The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
agm thanks so much for the videos. Queen Sofia looked beautiful as always, Letizia was radiant and felipe so handsome.
This year prince of asturias awards was special for me.It was the first time my country flag was is almost behind the princes in most of the afternoon pics.Thanks to MR. REZA DEGHATI and his wonderful photos for National geography.After LEGION D'HONNOUR he is now got prince of asturias award.
I think the princess looked stunning.i really love her dress with or without the coat.the prince was handsome and proud of his could see him get excited and moved his lips in a special way.
I think Paul Aster speech was absoulately wonderful.where can i find it?
thanks for pics and articles.
Bravo for the fotos, is great see letizia in action...she look great and elegant in the 3 acts. I hope more and biger photos came.
lula said:
From hola

Menchu Alvarez del Valle and Paloma Rocasolano

O.k. maybe I shouldn't point this out...but I thought it was a little funny. This picture could totally be in the Caption This! thread...That lady behind Menchu, and then Menchu herself! What is she doing? Snacking on something???
Letizia was radiant and wonderful and the prince was so handsome and so happy with his wife at her side. The queen looks wondeful too.
does anyone have any idea why Letizia is going back to Madrid tonight? Its a pitty we wont get to see her tomorrow
dazzling said:
does anyone have any idea why Letizia is going back to Madrid tonight? Its a pitty we wont get to see her tomorrow

Yes, it is a pity, these visits always are nice and leave enterteining anecdotes.:rolleyes:

I imagine that they were thinking that probably the act was too much for her. It is a long act with several hours of foot crossing the village, with all the neighbors around to greet, several activities, later a luncheon. Besides, these days the weather is not very good and if it rains everything can be done furthermore weighed. The Prince goes to the act and returns directly to Madrid.
guys,do you like when Mary robinson made her speech in spanish? i think she made a terrible was better she made her speech in her native language.what do you think?
aryo said:
guys,do you like when Mary robinson made her speech in spanish? i think she made a terrible was better she made her speech in her native language.what do you think?

Evidently her Spanish was not perfect, and in some moments she had difficulties to read her speech.

But her effort has been valued more for making and to read a speech in Spanish, that is not her language. It is a slightly habitual gesture, that few ones dare to do and it is valued and is grateful. She has gained more praises for her effort and her gesture, that critical for her bad Spanish.

Her message has come perfectly, and the press can accede to the speeches to make it to come to the public.
thanks dear Lula.
i was nervous during her speech.i don't think she know spanish,she just practice her speech in spanish
She had done the best what she can. Congratulations for that she master up courage to speak/read in Spanish! :flowers: Talking in Spanish was compliments for Spain and PoA Awards I think.

Btw. I think that's it's good to hear any words in your native language from someone from abroad.
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aryo said:
guys,do you like when Mary robinson made her speech in spanish? i think she made a terrible was better she made her speech in her native language.what do you think?

Why ? I find at the opposite, even if hr language was not fluent, very elegant for mary Robinson to do her sppeeche in spanish. Foe me it's a very refined way to thanks the Awards 's Fondation, isen't it?:flowers:
I understand it's a good gesture,but i think it was better if she start it in spanish and then continue in English.when i look at the queen,princes and others they don't look they enjoy her speech.she was neverous too and her problem in pronouncing words made her speech long and boring.
I love that we can see Paloma and Menchu talking during the videos. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic pictures and videos.:flowers: I'm so glad Letizia made it!:wub: She looked radiant.
aryo said:
i was nervous during her speech.i don't think she know spanish,she just practice her speech in spanish
I shared the feeling. I was shifting in my seat out of nerves when she was reading her speech. What made it worse for me is that I thought that the people in the theater (the royals included) looked like they were feeling pity for her more than hearing out the message she wanted to deliver -- although, I could just be projecting my own feelings into the picture :rolleyes:! But, it was clearly a difficult stunt to pull and at some point, she looked like she was ready to choke. Well... kudos to her for being brave! And, by the way, the message of the speech was great!

High-profile people like her usually have chiefs-of-staff who ensure that they won't be placed in uncomfortable situations like that -- maybe she was ill-advised to deliver the whole piece in Spanish. At the very least, they could have attached the English version so that she had the option to shift to it in the middle of her delivery. Anyway, what is done is done and if (as lula said) the general reception to her speech is admiration for the effort, all is well.

