in a bunch over getting a new boss. Even the “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets” doesn’t sound so bad now that it seems they are dealing with a petulant staff who need to be reminded who’s in charge.

I can’t imagine Anne or the Queen are any less driven than the image of Meghan painted by these leaks. Or, to a certain extent, Sophie.

To be fair, though, KP staff is transitioning from having their royals be part timers who didn’t need quite as much from them. And I suspect there’s a very big difference in work style between Meghan, who comes from the scramble of making a living in an essentially freelance industry, and Kate who has essentially been operating as a stay at home mom first and working princess second. That’s not a knock on either woman—I’m one who will defend any day the decision to have Kate prioritize child rearing—but it does mean there’s likely been a sort of rhythm to the way work for Kate has been handled within the KP office that doesn’t work with the way Meghan operates.

So I can see that there might be a reason why staff feel a little shaken up by Meghan. But at the same time...buck up. Things are ramping up. Some degree of this was going to happen just from Harry and William going full time.
The comment re 'Melissa' not familiar with royal roles is actually quite relevant, she is probably an excellent PA but royal circles are different. The royal rules and etiquette must be a nightmare for Meghan and possibly difficult to understand, remember she didn't have as much time privately in the background that Catherine had.. Catherine was nastily nicknamed 'Waity katie' but during this period she would have been there in the background at private occasions etc with William, just because we didn't see her didn't mean she wasn't there. It also gave her the opportunity to brush upon the' rules' before she was thrown in to the lions den. i.e. the public events.
At the end of the day, there is a couple of things that can be said.
According to the article in the Telegraph by Camilla Tominey, even if her goal was to attack Meghan she nonetheless said in her article that The Queen likes Meghan, and that Charles is extremely fond of her. This is all that matters, she has two key allies, the rest is just noise.
If there are people that know about the viciousness of the tabloids, royal reporters, courtiers and palace staff, it is Charles and Camilla. They have been dealing with them for years. It is no coincidence that Charles supposedly nicknamed her tungsten. I am certain he is squarely in her corner, and everything is going to be all right and she will weather the storms with his support. Whatever they say they will not run her out of the UK.
the more things change, the more they stay the same. Back when Prince Philip was about to marry Princess Elizabeth, a courtier while touring Windsor Castle with him was condescending toward him; the foreigner, and Prince Philip put him in his place by telling him he knew about Windsor, His mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg was born in the Tapestry Room in the presence of her great-grandmother, Queen Victoria thank you very much.
Those courtiers should know their place and mind their business. Just do what you are paid to do instead leaking infos;often false, to the tabloids to drive a narrative. The pictures of PoW's 70th birthday in the gardens of Clarence House for those was are perspicacious were a sneak preview of future. There was the core of the BRF, the senior royals. Whether they like it of not, Harry and Meghan are part of it, so they can kick rocks
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To be fair, though, KP staff is transitioning from having their royals be part timers who didn’t need quite as much from them. And I suspect there’s a very big difference in work style between Meghan, who comes from the scramble of making a living in an essentially freelance industry, and Kate who has essentially been operating as a stay at home mom first and working princess second. That’s not a knock on either woman—I’m one who will defend any day the decision to have Kate prioritize child rearing—but it does mean there’s likely been a sort of rhythm to the way work for Kate has been handled within the KP office that doesn’t work with the way Meghan operates.

I think this really gets to the heart of the's just simply a fact that different situations and different workplaces/employees can and should be handled differently. It just is what it is. For instance, I work in an office all day long, my husband runs massive construction sites and teams setting structural steel. We don't handle our workplace disagreements in the same way that his employees do and that's absolutely okay. KP and the world of royalty is a far cry from the Hollywood world Meghan has been accustomed to. Not right or wrong, just fact. That means that Meghan may need to adjust her leadership/employer style to meet that of the world she's now a part of while at the same time, those KP employees need to realize that they will be expected to adjust somewhat and within reason. That's not a knock on either employer or employee, it just is what it is.

And, people get so overly defensive when Meghan is labelled as demanding and opinionated and claim that those labels come only out of jealousy because she's oh so successful and everyone who seems her as demanding and opinionated must just be jealous of her success. However, that's not true or at least not in all cases. Sometimes people just really are demanding and opinionated. I work with someone who is no more successful than I am, but the way she approaches everything and everyone and attacks each project like a tornado is a massive turnoff to anyone who has to deal with her. She likes to claim that she's just driven, strong, and knows what she wants but honestly, you can be all of those things and still not be overbearing, pushy, and so in your face that you make the people around you feel exhausted or worse, attacked.

