"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I was wondering if Harry's talk of kills may have prevented William or Charles from going to Athens for the late King's funeral. The Princess Royal, Sir Tim and Lady Gabriella are fine representatives, but given the friendships and closeness with William and Charles, it seemed unusual. Also, the security didn't seem as controlled as it would have been in some cities elsewhere. Everyone was in very close quarters around the Metropolitan Cathedral.

There were reportedly over a thousand police officers stationed around the cathedral, and there were undoubtedly also special ops police. The Dutch royal family have recently faced a danger regarding their eldest daughter, yet King W-A and his wife turned up.

Lady Gabriella was there on her own account as a godchild. When you appoint someone as your representative at a funeral it’s almost always supposedly an individual who isn’t closely connected themselves to the deceased.
The Taliban and other terrorists and religious zealots have slaughtered thousands in the name of their cause over the last twenty years or so. If it wasn’t Harry’s words about his service as a pilot/gunner in Afghanistan it would be some other excuse as justification, or no excuse at all. Harry is not responsible for the actions of terrorists, nor should he be held responsible in the future.

I would try not to give them excuses. They would have to search for someone else to be that reason
The Taliban and other terrorists and religious zealots have slaughtered thousands in the name of their cause over the last twenty years or so. If it wasn’t Harry’s words about his service as a pilot/gunner in Afghanistan it would be some other excuse as justification, or no excuse at all. Harry is not responsible for the actions of terrorists, nor should he be held responsible in the future.

We don't get to decide what angers terrorists. It just so happens the fifth in line to the British throne decided to tell the world about he himself killing people in Afghanistan, which he knew was currently a place of extreme unrest.

Harry should have known better.
I was wondering if Harry's talk of kills may have prevented William or Charles from going to Athens for the late King's funeral. The Princess Royal, Sir Tim and Lady Gabriella are fine representatives, but given the friendships and closeness with William and Charles, it seemed unusual. Also, the security didn't seem as controlled as it would have been in some cities elsewhere. Everyone was in very close quarters around the Metropolitan Cathedral.

The Greek Security Forces would have discussed the security arrangements with their British counterparts as well as all of the other royal houses: Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc.. However they might have been aware that the presence of the British monarch and/or heir might have created a more significant concern while the Princess Royal might not.
The Taliban and other terrorists and religious zealots have slaughtered thousands in the name of their cause over the last twenty years or so. If it wasn’t Harry’s words about his service as a pilot/gunner in Afghanistan it would be some other excuse as justification, or no excuse at all. Harry is not responsible for the actions of terrorists, nor should he be held responsible in the future.

Let's not pretend that Harry's written words don't give them a rallying cry, which is usually all that zealots need.

Having a member of the BRF refer to enemy combatant casualties as 'chess pieces' is a dehumanizing phrase that those with big chips on their shoulders already will amplify ten times louder than something less controversial.
I was wondering if Harry's talk of kills may have prevented William or Charles from going to Athens for the late King's funeral. The Princess Royal, Sir Tim and Lady Gabriella are fine representatives, but given the friendships and closeness with William and Charles, it seemed unusual. Also, the security didn't seem as controlled as it would have been in some cities elsewhere. Everyone was in very close quarters around the Metropolitan Cathedral.

I doubt it had anything to do with Harry. If security was a new concern, it would have more to do with the traditional pro-Russian leanings in the Balkan countries (two attempts for coup in two countries, one a direct neighbour to Greece, with Russia being behind both. Attempts for poisoning in the Skripal style in a neighbouring country). Putin's main professed enemy isn't just "the West", it's "the Anglo-Saxons", aka the USA and the UK. It's a logical nightmare to provide security for a top tier person from a country Russia has declared a chief enemy in a Balkan country. They would have tried, IMO, for a state occasion. But for one was both private and well attended - neither the Greeks would have wanted to take the responsibility nor the British would have been comfortable allowing it.

It pains me to say it :lol: but in this case, I consider Harry fully innocent.
It's a very good review, rather more even-handed than some. The most telling comment was her conclusion:

Good review. The last paragraph hits the nail on the head.

I will keep asking this question on what was the point of this book cause it has been a PR mess.

