The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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The action of the mafias affects the whole society, and not seeing that is not seeing the bottom of the problem. I am expressing my opinion with respect, so I expect the same.

And the people in the ports who are pressured to work for the mafias? And the people who live in the neighborhoods where these people live and see crimes and extortion around them? And the people who die from a stray bullet in a confrontation between mafias? And the young people who end up trafficking to survive? And the people who become addicted to those drugs?... they are also victims.

Spain is geostrategically a place of passage for many European mafias, in the Costa del Sol area criminals hide among millionaire tourists, and there are also murders and revenge, the Moroccan-Dutch is only the last to arrive. So yes, in Spain we know how they work and for a long time. Hundreds of people who were enjoying a concert in a club in Marbella this summer did not expect that a Dutch criminal would start shooting... the tragedy was little for what it could have been with the stampede of people wanting to flee from the local. Innocent people, including the King's nephew.
Assuming that the Queen is making a very serious matter "frivolous" as though she does not understand the gravity of the situation or the implications of what she says, and saying that she only brings the matter up because it has interrupted Amalia's social life, is not very respectful.

The socioeconomic consequences of the mafia are indeed complex and far-ranging. But it's a royal discussion board. So while considering everyone affected is wise, in the end, we're still wondering about The Princess of Orange and how she is.

Amalia does not even have the option of going to a club where she may be shot, currently.
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I really feel bad for Amalia here. Whether other people in her country, or royals from other countries, have had it worse isn’t the issue. It sounds like, at least for now, Amalia’s life has been upended. She’s not living where she thought she was going to be living, she’s not having the university experience she thought she’d have, she’s missing out on many of the social and non academic parts of student life. And beyond all that, a very real threat has been made to her safety. This isn’t a great start to adult life, no matter how privileged she may otherwise be.

I wonder if she’d consider studying abroad for a year, or maybe even transferring and finishing her degree elsewhere? Getting her out of the country would allow her to have a more complete university experience, similar to the one she thought she’d have in Amsterdam. And it would give the police and security services some breathing room and time to figure out what the new normal is going to be for protecting Amalia and the Royal Family moving forward, because it doesn’t sound like this type of threat is going away any time soon.
Nobody deserves it!
Here and there in this thread is pointed to IRA and ETA in the past but the current threats are incomparable as columnist Sander Schimmelpenninck (himself a hereditary count with an ancestral estate) wrote in De Volkskrant:


In this way, the royal children are forced to study abroad, something that Amalia did not want. Like her father, she "just" wanted to study in the Netherlands. But it is no longer possible to be left alone: the herds have gone out of control because of social media and they no longer feel anything to control their primitive urges, online or offline. Never before in the post-war period so many politicians, lawyers and journalists were under threat as now.


The unbridled misinformation, incitement and fantasies of violence on social media have nothing to do with Free Speech. Why are anonymous accounts still allowed? Why do we allow a creep like Elon Musk to set the rules on the biggest town square? Why is doxxing* still not a crime? If an organization can go to Court to enforce the government to formulate stricter climate ambitions, then Dutch people should be able to force the same State to better protection of the people against the disastrous consequences of social media for the mental health and safety of citizens.


The horrific threats against Amalia should be an alarm bell for the Netherlands. The madness does not go away, the intensity does not diminish and the current drug policy is a dead end. As long as we do not tackle the causes of crime and insecurity and think that protecting everyone is a solution, things will go from bad to worse. As a result, no one wants to work for the commonwealth and general interest anymore.

* Doxxing is the act of revealing identifying information about someone online, such as their whereabouts, real name, home address, workplace, phone, financial, and other personal information but also sharing pictures, videos, recorded conversations without knowledge and permission of the victim.


The Hooggeboren Heer Alexander ("Sander") Cornelis graaf Schimmelpenninck ( picture ) was born and raised at Nijenhuis Estate in Diepenheim (East of the Netherlands) - see picture. Despite his own privileged milieu he affiches himself as a republican. Not because of Orange hate but exactly because he sees the Orange-Nassaus (and other royal families) as victims suffering the Stockholm Syndrome. He thinks they have the idea that -at all costs- they should cling to their position because no one wants to be the last of their illustrious ancestry to close the door. He calls it a "Stockholm Syndrome" because any normal person would have quitted this absurd and inhuman system in which an individual is caught in a Golden Cage.
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The action of the mafias affects the whole society, and not seeing that is not seeing the bottom of the problem. I am expressing my opinion with respect, so I expect the same.

And the people in the ports who are pressured to work for the mafias? And the people who live in the neighborhoods where these people live and see crimes and extortion around them? And the people who die from a stray bullet in a confrontation between mafias? And the young people who end up trafficking to survive? And the people who become addicted to those drugs?... they are also victims.

