The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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Would Princess Amalia's knowing the military forces be compared to how Queens Wilhelmina, Juliana, and Beatrix knew the military forces?
As a youngster Queen Wilhelmina was given a crash course in defense. For an example, she learned how to detonate a grenade.

But for Wilhelmina, Juliana, Beatrix and Catharina-Amalia most likely it was and will be: "I am the Queen, I am not a general or an admiral."
How wonderful to read that she started getting to know the armed forces. I only wonder why she would wear her hair 'loose' even when visiting the navy and army. Only when visiting the air force, she wore a ponytail.

A agree , her hair loose and red nails was a little faux pas !.
In 1898 Queen Wilhelmina received four months of private classes about the military and the navy. It was the final strech of an education programme that was initiated by her mother. Her tutors were lieutenant general Arthur Kool - later minister of War in the cabinet Pierson. For the part about the navy she was educated by vice admiral Frederik Jan Stokhuyzen, who later became one of her aide-de-camps.
Maybe Queen Juliana a little less (she left all what was military to her spouse Prince Bernhard) but Queen Wilhelmina and Queen Beatrix -and most likely Queen Catharina-Amalia- had (have) keen interest in the armed forces.
According to magazine 'Story' Pss Amalia has been spotted in an airplane to Vienna on November 25th. The magazine speculates that it was a romantic trip and that the princess has reconnected with Isebrand.

The Dutch magazine "Story" is a gossip & scandal magazine for years in the Netherlands, most Dutch people don't take it seriously, only people who believe in the magazine would love it, the more gossip the better. I believe in facts not fiction.
No way to stop a Crown Prince(ss)!

Bunte online, the German tabloid, has a "page filler" with the title: "Love or Throne - The Crown Princess has to make a Decision"

It is a lot of hot air, blah what if she wants to marry a commoner and the Parliament does not approve and so on. What if she loses the drive to become Queen because of the Mafia misery and so on...

But then they cite RTL and there comes the interesting part: So, from a legal point of view there is alledgedly no way for her to step back, before she became Queen. There is simply no rule! A Crown Prince(ss) becomes Monarch in the Netherlands. Period!

That is interesting (at least I think so). Because no intriguer can stop a Crown Prince(ss) from getting onto the throne.
Bunte online, the German tabloid, has a "page filler" with the title: "Love or Throne - The Crown Princess has to make a Decision"

It is a lot of hot air, blah what if she wants to marry a commoner and the Parliament does not approve and so on. What if she loses the drive to become Queen because of the Mafia misery and so on...

But then they cite RTL and there comes the interesting part: So, from a legal point of view there is alledgedly no way for her to step back, before she became Queen. There is simply no rule! A Crown Prince(ss) becomes Monarch in the Netherlands. Period!

That is interesting (at least I think so). Because no intriguer can stop a Crown Prince(ss) from getting onto the throne.

The way for her to 'step back' is to marry without the consent of Parliament. Her uncle did so - as did two of her great-aunts (as well as two of her father's cousins - but in their case it was encouraged by queen Beatrix because they were not needed and would lose their succession rights anyway upon Willem-Alexander taking the throne) and were removed from the line of succession; the same would apply to the first in line to the throne (Willem-Alexander made clear that he was willing to do so if he would not be allowed to marry the love of his life).

But is it clear that Bunte doesn't know what it talks about as the question of whether 'she marries a commoner' is completely irrelevant - that is NOT a criterion; if she would want to marry a criminal from a noble or royal family she would have a problem but not for wanting to marry a commoner. Her mother is a commoner! And her great-aunt Margriet was the first to do so and get permission to remain in line to the throne.

Let me spell the mistakes out:
- "Heiratet sie einen Bürgerlichen, könnte sie das den Thron katosten." --> Not true, whether her fiancé is a commoner is not a deciding factor.
- "Die 19-Jährige wird von der Mafia bedroht und musste aus Sicherheitsgründen sogar die Universität in Amsterdam verlassen." --> Not true, she is still studying at the University of Amsterdam.
- "Königin zu werden, gehöre qua Geburt zu den Pflichten Amalias. Zurücktreten könne sie, aber erst nach der Krönung." --> Not true, by marrying without parliamentary approval (and she can decide not to ask for parliamentary approval - which is the way it is normally done; it is not common to ask for approval and being refused) she would lose her succession rights.
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The way for her to 'step back' is to marry without the consent of Parliament. Her uncle did so - as did two of her great-aunts

Thank you for pointing that out! And for all the other mistakes you did find! It looks like Bunte is over the time becoming less trustworthy...
Thank you for pointing that out! And for all the other mistakes you did find! It looks like Bunte is over the time becoming less trustworthy...

