"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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That is really odd. :ermm: What about the number of royals whose names begin with "E": Elizabeth and the two Edwards? (Eugenie too but she's not a working royal.)

What about Charlotte? If C is such a problem.
It's no big deal to have a slug of the gas and air. At each of my children's births, my husband helped himself to the gas several times, which gave us both a fit of the giggles.

Apparently he slugged away and drained the canister.
Here's point by point from BBC (they have Spanish copy so I guess this is a live update while someone read it):

What I found shocking that I read this on BBC:
Prince Harry recalled the moment he*wet his pants*just hours before he was due to meet Meghan for their first date. The duke said he was out at sea for a racing competition on a boat that didn't have a toilet when the accident occurred

Writing about the ordeal, he said: "All I cared about was jumping into the water, washing off the pee from my trousers and getting back to London as fast as possible where I was about to start my real race"

Sorry if this is crass, but dude, could you just aim it to the sea? Or for him it has to be in the loo. No wonder he's so impressed that Meghan peed in the bush. Then again, Harry was in army right? I doubt toilet is always available when he's training in the wild or when he'd been deployed. Don't tell me in those case he'd ask helicopter to get him to the nearest loo.

And he surely does love to talk about his nether region, doesn't he?
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Did ANYONE actually read this book before it got published? Besides Harry and Meghan.

I know the publishers don’t care as long as they can sell it. But- anyone else? Lawyers? PR people? The more that comes out about this book- the worse it seems.

This is sounding like it was written by a teenager. An emotionally stunted one at that.
Or someone high. Or having….issues. Maybe all of the above.
Neither Charles nor William can be seen as heartless and stingy because there will always be people who pity Harry, regardless of the diarrhea of the mouth problem he has. In the long run, once all the attention (book sales) has dried up, it will be better for the dignity of Crown to keep Harry (modestly) paid off and silent than continuing to share embarrassing family secrets he might still be privy to.

Remember, part of the Duke of Windsor's pay-off included his exile from Britain, and thus from the royal family itself to spare more embarrassment.

How could they pay him off? If EII was/had been clever her legacy for Harry has/had been tied to conditions, but as we see Harry still telling all, the Queen seems to have missed that oppurtunity to silence Harry.
And how far should CIII go financially? If there is a number in the Sussex's head I guess it's unimaginably high amount and nobody can seriously agree to this option.
Did ANYONE actually read this book before it got published? Besides Harry and Meghan.

I know the publishers don’t care as long as they can sell it. But- anyone else? Lawyers? PR people? The more that comes out about this book- the worse it seems.

This is sounding like it was written by a teenager. An emotionally stunted one at that.
Or someone high. Or having….issues. Maybe all of the above.

Presumably they had to clear it with lawyers.
Charles gave them and Will money for the expenses of their engagements, which saved the tax payer a bit. Its true he did not HAVE to do this but it was a generous and tactful gesture towards the British tax payer.....
Charles must have given them money to cover their living expenses too. During the Oprah interview, it was obvious that Harry was shocked and outraged that he had to use his inheritance for living expenses. He certainly wasn't living on his Army salary before he became a full-time royal.
I wonder if some of the anecdotes that Harry feels the need to 'reveal' are actually said jokingly by the other person.
If a C was a problem, William and Kate (Cate?) wouldn't have named their daughter Charlotte :flowers:

From a lot of the stuff that he's releasing to the world, Harry seems like a person who only understands humor when he is the one making the joke..
I think quite similarly, yes. I doubt Catherine's name was a problem at any point - didn't Camilla gift her a bracelet with two "C" on a pendant?

It might be an issue of Harry not understanding the jokes or fully knowing these were jokes but spinning it in a completely different direction. I feel similarly about the paternity comments from King Charles:

"“Pa liked telling stories, and this was one of the best in his repertoire. He’d always end with a burst of philosophizing … Who knows if I’m really the Prince of Wales? Who knows if I’m even your real father?"

Yes, it might've been in a poor taste, but can I imagine a situation where Charles, fully knowing Harry is indeed his son, used jokes - and included himself in them - to try to help him deal with the situation.
Here's point by point from BBC (they have Spanish copy so I guess this is a live update while someone read it):

What I found shocking that I read this on BBC:

Sorry if this is crass, but dude, could you just aim it to the sea? Or for him it has to be in the loo. No wonder he's so impressed that Meghan peed in the bush. Then again, Harry was in army right? I doubt toilet is always available when he's training in the wild or when he'd been deployed. Don't tell me in those case he'd ask helicopter to get him to the nearest loo.

