"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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TBF it may look bad for the Palace in the sense they lied to protect him but it also shows exactly that - that they protected him.
Meaning that the Palace has sunken to the level of risking other people's lives just so Charles' pampered baby can play soldier. It's going to be a shitshow and the Palace will come out of it disgusting. The 25 killed Talibans Harry claims will be small fish compared to the lives the Palace, in the best medieval traditions, is ready to sacrifice to smooth poor Prince's feathers and make him feel good about himself.

I hope it isn't true. After such a thing, the Palace will never be trusted again - and it shouldn't.
I don’t think Harry will be given any Crown money. For one thing, those days of giving free money to royals like times past are long gone. If Harry stopped receiving money from Charles, then how will he get money from the Crown? The Duke of Windsor only got money because he took money secretly before leaving and forced his brother to basically give him money in exchange for Sandringham and Balmoral. Plus he will most certainly not get money from William either

Neither Charles nor William can be seen as heartless and stingy because there will always be people who pity Harry, regardless of the diarrhea of the mouth problem he has. In the long run, once all the attention (book sales) has dried up, it will be better for the dignity of Crown to keep Harry (modestly) paid off and silent than continuing to share embarrassing family secrets he might still be privy to.

Remember, part of the Duke of Windsor's pay-off included his exile from Britain, and thus from the royal family itself to spare more embarrassment.
I don’t think Harry will be given any Crown money. For one thing, those days of giving free money to royals like times past are long gone. If Harry stopped receiving money from Charles, then how will he get money from the Crown? The Duke of Windsor only got money because he took money secretly before leaving and forced his brother to basically give him money in exchange for Sandringham and Balmoral. Plus he will most certainly not get money from William either

When King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, he was cut off from the Civil List. Instead, he negotiated a deal with his brother, King George VI, to receive £25,000 a year ($1.4 million a year adjusted for inflation.)

Still, at the time of his death in 1972, the Duke of Windsor left behind a fortune worth nearly $2.5 million—$17.7 million today— plus a fourteen room 19th C mansion in the Bois de Boulogne (Paris).
Harry told Meghan to only curtsy to Charles and not Camilla at their first meeting? Lovely. And then he has the galls to claim his father disrespected Her Wonderfulness of Good Manners.

Anyone knowing if he throws light on the timing of his relationship with Meghan? Not that I'd believe him - no one should after the different versions the couple themselves gave for their first meeting. But I'm curious if he'd, in all his sweet innocence, let it be known that he was the other man while Meghan was still with Cory. After all, he's so good in treble standards.
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It will be embarrassing for just Harry himself, he’s no longer the concern of the BRF. The floodgates have opened

It is embarrassing if the Palace actively conspired with Harry's superiors to allow him to avoid a mandatory drug test, especially when the Army claims to have a zero-tolerance policy and routinely discharges servicemen for failing drug tests. As mentioned in the comments section in the link I posted, refusal to submit a urine sample in those circumstances is interpreted in the military as being equivalent to having a positive test and it is completely unacceptable that Harry would be allowed to leave when the base was in lockdown.

Of course, The Express is smart enough to print in the article that "there is no evidence" that Harry used drugs while in the Army (they don't want to be sued for libel), but the article and the headline are implicitly suggesting that. And, going back to the main topic of the forum, once Harry went public with his drug experiences, it became fair game for the press to investigate whether he was on drugs while in the Army. In fact, I don't think any British judge would question the right of the press to do so as it becomes, in British libel jurisprudence, a matter of public interest, especially if there is evidence that Harry was given some kind of special treatment.

Broadly speaking, it also goes back to what the IPSO chair has said: once Harry himself is opening up about intimate details of his private life, it becomes harder to argue that the press is not allowed to report on or investigate them. Harry himself is inviting the scrutiny which he claimed that he wanted to avoid.

Neither Charles nor William can be seen as heartless and stingy because there will always be people who pity Harry, regardless of the diarrhea of the mouth problem he has. In the long run, once all the attention (book sales) has dried up, it will be better for the dignity of Crown to keep Harry (modestly) paid off and silent than continuing to share embarrassing family secrets he might still be privy to.

Remember, part of the Duke of Windsor's pay-off included his exile from Britain, and thus from the royal family itself to spare more embarrassment.

As long as Harry and Meghan can make far more money from deals with Netflix or Penguin Random House, a "modest" Crown allowance to keep them quiet won't work. in fact, it could not be Crown money, as that is now audited and scrutinized, and the British press would go for it if H&M received a single penny from the Sovereign Grant. It would have to be private money, and possibly not even from the Duchies, which are still Crown corporations.
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I was reading another excerpt that is again baffling to me. Harry states "that Charles did NOT support the then Cambridge or Sussex's families financially, with the exception of gifts, in recognition of carrying out Royal engagements".
Well, that is a direct contradiction of what he said in Oprah Interview, that his " father had cut him off financially ", when they left for North America and quit.

