"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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If Harry indeed wrote the baby brains part, he must have taken a permanent leave of his own brains. I fail to see how this makes Meghan look good, especially with those batting eyelids and dramatic, "No one asked me if I was OK" after she gave birth herself.
So now we are told Meghan told Kate she had baby brain because of “her hormones”. There’s low, there’s lower and then there’s this.

We don’t know what was inferred or said to Meghan, during HER pregnancy or as a new mother in a new country by any of the royals or others at KP or BP. We will have to wait for the book to see rather than these sorts of teasers, which don’t give the whole picture.
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So according to Harry, the whole who made who cry thing started because Meghan told Kate that she must have “baby brains” due to the hormones. This makes Meghan look really bad and calls into question the answer she gave to Oprah about the whole incident.
What amazes me is Harry saying that he was scared of his brother. Even if Will did shove him at some stage, Harry is a big sturdy bloke who is a trained soldier. Is he not capable of shouting back or defending himself?

Then Harry can’t just be the victim.

It’s one of the reasons I don’t buy his stories. It is so obvious what the intent is.

I believe this is now the second story where he paints William as the total aggressor and himself as the pacifist who was just there, that didn’t contribute to the situation. Not buying it.
We don’t know what was inferred or said to Meghan, during HER pregnancy or as a new mother in a new country by any of the royals or others at KP or BP. We will have to wait for the book to see rather than these sorts of teasers, which don’t give the whole picture.

but we do know.
So according to Harry, the whole who made who cry thing started because Meghan told Kate that she must have “baby brains” due to the hormones. This makes Meghan look really bad and calls into question the answer she gave to Oprah about the whole incident.

And that's after Catherine suffered HG. A close family of mine did so, both times. It takes a special kind of person to tell such a thing to a woman who has gone through this. But then Meghan went on whining that no one said nice things to HER after she gave birth. That's treble standards if I ever saw ones.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

For which Meghan apologised to the court and actually won her case I seem to remember! And we have only got excerpts the Guardian chose to print of this incident. I’ve pre ordered the book and intend to read all of it.

Meghan had no choice but to apologize to the court. She got caught lying. She doesn’t get credit for that imo. And she apologized for supposedly forgetting. She lied. The judge knew it. Most of the public knew it. But oh no…she forgot.

That Meghan won a case is immaterial to the fact that said case proved she is a liar. And that she was willing to lie in court of all places.

I think I get the general idea from the excerpts. It’s what I expected from Harry.
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Well, there’s the money, and his main sounding board these days is Meghan, not much known for her stellar family conflict resolution skills.

But what’s also become obvious to me in the past couple of years is that Harry’s inherited the worst of Diana’s self destructive tendencies, as well as Charles’ ability to whine and see himself as a victim. Then there’s the trauma of losing his mother, the years of self medication with alcohol and other substances… you need a certain amount of maturity to be able to think about what you hope to achieve, especially when it comes to thinking of longer term goals, and Harry may not have that.

My advice to him would be do a bit of self introspection, in fact self reflection is what I expect when I read a memoir which based on the leaks up to now seems to lack in this "memoir".

In the end of the day, the only winner is the media. Yes, Netflix is a hit, this book is best-seller, but at what cost for Harry? The Sussexes' seem to be self conscious on what they've been perceivesd on the media (main stream and social media) and I don't they recent trend would be good in the long run for their mental health if they keep going down this road.

About the alleged Charles' comment during the late Duke funeral, I'll say maybe this is your karma for the headache his own parents went through during the 90s war of the Waleses.
Meghan had no choice but to apologize to the court. She got caught lying. She doesn’t get credit for that imo. And she apologized for supposedly forgetting. She lied. The judge knew it. Most of the public knew it. But oh no…she forgot. I

That Meghan won a case is immaterial to the fact that said case proved she is a liar. And that she was willing to lie in court of all places.

I think I get the general idea from the excerpts. It’s what I expected from Harry.