Spain is geostrategically a place of passage for many European mafias, in the Costa del Sol area criminals hide among millionaire tourists, and there are also murders and revenge, the Moroccan-Dutch is only the last to arrive. So yes, in Spain we know how they work and for a long time. Hundreds of people who were enjoying a concert in a club in Marbella this summer did not expect that a Dutch criminal would start shooting... the tragedy was little for what it could have been with the stampede of people wanting to flee from the local. Innocent people, including the King's nephew.

Yes.. of course the drugsmaffia effects the whole society.
Yes people are forced to work for the maffia ( but some of them do want to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time.. )
Some people live in bad area's etc. People become addicted yes.. but you don't have to become addicted, but that is an other discussion.
But there is a difference between a direct threat to a person or just being in the wrong place.. yes of course that is horrible as well. But I ( and you) can go where we want to go. Try to avoid certain places etc.
But it is completely different for example crime reporters:
"If you ( crime reporter) don't stop writing about us etc we will kill you"
And in case of Amalia: "kidnapping her and using her to get other criminals out of prison" That is different. It is a direct threat to her!.

And downplaying it by saying: "She should not moan.. Maxima is being frivolous and only bringing it up because it has interrrupted Amalia's social life.." sorry I find that very disrespectful. Very disrespectful indeed!!!
Of course it is not only about not being able to have a social life and having fun. It is a direct threat to her safety and wellbeing.
Sorry why are you reacting like this. Unbelievable
Yes.. of course the drugsmaffia effects the whole society.
Yes people are forced to work for the maffia ( but some of them do want to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time.. )
Some people live in bad area's etc. People become addicted yes.. but you don't have to become addicted, but that is an other discussion.
But there is a difference between a direct threat to a person or just being in the wrong place.. yes of course that is horrible as well. But I ( and you) can go where we want to go. Try to avoid certain places etc.
But it is completely different for example crime reporters:
"If you ( crime reporter) don't stop writing about us etc we will kill you"
And in case of Amalia: "kidnapping her and using her to get other criminals out of prison" That is different. It is a direct threat to her!.

And downplaying it by saying: "She should not moan.. Maxima is being frivolous and only bringing it up because it has interrrupted Amalia's social life.." sorry I find that very disrespectful. Very disrespectful indeed!!!
Of course it is not only about not being able to have a social life and having fun. It is a direct threat to her safety and wellbeing.
Sorry why are you reacting like this. Unbelievable

I agree with you. I still remember the brutal murder of crime reporter Peter de Vries, a horrible event last year. That showed that the mafia in NL doesn't hesitate to murder even prominent people.
Therefore I can very well understand Amalias parents worry.
The Dutch government has to react. I cannot remember such a recent threat to Royals.

It cannot really be compared to all people that are victims of terror acts. We had many of them in Germany too and still people are scared to go to Xmas markets or big events. After a while you forget about it. But if you always are aware of it you actually can go nowhere as a normal citizen.

In case of a royal or politician it is different, because the danger is focused on that very person.
I'm just finding out about this while reading Spain's El Pais royal news section. This is horrible that she is a target of kidnaping :eek:

(press translate on the upper right side when you see the prompt)

The kings of the Netherlands reveal that the heir to the throne lives threatened and unable to leave home

"...the situation of their eldest daughter "has enormous consequences for her life". By not being able to move freely, "the life that other students have" is lost; He goes to college and that's it." The queen consort added that she is "very proud of the way Amalia handles the situation."

"...According toDe Telegraaf, the threats had come from the entourage of Ridouan Taghi, the leading figure in organized crime in the Netherlands. He is locked up in a maximum-security prison in Vught, in the southern Netherlands, and is suspected of involvement in at least a dozen drug-related murders."
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:previous: I recommend reading the posts above yours that provide more direct quotes and interpretations from TRF-members from the Netherlands.

FYI: at the most recent state visit to Greece, the queen responded to questions about the above that the princess was ok with 'the world' knowing about her situation (which was confirmed during the previous state visit to Sweden), it makes her feel understood.
:previous: I recommend reading the posts above yours that provide more direct quotes and interpretations from TRF-members from the Netherlands.

FYI: at the most recent state visit to Greece, the queen responded to questions about the above that the princess was ok with 'the world' knowing about her situation (which was confirmed during the previous state visit to Sweden), it makes her feel understood.

Thanks! I'm reading them now. From what I get from the El Pais article is like some sort of revenge from this criminal or his gang to show he can still control the crime world from prison. They are trying to do a major act of revenge against the government.
:previous: I recommend reading the posts above yours that provide more direct quotes and interpretations from TRF-members from the Netherlands.

