The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

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From "La Nueva España":

The Prince of Asturias accompanied the Portuguese president, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, for more than two hours by the streets of Oviedo, and said that his first-born, Infanta Leonor, will not be on October 20th in the delivery of the Prizes that take his name “because she is very small”. (...)

Maybe the journalists asked him "Will Infanta go to the Prizes?" and he asked "No." because it was obvious the baby won't come, she would started crying (even though she is so calm and quiet) or screaming "Papá!!!" during Felipe's speech :lol: Maybe he didn't realise they were asking him more general, about the presence of Leo in Asturias at all... I can't imagine they will be out of home 3 days and the child will remain at home. Letizia would surely miss her and cry and it's not good for her state to worry too much;):rolleyes:
LaChica ... do not think any more that she is not going to go, they have repeated it in televisions and newspapers and the Royal Household has not corrected what has said. ;)

The father of Bill Gates will gather the prize "Prince" in his name

Bill and Melinda Gates will not gather the " Prince of Asturias " of International Cooperation granted to his foundation next October 20. In his name, and for express desire of the philanthropist, it will be done by his father, William H. Gates, one of the founders and cochairmen of the institution. The Gates moved to the Foundation Prince the desire of which the prize is an honoring to the labor of his father, according to sources of the Foundation Prince. Bill Gates will travel to Asturias in November to give a conference.

All the awardwinners have confirmed the assistance to the ceremony: National Geographic Society (Communication and Humanities), Pedro Almodóvar (Arts), Juan Ignacio Cirac (Scientific and Technical Investigation), Paul Auster (Letters), Mary Robinson (Social Sciences), Spanish selection of basketball (Sports), UNICEF (Concord).

The National Geographic Society will be represented by his(her,your) president, John Fahey, and several explorers, as the naturalist Mike Fay, the arqueóloga and climber Constance Ceruti, the specialist in sea beds Enric Sala and the Iranian photojournalist Says Deghati.
UNICEF will send the executive director, Ann M. Veneman, who presides, besides, at the Permanent Committee of Nutrition and the managerial meeting of the World Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

Foundation receives more than 12.600 requests to represent act delivers

The Foundation Prince of Asturias has received more than 12.600 requests to be present at the act of delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias 2006, next 20th.

When less than two weeks stay for the ceremony, the Foundation has closed the term of admission of request of invitations, since the above-mentioned number multiplies almost by nine the capacity of the Theatre Campoamor of Oviedo.

Even this way, there continue coming requests of personalities of the social, political and cultural Spanish and international life to come to the ceremony.
This situation of collapse has acquired even major intensity in this edition, the sixth vigésimo of these awards, which will be delivered, since it is habitual, in a solemn act presided by the Prince of Asturias.

The Foundation comments in a communique that ' the high level of the awardwinners and the prestige of the ceremony, considered a cultural modal of international area, originate a social interest generalized by the Prizes Prince of Asturias who is amplified every year '.

To the acts related to the delivery of these awards the winning ones and their accompanists are invited, as well as the members of the Patronage of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, the diplomatic body, the national, regional and local authorities, the mass media and diverse groups and personalities.

The Foundation Prince of Asturias has received already numerous requests of accreditation of mass media to cover everything relative to the visit of the Princes of Asturias.

Last year emitted more than one thousand of credentials of press for more than one hundred of national and foreign means
The Royal House confirms that the Princess will go to the Campoamor

The Royal House confirmed yesterday that Princess de Asturias has predicted to attend the ceremony of delivery of the prizes in the Campoamor theater next day 20. Doña Letizia will accompany to her husband the Prince in the delivery by the awards, being the second occasion in which she attends the official act from his connection since, the last year, could not attend due to its pregnancy of infant Leonor.
The announcement of the conception of the second son of the Princes made fear that, again, Doña Letizia would have to absent itself of the ceremony --and, in fact, it could not attend the acts celebrated recently in Oviedo in the occasion of the visit of president of Portugal Cavaco Silva, and the inauguration of a exhibition in the museum of Beautiful Arts-- nevertheless, in this occasion yes its presence in the table of honor of the Campoamor is expected.
The arrival of the Queen has not been able to still confirm itself Doña Sofía who every year attends the ceremony of delivery of the prizes from the theater box of honor of the Campoamor Theater.

Auster, Mary Robinson and director UNICEF will read speeches of the Prizes

The writer Paul Auster, the ex-chairwoman of Ireland Mary Robinson and the executive director of the Fund of the United Nations for the Infancy (UNICEF), Ann M. Veneman, is the awardwinners with the Prizes Prince of Asturias entrusted this year of reading the speeches in the ceremony of delivery of the same ones.


The entry to all the concerts will be free with the exception of the concert of closing, which assistance is restricted. To be present at this concert, which will be presided by the Princes of Asturias, will be necessary to present the corresponding invitation.

The Audience Prince Felipe of Oviedo, there will receive the concert of closing of the cycle, next Thursday, the 19th of October, at the expense of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias (OSPA), accompanied by the Choir of Chamber of the Symphonic Orchestra of São Paulo's State and the Choir of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, the teachers of choir Naomi Munakata and Jose Esteban García Miranda and the mezzosoprano Zlata Bulycheva. Maximiano Valdés, holder of the OSPA, will be the manager of directing this concert in which Alexander Nevsky will interpret, of Sergei Prokofiev.
All of the winners of this year's Prince of Asturias Awards have confirmed their presence at the 26th annual Awards Presentation Ceremony, which will be held next 20th October at Oviedo's Teatro Campoamor and be presided by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.

