"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I’m just wondering…if a story had come out in which Harry had shouted, maligned William’s wife, completely lost his temper and shoved or pushed William to the ground during an argument, leading to a marked back, whether there would have been excuses made, rationales given? Or whether he would have received wholesale condemnation for his behaviour? I think I can guess.

The problem I have with the story is I cannot be sure how accurate it is. The couple have a track record. How embellished the original story is. I do not doubt there was some kind of confrontation but the couple are known to tweek their version of events.

I do not think it is the proper thing for any of them to be fighting, but families do, brothers do.

As in all their stories they are the innocents. Harry claims he was scared of William, he broke his necklace. Did he not say something about being scared at the Sandringham summit because William was shouting at him.

For Somebody who allegedly fought the Taliban in Afghanistan it is strange that a brother shouting at you would be scary, or without delving too deep is that why somebody shouting at you is scary.

Also being Spare is obviously a problem with Harry, I do not think it is a particularly nice expression, always this feeling of being second choice.

If he reads his royal history he would have known that second in line often comes to the throne, it was because of her father being the spare that Elizabeth eventually came to the throne.

It suggests he was alright with being spare until George came along but once again he could have been a great support and role model to George,

It appears he struggles to find his place.
The Valentine Low book does suggest that Harry was unhappy for a long time, before Meghan came into his life.
Maybe she did give him the strength to move on, it is just a pity they have to destroy everything in their path to find a new life.

The problem appears to be that they need to use the RF to establish a new life.
They could have made new careers for themselves, still came back to visit, attend family occasions , and by default kept up their profile of family members without being seen to abuse it.
Or, another way of looking at it, if William hadn’t lost his temper and knocked Harry to the floor after maligning his wife, then Harry wouldn’t have been able to report such a thing and the children wouldn’t be discussing it. I doubt they are anyway.
To me this is the worst of it. William’s kids and Harry’s kids whose lives will be very much affected by this drama just because Harry decided to trade in his family issues for literal cash.

That is a very good point, I cannot recall if it was William or Harry who spoke about being at school when the Diana interview was aired.
Apparently the Sun has a Spanish copy of the book, after the book accidentily went on sale early in a book shop there & a customer contacted them. One of their reporters flew to Spain to get the copy. In Spanish the book is called 'En la sombra'. It is dedicated to his wife, children and his late mother.

Edit: the Mail also managed to get a copy.
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To me this is the worst of it. William’s kids and Harry’s kids whose lives will be very much affected by this drama just because Harry decided to trade in his family issues for literal cash.

Sadly I have to agree with you. Lambrook is still on break for now but at some point it is likely that their classmates might bring it up. It is all so very sad.
To me this is the worst of it. William’s kids and Harry’s kids whose lives will be very much affected by this drama just because Harry decided to trade in his family issues for literal cash.

it is not just the Wales and Sussex kids - all the children still in school have been affected.
Louise, James, Savanna, Isla, Mia and Lena are all getting the brunt of this - they don't have security with them.
I cant figure out Harry and Meghans end game, besides the BIG Money angle. That I get.

Is it validation or revenge ? Or both.

The ball, as Harry says, REALLY isn't in the Royal Family's hands. What honestly are they supposed to do ? Restore the Military Patronages and Commonwealth Ambassador Roles ? Have a public press conference and say that everything that Harry and Meghan allege was true ?
A Royal Family Mea Culpa for the ages.......

Yes, we refused to give Meghan support and mental health care when She was *supposedly* suicidal.
Identify Person X who mocked-mentioned what Archie's skin color might be.
Publicly denigrate Kate for making Meghan cry before the Wedding.
Immediately declare Archie and Lili as HRH Prince and Princess of The Realm.
Name and shame the so called "Sussex Survivor Squad" Staffers for alleging that Meghan was a bully.
And lastly "Hang, Draw and Quarter" any journalist that questions or reports unflattering Stories about The Sussex's,
And the kicker, say that The UK didn't embrace Meghan after allegations of rude behaviour came to light BECAUSE it is a racist Country.

In all seriousness what do they want. A public apology from Charles and William? When would it end ? It wouldn't.

I can't wait to see how this plays out in the States. It appears to be showing Harry up in the "UK Comment Sections" as a pathetic whining fool and William as being dead on accurate in his assessment of Meghan's personality and destructive actions.