I agree! They also wrote about her being still together with her boyfriend Isebrand, however it was written a while ago that they are not a couple any longer..
They are making a lot of things up just for sensational reasons.
Bunte online, the German tabloid, has a "page filler" with the title: "Love or Throne - The Crown Princess has to make a Decision"

It is a lot of hot air, blah what if she wants to marry a commoner and the Parliament does not approve and so on. What if she loses the drive to become Queen because of the Mafia misery and so on...

But then they cite RTL and there comes the interesting part: So, from a legal point of view there is alledgedly no way for her to step back, before she became Queen. There is simply no rule! A Crown Prince(ss) becomes Monarch in the Netherlands. Period!

That is interesting (at least I think so). Because no intriguer can stop a Crown Prince(ss) from getting onto the throne.

Oh plueeze...the germans can even be worse then the british rags when it comes to making up stories to fill the pages and to feet the caddle that buys that crap.
Theoretically the Princess of Orange can engage into a marriage without an Act of Consent and -by doing so- cease to be a member of the Royal House. Her sister Princess Alexia will, by marriage into effect, automatically become the Princess of Orange.

In theory that is. But in reality it is hard to see the presumed successor of the King, member of the Council of State, giving up her position without causing a constitutional crisis with maybe a widely supported call for a referendum on continuation of the hereditary monarchy as a form of state.

With other words: in theory Amalia can escape, in practice she can not.
Theoretically the Princess of Orange can engage into a marriage without an Act of Consent and cease to be a member of the Royal House. Her sister Princess Alexia will automatically become the Princess of Orange du moment Amalia says "Yes, I do" in front of the municipal registrar.

In theory that is. But in reality it is hard to see the presumed successor of the King, member of the Council of State, giving up her position without causing a constitutional crisis. My guess is it would generate a widely supported call for a referendum on continuation of the hereditary monarchy as a form of state.

With other words: in theory Amalia can escape, in practice she can not.
Fortunately Amalia is too young to consider marriage.
Bad enough that she cannot pursue her studies like all the other royal princesses who will be queen.
Look at Elisabeth of Belgium, Ingrid of Norway, Leonor of Spain. Somehow their parents have arranged for them to have privacy while they are getting their education.

And, really, no European country can be sure of not getting threats of some kind of crazy , radical people.

The parents should try to find a safe place for Amalia where she can study, make friends and can enjoy kind of a "normal" life, without those horrible threats.

What about going to their Carribean islands to study? Even if they don't have "prestigious" universities, it still would give her a break from all those insecurities.
Oh well, I am just musing about what I would consider if I was her parent.
Fortunately Amalia is too young to consider marriage.
Bad enough that she cannot pursue her studies like all the other royal princesses who will be queen.
Look at Elisabeth of Belgium, Ingrid of Norway, Leonor of Spain. Somehow their parents have arranged for them to have privacy while they are getting their education.

And, really, no European country can be sure of not getting threats of some kind of crazy , radical people.

The parents should try to find a safe place for Amalia where she can study, make friends and can enjoy kind of a "normal" life, without those horrible threats.

What about going to their Carribean islands to study? Even if they don't have "prestigious" universities, it still would give her a break from all those insecurities.
Oh well, I am just musing about what I would consider if I was her parent.

The parents were exactly considering a study as normal as possible: not at the traditional (seen as posh) Leyden University but in Amsterdam and living in the very centre of the city. Princess Amalia has had two weeks of normal students' life. She still is a student anyway but arrangements have been made regarding her security. With lots of distance learning and personal sessions, we may assume.

There is no higher education on the Caribbean isles, simply because the population is not big enough to uphold an institution on real academic level, with research and development facilities, laboratories, test sites et al. The inhabitants of the Caribbean isles exactly go the other way: to the Netherlands, to pursue academic education.