Looking at the bigger picture, this one speech does not diminish her accomplishments and most probably, in the years to come, how she delivered it will be forgotten. I think, more than anything, she'll be remembered as the first woman laureate of the Prize for Social Science :flowers: Congratulations, Madam President!
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Someone needs to get a clue. Bill Gates' mother passed away long time ago. His father never remarried. That's his father and the lady is probably the head or the director of the foundation. It's not Bill Gates' "parents".
Don Felipe, proud “to belong to that useless and glorious line of descent that we called man”

Source: ABC (Antonio Astorga)

OVIEDO. The Prince of Asturias Prizes dreamed with its Princess two years ago and yesterday, it did it again. The city... experienced an outpouring of joy. This “beautiful adventure” of the award’s 25 years brought about an exchange of knowing glances between Don Felipe and Doña Letizia: “The Princess and I are happy to think that we will pass on to our children all the weight of these emotions and lessons, the emotive heritage of unforgettable memories”. Remembering the Asturian poet Carlos Bousoño, the Prince was proud “today more than ever, to belong to that useless yet glorious line of descent we call man”.

In the theater’s royal box, Doña Sofía received the affection and the greeting of all the laureates, like the reverence of the North American writer Paul Auster, who is an esteemed literary institution (trans?). Auster… contended that the novel as the only territory “where two strangers can be in conditions of absolute privacy”.

The guarantee of the Constitution
These have fostered generosity over self-interests, concord over division, peaceful coexistence over fanaticism, commitment over indifference… work that “was started and developed because of the freedom and stability guaranteed under our Constitution”, emphasized Don Felipe.

Commitment to equality by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Prize for International Cooperation) received by William H. Gates in name of his son, Bill and Melinda: “All lives have equal value, do not forget it”. Coexistence as the ex-president of Ireland proposes, Mary Robinson (Prize for Social Sciences): “Recognizing our common humanity in the faces of migrants -- it said in perfect Spanish -- can inspire us to reaffirm our common dignity and build diverse, pluralistic and democratic societies”. And generosity as strongly advocated by UNICEF (Prize for Concord): “much remains to be done”, said Ann M. Veneman, Executive Director.

Don Felipe remembered the encouragement that that Crown has given to the Prince of Asturias Foundation -- “a work conceived in the service of Spain, for our progress and projection abroad as a great nation”; the support of his parents; and his desire that in the hearts of his children “will grow the hope, the desire for a fairer world, and the untiring search for a humanity of free men and women”.

The prizes once again has its princess

Source: ABC (A.A.)

OVIEDO. Pink and gray coat with grids of embroidered mohair. Flowing dress in light pink. Mulberry velvet purse and pink classic shoes. “She is precious, beautiful, and radiant, like the Prince”, said the town about its Princess – dressed in her main designer, Felipe Varela, who also designed the beige outfit she wore two years ago. Taking support from the arm of the Prince, the Princess of Asturias, who was touched/emotional, arrived at the presidential table at 6:30 in the afternoon. The Prince, who had had just helped his wife get to her seat, was about to sit down before the national anthem (performed by a group of gaiteros) was played in the Campoamor. But before Don Felipe can fully bend his legs to sit, Doña Letizia whispered to him with affection for him to remain standing. In spite of the nerves, he quickly caught the message. He discontinued (from sitting down) until after the hymn. With curled hair that was smoothly gathered on the sides, the Prince of Asturias Prizes once again, after two years, has its Princess.

I'm so happy that I can see the event live from tve last night.. And I love to see Leti.. I'm in awe of just her presence, elegance and beauty.. I'm not very fond of the whole outfit though. If I can choose, I'd rather see her in her brown outfit 2 years ago (I think).. That one's a winner.. And I think she should change her hairstyle.. She's been wearing that similar hairstyle to the awards previously.. Owh, and I'd love to see a HQ shot of Leti wearing a black top and red suit.. Anyone can help me?
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Sariego celebrates the royal visit

The Prince Felipe , without dona Letizia, has delivered in Sariego the Prize to the Exemplary Village of Asturias

Don Felipe has come at twelve o'clock at midday to Sariego where, guided by the mayor, Francisco Javier Parajón Vigil, he has greeted to the Municipal Corporation and to many of the numerous neighbors who have filled the streets of The Vega, the capital of this council. To the pace of the music of the bagpipe, Don Felipe, without the Princess of Asturias who returned last night to Madrid, has proved to be affable and smiling with the sareganos who have celebrated and applauded his visit.

