The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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Is there any need to be rude? The poster asked a legitimate question. Since your location says you live in the Netherlands, you could have been far more kind and answered it

Still no news about Amalia's studies?
I wonder if there is more behind it than security matters.
She is seen every now and then travelling but can't be protected in her homecountry?
Don't know how dutch police is organized and works but it seems to work in other countries
why not for Amalia and why here and there but not constantly?
Any dutch members here who know more about royal protection in the Netherlands?

As Blog Real said, she's studying PPLE in country, but due to threats to her safety, she is not staying on campus. As with most Royal family's, the protection surrounding the Princess is not widely known0
According to Vanitatis, Amalia was photographed on October 23 in a supermarket in Madrid, and on November 9 Máxima was photographed again in Madrid with her daughter.


I imagine that the photos can be seen in one of the magazines that are published tomorrow. It seems increasingly evident that either Amalia lives in Madrid or spends long periods in the city.
Part of me wonders if she has transferred to school in Spain. And they have kept it under wraps for security purposes.

It seemed as heir the intent was for her to do education at home unlike her sisters who have both studied abroad. But maybe its been seen as the safest option to give her a normal college life.Her father and other heirs have studied abroad so nothing shocking about that.

IE in Madrid has the PPLE program she was doing in Netherlands.

Could be wrong but seems odd she is frequently spotted in Madrid during the school year. Especially when she has been considered a very serious student.
According to Vanitatis, Amalia was photographed on October 23 in a supermarket in Madrid, and on November 9 Máxima was photographed again in Madrid with her daughter.


I imagine that the photos can be seen in one of the magazines that are published tomorrow. It seems increasingly evident that either Amalia lives in Madrid or spends long periods in the city.

There’s a photo in this tweet
According to Vanitatis, Amalia was photographed on October 23 in a supermarket in Madrid, and on November 9 Máxima was photographed again in Madrid with her daughter.


I imagine that the photos can be seen in one of the magazines that are published tomorrow. It seems increasingly evident that either Amalia lives in Madrid or spends long periods in the city.

It may well be the case that Amalia is studying in Spain for some time.
I highly doubt that Amalia spends so much time in Spain for education reasons. These visits have been well over a year and even when school is not in session. Furthermore, as the education of the future Queen is deemed important public knowledge I strongly doubt she would be studying in Spain and the royal house fails to inform the public.
Part of me wonders if she has transferred to school in Spain. And they have kept it under wraps for security purposes.

It seemed as heir the intent was for her to do education at home unlike her sisters who have both studied abroad. But maybe its been seen as the safest option to give her a normal college life.Her father and other heirs have studied abroad so nothing shocking about that.

IE in Madrid has the PPLE program she was doing in Netherlands.

Could be wrong but seems odd she is frequently spotted in Madrid during the school year. Especially when she has been considered a very serious student.

Thanks for pointing that out. IE is a really good school (and has had high profile students in the past), so if Amalia would be able to do a very similar study (at the UvA it is Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics; while IE offers Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics) in Madrid that sounds like a great solution.
I doubt it very much that she studies in Madrid. It would be nearly impossible that this would not be leaked in some way to the press in the Netherlands or even in Spain. Maybe they go there often in the weekends as it is safer/easier for her to move freely than it is in the Netherlands?

I imagine she would been recognised even less if she would be there with friends instead of Queen Máxima. The story of a while ago of a possible boyfriend there seems less likely to me now, as her mother seems to be there all the time too.

It seems the queen looks more sophisticated visiting a supermarket in Madrid than at many events btw.
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I agree - isnt the education of the heiress something that is kind of public knowledge? And if its private it is strange to have the mother around most of the time.
Considering the threats towards her life in the past I can understand if they are keeping her education plans a secret and if she is in fact studying overseas. I'll agree with Marengo, Queen Maxima looks great, I wish she looked like this more often at public evets.
Is there any need to be rude? The poster asked a legitimate question. Since your location says you live in the Netherlands, you could have been far more kind and answered it

As Blog Real said, she's studying PPLE in country, but due to threats to her safety, she is not staying on campus. As with most Royal family's, the protection surrounding the Princess is not widely known0

Thank you. Yes, I asked questions because I really doubt the story created by the palace. If the dutch police wasn't able to protect her, it'd be a declaration of bankruptcy.
And how often do we see her together with her parents well protected or hanging put on celeb events or fancy holidays. Security then works fabulously. And yes, I just don't like her kind of complaining, her longing for "student life" is hypocritical as long as she refuses to take it, but enjoys her celeb life on we&holidays, her colleagues same age have jobs, families and struggles too and can't refuse to live it.
Therefore I hope she starts just something, maybe outside the netherlands. She did not leave for boarding school like her siblings or collegues did when she had the chance. Why? Any other royal studied outside, well protected, Amalia ?

