"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Yes and IMO social media was likely far worse than the actual press coverage. I'm truly sorry that Prince Harry seems to be unable to tell the difference between the two.

I seem to recall that he's said the mainstream press feeds the social media responses. People read untrue or negative stories and then take to social media to vent about the stories, the trolls being the worst and those who send death threats, the most dangerous.

Thanks for posting, really good article! ?

This part particularly summed it up for me:

Harry—self-styled humanitarian, military veteran, mental-wellness advocate and environmentalist, according to his own book—bows to nobody in his espousal of every progressive cause.

That includes the illiberal belief that there is no Truth but his Truth and that opposing views are not just a difference of opinion but dangerous “disinformation” that needs to be suppressed.
Don't forget their chickens. They receive more time with the kids than any of the grandparents or relatives from both sides of the family.

Re floods, all the millionaires insure their homes and the content inside their houses in these beautiful and yet geologically dangerous areas. These are not go-fund-me candidates. The insurance companies will pick up the tab including paying for temporary accommodations. When we bought out house in New York we purchased the top premium due to the number of trees in close proximity to the house. One falls down on the roof and all repairs are covered. Last year parts of our fence fell down during a deer rave party in our yard and the insurance send the money for the contractor in less than ten days.

So, Harry and Meghan's home has to be covered in full and then some.

I did not post what I did about the Montecito floods with reference to the Sussexes’ financial position. I know they are probably fully insured and living in a wealthy area.

I posted about the flooding and mudslides in California because there were comments here and among columnists in tabloid UK rags about there being no sight of Meghan while Spare was being released or during the subsequent interviews conducted by Harry. There were remarks about hiding away, having cosmetic procedures, etc.

One tabloid journalist went so far as to say that she ‘hoped’ that Meghan hadn’t left Harry. Meghan was at that time almost certainly either obeying evacuation orders and staying elsewhere, or staying at the couple’s home with their children trying to do her best to try and minimise whatever damage there was to their property.

And just because people are wealthy and can afford insurance that does not preclude them worrying about their family (especially if there are young children), their home, property damage, trees falling near or on their house or just having to deal with water damage in the home. I just want to point out that people’s homes mean a lot to them whoever they are, whether they are multi millionaires or struggling along on a pension.
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Talking about commercial products/advertising I did see a comment relating to a newspaper article about the Elizabeth Arden business (I tried to post a link here at the time but I don't think it worked).

So this person suggested in the comments that the reason Harry made such a big deal of using Elizabeth Arden cream was that he did it in the hopes that they would ask Meghan to be the "face" of Elizabeth Arden beauty products, thus earning extra megabucks. IMHO this was spot on (no pun intended).

With that in mind, and noting that back along I saw a picture of Meghan appearing to have a meltdown in the presence of a carefully folded Hermes blanket, I'm curious to know if Harry makes other pointed references to products in the book...such as Diet Coke for example :D

As to why she is keeping a low profile, I have my suspicions!
If he was thinking Elizabeth Arden would want them as brand ambassadors, then they (Sussexes) need a new PR person because the whole name dropping of it was so tacky and classless, and the brand doesn’t need to be associated with that. It shows how ignorant he is about PR and he doesn’t truly appreciate how these people in communications would bat for him and help him. Even having Harry again trying to “vouch” for her like he did with the Disney CEO, Bob Iger won’t help. I think Elizabeth Arden is a good brand and didn’t need the shoutout.

Ps. Hermès don’t do celebrity endorsements or brand ambassadors, they are way too exclusive for that. If they ever started having brand ambassadors, which they will never do in a million years, I don’t think that Meghan would ever be part of that ensemble of ambassadors chosen or ever be considered. She was just casually showing off the blanket IMO.
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There've been suģgestions in the press that Rishi Sunak could do what Churchill did with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and ban Harry and Meghan from the Coronation. As much as a majority of people want them banned, per the polls in the papers, I think the PM would prefer to stay out of it if possible.

Where will it end? Meghan's memoirs, hopefully minus bottom spanking and details of intimate body parts but probably including ten chapters on the wretched bridesmaid dress affair? Spare II? Harry won't give it a rest as long as he's making money out of it.
There've been suģgestions in the press that Rishi Sunak could do what Churchill did with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and ban Harry and Meghan from the Coronation. As much as a majority of people want them banned, per the polls in the papers, I think the PM would prefer to stay out of it if possible.

