"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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As I read it - he went into where she was lying after she died and he spoke to her dead body then.

I did the same when both my parents died as I couldn't be with them at the time (both actually died alone as both were 'sudden' but not 'unexpected' due to health and age issues).

Both my brother and I said our goodbyes then to a dead person but what I said and what my brother said are things we have kept to ourselves. When we went to the funeral home where our father was we both spent about 10 minutes alone with him and then had about 10 minutes together holding each other. That was our 'goodbye' while the funeral the next day was for the extended family and friends etc. With Mum I arrived in her home town many hours before he did and again he was left alone with her to say his own goodbye before Dad and I joined him as we had already both had our own time alone.
I think many people do that. Totally understandable. But with all the outrageous claims and stories, when I saw the mention, I wondered if he'd somehow teleported himself into Balmoral before she died.
Do people think it’s weird to talk to a dead body? I mean I know some cultures are very reticent about death but really? What do you expect people to do? Absolutely normal.
I have been trying to understand what the purpose of this book is, so I have been turning the whole thing upside down and it begins to make some sense - in a peculiar way.

Indulge me and permit me to be the Devil's Advocate.

In the eyes of H&M only their perception is right.
When someone does not share their views, it's either down to malice, ignorance or propaganda/character assassination.
So this book is not so much about hurting the BRF. It is an attempt to explain things from the perspective of Harry - and once people read it they will obviously - that goes without saying - understand and agree with Harry and realize what a great guy he is. And people will realize what a wonderful and unique person Meghan is.

In that light, the examples quoted from the book takes on a completely different perspective.

William shoving Harry is true IMO. The detail about Harry landing on dog bowl is such an odd detail, that it makes the story believable.
So Meghan told Kate that she was having a baby-brain. - Sweet, funny banter so typical of Meghan. Kate reacting in a negative manner is just a confirmation of what Meghan said. - And then William had the nerve to scold Meghan! And hold up his finger to her face! Totally uncalled for and unacceptable behavior! Naturally Harry had to intervene. And then William became physical. - But Harry showed restraint. He did not punch William on the nose. Harry was the mature one, surely everybody can see that?

King Charles urging the brothers to get along. Well that was really a "behave, William! Stop being a jerk towards your brother and sister-in-law."

The liploss. Why on earth would Kate not share such an item with Meghan. It was not some random person, that would be gross, it was Meghan! How could that possibly be awkward let alone yucky? Kate surely must have some aversion towards Meghan, and since Meghan has no flaws, the logic conclusion must be envy.

The Nazi uniform. That was really mean! Harry asked W&K whether he should wear that uniform and they said sure, knowing perfectly well that the press would spin a bit of harmless fun into something bad. That was truly below the belt by W&K. But Harry took one for the team. He didn't say he had been set up, he kept quiet. He was the mature one.

The first time he got laid. That is Harry the Lad speaking. That's one of the stories that made the other lads in the barracks and parties like and respect him.
The same thing about the frostbitten penis. Harry the Lad again. And mentioning the details about his brother's penis. how can that possible be in poor taste or embarrassing? It's a hoot, everybody should be howling with laughter, just like the other lads.

Meghan and the tiara. Why shouldn't Meghan be allowed to wear whatever tiara that suited her? It's was her wedding! Surely everybody could see what a great event this was? The people adored her - naturally. And Meghan was such an asset to the BRF, that indulging her modest wish was the least they cold do. But someone must maliciously have manipulated grandmother. Probably due to envy or racism.

Etc... Etc... Etc...

As for the duet with the seals, that I doubt is Harry. He may believe it now, but IMO that's Meghan. - Or a suggestion by the ghostwriter having a dark sense of humor...

You get my point?

And BTW. The Taliban fatalities IMO that is either true or a lie. There is nothing in between.
If true, referring to them as chess pieces can be a coping mechanism. You distance yourself from the fact that you are killing and maiming human beings by dehumanizing them, in order to be able to go out and do it again and live with it afterwards.
If a lie, it's video game jargon. He didn't kill anyone, let alone fired at anyone.
- I don't know which, because I've heard very conflicting stories about Harry in Afghanistan and I don't know what to believe.
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Do people think it’s weird to talk to a dead body? I mean I know some cultures are very reticent about death but really? What do you expect people to do? Absolutely normal.

I don’t think the posters on here think it odd, I don’t, but possibly Harry choosing to share this private personal time with the world is another matter.
I think the things Harry does to process his grief are not weird or abnormal. It's in context with all the OTHER weird and abnormal behavior he and Meg have indulged in, including in the book, that people are not inclined to give him much leeway.
What PR people do the Sussexes even have? Isn’t it all in house through Archewell? They’re no longer with Sunshine Sachs.

