"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Maybe Meghan helped- a lot.

Possibly that; possibly like his great-great-uncle the Duke of Windsor, Harry has just picked up so much American phrasing from his wife and living there. Possibly both.
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Well, this is one point Harry should take into consideration when he agrees to share whatever mentioned in the book.

IPSO chair Lord Faulks on Harry book and press coverage of royals


Asked on BBC Radio 4’s*World At One*on Friday whether Harry had given up his right to privacy, Lord Faulks said: “In general terms, when considering whether there has been a violation of privacy, it is legitimate to consider whether an individual has brought into the public domain their private life.

“Most people don’t want anybody to know anything about their private life, but if they are prepared to discuss it then it is not unreasonable for the press to write about it and to say to some extent they have brought an invasion of privacy on themselves.”

I find it increasingly hard to reconcile the man who once said, “there is this incessant need to find out every little bit of detail that goes on behind the scenes. It’s unnecessary,” to the man who is now detailing his last words at the Queen’s deathbed and recounting what Meghan said at Diana’s gravesite. Those type of things are so intimate and private and I think one day Harry may come to regret revealing so much.

On another note, the ghostwriter of Harry’s book (Jay Moehringer), liked a tweet from someone who called out Harry out for being all about “me, me, me.”

That clip from Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious. I don’t think this book is landing the way Harry expected. He’s being mocked all over the place.

I have been sitting here wondering what Saturday Night Live will do tomorrow night. I am virtually positive they will open with a skit mocking the book.
After having some time to digest the "leaks", it is very clear Harry has taken the nuclear approach with the media - releasing private and detailed accounts in the open makes leaks from the palace and any other "Royal source" more difficult.

Do I think this was a good idea? In theory, yes - the media will then have nothing on him. In reality - absolutely not. I firmly believe in not airing out your dirty laundry. This big difference between the interview with Meghan and Harry's memoir is the factor of time. What I mean by this is that the former was only part of the Firm and family for 2 years and spoke about her experiences. Two years is not a lot of time and honestly, her stories are limited because of that. Prince Harry exposure is his entire life and the relationships he had in the Firm and his family run deeper and more initimate than whatever Meghan ever had. And this is where Harry has made an incredibly fatal mistake - he went nuclear despite not having the permission and blessing of all people involved. William, Kate, Camilla, Charles, the British Armed Forces etc did not and would not have agreed to such a nuclear option. Harry actually thiought such stories would seen as the gospel truth is beyond fathomable. Does he honestly believe people will see this as the truth? There are always three sides: one person's truth, the other person's truth and the ACTUAL truth.

It is clear needs Harry needs professional help on several issues, and so does the remainder of the Firm and Royal family. There is a severe cultural and family dynamic issues around 2nd born heirs entrenched in the Royal family - just look at Prince Harry, Princess Margaret and the vile and disgusting Prince Andrew. Three generations of "2nd borns" who hold such a high degree of being self-centred, narcassitic, egotistical, lacking any self-awareness and believing they are faultless. For all of William's faults - he at least owns up to them. Even King Charles has to a degree too. I guess where you have a higher degree of accountability, you will automatically have far better appreciation of self-reflection and introspection

I had suppported Meghan and Harry uprooting and leaving the toxic environment in the UK. I understood the hurt and pain when they did the Oprah interview. But over the past few months, I cannot support two people who have profitted from the very reason why they left the UK - it goes against every single value I have.
And this is from Al-Jazeera which is not British media and I doubt they would have anything to do in the so-called Palace's campaign against Harry:

Taliban leader accuses Prince Harry of killing innocent Afghans

“We checked and found that the days on which Prince Harry is mentioning the killing of 25 mujaheddin, we did not have any casualties in Helmand,” Taliban leader Anas Haqqani told Al Jazeera on Friday. “It is clear that civilians and ordinary people were targeted.”