She obviously is not fit for the job or doesn't want it,
has problems and does what exactly?
The swedish RF showed how transparancy is possible and helped Victoria through, the dutch could learn from that instead of creating one fairy tale after another concerning Amalia.
Thank you. Yes, I asked questions because I really doubt the story created by the palace. If the dutch police wasn't able to protect her, it'd be a declaration of bankruptcy.
And how often do we see her together with her parents well protected or hanging put on celeb events or fancy holidays. Security then works fabulously. And yes, I just don't like her kind of complaining, her longing for "student life" is hypocritical as long as she refuses to take it, but enjoys her celeb life on we&holidays, her colleagues same age have jobs, families and struggles too and can't refuse to live it.
Therefore I hope she starts just something, maybe outside the netherlands. She did not leave for boarding school like her siblings or collegues did when she had the chance. Why? Any other royal studied outside, well protected, Amalia ?

She obviously is not fit for the job or doesn't want it,
has problems and does what exactly?
The swedish RF showed how transparancy is possible and helped Victoria through, the dutch could learn from that instead of creating one fairy tale after another concerning Amalia.

What a nasty post. You really don’t know what you are talking about.
A lovely new photo of the Princess of Orange to mark her 20th birthday!
According to Annemarie de Kunder, royalty reporter for RTL Boulevard, Princess Amalia is following her classes on zoom as it is not safe for her to be there.

Add to that the Flemish newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws -by the usually reliable Wim Dehandschutter - reporting that she lives in Madrid and it makes me wonder if I was not to hasty to rule out that she is living there. How they are able to keep it out of the press is still a mystery.
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The royal house released two new photos of Amalia on the occassion of her 20th birthday. They seem to belong to the same batch that was made & released earlier this year where Amalia was posing with her father and grandmother.

Queen Máxima was aksed about Amalia's brithday yesterday. She commented that 'time goes very fast'.

She looks lovely! A very regal pose for her. Although, I do have to say that I prefer her hair back a bit more.
According to Annemarie de Kunder, royalty reporter for RTL Boulevard, Princess Amalia is following her classes on zoom as it is not safe for her to be there.

Add to the Flemish newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws -by the usually reliable Wim Dehandschutter - reporting that she lives in Madrid and it makes me wonder if I was not to hasty to rule out that she is living there. How they are able to keep it out of the press is still a mystery.

If Amalia is indeed living in Madrid, I believe she should transfer to a Spanish university. Taking classes online from Spain doesn't look good on her in my opinion.

It doesn't look good either on Dutch law enforcement that they are literally unable to protect the heir to the throne to the point that she has to live secretly in another country. I am not minimizing the threat of the Morocco mafia, but royals from other countries lived many years with constant threats (for example, the Spanish royal family with ETA and the British royal family with the IRA) and obviously there is a permanent threat to members of the family of the President of the United States. Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama had children who attended school or university while they were in office and the children did not have to flee the country.

In fact, the optics of the heir to the throne having to leave the Netherlands because it is not safe for her to be there are terrible, again in my humble opinion. If she is taking classes on Zoom, couldn't she do it at Huis Ten Bosch, or is Huis Ten Bosch not safe either? Why does she have to live in Madrid based on safety alone?
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If Amalia is indeed living in Madrid, I believe she should transfer to a Spanish university. Taking classes online from Spain doesn't look good on her in my opinion.

It doesn't look good either on Dutch law enforcement that they are literally unable to protect the heir to the throne to the point that she has to live secretly in another country. I am not minimizing the threat of the Morocco mafia, but royals from other countries lived many years with constant threats (for example, the Spanish royal family with ETA and the British royal family with the IRA) and obviously there is a permanent threat to members of the family of the President of the United States. Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama had children who attended school or university while they were in office and the children did not have to flee the country.

In fact, the optics of the heir to the throne having to leave the Netherlands because it is not safe for her to be there are terrible, again in my humble opinion. If she is taking classes on Zoom, couldn't she do it at Huis Ten Bosch, or is Huis Ten Bosch not safe either? Why does she have to live in Madrid based on safety alone?

Txs, this is my opinion, too. How can any official visitor to the netherlands feel safe if the dutch authotities failed to protect their own heir. This can't be true.

But if she lives in Madrid and enjoys it, it at least pleases her and hopefully she develops towards a decision either to fullfill the expectations or make a decision for sth else.

Seriously if one did not want the job, this should be possible.
Let her be.
If Amalia is indeed living in Madrid, I believe she should transfer to a Spanish university. Taking classes online from Spain doesn't look good on her in my opinion.

