"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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On another note, the ghostwriter of Harry’s book (Jay Moehringer), liked a tweet from someone who called out Harry out for being all about “me, me, me.”

That clip from Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious. I don’t think this book is landing the way Harry expected. He’s being mocked all over the place.

I hate to speculate too much about it but I can tell you that social media is currently rife with speculation that he realized what a train wreck this was and did only the barest minimum to fulfill his contract and avoid being sued and that this work is primarily the work of Harry and Meghan with very, very little help or input from the ghostwriter.

I wonder if Eugenia will remain close to Harry after this train-wreck?

Well by Meghan's own logic as expressed a number of years ago, we are judged by who we associate with. If Eugenie doesn't distance herself from these two the vitriol and assumptions about them will spill over to her if they aren't already.
Lol, I guess Meghan wants the ring :)

And probably the lover's knot tiara too ?
I get the impression that Harry's rivalry with William includes Diana also. It's like he's been trying to claim her for himself. Didn't he give that akward claim recently about Diana watching over him now and no longer William? Something like that? So strange.
For the past few years H&M have been obsessed with their truth getting out and controlling the narrative. For the world to know who they really are and what they went through. After this book, there is no doubt about who they are, especially H.

All this makes me sad, and while I'm certain there is a level of fury amongst his family back in the UK, I also imagine they must be feeling a profound sense of sadness and betrayal.
I don’t think this book is landing the way Harry expected. He’s being mocked all over the place.

I'd bet my last dollar that this didn't land the way they expected it would. I fully believe that they thought the world would read this and suddenly they would be vindicated and justified in every word, deed, and thought over the last several years. I honestly don't believe it ever occurred to them that they would become a laughingstock, a punchline, fodder for memes and skits, and the subject of real concern about Harry's mental health.
I think it’s very probable that the ghostwriter, J.R. Moehringer, who is quite respected in both his own right and as a collaborator on autobiographies, was overruled on much of the content in this book.

I don’t want to go too far into the realm of speculation, but there are aspects that sound like Meghan collaborated heavily. For example, the part about Kate not wanting to share her lipgloss.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but that’s something my husband would never in a million years notice or remember.

Mine wouldn’t notice about the lip gloss, but if he happened to see me inadvertently asking for something that made one of his family members uncomfortable he’d try to find a low key way to give me a heads up instead of just watch the other person squirm and then give in to be polite. And if I made a habit of purposely making comments or asking for things I knew would make other people angry or uncomfortable we wouldn’t be together in the first place.

But there’s a shoe for every foot, as the saying goes - Harry has seemed to be overly attuned to everything relating to Meghan from the start (I’m sure he would say so that he could “protect” her) and that seems to be how she likes it. So I can well believe he noticed the scene with the lip gloss, unfortunately.
I think that the palace is very concerned - as Harry is still obligated to 'sell' the book. If not all the interviews are not already all recorded - this type of negativity might resulted in him saying some really outrageous things in that interview.
Make no mistake about it - Harry is blaming the press and the Palace for the way this book is been received.
So much of this book appears to contain industrial scale cringe worthy levels of embarrassment. That a British prince has fallen so far, so fast & so spectacularly is a tragedy. And why oh why did the publishers leave in the comments about the war in Afghanistan? Goodness knows what the ramifications of that indiscretion might be.

I can’t see how he can come back from this. Certainly not in the UK where his standing was already tarnished. Talk about blowing up your own reputation.

And as for Winfrey, King, Netflix, Penquin Random House et al I hope they’re proud of the part they have played in this whole sorry debacle.
So I can well believe he noticed the scene with the lip gloss, unfortunately.

I can too, unfortunately. While I doubt very much that my husband would notice or, if he did, that it would stick with him longer than a day or so, I can fully believe that Harry would have seen this as a swipe at Meghan if Catherine wrinkled her nose or seemed put off about it. He would have believed that she should have readily and cheerfully handed over the lip gloss and thought nothing of it. He's proven that when it comes to Meghan's wants, wishes, and needs he believes that everyone else should be at her beck and call.
I think that the palace is very concerned - as Harry is still obligated to 'sell' the book. If not all the interviews are not already all recorded - this type of negativity might resulted in him saying some really outrageous things in that interview.
Make no mistake about it - Harry is blaming the press and the Palace for the way this book is been received.