“This story is a part of the many war crimes of the 20 years of Western military presence in Afghanistan,” he said. “It is not the whole picture of the crimes committed by them.”

The Taliban leader earlier accused the British royal of committing “war crimes”.

“Mr Harry! The ones you killed were not chess pieces, they were humans,” Haqqani*tweeted, referring to Prince Harry’s description that eliminating people who he said were “enemy combatants” was like removing “chess pieces” from a board.

“The truth is what you’ve said; Our innocent people were chess pieces to your soldiers, military and political leaders. Still, you were defeated in that ‘game’.”


I do would love to hear what Harry or his supporters would say to explain this (and its potential consequences).

It's one thing to tell his story so people can understand his perspective, but when in doing so, did he try to understand other people's perspective? It's one thing to believe in something to soothe his conscience and to shield his feeling, but when he broadcasts it to the world did he ever thinks of what other people's feeling who'd be affected.

There's another excerpt whereas Harry detailing hostage training in the army and claiming they broke the Geneva convention. Does Harry think what ramifications this will bring to people in the MoD?

Stop being selfish, Harry, the world is not only about you.
And this is from Al-Jazeera which is not British media and I doubt they would have anything to do in the so-called Palace's campaign against Harry:

Taliban leader accuses Prince Harry of killing innocent Afghans

I do would love to hear what Harry or his supporters would say to explain this (and its potential consequences).

It's one thing to tell his story so people can understand his perspective, but when in doing so, did he try to understand other people's perspective? It's one thing to believe in something to soothe his conscience and to shield his feeling, but when he broadcasts it to the world did he ever thinks of what other people's feeling who'd be affected.

There's another excerpt whereas Harry detailing hostage training in the army and claiming they broke the Geneva convention. Does Harry think what ramifications this will bring to people in the MoD?

Stop being selfish, Harry, the world is not only about you.

What did you expect the Taliban to say? "yes Harry, you killed 25 Taliban fighters?". It's a sad world when people are starting to believe the rhetoric of the Taliban - a group of people who have committed and are continuing to committ so many atrocities against the Afghani people. Using the Taliban to discredit Prince Harry is seriously naive and plain stupid.
He seems perfectly sane to me it's others in his family whom I worry for. If his father, for example, broke the news of his mother's death and couldn't even embrace him then that is disturbing in the extreme but I can well believe that did happen.

It very well could have happened. It could also be that Harry doesn't remember what happened or is exaggerating to better illustrate that he didn't feel an emotional connection with his father that night. I remember the first time their first public appearance and it was very clear that Harry didn't want to let his father get too far away from him.

Other than the story of William physically assaulting Harry, I don't see anything disturbing in the stories about his family. Charles may be a cold fish but he wasn't abusive. He's certainly not the only man of that age who has trouble with intimacy. If that is the worst thing Harry can say about his father, he was very lucky. There are so many people in the world who have real problems in the family.

If the worst thing that he can say about Catherine is that Catherine didn't like being hugged by a stranger, didn't want to share her lip gloss, and didn't find a joke about her hormones funny, Catherine is a saint.

If the worst thing he can say about Camilla is that after he moved out when he was 28 years old, Camilla repurposed his bedroom, Camilla is a saint.

On the other hand, the book reveals disturbing things about Harry. Not the least of which is despite his elevated status as a member of the BRF, his wife and children, and his vast wealth, he is bitter and unhappy and intensely jealous of his brother. If he doesn't address these issues, he will never be a happy or satisfied. It is quite tragic.

What did you expect the Taliban to say? "yes Harry, you killed 25 Taliban fighters?". It's a sad world when people are starting to believe the rhetoric of the Taliban - a group of people who have committed and are continuing to committ so many atrocities against the Afghani people. Using the Taliban to discredit Prince Harry is seriously naive and plain stupid.