Where will it end? Meghan's memoirs, hopefully minus bottom spanking and details of intimate body parts but probably including ten chapters on the wretched bridesmaid dress affair? Spare II? Harry won't give it a rest as long as he's making money out of it.
I don’t think the Sussexes will come anyways, they’re too angry and annoyed at the lack of response.
One last thought after finally finishing the book last night... Part 3, Ch 71 - Harry discusses a text exchange he had with William after he and Meghan presented the WellChild Awards in October 2019.

I suppose it's a good thing that Harry wasn't asked by the court to present any text conversations during their lawsuit with the Daily Mail last year. If anyone believes, for one second, that these two don't keep every single text, DM, or email sent to them, I've got a beautiful bit of oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you.

If this is true, I don't think texting was the best way to communicate with Harry at that point. It is very impersonal and prone to misunderstandings. But it is possible - even likely - that Harry left out important context, such as he wasn't returning William's calls.

This exchange makes me even sadder for William. This is the second time I have read that William practically begged Harry to believe that William loved him. It seems as though Harry believe that people love him only if they tell him what he wants to hear. It's really tragic.
I don’t think the Sussexes will come anyways, they’re too angry and annoyed at the lack of response.

I agree. I think they are looking for a face saving way to attend. Unfortunately, I think they have overplayed their hand. Even if Charles and William were to think that they could apologize to Meghan in order to paper over the argument, Harry is also demanding "accountability." I can't think of anything is going to satisfy him beyond a groveling public apology, and I just don't think that will happen.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

If this is true, I don't think texting was the best way to communicate with Harry at that point. It is very impersonal and prone to misunderstandings. But it is possible - even likely - that Harry left out important context, such as he wasn't returning William's calls.

This exchange makes me even sadder for William. This is the second time I have read that William practically begged Harry to believe that William loved him. It seems as though Harry believe that people love him only if they tell him what he wants to hear. It's really tragic.

Harry seems to leave out context a lot. Which figures.

Agreed. It would seem Harry doesn’t feel loved unless he’s hearing and getting exactly what he wants, how he wants it. Actually- that’s an across the board issue imo. It’s their way. Period.

I don’t really see that there’s anything the BRF can do. Issue an apology and say they were right about every single thing? Not going to happen. Even then- there is no trust left.

And it’s worth noting: the Sussexes still have bills to pay. They’re not set for life imo. They could do exactly what the Sussexes claim they want- and they’ll still need money.

I think continued silence is the best route. The more the Sussexes talk, the worse they look.
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I suppose it's a good thing that Harry wasn't asked by the court to present any text conversations during their lawsuit with the Daily Mail last year. If anyone believes, for one second, that these two don't keep every single text, DM, or email sent to them, I've got a beautiful bit of oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you.

Could somebody refresh my memory but did Meghan not claim to the court that unfortunately she could not provide text messages because they were deleted automatically by KP for security purposes, or it may have been emails.
I did not post what I did about the Montecito floods with reference to the Sussexes’ financial position. I know they are probably fully insured and living in a wealthy area.

I posted about the flooding and mudslides in California because there were comments here and among columnists in tabloid UK rags about there being no sight of Meghan while Spare was being released or during the subsequent interviews conducted by Harry. There were remarks about hiding away, having cosmetic procedures, etc.

One tabloid journalist went so far as to say that she ‘hoped’ that Meghan hadn’t left Harry. Meghan was at that time almost certainly either obeying evacuation orders and staying elsewhere, or staying at the couple’s home with their children trying to do her best to try and minimise whatever damage there was to their property.

And just because people are wealthy and can afford insurance that does not preclude them worrying about their family (especially if there are young children), their home, property damage, trees falling near or on their house or just having to deal with water damage in the home. I just want to point out that people’s homes mean a lot to them whoever they are, whether they are multi millionaires or struggling along on a pension.

Yes, I was being a bit obstreperous mentioning the possibility of cosmetic activity. As a woman of a certain age, I know that this is the time of year for such things. People who earn their living in and around the media tend to be fastidious about their appearance. And, it's not a vanity thing. When everyone else is being enhanced and rejuvenated, you stand out if you don't take the same route. You don't want to be the wizened prune on a talk show when everyone else is a glossy smooth plum.
Speaking of door mats, I wonder if Harry has Staff there in California address them as Your Royal Highness ? And bows ? If I had to bet, I would say yes.

Reminds me of when I read the Duke of Windsor insisted his staff address his wife as HRH.

And I think Harry really reminds me of the Duke of Windsor and how he worshipped Wallis, as Harry does Meghan. A lot of similarity there IMO. In both marriages the wife is the stronger personality, not that there is anything wrong in that. I had thought there would be a divorce between H&M within five years, now I don't think there will be, not if he has anything to do with it.

