The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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It was already known that she wasn't able to live in Amsterdam but to hear her parents talk about how she is still living at home and cannot leave the house except to attend her classes in university - while she was so much looking forward to enjoying a 'real student life'... because of real threats for her life, is almost surreal.

According to her mother her daughter is unhappy but brave (and they are clearly very proud of how she deals with these circumstances but also very concerned).

TLLK, the problem is that those who are most likely behind these threads are already imprisoned but still are able to assert so much influence that the risk remains.
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I am so sorry to hear this and that a young woman making her first strides of independence is having her wings clipped in such a way. To move home is something you could get on with but to not have any independence what so ever.
If she is living at home and 'not leaving the house' as the Queen says, then the situation must be even more dire than we feared. How terribly sad.
If she is living at home and 'not leaving the house' as the Queen says, then the situation must be even more dire than we feared. How terribly sad.

Yes and there must also be a very real threat towards her sisters.
Yes and there must also be a very real threat towards her sisters.

Not necessarily, or we would have heard something. Ariane seems to be living normally. AFAIK it's just Amalia and the prime minister, not even her parents.

I wonder if Amalia will stay in the Netherlands if this continues. Surely she might be happier getting to study or work unpaid in a different country temporarily rather than having to live with this kind of fear and stress?
Yes and there must also be a very real threat towards her sisters.

Princess Alexia is more protected as she is studying abroad.
But I believe Princess Ariane's security must also have been beefed up.
In my eyes all three sisters are at risk.

If anyone are insane enough to contemplate harming or worse: Kidnapping the Heir, then her sisters by any logic are at risk as well.
Even more so, because if the main-target is getting too well protected, you go for the next-best target.

I'm going to outline a most unpleasant scenario that will demonstrate how serious this should be taken and why I simply cannot understand the Dutch security services and police aren't cracking down hard - harassing not only this organization but all other criminal organizations as well. Making life so difficult for everybody that the other organizations will turn against these mocro.
- Alexia is kidnapped. A huge manhunt starts. But within a few hours a video is published showing Alexia undressed, with the a demand issued, adding that in 24 hours we will do X to her...
- Is that what is going to happen before the Dutch authorities will get off their lazy backsides!?!

And if they aren't worried about the three sisters, they should be worried about their own heads! They will roll en mass from the government down. With no hope whatsoever of ever restoring their careers.
It wouldn't be that different if they were young princes who could also be threatened with sexual violence or humiliation, would it?

And perhaps it's not that the Dutch security services are being so casual about this as they are a) trying to lull the targets or b) simply not publicizing whatever they are doing. Which is understandable.
And this criminal organization is being hounded to the ground right now, I trust?

After all this is a threat to the state.

I would hope!!But am afraid not,not as we,or at least I would wish......

But it really deeply saddens me to think a 18 year old innocent girl is being
treatened,not being able to live as a student as she eagerly looked forward too,
it is a shame,a disgrace.I feel very sorry for her.As well as for the family,
both TM were quite emotional while telling about this situation,tears in their eyes.
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It wouldn't be that different if they were young princes who could also be threatened with sexual violence or humiliation, would it?

And perhaps it's not that the Dutch security services are being so casual about this as they are a) trying to lull the targets or b) simply not publicizing whatever they are doing. Which is understandable.

It sure would be just as bad for a prince, but I'm cynical enough to believe that the public horror and outrage will be worse when its a teen princess.

I can understand and I sure hope some serious investigations is going on behind the scenes.
But this threat has been standing for months now. And it is serious enough for Amalia to have her life, such as it is possible already, disrupted and her placed inside a fortified gilded cage.
This story is also written about here and I haven't seen any reports about the Dutch police cracking down on organized crime or even doing anything out of the ordinary. And to me that's simply incomprehensible.
A passive police response will encourage others to contemplate something similar.

- In other countries all unofficial agreements and arrangements would be off between the authorities and the criminal gangs.

Anyway, I find it unacceptable that the Dutch royals have to limit their lives due to threats from criminals. Terrorists and nutcases are always a threat, that's in their nature. But criminals?
This organization has KILLED multiple (high profile) people specifically involved with the Marengo process. So, it's not that the Dutch police is not aware of the problems. The 'brain' behind all of it has been arrested and is imprisoned, however, as the Netherlands has a justice system - even the worst criminals have rights and have the right to a fair process. The process to this 'master mind' and several others is already taking place, however, for some reason the prime minister and princess of Orange are currently targeted. Probably, especially because they cracked down on the organization and were able to get the 'top guy' locked up, so, they are looking for revenge?!

Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that they will continue to fight the 'under world' that is taking up more and more space in the Netherlands and will be able to keep those threatened safe - and hopefully in a way that will increase personal freedom asap.

The PM and the Heir?

Well, if that isn't a reason enough to crack down hard and visibly, what is?!?

If anything happens to the Dutch royals a lot of politicians are dead. They would be lucky if they can get a job as a parking attendant after such an incident.
I cannot imagine the Dutch public ever forgiving the responsible politicians for that. - Or am I being naive here?
I said it was the PM and Amalia.

The whole thing reminds me a bit of the FLQ and the October Crisis here, perhaps because it was hard to formulate a response until there were two high-profile kidnappings, one of which ended in an accidental murder. Then we got martial law. I hope none of that occurs in the Netherlands.
If it's a national security issue that threatens the safety of high-ranking figures, the King and Queen shouldn't be talking about it at a press conference. Firstly because it is giving the subject even more repercussion, which can harm the investigations.... and secondly because it gives the impression that the Dutch police are inept and that the princess cannot leave the house because they cannot protect her.

People who hold public office sometimes have to live with these threats, it is not pleasant, even more so when you are young... but it is one of the possible burdens, and in return they also have many privileges.

The Spanish Royal Family lived for decades under the threat of terrorism, they never spoke about it and never expressed a complaint or made a comment because their lives were subjected to extreme security measures and therefore their lives were very limited. Prince Felipe and Infanta Cristina studied at public universities always accompanied by their bodyguards.
If it's a national security issue that threatens the safety of high-ranking figures, the King and Queen shouldn't be talking about it at a press conference. Firstly because it is giving the subject even more repercussion, which can harm the investigations.... and secondly because it gives the impression that the Dutch police are inept and that the princess cannot leave the house because they cannot protect her.

People who hold public office sometimes have to live with these threats, it is not pleasant, even more so when you are young... but it is one of the possible burdens, and in return they also have many privileges.

The Spanish Royal Family lived for decades under the threat of terrorism, they never spoke about it and never expressed a complaint or made a comment because their lives were subjected to extreme security measures and therefore their lives were very limited. Prince Felipe and Infanta Cristina studied at public universities always accompanied by their bodyguards.
For clarification purposes: The king and queen didn't say that the princess never leaves the house but that she only leaves the house to go to university but other than that is at home (so, she cannot take part in other aspects of student life). The princess has always been accompanied by bodyguards, so that is not new. However, with security, she was able to move relatively freely - and that clearly is no longer the case.

The reason they talked about it, is that they were asked what it was like now the princess no longer lived at home but had a new life with friends in Amsterdam. They must have decided that, because it was already known that Amalia was under severe threat and therefore couldn't (hopefully temporarily) live in her student home in Amsterdam, they could as well talk about it instead of dodging the question.

The PM when asked about it stressed that he couldn't share information on the threats or security (and neither did the king and queen) but that everyone involved is doing their utmost to keep the princess safe.

I haven't seen any indication in the Dutch media that people blame the police (so, I don't think the king and queen need to worry about that) - some people minimize the issue by stating that they also had a hard time during Covid - but others stress how terrible it is that Amalia has to endure this because of these ruthless criminals. I assume most people will understand that living under a constant threat must be rather difficult and sympathize with her.
My heart hurts for her. No young woman should have to spend her early adulthood years like this. Thank goodness she has a therapist !
My heart hurts for her. No young woman should have to spend her early adulthood years like this. Thank goodness she has a therapist !

I agree. The memory of the freedom I took for granted as a teenager and a young woman makes my heart break for C-A.:sad:
I feel so bad for her. Barely into college and this. She looked so excited.

Being a princess your life is never simple. Being a normal student is not simple. But she was getting a chance to live away from home and be as normal as possible. Short and bittersweet. Hopefully something can be done and this is not permanent for her. Only being able to leave to go to class sucks.