I don't think anyone on this board is saying they believe the Taliban's rhetoric. There is concern that this book may prompt some sort of violent response from the Taliban. I doubt that anything will happen that wouldn't have happened anyway, but they will use this as a talking point--which is unfortunate.
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I don't think anyone on this board is saying they believe the Taliban's rhetoric. There is concern that this book may prompt some sort of violent response from the Taliban. I doubt that anything will happen that wouldn't have happened anyway, but they will use this as a talking point--which is unfortunate.

I absolutely agree that Prince Harry has potentially put himself and his family in greater danger - he was plain stupid for even speaking about a kill number and what he did whilst serving. He should have known better. But to use the rhetoric of the Taliban, where even the UK media has not published their claims at this stage, to discredit Prince Harry's claims is scraping the bottom of the barrel. No person who served with Harry will either confirm or deny, hence why the Taliban was so quick to claim it was cilivians that Prince Harry killed.
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Now comes the claim that he wasn't even William's best man at his wedding.

It seems clear that this is Harry unloading several years of grievances all at once. He wants so desperately to be heard, but I think he's overestimated the amount of sympathy that his relatively petty gripes will evoke at the end of the day.
Now comes the claim that he wasn't even William's best man at his wedding.

It seems clear that this is Harry unloading several years of grievances all at once. He wants so desperately to be heard, but I think he's overestimated the amount of sympathy that his relatively petty gripes will evoke at the end of the day.


So he was ok with the palace on releasing a press report that he made the best man speech back in 2011? That he was William's witness, thus by convention the Best Man? Oh Harry!
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I absolutely agree that Prince Harry has potentially put himself and his family in greater danger - he was plain stupid for even speaking about a kill number and what he did whilst serving. He should have known better. But to use the rhetoric of the Taliban, where even the UK media has not published their claims at this stage, to discredit Prince Harry's claims is scraping the bottom of the barrel. No person who served with Harry will either confirm or deny, hence why the Taliban was so quick to claim it was cilivians that Prince Harry killed.

I haven't checked every UK publication, but at least there's one article in the Daily Mail quoting this Taliban tweet.
Edit: The Telegraph also has one.

Anyway, it's not about Taliban rethoric, but imagine being told that the "numbers" he killed were human being and not chess pieces by Taliban of all people. And worse, to have his words being used by said Taliban to throw war crime accusation towards his country. It's kettle-pot situation, by in my opinion it's bad if not rather shameful, the lowest low, in Harry's case.
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Several posts have been deleted as they were off topic. There's plenty to discuss here, but let's stick to topics that are directly related to the book.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

Now comes the claim that he wasn't even William's best man at his wedding.

It seems clear that this is Harry unloading several years of grievances all at once. He wants so desperately to be heard, but I think he's overestimated the amount of sympathy that his relatively petty gripes will evoke at the end of the day.

He got to stand next to him at the wedding. I always thought that was the primary purpose of the role. Not speech giving.

If this book is any indication, if William really didn’t let Harry give the speech, I can perhaps see why. (I know A LOT has changed from the wedding to now, but still. Some signs may have been apparent that Harry giving the speech was a bad idea.)

If this is true. I wonder if Harry explains WHY William allegedly didn’t want him to make the speech. Or at least Harry’s spin on William’s supposed reasons.

I wonder how Harry would like it if the family told their recollections of him and Meghan. Directly. If Harry is managing to make himself and Meghan look bad in his own book- imagine how they might come across if the author wasn’t the Sussexes or someone trying to actively make them look good.

So- THIS is the man Harry has become.
He got to stand next to him at the wedding. I always thought that was the primary purpose of the role. Not speech giving.

If this book is any indication, if William really didn’t let Harry give the speech, I can perhaps see why. (I know A LOT has changed from the wedding to now, but still. Some signs may have been apparent that Harry giving the speech was a bad idea.)

If this is true. I wonder if Harry explains WHY William allegedly didn’t want him to make the speech. Or at least Harry’s spin on William’s supposed reasons.

