"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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This is the Fail presenting a snippet from what may well be a bad English translation from Spanish. Goodness knows what is being presented as being in the book.

It is possible that it is a bad translation. However, if it is accurate, would you believe that it the comment is unacceptable?
Amazing how the once dashing prince with a big heart turned into a creature consumed with bitterness and jealousy. But maybe he was like this from the start...

The thing i don't understand about the Sussexes (and their so called fans for that matter) is : what are they looking for doing this ? The end of the Monarchy ? A revenge for Diana ? Some kind of psychological analysis ? Just making big bucks ? All this show, apart for being frankly exhausting, doesn't make any damn sense !
Right now- that’s my take away.

I think Meghan knew how that comment would make her look. So- it conveniently got left out of her story to Oprah.

Harry- I can absolutely see not getting it. He has Meghan on such a high pedestal.

“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.
In all seriousness what do they want. A public apology from Charles and William? When would it end ? It wouldn't.

Exactly this. This has been my question from the start. What, exactly, do they want? Do they even know what they want? I have my doubts that even they know exactly what would satisfy them in all this. Do they have a solid, tangible, specific want? Would they be satisfied at any point? I can only conclude after this circus that the answer is no. They want attention, they want publicity, they want sympathy, but they have no defined goal. They have no specific want that, once met, would satisfy them.
“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.

It’s not humorous when one woman applies it to another. I’ve heard women say it about themselves, but I can’t imagine telling another woman that she didn’t know her own feelings because of her hormones. This is as rude and unacceptable as saying a woman is only sad or angry because she’s on her period. It’s a total dismissal of someone’s personhood.

I’m American too and I consider it not just rude but also sexist. For me, it confirms that the Duchess of Sussex was impolite to her sister in law.
“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.

i think we need to know the context here. It seems like the statement was made to cover something forgotten (Meghan's argument) or indeed something not said or entirely different to what was said (Kate's argument)
It’s not humorous when one woman applies it to another. I’ve heard women say it about themselves, but I can’t imagine telling another woman that she didn’t know her own feelings because of her hormones. This is as rude and unacceptable as saying a woman is only sad or angry because she’s on her period. It’s a total dismissal of someone’s personhood.

I’m American too and I consider it not just rude but also sexist. For me, it confirms that the Duchess of Sussex was impolite to her sister in law.
To me, what is most unacceptable is to say this when you're arguing with someone. It's one thing to say it when someone says, "Oops, sorry, I forget to bake the cakes I promised you" and you say jokingly, "Baby brain, huh?" It's quite another to say it to invalidate someone's position. Especially when this someone might have been better off having some rest instead of trying to make things work for your big day. Especially when this someone has suffered from HG.
“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.

It depends on HOW Meghan said it imo. What her tone was. What the mood already was between the two when she said it. What had been said already. It’s not just the words. It’s the full context.

I’m American too. It can be amusing. Or not. It depends.

I think it’s notable that Meghan didn’t try to sell this as I’m just a laid back American. In fact she left it out entirely in her version of events to a world wide audience. That tells me something.
“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.

Meghan about herself : “Any woman, especially when they’re pregnant, you’re really vulnerable and so that was made really challenging,” Meghan said. “And especially as a woman, it’s really, it’s a lot. So you add this on top of just trying to be a new mum or trying to be a newlywed.”
It depends on the context and way it was said. Was it said with a smile and a wink? Did Meghan sneer and curl her lip?

I’ve been “accused” of having baby brain and I’ve always taken it as a gentle ribbing. Not insulting at all.

It depends on HOW Meghan said it imo. What her tone was. What the mood already was between the two when she said it. What had been said already. It’s not just the words. It’s the full context.

I’m American too. It can be amusing. Or not. It depends.

I think it’s notable that Meghan didn’t try to sell this as I’m just a laid back American. In fact she left it out entirely in her version of events to a world wide audience. That tells me something.

But she has said she didn’t expect formality displayed in public would carry over in private.

Respectively disagree. The Coronation, in my opinion solidifies a Monarchs bond with his Country and People with Religious overtones too.
If The Sussex's are there it will derail the solemnity and dignity of this British cultural cornerstone and turn it into a sideshow.
Again, just my opinion.

I highly doubt this. Don’t forget that H&M attended QEII’s funeral and were models of decorum.
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Amazing how the once dashing prince with a big heart turned into a creature consumed with bitterness and jealousy. But maybe he was like this from the start...

The thing i don't understand about the Sussexes (and their so called fans for that matter) is : what are they looking for doing this ? The end of the Monarchy ? A revenge for Diana ? Some kind of psychological analysis ? Just making big bucks ? All this show, apart for being frankly exhausting, doesn't make any damn sense !