This year, each of the Prince of Asturias Awards has been bestowed on: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (International Cooperation), The National Geographic Society (Communication and Humanities), Pedro Almodóvar (Arts), Juan Ignacio Cirac (Scientific and Technical Research), Paul Auster (Letters), Mary Robinson (Social Sciences), Spain's National Basketball Team (Sports) and UNICEF (Concord).

The organizations honoured will be represented by:

- William H. Gates, one of the founding members and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will be receiving the Award from H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias, as requested by his son and his daughter-in-law, Melinda French Gates, who have made known to the Prince of Asturias Foundation, that they wish for this Award to be a homage to his work as one of the Foundation?s main promoters. Bill Gates has confirmed that he will be visiting Asturias next November to convey his gratitude for the Award and that he will be giving a conference during his stay.

- The National Geographic Society will be represented by its president, John Fahey and several explorers, such as Mike Fay (naturalist), Constanza Ceruti (archaeologist and mountaineer), Enric Sala (marine biologist) and Iranian photojournalist, Reza Deghati.

- The United Nations Children's Fund will be sending its executive director, Ann M. Veneman, who also chairs United Nations' Standing Committee on Nutrition and the board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

do not want nor to think that Letizia does not come"

the director from the Foundation Prince of Asturias, Graciano Garci'a, confirmed that the presence of the Princess will only depend on the evolution of its pregnancy Princess de Asturias will be present next day 20 in the Campoamor Theater. To thus she waits for at least the director it of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, Graciano Garci'a, who participated yesterday in a press conference organized by the Club the International of the Press in Madrid. Graciano Garci'a remembered that Doña Letizia lives with illusion the ceremony on delivery on the Prizes Prince on Asturias (already did when she was TVE journalist) and, the truth, said "I do not want nor to think about that Letizia does not come". That way if the pregnancy of the Princess evolves well, nobody doubt that it will accompany for the second time to Don Felipe in the presidential table. The sense of expectancy around the presence of the Princess, who can arrive Wednesday at Oviedo, is enormous until the point of which the Foundation is overflowed by the request of invitations. Also because the awards, so and as affirmed their creator yesterday, "are closely together to become most important of the world". Garci'a explained how 25 years ago she began to start up the idea and thanked for the supports that received from all the patrocinadores, and in special it dedicated to an affectionate memory to Sabino Fernandez Field that "when it knew the project said that it was good for Corona and for the Prince" and it did not doubt in supporting his to him. Graciano Garci'a emphasized the close welcome that the Asturian ones offer all the awarded ones and also it commented that Bill and Melinda Gates have sent him a video that will project during the ceremony to that, however, they will not attend and in that the tycoon assures that "today it is a great day for the world". Instead of the well-known marriage, proprietor of Microsoft, will gather the prize the father of Bill Gates, William Gates, to that the multimillionaire wants to pay therefore a tribute and that probably takes part in some of the acts programmed around these next prizes Prince of Asturias. In addition he advanced that in the ceremony they will take part Paul Auster, ex- president of Ireland Mary Robinson and the director of Unicef, Ann M. Veneman



Hearings in the Lounge of Councils of the Hotel of the Reconquest. (Hour dependent on confirmation).​

13,00 hours Inauguration of the photographic exhibition Sebastião Salgado's "Genesis", Prize Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1998 in the Field of San Francisco of Oviedo.

Hearings in the Lounge of Councils of the Hotel of the Reconquest. (Hour dependent on confirmation).​

20,00 hours the Princes of Asturias will preside at the concert of closing of the Week XV of Music, organized by the Foundation Prince of Asturias and Cajastur, that there will take place in the Audience Prince Felipe of Oviedo. Maximiano Valdés, the titular and artistic director of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias (OSPA), will direct this concert. The OSPA scene will share with the Choir of the Foundation Prince of Asturias and the Choir of Chamber of the Symphonic Orchestra of São Paulo's State, which will be accompanied by the Russian mezzosoprano Zlata Bulycheva . The program of the concert Alexander Nevsky includes, between other works, the cantata, one of the principal works of the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev


12,30 hours Hearings in the Lounge Covadonga of the Hotel of the Reconquest:

Their Royal Highness hearing to the presidents of the Jurors, to the members of the patronage Prince and Foundation, and to the awardwinners with the Prizes Prince of Asturias 2006.

Awardwinners with the Prizes Prince of Asturias 2005 (pool of press).

18,30 hours Ceremony of delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias 2006.


12,00 hours institutional Act of delivery of the Prize to the Exemplary Village of Asturias 2006 to Sariego's Local Community.

12,30 hours Visit to Sariego's Vega.

S.A.R. the Prince of Asturias, on the occasion of his stay in Oviedo to deliver the Prizes that take his name, will receive in hearing, since it is habitual, to different groups or institutions of the Asturian society, which will promise to be in the next days.