The biggest issues with H&M is that what they preach doesnt match their actions.
They seem to be on this moral high ground, on a mission to bring change & make people think about their actions & fight social injustice. Yet, they seem to lack the ability to introspect & take accountability. Its always someone else's fault, they are never in the wrong. They do the same things they accuse others of doing but when they do it, we must understand that they are the poor victims just fighting back

Meghan, we have been told, was found multiple times on the floor in tears & we are expected to be sympathetic to her struggles. But the staff members who were crying at their desks were doing so because they couldnt take contructive criticism, it was not that they were in a toxic & hostile work environment.

Jason Knauf has been publicy targeted by the Sussexes. Labeled as "Williams man" . The fact that he continues to work for William is seen as a sign that he was part of the plan to destroy the Sussexes & is being rewarded. Yet, what crime did he commit? They clearly trusted him to be the go between in their 1st edition of "speaking their truth" aka Finding Freedom.
Was the issue him reporting the bullying accusations to his chain of command? Have we not spent the last few years as the world bemoaning the fact the employees report issues or their bad experiences at work but no one assists them? So true or not, it was his job to report it to his senior.
Or was the issue him providing evidence of the couples involvement in the book that Meghan conveniently "forgot about" during a court case. The issue must not be that Meghan lied to a court of law, its that "William conspired with Jason".
Yet Jason says both legal parties asked him to provide evidence, he choose to be neutral & provide evidence to the court instead. Given he likely signed an NDA & Meghan's forgetfullness, I will believe Jason on this one until proven otherwise.

Its not just that the book proves a lot of the stories that have been reported to be true, but it somehow manages to prove that the issue appears to have been H& M themselves. Even when Harry tells a story in the aim of painting someone in a negative light, I keep coming out more sympathetic to the other person.

They need to stop with this revenge tour & put their focus on their charitable endevours & their business. This focus on retelling "their truth" is not only distroying their public image but it is also "type casting" them into this specific role where no one pays attention to them if they are not talking about the royals. Their brand will mainly be "the former royals" & we all know just how kind Hollyword is to "has-beens".
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I doubt it had anything to do with Harry. If security was a new concern, it would have more to do with the traditional pro-Russian leanings in the Balkan countries (two attempts for coup in two countries, one a direct neighbour to Greece, with Russia being behind both. Attempts for poisoning in the Skripal style in a neighbouring country). Putin's main professed enemy isn't just "the West", it's "the Anglo-Saxons", aka the USA and the UK. It's a logical nightmare to provide security for a top tier person from a country Russia has declared a chief enemy in a Balkan country. They would have tried, IMO, for a state occasion. But for one was both private and well attended - neither the Greeks would have wanted to take the responsibility nor the British would have been comfortable allowing it.

It pains me to say it :lol: but in this case, I consider Harry fully innocent.

Moran- You live in the region and are far more aware of the historic and contemporary security issues facing the Balkans and the surrounding nations. This is a place to share information as well as opinions.
Moran- You live in the region and are far more aware of the historic and contemporary security issues facing the Balkans and the surrounding nations. This is a place to share information as well as opinions.
I'll leave it to the Greek posters to be more aware of the security issues in their own country. But as a citizen of the country that was the proven centre of the Russian spy network on the Balkans, a country that shares a border with Greece... I don't want Charles, Camilla or the Waleses anywhere near right now.

BTW, many years ago my plans for a lunch with a friend failed because we had a royal visit. Charles. I supposed it would be like when heads of state arrived - I'd skirt a boulevard or two, I'd find an alternative route. Boy, was I wrong! It was more like the Pope, John Paul's, visit. Not quite but similar. I imagine the security guys and gals thought that Charles' retreating back upon leaving was one of their best sights for a long time. And that was without a war.
Oh dear, that was hilarious!
Not sure Harry will like it and he can only blame himself for it. He's making a total fool of himself in front of everyone and these are the consequences.

What will he do now, sue Jimmy Kimmel? Insult him in his next book for daring to involve his saint mother in his jokes?

Dear Harry, please - stop it now. You really need to grow up, deal with your obsessions and start to learn how reasonable and responsible adults live.
You can't spend your whole life throwing tantrums like an immature, spoiled kid.

Grow up!
I agree that it is very clever. It is listed as a parody - which it is - containing information that Harry made public in a published book. I’m sure that all the network lawyers approved it or there is no way it would have aired.