The only thing that Harry can gain from this is money, and this is his last real shot at it. Future allegations will raise questions about why they weren't disclosed earlier and there will be diminishing returns. Harry and Meghan have nothing else but his family and they have to make money now.

With respect to their fans, it is not unusual for any of us to become invested in the life of a famous person. Since we don't know them, we can project whatever we want on to them. When that happens, we become resistant to anything that threatens our image.

I include myself - i used to be a big Boris Becker fan. It was really hard to accept that he is deeply flawed.

Harry and Meghan are not criminals and some criticism has been over the top. But somethings are just wrong. It was frustrating when after the Oprah interview, his fans did not see how entitled and self-centered it was for a 35-year old man who inherited millions of dollars complain that he was financially cut off. Similarly, there are people who do not believe that if it happened, assaulting Harry was wrong.

ETA: I forgot to address the point that Harry and William begged Charles not to marry Camilla. So what? They were both adults. How did Harry react when William simply advised him to slow down?
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But she has said she didn’t expect formality displayed in public would carry over in private.

If you say something that you intend to be funny or a throw away innocent remark then realise you have caused offence surely you would immediately try and resolve the situation. Not put it in a book and complain your wife is the victim.
But she has said she didn’t expect formality displayed in public would carry over in private.

I’m sorry, I think this is an attempt to make excuses for behavior nearly everyone would understand was not appropriate. When someone tells you how they feel, you do not get to dismiss their feelings on the basis that they just had a child.

In any workplace in America, telling an employee she didn’t know her own mind because she had “baby brain” would be considered a violation of employment law.

It’s not nearly as commonly accepted to tell a woman that as you are making out in this thread. Even if Meghan simply read the situation wrong, it would have been appropriate to apologize when she realized the remark upset Catherine. Instead she got upset at being told she’d caused upset.

We all have versions of what we believe here, but this is one I have a hard time seeing excused and disregarded.
He is beyond delusional! How sad that he has been so blinded that he can't see nor understand that he is destroying every family relationship he has ever had.

Oprah isn't his family. His Montecito neighbors aren't his family. All the hangers-on aren't his family.

He will grow old with regret ... and regret is a terrible thing to live with.

“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

The DM reports that Harry and William begged their dad not to marry Camilla.

I think there is a difference between saying a pregnant woman has a baby brain, versus a woman who has given birth. Regardless, I would not say it to anyone unless I was very good friends. People who are post-partum are often depressed. Meghan is very insistent that people be sensitive to her feelings, so I fully expect her to be sensitive to others.
okay - how does Harry think admitting that he contacts Diana via a medium make him look ?
Are we supposed to jump to Harry's ship as Ghost Mommy said that she is with him and he is doing the right thing?

I am serious beginning to thing that Harry is a putz for every loony ready to make money off him.

Prince Harry’s upcoming memoir*Spare*(Transworld) has been leaked to the*Guardian*despite “stringent pre-launch security”.*


Publisher Penguin Random House (PRH) has yet to respond to requests from*The Bookseller*to confirm whether the leaked excerpts from the book are genuine. The publisher also did not respond to requests to comment on how the*Guardian*got a copy of the book, or if the leak will change its PR plans.


So, who's leaking this? Buckingham Palace? Certainly not someone from the Sussexes side, right?
“Baby brain” is a term meant to be humorous and I have heard it countless times in the past two decades—my own childbearing years. It feels like Meghan assumed a more laid-back relationship with Kate, but like the hug story from the docuseries, maybe Brits are more sensitive to these things.

If someone told me I had “baby brain” I would not consider it an insult, but that’s me and I’m as American as they come.

This isn’t an American vs British thing. I’m American and would be offended if someone (especially someone I barely knew) said I was hormonal and had baby brains. That type of comment is dismissive and rude and not at all appropriate.

I’m sorry, I think this is an attempt to make excuses for behavior nearly everyone would understand was not appropriate. When someone tells you how they feel, you do not get to dismiss their feelings on the basis that they just had a child.

In any workplace in America, telling an employee she didn’t know her own mind because she had “baby brain” would be considered a violation of employment law.

It’s not nearly as commonly accepted to tell a woman that as you are making out in this thread. Even if Meghan simply read the situation wrong, it would have been appropriate to apologize when she realized the remark upset Catherine. Instead she got upset at being told she’d caused upset.

We all have versions of what we believe here, but this is one I have a hard time seeing excused and disregarded.

Totally agree.
This book is yet another mistake by Prince Harry, and it will lead him nowhere but further degradation of his relationship with his family.
He seems to hate his brother, other family members and the monarchy.
It's a pity, but it will be impossible for Harry to have a good relationship with his family again.
I’m sorry, I think this is an attempt to make excuses for behavior nearly everyone would understand was not appropriate. When someone tells you how they feel, you do not get to dismiss their feelings on the basis that they just had a child.

