"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Has anyone figured out or understood why the publisher released the book in Spain? Certainly an odd choice.

I’m surprised that H&M haven’t come out yet with a statement accusing them the Royal household of doing it. [emoji29][emoji29][emoji12][emoji12]
Oh my. I've just read the excerpt containing the details of Meghan's first Trooping the Colour experience. It appears that she simply doesn't know when to stop with the "quips" and struggles to "read the room" and the atmosphere. Harry writes that the mood was lively until Catherine asked Meghan what she'd thought of the first parade of regimental colors and Meghan quipped "colorful." He states that the silence was deafening. It certainly sounds to me from this story that she must have said "colorful" in a snarky or sarcastic tone and didn't seem to grasp the importance of such displays and traditions. I don't think it's at all a stretch to say that she likely didn't understand what was going on or why it was so important or even what she was supposed to be enjoying about it but when everyone around you clearly does grasp this and someone politely inquires what you thought of it the appropriate response would be something along the lines of "it was lovely" or even "I'm not entirely sure I understand the significance of the colors/flags/emblems (whatever the case may be) but I'd love to learn more about it" or even a polite "it was all very interesting, I'd love to know the history behind it." A snide and snarky "colorful" just seems so entirely rude and out of place.

Good grief. No wonder this didn’t work if this was Meghan’s attitude.

The silence to Meghan’s response certainly suggests her tone was snarky or something.

Meghan comes off as repeatedly clueless about reading the room or people. Hence all the- but I’m an American- to explain everything off putting in her behavior/ responses. The problem ultimately wasn’t her being American imo. It was her.

I don’t think it’s rocket science to get that Trooping is a big deal. That should be perfectly evident just seeing it.
Has anyone figured out or understood why the publisher released the book in Spain? Certainly an odd choice.

I’m surprised that H&M haven’t come out yet with a statement accusing them the Royal household of doing it. [emoji29][emoji29][emoji12][emoji12]

From what I've read it was accidental. Copies there weren't supposed to be sold until January 10, just like everywhere else. Granted, I'm sure a lot of people will decide that it wasn't really "accidental" and maybe it wasn't, I don't know. But everything I'm seeing states that it wasn't intentional. I've also read in a few places that because it wasn't intentional no one, including Meghan and Harry, were even remotely prepared for what's happened over the past few days and are quite taken aback at the reception it's getting and that they've simply gone quiet until they figure out what to do. I have absolutely no idea if that's actually true or not but it is what I'm reading.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I buy most of my things on credit cards. I think royals do that, they have a credit card in thier royal name and the bills are settled every month. But Meg would have had a card in the name of the Duchess of Sussex and either Charles or thier own financal manager would have settled the bill.

To me, the message he’s trying to send is these 2 multi millionaires in their own right had no money. Especially compared to his brother.

He’s the spare, after all.
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I wonder will they eventually make a Spare movie? Of course, there are many people within it who are private citizens and therefore they would never permission, but the BRF are public figures so they're free game (hence all of the shows, book, and movies about them now).
I agree with all of this. I have long since stopped finding Harry & Meghan likeable and found certain faults with them, but I didn't believe the worst of them and do think they were treated poorly and were genuinely really hurting.

But if these excerpts are legitimate then I have really lost basically all respect for Harry. So I still somehow feel like this is a joke or hoax, not least because it's so embarrassing.

These releases make the Duke & Duchess look so bad, I halfway expected to see “IT WAS ALL A HOAX!” on this morning’s news.

Who remembers The Hitler Diaries?
And why did she have to buy a sofa from IKEA on credit? This does not bode well for their future financial stability.

As a professional actress working on Suits, I am pretty sure Meghan could afford more upscale furniture. And so could Harry given that he was independently a millionaire with trust funds and all that (he didn't even have to ask his dad to pay anything for him, which Charles would do anyway if asked).

But talking about being insensitive, I think Harry sounds offensive the way he talks about buying IKEA furniture on credit. The first time I lived by myself (as in not living with my parents or in a college dorm) was when I was a graduate student. I rented a one-bedroom apartment and bought my sofa, nightstand, dinner table, pretty much all of the few things I had at home at Ikea, because it was what I could afford with the stipend I got plus savings. I didn't want to ask my parents to help me buy furniture although they were upper middle-class and could afford it. I worked hard for my education (yes, my parents also paid for it up to a level, sending me to private school since I was a child, and I am grateful to them for that). Then I got myself a profession and now I own my home with furniture that is not from Ikea. I have some antiques and artwork that are family heirlooms and that my mother gave to me, mostly from my grandparents' inheritance and that is OK (I didn't have them in my rented apartment when I was a student).