So, Harry, US media is now in the game. Do you think the British media or RF are responsible for this “children’s book”? No, Jimmy Kimmel has very good comedy writers and you have provided comedy gold with your oversharing. Thank heavens your children are too young to get this; I have no idea if anyone in the UK or other countries around the world watch Jimmy Kimmel because I can’t help but think about older children in the RF hearing about this.
Oh what a hornets nest Harry has poked...he should fire his entire PR team.
Yes, but I thought that just he and Meghan run Archwell now?:hornets:

PS: thanks for the opportunity to use this emoji above again :lol:
There are millions of people all over the world for whom Jimmy Kimmel is just a name, and that includes people in the US, who never watch his show.

It’s not shown here in Australia on free to air channels (and if you asked the average Aussie who Jimmy K is a lot would give a blank stare. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s not on mainstream channels in the UK., nor in Europe or Asia. So I’m not sure how far-reaching or effective this ‘comedy’ about Harry and his mother (who is still fondly remembered by millions around the world) is going to be.
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Harry did the Oprah Interview while his 99 year old Grandfather was on his deathbed.

Harry was in talks, and then put together the sordid, cheap shots galore, and petty "Spare" book while his grieving, and now we know ill Grandmother, was already dealing with THAT Oprah Interview fallout by her Grandson Harry. While the Sussex's were ALSO prepping their Netflix Docu-series attacking the Family and The Queens life legacy-work in The Commonwealth.... Empire 2.0

That Harry was preparing even MORE revelations to cause QEll and Charles and William devastating hurt and pain. Nothing to salacious, shocking or "weird" it seems left out.

It just seems that after watching the coverage for King Constantine's Funeral and how his Family and extended Family came together, it makes Harry's betrayal and actions so disturbing. Did Harry even see any of the Coverage ? Did ANY of it resonate with him ? Blood Family and Royal Families entwined and coming together.
Love, dignity AND respect was evident. For the Man and his position......so moving.....

It was so lovely to watch Constantine and Anne Marie's three sons honor their Father and Family in a display of united grief. Two of them would have been "Spares" to the eldest, Pavlos.
Same as another spare, Joaquim, Constantine's nephew who went to honor his Uncle AND support his Mother Queen Margarethe and brother Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. In spite of all the "challenges" of last year......

Now we read of Harry's Book revelations causing him to be ridiculed AND even worse, causing national security issues.

I hope your 30 pieces of silver was worth it Harry and Meghan......
Such excellent observations! The funeral was very moving and we saw all sorts of family members coming together. I knew that Felipe of Spain and Pavlos (and his siblings) were first cousins since Queen Sofia and King Constantine were siblings. However it had never dawned on me that Frederik and Joaquim were also first cousins with Pavlos since their mother Queen Marguerethe and Queen Anne Marie are sisters. The family support was so apparent.

It does make Harry’s book even more disturbing - seeing these other adult royals acting like the adults they are makes Harry look even more foolish and immature.
Yes King Constantine’s funeral was moving. It was also a funeral at which the vast majority of the BRF (even though there were familial links) were conspicuously absent!
There are millions of people all over the world for whom Jimmy Kimmel is just a name, and that includes people in the US, who never watch his show.

It’s not shown here in Australia on free to air channels (and if you asked the average Aussie who Jimmy K is a lot would give a blank stare. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s not on mainstream channels in the UK., nor in Europe or Asia. So I’m not sure how far-reaching or effective this ‘comedy’ about Harry and his mother (who is still fondly remembered by millions around the world) is going to be.

LOL. This is cute. The clip is on Twitter and yet you are attempting to dismiss its potential reach because Kimmel's show is not shown outside the US and it's not even the most popular late night show. Please. More than enough people are going to see it and it will live forever. All it takes is one person who knows a kid in one of the Wales or Sussex kids' classes at school for it to wind up being a point of taunting and torment.

But, sure, let's pretend that Jimmy Kimmel's reach is minute and this doesn't have the potential to hurt any of those kids (or their cousins in the extended BRF).
I thought this article was interesting. It’s about the Sussexes public non acceptance of Jeremy Clarkson’s- apparently repeated now- apologies. And the words/tone they chose to take in their refusal.

It references back to the similar tone Harry has taken in his recent interviews about demanding accountability, an apology, etc. I think it also circles around the point of- what is an acceptable apology to them?

I hope this is ok to post here.

Note- JC did cross the line imo. And I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Also- I have no idea who JC is beyond this incident.

The article asks the question: who do they think they are?