We've all watched in real time over the last couple of days while the world received this, poured over it, and let it all sink in. Now we watch closely to see what the fall out will be in terms of reality. Will the reception really be bad enough that the PR people advise a stint in a treatment facility? Will the King issue LP to remove the status and will the government decided enough is enough and begin work to remove the Dukedom? Or will they not because of concerns about Harry's mental health and how he would handle that news? Will the companies and organizations like Better Up and Invictus drop Harry because they believe he's a liability?
Mine wouldn’t notice about the lip gloss, but if he happened to see me inadvertently asking for something that made one of his family members uncomfortable he’d try to find a low key way to give me a heads up instead of just watch the other person squirm and then give in to be polite. And if I made a habit of purposely making comments or asking for things I knew would make other people angry or uncomfortable we wouldn’t be together in the first place.

But there’s a shoe for every foot, as the saying goes - Harry has seemed to be overly attuned to everything relating to Meghan from the start (I’m sure he would say so that he could “protect” her) and that seems to be how she likes it. So I can well believe he noticed the scene with the lip gloss, unfortunately.

There is a number of things that make me think that Meghan had a significant role in the book - Necklace instead of chain (maybe that is a translating issue). The whole singing to the seals in Scotland and that nature is with her and welcoming their baby. The kneeling and praying to Diana and the placing of the pregnancy stick on the blue box. All of this reads too much like Finding Freedom - for example the doing yoga poses in the African sun while birds who had dipped their tails in paint pots fly by. Not to mention the odd remark about peeing in the bush when the camp has a absolution block.

Oddly placed antidotes that attempt to be remarkable character building and dramatic literary moment of significant. This is someone who romanticizes
their life. They are either so sentimental of melodramatic that they reek of Day time Telenovels. This is Meghan.
I hate to speculate too much about it but I can tell you that social media is currently rife with speculation that he realized what a train wreck this was and did only the barest minimum to fulfill his contract and avoid being sued and that this work is primarily the work of Harry and Meghan with very, very little help or input from the ghostwriter.


Speaking about suing/lawsuit, I wonder if maybe they're using "Harold" and "Willie" so if any content in this book is contested, they could go into technical that this is not about William The Prince of Wales, but someone named Willie who's Harold's brother (semantics :ermm:)

Come to think of it "Harold and Willie" ... sounds like a children book to me. I mean, from the excerpts being published to date; the singing seals, my mother's spirit coming from heaven, my brother has bigger bedroom and all that typical evil-older-sibling-good-younger-sibling sure follow the typical children bedtime story. Are we sure this is a serious memoir and not a fantasy children book?

On a serious note, didn't Harry say something along the line that he hopes his father and brother will watch the Netflix series and this book so they can understand his perspective? Add with his "I want my father and brother back", I wonder if this book actually is his unconscious cry for help. The way he keeps spiralling is concerning.
I think that the palace is very concerned - as Harry is still obligated to 'sell' the book. If not all the interviews are not already all recorded - this type of negativity might resulted in him saying some really outrageous things in that interview.
Make no mistake about it - Harry is blaming the press and the Palace for the way this book is been received.

The Queen died only months ago and he's already giving details about it.
And he has 35, 36 years spent with the royal family to talk about. Imagine how many personal, even intimate moments he can disclose to the public.
This negative backlash about the book won't stop him or make him pause and rethink. It will make him even more angry and more determined to continue.
I'm afraid he'll never stop. At all.

But what scares me even more is the possibility of bringing this all into the next generation.
Their children will probably grow up in a very controlled environment during their formative years with Harry and Meghan controlling their contacts and the narative they are exposed to. So there is a big chance that they will share that anger, bitterness, jelaousy, paranoia and selfentitlement. George and his siblings will probably also have to deal with the Sussexes, especially if the BRF always keeps their door open and continue to invite them over for important events, as this will keep giving them more material to expose and whine about.
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I don't think the government will get involved. However much of a fool Harry's made of himself, we're dealing with a cost of living crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, and severe pressure on the Health Service due to Covid and flu. No-one wants to see parliamentary time wasted on Harry, although polls do show that a lot of people would like to see his titles removed ... but I don't think everyone realises how complex the process of removing them is.
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Mine wouldn’t notice about the lip gloss, but if he happened to see me inadvertently asking for something that made one of his family members uncomfortable he’d try to find a low key way to give me a heads up instead of just watch the other person squirm and then give in to be polite. And if I made a habit of purposely making comments or asking for things I knew would make other people angry or uncomfortable we wouldn’t be together in the first place.

