The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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So who is this boyfriend and what are his particulars?
As this thread is only a few pages long, the best way to learn more about her German boyfriend is most likely to read this thread.
The RVD has denied that the lady on the photos is Princess Amalia. A blunder by magazine Privé who published the photo on their cover. The photo appeared first in the German Bild magazine. The woman that was actually pictured has posted a clip of herself and the magazine on TikTok.
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The Palace has released interesting news about the Princess of Orange's current activities:

The following two photos are captioned:

The Princess of Orange today at the pitch day of social initiatives for the fifth Growth Program of the Oranje Fonds and last week with her "colleagues" in the garden of the Orange Fund in Utrecht.

The Princess fills part of her gap year with an internship at the Oranje Fonds and volunteer work at other organizations. The gap year of the Princess of Orange is private. She therefore hopes that she can do this work in peace and seclusion.

** instagram gallery **
Good...I am glad we have been given a glimpse as to what the Princess has been doing during her gap year.
Btw...when does her gap year end?
I assue she will start her studies in the new academic year, which would be at the end of august/ beginning of september.

Not the mostexiting thing perhaps to be interning in your parents organisation. But useful to get acquinted with it as she will probably be working a lot with the foundation in the future.
She said she is not yet sure where she Will study,and what.
But I think she does know where and what but doesn't want to feed hysteria by students going to the same University and studying the same because of her...these people do exist...both as students...and their parents...
"The Princess of Orange will start in September with the bachelor's degree in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) at the University of Amsterdam.
The study has an application and selection procedure, which the Princess of Orange went through in its entirety last year.

She will live in Amsterdam in September.

The Princess's study time is considered private."
The Princess of Orange Will start her Bachelor PPLE studies in Amsterdam in september this year.

Housing Will be rented where she Will live with a couple of friends ,accordeon to the governement information service today.

pple politcs,psychology,law and economics.
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Sounds like a useful study for a future queen. The Bachelor is taught in English, so she will have both Dutch and international class mates.

I wonder whether she will share a house with her cousin countess Eloise.
"The Princess of Orange will start in September with the bachelor's degree in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) at the University of Amsterdam.
The study has an application and selection procedure, which the Princess of Orange went through in its entirety last year.

She will live in Amsterdam in September.

The Princess's study time is considered private."

Sounds like an inetersting degree.

Query why the Princess chose to study in Amsterdam and not further afield? This would have been a good opportunity to spend some time away.
She is already further afield than many would expect as she did not choose Leiden University. The Netherlannds has many high-ranking universities and friendships formed during university years (at the student unions - she will most likely join the 'corps' of Amsterdam - which is where the elite gather) are often for life, so it makes a lot of sense that she stays in the Netherlands. She would do herself a disservice if she would exclude herself from all of this.

In the past it has been suggested that she might do a Master's degree abroad but her Bachelor study was always expected to be in the Netherlands. People would probably have frowned upon a choice to study abroad - as if the Dutch universities aren't good enough....
Sounds like an inetersting degree.

Query why the Princess chose to study in Amsterdam and not further afield? This would have been a good opportunity to spend some time away.

Because we have excellent universities here in The Netherlands as well.
She has no need to spent more time away,why would she if all she wants and needs is here.
The first time the heir is not studying in Leiden. But Amsterdam has changed so much these last decades and is now flooded with students who have well-to-do parents, as they are the only ones who can afford to rent a room.

The tuition fees are apparently double the normal fee. The study seems to be a bit of everything (and thus nothing?), which considering her future can actually be a perfect fit. The study is part of the Law faculty.

Quite a shock to go through the twitter comments & the number of nutters there. Talking about conspiracy theories & the WEF. I hope she will be able to enjoy her time in the city.
The first time the heir is not studying in Leiden. But Amsterdam has changed so much these last decades and is now flooded with students who have well-to-do parents, as they are the only ones who can afford to rent a room.

The tuition fees are apparently double the normal fee. The study seems to be a bit of everything (and thus nothing?), which considering her future can actually be a perfect fit. The study is part of the Law faculty.

Quite a shock to go through the twitter comments & the number of nutters there. Talking about conspiracy theories & the WEF. I hope she will be able to enjoy her time in the city.

Twitter is the best recipe for obtaining a severe depression. Stay away from that sewer-of-all-sewers.
Quite a shock to go through the twitter comments & the number of nutters there. Talking about conspiracy theories & the WEF. I hope she will be able to enjoy her time in the city.