This book seems to be like the long version of what the Cut was for Meghan. Everyone’s got a good look at who they really are. And no one is saying positive things- except for Scobie.

And a couple of posters on this forum ?
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.

He wrote it. You can’t make someone seem like that. In fact in this instance they’ve done nothing. I can’t talk about other members of the family but certain things people do and certsin behaviours they display does lead you to question well being.
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.

His family? Please give credit to the thousands who have read the excerpts and came to that conclusion themselves. It is actually a kinder conclusion than the alternative, which would be that he is a petty, jealous, thoughtless and very cruel man. .
I enjoyed this take from the Times imagining the writing of Spare.


Oh my, that's just .... what is the right word? I'm torn between "concerning" and "disturbing". Why while reading it, what comes to my mind is a white room and him wearing that while jacket with his arms crossed on his stomach?

About the hair, I have no problem about it nor about him speaking to his grandmother's dead body. From where I'm from, seeing an urn containing ash remains of the deceased loved one in a dining room or even living room (if the house is small) next to their portrait is very common. Few will bat an eye if someone even throw a remark or two between conversation to the portrait as if talking to the spirit. Many would regularly lay flower in the place of death if it's an accident.

What I see as problem in Harry is that the loss and his grief seems to have dictate and even take over his life. It's not okay, it's not right, and it's not healthy.

I have this impression that after he lost his mother, he depends on his brother too much, maybe even unconsciously put his brother as his mother's replacement (it didn't help that William resembles Diana so much). Everything going in his life, he looked up to William for approval (the costume) or when it's something he wants to happen he'd say it to him so he'd make it happen (wedding venue). And in this case, William might have indulged him for so long. Then comes Catherine, and William starts his own family, but it's okay because they include him into the family (I always think that Harry is W&C's first born, not George).

Then comes Meghan who doesn't fit in, William starts to say "no" and Harry doesn't understand why because up to that point he's always been indulged/appeased. He saw it as betrayal (the good bye at W's wedding, can't understand why E had to go home to his post-partum wife and new born instead of staying with him the night before his own wedding) and the rose tinted glass broke, distorting all his past memories. And William is losing his resemblance to his mother and he sees it as a sign of William's betrayal? punishment? therefore he's right, his mother sides with him.

God, I can't believe he's almost a decade older than me. Grow up, man. Get help!!
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.

How on earth are his family portraying him as mentally unstable? They haven’t said a word.
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.

His family have done nothing except refuse to comment. Posters on here are making their own judgements. Commentators in the media are making their own judgements.
William is definitely the parentified son and sibling, having to attend to, first a needy mother then a needy younger brother.
I like Harry and I'm glad he wrote this account of his life. He's, of course, being portrayed as being mentally unstable, that's what his family always do to those who step out of line.

I'm genuinely intrigued by this thinking- Sophie25 could you explain how Harry's family are the one portraying him as mentally unstable here? Happy if you want to PM rather than discuss here. Not going to criticise at all but i am interested.
So this is the context for the “ I killed 25 people”

I still can't see why he needs to declare his "number". See General Chapman's interview, he makes a good point how the Afghanistan story can be told better/differently without mentioning his numbers and how he saw it as chess piece instead of living being for his own conscience. Fine, he can tell it to his therapist or his confidants, but NOT writing it in a book where everyone can read it, including people who love those "number" he killed.

Similarly, let just say I met a guy in a blind date, then found in his social media how he laid out his past when he's been in a bad place after a bad break-up or some other traumatic experience and compensate it by sleeping around, confessing his "body count" and how at that time he saw them merely as "vagina to f**k". I guarantee I will never speak to this guy again. and no, it's not because he had past nor that he's not virgin, but because he's a selfish ba***d who only either care for his own conscience (justifying his wh*ring day) or attention seeker (gaining social media sympathy? boasting his body count?) without care that those women are women with feeling and could read his "confession".
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Harry had second thoughts about 'Spare' after his visit to the UK - article by Valentine Low:

It was extraordinary. A member of the royal family describing everything as ‘awesome’ and using phraseology like: ‘We had gotten ourselves into a difficult situation’ — we had to go through the whole manuscript to make it sound like he was actually English.
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He wrote it. You can’t make someone seem like that. In fact in this instance they’ve done nothing. I can’t talk about other members of the family but certain things people do and certsin behaviours they display does lead you to question well being.

