The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For those of this Forum who jnow the organisatio of the Prince's Awards, if I understand well, the Princes will coming to morrow morning for toi settle them in the Hotel of the Reconquista. Is this Hotel very big?
I can imagine that they have numerous rooms for them and all their organistion: secretariat of the Prince, wardrobes for the both plus people to help the¨Princess to dress, make up, hairdo. A true "move".

In this conditions, we can understand that the little Infanta stay in Madrid, even if it's always possible to have a nanny, I think that Letizia will be very absorbed by her duties and her pregnancy's state....

When we are making a flash back thinking of the year of 2003, what a so exiting situation for Letizia and Felipe!!!! If you are a little bite romantic, can you imagine one minute the feeling of the both "lovebirds" ! A true novel.... What a so exiting situation... To be so near your lover, to work seriously speaking on TV about him and stay as if you don't Know him in other way that the subject of you work, and for the Prince too, stay impertubbable in front of his beloved... I'm very found of this story and I'm quiet sure that for the protagaonists themselves it will be a very intouchable remember!
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Adelaide, I am going to explain it to you. The Princes initiate their official activity on Thursday morning, and this is the only official news. Extra officially supposes that the Princes come on Wednesday, in last two years he has done it almost by night.

The activities of the Prizes Prince of Asturias last several days. During these days the Hotel of the Recoquista is closed for the Prizes. The hotel turns into royal residence, residence of the winning ones, lounge of hearings, room of press and conferences, place of official luncheons... The Prince has a zone reserved for him, several suites, rooms, and lounges where he realizes the hearings. A zone of the hotel turns into a " small palace " where for three days the activities of the Prince are realized.
Thanks Lula, in my mind it was a little that I thaught because I didn't see how all the organization of the Prices can to function.

If I understood your kind explanation the laureats of the Pices are also lodging in this Hotel, and the Press ?

That it seems to me fantastic is that the journalists, generally speaking very accurates, didn't heard absoltully no lobbies's sound about the Prince and Letizia's idyll!
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Adelaide (and other guys as well, of course :lol:), here you have the website of the Hotel de la Reconquista:

Wow, it's really impressive. The site is very well organized, there are panoramic photos etc.

Anyway, do you know if they really came to Asturias last weekend or maybe it was only some strange confusion? :question:
LaChicaMadrilena said:
Adelaide (and other guys as well, of course :lol:), here you have the website of the Hotel de la Reconquista:

Wow, it's really impressive. The site is very well organized, there are panoramic photos etc.

Anyway, do you know if they really came to Asturias last weekend or maybe it was only some strange confusion? :question:

Aboslutly faboulous, a place of dream:heart: . It's a true International Palace as we can meet in Spain it's mean full of History with a great architecture.

For their last week end in Asturias, I don't know what you are thinking but it seems to me very strange that the Princes had spent th week end in Asturias then Letizia is quite all days long sick because her pregnancy, except if they had lodged at a very discret place to allow the rest to Princess before this three big days. In this optic it's possible that they had choozen a very calm and discret place with good air, calm and so on but if it's the case I'm very surprise that the journalists haven't finf this place or have not look for a such place... to make a sensasionalist report. It's the reason why i think it was a confusion .

Do you think so too?
The Princes arrive tomorrow (Wednesday) at Oviedo to attend the acts of the delivery of the awards

Source: Terra Actualidad -
Europe Press

The Princes of Asturias will arrive tomorrow (Wednesday) at Oviedo to attend the acts organized in the occasion of the delivery of the Prince of Asturias Prizes, which is anticipated for Friday. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia will arrive in the evening at the hotel Reconquista -- confirmed to Europe Press by sources from the House of the King, without indicating the precise time of arrival. Nevertheless, the official acts will not begin until Thursday.

The Princes will initiate on Thursday a tight agenda of official acts. To all of them, the attendance of Doña Letizia is anticipated; except in the Thursday hearings where it is only Don Felipe who’s expected to be present, as confirmed by the Prince of Asturias Foundation.

The first official act that the Princes of Asturias will attend is the inauguration of the photo exhibit “Génesis” of Sebastiao Salgado (POA Awardee in the Arts) in the paseo de Los Alamos in Oviedo. Both will also attend the closing concert of the Week of Music of Cajastur that will be celebrated in the Prince Felipe Auditorium of Oviedo.