I think the Sussex's grossly overestimated their appeal and influence here in the States and their reputations and future endeavors as Game Changers are going to nosedive.
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it is not just the Wales and Sussex kids - all the children still in school have been affected.
Louise, James, Savanna, Isla, Mia and Lena are all getting the brunt of this - they don't have security with them.

what brunt are they getting?
What amazes me is Harry saying that he was scared of his brother. Even if Will did shove him at some stage, Harry is a big sturdy bloke who is a trained soldier. Is he not capable of shouting back or defending himself?
Dear God, this reeks of desperation to me. That's Diana at her worst, only magnified by hundreds. Self-pity and everyone else always to blame. And it reinforces the opinion I expressed here years ago - when I said their body language at official engagements resembled big strong Mommy Meg and poor little defenseless Harry. What did he do after this supposed shocking violence on William's part? Run to Mummy to complain and get sympathy?

I also said that the RF seems to have always treated Harry as Diana's poor little boy. IMO, this is another example. Poor defenseless little Harry, poor kid.

And this man was a soldier? A supposed war hero? No wonder Meghan and her fans wanted William to defend her. It's clear that her husband isn't up to the job.

If all this is true at all, of course. After all, Meghan is proven to have suffered from an unfortunate memory laps re: her father's letter. And Harry must have been affected by the same condition since he let her state untruths to court. I don't trust their recollections at all.
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Im also very, very disappointed for Harry dragging Kate into this circus. Harry, you jerk, YOU picked out the Uniform as a 20 year old and got blowback for it. This happened in 2005 AND you are bringing it up now to tie William and Kate to it as being somehow complicit ? Again, Harry's a victim and can't accept responsibility OR criticism.
That's terrible. Why even mention Kate ? To hurt her obviously. A "soft" hit job to attack her niceness factor. I Again, I see Meghan's influence at work here.
Out of curiosity, I will be interested to see if his then girlfriend Chelsea Davy gets mentioned in this debacle. They were dating then. Did he run his choice past her. OR just William and Kate?
But I'm guessing She will be "spared".
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Even normal affording britons can hardly pay their bills anymore and keep their houses and apartments…

And this 38 year adult sits in his über-luxury mansion in one of the richest upper class areas in the entire USA, and complains that Daddy don’t listen, Bigbro hit him, all courtiers are against him (despite enormous proof of the contrary), that his family is an historical institution (as if anyone didn’t tell him until now)………..

How on earth does he expect to get any sympathy at all when he is living the superluxury lifestyle he does - while the citizens of his native country that his family visits every week, can hardly afford to survive on their salary ?

I knew he was tonedeaf and naive But he seems to have lost it completely…. The Royal Family should cut off ALL links with this couple for good before Meghans ”mememememememememe” memoir comes !

The ONLY good thing in all this is that Her Late Majesty has departed to heaven and don’t have to see this sh*t !
Because hadn’t she already died, Harry would have made sure she soon did out of heartbreak…
For which Meghan apologised to the court and actually won her case I seem to remember! And we have only got excerpts the Guardian chose to print of this incident. I’ve pre ordered the book and intend to read all of it.
It appears to me that many think William and Kate and Charles are perfect. They never could do a thing wrong. Why is that? They are not perfect. They are human. They do wrong but it is known that the Royals Family hides everything. Harry lost his protection and Allie, when Diana, his mother, passed away. Over the years what really transpired and was kept secret that Harry could not say until now. When he met Megan he had someone to stand by him , a new ally. The family did not like this Megan it was was not their pick. His old girlfriends wanted nothing to do with the ‘ Firm’. They saw the writing and the wall and did not want to be a part of it. It is sad to see the any family torn apart. Harry is telling stories from the past that to show things have been happening for a long time. It peaked when he married Megan. Harry finally did what he wanted, not what the Firm wanted. I think the entire family are at fault…all the royals and Charles being the dad should have stepped up and put a stop to much of it. He was to busy with his own love affair that destroyed his family. Just think..this could be happening in your family….an entire family destroyed. JMOO just like you have yours.
i doubt that this is the most juiciest thing that the book contains. The Guardian might have hoped that they at least has headlines for a day or two - but now every tabloid and news outlet and every Spanish twitter user has the book. I expect that the real blood diamonds of the book will come out. If this is the 'nugget' of the book - then I really am concerned about the ghost writer. Where is the drug taking and wild days in South Africa and Los Vegas. Is he leaving that out? I expect several chapters about Afghanistan at least.
Yep - this is the William and Charles fault as well for getting this getting so out of hand. But if you are dealing with people of this mindset (or what I deem is this mindset) how else can you deal with them. They seem adamant that they will win in the court of public opinion (and this is really all it is - they want vindication. They want to be right - have the press cuddle them and say what brilliant victims they are).
. I think the entire family are at fault…all the royals and Charles being the dad should have stepped up and put a stop to much of it. He was to busy with his own love affair that destroyed his family. Just think..this could be happening in your family….an entire family destroyed. JMOO just like you have yours.