Poor Harry, gifts ARE financial support. And all we have to do is look at Meghan's lavish wardrobe that she acquired while a "working royal".

Another little gem that I nearly burst out laughing at is how Harry says that Meghan, "a novel and RESPLENDENT Royal " was feared by Charles that She would overshadow him and Camilla, and steal their limelight .

Resplendent ? Poor Harry, keep drinking that koolaid.

The inconsistencies in different Interviews, docu-series and now books is glaring.

Oh, and in my opinion "Magical" Meghan, as H sees her, should get credit as a ghost writer on this Book. I see much of her words and phraseology abounding in this.

Yes. I found that contradiction interesting too. Oprah: dad cut us off financially. The book: dad didn’t support us. (I think his argument is the system/institution supported them. And he had some pretty nasty words about said institution.)

Agreed- I think Meghan should get credit as a ghostwriter too. And a contributor to the content. If there is one person whose advice I have no doubt he took regarding this dumpster fire of a book- it was hers.
Neither Charles nor William can be seen as heartless and stingy because there will always be people who pity Harry, regardless of the diarrhea of the mouth problem he has. In the long run, once all the attention (book sales) has dried up, it will be better for the dignity of Crown to keep Harry (modestly) paid off and silent than continuing to share embarrassing family secrets he might still be privy to.

Remember, part of the Duke of Windsor's pay-off included his exile from Britain, and thus from the royal family itself to spare more embarrassment.

I am convinced that is what they are after, either one large pay off to go away and keep quiet or an annual allowance. This constant drip feed over the last year or so of what he could tell, that was him testing the waters for the pay off, he didnt get it so here we are.
When King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, he was cut off from the Civil List. Instead, he negotiated a deal with his brother, King George VI, to receive £25,000 a year ($1.4 million a year adjusted for inflation.)

Still, at the time of his death in 1972, the Duke of Windsor left behind a fortune worth nearly $2.5 million—$17.7 million today— plus a fourteen room 19th C mansion in the Bois de Boulogne (Paris).

The difference is the Duke inherited a lot of estates that belonged to the crown so the pay off was for that and not as hush money
This book could have been really interesting, with real in sight into a member of the royal family finding a new role outwith the firm.

It could have been done with candour but without pettiness and nastiness.

I cannot believe the lip gloss story. Or using Meghans credit card to buy furniture. Comparing their cottage to Williams home.
He knew W & C had previously lived there in the early days. Did he not explain these things to Meghan it just needed a bit of patience for things to be put in place. There was a lot going on, just married, finding roles for them, sorting out a future home.
There will IMO be more stories like the drug test one. The brother's time in the military was full of things like this - William landing a chinook outside the Middletons home etc. The problem Harry faces now is he has p*ssed everyone who spent years protecting him off - Charles, William, the staff, the military, his friends, his ex girlfriends and even to a certain extent the media who did use to hide some stories from the public. I think he has obviously forgotten that for so long they all looked after him and cared for him because he is rather childlike and needs a strong hand to guide him. Now he has blown them out the water the truth will come out about all his mistakes and people won't keep on accepting "its everyone else's fault"
Shock does strange things to people, not everybody behaves in a textbook fashion.

I believe that it is entirely possible that Charles did embrace Harry but that he doesn't recall it due to shock.

And when you are in shock, people can forget what happened. Speaking from my own experience, during my lifetime I've had to receive the news of sudden and tragic death of two healthy young people. The details from those first 24 to 48 hours are blurry because of what you are trying to comprehend.
Yes. I found that contradiction interesting too. Oprah: dad cut us off financially. The book: dad didn’t support us. (I think his argument is the system/institution supported them. And he had some pretty nasty words about said institution.)

Agreed- I think Meghan should get credit as a ghostwriter too. And a contributor to the content. If there is one person whose advice I have no doubt he took regarding this dumpster fire of a book- it was hers.

Absolutely agree that she should be considered as one of the ghostwriters and a "resplendent" one at that. ;)
Maybe Charles didn’t embrace him, but sat next to him and tried to talk. Not everyone is the hugging kind, especially not men and especially not that generation.
In the long run, once all the attention (book sales) has dried up, it will be better for the dignity of Crown to keep Harry (modestly) paid off and silent than continuing to share embarrassing family secrets he might still be privy to.

