The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

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Mary Robinson has been given the 2006 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. The Jury for the Award announced its decision today in Oviedo.

Mary Robinson, internationally renowned jurist and lecturer at major universities, was the first woman president of the Irish Republic as well as the United Nations´ High Commissioner for Human Rights. Brave and uncompromising in her rejection of discrimination in any of its guises, she presently heads an international project to promote ethical globalisation and sustainable development.

Mary Robinson was born in 1944 in Ballina, Ireland. She graduated in Law at Trinity College Dublin, and earned a Barrister-at-Law degree from King´s Inn, Dublin, and a Master of Law degree from Harvard University. She became a member of the English Bar in 1973, and at the age of twenty-five became Trinity College?s youngest ever lecturer in Law.

In 1990, she became Ireland´s first female president, holding the post until 1997, during which time she was prominent for her defence of human rights. She was the first female head of state to visit Rwanda in the wake of the genocide, and whilst there met with representatives of different organisations and United Nations´ human rights observers. She travelled to Somalia following the 1992 crisis and lent her support to the creation of the International Penal Tribunal. She was also Special Rapporteur to the International Meeting organised in 1993 by the Council of Europe on the theme, "Human Rights at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century," a precursor of the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna that same year. Mary Robinson delivered the keynote address at the Council of Europe preparatory meeting for the Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women.

In 1997, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan announced her appointment as High Commissioner for Human Rights. She held the post until 2002, holding responsibility for the human rights workings of the whole United Nations´ system and for supervising its Human Rights Commission in Geneva. Mary Robinson is presently head of the EGI, the Ethical Globalization Initiative, whose main concern is to lobby governments that have ratified international conventions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), Civil and Political Rights (1966), Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1980) and Rights of the Child (1989) to honour their commitments.

Mary Robinson is also lecturer at the University of Columbia and Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. She is President of the Council of Women World Leaders, and a member of the steering committee of the Vaccine Fund, and of the U.N. Global Coalition Leadership Council on Women and Aids. She also sits on the Advisory Board of the Earth Institute. She is Vice-president of the Club of Madrid and honorary president of Oxfam International. She has been a member of the International Commission of Jurists (1987-1990), of the Royal Irish Academy and of the American Philosophical Society.

Apart from the numerous conferences and articles that Mary Robinson has given and published in the course of her career, she has also written and collaborated in such publications as Creating a European Economic Space (1990), A voice for Somalia (1992), Realizing Human Rights (1997), Human Rights in the "War Terror" (2005), published by Cambridge University Press, and A voice for Human Rights (2005) - a collection of her speeches between 1997 and 2005, with a prologue by Kofi Annan. Her career has also inspired a dozen or so other books, including John Horgan´s Mary Robinson: An independent voice, (1997), Mary Robinson: Citizen of the World by Gerald Colman Jones (2000) and Mary Robinson: fighter for Human Rights, by Lita Friedman (2004).

She has received numerous accolades, including the 1995 Award of the Harvard Faculty of Law, the Winston Churchill Medal, the Medals of Honour of the universities of Coimbra, California and Salamanca, the Collar of Hussein Bin Ali from the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan, the Max Schmidheiny Foundation´s Freedom Prize (Switzerland), the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize from the UNESCO, and the 2004 Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience Award. She is also Doctor Honoris Causa at 31 universities, including Cambridge, Harvard, Mongolia National University, Kyung-Hee (Seul), London and Dublin.

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The exhibition XXV años de los Premios Príncipe de Asturias, exhibited in the Centro Cultural Casa de Vacas del Parque del Buen Retiro de Madrid, received 74 076 visitors, with an average of 3 086 daily visitors. The content of this exhibition reflects a graphical chronicle of the 25 years of the prizes. The photos were made by 34 photographers, who covered the different prize-giving ceremonies.

The traveling exhibition started its route in Oviedo, where it was visited by 22 000 people, and another selection of photographies was transferred to Mexico D.F., last month, where it was visited by 10 000 people.

This exhibition is part of the commemorative acts of the 25th anniversary of the Prince of Asturias Foundation, and it was inaugurated by the Princes of Asturias April 12th 2005.

Choir Foundation Prince of Asturias offers concert in Madrid

The Choir of the Foundation Prince of Asturias offered this night in the National Audience of Madrid a concert, on the occasion of there be fulfilling the anniversary XXV of the Prizes that take the name of the Inheritor of the Wreath.

The Infanta Pilar, the director of the Foundation, Graciano García, the leader of Izquierda Unida, Gaspar Llamazares, and diplomatic representatives of a score of countries, between them Russia, Romania, Poland, Costa Rica and Israel, were present at the concert, which registers in the acts of commemoration of the anniversary.

Tomorrow, the Princes of Asturias, who today are in Gerona realizing different institutional activities, they will meet the members of the Patronage of the Foundation in the Palace of El Pardo.
In the Audience, the Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias accompanied to the Choir in the interpretation of the Mass in Mozart's Do Menor, under Max Valdés's direction.

Eve Oltivanyi and Virginia Waganer controlled as soloists the sopranos, the baritone Hubert Claessens and the tenor Agustín Prunell-Friend.
Besides, the violinist Alexander Vassilliev interpreted the Concert for violin and orchestra in n 4 in Re Mayor, of the same composer, of whom this year celebrates 250 centenary of his birth.

Annual meeting with the Members of the Prince of Asturias Foundation Patronage
Palace of El Pardo. Madrid

From terra:


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Many Thanks Chica, for this wonderfull pics, Princess Letizia looks great.

Another pic from casareal/EFE


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Thank you Chica and Paty for sharing the pictures.