And he surely does love to talk about his nether region, doesn't he?
I suppose it's an American thing as well - everything rude Meghan does is explained away as her being American, so why not him? I suppose the Americans I know in real life aren't real Americans.
I suppose it's an American thing as well - everything rude Meghan does is explained away as her being American, so why not him? I suppose the Americans I know in real life aren't real Americans.

I am definitely must not be an American because I have never nor would I ever do the stuff that Meghan has done.

I am really tired of the " Well she is an american and they do this". No we really don't.

Part of me does want to put the book on hold at my library just to see if the last few days weren't just a trick on the media. But I just not in the mood to read a Privileged prince whine about how he got the smaller room in a castle, lost his virginity behind the pub or that he and his wife are jealous of his brother and sister in law.
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I suppose it's an American thing as well - everything rude Meghan does is explained away as her being American, so why not him? I suppose the Americans I know in real life aren't real Americans.

The story about "the boat, the pants and the nether region" ;) is to me a typical "Harry the lad" story, not so much 'an american thing'.
You know, when you are with your fellow lads, maybe in a bar on a fridaynight, maybe after a few beers, the story that you blurt out and all the lads have a good laugh about.

But when Harry writes a 'tell all' book, he apparently really tells all :lol:
Did ANYONE actually read this book before it got published? Besides Harry and Meghan.

I know the publishers don’t care as long as they can sell it. But- anyone else? Lawyers? PR people? The more that comes out about this book- the worse it seems.

This is sounding like it was written by a teenager. An emotionally stunted one at that.
Or someone high. Or having….issues. Maybe all of the above.

Maybe he took "tell-all" quite literally. "All" means "everything", right? And this book has been promoted as "unflinchingly honest" ....
The story about "the boat, the pants and the nether region" ;) is to me a typical "Harry the lad" story, not so much 'an american thing'.
You know, when you are with your fellow lads, maybe in a bar on a fridaynight, maybe after a few beers, the story that you blurt out and all the lads have a good laugh about.

But when Harry writes a 'tell all' book, he apparently really tells all :lol:

Doesn't he?

I work in book field. Just last night, I was thinking who could possibly include a (needless) detail about forgetting to flush the toilet into a novel. I guess I now know - the son of HM The King.


I now fear to find out what I'm going to find in THIS book. Harry's book, I will just "forget" to read. But this one, I have to finish...
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How could they pay him off? If EII was/had been clever her legacy for Harry has/had been tied to conditions, but as we see Harry still telling all, the Queen seems to have missed that oppurtunity to silence Harry.
And how far should CIII go financially? If there is a number in the Sussex's head I guess it's unimaginably high amount and nobody can seriously agree to this option.

I don't think they will be in a strong negotiating position. In my opinion, Harry and Meghan will not be able to sustain their lifestyle. I've seen estimates that his security alone costs $5 million a year. Even if the true number is half that, I don't see how they can sustain it. They fly around in private jets and have a lot of housing costs (mortgage, taxes, maintenance). His deals with Netflix, Penguin and Spotify are profitable, but there are many expenses, including taxes, employees, production costs, etc.

I think there is enough interest for one more blockbuster book, but I also believe in the law of diminishing returns. Objectively, they have not demonstrated sufficient talent to develop lucrative careers without relying on his connections. There are rumors that Meghan is considering running for public office but even if she were successful, she would not be able to make serious money until she left office.

I think Charles would give them a home in the UK and a comfortable allowance. If they demand more than that, I think Charles and William will say no and weather whatever mud is sling at them.
Here's point by point from BBC (they have Spanish copy so I guess this is a live update while someone read it):

What I found shocking that I read this on BBC:

Sorry if this is crass, but dude, could you just aim it to the sea? Or for him it has to be in the loo. No wonder he's so impressed that Meghan peed in the bush. Then again, Harry was in army right? I doubt toilet is always available when he's training in the wild or when he'd been deployed. Don't tell me in those case he'd ask helicopter to get him to the nearest loo.

And he surely does love to talk about his nether region, doesn't he?

He sure does!
I wouldn't be the least surprised by now, if his is disclosing the size of his...

Well, there should always be options for a guy. Bottle, can, plastic bag or indeed into the sea - In contrast to some surfers who also urinate in their suits, Harry would hardly be in any danger from inquisitive sharks.
It's Harry the lad again.
While I dare say most grown men use vulgar toilet-humor between ourselves from time to time, I do myself, most tend to not to put them in writing.

