The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

The Princess Letizia will not be on Thursday in Asturias, though she counts on coming on Friday

Her assistance will depend on if the inconveniences of her second pregnancy like that advise it

The Prince of Asturias showed today his confidence in the Princess there could come to the ceremony of delivery of the prizes Prince of Asturias who is celebrated on Friday. On having been asked by the journalists by the arrival of his wife, don Felipe assured that " it is foreseen for Friday ".

Don Felipe also said that Dona Letizia regrets not to have accompany him today and on having asked him if his wife was sorry about her absence answered: " Already you imagine, it is her land ".

The Prince came to the Hotel Reconquista at 21:00 where it was got by the president of the Principality, Vicente Álvarez Areces, the delegate of the Government in Asturias, Antonio Trevín, the chairwoman of the General Meeting of the Principality, Maria Jesus Álvarez, and the director of the Foundation, Graciano García.

Several dozens of persons congregated before the Reconquista to see him to come. The public was interested even for the Princess who already last year could not come on having been in the final straight line of her first pregnancy.

From terra

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Thanks you very LCM for the link and Lula for the pics.

I hope trully that "Hola" is right when they said thet the Princess is determined to be here the next friday.

It shall be absolutly terrific for the Princes to be, in the same time so happy by this new pregnancy and confronted with the sickness's of Letizia while they are very involved in this Prices!
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Oh no.again
why don't they plan the 2nd baby after october?!!!!!!!!!!
I am totally safe that Letizia will be with the prince next friday in don´t worry..I have the prefeeling of she will be there.
In this picture (from the hola! article about the awards) he looks exactly like his father! That profile!
I don't always think this. From the front view, he has Sofia's face mostly, but this profile is totally Juan Carlos.

The Prince of Asturias receives today in hearing several groups

The agenda of the Prince Felipe of Asturias begins today at ten o'clock in the morning, hour in the one that will take to end the first one of the hearings of the day, which will be with the Awardwinners with the Medal of Asturias 2006. To the act also it has foreseen comes the Chairwoman of the General Meeting of the Principality, Maria Jesus Álvarez.

The Prizes End of Career 2005 of the University of Oviedo, they will be the following ones in being got by the Prince, to them they they will be still the winning pupils of the school contest ' They were like you '.

A group of representatives of the Public Entity of Communication of the Asturias, Syndical Working Union of Asturias, the Managerial Meeting of the Asturian Club of Quality, the Meeting of Government of the Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Asturias will complete the hearings of the morning.

Already in the evening, from five o'clock, there will be received the Meeting of Government of the Official College of Commercial Agents of Oviedo, the Cultural association Llacín, the board of the Aeronautical Circle Jesus Fernandez Duro and the Governing advice of the Pharmaceutical Asturian Cooperative society.

All the hearings of the day will take place in the lounge of Councils of the Hotel of the Reconquest.
Doña Letizia does not go to the previous acts to the Ceremony of the Prizes "Prince of Asturias"
prince Felipe has arrived single at Oviedo. Doña Letizia is not well and has decided not to go to the beginning of the official program of acts organized in the occasion of the delivery of the prizes "Prince of Asturias". It will be in Oviedo neither Thursday, nor Friday in the morning. But the Real House says that the princess will try to go to the ceremony that was celebrated the next Friday in the evening. The last year did not go because the delivery was celebrated days before the birth of Infant Leonor.
Maybe she couldn't travel by plane and has to travel by car. But I think if she isn't in Oviedo by tonight (Thursday), it's unlikely she will attend the Awards in Friday.
I feel sorry for the people who were waiting in the cold in hope to see Letizia. The Royal House should have made it clear that she wouldn't come with the Prince on Wed night. Bad handling by Zarzuela.
Lauritas138 said:
I am totally safe that Letizia will be with the prince next friday in don´t worry..I have the prefeeling of she will be there.
Oh, I would love to be as optimistic as you...:ermm:
Sure that the Casa real could be more clear but in my opinion if they didn't done it it's because they don't want link the Felipe's duties with the presence or not of the Priincess.

First it's the Princ's Awards then it's the health of the princss but not in the same rank. it's not fair for people who were waiting for letizia but in my mind it's always to avoid to give at letizia the first plan before Felipe and activities very important as the Prices.

But.... me too I'm waiting a lot for the Princess and too bad if she can't be here friday! Let us hope strongly ( hy, Holly Rita!)
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From terra

Winning pupils of the school contest ' They were like you '.