I don't disagree that Meghan has faced a barrage of criticism from all corners since joining the royal family and that much of it is, most likely, completely undeserved. However, I also think that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, thoughts, and perceptions and what one person sees as driven and determined another will find aggressive, demanding, opinionated, rude, and disingenuous. The truth of the matter is that there's room for everyone to like both duchesses if that's what they want to do. It's also entirely okay to gravitate more toward one than the other. But there's no reason to buy into the tabloid mess. If your own personal perception of Meghan, or anyone else for that matter, is based on watching her interviews, photocalls, engagements, etc. then great, you're absolutely entitled to your feelings. If your perception is based on nothing more than tabloid rumor, you really should do a little more reading/watching before jumping to conclusions.
And, people get so overly defensive when Meghan is labelled as demanding and opinionated and claim that those labels come only out of jealousy because she's oh so successful and everyone who seems her as demanding and opinionated must just be jealous of her success. However, that's not true or at least not in all cases. Sometimes people just really are demanding and opinionated. I work with someone who is no more successful than I am, but the way she approaches everything and everyone and attacks each project like a tornado is a massive turnoff to anyone who has to deal with her. She likes to claim that she's just driven, strong, and knows what she wants but honestly, you can be all of those things and still not be overbearing, pushy, and so in your face that you make the people around you feel exhausted or worse, attacked.

What some of us take issue with is what get Meghan labelled as Hurricane Meghan or difficult and demanding. The best they can come up with is that she wakes up at 5AM and sends emails. Oh and she texts 6 or 7 times a day sometimes. That type of thing would never make a man demanding or difficult. It's interesting that when you actually look into what's been presented, it seems to be much more of a negative view towards a woman who is focused and has an opinion than anything else.
Perhaps it seems odd to the staff that Meghan turned out to be completely different from what they expected her to be like. Instead of a woman that marries into the BRF and is totally comfuzzled about what her role is and needs to be "trained" and basically follows their spouse or another member of the BRF for a while to "learn the ropes" and gradually build up confidence, here comes Meghan, which if I had to describe her as I see her, has been in "training" for her royal role for most of her adult life, is very used to working long hours, has studied international relations at the university level, very well acquainted with philanthropic work and has boldly stated in an interview shortly before her engagement that she wants to be known as "a woman that works not a lady that lunches".

Perhaps that nickname of "Hurricane Meghan" is the ultimate compliment. She marries into the family and doesn't waste any time getting down to business. She seems to *want* to hit the ground running and get things done and has a good idea of initiatives that she'd like to focus on. In other words, her work ethics are showing. No wonder Charles gets along with her so well. Its been said that Charles is a workaholic and sometimes drives his staff up a wall when he gets started on something. Workaholics tend to frustrate people that aren't so driven so perhaps the KP staff has been thrown totally for a loop with Meghan.

One thing I think we can pretty well be assured of is that The Duchess of Sussex is no shrinking violet nor is she a couch potato munching on bon bons and most certainly it tells me that the innuendos that she's a "gold digger" do not apply.

One thing I will state that I believe is my truth is that the "Firm" has a golden asset in Meghan. ?
What some of us take issue with is what get Meghan labelled as Hurricane Meghan or difficult and demanding. The best they can come up with is that she wakes up at 5AM and sends emails. Oh and she texts 6 or 7 times a day sometimes. That type of thing would never make a man demanding or difficult. It's interesting that when you actually look into what's been presented, it seems to be much more of a negative view towards a woman who is focused and has an opinion than anything else.

Oh yes..if it were a man they wouldn't be saying this. You know how that goes.

Perhaps it seems odd to the staff that Meghan turned out to be completely different from what they expected her to be like. Instead of a woman that marries into the BRF and is totally comfuzzled about what her role is and needs to be "trained" and basically follows their spouse or another member of the BRF for a while to "learn the ropes" and gradually build up confidence, here comes Meghan, which if I had to describe her as I see her, has been in "training" for her royal role for most of her adult life, is very used to working long hours, has studied international relations at the university level, very well acquainted with philanthropic work and has boldly stated in an interview shortly before her engagement that she wants to be known as "a woman that works not a lady that lunches".