But there’s a shoe for every foot, as the saying goes - Harry has seemed to be overly attuned to everything relating to Meghan from the start (I’m sure he would say so that he could “protect” her) and that seems to be how she likes it. So I can well believe he noticed the scene with the lip gloss, unfortunately.

What was the point of telling that story? That’s what I’d like to know. Is Catherine supposed to look bad because she was uncomfortable sharing lip glass? (She doesn’t imo.) A supposed cultural clash example? (Not imo.)

This is pretty trivial, petty stuff to talk about in a memoir.
The Queen died only months ago and he's already giving details about it.

And he has 35, 36 years spent with the royal family to talk about. Imagine how many personal, even intimate moments he can disclose to the public.

This negative backlash about the book won't stop him or make him pause and rethink. It will make him even more angry and more determined to continue.

I'm afraid he'll never stop. At all.
I agree. If anything, H&M are only going to double down and convince themselves that the Palace and RF have somehow poisoned the entire world against them. There doesn't seem to be any degree of awareness of how these are very much self-inflicted wounds they're suffering from.
We've all watched in real time over the last couple of days while the world received this, poured over it, and let it all sink in. Now we watch closely to see what the fall out will be in terms of reality. Will the reception really be bad enough that the PR people advise a stint in a treatment facility? Will the King issue LP to remove the status and will the government decided enough is enough and begin work to remove the Dukedom? Or will they not because of concerns about Harry's mental health and how he would handle that news? Will the companies and organizations like Better Up and Invictus drop Harry because they believe he's a liability?

I don't think they Palace or Government will do anything that could potentially inflame an already unstable man. I very much expect the King to continue to approach his son with an open door and love. As infuriating it is for Harry to reveal so many intimate details about his family, he is still the King's boy, and a father never stops loving his boy. The King must be in agony over this, not just with all of their business aired out, but with watching his son publicly implode.
I don't think they Palace or Government will do anything that could potentially inflame an already unstable man. I very much expect the King to continue to approach his son with an open door and love. As infuriating it is for Harry to reveal so many intimate details about his family, he is still the King's boy, and a father never stops loving his boy. The King must be in agony over this, not just with all of their business aired out, but with watching his son publicly implode.


I feel so sad for Charles and the whole family. This has to be so painful on so many levels. And there seems to be no end to it.
What was the point of telling that story? That’s what I’d like to know. Is Catherine supposed to look bad because she was uncomfortable sharing lip glass? (She doesn’t imo.) A supposed cultural clash example? (Not imo.)

This is pretty trivial, petty stuff to talk about in a memoir.

I think in their mind it petty and trivial of Cathrine not to share it. A lot of the stuff they said in the netflix special and in the book seems odd. The whole Americans think the royal family is like one of those medeivil dinner shows (no we dont, far from it ) All americans hug strangers (no we don't). They have such a weird idea of what is proper human behavior. Who are they catering to?

I do agree with some posters that Megan had a hand in writing this but I think harry also did. I think we have a very angry man who can't stand that he or his wife isn't number one or is not the most popular.

I think in their mind this will get more people to like them more and hate the royal family but honestly it is doing the opposite.

Which is why I don't think the Palace or anyone is going to say anything.

I feel so much for the royal family. And no i don't think Diana would have approved of what Harry is doing.
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We've all watched in real time over the last couple of days while the world received this, poured over it, and let it all sink in. Now we watch closely to see what the fall out will be in terms of reality. Will the reception really be bad enough that the PR people advise a stint in a treatment facility? Will the King issue LP to remove the status and will the government decided enough is enough and begin work to remove the Dukedom? Or will they not because of concerns about Harry's mental health and how he would handle that news? Will the companies and organizations like Better Up and Invictus drop Harry because they believe he's a liability?

What PR people do the Sussexes even have? Isn’t it all in house through Archewell? They’re no longer with Sunshine Sachs.

This book seems to be like the long version of what the Cut was for Meghan. Everyone’s got a good look at who they really are. And no one is saying positive things- except for Scobie.
What PR people do the Sussexes even have? Isn’t it all in house through Archewell? They’re no longer with Sunshine Sachs.

This book seems to be like the long version of what the Cut was for Meghan. Everyone’s got a good look at who they really are. And no one is saying positive things- except for Scobie.