Wow, thank you for sharing this article about the Sussexes refusing to accept Clarkson’s third apology! Their response sounds very much like Meghan’s word salad and is quite judgmental as well as “holier than thou.” Indeed, who do they think they are? :whistling:
The fact that Kimmel’s parody is on Twitter doesn’t mean that the (British) parents of every child who goes to the sort of schools that Will and Kate’s children go to, will be looking online for something made by a man they’ve never even heard of. And by the time the Sussex kids go to school something else entirely will be occupying the headlines. Not everyone in the world lives in the US or is interested in US comedians or their shows,
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Wow, thank you for sharing this article about the Sussexes refusing to accept Clarkson’s third apology! Their response sounds very much like Meghan’s word salad and is quite judgmental as well as “holier than thou.” Indeed, who do they think they are? :whistling:

Why did Clarkson write to Harry not to Meghan herself if he intended to really apologise for insulting her? And why do all his ‘apologies’ sound like contemptuous sneers?
This book was always going to sell. That was a given imo. No matter what was in it.

I read this article from Newsweek, and it asks a good question: what was the Sussexes goal?

If it was merely to sell books/ make money- great. Mission accomplished.

If this was supposed to be reputation building- utter fail.

Thank you for sharing the Newsweek article: it points out Harry’s hypocrisy in doing precisely what he accuses others of doing. How infuriating that he made fun of and called a female journalist all sorts of names…..at the same time his wife was doing a podcast on how women are held back by the very thing Harry did.

They cannot read the room. They do not seem to have any ability to self reflect nor see anyone else’s point of view except their own.?
The Taliban and other terrorists and religious zealots have slaughtered thousands in the name of their cause over the last twenty years or so. If it wasn’t Harry’s words about his service as a pilot/gunner in Afghanistan it would be some other excuse as justification, or no excuse at all. Harry is not responsible for the actions of terrorists, nor should he be held responsible in the future.

If you bother to read the article in my last post (don't worry, it's not Daily Mail, it's not even British press but Australian), you'll see that it came from official Twitter account of Iran Foreign Ministry. Not random people on Twitter, not Taliban, and I don't think UK gov (or US or Australia or other Western government) consider Foreign Ministry as terrorists or religious zealots group.

Harry has right to tell his story in Afghanistan, I read the book and I still think mentioning his kills count and calling them as chess pieces is unnecessary to tell his story. If it's about healing from his PTSD then tell it to his therapist/counselor, don't write it in a book where the world can read it.
And is Iran’s history on human rights among its own citizens so extraordinarily high that it feels entitled to lecture others on their shortcomings?
And is Iran’s history on human rights among its own citizens so extraordinarily high that it feels entitled to lecture others on their shortcomings?

So basically same hypocrisy as Harry? Right, I got it :winkiss:
However, as you pointed out, the Iranian Foreign Ministry is an official arm of government, so they should be held to a higher standard than an individual’s point of view.
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Talking about commercial products/advertising I did see a comment relating to a newspaper article about the Elizabeth Arden business (I tried to post a link here at the time but I don't think it worked).

So this person suggested in the comments that the reason Harry made such a big deal of using Elizabeth Arden cream was that he did it in the hopes that they would ask Meghan to be the "face" of Elizabeth Arden beauty products, thus earning extra megabucks. IMHO this was spot on (no pun intended).

With that in mind, and noting that back along I saw a picture of Meghan appearing to have a meltdown in the presence of a carefully folded Hermes blanket, I'm curious to know if Harry makes other pointed references to products in the book...such as Diet Coke for example. :D
I think Harry was actually making a humorous point about being a male and using an Elizabeth Arden product which is known throughout the world as a cosmetics brand. It is a darned good product but I see the humour in the admission. As a point of interest, EA used to use it on her horses as well and I find myself wondering if HLM did the same. I also use it myself for non-cosmetic purposes.
Such excellent observations! The funeral was very moving and we saw all sorts of family members coming together. I knew that Felipe of Spain and Pavlos (and his siblings) were first cousins since Queen Sofia and King Constantine were siblings. However it had never dawned on me that Frederik and Joaquim were also first cousins with Pavlos since their mother Queen Marguerethe and Queen Anne Marie are sisters. The family support was so apparent.