Perhaps that nickname of "Hurricane Meghan" is the ultimate compliment. She marries into the family and doesn't waste any time getting down to business. She seems to *want* to hit the ground running and get things done and has a good idea of initiatives that she'd like to focus on. In other words, her work ethics are showing. No wonder Charles gets along with her so well. Its been said that Charles is a workaholic and sometimes drives his staff up a wall when he gets started on something. Workaholics tend to frustrate people that aren't so driven so perhaps the KP staff has been thrown totally for a loop with Meghan.

One thing I think we can pretty well be assured of is that The Duchess of Sussex is no shrinking violet nor is she a couch potato munching on bon bons and most certainly it tells me that the innuendos that she's a "gold digger" do not apply.

One thing I will state that I believe is my truth is that the "Firm" has a golden asset in Meghan. ?

I cannot agree that she has been in training for her royal role all her life, yes she has worked towards a certain type of role which will stand her in good stead in her royal role, but you cannot prepare for a royal life until you are in it. Anybody that knows anything about the British Royal family knows that there are rules that must be adhered to, e.g non political. Meghan must stick to these rules, she can touch the ground running if she wants but it doesn't matter how well liked she is within the family she must listen to advice on her boundaries. If the staff were all at fault we would have heard before now, all these stories are recent.
I agree with you, Hallo Girl, on the fact that coming into the family there's a lot of protocol, traditions and general dos and don'ts that she needed to learn. Hugging the staff was a learning point we know about.

She knows how to be part of a team but in the royal family, the hierarchy of the "team" is a whole different ball of wax especially among the staffs in the palaces. The concept of some of the things seen with the staff in "Downton Abbey" pretty much still apply as in the "upstairs, downstairs" ideology even though they've modernized to the point where there's no longer "servants" but "staff" and such.

BTW: Welcome to TRF! :D
It looks like someone inside the palace is deliberately leaking stories to the press painting Meghan as a very bad person.

Diana went through the same case where the British press were horrible to her ! Now they act as if Diana was an angel but in the 90 s stories about how difficult was in papers everyday !

Moving to frogmore cottage - Harry and Meghan are infact proving they want a quieter life . If they wanted a high profile living , I’m sure they could have stuck around KP since that is the centre of attention .

Harry and Meghan need to get to the bottom of this so called “source” coz that person is targeting Meghan with all guns blazing .

Sad that within a year of engagement Meghan has been bombarded with such difficult press stories ( I’m sure she is very aware what is being written )
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It looks like someone inside the palace is deliberately leaking stories to the press painting Meghan as a very bad person.

Diana went through the same case where the British press were horrible to her ! Now they act as if Diana was an angel but in the 90 s stories about how difficult was in papers everyday !

Moving to frogmore cottage - Harry and Meghan are infact proving they want a quieter life . If they wanted a high profile living , I’m sure they could have stuck around KP since that is the centre of attention .

Harry and Meghan need to get to the bottom of this so called “source” coz that person is targeting Meghan with all guns blazing .

Sad that within a year of engagement Meghan has been bombarded with such difficult press stories ( I’m sure she is very aware what is being written )

There’s a tug-a-war going on with between KP press team and the press. A while back the media complained about not getting enough access to Meghan. They feel like they’re being kept at arms length. Its like the royal reporters are ticked off.
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I agree with you, Hallo Girl, on the fact that coming into the family there's a lot of protocol, traditions and general dos and don'ts that she needed to learn. Hugging the staff was a learning point we know about.

She knows how to be part of a team but in the royal family, the hierarchy of the "team" is a whole different ball of wax especially among the staffs in the palaces. The concept of some of the things seen with the staff in "Downton Abbey" pretty much still apply as in the "upstairs, downstairs" ideology even though they've modernized to the point where there's no longer "servants" but "staff" and such.

BTW: Welcome to TRF! :D

Could you explain to me what happened her or link me to an article? I had not heard about this. Thanks.
Could you explain to me what happened her or link me to an article? I had not heard about this. Thanks.

Here you go.

Meanwhile, amid all these negative stories coming out in the press and the negative chatter on social media, Meghan goes about her life quietly and shuts the "noise" out completely. I seriously doubt she reads or cares about any tabloid gossip, innuendo or "stories". She's got better things to do that matter.
Here you go.