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The dream of the Prince

The Foundation Prince of Asturias was born poor in a Spain newly bulging of the dictatorship. Today it is an ethical and intellectual modal in the whole world. This one is the history of the men's handful that they made possible and of how don Felipe considers it to be intimately joined his destiny

Alonso did not gain the Prize Prince of Asturias last year for being a better pilot that Schumacher; he won because his will of victory is an example for the youth. The selection of basketball has not won this year for having conquered the World one; it has won for their example of overcoming, spirit of team and commitment with the values of the sport.​

This way the Prince thinks.​

Loaded with principles. Universal. Independent. A modal for the society. That one is the spirit of the Foundation Prince of Asturias. And also the secret of its success. Effort, prudence and calmness. Since the Prince acts. To drop, she likes to say drop. To explain a labor of 25 years he resorts to the similar television one: " We Begin in target and negro in 2; we happen to The First one in schedule of evening, and already we are in occupy first place steal … ".He does not exaggerate. In 1981, the organization of the prizes to point was of not filling the theatre Campoamor of Oviedo. Today, the act of delivery possesses a hearing of 1.000 million hooked spectators " to the most important cultural ceremony of the world ", according to definition of the sociologist Anthony Giddens. In Spain, 95 % of the polled ones values positively the prizes; 80 % goes beyond: he thinks that they improve the image of our country in the world.​

A very small structure that does big things. And in that fELIPE de Borbón is not a guest of stone. It has been from his adult age the engine of this minuscule Asturian institution that it was born without headquarters, money or insole in a Spain newly bulging of the dictatorship. With cabezonería and the made duties. With the aim to obtain the prizes most respected of the planet. An ethical modal. And a mark of prestige for our country. They it confirm those who worked and work to his side. " The Prince is the moral authority ". He clarified it in a speech of 1989: " I Consider to the foundation as something deeply joined my destiny, in a Spain stimulated by the seduction of the future and its brilliant possibilities ". He was 21 years old. It was a declaration of principles.​

Forgotten in a corner of the foundation, in an impersonal flat of the center of Oviedo, there is a dull photo of don Felipe of beginning of the eighties: an innocent, beardless teenager and with the crooked teeth. He crosses a dedication with infantile letter that the time has been erasinG. This old portrait is a good metaphor of the evolution of the foundation. Its path - from the zero to the infinite - connects with the biography of that fair child that one day will be a king. They have become major united. In 25 years, the prizes have managed to assemble in Asturias two hundreds of men and women who represent the most noble of the humanity. And in the same lapse of time, the Prince has become a man; he has understood the value that the awards have for the society and has fed them with the values in which he believes: freedom, pluralism, tolerance and solidarity. Today, thanks to the prizes, the Prince is more an acquaintance and respected in the world. And he looks like a person in whom one can trust.​

Nevertheless, few ones believed, in that distant 1979, in the idea of creating a foundation concerning the inheritor who was linking Asturias. And it was opening him the doors of the intellectual community. The initiative belonged to Graciano García, a journalist and anxious publisher and dilettante whom the Prince defines as an idealist. Graciano García, today the director of the foundation, was not forming a part of the Asturian establishment; he had born in the mining basin and was considered to be " too progressive ". The Prince, the adressee of the idea, only was 11 years old. He was lacking institutional protagonism. He was limiting himself to accompanying the Kings. And to observe. With this combination of coyness and prudence that has marked his character. Few ones were trusting in the initiative. But there was the King, who received her keenly. And Sabino Fernandez Campo, secretary general of the Royal House, who in five minutes made his, was precise and, especially, he canalized the subtle support of the Wreath. Graciano García explains it: " The King recommended to us discretion as for his support. He did not want that it was looking like a bulging idea of the House, but a born project of the hope that was living Through Spain those days; he wanted that we were the Asturians that hiciésemos our project. He me took charge that was taking to end the negotiations that they were leading to the constitution of the foundation. But to personal title. It was not easy ".

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- There existed the possibility that the foundation was turning into a parallel court?

-Sabino had not allowed it. And the King, less. The foundation had to be another thing. In the crossroads, our way always was least travelled.

A couple of years later, in September, 1981, one day, to the return of the college, they said to the Prince that he was going to be present " at a very nice act in Asturias ", and that he had to read a speech. His first speech. Five paragraphs that he incubated to conscience. Still one sees repeating the text again and again, in a room of the hotel La Reconquista of Oviedo, opposite to the general Sabino. He did it well. They were minutes of nerves. The images of the epoch show to a King tenser than his own son. 87-year-old Fernandez Campo, remembers: " I Wrote the speech together with the King. It supposed an enormous emotion that the Prince was saying his first words in my land. The key age to promote the monarchy. And everything what was done in this sense, and besides across the inheritor, was positive. The foundation was a way of giving him to know in the entire world. And that in Asturias were considering him to be something own. And these traditions are always very suitable … ".

October 3, 1981 began everything. The first Prizes Prince of Asturias of the history. Joined the constitutional spirit that one was living in Spain. Times of illusion for the recovered freedom. Times that seem to be remote. Eight months before, Tejero had assaulted the Congress. The King stopped the blow. The poet Jose Hierro, the first prize Prince of Asturias of the letters, left the clear things this evening in his words of gratefulness: " Gentleman, if the present was not beginning on February 24, but it was calling in the evening of February 23, we would not be here (…). Your Majesty does not ask how many divisions a man of the culture can mobilize. He knows that a book or a picture created freely, they matter. Because of it he receives every year writers and artists. He does not need to turn them into writers or painters of chamber; on having respected them and to admire them has conquered his respect and admiration ". It was the accolade. The link between the Wreath and the culture (and the freedom) began to be tangible. The Prince admits that he did not understand Jose Hierro's message until years later. Still today he revises some old speeches of the winning ones. And he gets excited.