Awarded with the Medal of Asturias 2006

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Crown Felipe de Borbon looks at one of Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado, under the title Genesis, in Oviedo, Province of Asturias,

from terra

Prince inaugurates photographic exhibition of Sebastiao Salgado

Prince de Asturias today inaugurated in Oviedo a exhibition outdoors with photographies of the Brazilian Sebastiao Salgado, an advance payment, in world-wide primicia, of his project “Génesis”, that explores the origin and the biodiversity of the planet Earth.

Doña Letizia, who is in the third month of her second pregnancy, and that as the previous one passes well but with annoyances, is predicted that she arrives tonight at Oviedo, informed to EFE sources into the House into the King.
The Princess will get up itself tomorrow to the official agenda of acts that will conclude behind schedule to average with the solemn ceremony of delivery of the Prizes in the Campoamor Theater, to which, like every year, will also attend Reina.
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HRH the Prince of Asturias are to inaugurate "Genesis" - the photography exhibition of 1998 Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for the Arts Sebastião Salgado - at 1 p.m. on Thursday 19th October at Oviedo´s Campo San Francisco.

The exhibition is one of the events celebrating the XXV Anniversary of the Prince of Asturias Awards and will put on show one hundred hitherto unpublished black-and-white photographs taken by Sebastião Salgado during the first three years of his "Genesis" project, which is scheduled to take eight years to complete. The open-air exhibition will be on show until December 17th.

Sebastião Salgado has demonstrated his wishes to contribute to events celebrating the XXV Anniversary of the Awards by offering the general public a foretaste of his "Genesis" project. 31 vertical and 69 horizontal images measuring approximately 150 by 100 centimetres make up the selection of photos on show at the Campo San Francisco. "Genesis" was launched in 2004 in collaboration with the United Nations´ Environment Programme and the United Nations´ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Arts hopes to finish "Genesis" in 2011 and launch a worldwide itinerant exhibition.

From terra

Fron reuters via yahoo

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Groups describe to the Prince like a near person ', amená and good connoisseur of the Asturian reality The groups that were received this morning in hearing by Prince de Asturias described to Don Felipe like a near, pleasant and expert person ' of the reality asturianá. Through Reconquista they passed awarded with ' the Medal of Asturias 2006', the prizes ' Aim of Race 2005', the students of the Institute of Jovellanos, winners of the scholastic aid ' They were like you, the representatives of the TPA, the meeting of the Asturian Club of the Quality, the Working Union Union of Asturias, and the meeting of the Official School of Quality. The students of the Institute Jovellanos de Gijón, winners of the scholastic aid ' They were as you they were surprised the pleasant thing who were the conversation that maintained with the Principe. ' It seemed that existia did not protocol, Jose Bernardine Ignacio commented, one of the six students who participated in the winning work. During the hearing, the Prince was interested the future in his vocation for and other academic subjects. The young person, of 1º of Bachelor, commented surprised who the Prince commented to them ' if they wanted pregúntale something on princesá. Before this question, and although initially they did not have intention to speak of Doña Letizia, were interested in its state. The Prince explained to them that the princess is ' within his estadó normal and that could arrive tonight to get up itself to the morning acts. The young people gave Libro to him of the history of the Jovellanos Institute, the original one of the work with whom they gained the prize and the magazine that every year its scholastic center prints. The President of the Principality, Vicente Alvarez Areces, went to the Hearing with the Awarded ones with the Medal of Asturias 2006. The President described char it like distendida in which they crossed ' what symbolizes each one of premiados'. The awarded ones to which one talked about were Carlos Suárez Grandson, president of the Institute Oncológico de Asturias, Mª Light Rodriguez, who spoke on the problematic one of rural means, the company Duro Felguera, Valentin Diaz Morodo who could not go to be in Mexico, the Working Athenian of Gijón or Amelia Valcarcel. This one last one commented the Prince to him who attended in the hearing ' by feministá, to which Don Felipe responded that ' the.feminism can mean many cosas'. In this Sariego act it gave to the heir of the crown a lithography to him of an Asturian artist called Marta Fermín. The hearing with the students who also obtained the prizes ' Aim of race 2005 ' characterized, according to Juan Vázquez, Director of the University of Oviedo, by the distendido treatment. The director indicated that the subjects in which the Prince was interested more were the university efforts and the later insertion of the awarded ones in the work. On the other hand he emphasized that of the 70 young people who attended the hearing, they are not many those that they have had to go away outside Asturias to work. Juan Jose Guerenaberrena, director of content of the TPA, emphasized the interest of the Prince by the situation of the average premises in Asturias and transferred ' a congratulation to trabajadores'. The Being gave to the Prince a cartoon of the real pair and a box to him, crowned with a boal stone that contains the first emitted emission of the television and other news articles. The Working Union Union (USE) transferred ' the preoccupation to him by región', mainly by the future of the shipyards of Gijón. Peace Fernandez Felgueroso, mayoress of Gijón, attended the hearing of the Asturian Club of Quality with the Prince and indicated that her height felt very interested to know the trajectory the Club. In the hearing 27 people were present who gave to Don Felipe a book on the 10 years of the Asturian Club of Quality. The School Industrial Engineer officer of the Principality, was the last ones that this morning was with the Prince and indicated that for them it was a ' privilege to be received this añó when agreeing with the centenary of the Asturian Association of Experts. The School gave to the Prince the Gold medal of the Centenary of the Association. During afternoon, Don Felipe has predicted other hearings with the Meeting of the Official School of Brokers of Oviedo, the Cultural Association Llacin, the director of Aeronautical Circulo Jesus Hard Fernandez and the Governing Council of Pharmaceutical Cooperative.
There will be necessary to wait because it is clear that between news and rumors nobody has clear that it is true and that not. ;) This night there is concert and later has dinner, so maybe up to tomorrow we will not know anything.
As it's obvious everybody is waiting some positive news about the comming of Letizia.