I wonder how Harry would like it if the family told their recollections of him and Meghan. Directly. If Harry is managing to make himself and Meghan look bad in his own book- imagine how they might come across if the author wasn’t the Sussexes or someone trying to actively make them look good.

So- THIS is the man Harry has become.

As I said - he went the nuclear option and is seriously baiting for a response. Why do this? Why do this to your brother? Why?
Other than the story of William physically assaulting Harry, I don't see anything disturbing in the stories about his family. Charles may be a cold fish but he wasn't abusive. He's certainly not the only man of that age who has trouble with intimacy. If that is the worst thing Harry can say about his father, he was very lucky. There are so many people in the world who have real problems in the family.

Obviously none of us have read what Harry has actually said. I found a this piece by Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph. About halfway down the page she talks about what Harry has written about his relationship with his father. About how Charles would sit by his bed until he went to sleep because Harry was afraid of the dark, that he wanted Harry to write rather than call because he loved receiving Harry’s letters, how he would leave notes under Harry’s pillow.

This struck a cord because when i moved from the UK to Australia, it was in the days before e-Mail and even cheap intercontinental phone call rates. When my father died, I found he had kept every letter I had written to my parents when I emigrated. Phone calls, unless recorded, last the duration of the call. Letters or e-mails, last as long as you want and can be reread as often as you want.

Was he the worlds greatest dad, of course not, but, if what is in this article is correct (and if what Harry says is correct) he certainly wasn’t the worst.

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If only Harry had shown the manuscript of this book to someone who truly loves him for himself... they might have told him to at least remove the bits that should be strictly private, like his sex life... but wait, he seems to be in no contact with his birth family, none of his old friends that knew him so well... only Meghan and anybody making money off his book in any way.

It could have all been so different. They could have left the Royal Family and that way of life with dignity; they would have been invited back with love for events in which the whole family turns up...still been part of it and welcomed back... But he's been so disloyal, so indiscrete. He hasn't just burned his bridges but has blown them up with a nuclear bomb. Harry doesn't seem to have any common sense or empathy. I can't see this ending well for him, that's the tragedy.

It's like watching a very slow motion train wreck...
And this train looks similar to a carcrash in Paris.
It would not surprise me if he ended like Diana,
he is doing a lot to get there.
Don't think he is on Taliban list, but some aggressive single criminal could
target him now.
If Harry can cope the mess he's created himself can stand it.

The trouble with therapy is, that it's not the idea to sit down and tell the patient what's obviously wrong with him. Would take a lifetime to get Harry to change his own life into a healthy and realistic conception.
When we see the book in full, I hope there's a lot about all the positive aspects of his childhood because it certainly wasn't all gloom. Even after Diana died he had an extended family who loved him, including two doting grandparents. He had all the benefits of an exclusive education, access to every sport and hobby he wanted to do, the best food and health care, comfortable homes, people to protect him and financial security for life. I hope he reflects upon how incredibly privileged he was, in comparison to most other children who have lost a parent.

In all his whining about about being the 'spare', I wonder if he ever thinks about Princess Anne, who was also the spare for her first ten years but then had to stomach two younger brothers overtaking her in importance to the crown.
After having some time to digest the "leaks", it is very clear Harry has taken the nuclear approach with the media - releasing private and detailed accounts in the open makes leaks from the palace and any other "Royal source" more difficult.

Do I think this was a good idea? In theory, yes - the media will then have nothing on him. In reality - absolutely not. I firmly believe in not airing out your dirty laundry. This big difference between the interview with Meghan and Harry's memoir is the factor of time. What I mean by this is that the former was only part of the Firm and family for 2 years and spoke about her experiences. Two years is not a lot of time and honestly, her stories are limited because of that. Prince Harry exposure is his entire life and the relationships he had in the Firm and his family run deeper and more initimate than whatever Meghan ever had. And this is where Harry has made an incredibly fatal mistake - he went nuclear despite not having the permission and blessing of all people involved. William, Kate, Camilla, Charles, the British Armed Forces etc did not and would not have agreed to such a nuclear option. Harry actually thiought such stories would seen as the gospel truth is beyond fathomable. Does he honestly believe people will see this as the truth? There are always three sides: one person's truth, the other person's truth and the ACTUAL truth.

