The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 1: Dec 2021 - January 2024

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I don’t think it is ‘woke’ to find issue with representatives of this organisation mentioning -during a speech- that women are only good to serve as buckets for male reproductive cells and that all women are w####s. Neither do I think it is particulary woke to be appaled when representatives of this organisation hold a plea for ‘breaking women’s necks’ to put the male reproductive organ in it. Do you?

Indeed!! Hear Hear Hear!!

As I am known to be an astute anti BS and CERTAINLY anti only goes to show how a specific member here calls
those opposing that trash club of snotnoses not knowing what to do with their external might add...
`where is it`.as little do they know....with many,so they brag over nothing.....

Or free after Mae West..No meat and no patatoes either ...
our future captains of industry and political leaders...
So much for looking forward to that incourant lot...

As a future Monarch,Amalia has no business nor desire to conform herself with this sort.
It is a pity that clearly "typical" provocative words by some dudes are now seen as general for the whole students' club with thousands and thousands of members who do nothing wrong at all.

Cancel culture in optima forma.
It is a pity that clearly "typical" provocative words by some dudes are now seen as general for the whole students' club with thousands and thousands of members who do nothing wrong at all.

Cancel culture in optima forma.

Did you watch the video? The fact that all the male students knew the expected answer and many (but not all) shouted it back to the speakers as well as that those 'dudes' (including the one responsible for changing the culture in this respect!) felt free to mention it and ask for this response at th gala dinner from the stage makes it clear that it is a cultural issue - as has been acknowledged by the Amsterdam Student Corps themselves!

And nobody is cancelling anyone other than the student union themselves who -at least temporarily- suspended these guys. And I for one am glad that Amalia (with more or less pressure) acknowledged that this is not the environment that she should get herself into as long as no significant changes have been made to make a real difference - instead of only lip service as was done so far (her father himself apparently acknowledged that he never liked the culture at Minerva; the Leiden Student Corps). Given how well Amalia looks into issues, I am sure she has read the letter written by the female members of the Corps who felt that change is needed; and I am quite sure they are better positioned to share what it is truly like within the Corps; and they've acknowledged it is NOT a good nor safe environment for women (and it teaches a wrong culture to men as well) - and they are desperate for change.
A photocall for Princess Amalia on 5th September for the start of university.

"Amalia is going to study and can be photographed! My friends from the RVD are pleased to invite the entire national press for a photo opportunity. Monday 5 September in Amsterdam. Please note: asking questions to Princess Amalia is prohibited."

Quotes like this make me wonder, are we really in the 21st century? Does it really hurt to answer a few questions that will be pre-approved anyway?
It remains free speech, the most stupide nonsense imagineable but nevertheless free speech. And it remains generalizing over all thousands of members of this students' club.

Plus: where is that dude's very own right to spout total and insulting nonsense indeed?

But never mind, the Oranges are becoming experts in the avoid, cancel and excuse culture anyway.
Quotes like this make me wonder, are we really in the 21st century? Does it really hurt to answer a few questions that will be pre-approved anyway?

The Dutch Royal House does not work with pre-approved questions and it will not stop any journalist to ask his/her own question anyway. Pre-approved or not.
AFAIK the gentlemen who said and cheered this nonsense were not thrown in prison. Neither were they kicked out of university or even of this club. Three of them voluntarily resigned and that is that. That is hardly 'cancelling'.

Free speech doesn't mean that there are no consequences to what you say. And here the consequences have been very limited. To portray these young men as victims is beyond absurd. But it suits a particular and paranoid narrative I suppose.
AFAIK the gentlemen who said and cheered this nonsense were not thrown in prison. Neither were they kicked out of university or even of this club. Three of them voluntarily resigned and that is that. That is hardly 'cancelling'.

Free speech doesn't mean that there are no consequences to what you say. And here the consequences have been very limited. To portray these young men as victims is beyond absurd. But it suits a particular and paranoid narrative I suppose.

Well, the Princess of Orange does not join the Corps, even when the disputed gentlemen voluntarily (well....) resigned, which is making the point. The Princess retreats from what she -by her own account- wished to do: to join the Corps.

In the meantime said Corps has never had so many applications for membership as exactly this year. This shows the gap between the ones seeing this "scandal" as just typical stupid drunken students' bragging and shrugging their shoulders and the others who see this as scandalous and worth canceling the whole phenomenon of a Corps.
Quotes like this make me wonder, are we really in the 21st century? Does it really hurt to answer a few questions that will be pre-approved anyway?

She doesn't have to do a photo call. And given the issues with the Corps, I totally understand that she isn't interested in making her start of university all about ASC/ASVV as is bound to happen if she would allow questions...
Princess Amalia arrives today at a branch of the University of Amsterdam on Roetersstraat to herald the start of her studies in the presence of the press. The Princess will follow a bachelor's degree in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics Amsterdam

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Her (at least) three bodyguards are clearly visible. She must be used to it but I assume it will take her new friends and fellow students some time to get used to.
Her (at least) three bodyguards are clearly visible. She must be used to it but I assume it will take her new friends and fellow students some time to get used to.

Absolutely, I wouldn't be surprised if NDAs were distributed within her campus as a means to protect her privacy. However, I'm sure she will be a bit too busy to do much other than study given her demanding schedule
I am not quite sure if NDA's are very normal in The Netherlands. In some jobs you will have them (politics for example) but in general the use is not very widespread. In this case I would not be surprised if many would refuse to sign them out of principle.

The princess -wisely- ducked the question about the student corps.

There are nicer ways to start your first day at university.