It might be an issue of Harry not understanding the jokes or fully knowing these were jokes but spinning it in a completely different direction. I feel similarly about the paternity comments from King Charles:

"“Pa liked telling stories, and this was one of the best in his repertoire. He’d always end with a burst of philosophizing … Who knows if I’m really the Prince of Wales? Who knows if I’m even your real father?"

Yes, it might've been in a poor taste, but can I imagine a situation where Charles, fully knowing Harry is indeed his son, used jokes - and included himself in them - to try to help him deal with the situation.

I haven't found the actual article but I read somewhere else that Harry admits that Charles was joking about visiting a hospital and meeting a patient who thought he was the Prince of Wales. Personally, I think it was in poor taste to laugh about a person who is mentally ill. But it is a common coping mechanism often used by first responders and medical personal. I can understand why Harry is sensitive about joking on that subject but since he doesn't understand why other people didn't think Meghan's attempts at humor were funny, he doesn't get to complain.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I think quite similarly, yes. I doubt Catherine's name was a problem at any point - didn't Camilla gift her a bracelet with two "C" on a pendant?

It might be an issue of Harry not understanding the jokes or fully knowing these were jokes but spinning it in a completely different direction. I feel similarly about the paternity comments from King Charles:

"“Pa liked telling stories, and this was one of the best in his repertoire. He’d always end with a burst of philosophizing … Who knows if I’m really the Prince of Wales? Who knows if I’m even your real father?"

Yes, it might've been in a poor taste, but can I imagine a situation where Charles, fully knowing Harry is indeed his son, used jokes - and included himself in them - to try to help him deal with the situation.

If some of these stories are even real- IA- they were told as jokes.

I was thinking the same thing: He could be well aware they were jokes and chose to relate them seriously knowing how they’d come off if the audience took them seriously. The latter wouldn’t be surprising given the bitter, mean spirited path he’s chosen to take.
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For all we know Charles might at one time have been happy to contribute financially towards a home in America for the family,

There was a 12 month period for them to consider their options, in the meantime the Queens health was failing so a home for the couple possibly not a priority.

If they had established a career without dissing the family it might have happened.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I am definitely must not be an American because I have never nor would I ever do the stuff that Meghan has done.

I am really tired of the " Well she is an american and they do this". No we really don't.

Part of me does want to put the book on hold at my library just to see if the last few days weren't just a trick on the media. But I just not in the mood to read a Privileged prince whine about how he got the smaller room in a castle, lost his virginity behind the pub or that he and his wife are jealous of his brother and sister in law.

I’m way past Meghan’s “American” excuses. It just makes me really dislike her- trying to explain away her poor behavior by essentially putting it on all of us. Our culture. Just no. It’s not California either. It’s her. She can own it. Never mind….I think we all know by now how good Meghan is at taking responsibility for anything. She has to blame the whole country when necessary.

I don’t plan on reading this, but I can’t imagine actually listening to these crass, petty, mean, bitter, privacy breaching stories. In Harry’s voice no less. Ugh.

I am looking forward to posters take on it though.
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He sure does!
I wouldn't be the least surprised by now, if his is disclosing the size of his...

Well, there should always be options for a guy. Bottle, can, plastic bag or indeed into the sea - In contrast to some surfers who also urinate in their suits, Harry would hardly be in any danger from inquisitive sharks.
It's Harry the lad again.
While I dare say most grown men use vulgar toilet-humor between ourselves from time to time, I do myself, most tend to not to put them in writing.

Unfortunately he does.
(Sorry, this is Daily Mail link)

Prince Harry reveals he was taunted about Diana 'being pregnant with a Muslim baby' when she died during his military hostage training - and says instructor later apologised for going too far


In the Spanish translation of his book 'Spare', the Duke of Sussex says he was abducted and tortured - including being kept awake for several days - as part of his combat training.*


The blindfolded prince said that someone then spat in his face during an interrogation where they were forced to undress by captors who 'pointed at our limp c***s, and talked endlessly about how small they were'.

After he was verbally abused he was dragged into another room where he was told the exercise was over.

I don't think they will be in a strong negotiating position. In my opinion, Harry and Meghan will not be able to sustain their lifestyle. I've seen estimates that his security alone costs $5 million a year. Even if the true number is half that, I don't see how they can sustain it. They fly around in private jets and have a lot of housing costs (mortgage, taxes, maintenance). His deals with Netflix, Penguin and Spotify are profitable, but there are many expenses, including taxes, employees, production costs, etc.

