The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Redferns said:
thanks all
I like Letizia's shoes, she looks beautiful:)
Yeah, finally we have pics of Leti's shoes! Terrific as always.
And the more I see the pics from the ceremony, the more I love the way she looks like. The dress was absolutely fabulous and sophisticated, the fabric was great and all those details... We can say that sometimes F. Varela has a tendency to be a bit repetative with his designs, but he really had made many outfits which are truelly pieces of art :)
lula said:
From hola

Menchu Alvarez del Valle and Paloma Rocasolano

Is Letizia's grandmother cleaning her tooth??? That is not her best picture.
What´s the point in transcribing all this long articles from the newspapers? Does anybody read them? They fill lots of pages!
The Prince's speech was brilliant!!! Thanks Kartheina.

I have a question. I've always noticed that the Theatre is full of audience.
I know some of them are authorities from Asturias, relatives of the winners. But who else asists?
"Esti mozu ye pinu" the sareganos lay down to the street to give and to receive the affection of the Prince in a day of greetings, autographs and smiles with a general moan: the absence of Doña Letizia

Handshakes, many smiles and tens of autographs. All it elbow elbow with Don Felipe. Some or were believed it, but thus the morning in Sariego passed, the municipality that this year has received the Prize to the Exemplary Town of Asturias of the Foundation Prince. And in the air a moan in which all the presents agreed: "What pain that is not Doña Letizia", echo commented Charo Rivero de Villaviciosa becoming of feeling general. Its absence, nevertheless, did not dim a little while only. "we are always seeing it by tele, here that does not come as much and that is Prince de Asturias.
And in addition one has married with one of Oviedo, more reasons so that we are contented ", said to Clementina Towers two hours before his arrival. Normal, already it was intuited in the atmosphere that would not only be sareganos there and that the best era to be taking site the sooner, just in case. Of course, the occasion deserved the best finery. The elegance was the Maxima of almost all the assistants. Dresses and suits took the palm. And it is that, as says Hortal Argentinean, neighbor of Thousands, "for once we have to the Prince for single us, is necessary to put itself handsome".
If coquetería were generalized, only some people also bet by the comfort at the time of killing time. It is the case of Maria Of pounding Martinez, of Carbayín, that next to its husband Alpaca Villa and his three grandsons, had arrived at the municipality to ten in the morning with a folding chair to make the delay more pleasant. "they have operated to Me of the leg and I get tired if I am long time of foot".
Although they are generally going to see the Princes to the Campoamor, this time they let it pass and they were the grandsons who insisted on seeing Don Felipe. Said and done, although passed the eleven in the morning, the hunger tightened and Alpaca demanded tentempié: "To have if they put something of pincheo", it laughed. Their complaints would not be for a long time. Minutes later, the prince Don Felipe monopolized all the glances. They were the twelve of the noon and nor that to say she has, when showed the head, Maria To pound put itself still on not to lose detail. While, Borja Villa, the plus chiquitín of the family, slept placidly in the sillita, other people's to all the activity of flashes, moving bodies and applause.
Applause that did not stop during the short route until the seat of the town where would take place the first act. Many ' Enhorabuenas', by the pregnancy of Doña Letizia, and several shouts calling its attention. Nobody wanted to lose the opportunity to salute to Don Felipe. Thus it did it, for example, Marié Parajón, that with hardly four añitos - it will fulfill them in December -, dressed in a regional custome and ascent to shoulders, gave the manita to the Heir. Other that did not waste the time were Jose Luis Fano and Celsi Villabona.
Visibly moved, they assured that "he has been an immense one to please to give the hand him. It is a pity it to it not to have been able to narrow princess Letizia ". After the institutional act, Don Felipe distributed greetings by the flank that had neglected before. And, sure the sareganos thanked for it with fervor. And the nonsareganos ones, also. Mari Carmen Olivera Garci'a, of Oviedo and resident in Mieres, and their sister Ana started of Borbón one of the first companies of afternoon.
And perhaps one of most special: one was a flattery of attendance to the wedding of the Princes. So the dialogue was served: "it asked to Me that if it had not dunked to me during the celebration of the connection. He is majísimo and very pleasant ", it says contained in a flag of the Principality. The certain thing is that since went to the wedding "it was trying to approach me him so that me it signed it". And although president Vicente Alvarez Areces warned to them that it was very difficult, obtained it. They also dared to value the speech: "It said precious words but he was a little aphonic". It was the beginning of the way towards the football ground of the municipality, where the exhibition of traditional sports took place "Felipe, Felipe, this way ", children and adults with the hope shouted to greet it to their step. Selene Perez Sanchez, of nine years, was of most lucky. "Suddenly, it has been put to my side and it has put next to me. He is very smart and I like everything of him ".
His Isidro grandfathers corroborated it: "For these things he is unique". He had until who lay down to cry by the emotion. To seven in the morning they had risen Carmen, Joaquina, Pilar and Eloína, which they came from Walls, in the council of Valdés. This last one did not manage to repress its tears: "very I am moved. I have given the enhorabuena him by the one of the boy. It had many desire to see it because he is a boy who knows to listen, is looked much like its father ", said who assured to know infant Elena by work questions. The resistance Followed by the multitude, Don Felipe arrived at the place of the exhibition. Acabose took place when he himself initiated the short one of tronzón. "Comes brave! Spirit Felipe ", an expectant public shouted who when finalizing filled of applause the enclosure. Fernandez, original of the municipality already said to it to Rafael: "Surely that does well, he has good bearing the uncle". Of similar opinion she is Maria Jesus Ordiales Cifuentes: "Esti mozu ye pinu", said she observing the figure of the Heir. The resistance took place in the bar of the football ground. While the others saw the Prince to little meters of distance, Joaquin Palaces observed by the television which happened after the crystal of the bar: "Good, we must help us between all. We are three and we are alternating ourselves to leave to see it because this one will be, more likely, the only time that comes here ", explained. Treasures Far from the labor world, Jose Manuel, of twelve years, did not think much to it. As soon as he finished the exhibition, he took one of wood discs that had sawn Jose Risk, champion of short Asturias in of tronzón the individual one, and quick raudo and, took it until the Prince. The objective? To obtain that was signed it. Something that Don Felipe did enchanted when coming out of the House of Fertile valley Culture of Sariego. "I will keep It like a treasure", said the young person. On the other hand, Eduardo, of eleven years and somewhat more orthodox, wanted his autograph in a small notebook of white leaves. Enchanted and nervous, he guessed right to say that he was going to frame it. Without a doubt, whole Sariego was yesterday as to put a frame to him. I connect Sponsored
Leonor already walks taken of the hand "
Prince, doing one carantoña to a baby, yesterday, in Sariego. Don Felipe spoke to the students of the Rescuing center Fertile valley Watercresses on its daughter and it explained to them that "Letizia felt much not to be able to come" Fertile valley (Sariego), L. PALACIOS/P. TAMARGO