The family is hardly destroyed. We have just seen them happily together at Christmas. William and Kate's children enjoy a happy and healthy relationship with their extended families, both on the maternal and paternal sides. It is just Harry and Meghan who chose to withdraw from the family and stab them in the back because they couldn't be King and Queen. If there was any doubt, Spare seems to be confirming it.

I guess the two biggest questions about Spare is why is HRH The Duke of Sussex is writing it in the first place and who is he writing it for.
Why is he writing the book? Possible reasons:
- Hatred for being born in a family where subservience to an older sibling is expected
- Hatred for being born in a system where privilege comes at the cost of being subservient to an aggressive press and the people they serve
- Sadness over his family's perceived loyalty to the British press and people over he and his wife
- Anger over his children's perceived lesser treatment due to both their mother and his position as subservient to his brother

In the worst case scenario (no ptrincely titles), his children would have been treated like James and Louise. And Harry could have had a life like Anne's and Edward's in his older age. I can't see why he would be upset, much less develop any feeling of "hatred" or "anger" about it as you said. Unless of course Harry had some unrealistic expectation that he would be his brother's equal . I am pretty sure he is at least smart enough to understand that, by law, he cannot be King unless he outlives his father, his brother, and all of his brother's descendants.
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The family isn't destroyed at all. We've just seen them all together at Christmas, and we often see them, especially the Waleses, Phillipses and Tindalls, together at other events. As Mbruno said, it's only Harry and Meghan who aren't part of it any more. The country's better off without that whining, self-obsessed pair, although it's a shame that the children are missing out on extended family bonds.
The family sure doesn't look destroyed to me. I quite liked what I saw at Christmas. And honestly, they all look better and more relaxed without the Sussex duo there. I know I would have been more relaxed without two people who record everything, keep diaries to use against me and forget whatever doesn't suit their status of perfect victims.
Sadly I have to agree with you. Lambrook is still on break for now but at some point it is likely that their classmates might bring it up. It is all so very sad.

This isn’t a case of a loving uncle turning his back in the three children. Charlotte and Louis don’t know Harry from a hole in the wall. George may have some pleasant memories from when he was a very small child, by that’s it. I’m sure some of their friends will mention the situation to them, either to tease or out of genuine curiosity, but I don’t think any of it will be too upsetting to them, especially since I’m sure their parents will have explained to them what’s going on, and will continue to guide them on how to deal with questions or comments they may hear.

What I think would be more harmful to the children is seeing how hurt, angry and sad their parents are about the whole situation. No doubt William and Kate do their best to keep the kids out of things, but children pick up on their parents’ emotions, and the Wales kids will know how much this has affected their father, especially.

Prince Harry brands Prince William his 'ARCH-NEMESIS' in explosive memoir Spare, ABC anchor Michael Strahan reveals - as Duke sits down with the network for yet another interview

  • Harry, 38, refers to William, 40, as his 'arch nemesis' in his new book Spare
  • Quote was read by Strahan in a teaser clip for his interview with the royal
  • Sit-down with Good Morning America comes amid multiple leaks from book

Prince Harry brands his brother Prince William his 'arch-nemesis' in his explosive new memoir Spare, [...]

The latest quote from the book was revealed this morning by Good Morning America anchor Michael Strahan in a teaser clip from a one-on-one interview with Harry, 38, which is due to air in full later today.

In the short seconds-long glimpse at the sit-down, Strahan is heard telling Harry: 'There's a quote in the book where your refer to your brother as your "beloved brother and arch-nemesis". Strong words.'
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what is Harry thinking? Even if it were true and William hated him and was horrible to him, what does H hope to acheive by publicising it?

Prince Harry brands Prince William his 'ARCH-NEMESIS' in explosive memoir Spare, ABC anchor Michael Strahan reveals - as Duke sits down with the network for yet another interview

  • Harry, 38, refers to William, 40, as his 'arch nemesis' in his new book Spare
  • Quote was read by Strahan in a teaser clip for his interview with the royal
  • Sit-down with Good Morning America comes amid multiple leaks from book

Prince Harry brands his brother Prince William his 'arch-nemesis' in his explosive new memoir Spare, [...]