The Princess could continue her education in Argentina or so, but maybe that would be seen as a capitulation to the threats against her life.
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The parents were exactly considering a study as normal as possible: not at the traditional (seen as posh) Leyden University but in Amsterdam and living in the very centre of the city. Princess Amalia has had two weeks of normal students' life. She still is a student anyway but arrangements have been made regarding her security. With lots of distance learning and personal sessions, we may assume.
Indeed. While Willem-Alexander pointed towards this specific Bachelor's program, it was Amalia herself who decided she would like to apply for this program at the University of Amsterdam. My understanding was that Amalia is able to attend classes at the university but cannot do anything else. Any place she visits needs to be screened intensively - but if she attends the same location for her studies most days, I assume that's much easier than an unpredictable student social life.

There is no higher education on the Caribbean isles, simply because the population is not big enough to uphold an institution on real academic level, with research and development facilities, laboratories, test sites et al. The inhabitants of the Caribbean isles exactly go the other way: to the Netherlands, to pursue academic education.
My colleagues at the University of Curacao, the University of Aruba and the University of St Maarten (as well as other higher education institutions (mostly 'HBO'-level - but still part of higher education) on the Caribbean part of the kingdom) beg to differ! There definitely IS higher education on the islands. You might even recall the king, queen and princess of Orange attending a lecture at the University of Aruba a less than 3 weeks ago!

Of course, not all degree programs are offered but that does not negate that Higher Education most certainly exists. And at least those by the universities of Curacao and Aruba are accredited by the same accreditation body as other Bachelor's and Master's programs in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The Princess could continue her education in Argentina or so, but maybe that would be seen as a capitulation to the threats against her life.
That's indeed an option they might consider if the expectation would be that there is no 'relaxation' of the security situation is expected in the next few years (and if they can arrange appropriate security arrangements there - because I am pretty sure that they will be able to find her anywhere in the world); however, I doubt they'll offer this specific program elsewhere. If lucky, she might be able to transfer some of her credit points if she would decide to move to a different university (hopefully, that won't be needed).
The Spanish gutter media are notoriously rude and have no respect for rank & file
Maybe she is planning to study at a university in Spain instead of the netherlands, and she and her parents are trying out how life would be for her as a student there. Could be a good idea, I am sure they have posh universities there as well where she could live a student life away from the threats and the attention.

I would not reduce her interest to a new boyfriend, because I think Amelia is eager to study and have a life of her own without threats, attention and press.
According to the Spanish El Confidential/ Vanitas newspaper/magazine the Princess has been spotted in Madrid yet again. They are speculating if the princess may have a special friend in the Spanish capital.


According to the article her security spoke Spanish amongst themselves - as did the security during the previous trip with Máxima. So, do they have Spanish security guards on call?!
I assume they speak Spanish at home anyway as it is Maximas first language? I would be surprised if the A team wasnt fluent in that language.
Maybe Maxima hired security with Argentine origin.
I assume they speak Spanish at home anyway as it is Maximas first language? I would be surprised if the A team wasnt fluent in that language.
Maybe Maxima hired security with Argentine origin.

Of course the princesses are fluent in Spanish (although their main language at home still seems to be Dutch), however, normally her security would be by the 'Dienst Koninklijke en Diplomatieke Beveiliging' (Royal and Diplomatic Security Service), specifically the Unit 'Royal Security' -both in the Netherlands and abroad- who I would assume would be Dutch-speaking (so would normally converse in Dutch with their colleagues instead of in Spanish - now, I am thinking about it, I wonder whether they were selected to join Amalia on this trip to Spain because they speak Spanish and can more easily 'blend in' by speaking Spanish). While the intention is to have a number of dedicated security people assigned to the royal family, I doubt it is Máxima who hires them as they are part of the National Police.
I assume they speak Spanish at home anyway as it is Maximas first language? I would be surprised if the A team wasnt fluent in that language.
Maybe Maxima hired security with Argentine origin.

It ia most unusual to hire private bodyguards in the Netherlands: as the State holds the monopoly on law enforcement, private security services are not allowed to wear guns.

Members of the Royal House are protected by the Royal- and Diplomatic Security Service for their personal security and by the Royal Marechaussee (a military police force) for the security of royal domains and estates.

Most likely the State of Spain offered additional security, as also a Spanish royal in the Netherlands would equally be provided additional security by the Dutch authorities. There is a quite extended armed security service in the Netherlands, for an example for the workings of the International Court of Justice, the various War Tribunals and the high profile suspects of war crimes (Yugoslavia Tribunal, the shooting of Flight MH17 Tribunal, undoubtly the coming Ukraine Tribunal, etc.)
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