It does make Harry’s book even more disturbing - seeing these other adult royals acting like the adults they are makes Harry look even more foolish and immature.
And your real point was? The Greek Royal Family is not a reigning family which renders the notion of an Heir and a Spare somewhat redundant!
Wow, thank you for sharing this article about the Sussexes refusing to accept Clarkson’s third apology! Their response sounds very much like Meghan’s word salad and is quite judgmental as well as “holier than thou.” Indeed, who do they think they are? :whistling:
Why did Clarkson write to Harry not to Meghan herself if he intended to really apologise for insulting her? And why do all his ‘apologies’ sound like contemptuous sneers?
Point well made and the "apologies" keep coming. I guess the prospect of not having his contract renewed by Prime for his two series has brought home the fact that what he said is not just unacceptable but indefensible and his preamble is the product of a sick mind. To claim in writing that your "hate 'anyone' on a cellular level is incomprehensible and to my way of thinking, definitely the product of a sick mind.

Let's not forget that JC was flaming Meghan in the public arena for publicity and not out of a sense of moral outrage as indeed the text of his opinion in confirms. You have to stay in the viewers' eye or they forget you.

I am not for or against anyone in the BRF but, regardless of the dross in the public media, if you cannot find fault in Clarkson's Opinion Piece then I fear your moral compass is off a few degrees.
Having now read enough of the book to feel okay with a lot of reviews and opininóns on this forum, I have to say that my stance has changed almost completely. Whish is sad as I firmly believe the pressure of the media against Meghan (and thus Harry) was an important reason for the move to the US.

All the other reasons are there, too, and I had not thought it means so much: you must know that a Royal family is just a big family as any: you accept the hierarchy or you move out. accepting you have to build your own fortune. It is so sad that Harry and Meghan did not find a way to make it without trashing the others.

As for the mentioning of the killed people in Afghanistan: I think Harry was unhappy/furious his service for his country was not regarded as important enough to pay for his security. Now he has the discussion and now he surely gets it, at least back in the UK.

I believe at the basis of Herry's fury is his sense that he served his country, but is regarded as the second best. He might even be right, but that's the way it is!

Being heir is about birth Order not merit but I don’t think it’s fair to say Harry served his country William did not.

William did serve as a search and rescue helicopter pilot and I believe even passed more certifications than his brother.

However because he was the heir he was not allowed to go to the front lines. I read he wanted to
But Harry nevertheless did serve in a war zone. The fact that William was not allowed to as he was heir was hardly Harry’s fault!
But Harry nevertheless did serve in a war zone. The fact that William was not allowed to as he was heir was hardly Harry’s fault!

It's also not William's 'fault'

Being a family is not about keeping scores, but Harry in his book and interviews seems eager to 'score'
Does only military service count?
Harry is the one who dropped out, William is serving his country every day by being the heir and a working royal, most probably the next King.
It does nit matter at all, if William was in Afghanistan.
Look what his stupid brother has caused by being there! The problem with royal soldiers is, nobody dares to take a closer look, because they are good and free advertising for the army.
History can tell how many really dangerous foolish royals held power in their hands.

Today whats about the outrage about Harry bragging, death counts, Harry taking drugs, Harry leaving base while drug control......
all forgotten and hided, every normal man had been put to court.

William is the one who really served and serves his country.
As so many contributors pointed out, the fact that Harry served in war zone is not outstanding by itself, there are tens of thounsands of people who did. Outstanding is the fact that he was a ROYAL serving in a war zone. That in itself is both a privilege and a responsability.
Privilege compared to his brother, who was not allowed. Privilege compared to his mates, who were not guarded like he was.
Responsability for how he represents the RF among his mates. Responsability for how he represents the veterans and the army in public.
Harry seems to pick what suits him. His commentaries, both the playstation one and the chess pieces one, are not something thought through, in my opinion. “His” invictus is a wonderful construct. I say it’s not (only) his construct as 1. He copied the WW and 2. It is the result of cooperation of governments. Only his identity as both a royal, a veteran and a representative of the head of state made it possible. If it were for John Doe to do it it was almost impossible.
And this brings me to what I think is the crux of the problem: Harry resents his identity as a royal (since long before Meghan) and wants what it has given to him. We all pass such a phase, for some of us it’s milder than for others - rejecting our parents and teachers in order to establish a more autonomous identity. I think it’s called prunning. The thing is it is just a phase, most people are out of it at the end of their adolescence.
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