Meanwhile, amid all these negative stories coming out in the press and the negative chatter on social media, Meghan goes about her life quietly and shuts the "noise" out completely. I seriously doubt she reads or cares about any tabloid gossip, innuendo or "stories". She's got better things to do that matter.

Thank you. I agree that Meghan and Harry could probably care less about the tabloid fodder. They know exactly what it is.
Seems pretty simple to me regarding the part I've put in bold letters. As I see it, the staff is working for The Duchess of Sussex. She is their employer. If her team isn't functioning the way it should be or the way she wants it to be, all she has to do is tell those that aren't "team" players to take a very long lunch, permanently, to find a new job without references. I'm sure that Harry would back her up on this. :D

To be totally accurate their employer is the Queen, but yes Harry and Meghan are entitled to ask them to be moved to another role. Has anybody considered that they are are actually trying to help Meghan and keep her right as far as royal protocol etc is concerned. Just because Meghan expects a member of staff to do something it doesn't mean it should happen. Just a thought.
To be totally accurate their employer is the Queen, but yes Harry and Meghan are entitled to ask them to be moved to another role. Has anybody considered that they are are actually trying to help Meghan and keep her right as far as royal protocol etc is concerned. Just because Meghan expects a member of staff to do something it doesn't mean it should happen. Just a thought.

Except none of the complaints have been that she refuses to follow protocol. It’s that she wakes up at 5AM and sends emails. If that’s considered demanding and difficult, perhaps it is the aide that should reconsider their own work ethic. And that she can text up to 6 or 7 times a day.And actually, they do work for the Royal they answer to. The Queen isn’t going to get involved if the Sussexes want to fire their PA.
To be technically accurate (if this is KP staff that the original article talked about) then their employer is really Prince Charles as it is he that finances the KP office for both the Cambridges and Sussexes. If it's staff from BP or CH why would they be interfering in KP business?

Meghan would certainly take advice from someone like Samantha Cohen (Private Secretary) or Amy Petengill (Sam's assistant) but it wouldn't be those two who are blabbing about Meghan's supposed demeanour or emails. They both look perfectly fine with the way things are.
Except none of the complaints have been that she refuses to follow protocol. It’s that she wakes up at 5AM and sends emails. If that’s considered demanding and difficult, perhaps it is the aide that should reconsider their own work ethic. And that she can text up to 6 or 7 times a day.And actually, they do work for the Royal they answer to. The Queen isn’t going to get involved if the Sussexes want to fire their PA.

Do you really believe for one minute that a member of the royal household has complained that Meghan rises at 5 a.m and sends e mails. There a number of top CEO's follow that routine. This is all gossip, where is the evidence that there have been complaints from the staff, other than gossip.

Maybe you are correct and the person who complained has now left and is filling the gossip columns with tittle tattle, if that is the case they were not suitable for the role in the first place.
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Do you really believe for one minute that a member of the royal household has complained that Meghan rises at 5 a.m and sends e mails. There a number of top CEO's follow that routine. This is all gossip, where is the evidence that there have been complaints from the staff, other than gossip.

Maybe you are correct and the person who complained has now left and is filling the gossip columns with tittle tattle, if that is the case they were not suitable for the role in the first place.

My point isn’t whether I believe a staff is saying them. My point is that it’s the only examples set forth as her being demanding and difficult by the tanloids’ sources whom they claim is staff. So it goes directly against what you were saying about maybe it’s just over good advice they are ignoring. We have not heard that. My point is that this type of narrative, whether true or not, is sexist and showcases that person’s lack of work ethic more than anything else.
My point isn’t whether I believe a staff is saying them. My point is that it’s the only examples set forth as her being demanding and difficult by the tanloids’ sources whom they claim is staff. So it goes directly against what you were saying about maybe it’s just over good advice they are ignoring. We have not heard that. My point is that this type of narrative, whether true or not, is sexist and showcases that person’s lack of work ethic more than anything else.

If we do not know if it is true or not how can you possibly comment on the person's work ethic. What person is it anyway whose work ethic you are calling in to question when you have already said you do not know if it is true or not.
If we do not know if it is true or not how can you possibly comment on the person's work ethic. What person is it anyway whose work ethic you are calling in to question when you have already said you do not know if it is true or not.
I'm calling out the work ethic of anyone who complains about people who gets up at 5AM and sends 6 or 7 texts a day and label them as demanding or difficult. And if no one can comment on a person's work ethic if they don't know, no one should be commenting on if Meghan expects something of their staff and if it should happen or not.
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I'm calling out the work ethic of anyone who complains about people who gets up at 5AM and sends 6 or 7 texts a day and label them as demanding or difficult. And if no one can comment on a person's work ethic if they don't know, no one should be commenting on if Meghan expects something of their staff and if it should happen or not.