"Leonor already walks taken of the hand". The revelation made yesterday the Prince to a group of children del Public School Rescuing Fertile valley Watercresses, of Sariego, which council visited during its stay in the capital del. Don Felipe went to the scholastic center to know the exhibition drawings prepared by students of different ages and in which the subject protagonist was the Princes de Asturias and its Leonor daughter.

The heir of Corona amused itself with the imagination of the small ones and loosen more than an outburst of laughter when stopping before the panel in whom the drawings were punctured. One of the works represented Don Felipe and Doña Letizia next to a salt water deposit "" and put in mouth of the Prince, who had a glass in his hands, the following text: "Letizia, you do not drink, that ta salty".

The students who had opportunity to share words with the heir of Corona were Óscar Palace, Rebollar Navy, Ángela Canteli, Adrián Suárez, David Marco, Lucia Antuña and Daniel Naredo. What said the Prince to them? According to the answer of all, it requested explanations to them on the drawings that had done.

Some of them mentioned that that had spoken to them of which Infant Leonor takes his first steps or of "Letizia felt much not to have been able to come". Don Felipe, that became a photo with the students, dedicated special attentions to the children during all its stay in Sariego. Before arriving at the school, of way, some small one resisted to the persistence of its mother of which a photo with the Prince became.

With who yes put was with Tomás Lozano González, a baby of 2 months and 10 days. The small one took a temper important when the Prince approached, although her mother, the pharmaceutics of the locality, Eva González, attributed it to the commotion of flashes that mounted around.
I have the hope that next week we see Leonor, for her birthday, already they have commented on several times that the girl begins to walk , for two months she does not appear publicly and must be very beautiful :flowers: .

Mari, on the topic of the guests. Since good you have said some of the guests are political, and every winning one can take several persons accompanying.