In any workplace in America, telling an employee she didn’t know her own mind because she had “baby brain” would be considered a violation of employment law.

It’s not nearly as commonly accepted to tell a woman that as you are making out in this thread. Even if Meghan simply read the situation wrong, it would have been appropriate to apologize when she realized the remark upset Catherine. Instead she got upset at being told she’d caused upset.

We all have versions of what we believe here, but this is one I have a hard time seeing excused and disregarded.

I think we have to remember that we’re getting only bits and pieces of the story, according to how the DM, no fans of the Sussexes, will think will sell their content. This is a web site that somehow Harry walking his dog in bad weather is worth an actual story, including their characterizations of how Harry must be feeling. I’m going to reserve judgment until my audiobook arrives next week.
It depends on HOW Meghan said it imo. What her tone was. What the mood already was between the two when she said it. What had been said already. It’s not just the words. It’s the full context.

I’m American too. It can be amusing. Or not. It depends.

I think it’s notable that Meghan didn’t try to sell this as I’m just a laid back American. In fact she left it out entirely in her version of events to a world wide audience. That tells me something.

Bingo. I'm American, too. My children range in age from 12-17. I've heard the term "baby brain" countless times and even used it myself, to describe myself, as a mother of a newborn with a four year old and a five year old to handle. However, a friend and fellow mother jokingly and knowingly saying "oh my goodness, total baby brain moment" is far, far different than someone, particularly someone who was not yet a mother, using it dismissively and snidely to justify why I might be upset about something. That particular usage is spectacularly rude, dismissive, sexist, insulting, offensive, and unacceptable. And let's not forget, Meghan loves to use that "I'm a laid back American and it's a culture difference" excuse when justifying her perceived rudeness but left this out of the narrative entirely when sharing her version of events. That tells me that she knew just exactly how that would come across.
I think we have to remember that we’re getting only bits and pieces of the story, according to how the DM, no fans of the Sussexes, will think will sell their content. This is a web site that somehow Harry walking his dog in bad weather is worth an actual story, including their characterizations of how Harry must be feeling. I’m going to reserve judgment until my audiobook arrives next week.

That’s absolutely fair and I will also be paying close attention to that section of the book.
Saying someone has "baby brain", to a sister-in-law you (presumably) haven't really bonded yet is just off. Either Meghan can't read the room, or it was deliberately mean or passive aggressive especially when followed with a "come on... I was just joking."

More seriously, it's a dismissive, and mysoginistic thing to say to most women unless you're telling it to someone you're really very,very close to where you both understand each other completely. And please, none of that "American vs British" thing. I can't imagine my Californian friends, who are feminists in tune with other women, to say such things. It's more or less the same as asking an angry woman if she's having her period at the moment.
He is beyond delusional! How sad that he has been so blinded that he can't see nor understand that he is destroying every family relationship he has ever had.

Oprah isn't his family. His Montecito neighbors aren't his family. All the hangers-on aren't his family.

He will grow old with regret ... and regret is a terrible thing to live with.


But one of the Sussexes' guests said in the Netflix docuseries that Harry and Meghan were building a "family of friends" in California and that "friends can be family" too.

Again, I feel sorry for Archie and Lilibet, who could have had a life like that of James and Louise in the United Kingdom, surrounded by a large extended family as the Windsors are, which, by any objective standards, is not bad at all. Now, they will probably grow up instead as children of Hollywood celebrities with a life that is a constant reality TV show, and also cut off from their biological families (both paternal and maternal), other than Doria. I don't want to judge Harry and Meghan's parenting skills (nor could I do it as I don't live with or know them) and I hope it works out for Archie and Lilibet, but there is unfortunately an extensive negative record for kids raised in a similar environment.
To create clarity for the non native English speakers such as myself: is baby brain supposed to refer to the fact that you are so caught up with a new baby that you forget all sorts of things? Ergo, your brain can only think about the baby. Or is it to imply that your brain is the size of the brain of a baby, ergo meaning that you are stupid?
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I think it suits the publisher to have these leaks, it creates an interest. Lets be honest the price was reducing all the time to generate pre sales.
In addition, if there are even a few reviewer advance copies out there, then it isn't surprising that the content of the book might leak. There's no need to assume elaborate conspiracy theories, staff of a bookshop or reviewer might be very willing to give a reporter access, with or without a payoff.
I highly doubt this. Don’t forget that H&M attended QEII’s funeral and were models of decorum.

Except for Harry's public statement with a dig about not being able to wear his uniform. Again, very entitled. Veterans are not allowed to wear uniforms at their grandmother's funerals and Harry was being treated like everyone else. He is okay with the hierarchy of the monarchy when it benefits him.

I wonder if he goes into that in the book.
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