In opposition to what it could be thought, that year of the premiere is not the one that don Felipe remembers with fear, but the second one: that of the confirmation of the alternative. He tells prettily that the inaugural delivery of the prizes was like to be thrown from a springboard by the first time: since you do not know what is, you you do not think it very much …, and throw yourself. In the second edition, in 1982, one found in Asturias a much higher springboard. He was not comfortable, did not know anybody and had an orthodontics that was preventing him from practising well. To half of speech, in his own words, a soup of letters was formed in front of the eyes. He got stuck. There passed seconds that seemed to him minutes. He recaptured the text and worked out airy. There was an ovation in the theatre Campoamor. During a season, still he had infantile nightmares in which he was facing without words an immense audience.

A quarter of century later, both previous chiefs of the House of His Majesty the King, Sabino Fernandez CampO and Fernando Almansa, they coincide with that the speech of don Felipe in Oviedo " is the most personal and of major political background of that he declares ". The vizconde of Almansa's Castle goes just beyond: " Everything what is joined to the foundation supposes an authentic political test for the Prince. A political and institutional tool that every time has become better and bigger. Already it is not only the speech, also the presidency of the patronage, where he has known very important people of this country ".

- What type of control does exercise the House of the King on the foundation?

- From the times of Sabino, and though it is not written, the House is the last authority. There consults him everything. Besides, the Prince is on everything. And the chief of the House attends him and advises in all his functions. I was to his side in all the prizes as chief of the House. And it is true, the speeches of the Prince in the foundation are those of more political fret. Always they consult with the King. But they do not pass to the Government, because the Prince has neither statute nor political function. He is the inheritor.

- The foundation has become bigger of the foreseen …

- Yes, it has an impact that was not waited. A great transcendency. And an enormous visibility in the mass media. What implies a major responsibility. But, in nine years that I was a chief of the House, it never gave to me a problem.

This idea of the transcendency of the speech of the Prince is shared by Plácido Arango, president of the foundation between 1987 and 1996: " It Has political load. The Prince listens very much and then he tries to put messages of full current importance. And it has been like that since he was very young. The Prince always had clear what was going to be and to have to be the foundation. And in this sense, that of the prizes is a speech in which he believes ". The interested party it stresses: " It Is the most mine ".

In this sense, it is a good historical exercise to cross 24 interventions (in 1984 he did not come because he was dealing last year of Baccalaureate in Canada) of don Felipe in Oviedo. Not only it supposes a revision to hisbiography (his first official trip, the oath of the Constitution, his military career and university studies, the commitment with his generation, the admiration for the King, the love for dona Leticia …); also it allows to obtain valuable tracks on the way of thinking of someone to whom not always it is easy to know nor interpreting.
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Across the words that he throws in Oviedo his passion is understood by Latin America, the European construction and the search of the peace in Close East; the need of an intercultural dialogue; the connection with the values of the sport; the adhesion to the constitutional spirit; the belief in the unit of Spain; the worry for the globalization and the desigualdades; for the role of the science in the well-being of the humanity; the interest for the information; his recovery of the role of the woman, and, especially, the hope in a better society. That one is his dream. (" Our lives receive their deeper sense when we strain in real makes our dreams "). Present, for example, in the last lines of his speech of 2002: " If in any place of the world, if from some village lost in the mountains of a remote country, an alone child, an alone girl sees this ceremony and he feels the desire to manage to be some so generous, so brilliant day, as wise as those who honor us on having received our awards, our effort and our dedication will have filled with meaning ".

For him, 24 speeches have been important, pieces of his life; but, of having to choose, he would remain with that of 2004, the first one who represented for the big door together with the princess of Asturias. The previous year, privately, Leticia and Felipe were crossing for the corridors of Oviedo being ignored. Still they had not announced their commitment. They did not want filtrations. From the following year it was different. The Prince admits that the ceremony of 2004 has marked his life.

The same thing there thinks the Princess, that one day was defined as Asturian, ovetense, monarchic and principista. Dona Letizia was afraid of the moment to face the prizes. An act that knows from girl and always she thrilled it. Up to the point of the tears skipping him before the groans of the Asturian bagpipes while she was transmitting for television the edition of 2002. She knew that in Oviedo she could be ruined. she cried very much in every eve of October 22, 2004. And this evening, in the theatre Campoamor, she lasted with the low head and the set on edge fists, a knot in the stomach and the throat resects, the emotive speech of the Prince. If she was starting crying, already she might not stop. Don Felipe was touched of stopping his speech, but prefirió to continue forward. He concluded with these words, in which he was comparing the foundation with a tree, " that from now will possess also the care and the dedicated help of my wife, Leticia, the princess of Asturias ". Later many tears would come. But privately.

The back of the rotten image of the Princess it was offering this evening the aspect of happiness of the Prince. After 18 years presiding in solitarily at the delivery, since the King yielded all the protagonism, someone had, finally, to his side in spite of whom sharing his labor. A person whom he considers with criterion. Whose ideas always he bears in mind. And that is Asturian.

It is one of these intimate instantaneous ones already joined the history of the prizes; as that of Isaac Rabin advancing afoot for the streets of Oviedo, Woody Allen and Arthur Miller welded of the arm, Günter Grass and the astronaut John Glenn amazed before the miniskirt of the tennis player Steffi Graf, the bitter tears of the leader sefardí Salomón Gaón in his return to Sefarad, the speech expressed for sintetizador of Stephen Hawking, the brilliancy of the last Adolfo Suárez, Nelson Mandela charisma or the embrace between the irreconcilable fighters against the AIDS, Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo.

Nevertheless, behind the areas there is also a history of work, dedication and enthusiasm joined a few names. Those who believed from the first day in that dream.