Well, I suppose Harry can follow his big, strong, amazing wife's lead and apologize for forgetting whatever... only, he won't need to because this isn't court. He can say literally whatever he wants because he knows there would be no legal consequences. But the consequences for his finances will get wonderful if the book turns out to be juicy enough.
It appears to me that many think William and Kate and Charles are perfect. They never could do a thing wrong. Why is that? They are not perfect. They are human. They do wrong but it is known that the Royals Family hides everything. Harry lost his protection and Allie, when Diana, his mother, passed away. Over the years what really transpired and was kept secret that Harry could not say until now. When he met Megan he had someone to stand by him , a new ally. The family did not like this Megan it was was not their pick. His old girlfriends wanted nothing to do with the ‘ Firm’. They saw the writing and the wall and did not want to be a part of it. It is sad to see the any family torn apart. Harry is telling stories from the past that to show things have been happening for a long time. It peaked when he married Megan. Harry finally did what he wanted, not what the Firm wanted. I think the entire family are at fault…all the royals and Charles being the dad should have stepped up and put a stop to much of it. He was to busy with his own love affair that destroyed his family. Just think..this could be happening in your family….an entire family destroyed. JMOO just like you have yours.

I don’t think the family is perfect.

But it hasn’t escaped my attention that Harry and Meghan are always the victims in their recollection of events. So- I’m giving their versions (because their stories change) the credence I think they merit with nothing but their word to go by. Plus- they are proven liars.

And no one needed to know this. I’m of the opinion that private family matters should stay….private.

I’m just not going there regarding Charles. I don’t agree. But I think that’s off the subject.
odds are that thy are invited but will find an excuse not to come. I agree that they are not gonna get a warm welcome from most peopele

In future, they should not be invited to any public royal events.
Private family visits only.

(Although, this memoir may ensure that there will be no more contact with the RF).
Charles will invite them to the UK, though he may be very cautious what is said to them
About the alleged Charles' comment during the late Duke funeral, I'll say maybe this is your karma for the headache his own parents went through during the 90s war of the Waleses.

so is Harry's present unhappiness over the past years some kind of karma for something he's done?
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Reading the article in the daily mail, it sounds like people are translating from the Spanish version. I hope it’s not a great translation because the writing sounds completely juvenile.

Harry looks at his brother, seeing a familiar scowl, baldness worse than his own, and less resemblance to Diana than before?

Reading the article in the daily mail, it sounds like people are translating from the Spanish version. I hope it’s not a great translation because the writing sounds completely juvenile.

Harry looks at his brother, seeing a familiar scowl, baldness worse than his own, and less resemblance to Diana than before?


The "baby brain" comment reinforces William's and the Staff's perception that Meghan was rude and abrasive. Harry just can't see it though because he is nesmerized by Meghan.
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My first reaction on reading that was how frustrating it must have been to see Harry respond that his family was only repeating a press narrative. They'd met Meghan. They'd shared a staff. They had no need to go by press reports.

If one person tells you your wife is a problem, they might be the problem. If most of the people who know you and who work with you are telling you your wife is a problem, you maybe need to think about your wife.

My thoughts exactly. DM is also now reporting a passage in the book detailing comments made by Meghan to Catherine that Catherine must have "baby brain because of her hormones" and how Meghan was offended that she was reprimanded and told her comments were inappropriate. I found it eyebrow raising that this particular passage doesn't appear to make Meghan look very good and I'm honestly surprised that it was included. The article itself appears to say that the book does not reveal who it was that reprimanded her about the comments but frankly, that's an incredibly rude thing to say and I'm a bit surprised that Harry included such a passage knowing that it didn't exactly make Meghan look spotless.
Denville, why WOULD Charles invite them to even private Events now? I love your comments -posts but I'm just curious.

Harry, his son is wildly and unfairly attacking Charles - Camilla,.......William -Catherine......and The Institution that Charles leads. That he is still finding his footing in being head of. A Institution that depends on its reputation to exist and flourish. A very unique Family-Business, A Monarchy that The Sussex's have turned into a Soap Opera of epic proportions.
Nothing to cheap or damaging gets a pass. Supposedly physical violence from the future King of England. That's UNBELIEVABLY explosive.