It doesn't look good either on Dutch law enforcement that they are literally unable to protect the heir to the throne to the point that she has to live secretly in another country. I am not minimizing the threat of the Morocco mafia, but royals from other countries lived many years with constant threats (for example, the Spanish royal family with ETA and the British royal family with the IRA) and obviously there is a permanent threat to members of the family of the President of the United States. Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama had children who attended school or university while they were in office and the children did not have to flee the country.

In fact, the optics of the heir to the throne having to leave the Netherlands because it is not safe for her to be there are terrible, again in my humble opinion. If she is taking classes on Zoom, couldn't she do it at Huis Ten Bosch, or is Huis Ten Bosch not safe either? Why does she have to live in Madrid based on safety alone?

I completely agree, and maybe this is why they keep it a secret, because it cant be sold to the public that the own law enforcement is unable to protect a heir to the throne. Thats confession of total failure.
Well said Bruno!

I too refuse to buy the living in Spain because she is safer there. In fact that not only does not add up it makes no sense. We have seen the Princess out and about in Madrid via paparazzi photos. The paparazzi knows where the princess lives and places she visits frequently. If the paparazzi know this then one can quickly deduce that the Moroccan mafia can easily knows well.

In my opinion, the safest place for Amalia is at Huis Ten Bosch or even Waasenaar.
Well said Bruno!

I too refuse to buy the living in Spain because she is safer there. In fact that not only does not add up it makes no sense. We have seen the Princess out and about in Madrid via paparazzi photos. The paparazzi knows where the princess lives and places she visits frequently. If the paparazzi know this then one can quickly deduce that the Moroccan mafia can easily knows well.

In my opinion, the safest place for Amalia is at Huis Ten Bosch or even Waasenaar.

How unfortunate would it be for her to be kept prisoner in the Netherlands because her security cannot be guaranteed. She is young and is already unable to have the same experience as her peers, at the very least, she can have some freedom overseas. Also, the mafia in the Netherlands does not have the same abilities in other countries. We do not know her security arrangements and obviously they should be kept confidential.
Well said Bruno!

I too refuse to buy the living in Spain because she is safer there. In fact that not only does not add up it makes no sense. We have seen the Princess out and about in Madrid via paparazzi photos. The paparazzi knows where the princess lives and places she visits frequently. If the paparazzi know this then one can quickly deduce that the Moroccan mafia can easily knows well.

In my opinion, the safest place for Amalia is at Huis Ten Bosch or even Waasenaar.


I wonder if this is a sort of cover up or excuse for not revealing where and what she is doing at present. She could, so to speak, be "backpacking" across Europe - royal style. Or simply having a gap year where she is doing some exploring culturally and educationally - perhaps with a group of close friends - around Europe or for that matter beyond Europe.

It is IMO an unforgivable scandal if the Dutch police and security apparatus cannot protect the Dutch Heir from a group of gangsters. After all, Who is in control in the Netherlands? Gangsters or the authorities?
If it takes ten bodyguards armed with assault rifles when Amalia is studying, so be it. But having her hiding away is a public declaration of failure.
I think a more plausible explanation is that no one, be that within the police and security apparatus and ultimately the government, want to be responsible for anything remotely dramatic happening - that they can be hung up on afterwards.

A part of being a primary royal unfortunately is - and has always been - that you are a potential target for nutcases and more or less professional assassins. You cannot, you must not, hide away behind high walls. That's a poor signal to send out to the public, who has no particular protection, but who may fear terrorist attacks as well.
I mean, they can't hide Amalia away forever, can they?
Muhler said:
I mean, they can't hide Amalia away forever, can they?

A usually well informed royalty reporter of RTL -Jeroen Snel- hinted that we will see less of Amalia next year and not more. So there is that ;).

Muhler said:
It is IMO an unforgivable scandal if the Dutch police and security apparatus cannot protect the Dutch Heir from a group of gangsters. After all, Who is in control in the Netherlands? Gangsters or the authorities?

I suppose they can, but at what cost? To enter the university with a big entourage of security people with guns etc. will hamper her movement and will disturb people in the university building/classroom. If she lives abroad -which still is an if- she will be able to move more freely and more anonimously. That way her movements will be less predictable and whatever it is that they were planning to do will be more difficult as well. In Amsterdam the location of her house was known. The university scheduele would be easy to access etc. That is not the case now.

Muhler said:
Or simply having a gap year where she is doing some exploring culturally and educationally

She already had one before she went to university. It would be rather irregular to have another one after studying for only a year.

For now we can only assume that she does the same study as was made public and that she does it via zoom, as Annemarie de Kunder said.
Fair enough.

It just irks me to the core that the Dutch Heir of all people is forced to basically going under ground and have her movements severely restricted because of some gangsters.
It's a blatant attack on the Dutch state and society.
They and other criminal gangs, should be hunted down and harassed as much as at all possible. Make it bad for business to even think about issuing such threats like the ones made against Amalia.
These criminals are blackmailing the Netherlands! It's infuriating even for me, not being Dutch.