I wonder if they will consider studying abroad next year. Then again I am not sure that would be any safer.
If she is living at home and 'not leaving the house' as the Queen says, then the situation must be even more dire than we feared. How terribly sad.

Its shocking and terribly sad for the Princess!
This was on the BBC news this morning. It's awful - school and university are meant to be a time which young royals get to enjoy, and spend leading a relatively normal life. And living in fear of kidnap at any age is terrible. I am so sorry for Amalia.
This organization has KILLED multiple (high profile) people specifically involved with the Marengo process. So, it's not that the Dutch police is not aware of the problems. The 'brain' behind all of it has been arrested and is imprisoned, however, as the Netherlands has a justice system - even the worst criminals have rights and have the right to a fair process. The process to this 'master mind' and several others is already taking place, however, for some reason the prime minister and princess of Orange are currently targeted. Probably, especially because they cracked down on the organization and were able to get the 'top guy' locked up, so, they are looking for revenge?!

Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that they will continue to fight the 'under world' that is taking up more and more space in the Netherlands and will be able to keep those threatened safe - and hopefully in a way that will increase personal freedom asap.

The reason that they target an innocent girl whom has zero comma zero involvement in the Mocro Mafia is: a severe disruption and undermining of the State state and of society and a show of power: "Look, we even dare to target the future Queen".

In contrary to popular belief and easy pub talk, the duration of imprisonments in the Netherlands belong to the highest in the EU and -unlike in most other European countries- there is no possibility for parole for those sentenced to life in the Netherlands (for which the Dutch Government is repeatedly criticized because this is an infringement of international law).

The main figures of the so-called Mocro Mafia are actually imprisoned in one of Europe's most secured penitentiary buildings, located in a former Nazi Concentration Camp near the capital of North-Brabant.

The intelligence- and security forces became aware of the dangerous threaths when they managed to intercept encrypted communication between the highest profiled criminals in which the Princess of Orange and the Prime Minister were named.
This was on the BBC news this morning. It's awful - school and university are meant to be a time which young royals get to enjoy, and spend leading a relatively normal life. And living in fear of kidnap at any age is terrible. I am so sorry for Amalia.

I was thinking the same,the Princess has only started her Academic Studies and now this dreadful situation for the Princess.
In an article about the popularity of the Dutch RF & what to do about it, Josine Droogendijk of modekoninginmaxima listed that Queen Máxima had a rather different scheduele than before the pandemic. Lots of foreign visits, and locally still more meetings via zoom and esp. much more unannounced visits. Planned & announced visits have been kept to a minimum.

Although there may be many reasons for this, in the light of the serious threats to the crown princess ánd to the prime minister, it is not odd to wonder if the king and queen themselves have been faced with a simular security risk.
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I'd imagine there will be a major shakeup in royal security following this.
I can't even begin to imagine how C-A is feeling. She is on the cusp of independence and enjoying life as a college student when it is snatched away from her. I would imagine she might need some psychological support as just the thought of being kidnapped and God knows what else she might face has to be terrifying.

This makes me appreciate the freedom I had as a college student, and continue to have as an independent woman who is not famous.
You have to wonder if, at some point, young royals like C-A will just say "the heck with it" and resign. Who needs the stress and restrictions, when you can have a perfectly nice life without the royal trappings?
You have to wonder if, at some point, young royals like C-A will just say "the heck with it" and resign. Who needs the stress and restrictions, when you can have a perfectly nice life without the royal trappings?

Maybe but she would still be a target as she is still from a very very wealthy family. I don’t think interest would disappear especially not in the Netherlands. She could move overseas but I doubt she’ll be able to ditch security.
The Orange association has started an initiative where people can write a message of support on their website:

Princess Amalia cannot leave the house because of a threat. As a result, she cannot live in Amsterdam and experience student life carefree.
The Royal Union of Orange Associations sympathizes with our crown princess and the royal family. We express the hope that Amalia will soon be able to study like everyone else.

We would like to support Princess Amalia. Anyone can leave a beautiful and kind message for her.

That's nice but perhaps they should pester the government instead.
Words of sympathy for Amalia won't put the criminals in jail.

In one of the most serious papers in DK today, they wrote an article about this, mentioning the possibility of the Netherlands turning into a "European drug-state" end quote.
It's getting pretty embarrassing for the Dutch government I'd say.
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