He seems perfectly sane to me it's others in his family whom I worry for. If his father, for example, broke the news of his mother's death and couldn't even embrace him then that is disturbing in the extreme but I can well believe that did happen.
Harry had second thoughts about 'Spare' after his visit to the UK - article by Valentine Low:

If these are Harry's words, why would it have to be translated from American English to British English? I understand that the ghost writer is American, but I am surprised that the manuscript would require that level of translation.
William is definitely the parentified son and sibling, having to attend to, first a needy mother then a needy younger brother.

One thing struck me when I read the excerpt about a young William and Harry starting to fight while Charles was driving them somewhere so Charles stopped the car and ordered William to get out and ride in the other car with the bodyguards. Well, two things, actually, the first being a wave of jealousy over Charles always having the option of booting one of his kids back to the bodyguards’ car when he got sick of their bickering. That’s a grade A perk right there!

The second thing was that Harry told this story to illustrate how William thought Harry always got his own way. To me the story seems like evidence that William was probably right. William was the oldest and Charles knew he’d have the responsibility of the Duchy of Cornwall one day, then of being King and head of the family, with the sense of obligation that would imply (namely towards Harry and his family, in addition to William’s own). Charles probably was harder on William, whereas Harry was more indulged because Charles assumed that he, and then William would always take care of Harry financially, in exchange for what didn’t have to be a huge amount of work on behalf of the Royal Family.

William may have felt he got the short end of the stick when he was younger, but it would be interesting to know what he thinks now that the consequences of Harry having been so indulged are clear.
?? Jimmy is hilarious!! The part with the necklace had me laughing too hard!

I have been reading this thread, and thank you everyone for all interesting comments. I laughed so hard at all the comments. My god, who is advising Prince Harry? How can anyone take him serious again?

I think that is problem they don't want true advice. They only want to be surrounded by "yes men"
I wonder how members of other royal families, especially the european ones (the imperial houshold of Japan must be shocked and disgusted about all this dirt to death...!) think of all this? I mean, this is not just damaging the reputation of the Windsors, which, I think is perhaps almost irrepairable now, but also the reputation of the instituation of monarchies in general! Many people who are not dealing with this subject on a daily basis only read these scandalous headlines and might regard Royalty as such as decadent and evil as Prince Harry portrays himself and his family...?!

I really don't think it is as bad as that. Royal family members from many different countries have been embarrassing themselves for centuries. I think that the survival of the British Monarchy through the Abdication and the War of the Wales has shown how resilient it is. Even Queen Victoria's isolation after Prince Albert's death could have really weakened it, but it is still here. I am sure there are other examples from past centuries. I think the British Royal Family will stay quiet and rise above getting into any petty back and forth with Harry and Meghan. I feel like the first appearances that the Royal Family members make after this debacle of a book (debacle only for Harry and Meghan) will be met with huge support by the British people who turn out to see them at whatever engagement they carry out.
If these are Harry's words, why would it have to be translated from American English to British English? I understand that the ghost writer is American, but I am surprised that the manuscript would require that level of translation.

Maybe Meghan helped- a lot.
Does anyone know what engagements members of the RF have today? I cannot imagine being a family member and having the press yell out questions and asking for comments about things Harry has disclosed. Disgusting and despicable.:nonono:

Also, I know very little about publishing so I’d be interested in others’ expertise: will there be repercussions to the reputations of the publisher and/or ghostwriter for this garbage or is this just “who cares as long as we make money” and “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”?:ermm:

I thought about that. I think if they are put in a position where they have to respond that I would just say that I can't comment on a book I haven't read ?

I read a bit of an excerpt last night, though for the life of me I can't remember where, that reads "Eternally the outsider, Harry appears to compare himself to King Henry IV, who was 'exiled and then returned to annihilate every obstacle and person that stood before him', adding: 'My distant relative. My soulmate, some would say.'"

I took a screenshot as I was reading because I was so flabbergasted that he genuinely appears to be saying, in black and white, that his goal is literally to annihilate the RF and/or the monarchy. Friends, I'm not sure what the rest of you are making of this unfolding drama but I'm now firmly in the camp that Harry is on a spiral and desperately needs an intervention. In fact, while I don't expect there to be any statement whatsoever from the RF and I firmly expect them to allow this to burn itself out because they're reading the same reactions we all are, I do believe that at this point any statement they would issue might actually be along the lines of "we're concerned about Harry and hope that he is able to obtain the help that he so obviously needs."

Edited to add that it was a part of the DM recap about the revelations of the book.

I saw that too and had the same thought. It sure looks like that is what he is trying to do. Yet this is what makes him so hypocritical, because he and Meghan sure love their titles, and Meghan wants their children to be Prince and Princess. Doesn't he realize that if he annihilates the Monarchy (which he won't) that those titles will mean nothing.
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My thoughts concern Harry's own family security. It would now seem that he has put himself at the top of the Taliban hit list.
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