I am pretty sure that what I told is typical of lots of regular people like me or even of other people who had fewer opportunities in life than I was fortunate to have and had to work even harder to make a living for themselves. It hurts me then that Harry stigmatizes buying Ikea furniture on credit as some kind of punishment for the untouchables only.
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The Taliban are now talking about the West having no respect for human rights, thsnks to Harry snd his "chessboard" comments.
This has nothing to do with "human rights". This combat was a war-like situation which lasted for many years and western soldiers as well as the Taliban dies in it. Everyone knows, that men and women involved in a war, die. Still, radical islamic sympathisers could possibly want to take some sort of sick revenge now...
Its obvious that Harry has had a long standing grudge against his brother because he was the heir and H was not. I think that Meghan did also make him think that way but it seems to me he woudl not be so angry if it wasnt a long running feelng
Bad, bad Kate for setting boundaries by not wanting to hug the first time they meet [...]

Meghan seems so far out of reality.
What does she expect? A hugging Duchess ?

A senior member of the royal family simply maintained some decorum when meeting someone for the first time.
Its obvious that Harry has had a long standing grudge against his brother because he was the heir and H was not. I think that Meghan did also make him think that way but it seems to me he woudl not be so angry if it wasnt a long running feelng

I always thought that Harry never wanted to be king, but then he had that ambition.
But the UK is lucky that William is the heir. Harry doesn't even have the profile to be king, and it's a good thing he's not the heir. Harry must try to gain maturity, as he is old enough, and find the balance to be able to move forward and accept that his brother is the heir. :whistling:
Claire, thanks for the reminder that the book would be "full of insight, revelation, self examination AND HARD WON WISDOM ".
That by line is hysterical.
And I can't imagine that Meghan and Harry are feeling content or confident today in Montecito either. The Book and its " revelations " seem to have spectacularly back fired on them. It had made them appear literally buffoonish. Laughingstocks.

Did no one seek to rein in Harry in this memoir ? Pun intended.
The Author ? Meghan ?

The worst part, besides the ridiculous broadsides against William, that have fallen flat..... is the unbelievable statement he made about the Taliban and the ones he killed being nothing more in his mind than Chess Pieces.

He better hope his Security is top notch for himself and is Family. I bet there are meetings going on now in Montecito about beefing up Security too.
If not, there should be. I pity his Team there too. He just made their job much more stressful and potentially deadly for them too.

Wonder how the neighbors feel ? I know I wouldn't be happy. That was an incredibly risky and foolish thing to say in these dangerous times.
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These releases make the Duke & Duchess look so bad, I halfway expected to see “IT WAS ALL A HOAX!” on this morning’s news.

Who remembers The Hitler Diaries?

Agree - I still cannot believe it either. What happened to the Man I have became today stuff. At the moment I think Harry was a brat and grew into a larger more dislikable idiot.

From what I understand if it is a hoax - considering people in Spain brought it. They would have to compensate them more then what they paid. And it really seems like the books were placed on shelf by accident.
The interviews and the Guardian leak (which was approved) also are telling the same narrative.
is the last interview live? wondering if he will pull out of that one - or go completely off his cracker.
I suspect they are going to blame the Ghostwriter and the publisher. Expect the Cut again - we trusted people with our story and such.

However the Sussex supporters are wrapping this up - this was not good in many many ways.
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I wonder how members of other royal families, especially the european ones (the imperial houshold of Japan must be shocked and disgusted about all this dirt to death...!) think of all this? I mean, this is not just damaging the reputation of the Windsors, which, I think is perhaps almost irrepairable now, but also the reputation of the instituation of monarchies in general! Many people who are not dealing with this subject on a daily basis only read these scandalous headlines and might regard Royalty as such as decadent and evil as Prince Harry portrays himself and his family...?!
I wonder how members of other royal families, especially the european ones (the imperial houshold of Japan must be shocked and disgusted about all this dirt to death...!) think of all this? I mean, this is not just damaging the reputation of the Windsors, which, I think is perhaps almost irrepairable now, but also the reputation of the instituation of monarchies in general! Many people who are not dealing with this subject on a daily basis only read these scandalous headlines and might regard Royalty as such as decadent and evil as Prince Harry portrays himself and his family...?!

Well, the toe-sucking Sarah, the damning Diana, the bumbling Andrew, I think the public has been hardened now and sees it as a new chapter in an ongoing saga.
TBH I think it dawned on Meghan at the funeral of HMQ what she had walked away from.

Doubtful. Don’t forget she was savaged shamelessly by the press. I’m sure she’s much happier where she is.
The BRF absolutely don’t need to say anything. Everyone can see this book for what it is. Except- I guess- Scobie. Haven’t read his take, but I can guess.

That's a very good point. The BRF indeed does not have to lift a finger, this book is so self-destructive that it completely discredits H&M - now and in the future.

They've already done a pretty good job discrediting themselves vis a vis having been caught repeatedly saying things that are factually wrong. This book about Harry's alternative perception of the world and his (and according to his narrative, Meghan too) inability to see things from the perspective of other people, is a major nail in their coffin. - Alas not the last nail, because there will be more to come.
While this must be most unsettling for the BRF, they can basically remain passive and still come out on top.
Doubtful. Don’t forget she was savaged shamelessly by the press. I’m sure she’s much happier where she is.

I'm not even sure if she was anymore, if it was really that worse than others...
with all the stuff they publish themselves, they proved many stories the media published about them to actually be correct, and for the allegedly most damning ones, i don't think they managed to show any real headlines in any of their interviews and documentaries...they used fabricated and out of context headlines..