The latest quote from the book was revealed this morning by Good Morning America anchor Michael Strahan in a teaser clip from a one-on-one interview with Harry, 38, which is due to air in full later today.

In the short seconds-long glimpse at the sit-down, Strahan is heard telling Harry: 'There's a quote in the book where your refer to your brother as your "beloved brother and arch-nemesis". Strong words.'

We will have to wait for the book to come out to see who else might be targeted, but I find it interesting that, in his recent media interviews and leaks, pretty much like in Vol.2 of the docuseries, Harry's focus seems to have shifted from "systemic racism" to "William's bullying".
what is Harry thinking? Even if it were true and William hated him and was horrible to him, what does H hope to acheive by publicising it?

IMHO he needs the income to fund their very expensive life in one of the nation's most pricey and exclusive enclaves. So he's willing to share stories that will hopefully generate sales for Spare.
So now we are told Meghan told Kate she had baby brain because of “her hormones”. There’s low, there’s lower and then there’s this.
IMHO he needs the income to fund their very expensive life in one of the nation's most pricey and exclusive enclaves. So he's willing to share stories that will hopefully generate sales for Spare.
I imagine so. but it is not as if his attacking William and saying that Will was cruel to him will make any material difference to Harry nor to Will. HE will sitll be POW. Harry will not be any closer to the throne.. and he certianly is unlikely to get any financial help if he goes on like this.
Is anyone expecting them to come to the Coronation still? Lol
Harry and Meghan have no need to worry about The Coronation.
*If* they were even invited, it will be rescinded.
They simply will not be welcomed there now. The British People would not stand for it. Under ANY circumstances.
They went nuclear and from the small snippets I am seeing, there is not any way forward for the toxic and malicious Sussex's.

And again, Harry wrote this under the assumption that the Queen would still be alive to witness this. .......
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what is Harry thinking? Even if it were true and William hated him and was horrible to him, what does H hope to acheive by publicising it?

Well, there’s the money, and his main sounding board these days is Meghan, not much known for her stellar family conflict resolution skills.

But what’s also become obvious to me in the past couple of years is that Harry’s inherited the worst of Diana’s self destructive tendencies, as well as Charles’ ability to whine and see himself as a victim. Then there’s the trauma of losing his mother, the years of self medication with alcohol and other substances… you need a certain amount of maturity to be able to think about what you hope to achieve, especially when it comes to thinking of longer term goals, and Harry may not have that.
Of course it could have been repaired. The thing is - how much are we, the public, wanting to believe that it happened, and if it happened that it was exactly as it is presented in this excerpt? They’ve identified a dog bowl which is metalic. I was wondering how he fell in such a tight space and didn’t knock his head against a cupboard or a wall. And so on. Again, as per Sussex modus operandi, it is an incomplete story. Maybe the book itself is clearer, but I don’t hold my breath. And why put such a scene in a publication? It is so … personal, I cannot imagine how he could do it. What is to gain?

He gets revenge. He gets to sell himself as 100% the victim. (As usual) He gets (he hopes) sympathy. I’m sure he hopes to sell more books.

I’m an only child, always wanted a sibling. Reading this- I’ll take being an only child over a brother like Harry.

I find it odd that in a story where William is the one saying things Harry doesn’t want to hear about his wife- William is the only aggressor. Harry apparently is just (again) the poor put upon scared little brother.

And- now we’ve got the Nazi costume story. I could take Harry’s actions then as being a young and stupid 20 year old.

But in his telling for the book- he’s clearly deflecting responsibility from himself and seeking to make William and Catherine look bad. He’s 37 years old. No matter what the conversation was- if it even happened- he chose to wear it. In his own version- it was his stupid idea and he made a choice. Own it. (Notable that William somehow managed to not wear such an offensive costume.)

They say the best lies have a grain of truth- maybe- if they laughed- it was because they were incredulous at the very idea.

Who needs enemies with Harry as family.
Harry and Meghan have no need to worry about The Coronation.
*If* they were even invited, it will be rescinded.
They simply will not be welcomed there now. The British People would not stand for it. Under ANY circumstances.
They went nuclear and from the small snippets I am seeing, there is not any way forward for the toxic and malicious Sussex's.

And again, Harry wrote this under the assumption that the Queen would still be alive to witness this. .......

odds are that thy are invited but will find an excuse not to come. I agree that they are not gonna get a warm welcome from most peopele
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