Don Felipe’s Thursday agenda will also include hearings with the awardees of the Medal of Asturias 2006, the Fin de Carrera 2005 Awards of the University of Oviedo, the Instituto Jovellanos of Gijón; the representatives of the Ente Público de Comunicación del Principado, the Unión Sindical Obrera; the board of directors of the Club Asturiano de Calidad; the board of governors of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales del Principado and of the Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comercial de Oviedo; the Asociación Cultural Llacín, the Círculo Aeronáutico Jesús Fernández Duro, and the council director of the Cooperativa Farmacéutica Asturiana.

Link to the Complete Article:


I’m already excited to see photos of them!!!

There's no word on Infanta Leonor… For those who are hoping to see her in Asturias, there’s always a 50-50 chance that her parents might surprise us :flowers: Although, considering how uncomfortable the new pregnancy is for the princess, it seems highly probable that they will leave the little one in Madrid :sad: But again, who knows… :flowers: I'm still crossing my fingers for luck!
The Prince will arrive today at Asturias

Prince de Asturias will arrive at last hour from afternoon from today to Oviedo. In principle, it was predicted that it traveled accompanied of Doña Letizia, but the constant annoyances that suffer in the occasion of their second pregnancy force it to remain in Madrid.
The official agenda of the Princes tomorrow begins, day in which has programmed several acts, among them the inauguration of the exhibition of Sebastião Salgado in the Field San Francisco of Oviedo and the concert of closing of the Week of Music, in the Audience of the capital of the Principality. The attendance of the Princess such will not be confirmed until shortly before, since it will depend on his state.
One does not discard that Doña Letizia, advised by her doctors, gets up to the acts anticipated in the occasion of the delivery of the prizes "Prince of Asturias" Friday, day of the ceremony. The program of Saturday includes the delivery from the prize to the "exemplary Town".
I do not like this. Last year they began this way and ultimately she did not travel, if she is not going to do it they should say it already, because I do not believe that to on Wednesday to a Thursday it changes very much the situation.:wacko: Finally they stop to the whole world waiting for nothing.
Oh oh, I'm getting worried now too. I really hope she'l feel ok and will be able to go to Oviedo. SHe just has to be there this year :rolleyes:
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia arrive today at Oviedo to attend the acts of the Prizes Prince of Asturias Oviedo

Princes of Asturias will arrive today at Oviedo to attend the acts organized in the occasion of the delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, anticipated for Friday. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia will arrive in the evening at the hotel Reconquers. The official acts will not begin, nevertheless, until Thursday.
The Princes will initiate Thursday a tight agenda of official acts. To the totality of the acts the attendance of Doña Letizia with the exception of the hearings programmed for Thursday is predicted in which it will only be present Don Felipe. The first official act to that they will attend Princes de Asturias will be to the inauguration of the photographic exhibition “Génesis” of Sebastiao Salgado (Prize Prince of the Arts) that will be able to be visited in the stroll of Los Alamos of Oviedo. Both will attend in addition the closing concert of the Week of Music of Cajastur that will be celebrated in the Audience Prince Felipe of Oviedo
This night we will see it. But sincerely, I do not trust much of the Royal House in these cases, the precedent of last year was clear. Until the Prince did not go out only of the car in the hotel they did not confirm that the Princess would not travel on Wednesday. And until the same Friday they continued supporting the possibility of which she was coming to the act in the Campoamor (when I believe that already nobody believed that she went to represent).
believe that at final the letizia will arrive with the prince and will not attend the acts of Thursday but with the ceremony of Friday and if it sde smells well in the evening with the concert of Thursday evening but I am on it will come
For the moment only is a bad news' advertiser... Lets up is a false new !!!!
adelaide said:
For the moment only is a bad news' advertiser... Lets up is a false new !!!!