Various 'juice channels' announced that they will not be respecting princess Amalia's privacy and will update there websites with 'juice' if and when the occassiona rrises. The traditional gossip press will -I assume- keep a respectful distance.
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There were some critics that the Princess "went on rooms" while in effect a whole house has been rented. But that house was needed for the officers of the DKDB (the Royal- and Diplomatic Protection Service) monitoring the Princess' security.

Apart from that: NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements) are indeed not normal in the Netherlands. This is a firm limitation on someone's constitutional freedom of speech. For so far the Court has trusted on the politesse and civil behaviour of all in contact with the Princess.

For so far it worked: neither at the Bloemcampschool in Wassenaar nor at the Sorghvliet Gymnasium in The Hague were "leaks" to the media.
We will see how it goes. The student house of Amalia is in the center, close to the places where people go out for parties in the weekend. The exact address is not difficult to find. I would not be surprised if drunk students will start singing on the door steps late at night.

Relying on the politesse worked in Wassenaar and The Hague indeed. One of Amalia's school mates was the son of a prominent editor of a gossip magazine. But nothing was leaked. Even not the beach club where the princess worked, while many people would have known about it. But the last year(s) the new phenomenon of juice channels popped up and these channels do not seem to mind more unconventional steps to assure clicks.
She doesn't have to do a photo call. And given the issues with the Corps, I totally understand that she isn't interested in making her start of university all about ASC/ASVV as is bound to happen if she would allow questions...

Hear hear hear!Exactly!!!

But then some always try to get it to the max just to see how far they can pull their nonsense...used as they are to nowadays scum called rags and insane tv shows with hopeless brainless folks as presenters thinking what they say is what we NEED to know...

Leave Amalia alone,she will be fine
According to gossip magazine 'Story' ánd to Yvonne Coldewijer, the Princess and Isebrand broke up.
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Hear hear hear!Exactly!!!

But then some always try to get it to the max just to see how far they can pull their nonsense...used as they are to nowadays scum called rags and insane tv shows with hopeless brainless folks as presenters thinking what they say is what we NEED to know...

Leave Amalia alone,she will be fine
She wisely completely ignored the question about becoming a member of the Corps.
According to gossip magazine 'Story' ánd to Yvonne Coldewijer, the Princess and isebrand broke up.
Very few people are fortunate to have an Elizabeth and Phillip love. I'm sure the Princess will have many boyfriends over the years.
I'm very late, but I wish the Princess of Orange all the best as she starts her studies.

It will be interesting to see how life will unfold for her in the next decade. She's by all accounts very intelligent, so I am very excited to see where life takes her.
Very few people are fortunate to have an Elizabeth and Phillip love. I'm sure the Princess will have many boyfriends over the years.
I hope she won't... That her first love doesn't last happens more often than not but I wouldn't wish her a string of boyfriends before meeting the one she ends up marrying. I'd rather see her meet 'the one' in a reasonable timeframe (which might include several years without a boyfriend - as there is no need to rush into relationships) without lots of 'in-betweens'.
That "the German millionaire heir Ysebrandt K." was a "boyfriend" is also not for sure. It was all guesswork.
I hope she won't... That her first love doesn't last happens more often than not but I wouldn't wish her a string of boyfriends before meeting the one she ends up marrying. I'd rather see her meet 'the one' in a reasonable timeframe (which might include several years without a boyfriend - as there is no need to rush into relationships) without lots of 'in-betweens'.
Time will tell.
I hope she won't... That her first love doesn't last happens more often than not but I wouldn't wish her a string of boyfriends before meeting the one she ends up marrying. I'd rather see her meet 'the one' in a reasonable timeframe (which might include several years without a boyfriend - as there is no need to rush into relationships) without lots of 'in-betweens'.
Absolutely, as people change it should hardly come as a surprise if they no longer feel quite the same about their partner. Hopefully, she takes her time in finding someone compatible
The Amsterdam police department and the prosecutors office are worried about the safety situation of Princess Amalia in the capital. Apparently the security of the princess (and the prime minister) has been increased because they now take into account the possibility of a kidnap attempt or assault.

Concerns are due to the so-called 'Mocro-mafia' and it's supposed leader Ridouan Taghi. Taghi is also suspected to be behind the 2021 assasination of television personality and crime journalist Peter R. de Vries.
The Amsterdam police department and the prosecutors office are worried about the safety situation of Princess Amalia in the capital. Apparently the security of the princess (and the prime minister) has been increased because they now take into account the possibility of a kidnap attempt or assault.

Concerns are due to the so-called 'Mocro-mafia' and it's supposed leader Ridouan Taghi. Taghi is also suspected to be behind the 2021 assasination of television personality and crime journalist Peter R. de Vries.

That is scary. For us who do not follow Dutch news regularly, what is this "Mocro-mafia" exactly and what is its political motivation/ideology if any?
From wikipedia, which describes it much better than I ever could: "the Moroccan mafia is a term that describes various criminal organisations that are mainly made up of people from Moroccan descent. These organisations are specialised in trafficking large quantities of cocaine and synthetic drugs through Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium, from where it is distributed to the rest of the European continent thus being one of the most dominant participants in the European drug trade."

So no ideology there. More information here.

There is not a lot of detail in the newspaper article above. I am not sure if it is a general concern and precaution or if there is something more concrete (which the header indicated but which is not explained in the text that follows). The fear is that Mr Taghi -who was arrested in Dubai in 2019 and who is now in prison in Vught- will do a lot to get out. That may be the end goal here, but that is my own interpretation.
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