But the train wreck slowly rumbles on..........
Reminds me of when I read the Duke of Windsor insisted his staff address his wife as HRH.

And I think Harry really reminds me of the Duke of Windsor and how he worshipped Wallis, as Harry does Meghan. A lot of similarity there IMO. In both marriages the wife is the stronger personality, not that there is anything wrong in that. I had thought there would be a divorce between H&M within five years, now I don't think there will be, not if he has anything to do with it.

But the train wreck slowly rumbles on..........

When they got married, I didn't think they'd divorce. Then, they split for North America and my thought process began to shift and everything that's happened since then has only solidified my belief that she will dump him once she's squeezed him dry. But, maybe not, if she can't get the kind of financial settlement out of Charles that Diana got out of him & HLMQ - and she won't if they keep on with their attacks on the family. They've cut him off and his net worth is tied to their Sussex brand now.
If he was thinking Elizabeth Arden would want them as brand ambassadors, then they (Sussexes) need a new PR person because the whole name dropping of it was so tacky and classless, and the brand doesn’t need to be associated with that. It shows how ignorant he is about PR and he doesn’t truly appreciate how these people in communications would bat for him and help him. Even having Harry again trying to “vouch” for her like he did with the Disney CEO, Bob Iger won’t help. I think Elizabeth Arden is a good brand and didn’t need the shoutout.

Ps. Hermès don’t do celebrity endorsements or brand ambassadors, they are way too exclusive for that. If they ever started having brand ambassadors, which they will never do in a million years, I don’t think that Meghan would ever be part of that ensemble of ambassadors chosen or ever be considered. She was just casually showing off the blanket IMO.

That reminded me of the moment during the Lion King movie premiere, before the Megxit, when Harry was caught suggesting his wife to do voiceover for Disney to the company boss Bob Iger.

Re Hermes, their line is so exclusive as their only celebrity's name product, the Kelly Bag, named after Princess Grace Kelly. Meghan's name will never be at Grace Kelly's level of sophistication. But then Meghan mentioned she likes torn jeans so I'm sure there's an aisle somewhere in Walmart she can fill with those ones.
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That reminded me of the moment during the Lion King movie premiere, before the Megxit, when Harry was caught suggesting his wife to do voiceover for Disney to the company boss Bob Iger.

Re Hermes, their line is so exclusive as their only celebrity's name product, the Kelly Bag, named after Princess Grace Kelly. Meghan's name will never be at Grace Kelly's level of sophistication. But then Meghan mentioned she likes torn jeans so I'm sure there's an aisle somewhere in Walmart she can fill with those ones.
I mentioned exactly that with the voiceover pitch with Disney. Great minds think alike because I thought about that situation. The fact that Meghan doesn’t seem to be bothered by it shows how delusional she is. Associating Elizabeth Arden cream with Harry’s bits and pieces will never in the real world get her a place as a brand ambassador.

To your last comment I can only:lol:?
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Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.

Now, tell me again why it's a good idea to put that story in his book? Would Harrold start demanding apology from American media too? Or this is British media's fault too? Or the Royal Family has start colluding with American media so it's also their fault (you see, because they're jealous of his best-selling book and now trying to sabotage him)?
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Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.


That crossed so many lines. Sadly, this is what Harry's Book of Oversharing has brought himself. I wonder if he and Meghan will be surprised that their California residence doesn't make them immune from late night talk show jabs. They've already been snubbed from the BAFTA Tea Party.
Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.

Now, tell me again why it's a good idea to put that story in his book? Would Harrold start demanding apology from American media too? Or this is British media's fault too? Or the Royal Family has start colluding with American media so it's also their fault (you see, because they're jealous of his best-selling book and now trying to sabotage him)?
Jimmy Kimmel is killing it!

That crossed so many lines. Sadly, this is what Harry's Book of Oversharing has brought himself. I wonder if he and Meghan will be surprised that their California residence doesn't make them immune from late night talk show jabs. They've already been snubbed from the BAFTA Tea Party.

Not surprised they were both persona-non-gratis for the BAFTA Tea Party since Prince William is BAFTA President

Harry and Meghan wouldn't be so stupid to go after the US media, would they?

That crossed so many lines. Sadly, this is what Harry's Book of Oversharing has brought himself. I wonder if he and Meghan will be surprised that their California residence doesn't make them immune from late night talk show jabs. They've already been snubbed from the BAFTA Tea Party.