Indeed,a shock...and not,with all the weirdo´s and in denial nutcases around!
Those who comment in that fashion should be banned from a-social media as
to abuse freedom of speech to purpously hurt someone should be punished!

Or track them,and have a smalll conversation.....
In the book the Princess made with Claudia de Breij, she already stated she wanted to do her bachelor in the Netherlands. And then she prefers a Corps, "with a Jaarclub and all included".

A Jaarclub is a fraternity whose members come / came up in the same year.
In the Capital the main Corps is the Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps.

Picture: the llustrissimus Senatus Studiosorum Amstelodamensium (the Senate of the Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps).
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Link to the PPLE website for those interested in learning more about the programme. It seems to have some things in common with the programme Elisaberh is doing in Oxford (both are multi-disciplinary and include politics; but attempt to approach issues from multiple perspectives to better understand society's problems and potential solutions).

Some specialization takes place in the second year when students do a major in any of the four disciplinrs that make up this interdisciplinary programme.

The program is quite popular. 1750 potential students applied and only 200 are admitted (based on Amalia's grades, it makes a lot of sense that she made the cut).
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It would be a honour for the Senate of the Corps when the Princess of Orange would become a Rector, Quaestor or Assessor. But I doubt; there is a risk that -for an example- initialisation rites go terribly wrong.

The Senate is the general executive of some 35 fraternities and some 30 clubs, varying from a Students' Equestrian Club to a Students' Shooting Club. Violence or abuse in one fraternity or club will possibly hit the Senate in the face. At the other hand: having a seat in the Senate of the Corps will immensely help the Princess in networking, improvisation and practical responsibility.
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It would be a honour for the Senate of the Corps when the Princess of Orange would become the Rector, Quaestors or Assessor. But I doubt; there is a risk that -for an example- initialisation rites going terribly wrong.

The Senate is the general executive of some 35 fraternities and some 30 clubs, varying from a Students' Equestrian Club to a Students' Shooting Club. Violence or abuse in one fraternity or club will possibly hit the Senate in the face. At the other hand: having a seat in the Senate of the Corps will immensely help the Princess in networking, improvisation and practical responsibility.

Was any of the princes (van Amsburg of van Vollenhoven) in the previous generation a member of the Senate of their respective Corps?
I had hoped she would stay clear of any kind of Corps. Bizar kind of club.
These sounds like very sensible subjects to study for a future head of state.

To that I would add studying communication, advertising/marketing and media.
Things that will also be very handy for her to have an in-depth understanding of.
A course in 'Rhetoric' is included in the first year. In her final year she can take 2 electives; doing it bit more in 'communication/media' sounds like a smart choice. In addition, they include what they call 'things you don't learn in school' throughout the full curriculum; it is aimed at the personal development of students:

In addition to focusing on the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills, the PPLE study programme also aims to foster students' personal learning and development. We tailored a course that revolves around topics that ultimately determine the quality of life, yet are not normally addressed in university. In a series of interactive workshops topics such as self-worth, decision making, but also more interpersonal topics such as friendship, death, and sexuality are covered.
Was any of the princes (van Amsburg of van Vollenhoven) in the previous generation a member of the Senate of their respective Corps?

Yes, Pieter van Vollenhoven in the Senate of Minerva, the Corps of Leyden.

That Senate did consist of Jan-Otto Baron van Boetzelaer LL.M. (Preses Collegii), Prof. Martijn van Empel LL.M. (Abactis), Dr. Med. Joan Maathuis (Quaestor), Hans Laverge LL.M. (Assessor Primus) and Prof. Pieter van Vollenhoven LL.M. (Assessor Secundus).

See picture of a re-union.

( LL.M. is Legum Magister which means Master of Laws. To be allowed to practice law in the Netherlands, one needs an LL.M. degree with a specific (set of) course(s) in litigation law. )
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Thanks, that's interesting to know. And those friendships bond formed during a Senate-year many times are for life: the fact that the 'praeses' was also Pieter's witness at his wedding goes to show the depth of their bond. However, Pieter van Vollenhoven was not a member of the royal family (and still not a prince) at that point. I was asking about his sons :D

Pieter van Vollenhoven was a member of the Senate in 1962(-1963). Their engagement was announced in March 1965, and they didn't get married until January 1967, so it seems unlikely that they were already in a relationship when he was chosen as a member of the Senate in late 1961 or early 1962. More precisely, princess Margriet went to France for a year after finishing high school in 1961, so she didn't start in Leiden until September 1962 - when Pieter was already a member of the senate.