It's hard enough to be an heir as it is. If she is forced to live a life pretty much in hiding and isolation, how is she ever going to know her country and people, let alone having a social life and eventually meet someone, whom she will marry? This can't go on.

What are the Dutch politicians doing? Singing Kumbayah around a camp fire?
I'm beginning to understand why Geert Wilders won the recent election.
TBH although people feel sorry for her and make the sounds one has to make of indignation and disapproval I don't think there has been a big outcry. It stands in the shadow of greater crimes such as the murder -by most likely the same gang- of Peter R de Vries, which was an great shock. And there was the arrest (and release) of a high profile lawyer, Mrs. Ines Weski, who was accused of being used as a go-between by the arrested supposed gang leader Ridouan Taghi and his relatives who took over the 'business'.

These gangs are sophisticated in a way that was previously unknown in the Netherlands. The authorities and legislation have difficulties catching up and are always one step behind. Apparently much is run from Dubai.

It was not a theme in the elections, which focussed mostly on immigration.
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I find it fascinating because no one talks about it in NL. It does seem to me that Amalia lives in Madrid right now and no one talks about it for security reasons. It's so embarrassing for the Dutch officials that Amalia moved abroad. I can see why it happened. The king does think she should celebrate life before duty comes. And right now it's impossible for her to celebrate life in NL, because the maffia and their threats. And it has been going on for a year without any improvement. So embarrassing for the Dutch officials. Going abroad was probably the best bet to have some sort of a life. I do think she finished her first year in Amsterdam, because I think an article mentioned she had good grades. It does seem she visited Madrid before the summer and she moved to Madrid after the summer. I do wonder if she's doing the second year online or she moved to IE. Anyway, I don't think we have to go after her for having a jetset life. She was always a serious student and I don't think that has changed. She isn't the type to do that. Her parents are probably taking her to these events because they're worried about the isolation Amalia has to deal with because the security concerns. I will say once again that this situation is soooooo embarrassing for the Dutch officials.
I suppose they can, but at what cost? To enter the university with a big entourage of security people with guns etc. will hamper her movement and will disturb people in the university building/classroom. If she lives abroad -which still is an if- she will be able to move more freely and more anonimously. That way her movements will be less predictable and whatever it is that they were planning to do will be more difficult as well. In Amsterdam the location of her house was known. The university scheduele would be easy to access etc. That is not the case now.
According to Máxima, Amalia did (at least previously) attend classes at the university. They were able to secure that part of her life (living at home and attending classes at university), the part that would have been a nightmare for security was the social life of a student in Amsterdam. Such a life involves many unexpected encounters, places to visit, last minute changes; given the serious threats that was impossible to fully secure in the city center of Amsterdam.

Other highly protected people cannot live such a life either, their lives are very strictly regulated/on a very tight/specific schedule that they have to adhere to, so that all preparations can be made. Unfortunately, in this case they are also dealing with mafia who has proven to be able to kill and don't hesitate to do so, so she is on the highest protection regime - and the lesser is known, the harder it is for those who might want to hurt her, to get to her.
Maybe she just prefers to study this way. She probably speaks Spanish and has some friends there, so it might be fun to live in Spain for a time while still pursuing a Dutch education.

Maybe she'll go to other countries for a while, too. Sounds like a fun way to study!
As serious as the threats have been Amalia has enjoyed lots of freedom. She has enjoyed trips to New York, Los Angeles, Austria, and has attended high profile events in Spain and Italy. So clearly she is not trapped.

I firmly believe she is safest at home in the Netherlands where her security is top priority. Living in Spain there are so many variables at hand it is far more difficult to control. For example, the paparazzi are far more relentless in Spain than they are in the NL. They have no problem camping out overnight to get photos and information- ask CP Frederik of Denmark.
As serious as the threats have been Amalia has enjoyed lots of freedom. She has enjoyed trips to New York, Los Angeles, Austria, and has attended high profile events in Spain and Italy. So clearly she is not trapped.

I firmly believe she is safest at home in the Netherlands where her security is top priority. Living in Spain there are so many variables at hand it is far more difficult to control. For example, the paparazzi are far more relentless in Spain than they are in the NL. They have no problem camping out overnight to get photos and information- ask CP Frederik of Denmark.

I think that is a fair point. Amalia is not exactly living a reclusive life and it is quite naive to think that she could keep it a secret that she is living in Spain when she continues to make public appearances there.

The danger is that Amalia may develop a false sense of security for being outside the Netherlands, which in turn will put her at a greater risk than if she were at home. But maybe she is willing to accept those risks to have a "normal social life".
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