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September 24, 1980 constituted the Foundation Prince of Asturias was remaining. It had the social headquarters in an old bank branch of the street Perez de la Sala , in Oviedo. And four personnel. In the first meeting of the patronage, the royal inspiration, it materialized in Pedro Masaveu's appointment as president. He had, possibly, the major fortune of Spain. he was educated, refined and Asturian; collector of art and lover of the classic music. And he was not looking for protagonism.

Plácido Arango, founder of the Group Vips, employer of the foundation from the first day and president between1987 and 1996, adds to Masaveu's portrait: " He Was a perfectionist; he was taking care up to the last detail. Graciano [whom they nominated the director] and he were doing a good pair. It was managing one and was promoting other one. The third leg was Sabino. Without Graciano the foundation would not exist, but without the support of the King and the work of Sabino and Masaveu it would not have gone out forward ".

The foundation was born poor. " In the humble home the authentic freedom is, and we were aspiring to the independence. We were not looking for a great company that was paying everything; we did not want to be the foundation of such-and-such company, which was deciding or orientating how it had to be our performance. Our credibility comes from our independence. We have never bent to a pressure. And there have been many people ", makes clear Graciano García. And he does not lie. To go on a few hours to his side supposes sharing a handful of calls of powerful that ask: how does ours go? And Graciano escaping for the tangent one. " From the first moment, Arango said: ' Here there are no recommendations that cost '. And today our great patrimony is the independence ".

It, in the moral thing; because, in the economic thing, it was born with only 11 millions of pesetas. In the first seven years, Masaveu paid of his checkbook the expenses of the foundation. In 1987 he requested to leave the presidency for motives of health. He was suffering a degenerative disease. He died six years later, when the foundation to which he dedicated money and illusion was already a reality.

In 1987, the royal inspiration interpreted by Sabino Fernandez CampO, it turned Plácido Arango into new president of the foundation. As his predecessor, Arango had an important fortune, was collector of art and lover of the culture; with Asturian roots and enormously discreet (in nine years of presidency only he would grant two interviews). And with two added values: he was a world man (employer of the Metropolitan Museum of New York and friend of Octavio Paz and Gabriel García Márquez) and with a great managerial smell. He was going to touch him the delicate mission to achieve that the foundation was assembling a patrimony that was allowing its self-financing.

This design was not new. The Foundation Nobel prize has lived, from his(her,your) creation in 1901, of the revenues of Alfred Nobel's legacy, which stopped arranged in his testament: " My capital will be inverted by my executrices in sure values, and his revenues will constitute a fund that will be distributed in the shape of prizes for those that have done the biggest benefit for the humanity ". " The Prínce of Asturias did not have this initial patrimony and Masaveu did not have time to assemble it ", Plácido Arango remembers. " This task I touched me. The foundation already had detached; it was seen well by the King and by the society, and the businessmen, who knew this interest of the King and the importance that the foundation could have for the Prince, did a contribution of good degree. I limited myself to taking the message, and the message and the messenger were received well. We did not want that they were more than 50 the consulted companies. Of the original list, eight were abstained; other they continue. The benefactors joined to the not executive patronage. Besides other persons, as the president of the Royal Academy and Octavio Paz ". Graciano García defines to the patronage that went out of that amplification, and that today is around 80 members, " the cultural and managerial elite of Spain ".

When, in 1996, Plácido Arango left, for own decision, the presidency, in the moment in which the Prince concluded his studies of posgrado in Georgetown, the patrimony of the foundation passed from 11 to 2.500 million pesetas. It had obtained financial muscle. And in its patronage the most select of the Ibex 35 was figuring: both big Spanish multinationals, both big banks, both big saving banks, the three construction big ones. Besides it was immersed in the internationalization of its prizes and it had started initiatives as the choirs and the International School of Music.

The profile of the successor in the presidency was answering to the new times. The new president was not an educated patron, but an agent of height. Jose Ramon Álvarez Rendueles, in whose appointment had much that to see the inspiration of the Prince, was possessing an impressive curriculum: professor of Public Estate, ex-secretary of State of Economy, ex-governor of the Bank of Spain, ex-president of the Banco Zaragozano, world vice-president of Arcelor and president of Aceralia. Respected, dialogante, Asturian and man of center, was the exact name that could have gone out of a talent-scout's company.
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Álvarez Rendueles, who thinks that in these last 10 years the foundation has increased in prestige and quote - " thanks to the team and, especially, at the level of the jurors "-, thinks that his mission in these moments is " to put emphasis in the international direction, specially towards Asia and The United States, and to improve the patrimony of the foundation, which is in 20 million Euros, but still it is insufficient for autofinanciarnos. In the Nobel prize, the revenues of the initial contribution cover the annual budget; they do not have to be based on the expectations of what the employers are going to give every year, like on our case. To obtain image, visibility, internationalization we would need a patrimony of 100 million Euros. Think that we give 50.000 Euros to every winning one, opposite to the million that grants the Foundation Nobel prize. The problem is that in Spain the patronage does not have fiscal advantages ".

The Prizes Prince of Asturias have turned into a great Spanish mark of international prestige. The Asturian president, Vicente Álvarez Areces, admits that the foundation " has opened our image for the rest of the planet. In these moments, our first supports in the world are the winning ones. And we are taking advantage of this recognition, this image and the utility of these contacts in order that doors are opened us in the exterior ".

The foundation possesses the best agenda of the country. More than 200 rewarded ones that are an intellectual and ethical modal for the humanity and that feel intensely joined the prizes. For some of the involved persons, that one is the future of the Foundation Prince of Asturias: to take advantage of this net of contacts as a tool of the State. Though without resigning its role of rewarding every year " to the picture of honor of the humanity ", in Graciano García's definition.