Yes, it’s all in house at Archewell now, which basically means they are doing their own PR. There’s no one who is empowered to tell them no anymore.
I would think considering he is an employee of Better up - they might have a chat. I am not sure I want Harry as a mentor to people paying money to my company.

I am however concerned about Harry's therapist - if this was my brother and this was the rage he had after how many years of therapy. I would call the police. There is a think called therapy manipulation and over medication normally goes with it. Too much therapy and it became the problem.
I do not put much stock in the people the Sussex have around them - yes men who are milking it regardless of the outcome. Harry is after all a meal ticket. Maybe the polo player - Nacos? But is there anyone that he will listen to - anyway?
What PR people do the Sussexes even have? Isn’t it all in house through Archewell? They’re no longer with Sunshine Sachs.

This book seems to be like the long version of what the Cut was for Meghan. Everyone’s got a good look at who they really are. And no one is saying positive things- except for Scobie.

Scobie's book is also up next - End of the Monarchy. So he needs to get and maintain those American contact. Especially if his golden geese are loosing their shine.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I think in their mind it petty and trivial of Cathrine not to share it. A lot of the stuff they said in the netflix special and in the book seems odd. The whole Americans think the royal family is like one of those medeivil dinner shows (no we dont, far from it ) All americans hug strangers (no we don't)

I do agree with some posters that Megan had a hand in writing this but I think harry also did.

I think in their mind this will get more people to like them more and hate the royal family but honestly it is doing the opposite.

Which is why I don't think the Palace or anyone is going to say anything.

I feel so much for the royal family. And no i don't think Diana would have approved of what Harry is doing.

You’re probably right: they probably thought Catherine should be thrilled to hand it over.

Oh- I definitely think Meghan had a hand in this. Stories, wording, etc.

She absolutely knew what was in it too. They’re like salt and paper- and trees. They do everything together.

This is really just very sad.

IA- I think readers will probably come out of this with sympathy for the RF. Their privacy was breached. They can’t really respond anyway. And also: look what they’ve had to “put up” with. (Maybe not the right way to put it. Maybe that they’re very high maintenance? difficult?)

Harry and Meghan don’t come out of this looking kind, compassionate, nice. They seem jealous, petty, nasty, difficult, untrustworthy, ungrateful, etc.
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I'd bet my last dollar that this didn't land the way they expected it would. I fully believe that they thought the world would read this and suddenly they would be vindicated and justified in every word, deed, and thought over the last several years. I honestly don't believe it ever occurred to them that they would become a laughingstock, a punchline, fodder for memes and skits, and the subject of real concern about Harry's mental health.

That, I believe, nails it.
What PR people do the Sussexes even have? Isn’t it all in house through Archewell? They’re no longer with Sunshine Sachs.

I would agree that they've certainly surrounded themselves with yes men and there are no PR people in the traditional sense. However, they are associated with some very, very big names and companies and organizations and they won't want the horrible publicity to taint them by association. I certainly think there may be some chats coming from Better Up, Invictus, possibly even Netflix given the number of lost subscribers in the last couple of years. It's also possible that after all of this even their in-house yes men might see the writing on the wall and suggest they align themselves with a damage control specialist who might suggest something along the lines of a treatment facility. While I don't think they'd listen and I don't think that employee would be an employee for much longer, it is a possibility if those employees are becoming concerned about their own reputations and employability.
There is always going to be someone who comes along and tells them what they want to hear. Maybe the only person who could talk any sense into them is Doria - and seeing how Meghan has so freely cut other family members out of her life, I'm not sure Doria would want to lose the relationship with her daughter and her only grandchildren. She might be only sensible person in their orbit for a good many years.
Scobie's book is also up next - End of the Monarchy. So he needs to get and maintain those American contact. Especially if his golden geese are loosing their shine.
He can’t deny it now that he was collaborating with the Markles on the Finding Freedom and now jumping onto another pathetic book. It will backfire spectacularly because these claims that the media is against him is nonsense because he’s collaborating with his pet journalist to rebut back.
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There is always going to be someone who comes along and tells them what they want to hear. Maybe the only person who could talk any sense into them is Doria - and seeing how Meghan has so freely cut other family members out of her life, I'm not sure Doria would want to lose the relationship with her daughter and her only grandchildren. She might be only sensible person in their orbit for a good many years.

Maybe the niece Ashley? She seemed very levelheaded.
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