The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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First Ladies or Gentlemen since the start of the Orange-Nassaus in the Netherlands:

Johanna van Polanen (Low Countries)
Maria van Loon van Heinsberg (Low Countries / German)
Cimburga von Baden (German)
Elisabeth von Hessen-Marburg (German)
Louise Francisca de Savoye (French)
Claudia de Chalon d'Arlay (French)
Mencía de Mendoza y Fonseca (Spanish)
Anne van Egmont (Low Countries)
Anna von Sachsen (German)
Charlotte de Bourbon-Vendôme (French)
Louise de Coligny (French)
Éléonore de Bourbon-Condé (French)
Amalia von Solms-Braunfels (German)
Mary Henrietta Stuart (British)
Mary Stuart (British)
Marie-Luise von Hessen-Kassel (German)
Anne of Great-Britain and Hannover (British)
Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina von Preußen (German)
Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina von Preußen (German)
Henriette d'Oultremont de Wégimont (Dutch)
Anna Pavlovna Romanova (Russian)
Sophie von Württemberg (German)
Emma zu Waldeck und Pyrmont (German)
Heinrich von Mecklenburg- Schwerin (German)
Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (German)
Claus von Amsberg (German)
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti (Argentinean)
Front page of Paris Match , Princesse Amalia amie du Prince Gabriel ....
In Bunte it is Ysenbrandt K. and in Paris Match it is Gabriel...

For so far the 19-jährigen Millionen-Erben aus Westfalen seems a little bit more credible. But undoubtedly in three months it will be "a French student" or an "Argentine polo equestrian" whom have captured Amalia's heart...

On the German wikipedia page of the company, which sites : Jürgen Gojny: Die Rüstungsindustrie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Ahlen im Spiegel der Berichte der Rüstungskommandos Osnabrück und Recklinghausen. In: Münsterland, Jahrbuch des Kreises Warendorf. 55. Jahrgang (2006), ZDB-ID 1288088-7, S. 298–306.
It was normal that almost any company was used for the German war industry.
It was normal that almost any company was used for the German war industry.

Exactly. Practically all major industry plants produced munition of some sort in every warring country, including the occupied countries.
Anyway it was 80 years ago.
The Princess of Orange thanked the messages and birthday cards:
“Over the past few weeks, I've been inundated with congratulations and birthday cards. This made me very happy. I would like to thank everyone for that! ”- CA

His enrollment at Tilburg University this year appears to represent the first time he has lived in the Netherlands; I wonder if his (alleged) relationship with the Princess of Orange could be the reason for his choice. On the other hand, the article posted abovethread by Marengo says he speaks a small amount of Dutch, so perhaps he has some previous experience with the country.
First Ladies or Gentlemen since the start of the Orange-Nassaus in the Netherlands:

Johanna van Polanen (Low Countries)
Maria van Loon van Heinsberg (Low Countries / German)
Cimburga von Baden (German)
Elisabeth von Hessen-Marburg (German)
Louise Francisca de Savoye (French)
Claudia de Chalon d'Arlay (French)
Mencía de Mendoza y Fonseca (Spanish)
Anne van Egmont (Low Countries)
Anna von Sachsen (German)
Charlotte de Bourbon-Vendôme (French)
Louise de Coligny (French)
Éléonore de Bourbon-Condé (French)
Amalia von Solms-Braunfels (German)
Mary Henrietta Stuart (British)
Mary Stuart (British)
Marie-Luise von Hessen-Kassel (German)
Anne of Great-Britain and Hannover (British)
Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina von Preußen (German)
Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina von Preußen (German)
Henriette d'Oultremont de Wégimont (Dutch)
Anna Pavlovna Romanova (Russian)
Sophie von Württemberg (German)
Emma zu Waldeck und Pyrmont (German)
Heinrich von Mecklenburg- Schwerin (German)
Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (German)
Claus von Amsberg (German)
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti (Argentinean)

Did you mean to write Nassaus instead of Orange-Nassaus? The first few "first ladies" you listed married into the Nassau family before its succession to the principality of Orange. :flowers:

Was there a strict division between French/Low Countries/German during the medieval era?

In the case of Johanna van Polanen I suppose her husband Engelbrecht van Nassau could be considered the "First Gentleman" as it was through his marriage to her that he became a leading Dutch nobleman.

Máxima's maiden surname was Zorreguieta as the Argentinean tradition is to give children only the father's family name. (Further sources were provided previous discussion.)
I fully agree on the 'university' part: a partner without a university degree (which in the Netherlands includes a Master - you aren't considered a true university graduate if you only obtained your Bachelor) would be frowned upon.

For anyone else who might wonder how many potential husbands would be "frowned upon" for this reason: According to UNESCO, as of 2021, 14.3% of men aged 25 or older in the Netherlands had attained a master's degree or its equivalent.
For anyone else who might wonder how many potential husbands would be "frowned upon" for this reason: According to UNESCO, as of 2021, 14.3% of men aged 25 or older in the Netherlands had attained a master's degree or its equivalent.

Among the younger generations university atudies are much more common than among older generations, so the statistics aren't representative for her generations as these include the 80+ year old men (or even 50/60+) that are much less likely to have obtained a drs -title (as it was called previously).
It is interesting to see the rapid increase in percentage (12.4 in 2016, 12.9 in 2018 and up to 14.3 in 2020) caused by the younger generations completing their master studies and the age groups with very few men with a masters or equivalent degree dying.