Political implications abound too, an unstable violent future King, no less.

Nothing is off the record and out of bounds in this. No one is "spared". Allegedly private conversations are rehashed, interactions between family members recounted, all while promoting the narrative that Harry and Meghan did nothing wrong, didn't contribute in any way shape or form to any ill feelings or misunderstandings either.

Just innocent victims that The Family allowed-encouraged to be painted as villains.

The Family would be smart to cut off all contact with them. Arms length isn't going to cut it. They have betrayed and sold out The Family and the Monarchy for personal gain, to elevate their profile and giant monetary compensation.
Harry is a traitor. One who betrays under the quise of friendship is the definition.
And Harry supposedly "wants his father and brother back" ? Sure, he says " there can never be PEACE unless the TRUTH is out there".
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Having followed this story closely from the beginning, I think that the bullying allegations are well-established and have been credibly reported from multiple sources, none of which have been sued under Britain's extremely generous libel laws. There are factual reasons to treat allegations of Meghan's bullying of staff as credible.

Agreed. Frankly their history of being extremely sue-happy makes it very, very telling when a claim like this is so widely and readily out there for public consumption, makes Meghan and by extension Harry look awful, and isn't the subject of a lawsuit. Of all the stories they've been happy to do battle over this would be the story I would expect a lawsuit about and we've seen not the slightest threat of a suit being filed. That speaks volumes.
My thoughts exactly. DM is also now reporting a passage in the book detailing comments made by Meghan to Catherine that Catherine must have "baby brain because of her hormones" and how Meghan was offended that she was reprimanded and told her comments were inappropriate. I found it eyebrow raising that this particular passage doesn't appear to make Meghan look very good and I'm honestly surprised that it was included. The article itself appears to say that the book does not reveal who it was that reprimanded her about the comments but frankly, that's an incredibly rude thing to say and I'm a bit surprised that Harry included such a passage knowing that it didn't exactly make Meghan look spotless.

This is the Fail presenting a snippet from what may well be a bad English translation from Spanish. Goodness knows what is being presented as being in the book.
Harry and Meghan have no need to worry about The Coronation.
*If* they were even invited, it will be rescinded.
They simply will not be welcomed there now. The British People would not stand for it. Under ANY circumstances.
They went nuclear and from the small snippets I am seeing, there is not any way forward for the toxic and malicious Sussex's.

And again, Harry wrote this under the assumption that the Queen would still be alive to witness this. .......

They are and remain welcome. The King clearly wants to stand above it and send the message that his son and daughter-in-law will always find an open door, even when they themselves again and again slam it closed.
The "baby brain" comment reinforces William's and the Staff's perception that Meghan was rude and abrasive. Harry just can't see it though because he is nesmerized by Meghan.

Right now- that’s my take away.

I think Meghan knew how that comment would make her look. So- it conveniently got left out of her story to Oprah.

Harry- I can absolutely see not getting it. He has Meghan on such a high pedestal.
Denville, why WOULD Charles invite them to even private Events now? I love your comments -posts but I'm just curious.

Harry, his son is wildly and unfairly attacking Charles - Camilla,.......William -Catherine......and The Institution that Charles leads. That he is still finding his footing in being head of. A Institution that depends on its reputation to exist and flourish. A very unique Family-Business, A Monarchy that The Sussex's have turned into a Soap Opera of epic proportions.
Nothing to cheap or damaging gets a pass. Supposedly physical violence from the future King of England. That's UNBELIEVABLY explosive.

Political implications abound too, an unstable violent future King, no less.

It is unfortunate that William (allegedly) grabbed Harry by his collar and pushed him onto the floor (William, according to Harry's own account, did not hit him), but I doubt there will be any political implications. Politicians in the UK by default do not comment on private affairs of the Royal Family. William, on the other hand, has a 60+ favorability rating and, if anything, the British public will be disgusted that Harry is selling out his own family for 20 million dollars (which was his alleged cash advance for Spare if I am not mistaken).