I find it really interesting that you do not know if any of the comments are true with regards either Meghan or the staff but you are immediately calling the behaviour of the staff into question. There are comments on this thread that Meghan should sack her staff etc etc. yet there is nobody on here who knows the truth only rumour and gossip. It could all be true, partially true or totally made up fluff. We will never know, the only thing that we know is that somebody called Melissa left after 6 months.
OK. I started this tangent by replying to someone saying "What can she do?" when it comes to her staff.

It doesn't have to be a truth that applies right now to a situation with her staff but could be today, next week or three years from now. The staff Meghan has works for her. She is their principle royal and "employer" even though Charles does issue the paychecks for the KP staff.

If someone isn't a good fit for Meghan's team, she has every right to say something about it and perhaps get someone in that position that is a better fit for her team. It happens often that a staff member will not get along with their principle royal and vice versa and changes are made.

If you really want to get a good low down on how the staff works at Buckingham Palace, a good read on it is "Not In Front Of The Corgis" by Brian Hoey. Its not about the KP staff but you get a good idea of how things operate. ?
Not sure what to make of this WELTER of speculation, but [from personal experience], I know Californian's can be abrasive to work for/with, and than American's sometimes 'don't fit with the Brits in their employ...
We simply have different 'modus operandi'.
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Hold on, let’s back up for a moment to work out some details. :lol: So, if I remember this whole story correctly, it was about a PA that’s quite recently after only 6 months on the job who was considered “pivotal” to the success of the wedding. Ok, so my question how DF is how is it possible a woman who started her job around the time of the wedding to be “pivotal” to anything? Unless they want to tell me with a straight face that a 600 person wedding that was televised around the world was planned in a month or so. No? Ok.
Quite! It seems that "a palace source" now has a name, perhaps she is even an actual person but I have my doubts. Magic Melissa arrived shortly before the wedding and was "pivotal". I call BS,

I have no problem believing Meghan rises at 5am, I've done so myself and while my inner night owl believes anyone that gets up at "oh five oh dark " (military jargon) when they don't have to is obviously seriously whacked, I only do that to compensate for my robotic stagger to the programmed coffee pot.

But seriously folks, ideas come in the quiet, be it oh one oh dark (for compulsive night owls) or the above said 0500hrs. It is a serene time when there is no one and nothing to distract you. It happens to me all the time and I either send an email or program a text to arrive at 0800hrs. Anyone that doesn't turn their notifications to silent at night is obviously addicted to their phone and would be well advised to get a life.

But something else rang a bell. Working third string for part-time royals and then stepping up to full time was probably quite cruisy what with Catherine on Maternity Leave. Meghan would expect a professional workplace just like the office that ran the studio she worked in. Just like most of us have worked in, Just because you work for the royal family does not mean they expect their staff to work at a genteel pace and present the required information at afternoon tea the following day!

The advent of Meghan must have seriously shaken them up. Perhaps William and Harry were not hands-on so long as they get what they need, but they were raised royal and a lot of what and why something is happening they already knew because they lived it growing up. Meghan arrives full of energy, confidence and hands-on life experience. She is introduced to the "Office" and thinks that everyone is going to feel copacetic. However, I have a feeling that more than one would have seen her input and questions as interference or perhaps even a complaint. They've done things this way forever and every new employee learnt that way.

But there is much she knows she doesn't know and needs to learn and so wants her research and if it's going to take longer than she expects to get it, she needs to be notified just like office environments she has worked with. That is, after all, what the staff is employed for and the mythic Melissa must have thought she'd put her finger in an electrical outlet. So yes, Meghan is disrupting things but surprisingly Samantha grooves to it because let's face it, she's paid her dues at the firey coalface of BP. Amy seemed to take her lead from her.

I am not sure if Samantha has been persuaded to stay or not but, if she hasn't, that is no mark against Meghan. HM originally persuaded her to stay on and help Meghan ease into royal life. I've enjoyed seeing her in the background smiling or grinning at the way things are going at an engagement and I feel she would have given Meghan feedback on every occasion.
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