Do you have the statistical breakdown by generation? That would be interesting to see.

Do you have the statistical breakdown by generation? That would be interesting to see.

Unfortunately I don't. Have seen statistics in the past, so will post them if I am able to find them.

You might be interested in these statistics: it confirms the rather rapid increase in university education over the last decade (although women are responsible for the larger part of the increase).

According to this article in the 60s (so, the current age group of about 75 and older) only 5% had received higher education (which includes both university education as well as higher professional education).

One more interesting figure comparing educational level of 30-35 year olds of tjos born in the late 50s vs those born in the late 70s. It will take a while for the statistics of Amalia's generation to become available but it shows a clear increase in higher education degrees (majority is Bachelor but large minority is Master).
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I would never think it's C-A's monogram if you don't mention it's hers......I see A and H.
I would never think it's C-A's monogram if you don't mention it's hers......I see A and H.

Often monograms are mirrored and apparently they wanted to combine a mirrored C with the A in between.

See this monogram of Willem Hendrik Prince of Nassau, The Prince of Orange (later King William III of Great-Britain) which reads as H W H:
Often monograms are mirrored and apparently they wanted to combine a mirrored C with the A in between.

Yes I know that, but the problem I have with C-A's monograms is it doesn't look balanced, A isn't at centre (leaning to right) and C isn't smooth as a C should be. It kind of falls between two stools, it is not completely mirrored but also not completely asymmetric. Another similar example is Isabella of Denmark's which I also find odd. A mirrored design should not make a monogram look like an alphabet that irrelevant with the owner.
Since she is only known as "Amalia", I'm guessing the A is what they wanted to emphasize. The "C" is in there more as a careful afterthought.

Perhaps it's a hint as to her regnal name.
Most likely her regnal name is Catharina-Amalia.
Like in her father's name, the hyphen makes it one name: Willem-Alexander.

Her late uncle Prince Friso was long known as Johan Friso. But that name has no hyphen so it effectively is two names.

At the registration ceremony, which was televised, the then Prince of Orange litterally responded to the Mayor of The Hague: "Her names are Catharina-Amalia, with an hyphen like in my own name, Beatrix Carmen Victoria".
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I agree with Duc et Pair. Pretty sure that her regnal name will be Catharina-Amalia but she is known by friends and family as 'Amalia'. Just like Willem-Alexander has never been known as 'Willem-Alexander' in his private circle but as 'Alex(ander)'.

The main difference is that as a prince most people would use 'prince Willem-Alexander' and you would never read 'prince Alexander', while in Amalia's case it is much more common to see 'princess Amalia' (even the PM used it recently in an official communication!).
Yvonne Coldewijer has shown a photo of Amalia on one of her so-called juice channels.

The princess -or somebody that is her according to Coldewijer- is walking on crutches. Apparently she already had them when she flew from London to Amsterdam with her mother, before the family went to Lech.

Apparently more photos are going around -which I have not seen- and supposedly the princess smokes like a chimney.

Earlier reports by magazine Story must have been incorrect. They placed the princess in Canada with Isebrand Kaldewei.

Coldewijer removed the photo after one hour, as she does not want to get into trouble with the RVD. The boulevard press does not show any photos either and refers to 'photos online'. The RVD refuses to comment.

Some online media report that the princess is not staying with the rest of the family in Gasthof Post but in another hotel, namely hotel Der Berghof. Kaldewei is supposed to be there too. dit...rblijft -prinses- amalia -met- haar -vriendje
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I'm not sure of W-A but I remember seeing photos of then Princess Màxima smoking. If her parents smoke it is no surprise that Amalia should develop this terrible habit.
I'm not sure of W-A but I remember seeing photos of then Princess Màxima smoking. If her parents smoke it is no surprise that Amalia should develop this terrible habit.

Apparently both Amalia and Alexia smoke. Is smoking combustible tobacco still popular among Dutch youth? I am asking because, in North America, I believe very few teens smoke cigarettes nowadays although many of them have other bad habits like vaping, drinking and smoking marijuana.
According to the latest statistics in 2020 7.7% of the Dutch youth (16-20 years) smoked daily (compared to 13.8% in 2014), while 82% never smoked (compared to 69.4% previously); so, it is on a steep decline.

For the age group 12-16 years: 97% stated they never smoked (up from 93.7% in 2014).

For comparison: smoking also declined significantly in the total adult population (from 25.7% in 2014 to 20.2% in 2020 who smoke (but not necessarily daily); 14.9% smokes daily).

Research shows that it is typically the lower and middle educated that smoke but apparently also the upper class?! And men are more likely to smoke than women. Again, the Dutch royal family (as we also know that their cousin Eloise smokes) is the exception with young more highly educated (or at least on the road to graduating from higher education one day) women smoking.
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Wow, quite a difference with when I was a teenager. Then, I believe 1/3 of the teenagers smoked.
WA and Maxima both smoke(d), so does/did Beatrix.
There is not much to see as they obscured the face of the supposed boyfriend.
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She was already spotted in Lech several weeks ago, so it seems she's spending a lot of time there. I wonder whether she has done any kind of internship so far (as was announced to be part of her gap year).

Edit: given that Amalia is currently in Thalf (Heerenveen, the Netherlands) for the tribute to the Netherlands' best two speedskaters, she clearly left Lech.
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