What they are doing themselves is much worse than anything the media would come up with, if the media had stated these quotes out of the blue, we would all have laughed them off, and attributed it to 'the nasty media'

That said, I'm sure you are right that she's much happier where she is now, this would never have worked.. even if only half of their truth is actually somewhere near *the* truth
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Yes, I understand what you are saying, but my point is why DID Harry feel the need to even elaborate ?
Why did that particular story make it into the Book ?
Because it passively-aggressively calls attention to William and Kate's lifestyle in a time of economic pain for many.
Second, I still found it odd that a UBER rich couple would put out that they were basically economizing by buying lower end IKEA furniture, and Harry made sure to mention that they used Meghan Credit Card.

There are lots of better quality furniture designed for small spaces too. Especially in London where they were based.
Although I have to laugh picturing Harry putting the furniture together, *if* in fact any of this is true.

Granada-I honestly cannot figure out why that one or 80% of the other stories that he's featured in the book ever made it passed the editors. :sad: Every hour it seems like there is something else that tops the last one and none of it reflects well on Harry and Meghan.
Another thing I don't understand is why make such comments about Afghanistan. It was either utterly naive or very calculated.
I sure hope it's the first one.
Because if second is the case, that is low. The probable goal would be to prove that they need state funded security and to forse UK /BRF to do it. And the reason? Well, I'm trying to understand, but only two things come to my mind and I don't like either of them. First is their feeling of self importance. Second is that this is one of the ways to establish themselves in US high society. I mean, who else in Montecito or California or among US celebrities has state funded security? Nothing beats that (except having royal titles perhaps).

I think it has more to do with owning his role in fighting the Taliban. It’s not easy to take a person’s life, even if every one of them would kill him and any other soldier fighting against them without a second thought. I think this is Harry coming to terms with what he did.
I hope the BRF will grace this book with silence. The contenct says so much more about Harry himself as about anyone else mentioned. I wouldn't even know where to start therefore I remain silent.
I wonder how members of other royal families, especially the european ones (the imperial houshold of Japan must be shocked and disgusted about all this dirt to death...!) think of all this? I mean, this is not just damaging the reputation of the Windsors, which, I think is perhaps almost irrepairable now, but also the reputation of the instituation of monarchies in general! Many people who are not dealing with this subject on a daily basis only read these scandalous headlines and might regard Royalty as such as decadent and evil as Prince Harry portrays himself and his family...?!

The only ones who are getting bad reputation are H&M, they made fools of themselves.
I think it has more to do with owning his role in fighting the Taliban. It’s not easy to take a person’s life, even if every one of them would kill him and any other soldier fighting against them without a second thought. I think this is Harry coming to terms with what he did.

But is comparing them to chesspieces a wise way to come to terms with it? Has he really come to terms with it and telling us what he learned? Or is he halfway through therapy and this book is a public therapy session?

I know some forms of therapy use a 'write down your thoughts', but usually you're supposed to reread the stuff for yourself to 'see it with fresh eyes' or burn it to put it past you...not publish it in a book for all the world to see..
Does anyone know what engagements members of the RF have today? I cannot imagine being a family member and having the press yell out questions and asking for comments about things Harry has disclosed. Disgusting and despicable.:nonono:

Also, I know very little about publishing so I’d be interested in others’ expertise: will there be repercussions to the reputations of the publisher and/or ghostwriter for this garbage or is this just “who cares as long as we make money” and “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”?:ermm:
I read a bit of an excerpt last night, though for the life of me I can't remember where, that reads "Eternally the outsider, Harry appears to compare himself to King Henry IV, who was 'exiled and then returned to annihilate every obstacle and person that stood before him', adding: 'My distant relative. My soulmate, some would say.'"

I took a screenshot as I was reading because I was so flabbergasted that he genuinely appears to be saying, in black and white, that his goal is literally to annihilate the RF and/or the monarchy. Friends, I'm not sure what the rest of you are making of this unfolding drama but I'm now firmly in the camp that Harry is on a spiral and desperately needs an intervention. In fact, while I don't expect there to be any statement whatsoever from the RF and I firmly expect them to allow this to burn itself out because they're reading the same reactions we all are, I do believe that at this point any statement they would issue might actually be along the lines of "we're concerned about Harry and hope that he is able to obtain the help that he so obviously needs."

Edited to add that it was a part of the DM recap about the revelations of the book.
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This just gets worse and worse for Meghan and Harry...apparently Tom Bower gave an interview yesterday to discuss the excerpts that have come out from Spare and in doing so revealed that while writing his own book he was told that Meghan asked Catherine how it felt to be cuckolded by William (remember that there were unsubstantiated rumors of an affair). If, and that's a huge if, this is true I can completely and fully understand any and all goodwill from William, Catherine, and the RF going out the window. I desperately hope that no one, including Meghan, would ever be that crass, uncouth, and cruel but after all that I'm reading straight from Harry's own pen I really don't believe I'd be surprised by anything anymore.
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