Because of it, when next Friday Bill and Melinda Gates, Pedro Almodóvar, Juan Ignacio Cirac, Paul Auster, Mary Robinson, the Spanish selection of basketball and the representatives of National Geographic Society and Unicef gather their respective Prizes Prince of Asturias, probably the best message that they could receive on the spirit that it moves to the foundation be these words that don Felipe declared in 1990: " The life is a grand gift and the only opportunity to do the good ".

" Our patrimony they are the winning ones "

This special number, which commemorates a quarter of century of the Prizes, assembles the testimonies of some of its protagonists, from Woody Allen and Fernando Alonso up to Oscar Niemeyer, Pedro Almodóvar or Claudio Magris

I am grateful cordial to the diary El Pais for the happy initiative to dedicate this extraordinary supplement to the Anniversary XXV of the " Prizes Prince of Asturias " and of permitting with this motive to go to its readers.

On having done it, I want to express before at all my deep gratitude to all those who have made possible that the " Prizes Prince of Asturias " they have constituted from the beginning a fecund reality, as which we meditate twenty-five years later. I direct my major gratefulness the executives and those that they form or Protective Members have formed a part of the equipment of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, the Members of the Patronage, the Jurors, the personnel of the Foundation, to the mass media and to all those they have helped, direct or, to achieve indirectly the reached results.

They have looked for the victory of the permanent thing on the ephemeral thing, in order that always they feel accompanied, not only those who fight to excel to yes same in the scientific and technical investigation, the art, the humanities, the sport, but also who promote the solidarity, the communication and the concord, as carriers of the values in which the living together settles itself. They have proposed, at the same time, that in the awardwinners we could recognize the innumerable citizens who, foreign to the sparkle of the areas, make grow our world with their daily and silent effort, assuming responsibilities and intensifying illusions.

The Winning ones represent somehow all of them and, in not few occasions, also to whom beyond our borders they lack own voice. This way Claudio Magris was expressing it, when, on having received his award, he was annotating: " I Should share this Prize with all the co-authors of what I have written, men and women who have shared my existence and form a part of me ".

In sum, the most valuable fruit of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, our major patrimony, they are ours Rewarded. It would be impossible emphasize now its detailed merits, but yes I want to emphasize the narrow relation and the deep admiration that they join theirs theirs them, as well as the generosity with that come to our call. And with them we want to continue this exciting task. Because of them and with them we extract the reason of our activity; and with their work we transmit our message to the humanity.

Throughout these twenty-five years I have been personally compromised with the wide activity of the Foundation, reflected in summons of congresses and of scientific meetings, in the impulse to the musical area, in the celebration of conferences of particular interest and in so many other initiatives that demonstrate during the whole year the dynamism and that find the maximum expression in the selection of the annual Prizes for prestigious independent jurors. My appreciation, entail and commitment were increasing as for age I was assuming and understanding better the importance of their labor; at the time that I was learning of Winning lessons for the life and for my work. I could have stated likewise with great satisfaction that, in the Foundation Prince of Asturias, recognizes a relevant element of the great cultural patrimony of Spain and of its international projection. Two slopes that express with clarity the growth of its social support, of its maturity and its rooting and of its prestige.

The birth and the important development of the Foundation met encouraged by the dynamics of modernization, stability and progress without precedents that it has provided to us in Spain the frame of living together in democracy and freedom that assures our Constitution.

Stands out the permanent impulse of the authorities of the Asturias, as well as the help of the General Administration of the State, of the Employers and other entities of the civil society that they interpret this way to feel of a wide majority of our citizens.

Asturias, since good we know, it has could do of its rich history an engine of modernity; of its culture, of its landscape, of its sports and of its gastronomy, a reason of legitimate pride for all the Spanish; and of the hospitality, the foundation of the relation with the others, which there leaves a permanent fingerprint of affection and gratefulness. The whole set of qualities that mark the work of the Foundation and the Ceremony of delivery of Prizes in Oviedo. Asturias and all the Asturians I direct my affection and my gratitude.

In the Prizes, in all the prizes, many personal experiences are mixed likewise, also some mine, from that September 24, 1980 in which, as Inheritor of the Wreath, I was present in Oviedo at the constitution of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, accompanied by the Kings. An Act in which I started understanding up to what point the Wreath promotes the longings, the hopes and the determinations of all those fight to achieve a finished and made well work, which uses all as reference. Today I cannot but confirm me in those first perceptions, that they lead me to demonstrating once again my honoring of respect and fondness to H. M. the King, for his education, his impulse and his determined will to do of the personal and collective merit a determinant factor of the progress of Spain.

Undoubtedly, between many moments with own relief, lived on the occasion of the delivery of the Prizes, stands out the ceremony of the year 2004, in which for the first time there was accompanying the Princess of Asturias, joined me from our marriage in the deceived zeal of service to Spain. I retain with special emotion and gratefulness the hot plaudit with which the attendees wanted to receive the Princess, in her Asturian land.

I have preferred leaving for this moment a recollection that the readers, undoubtedly, will recognize. Between the constant and important supports with which they count the Prizes, emphasizes that of H. M. the Queen, who has had the nice attention of being present every year at the well-known Ceremony in the Theatre Campoamor. Desire to direct for her from these pages all my gratitude, which adds to her of all those they have collaborated in making so fertile initiatory real.