I am also with Denville on wondering what Harry hopes to achieve with those interviews and the book, other than money to finance his lavish lifestyle. He is unlikely to boost his popularity (or hurt William's). He is also unlikely to get a public "apology" from the Royal Family or a U-turn on half-in, half-out. And even Harry is not so naive to imagine that whatever he does will affect the line of the succession to the British Crown, which can be changed only with the assent of 15 national Parliaments.
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I don't think anyone is perfect. If it is true that William attacked Harry physically, that is unacceptable and perhaps criminal. The problem is that Harry has not been a reliable narrator. We has only now admitted that Meghan said something derogatory to Catherine at the bridesmaids' fitting, which calls into question Meghan's assertions that Kate made Meghan cry. We also know that Meghan committed perjury - there is no way she "forgot" that she cooperated with Finding Freedom - and Harry let her.

I doubt this is true because Harry and Meghan's behavior after the supposed assault is not consistent with his allegations. I keep flashing back to the Commonwealth service. William and Catherine were studiously avoiding Harry and Meghan, yet both Harry and Meghan were making obvious attempts to engage them. Meghan was smiling and I think even gave William a wave. There is no way I would act that way if my brother-in-law had assaulted my husband a few months before. After a polo match, William shrugged off Harry's arm. Harry's description of his and William's estranged relationship in subsequent interviews did not even hint that William had behaved so outrageously.

It doesn't add up. I assume that assaulting Harry is unusual behavior on William's part, so there are major gaps in the story. Harry admits they were trading insults. Did Harry pushed William first? Did William grab Harry's shirt collar to make a point (also not acceptable but not an assault) and Harry pushed away and lost his balance?

If the assault happened, what did Harry say that made William so angry? IF anything, I think it is reasonable to assume that it had something to do with Catherine or Diana. If true, that wouldn't excuse William but it would be a mitigating factor.

Despite his temper, William has maintained relationships with family and friends, as have Charles and Catherine. Harry is estranged from his entire family other than Eugenie (and maybe Beatrice) and virtually everyone he grew up with. Harry didn't bother to take the Queen up on her invitation to visit her int he weeks before her death, despite claims that he enjoyed a special relationship with her.
I think they want paid to go away, give up titles and the place in the succession.

This is all blackmail. give us what we want or we will go on and on
Arch-nemesis? Baby brain? Balding and looking less like Diana? Physical fights between two grown men?

This book is sounding like The Real Housewives of Windsor. I already have my audiobook preordered to continue this mess.
This is the Fail presenting a snippet from what may well be a bad English translation from Spanish. Goodness knows what is being presented as being in the book.

Everybody's fault again, except them of course.
If Harry indeed wrote the baby brains part, he must have taken a permanent leave of his own brains. I fail to see how this makes Meghan look good, especially with those batting eyelids and dramatic, "No one asked me if I was OK" after she gave birth herself.

Err, don't forget this book is written by a ghostwriter. So in similar case as Meghan's The Cut interview, maybe he's too trusting or just like the Netflix series, how the book is written is not the way he actually wants to tell his story. Or maybe "they" (whoever they are) have briefed the press to write in a certain way to make him look bad in this book.
Respectively disagree. The Coronation, in my opinion solidifies a Monarchs bond with his Country and People with Religious overtones too.
If The Sussex's are there it will derail the solemnity and dignity of this British cultural cornerstone and turn it into a sideshow.
Again, just my opinion.
I don't think anyone is perfect. If it is true that William attacked Harry physically, that is unacceptable and perhaps criminal.

If it was criminal, Harry should have pressed charges, or should press them now. William, unlike his father as King, does not have immunity from prosecution as Prince of Wales, much less previously as Duke of Cambridge.

It will be interesting iif Harry makes a claim in Spare that he has been physically and/or psychologically "abused" by the Royal Family since childhood, see his mentioning that he and William had frequent physical fights as children.
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