It is clear needs Harry needs professional help on several issues, and so does the remainder of the Firm and Royal family. There is a severe cultural and family dynamic issues around 2nd born heirs entrenched in the Royal family - just look at Prince Harry, Princess Margaret and the vile and disgusting Prince Andrew. Three generations of "2nd borns" who hold such a high degree of being self-centred, narcassitic, egotistical, lacking any self-awareness and believing they are faultless. For all of William's faults - he at least owns up to them. Even King Charles has to a degree too. I guess where you have a higher degree of accountability, you will automatically have far better appreciation of self-reflection and introspection

I had suppported Meghan and Harry uprooting and leaving the toxic environment in the UK. I understood the hurt and pain when they did the Oprah interview. But over the past few months, I cannot support two people who have profitted from the very reason why they left the UK - it goes against every single value I have.
I don’t think the remainder of the family and firm need much help, the firm people have HR to help them and the family probably have their own ways that help them out or remedies. I don’t think we will be seeing second child issues for a long time if we look at how William’s kids are raised.
I really wonder how he would have recalled the same events had he written this book about 7-8 years ago. I expect it would have been rather different.. This is the story of how he perceives those situations now, not necessarily how he perceived them at the time they happened.
I don’t think the remainder of the family and firm need much help, the firm people have HR to help them and the family probably have their own ways that help them out or remedies. I don’t think we will be seeing second child issues for a long time if we look at how William’s kids are raised.

I disagree. Clearly whatever remedy they have has failed. Change needs to come from the head of the family, i.e. King Charles III. Although I do not agree with the manner in which QMII conducted herself, she laid down the law with her second son and his children. She also laid down the foundations for CP Frederik for his own family. No HR department could of, or should deal with such family matters. Charles, and William now have the chance to change the way in which "spares" are managed. Almost all of the European Royal households have done it and it's high time the BRF does the same.

Princess Charlotte is far too young to know how she will act in the future. One will hope that she's is like her mother - grounded.

I will, however, state that I am by no means giving Prince Harry an excuse for his deplorable behaviour. This man has had all the means of the world to help him. He had the doors of opportunites that we can only dream of. Yet instead of doing good, making an actual difference to people around the world with the priviledge he actually had, he does this. No wonder they say generational wealth is a curse!
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So this is the context for the “ I killed 25 people”

I get it, but I don’t trust Peter Hunt, he was critical of William and Kate during their Caribbean tour so IMO he isn’t being balanced. He is someone who likes to stir the pot against the mainstream narratives.

I disagree. Clearly whatever remedy they have has failed. Change needs to come from the head of the family, i.e. King Charles III. Although I do not agree with the manner in which QMII conducted herself, she laid down the law with her second son and his children. She also laid down the foundations for CP Frederik for his own family. No HR department could of, or should deal with such family matters. Charles, and William now have the chance to change the way in which "spares" are managed. Almost all of the European Royal households have done it and it's high time the BRF does the same.

Princess Charlotte is far too young to know how she will act in the future. One will hope that she's is like her mother - grounded.

I will, however, state that I am by no means giving Prince Harry an excuse for his deplorable behaviour. This man has had all the means of the world to help him. He had the doors of opportunites that we can only dream of. Yet instead of doing good, making an actual difference to people around the world with the priviledge he actually had, he does this. No wonder they say generational wealth is a curse!
The HR is for the staff, I’m not talking about the family which I have clearly outlined. What works for William and Charles will work for them, not everybody there. What I am saying is that the staff and firm have HR to help them, whereas the royals have their own ways or remedies.