N.B. Lots of Law-graduates (who would use 'mr.' before and not LLM behind their names); two of them ended up professors (are you sure Martijn van Emple also didn't get a doctorate but still became professor like Pieter van Vollenhoven?). And what do you mean with 'Dr. Med.', that's not an official Dutch title... Do you mean is a medical doctor and also got his doctorate (PhD)? Or did Johan Maathuis only get his medical degree?
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She is already further afield than many would expect as she did not choose Leiden University. The Netherlannds has many high-ranking universities and friendships formed during university years (at the student unions - she will most likely join the 'corps' of Amsterdam - which is where the elite gather) are often for life, so it makes a lot of sense that she stays in the Netherlands. She would do herself a disservice if she would exclude herself from all of this.

In the past it has been suggested that she might do a Master's degree abroad but her Bachelor study was always expected to be in the Netherlands. People would probably have frowned upon a choice to study abroad - as if the Dutch universities aren't good enough....

Honestly I find that rather provincial. No one frowned upon the Duchess of Brabant or her cousins when they all chose to go to university in England. And I am pretty sure Belgium also has great universities ( In my field, for example, KUL has an excellent reputation).

Nobody frowned upon the duchess of Brabant going abroad because the alternative would be that she would have to chose between a Flemish or a Wallonian university. Oxford was a lucky & sensible escape from opening that can of worms.
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Honestly I find that rather provincial. No one frowned upon the Duchess of Brabant or her cousins when they all chose to go to university in England. And I am pretty sure Belgium also has great universities ( In my field, for example, KUL has an excellent reputation).

Probably (and yes, the KU Leuven is indeed an excellent university!). I guess there is a different standard in Belgium with many members of the royal family preferring an education abroad (not only for university but also much earlier) - as well as the reason provided by Marengo. I guess Belgium is a bit more accepting of 'elitist' behavior of their royals (as an extension of the nobility) than the Netherlands which has a culture of 'just act normal, it’s already crazy enough'. So, taking your full undergraduate degree abroad is definitely not the standard (not in general and not for the nobility) and would be frowned upon. As I said, for Amalia to miss out on being part of a Student Corps would really put her out-of-step with her social class/contemporaries (she mentioned her wish to become a member and fully immerse herself in that part of student life in her recent book for a reason). Doing a semester abroad or your Master abroad is much more common but doing your Bachelor abroad would mean that you don't share the experience that all other Dutch students have... and yes, that would hurt her in the long run imho.

Moreover, this is not her only opportunity to go abroad. She has had a year to explore the world and intends to do a master abroad after completing her Bachelor, so she'll end up spending most likely at least 2-3 years (mostly) abroad, so she'll gain sufficient international experience these years (next to this programme being an international programme, so she'll get both the international experience with her fellow-students and Dutch student life all-in-one).

And I don't think, for example, that the British would be happy if their heir to the throne decided to go to Belgium or the Netherlands to attend university... That would certainly be questioned. So, why would it be expected the other way around?!

N.B. Check this video to gain a better understanding of the Dutch culture in terms of 'act normal' (it has English subtitles and is made for those learning Dutch to also get some cultural lessons) - including, among others, a contribution from a Danish perspective (noting that it is comparable to Jante's Law).
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The standard language at Dutch universities is English. The influx of foreign students is gigantic (with side effects like even more pressure on the overheated housing market). The Princess' chosen faculty offers the curriculum completely in English. Other than for privacy there seems little need to go to a foreign university.

As stated by the Princess herself, she wants to be immersed in a Corps culture type of students' life, with all traditions. I can already see sweating male students swinging in the chandeliers of their Corps' house, burling Io vivat! Io vivat!.

The Corps forms an extremely competitive atmosphere, almost a henhouse or a monkey cage, with hidden social codes but I can see how it would "ground and root" Amalia immensely, freed from "the gentlemen in grey" at the palace.

Picture: the Amsterdam Students' Militia in the royal procession at Prinsjesdag. (These Student Militias have lost any military significance they had in earlier centuries and are purely for the ceremonial and protocol, students playing the cavalier in a dashy uniform).
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