The last nucleus of the spirit of the Foundation and of the Prizes Prince of Asturias is for me, necessarily, of service. Of service to Spain, to the Spanish and to our presence in the world.

Jose Hierro was affirming in hiS speech of receipt of the Prize that " after giving them thanks to the Juror, the Foundation and to the men of a land who make possible a beautiful cultural adventure, it becomes necessary to give them thanks to the air. The air, separating already of the slippery area of the metaphor and the allegories, it is called a freedom, the precious freedom of our classic one: the air that we have to breathe all those we create ".

To create, to excel itself, to promote the concord, to foment the solidarity and the spirit of service. And all this, at liberty. This way I can define, in tight synthesis, these first years XXV of existence of the Prizes Prince of Asturias. This it is also the substratum of the illusion with which we approach the present and confront the future.
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Wow Lula, thank you ever for the translation!!! It's sooo long, you probably have spent half of the morning translating this :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Lula, many thanks for your excellent translation. It's a true plaseare to can read this paper so fast in the two languages. Many thanks again.
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Thanks, Lula, for the articles. After the wait, they did not disappoint. The inside story on the beginnings of the Foundation and on how the prince grew up with it was a pleasure to read. The 2004 awards, which Felipe and Letizia jointly presided for the first time, was obviously special for both. I can't wait to see them together again in the awards come Friday.

As for the article written by Felipe... those in Spain must be proud of their very insightful Crown Prince, who has an admirable vision of the world. Aside from his work, I read through some other articles in the special, particularly the one by Claudio Magris.

Magris was obviously impressed with the SRF (particularly the Queen, the Prince and the Princess of Asturias, whom he has met during the awarding ceremony) as he ended his piece (El color de Asturias) with this paragraph:

"I am, by familiar tradition and personal conviction, an old republican, educated in the political convictions of Mazzini and its incorrigible republicanism, but in the Oviedo of the Prince of Asturias Prizes, there is a strong temptation to become monarchists…"
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kartheina said:
Thanks, Lula, for the articles. After the wait, they did not disappoint. The inside story on the beginnings of the Foundation and on how the prince grew up with it was a pleasure to read. The 2004 awards, which Felipe and Letizia jointly presided for the first time, was obviously special for both. I can't wait to see them together again in the awards come Friday.

As for the article written by Felipe... those in Spain must be proud of their very insightful Crown Prince, who has an admirable vision of the world. Aside from his work, I read through some other articles in the special, particularly the one by Claudio Magris.

Magris was obviously impressed with the SRF (particularly the Queen, the Prince and the Princess of Asturias, whom he has met during the awarding ceremony) as he ended his piece (El color de Asturias) with this paragraph:

"I am, by familiar tradition and personal conviction, an old republican, educated in the political convictions of Mazzini and its incorrigible republicanism, but in the Oviedo of the Prince of Asturias Prizes, there is a strong temptation to become monarchists…"

Thanks Katherina for the link. I'm just reed the article with a great interest. It's a kind of advice very noticebl from part of such writor.
Thank you lula for your prompt translation. A very good and interesting reading.:)
Thank you Lula!:flowers: This translation is much appreciated.
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Thank you for the translation of the article. Felipe and especially Letizia are often described as not very competent or worthy of being considered royals on other boards. I believe they will become the royal couple that sets the standard of committment and "national identity" of the monarchies. They are very impressive. Spain is very fortunate.
I love those two articles, they are so interesting!:) I loved esp. the part dedicated to Felipe's second speech on PPA and Letizia.

lula said:
A couple of years later, in September, 1981, one day, to the return of the college, they said to the Prince that he was going to be present " at a very nice act in Asturias ", and that he had to read a speech.

Hahaha! Poor kid, he wasn't even conscious what it turns out to be in the future :) :lol:
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The article has not been exempt from polemic. The Royal Family grants few interviews, and now many mass media are angered because they have not been they those who have published the first article (though only they should be 3 normal enough photos) of the Princes.

Though some of them say that it is the first time that does this to itself, it is not true. In his 38 years of life already some interview has been done to the Prince in other private mass media. In this forum there are some front pages of ancient interviews, for example, in the Hola. Neither it is the first time that a member of the Royal Family writes a text for a way of communication or for a book. The same Kings have their official biographies realized by Villalonga and Pilar Urbano respectively, after many private interviews.

But this one is the first one in that Letizia appears, and it has provoked the infantile anger of many. It is sad that the press behaves this way. I observe with envy that in other countries the members of the Royal Families grant interviews to diverse mass media, and it does not happen at all. In Spain the clashes between the mass media, often owed different ideological and political currents provoke strange situations. El Pais in a newspaper of liberal and progressive ideology, of left sides ... and it angers furthermore many people.

To part of this part of polemic, the certain thing it is that I personally am delighted with this article and with the special one of El Pais (In spite of the fact that I am not the reading habitual one of the newspaper). No national newspaper has made the special one seemed on the XXV Anniversary of the Prizes, anniversary that concludes this Friday, more of 100 pages with several articles and interviews to rewarded. The own newspaper was rewarded by the prize in 1983, and today in day it is the newspaper most sold in Spain. For all that, and over economic, political motivations and of interesses created ... I believe that the Prince has done very well in collaborating in this special number. The article of the Prince does not stop being a summary of what in these years has exhibited in his speeches.

The Prizes Prince of Asturias are one of the principal acts of the work of the Prince, and the speech that in them he declares is more important than declares every year. His word in this article they are words of gratefulness to the Kings, to his wife, to the persons who allow that this project should take end and the winning ones to itself. It is the importantly, though since always some of them were continuing interested parties in indicating the superficial thing and in creating polemic.