I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.
It’s only since he left to California that people (not his family) that people have questioned his state of being which is fair to question because he’s rambling on and is spiraling out of control. Saying he took mushrooms to see the picture isn’t a sign the person is stable. How earth does he seem perfectly sane? This is the same person who said that he wants to reconcile with his family but is doing all these interviews and being paid for this silly book.

Who have his family tried to portray as mentally unstable? I hope you’re not going to mention Diana?
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I disagree. Clearly whatever remedy they have has failed. Change needs to come from the head of the family, i.e. King Charles III. Although I do not agree with the manner in which QMII conducted herself, she laid down the law with her second son and his children. She also laid down the foundations for CP Frederik for his own family. No HR department could of, or should deal with such family matters. Charles, and William now have the chance to change the way in which "spares" are managed. Almost all of the European Royal households have done it and it's high time the BRF does the same.

Princess Charlotte is far too young to know how she will act in the future. One will hope that she's is like her mother - grounded.

I will, however, state that I am by no means giving Prince Harry an excuse for his deplorable behaviour. This man has had all the means of the world to help him. He had the doors of opportunites that we can only dream of. Yet instead of doing good, making an actual difference to people around the world with the priviledge he actually had, he does this. No wonder they say generational wealth is a curse!
I hear what you are saying - but at this point what would you suggest that KCIII do ? The horse has left the barn…..
I hear what you are saying - but at this point what would you suggest that KCIII do ? The horse has left the barn…..

After the coronation, he needs to issue Letters Patent to restrict titles. He needs to start the culture that other than the heir and first born of the heir, other descendants need to find their own way in the world. People will argue that the BRF has the Commonwealth, but as someone who lives in a country with KCIII as the Head of State, their work is 99.999999% in England, and looking after English causes. Other than a Royal visit every couple of years, and the odd statement on natural disasters, the Royals are concerned with England.

The BRF needs to be far stricter with the British media. Honestly, accepting the harsh, cruel and disgusting abuse as almost an initiation for the partners of British royals, in particular for the women coming into the RF is abhorrent.

Most importantly, he, as Harry's father needs to reach out to him. Without William. How he does that is something I don't know.
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In all his whining about about being the 'spare', I wonder if he ever thinks about Princess Anne, who was also the spare for her first ten years but then had to stomach two younger brothers overtaking her in importance to the crown.

While i half still believe this is a hoax to set up 'the media' (but the more comes to light, the less i really believe that),
i think, also from earlier interviews Harry did, that he doesn't really look at people who are 'below' him in the hierarchy, and only looks to the ones in front and complains about what they have and he hasn't.
(i would love to know what P.Anne thinks off all this, but i'm sure we'll never know).

I feel for K.CharlesIII who i'm sure loves his sons (even though he maybe not showed it the way Harry wanted) and wants them, above all, to be happy with their life.
If only H&M would show signs that they have moved on in their new Californian life and making the best of that without constantly feeling the need to look back to complain about what others did wrong.
But as they are obviously not doing that, i wouldn't be surprised if the king deep down would hope they actually come back into the fold, back to how it was, having people there to guide Harry through life, because it seems that Harry has a hard time doing that himself...but at this point I don't think that isn't an option either, I don't think Harry is opening himself to see other sides of stories.

What is a dad to do, once the son is almost 40 himself and has a family of his own...
After the coronation, he needs to issue Letters Patent to restrict titles. He needs to start the culture that other than the heir and first born of the heir, other descendants need to find their own way in the world. People will argue that the BRF has the Commonwealth, but as someone who lives in a country with KCIII as the Head of State, their work is 99.999999% in England, and looking after English causes. Other than a Royal visit every couple of years, and the odd statement on natural disasters, the Royals are concerned with England.

Most importantly, he, as Harry's father needs to reach out to him. Without William. How he does that is something I don't know.