I agree with you on that.
But I'm afraid that Harry and Meghan never would.
They don't want to be modestly paid, they don't want to live modestly and they don't want to be silent. That would mean (in their eyes) that they surrendered.
They want adoration and to be superstars, and to have the most luxurious lifestyle possible.
As long as Harry and Meghan can make far more money from deals with Netflix or Penguin Random House, a "modest" Crown allowance to keep them quiet won't work.

Eventually, the reading public is going to tire of hearing the same whining over and over again, especially once Harry is firmly out of The Firm and is no longer privy to anything of real substance.

Which means he will no longer have juicy bits to sell for large sums of money and might have to resort to revealing even more scurrilous drips and drabs for pennies, which the BRF will want to avoid just to keep some semblance of dignity.

I also don't see H&M's marriage going the distance to be honest. Harry is not just besotted with his wife, he's overly infatuated with her, which isn't particularly healthy in the long run. When the divorce happens, we'll get one "My family destroyed my marriage" follow up book from him, but after that media interest in Harry will drop like a hot potato in favor of whatever book/series/talk show that Meghan puts out.

With no experience at holding down a proper job, Harry will need an allowance then.
I agree with you on that.

But I'm afraid that Harry and Meghan never would.

They don't want to be modestly paid, they don't want to live modestly and they don't want to be silent. That would mean (in their eyes) that they surrendered.

They want adoration and to be superstars, and to have the most luxurious lifestyle possible.

I think the ship may have sailed on them being adored after Netflix. And superstars- at least on their own. A lot of commentators noted that they don’t come across as likable. And are boring.

This book sure didn’t help. Especially hot on the heels of Netflix.
The problem Harry faces now is he has p*ssed everyone who spent years protecting him off - Charles, William, the staff, the military, his friends, his ex girlfriends and even to a certain extent the media who did use to hide some stories from the public. I think he has obviously forgotten that for so long they all looked after him and cared for him because he is rather childlike and needs a strong hand to guide him. Now he has blown them out the water the truth will come out about all his mistakes and people won't keep on accepting "its everyone else's fault"

It's my opinion that people believe what they wish to believe, no matter what contrary evidence is presented.

The Sussex lovers will continue to shower them with praise and adulation; others will automatically disregard everything they say. Pointing out discrepancies and contradictions will have no result.
Yes. I found that contradiction interesting too. Oprah: dad cut us off financially. The book: dad didn’t support us. (I think his argument is the system/institution supported them. And he had some pretty nasty words about said institution.)
If I'm thinking about the same quote, there was no contradiction there.
“Pa didn’t financially support Willy and me, and our families, out of any largesse,” Harry, 38, alleges in the memoir. “That was his job. That was the whole deal.”
It was not about King Charles, then Prince Charles, not supporting them at all as a factual statement. I think he just wanted to emphasize that Charles was not giving them money out of the goodness of his heart, but that it's the unwritten deal - they are working royals, they are getting money.

Why he was surprised that after they stepped down as working royals the money stopped flowing, is something we can understand better now than before. He was coddled too much and thought he can do anything without any consequences.

[ETA] Source: Page Six article; https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/prince-harry-charles-said-there-wasnt-enough-money-for-meghan/
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so if he felt Charles was doing this because it was part of the deal as a working royal, why did he expect Ch to go on supporting him when he was no longer a working royal?
so if he felt Charles was doing this because it was part of the deal as a working royal, why did he expect Ch to go on supporting him when he was no longer a working royal?
IMO, he didn't feel it at the time. At the time, he felt everything he did was a great gesture of him, due to his golden heart, like visiting people who had just suffered a horrible earthquake when he didn't feel like going. But he did it because he was forced to, because his family didn't care about him. Not even because it was his job. He indulged his family, he didn't do his job.

He thought - and Meghan as well - that they were entitled to security, HRHs and other perks for life no matter what The Queen thought, so they went for it. I think it's just a belated realization that these things were his pay.

If they realized it at the time, Meghan - a newcomer in the RF, someone who didn't know who she should curtsy to and what the Trooping was - would not have felt entitled to play the expert on all things royal-styles related.

It's like an adult man living with his parents being shocked to learn that he not only he no longer had pocket money but actually had to contribute to the household expenses with his salary. In this case, Charles was the accountant and not the teenage Harry's parent.
It's my opinion that people believe what they wish to believe, no matter what contrary evidence is presented.

The Sussex lovers will continue to shower them with praise and adulation; others will automatically disregard everything they say. Pointing out discrepancies and contradictions will have no result.