FYI: at the most recent state visit to Greece, the queen responded to questions about the above that the princess was ok with 'the world' knowing about her situation (which was confirmed during the previous state visit to Sweden), it makes her feel understood.

I'm not sure why Amalia wouldn't want people to know what she is going through? None of it is her fault or anything to be ashamed of. And security obviously doesn't play into it.

Maybe it's just her parents mentioning it rather than speaking about it herself.
Did you read what the king and queen said? They didn't comment on 'security issues'. When asked what it is like for her daughter to live and study in Amsterdam and how she is enjoying her new student life. It would have been really weird if they said 'we do not comment on security issues'.

So, instead the queen answered honestly and said that she actually didn't move out but was back at home - and that it was quite hard on her (but expressed how proud they were about how she handled this situation). The queen also commented that she was able to attend classes at university. Next, when asked to both the king and queen what this 'did' to them as parents, Willem-Alexander said that he couldn't describe it and Máxima stated the obvious that she was becoming a little emotional as it was hard to see their daughter [slight hesitation] unhappy. In the end, the queen tried to make it a little less heavy by joking that (because she has lots of time to study) she'll at least have high grades.

A short version of the exchange can be found on royalblog (in Dutch - but Google Translate will give you the gist of it).

Those in the know, will recall that Amalia has always been someone to attain high grades and her father has even told her to get lower grades as she was stressing out about not getting the highest grades in high school.

I'm reading the translated article now

...And what does it do to your mother's heart?
"You can see it. It makes me a little emotional. It's not fun to see your child like that. She can go to university, but that's it."
Despite the emotions, Máxima also threw out a joke. Under these circumstances - without the distraction of student life - her grades are likely to be very good.

I'm getting that Queen Maxima is not making frivolous comments but doing what people sometimes do in a horrible circumstance beyond their control, they see the positive side to relieve her daughter's stressful situation. If she became hysterical, those criminals would get out of her the reaction they crave, to be in fear of them.

Maxima is just showing to them life goes on and they will not live in fear.
I'm not sure why Amalia wouldn't want people to know what she is going through? None of it is her fault or anything to be ashamed of. And security obviously doesn't play into it.

Maybe it's just her parents mentioning it rather than speaking about it herself.

Apparently, they were asked what Amalia thought about her parents speaking out about it (so, someone might have thought that Amalia probably didn't want it to be known - and even people here on TRF 'blamed' the Dutch royal for speaking about it) and her parents clarified that Amalia was fine with it.
I wonder if it would help for Amalia to attend a university outside of the Netherlands. HM King Felipe of Spain, HRH Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark, and HRH Prince Haakon of Norway all attended universities in the U.S. HRH Princess Elisabeth of Belgium is attending in England.
Tomorrow is the Italy State Visit to NL, let's wait to see, does CA will appear with her parents or not...
Tomorrow is the Italy State Visit to NL, let's wait to see, does CA will appear with her parents or not...

Doubtful for two reasons:
- if she doesn't get to do anything except go to school and go home, appearing at high-level diplomatic functions is probably not on the table
- also, Amalia said she would return the money the state gives her as long as she is not working. If she goes to this, that might be construed as "working" (or working for free) and complicate things.
If the plot to kidnap was leaked, can't they hunt down the gang members with the Interpol?
Doubtful for two reasons:
- if she doesn't get to do anything except go to school and go home, appearing at high-level diplomatic functions is probably not on the table
- also, Amalia said she would return the money the state gives her as long as she is not working. If she goes to this, that might be construed as "working" (or working for free) and complicate things.

Well, I don't have sure if she attends or not, but I doubt
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The problem is that the main gang member is already in prison, still directing it all - or so it seems. I am quite sure that they are working to get the whole gang, but you never know for sure if you have them all or if there are more.

I would say a state banquet is fine in terms of security. Probably better guarded than most other places in the country at that time. In terms of money: she will return all but deduct functional costs, which a dress for this state visit would be. That should be fine, though I do not expect her there.

In the mean time Mr. Taghi denied in a witness letter last week that he had anything to do with the threats (or with the murder of Peter R. de Vries).

samtitude said:
I wonder if it would help for Amalia to attend a university outside of the Netherlands. HM King Felipe of Spain, HRH Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark, and HRH Prince Haakon of Norway all attended universities in the U.S. HRH Princess Elisabeth of Belgium is attending in England.