That is too restrictive. The common idea seems to be that children of a (future) King are HRH Prince (Princess).

That means: the 4 children of the late Queen, the 2 children of the King and the 3 children of the future King. That would be the core royal family (and in essence that is).

That means that the Kents, the Gloucesters, the York daughters, the Wessex children, and the Sussex children cease to be HRH Prince (Princess). But the Kents and Gloucesters are slowly fading away to the periphery of the monarchy, the Wessex and Sussex children already are not using royal titles. Leaves the two York daughters to end the use of HRH Princess.

The King indeed can make a more firm restriction but then Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis would cease to be HRH Prince (Princess) as well, only because Harry has been derailed?
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That is too restrictive. The common idea seems to be that children of a (future) King are HRH Prince (Princess).

That means: the 4 children of the late Queen, the 2 children of the King and the 3 children of the future King. That would be the core royal family (and in essence that is).

That means that the Kents, the Gloucesters, the York daughters, the Wessex children, and the Sussex children cease to be HRH Prince (Princess). But the Kents and Gloucesters are slowly fading away to the periphery of the monarchy, the Wessex and Sussex children already are not using royal titles. Leaves the two York daughters to end the use of HRH Princess.

The King indeed can make a more firm restriction but then Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis would cease to be HRH Prince (Princess) as well, only because Harry has been derailed?

No no, you misunderstood and I explained it badly. I believe the expectation is that other than the monarch, heir and heir's heir, all other descendants need to find their own way in the world, rather than expecting to be a working Royal. Think Sweden, Denmark, Belgium etc.

In terms of HRH Prince/ss, I believe it should be restricted to children of the monarch and heir.

It's not just Harry that derailed, we have an even worse case: Prince Andrew. And there were others in the past too
That is too restrictive. The common idea seems to be that children of a (future) King are HRH Prince (Princess).

That means: the 4 children of the late Queen, the 2 children of the King and the 3 children of the future King. That would be the core royal family (and in essence that is).

That means that the Kents, the Gloucesters, the York daughters, the Wessex children, and the Sussex children cease to be HRH Prince (Princess). But the Kents and Gloucesters are slowly fading away to the periphery of the monarchy, the Wessex and Sussex children already are not using royal titles. Leaves the two York daughters to end the use of HRH Princess.

The King indeed can make a more firm restriction but then Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis would cease to be HRH Prince (Princess) as well, only because Harry has been derailed?

I think if your parent or sibling is monarch is Monarch then you should have a HRH title and you are probably needed to work. Doesn’t mean your spouses needs a title and definitely doesn’t mean your children through.
After the coronation, he needs to issue Letters Patent to restrict titles. He needs to start the culture that other than the heir and first born of the heir, other descendants need to find their own way in the world. People will argue that the BRF has the Commonwealth, but as someone who lives in a country with KCIII as the Head of State, their work is 99.999999% in England, and looking after English causes. Other than a Royal visit every couple of years, and the odd statement on natural disasters, the Royals are concerned with England.

The BRF needs to be far stricter with the British media. Honestly, accepting the harsh, cruel and disgusting abuse as almost an initiation for the partners of British royals, in particular for the women coming into the RF is abhorrent.

Most importantly, he, as Harry's father needs to reach out to him. Without William. How he does that is something I don't know.
If anything Harry should reach out to Charles, Harry knows how to contact his father and has his number so I don’t buy that. This is the thing that annoys me, people are still babying Harry when they would never do this to their own families. Please. The man is almost 40 years old with a wife and two kids, he has to learn the hard way and grow up. Why without William?
I'm trying to catch up with all these revelations leaked from the book but it's so hard. Every excerpt present Harry in worse light if it possibile..... The world is laughing at him and unfortuantely he won't even know why... Perfect self -destruction .... And powerful toll for Meghan when she will ask for divorce.... Such unstable man.....
Ps. I seriously consider to switch off internet for few days to be "spared" from "Spare"...
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