But I guess Tommy's point was that, contrary to what Harry has now been induced to believe, the Royal Family, the Palace, the military, and possibly even the British press did protect him for a long time, especially before he was married, and let him get away with things that other public figures would not have gotten away with, in addition to running a successful PR campaign to spin him as the likeable, laid-back Prince. Now, however, Harry has effectively antagonized all of the above and relies only on Meghan and some unreliable (or questionable) "allies" to cover for him or serve as his advocates.

I am with those who think that he will regret in the long run trusting Scoobie, or his ghostwriter, or Netflix, over trusting his own father and brother.
He says in the Michael Stratham (ABC) interview “… I’ve felt my mom’s presence more in the past two years than I have in the past 30 years.”

Diana hasn’t been dead 30 years!
He says in the Michael Stratham (ABC) interview “… I’ve felt my mom’s presence more in the past two years than I have in the past 30 years.”

Diana hasn’t been dead 30 years!

I guess Harry has never been particularly strong in Math (or Maths as the Brits say).

Just kidding BTW.
If I'm thinking about the same quote, there was no contradiction there.
It was not about King Charles, then Prince Charles, not supporting them at all as a factual statement. I think he just wanted to emphasize that Charles was not giving them money out of the goodness of his heart, but that it's the unwritten deal - they are working royals, they are getting money.

Why he was surprised that after they stepped down as working royals the money stopped flowing, is something we can understand better now than before. He was coddled too much and thought he can do anything without any consequences.

[ETA] Source: Page Six article; https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/prince-harry-charles-said-there-wasnt-enough-money-for-meghan/

That makes a lot of sense. I agree that Harry didn't understand that he received the money because he was limited in his choice of jobs while he was actually representing the royal family. But Charles gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars when he left. There was also a report that Charles and apparently would have given him more.

If that report is true, I think there would have been an allowance for Harry and Meghan if they had behaved with more decorum and less rancor. It wouldn't have been enough and certainly wouldn't have covered the cost of heavy security.
I dont think that Charles was going to pay as much as Harry wanted, since he clealry wanted his security paid for and htat would cost an awful lot -
That makes a lot of sense. I agree that Harry didn't understand that he received the money because he was limited in his choice of jobs while he was actually representing the royal family. But Charles gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars when he left. There was also a report that Charles and apparently would have given him more.

If that report is true, I think there would have been an allowance for Harry and Meghan if they had behaved with more decorum and less rancor. It wouldn't have been enough and certainly wouldn't have covered the cost of heavy security.
First off, Charles didn’t have to give them any money because the Duchy of Cornwall only supports the Prince of Wales, Charles when he was POW wasn’t obliged to give some of that money to him or even William. So what nonsense is he going on about. I have always thought that he never took seriously royal life and the actual mechanisms at play or cared for it.
The way Harry talks about living at Nott Cott, you'd think he was living hand-to-mouth in a run-down shack while his brother dined on gilded truffles and bathed in asses' milk. Harry was a multi-millionaire with a palace apartment ear-marked for him and a lifetime ahead of him cushioned by financial & personal security. His rich-boy whining is going down like a lead balloon in the UK so heaven knows what those living in poverty overseas make of it. Any chance he ever had of coming back to the BRF in this country or working for the commonwealth has been blown out of the water.
If I'm thinking about the same quote, there was no contradiction there.
It was not about King Charles, then Prince Charles, not supporting them at all as a factual statement. I think he just wanted to emphasize that Charles was not giving them money out of the goodness of his heart, but that it's the unwritten deal - they are working royals, they are getting money.

Why he was surprised that after they stepped down as working royals the money stopped flowing, is something we can understand better now than before. He was coddled too much and thought he can do anything without any consequences.

[ETA] Source: Page Six article; https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/prince-harry-charles-said-there-wasnt-enough-money-for-meghan/
He himself mentioned financial independence on his Sussexroyal instagram plans, so what did he think “financial independence” meant? Asking your dad to secretly pass the cash under the counter situation? Ridiculous. Even having a wife who has had to work in the real world couldn’t give him an idea.
Daily Mail source I'm afraid but here's more from the book about the wedding tiara:
Harry says the Queen asked Meghan to view five stunning tiaras, including one with emeralds and another with aquamarines.

The Queen then told Meghan: 'Tiaras suit you.'

After Meghan chose one, the Queen advised her to try the piece on with her hairdresser before the wedding day.

The emerald one is probably the Greville bandeau that Eugenie wore - guesses for the others will appear on the jewellery board I expect.

As for the hairdressing appointment - you'd make that by liaising with Ms Kelly, not spring it on her one day out of the blue and expect the tiara to be instantly available.
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