I hope that the press thinks, think and accept this of a mature form, so that in the future we could enjoy more articles where the Princes speak about their work, where gather their experiences and their ideas. Because undoubtedly this it is the best way of knowing them, and of knowing their work.

If someone has interest the web of the Foundation it gathers all the speeches of the Prince.


TRH the Prince and Princess of Asturias are to inaugurate 'Genesis' - the photography exhibition of 1998 Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for the Arts Sebastião Salgado - at 1 p.m. on Thursday 19th October at Oviedo's Campo San Francisco.

The exhibition is one of the events celebrating the XXV Anniversary of the Prince of Asturias Awards and will put on show one hundred hitherto unpublished black-and-white photographs taken by Sebastião Salgado during the first three years of his Genesis project, which is scheduled to take eight years to complete. The open-air exhibition will be on show until December 17th.

Sebastião Salgado has demonstrated his wishes to contribute to events celebrating the XXV Anniversary of the Awards by offering the general public a foretaste of his Genesis project. 31 vertical and 69 horizontal images measuring approximately 150 by 100 centimetres make up the selection of photos on show at the Campo San Francisco. 'Genesis' was launched in 2004 in collaboration with the United Nations' Environment Programme and the United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Arts hopes to finish 'Genesis' in 2011 and launch a worldwide itinerant exhibition.

The House of the King confirms that dona Letizia will come to the delivery of the Prizes Prince

The countdown is for finishing and already only the unforeseen one of last hour will be able to avoid the presence of the princess Letizia in Asturias. Yesterday the House of the King was confirming this term, warning, nevertheless, that her state in the second month of gestation can force still to do some change in the plans. Precisely it was what happened last year, but nobody waits for it this one. In the Foundation one works Prince with the absolute belief of which dona Letizia will preside with her husband, the Prince of Asturias, the ceremony of delivery of the awards.

In fact, the devices created for the visit of Their Royal Highnesses, which will begin tomorrow, are totally prepared to receive the couple and not only to don Felipe. Operative police, that add up to hundreds of workforce with the only mission, the safety of the Princes, and operative created in the Central Hospital of Asturias, which up to the march of don Felipe and dona Letizia next Saturday, they will support in alert to the whole community, will achieve that the visit passes without misadventures.

Salgado's exhibition

The visit of the Princes will begin tomorrow with their arrival to the Hotel of the Reconquest, but the first official activity will not take place until the following day, in the Field of San Francisco. There they will inaugurate the exhibition 'Genesis', with works of Prize Prince of the Arts 1998, the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado.

The sample opens a tight agenda from which the Princess might stay away in some moments, always depending on her state of health. If problems do not arise, the following stop of the couple will be the Audience Prince, at eight o'clock in the night. Every year will be closed by their presence the Week of the Music. This time they wait for works of Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Prokofief. On the scene, the Symphonic one of the Principality, the Choir of the Foundation Prince and that of São Paulo's Orchestra

Already on Friday, in the morning there is foreseen that Their Highnesses receive in hearing to different groups and institutions and, certainly, to the totality of the awardwinners this year, with whom they will be photographed hours before putting in their hands - it will be from 18.30 hours - the statuette created by Miro to distinguish these prizes.

On Saturday, another habitual appointment, the institutional act of delivery of the Prize to the Exemplary Village of Asturias. In this autumn, to Sariego, locality in which they will share a popular food with the neighbors, after crossing the principal streets.
TVE Europe will broadcast the prize-giving ceremony on Friday, at 4:30 PM GMT (6:30 PM local time).

More than a thousand journalists from one hundred different media are credited to cover the acts around the prize-giving ceremony of the Prince of Asturias Awards.

TVE will transmit 'Los desayunos de TVE' and the 'Telediario Segunda Edición' from the Hotel Reconquista of Oviedo. Besides, TVE 24 Horas and TVE Internacional will dedicate several programs to the Prizes. Antenna 3 TV will also move to the Asturian capital and Tele 5, Cuatro, as well as La Sexta will have several live transmitions from the Hotel Reconquista.

The ceremony will be boroadcasted by TVE1, TVE Internacional and TVE 24 Horas , as well as by CNN+ and by the Television of the Principality of Asturias. In addition, the international chain Euronews (which counts with 187 million subscribers, distributed by 119 countries of Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America) will broadcast part of the ceremony.

The hearing and the official photo of the Princes of Asturias with the awardees will also be broadcasted by TVE and CNN+. In addition, TVE 24 Horas will broadcast the awardees' press conferences as well.
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John Fahey, President of the National Geographic Society, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Communication and Humanities, arrives at the Reconquista Hotel

From canal fpa:


Wednesday 18th October Arrivals
- Juan Ignacio Cirac, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Scientific and Technical Research, will arrive at approximately 2.15 p.m.
- Pedro Almodóvar, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for the Arts, will also arrive at around 2.15 p.m.
- Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Letters Paul Auster will arrive at the Reconquista Hotel at approximately 4 p.m.

Thursday 19th October Arrivals
- Pepu Hernández and Pau Gasol, Prince of Asturias Award Laureates for Sports will arrive in Oviedo at around 9.30 p.m. The other members of Spain?s basketball team will arrive at different times on Friday.

20th October Arrivals
- Mary Robinson, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Social Sciences, is scheduled to arrive on Friday morning at around 10.15 a.m.
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