"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Having now read enough of the book to feel okay with a lot of reviews and opininóns on this forum, I have to say that my stance has changed almost completely. Whish is sad as I firmly believe the pressure of the media against Meghan (and thus Harry) was an important reason for the move to the US.

All the other reasons are there, too, and I had not thought it means so much: you must know that a Royal family is just a big family as any: you accept the hierarchy or you move out. accepting you have to build your own fortune. It is so sad that Harry and Meghan did not find a way to make it without trashing the others.

As for the mentioning of the killed people in Afghanistan: I think Harry was unhappy/furious his service for his country was not regarded as important enough to pay for his security. Now he has the discussion and now he surely gets it, at least back in the UK.

I believe at the basis of Herry's fury is his sense that he served his country, but is regarded as the second best. He might even be right, but that's the way it is!
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I thought this article was interesting. It’s about the Sussexes public non acceptance of Jeremy Clarkson’s- apparently repeated now- apologies. And the words/tone they chose to take in their refusal.

It references back to the similar tone Harry has taken in his recent interviews about demanding accountability, an apology, etc. I think it also circles around the point of- what is an acceptable apology to them?

I hope this is ok to post here.

Note- JC did cross the line imo. And I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Also- I have no idea who JC is beyond this incident.

The article asks the question: who do they think they are?

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85,000 books sold in France so far.

And as for Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘apology’, he wrote to Harry with the so called apology, not addressed to Meghan, the person he’d insulted, at all. And of course this deputy editor of the Spectator is going to defend his fellow journalist!
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As for the mentioning of the killed people in Afghanistan: I think Harry was unhappy/furious his service for his country was not regarded as important enough to pay for his security. Now he has the discussion and now he surely gets it, at least back in the UK.

Blackmail and deliberately increasing the threat level against you are neither considered honorable ways of doing that nor proper recompense for serving. Nor is it viewed at all favorably by your fellow combat vets.
I thought this article was interesting. It’s about the Sussexes public non acceptance of Jeremy Clarkson’s- apparently repeated now- apologies. And the words/tone they chose to take in their refusal.

It references back to the similar tone Harry has taken in his recent interviews about demanding accountability, an apology, etc. I think it also circles around the point of- what is an acceptable apology to them?

I hope this is ok to post here.

Note- JC did cross the line imo. And I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Also- I have no idea who JC is beyond this incident.

The article asks the question: who do they think they are?


I fear that kind of behavior is exactly what the BRF would get if they ever "try" to apologize. H&M would make sure it's not enough and would somehow turn the apologies into even more insults.

I'm glad the RF is silent, it's what they deserve.
Blackmail and deliberately increasing the threat level against you are neither considered honorable ways of doing that nor proper recompense for serving. Nor is it viewed at all favorably by your fellow combat vets.

Increased the threat against his whole family and the country.
Blackmail and deliberately increasing the threat level against you are neither considered honorable ways of doing that nor proper recompense for serving. Nor is it viewed at all favorably by your fellow combat vets.

Yeah. And he wants protection from people he beats around just because he can and he uses their affection for him because he's so wonderful that everyone would want to be like a third parent to him?

What the hell? "I'm in danger, Pa. Give me my officers back. I'll try not to beat them too often."

Disgraceful. He relied on them and he abused them.

No wonder he doesn't see Meghan's behavior as bullying. He defines bullying according to who is on the receiving end. When it's his Meg, it's bullying. When it's people getting if from them, people aren't professional enough if they dare feel hurt.
As for the mentioning of the killed people in Afghanistan: I think Harry was unhappy/furious his service for his country was not regarded as important enough to pay for his security. Now he has the discussion and now he surely gets it, at least back in the UK.

I believe at the basis of Herry's fury is his sense that he served his country, but is regarded as the second best. He might even be right, but that's the way it is!

Thousands of British servicemen were deployed in Afghanistan. They don't earn the right to state-funded security as civilians because they served in a war zone.

The United Kingdom has a volunteer, professional army. Every man or woman who enlists or takes a commission does so on his or her own free will and knowing the risks and responsibilities that come with the job.
85,000 books sold in France so far.


This book was always going to sell. That was a given imo. No matter what was in it.

I read this article from Newsweek, and it asks a good question: what was the Sussexes goal?

If it was merely to sell books/ make money- great. Mission accomplished.

If this was supposed to be reputation building- utter fail.

I thought this article was interesting. It’s about the Sussexes public non acceptance of Jeremy Clarkson’s- apparently repeated now- apologies. And the words/tone they chose to take in their refusal.

It references back to the similar tone Harry has taken in his recent interviews about demanding accountability, an apology, etc. I think it also circles around the point of- what is an acceptable apology to them?

I hope this is ok to post here.

Note- JC did cross the line imo. And I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Also- I have no idea who JC is beyond this incident.