After the regards of rigor, the Prince Felipe delivered the award to the mayor, Francisco Parajón Vigil, who seized the opportunity to celebrate "awaited" today and to annotate the human value of the inhabitants of Sariego. The mayor could not avoid the emotion on having resembled in his speech the sareganos that already were not present.

Seguidamente, there has taken the word don Felipe who, as anecdotal note, has realized a pause improvised in his speech on having warned that one of the members from the juror of the Prize to the Exemplary Village of Asturias had suffered a faint while he was following the intervention of the inheritor from the square.

The Prince forgave dona Letizia's absence and confessed his happiness for delivering this Prize. He dedicated words of recognition and encourage the sareganos and he went specially, and as yesterday in the show of delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, to the children and young people that, as he indicated, they will be " the inheritors of the prosperity and wealth that you work day after day ". He continued encouraging the neighbors to construct a new, rich, educated, plural and opened society, defender of the solidarity and of the work as the best tool to prosper.

The official act was followed by a walk along the square of that don Felipe took advantage to continue greeting the neighbors.

Sariego's local community has been distinguished in this 26edition of the Prizes Princes of Asturias by their labor of conservation, promotion and diffusion of the historical patrimony.
Sariego, one of the smallest councils of Asturias, possesses a wide social fabric that is represented in several associations that they dedicate to the conservation, promotion and diffusion of the historical patrimony of the municipality.

Sariego is placed in the zone center of Asturias and its population courts 1.500 inhabitants, of whom almost a hundred they are neighbors of the capital, Sariego's Vega. The principal source of resources of the council is the ranching and the agriculture, though in the last years, the sector of the tourism has increased considerably.

From terra

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A few pics from morning act from lfi:


More from terra:

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The princess I was very beautiful, more comfortable in her paper of princess, also have liked the Queen, her suit and its way to treat to Letizia. The prince as enchanted to have to its wife next to him.
I have liked the prizes this one year.
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Great Awards with a really impressive list of guests ! And I'm glad Letizia made it (it's just not the same without her :))

Even if Ms. Robinson's Spanish wasn't at its best, it was a very nice gesture of hers to made such an effort! "C'est l'intention qui compte!" :kiss: :closedeye :)

Great pink outfits, both for the Queen and L (I liked very much the pale pink match, so soft and feminine - and I particularly liked the way this tissue seems to be "wriped" around Letizia's body!) !
highpriestess said:
Someone needs to get a clue. Bill Gates' mother passed away long time ago. His father never remarried. That's his father and the lady is probably the head or the director of the foundation. It's not Bill Gates' "parents".

William H Gates married Mimi in 1996. Two years after his first wife died.
Article from "La Razon":

“Achuchones” ("Asturian Pushes", don't know what does this word mean in Spanish) for Infanta Leonor
Efe - Sariego (Asturias). -
Javier Parajón, mayor of Sariego, Exemplary Town of Asturias of this year, requested today to Don Felipe that in name of his countrymen his daughter, Infanta Leonor transmitted, “a kiss and affection”, in addition to a “push”. “Estruyen it”, he said to him in bable.
The Prince of Asturias gave to this morning to the mayor of Sariego the parchment that credits to him as Exemplary Town of the Principality in 2006, a title that annually grants the Foundation that the heir of Corona presides over.
Without the company of his wife, Doña Letizia, who at night returned yesterday to Madrid in company of the Queen, after attending in the Campoamor Theater in Oviedo the XXVI ceremony of delivery the Prizes Prince of Asturias, Don Felipe visited Sariego today, land of cider, whose near 1,500 inhabitants they feel proud of his ancestral traditions.
Many of them asked to him the Prince for the second pregnancy of Doña Letizia, who passes with annoyances, like the first one, and the mayor of Sariego wished “of heart” that the new “situation of maternity” is to him “light”.
The Princess of Asturias, said the Prince in the greater seat of Sariego, where the neighbors of the council concentrated themselves, “feels much not to be able to accompany today”."She", added, “knows and she appreciates in all it's beauty” this earth.
The neighbors of this locality located in the central zone of the Principality demonstrated to the Prince their hospitality and they gave him several gifts for Infanta Leonor, like typical canvas shoes, and “for the next thing that come”, as it said to one lady when givinghim a white apron.
Queen Sofia was definitely very elegant at this ceremony. I think that in the last two years she has renewed her clothes and become more modern.
Letizia's dress was very beautiful, but I really think that rose colour doesn't suit her, it makes her look pale (Or maybe she was pale because of her pregnancy nauseas)
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