I can't see any other solution TBH, though these gangs have enough money and connections to other criminal networks to operate abroad too.
Amalia very much WANTED the Dutch student experience and not distance herself from other Dutch students, so, if she would end up attending university elsewhere that would be a defeat (as it would mean that they've concluded that she will not be able to have the relatively 'normal student life' she was so looking forward to).
If they targeted Amalia, then the other children could be their plan B on their intent to make a major crime to get back at the government. Living overseas to go to school will make her an easier target for kidnaping or just a terrorist attack involving her and anyone around her in school.
It would be a defeat indeed. And it would be a horrible for the reputation of the justice department as well. I can imagine the headlines already: 'princess flees from mafia'. But as it is, can she have the Dutch student experience? I can't imagine the threat will be any less in the near future, though we can always hope.
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She will still be a target of this gang of criminals even after school. Seems they are focused on her as their key to make a major political statement no one who interferes with their crime lords is safe.
The problem is that the main gang member is already in prison, still directing it all - or so it seems. I am quite sure that they are working to get the whole gang, but you never know for sure if you have them all or if there are more.

I would say a state banquet is fine in terms of security. Probably better guarded than most other places in the country at that time. In terms of money: she will return all but deduct functional costs, which a dress for this state visit would be. That should be fine, though I do not expect her there.

In the mean time Mr. Taghi denied in a witness letter last week that he had anything to do with the threats (or with the murder of Peter R. de Vries).

I can't see any other solution TBH, though these gangs have enough money and connections to other criminal networks to operate abroad too.

Taghi can deny whatever he wants but he has a double tongue,as expected..

He should be cleared of prison life,and his `co-workers ` clean up and save millions of euro´s not worth spending on security. by just change the law a tad and have them erased of the planet.Too many people have died because of him and our laws are not compatible to creatures like him.So.5 cents would do.
Too rediculous to contemplate that his nephew was his lawyer and the
one who conveyd the `orders `by Taghi to the gang.How on earth??
Plus Weski..his present lawyer is under pressure,his pressure.
Unorthodox creeps like him should be dealt with by unorthodox means.
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Let's hope this nightmare end once for all
How wonderful to read that she started getting to know the armed forces. I only wonder why she would wear her hair 'loose' even when visiting the navy and army. Only when visiting the air force, she wore a ponytail.
How wonderful to read that she started getting to know the armed forces. I only wonder why she would wear her hair 'loose' even when visiting the navy and army. Only when visiting the air force, she wore a ponytail.

I was thinking about her starting to know the armed forces also. I think it was almost overdue, comparing it with the Belgian and Norwegian royals.

I wonder if she would take part in a military training as Elisabeth and her brother Gabriel of Belgium did.

That depends probably on the opinions or customs of their respective royal family.
I think that if she really had to do some military training as Elisabeth or even ingrid of Norway did, she would have put her hair into a ponytail. But this just seems like a visit and not more.
I was thinking about her starting to know the armed forces also. I think it was almost overdue, comparing it with the Belgian and Norwegian royals.

I wonder if she would take part in a military training as Elisabeth and her brother Gabriel of Belgium did.

That depends probably on the opinions or customs of their respective royal family.
I think that if she really had to do some military training as Elisabeth or even ingrid of Norway did, she would have put her hair into a ponytail. But this just seems like a visit and not more.

The first visit was in April - so very comparable in time to Ingrid-Alexandra who turned 18 a month after Amalia IIRC; they only decided to release it all at once instead of after every individual visit.

Amalia is not planning to do full military training (or something comparable to Elisabeth) - none of the previous queens did, so there are no expectations in that regard. She was asked that question as part of the book interview for her 18th birthday last year.
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I was thinking about her starting to know the armed forces also. I think it was almost overdue, comparing it with the Belgian and Norwegian royals.

I wonder if she would take part in a military training as Elisabeth and her brother Gabriel of Belgium did.

That depends probably on the opinions or customs of their respective royal family.
I think that if she really had to do some military training as Elisabeth or even ingrid of Norway did, she would have put her hair into a ponytail. But this just seems like a visit and not more.

According to the Constitution of the Netherlands, the supreme command of the armed forces is with the Government. That is why military are excluded from Government.

As the King (Queen) is an integral member of said Government: at April 30th 2013 the then Prince of Orange laid down all his military commissions when he became The King.

That is why any training of the Princess of Orange, serious or not serious, is always symbolic. Even if the Princess of Orange would be an officer in active service: she is and remains subject to ministerial responsibility. Most unlikely she would ever be allowed into any combat. The Princess has to lay down all eventual military commisions anyway when she becomes The Queen.

The Panzers the Princess visited are from the Regiment Hussars Princess Catharina-Amalia (RHPCA). Besides the tank battle groups, also the Cavalry Honorary Escort and the Fanfare of the Cavalry Regiments are part of the RHPCA.
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