The article asks the question: who do they think they are?


Good article. I think the Royal Family should stay silent and not play into their hands.
Having now read enough of the book to feel okay with a lot of reviews and opininóns on this forum, I have to say that my stance has changed almost completely. Whish is sad as I firmly believe the pressure of the media against Meghan (and thus Harry) was an important reason for the move to the US.

All the other reasons are there, too, and I had not thought it means so much: you must know that a Royal family is just a big family as any: you accept the hierarchy or you move out. accepting you have to build your own fortune. It is so sad that Harry and Meghan did not find a way to make it without trashing the others.

As for the mentioning of the killed people in Afghanistan: I think Harry was unhappy/furious his service for his country was not regarded as important enough to pay for his security. Now he has the discussion and now he surely gets it, at least back in the UK.

I believe at the basis of Herry's fury is his sense that he served his country, but is regarded as the second best. He might even be right, but that's the way it is!

Surely the argument you are making for his security should then apply to every soldier who has ever served.
There are MP's who have served, tv personalities. They are in the public eye should they receive extra security.

He had security he chose to walk away.
God forbid that anything happened to him or his family, but he needs to take responsibility for his words and deeds. They make statements then backtrack by blaming the media/ peoples interpretation of his words.

He is the only one who thinks he is second best. He is the one that goes on about it.

He constantly contradicts himself, also very thin skinned. They wanted Westminster Abbey for his wedding then unhappy because he didn't get it, but would have preferred to elope to Botswana. When William suggested a small church wedding he was irritated with that. I really think they set out to be offended.

They look for snubs and offence that isn't there because it suits the narrative of being second best.

There was a role for him here, but it was unlikely to be as King, and he doesn't appear to be happy with that.

The cottage was too small with Ikea furniture, the same cottage that William lived in, but he fails to tell you that bit. Very selective in his comments.
He is also repeating private conversations/ re telling text messages, which business or A lister would want to risk doing business with him. When you are out of favour your private texts and e mails will be published, or he will threaten to do so by telling the world via Tom Bradby that they could tell more if they wanted to or didn't sign a NDA.

They will reap what they sow, I don't care how many books are sold , it doesn't make it read any better or make him look any better.

End of rant.
This book was always going to sell. That was a given imo. No matter what was in it.

I read this article from Newsweek, and it asks a good question: what was the Sussexes goal?

If it was merely to sell books/ make money- great. Mission accomplished.

If this was supposed to be reputation building- utter fail.

Interesting as the article's author Jack Royston is typically very positive about the Sussexes.
Interesting as the article's author Jack Royston is typically very positive about the Sussexes.

This is the problem that they now have, there supporters are either publishing not so supportive articles or keeping quiet.
Tina Browns review in the Guardian brings up a point I had not thought of which is Harry's "marital embarrassment". After meeting the "perfect, perfect, perfect" girl, he was unable to deliver the life they had imagined and once again has ended up as not enough and just a side player.
Here's a review of the book in The Guardian by Tina Brown
I love this review and I generally enjoy her writing, particularly her acerbic wit.

It's a very good review, rather more even-handed than some. The most telling comment was her conclusion:

As we all know, Harry’s gravamen, the nub of his incandescent fury, is how he and Meghan were sold out by the institution. But one senses that his rage has another source: deep marital embarrassment. Harry’s most profound act of magical thinking was the promise of what he could deliver his bride. In the ecstasies of infatuation – and of relief that he’d finally found someone “perfect, perfect perfect” – he boosted his beloved’s fantasy of their life together as world-dominating humanitarian superstars powered by her Hollywood glamour and his royal stature. Sitting on the Ikea sofa of Nott Cott, how could he tell her that, in the grand scheme of the monarchy, he was a penny-ante prince? His great big dreams revealed how small he was: one can’t help but feel that it’s this that he really wants an apology for.
Oh what a hornets nest Harry has poked...he should fire his entire PR team.

Well, he can hardly fire himself or his wife...

Thousands of British servicemen were deployed in Afghanistan. They don't earn the right to state-funded security as civilians because they served in a war zone.

The United Kingdom has a volunteer, professional army. Every man or woman who enlists or takes a commission does so on his or her own free will and knowing the risks and responsibilities that come with the job.

Indeed, and many of them end up on the streets or in poverty after leaving the military. Many of these also being invalids. And as such they are sometimes preyed upon.
Yet, Harry lives in safety, with security in a very safe area in luxury and if he is just a little smart, in economic comfort for life.


I do wonder how H&M reacts to being mocked and parodied and subjected to satire - sometimes that's going to happen to their faces.
I think they can handle anger directed at them - just like others Karens, they just shout louder and act even more entitled.
But being laughed at, that's a difficult situation to handle!
Tina Browns review in the Guardian brings up a point I had not thought of which is Harry's "marital embarrassment". After meeting the "perfect, perfect, perfect" girl, he was unable to deliver the life they had imagined and once again has ended up as not enough and just a side player.