I think there is enough interest for one more blockbuster book, but I also believe in the law of diminishing returns. Objectively, they have not demonstrated sufficient talent to develop lucrative careers without relying on his connections. There are rumors that Meghan is considering running for public office but even if she were successful, she would not be able to make serious money until she left office.

I think Charles would give them a home in the UK and a comfortable allowance. If they demand more than that, I think Charles and William will say no and weather whatever mud is sling at them.

I think the only thing left is Meghan’s memoir. I shudder to think of it, should it happen.

IA- they haven’t displayed the talent necessary to really maintain their lifestyle.

I’d say Meghan has no chance in politics, but when I think of the current state of politics….there could be voters who buy whatever she’s trying to sell. I don’t see Nancy Pelosi liking her though.

I think her and Harry’s other big problem is you have to have powerful people (ie connections) backing you. In politics, entertainment, etc. These 2 have incinerated a lot of bridges. Who wants to work with people who are shown to be as indiscreet and petty as they have? Especially when you could possibly work with Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine and other royals.
I think that for some details in the book he had several things in his mind when he decided to go public.

Talking about his nether parts, peeing, drugs, other intimate details :
- Not only is he still Harry the lad (remember, Harry the lad didn't do this to his family back then), but that he has evolved into lad 2.0., thanks to his ever perfect wife.
- If he talks so openly about something so private, of course everything he says is the absolute and only truth. How can now anyone doubt it?

Talking about Afghanistan:
- He is a hero, not just an ordinary soldier. How did the late Queen dare to strip him of his honorary military titles? She was obviously manipulated and brainwashed. And what about banning him from official wreath laying ceremonies? Not letting him wear his former uniforms?
- William the heir never served in Afghanistan, but the spare did (and killed 25 enemies for his country while the heir killed nobody). Oh the irony.

But the problem is - how come none of us sees the truth? We too were most likely manipulated and brainwashed by the palace, William and Kate :)
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Gas and air is commonly giving to women in labour in UK to manage pain. When you see labour in British films and them breathing in that’s it. It has nitrous oxide in it. He claims he was breathing it in while she was in labour. I’d kill him.

oh for goodness sake he might have taken a puff of it, as he was panicking. It is not a big deal
I recommend reading this thread for a good laugh

To think that people worried this book will general social media storm against BRF but ends up as the source of comedy gold ....

Fabulous, this ia a screenplay of the Duke of Sussex and Duke of Cambridge battling it out, comedy style, in the making :lol:
some gems
"By laying fragile dog bowls across the battlefield, cambridge will render it impassable to the forces of sussex"
"My local Homebase has only 30 minutes parking. Could they get the battle done in half an hour?"
I recommend reading this thread for a good laugh

To think that people worried this book will general social media storm against BRF but ends up as the source of comedy gold ....

I’d seen part of this last night, but it just goes on and on. Hilarious.

Someone clever added to the Bayeux tapestry with William and Harold’s altercation.
I still don't understand about wanting to wear the Spencer tiara - they have no right to it, and that has nothing to do with the Queen - it is Charles Spencer's. But he gives the impression that it is there waiting.

The more I hear about Tiara-gate, the more I think it was a fuss over the Greville Emerald kokoshnik.

It sounds like Meghan was originally going to wear the Spencer tiara, which belongs to Charles Spencer who would be more than happy to lend it. Meghan wearing the Spencer tiara instead of one from the Royal Collection would be a spit in the eye to the BRF since it would be more traditional for her to wear one belonging to the royal side of Harry's family, as opposed to his mother's family. Lord Spencer despises the BRF, and Harry's bride choosing the Spencer tiara over one from the royal vault would tickle him pink.

At some point, the Queen made the standard offer of a royal tiara to a marrying-in bride and I think Meghan saw the Greville kokoshnik, liked the color of the emeralds as well as the idea that she'd be wearing something that had been hidden away in the vault for a while. Then someone (maybe Andrew) reminded the Queen that Eugenie had previously asked to wear it on her wedding day, and the choice was taken away from Meghan who was left rather bitter about it.

That's the only scenario that makes sense to me after all of this.

On a side note, since one of the other selections appears to have been either the horrific Aquamarine Pine Flower or the drab Aquamarine floral tiara that Sophie has worn, I would say Meghan made the smart choice in the end going with the Diamond Bandeau.
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