As you quite rightly said, Harry has brought this upon himself.
Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.


Diana was made fun of on TV during the war of the Waleses, for her habit of inviting famous men to lunch,without their wives. But she had enough sense not to write a book describing intimate bits of her body....
Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.

Oh dear, that was hilarious!
Not sure Harry will like it and he can only blame himself for it. He's making a total fool of himself in front of everyone and these are the consequences.

What will he do now, sue Jimmy Kimmel? Insult him in his next book for daring to involve his saint mother in his jokes?

Dear Harry, please - stop it now. You really need to grow up, deal with your obsessions and start to learn how reasonable and responsible adults live.
You can't spend your whole life throwing tantrums like an immature, spoiled kid.

Grow up!
Unfortunately, Harry needs money and I think he also needs the validation of a public life. He called the book Spare and its clear that he has always had a resentment of Will because he knew that as the second son, he would gradually be less noticed and less popular once his brother had children and they grew up and became attractive young royals. So he wanted to have a public life that wasn't dependent on his being a member of the RF. However, he didnt have any speical talents that would make him famous in his own right and he has had to use his royal connextions to write these books and do TV things.
Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Never have I ever imagined anyone will make fun of Diana in such way.

Now, tell me again why it's a good idea to put that story in his book? Would Harrold start demanding apology from American media too? Or this is British media's fault too? Or the Royal Family has start colluding with American media so it's also their fault (you see, because they're jealous of his best-selling book and now trying to sabotage him)?

Just watched it, very cleverly done! Made I larf! ?

Humour aside, the blame for this sort of thing rests squarely on him. Did he not foresee this sort of thing happening? (a rhetorical question; clearly not!)

But it will be interesting whom he does he try to blame for being ridiculed like this; I'm sure he'll find some convoluted way to blame either the press or the BRF for it. :rolleyes:

That's the trouble with Harry...always everyone else's fault, but never his.
I don’t think the Sussexes will come anyways, they’re too angry and annoyed at the lack of response.

I sincerely hope you're right. I'm very concerned that they will turn up purely out of spite and for attention and completely ruin the proceedings just by being there...although I think they will get a few hearty boos from the British people if they did - not that I'd ever do such a thing! :whistling: :D

I think the less welcome they are the more they will want to come and disrupt things with their presence.

Personally I'd like the PM to do what Churchill did with the Duke of Windsor i.e. tell the Sussexes they are not welcome. Unfortunately I don't believe the PM will do this, IMHO he doesn't have the backbone for it.
Another "parody" about the prince and his penis:

Good grief! That's outrageous, disrespectful and totally hilarious! I don't imagine Harry and Meghan ever thought he'd be mocked so mercilessly but to the rest of us, it was obvious that over-sharing his penis would invite ridicule. Their ignorance of consequences is just another example of the deluded bubble they live in.
Good grief! That's outrageous, disrespectful and totally hilarious! I don't imagine Harry and Meghan ever thought he'd be mocked so mercilessly but to the rest of us, it was obvious that over-sharing his penis would invite ridicule. Their ignorance of consequences is just another example of the deluded bubble they live in.

And totally deserved and earned. That’s what he/they have asked for. :)))
There've been suģgestions in the press that Rishi Sunak could do what Churchill did with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and ban Harry and Meghan from the Coronation. As much as a majority of people want them banned, per the polls in the papers, I think the PM would prefer to stay out of it if possible.

Actions speak louder than words.

Under the present legislation, there is a very realistic chance that the United Kingdom will have King Harry and Queen Meghan, or Prince Regent Harry and the regent's consort Meghan, as their head or de facto head of state and first lady, carrying out state visits and representing Britain at the highest levels around the world.

All it would take would be (in the first scenario) a tragic accident when three young siblings are in the same room, car, helicopter, etc., or (in the second scenario) one man dying before the age of 82 and another man dying before the age of 49. Both scenarios sadly strike on a regular basis in families all around the country.

In these circumstances, there is still no apparent pressure from the British public on their MPs to amend the legislation to prevent the very real possibility of a King/Prince Regent Harry and Queen/Princess Consort Meghan - therefore we can safely assume that while the majority may not be pleased with those realistic scenarios, they still consider them acceptable outcomes.

In a similar vein, the fact that the royal family and household have not taken exceptional measures such as separating the Wales children when traveling by car can be read as a sign that they remain confident in the ability of Harry and Meghan to serve as King and Queen, if need be.
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not at all. People simply think that the chances of the entire Wales family perishing at once, is minimal
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