The Princess looked gorgeous and seems to enjoy the meeting. And that place must be a special place on Prince's life :).

I've always wondered how much she missed last year the Prince Awards.

Nice center decoration, too.

mtbcm :)

The Princes in the annual meeting of the Foundation Prince of Asturias

Don Felipe and dona Letizia presided at the meeting of the Patronage of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, who was celebrated yesterday in the Palace of El Pardo, in Madrid. During the meeting they gave to know the report of 2005, in which the celebrated acts are gathered last year on the occasion of the anniversary XXV of its creation.


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Paty said:
One asks only for curiosity. Does someone know
who is the gentleman garment of uniform who sits down always behind of the Principes?, I always see him behind of them.

Thaks in anvence.

He is a "Aides-de-Camp" (" ayudante de campo " in spanish), is a person who accompanies them, and helps them, places always to their side to help them in any thing, they are in the habit of being those who take the documents, the speeches... The King, the Queen and the Infantas also go siemrpe accompanied by one, are always military.
The princes love the foundation... it is clear to see.... I love that skirt I would like to see it beter
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They look very happy, fresh and professional. Letizia is very calm in this type of acts and is very beautiful with the white colour.
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Thanks so much for the pictures specialy tha last one is so beautiful
Thank so much for the pictures.;)
That it has left to the jacket and the skirt well, is very handsome.:D
I see smiling and enamored both.:p
mtbcm said:
Thank you Chica and Paty for sharing the pictures.

The Princess looked gorgeous and seems to enjoy the meeting. And that place must be a special place on Prince's life :).

I've always wondered how much she missed last year the Prince Awards.

Nice center decoration, too.

mtbcm :)

I'agree with you mtbcm, I'm totaly sure that last year the Princess has been surely very desapointed to didn't go there in Oviedo, because for them it's very importance place in their life.:)
pictures from


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Wow, I want her skirt! So fashionable! Is it the same as the one from the King's onomastica?
LaChicaMadrilena said:
Wow, I want her skirt! So fashionable! Is it the same as the one from the King's onomastica?
No, it isn't. This one has a different cut, a different fabric and a different colour (the other was in toasted tones). I prefer the other, but this is nice too;)
Letizia always looks great in white.
It's not a scoop, but I find the Princess absolutly tremendous......I think the Spain Royal Family is very lucky to have a Princess of Asturias, so beautiful and so involve on her duties!
Letizia look lovely in white... they hapier and hapier day by day.
The "Olympic Dreams" Exhibition that has been organised by the Prince of Asturias Foundation and the Olympic Museum, Lausanne (Switzerland) got under way this coming Sunday, July 2nd, at 1 p.m. at the Cajastur Cultural Centre in Gijón´s Palacio Revillagigedo.

The opening ceremony was attended by Prince of Asturias Award for Sports Laureates, including Juan Antonio Samaranch (1988), Sergey Bubka (1991), Hassiba Boulmerka (1995), Arantxa Sánchez-Vicario and (1998). The Olympic Museum Lausanne has loaned material for the exhibition and was represented by its director, Francis Gabet, and exhibition commissioner Rachel Caloz.


A Spanish Eurodelegated proposes that the Prince of Asturias of the Concord should be granted to the ' Francisco and Catalina '

The Spanish Eurodelegeted and member of the Commission of Freedoms in the Eurochamber Antonio Masip Hidalgo (PSOE) proposed today that the Prince of Asturias of the Concord should be granted this year to the captain and the crew of the ship ' Francisco and Catalina ' for rescuing and to attend to 51 immigrants that found in high seas between Lybia and Malta.

Masip presented this morning this candidacy since the term for this prize is closed next July 28.
i love the outfit but the shoes...ugh! maybe they look better in person but in pictures they are hideous
Here's a close-up of Letizia' shoes. I agree, Madonna, they're not my favorite pair of Letizia's :cool:. (From Bruno Press)


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The businesswoman Alicia Koplowitz joins to the Patronage Prince

The businesswoman Alicia Koplowitz, chairwoman of the Group Cardinal Omega, has begun to form a part of the Patronage Prince of Asturias, maximum honorific and consultative organ of the Foundation that takes the name of the Inheritor of the Wreath of Spain.

The Patronage Prince of Asturias is integrated by the representatives to the maximum level of the entities, institutions and more important companies of Spain and its fundamental mission is to guard over the fulfillment of the ends of the Foundation and to contribute to the increase of its patrimony.

Alicia Koplowitz Romero of Juseu, marquise of Bellavista, presides at the managerial group Omega Capital and stands out for her intense philanthropic labor and of promotion of the arts, they indicated sources near to the Patronage to Efe.

They added that she realizes also an important task of social assistance to major and disabled minors, persons, that she develops across the Foundation that takes her name, and is in possession of the Great Cross of the Order of the Civil Merit and Honor's Legion.


And a gossip;) . Alicia Koplowitz might turn into the next Duchess of Alba. In this moment she supports a relation with the Duke of Huéscar, old of the Duchess of Alba. For some this one would be an ideal couple (for both it would be the second one, since both are divorced, and with very scandalous divorces).

The meetings of the jury responsible for awarding the 2006 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports, the seventh of eight international awards that will be bestowed by the Prince of Asturias Foundation, will be held on September 5th and 6th. The awards will be bestowed this year for the twenty-sixth time in their history.

There are 27 nominations in the running for this Award - excluding those that the members of the jury might themselves propose before the jury is called to session - from Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Paraguay, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and Spain.

Their decision will be made public at 12.00 a.m. on Wednesday 6th in the Salón Covadonga of the hotel (on the ground floor), and jury members will then be available for interviews.

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