Between the guests it is a bit of everything. Other political authorities that do not occupy place in the scene but that are invited, representatives of diverse sectors of the Asturian society, persons that are employed at the Prince Foundation, representatives of mass media, some former rewarded, persons who collaborate in the jurors. And later there are many guests who are the protectors of the Foundation. The Foundation is financed a little by money of public institutions, but it receives more private contributions, normally inside the social and cultural activities of the big companies (principally of installed in Asturias). Their presidents and the directors are invited.
lula said:
I have the hope that next week we see Leonor, for her birthday, already they have commented on several times that the girl begins to walk , for two months she does not appear publicly and must be very beautiful :flowers: .

Mari, on the topic of the guests. Since good you have said some of the guests are political, and every winning one can take several persons accompanying.

Between the guests it is a bit of everything. Other political authorities that do not occupy place in the scene but that are invited, representatives of diverse sectors of the Asturian society, persons that are employed at the Prince Foundation, representatives of mass media, some former rewarded, persons who collaborate in the jurors. And later there are many guests who are the protectors of the Foundation. The Foundation is financed a little by money of public institutions, but it receives more private contributions, normally inside the social and cultural activities of the big companies (principally of installed in Asturias). Their presidents and the directors are invited.

I hope lula that we will be able to see it leonor has to change maintenantje do not know if we will see it in the form of photographs that real put it will publish or if there is an installation in front of the press I think that if it poses in front of the press is right the princes and leonor we see well
Roxsteve said:
Is Letizia's grandmother cleaning her tooth??? That is not her best picture.

Bravo, Roxsteve, it's the most clever comment that I never seen !:wacko:
From LaNueva España

From Elcomercio


( From Hola )

First penelope Cruz had copyed a Letizia's dress, this one she wore the last summer in Sa Pobla, for example! Then she looks very pregnant, isen't It?
I dont think it looks like anything Letizias has worn, not that Penenlope Cruz would need to copy from anything of Letizias wardrobe, she already has the best of the best making clothes for her, even if this is not a winner IMO. Still I think she is so pretty and obiously a very good friend of Almadovar
adelaide said: ( From Hola )

First penelope Cruz had copyed a Letizia's dress, this one she wore the last summer in Sa Pobla, for example! Then she looks very pregnant, isen't It?
the dress penelope cruz wore is not at all a copy of letizia's summer dress, since the 'white' cape is not a dress, but a cape. the actual dress is a simple black dress, although it may look similar to the openwork dress letizia wore last summer, since it's a similar design idea. penelope's dress and 'coat' can be seen at vogue, for example, on the catwalk of oscar de la renta.

i adored letizia's shoes, they look gorgeous (who is the designer? perhaps manolo blahnik?). would be nice to have a high quality photo of letizia's dress, looks like it's got lots of details in it....
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Thanks for the explanation lula :flowers:..
I think Penelope's dress is very similiar but not an exact copy.
Independently of their clothes, the attitude of Pedro Almodovar and Penélope Cruz, it belonged to persons badly polite, I still do not understand why the Foundation allowed this attitude. Evidently Penelope has obtained many advertising. :mad:

All the winning ones come in their cars alone, relatives and friends come to the theatre before and they place in the places that they have reserve. Penelope Cruz was not anybody to come in the car with Pedro Almodovar, and to want to monopolize a protagonism that was not her. The protagonists are the winning ones, and not an actress who is a friend of a winning one.
Really it looked like to me a very ugly gesture for with the rest of rewarded and their families; since for example, the wife and children of Cirac, or the wife and the daughter of Auster.

Persons much more important than they, they have not had this attitude.
You're right lula, i was also wondering why they allowed Penelope to accompany Almodovar while the rest of the awardees were alone, maybe because she's a big star in spain?
julianne said:
You're right lula, i was also wondering why they allowed Penelope to accompany Almodovar while the rest of the awardees were alone, maybe because she's a big star in spain?

I don´t know, I believe that there has been something strange. :wacko:
Or it has been some type of Almodovar's caprice and not to have problems they have allowed it to him; or for some reason they have wanted to support them in their career the Oscar allowing them this.

The winning ones are always important persons, often much more important than Pedro and Penelope. And these things are not in the habit of happening. I do not believe that it is because they are Spanish. An example, last year Fernando Alonso was receiving the prize in his natal city, with a city that encourages him to the maximum and is his major fan. He was the most awaited and he was most acclaimed. But he came as the rest of rewarded; and his guests, who were his family and Flavio Briatore, came when was corresponding to them.
Almodovar should have gone just like the others rewarded... but well he did not...
Yes, it was a bit odd to see Penelope Cruz over the blue carpet, especially because she's no relative to Almodover... at least in the case of Bill Gates' father, he was accompanied by his wife...
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