Yes, it's an interesting idea. If they'd become A-listers, best mates with the Clooneys and the Obamas, would there have been this incessant spite and whingeing? Was there ever really any chance of that happening?
Yes, it's an interesting idea. If they'd become A-listers, best mates with the Clooneys and the Obamas, would there have been this incessant spite and whingeing? Was there ever really any chance of that happening?

I doubt there was much chance of them joining that elite set. The A-listers they want to emulate have generally reached their status through charisma, talent, brilliance or exceptional achievements. Meghan and Harry don't have those attributes and without Harry's royal status they wouldn't be well known, let alone A-listers. (They wouldn't even be married)
I doubt there was much chance of them joining that elite set. The A-listers they want to emulate have generally reached their status through charisma, talent, brilliance or exceptional achievements. Meghan and Harry don't have those attributes and without Harry's royal status they wouldn't be well known, let alone A-listers. (They wouldn't even be married)

You could say that about a lot. Would Kate have married William. Philip, Elizabeth. Charles Diana?

They aren’t A listers. They are nothing really. The disgruntled ex royals. Huge at the moment. Gone tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow's fish and chip wrapping there's a range of stories on tomorrow's front pages, but not one of them features Harry.
You could say that about a lot. Would Kate have married William. Philip, Elizabeth. Charles Diana?

They aren’t A listers. They are nothing really. The disgruntled ex royals. Huge at the moment. Gone tomorrow.
Kate wasn’t trying to achieve fame or whatever, she came from a fairly well off family and could have married a wealthier man like her sister. Kate is a talented photographer and if not for the fact that she can’t make money off her photos, she’d be quite well off. But I get your point
It's a very good review, rather more even-handed than some. The most telling comment was her conclusion:

I agree. I think that really sums up everything that happened with the Sussex couple. Tina Brown really is one of the best cultural commentator on the royal family and I find myself almost always agreeing with her arguments.
From Tina Brown's review:

" Sitting on the Ikea sofa of Nott Cott, how could he tell her that, in the grand scheme of the monarchy, he was a penny-ante prince? His great big dreams revealed how small he was: one can’t help but feel that it’s this that he really wants an apology for."

I can't help but think that Meghan and Sarah York must have had conversations about what to expect. If there is anyone in Royal circles who would be able to describe what happens when you marry the popular second son and come face to face with a tightly circumscribed royal way of life, it's Fergie.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I agree. I think that really sums up everything that happened with the Sussex couple. Tina Brown really is one of the best cultural commentator on the royal family and I find myself almost always agreeing with her arguments.

She did make a lot of good points.

Another that I liked is that William’s real crime seems to be that he grew up.

ETA- I did like that she made a point of noting just how privileged Harry, the Spare, was\is, even down to: he got tons of vacuumed packed meals from his dad’s chef in Not Cottage. Also- a very nice thing for his dad to do.
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Kate wasn’t trying to achieve fame or whatever, she came from a fairly well off family and could have married a wealthier man like her sister. Kate is a talented photographer and if not for the fact that she can’t make money off her photos, she’d be quite well off. But I get your point

I don’t think Kate, Philip, or even Diana entered into their marriages with the kinds of goals Meghan did.
I am horrified to read that Iran use the book as justification for killing people. Yes, words can have consequences, Harry !
You could say that about a lot. Would Kate have married William. Philip, Elizabeth. Charles Diana?

None of those spouses were looking for superstardom as a result of marriage. Kate kept a fairly low profile for 10 years as William's girlfriend and she wasn't trying to increase her own profile by seeking media coverage. Philip knew he'd eventually have to give up his naval career and privacy by marrying Elizabeth. He probably would have preferred his wife to be the spare rather than the heir. Diana was only 19 and quite shy. She was looking for love and security rather than stardom, as shown by her initial nervousness in front of cameras and especially when required to speak in public.
I was wondering if Harry's talk of kills may have prevented William or Charles from going to Athens for the late King's funeral. The Princess Royal, Sir Tim and Lady Gabriella are fine representatives, but given the friendships and closeness with William and Charles, it seemed unusual. Also, the security didn't seem as controlled as it would have been in some cities elsewhere. Everyone was in very close quarters around the Metropolitan Cathedral.
The Taliban and other terrorists and religious zealots have slaughtered thousands in the name of their cause over the last twenty years or so. If it wasn’t Harry’s words about his service as a pilot/gunner in Afghanistan it would be some other excuse as justification, or no excuse at all. Harry is not responsible for the actions of terrorists, nor should he be held responsible in the future.
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