Some of you who are spagniards, do you think that the Casa real is fearing the "Diana 's syndrom" about the Letizia's figure more famous than these of Felipe?

For me, I think not because, as you can see since two years, Letizia herself is paying attention to stay beside her husband and not in front the camera.
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She comes or does not come Letizia is a topic of debate, especially for the public, because they take the Prince to 25 years seeing him and he is very seen. People have interest in the Princess, who is the newness, that is the one that has been born in the city… for that reason always she is going to be subject of conversation and attention. If she comes well if she does not come the act will pass and until next year.
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adelaide said:
As it's obvious everybody is waiting some positive news about the comming of Letizia.

Some of you who are spagniards, do you think that the Casa real is fearing the "Diana 's syndrom" about the Letizia's figure more famous than these of Felipe?

For me, I think not because, as you an see since two years, Letizia herself is paying attention to stay beside her husband and not in front the camera.

Before I can continue, I must put emphasis in this being just my opinion.
But, about what you say, The Royal Household fearing The Diana Syndrome, I don't think they actually fear the Princess being more famous than Prince Felipe. I believe it has more to do with having scandals or so called scandals, and seeing the affairs of The Royal Family everyday in the newspapers as it happened when Diana divorced Charles. What I mean is that regardless of whether it is true or false, it makes no favours to the Institution to see its private affairs dealt in the public eye.

The King Juan Carlos has always praised Doña Sofia, as being a "great professional". I believe he means that she not only makes a great job, but she's discrete, and no affairs or issues are appearing in the press because of her. Whatever she does or does not is maintained private.

From lne:

In the course of another one of the hearings, with the governing body of the School Industrial Engineer officer of the Principality, Don Felipe received the first flattery for his second child, who will be born in spring: a reproduction in silver of the Cross of the Victory, the symbol of Asturias. :)
From canal fpa

From terra​

Meeting of Government of the Official College of Commercial Agents of Oviedo​

Cultural association Llacín​

The board of the Aeronautical Circle Jesus Fernandez Duro​

Governing advice of the Pharmaceutical Asturian Cooperative society.​

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Spain's Crown Prince Felipe waves while walking out of a hotel in Oviedo, northern Spain October 19, 2006. REUTERS/Felix Ordonez via yahoo

She has been the center of the atentions this last days, especialy the yellow and gossipi press, maybe she doesn't want to give them something to talk about her, she want that this prizes get focus on what is important, the prizes, and she gonna arrive maybe late to night or earlier tomorrow, but I'm absolubly conviced that she is going, just is matter of time.
:flowers: It is confirmed, Princess Letizia arrives this night:flowers:
lula said:
:flowers: It is confirmed, Princess Letizia arrives this night:flowers:
I have heard that in Telediario, what a relief!!! :) So she is probably already in a way to Oviedo...:rolleyes:
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