They can get confused at some time, but I assure you that in the topic of the Prizes and everything what they makes a detour is trustworthy enough. If they write it it is because some rumor has come to them. Asturias is small, Oviedo a city where the people know , and a local way as La Nueva España, has access to news of the Foundation, of the Hotel, of the autonomic Government, of the town hall ... that may have no other means... The agencies and the national means limit themselves to reproducing the official news of the Royal House, the local means follow others ways, sometimes they can have incorrect news but other times go forward to the news.

Sometimes the agencies also transmit badly the information, because, for example, last weekend some of them were publishing that the Princes will go to the delivery of the Prize Planeta, when from about one week the agenda of the web was saying that alone the Prince was representing.

The above mentioned thing, we will see it this night, and will see which is the correct information and which the incorrect one, and therefore in whom we must trust this week.;)
Please, dearest Lula, be optimistic !!!!

Yes, it's very possible the fact the Princess is so sick but make a prayer to Holly Rita ( the desesperate causes's hollyness !)
When arrive the princes to Oviedo?
Im inpacient for see images of Felipe and Letizia in Asturias.
From canal fpa

Juan Ignacio Cirac, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Scientific and Technical Research

Pedro Almodóvar, Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for the Arts

Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Letters Paul Auster​

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Article from "La Voz de Asturias":

Count down
The Princes are arriving today to Asturias in a private visit before the awards.
Felipe de Borbón and Doña Letizia will arrive today at the capital of the Principality in private visit to take the tight agenda tomorrow that the couple has predicted until Saturday in the occasion of the delivery of the Prince of Asturias Awards. Infanta Leonor will not accompany her parents in this visit. According to LA VOZ could know yesterday, the Princess will not accompany her husband to the hearings predicted for tomorrow morning due to her state of good hope.
It is not the first time that Don Felipe and Doña Letizia move to the Principality the eve of the beginning of the celebrations. In the edition of the 2004, first a the one that Doña Letizia attended as the Princess of Asturias, the couple arrived at Oviedo to half of a week as in this occasion and it even attended by own desire and not within their official agenda the concert that offered Paco de Lucía in the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe.
It is predicted that the couple arrive to the hotel Reconquista in the last hour of afternoon and has supper privately in the capital to face the day of acts on Thursday.
The pregnancy of the Princess of Asturias made foreseeable that the pair sensibly advanced their arrival to the Principality so that Doña Letizia could rest before confronting the official agenda of these days. By the way that state of the Princess has not altered in anything the habitual medical device of emergencies that the Central Hospital plans whenever the members of the Royal Family move to the region. Sources of the HUCA confirmed that there is not no change on the habitual measures nor has either been request of exceptional measures on the part of Zarzuela.
Pepu Hernandez, Pau Gasol and Rafa Vecina, members of the Spanish selection of basketball, will participate in an encounter with the public in the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe on Saturday. During the colloquy three videos with the best moments lived by the awarded equipment with the Prince of Deportes will project. The entrances for the act, that will be gratuitous, will be able to be gathered as of morning, in the ticket offices of the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe, in Oviedo, in schedule of 10,00 to 14,00 hours; and Friday, of 10,00 to 14,00 hours, and 16,00 to 20,00 hours. The Spanish selection, led by the Catalan player gained the Prize of Deportes to write “the page most shining of the history of the Spanish basketball” with its triumph in the World-wide one of Japan that supposed, “an overcoming example before the difficulties, of spirit of equipment, simplicity and commitment with the values of the sport”. Count down. The capital of the Principality of Asturias prepares these days to welcome a new delivery of the Asturian awards. The sense of expectancy takes control more evident of the passage of the days. The engalana city for the occasion. Thus, the Campoamor already shines the best one of its faces to welcome the ceremony of delivery of the Prizes Prince. Its new lighting system was inaugurated yesterday. In addition, in the seat of the Escandalera a giant screen will be placed so that all the people can live in direct the delivery of the awards.
Is this article come from very early in the morning of today or in the afernoon ? Because of that we can make a better evaluation of the chance upon an true arrivle of the princess of Asturias, isen't it ?

Don Felipe comes this evening to Oviedo without the Princess of Asturias

Don Felipe de Borbón will come at the last hour of this evening to Oviedo without the Princess of Asturias, which she will remain in Madrid, though dona Letizia ' she has intention of being next Friday in the Theatre Campoamor ' in the delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, said to Efe a speaker of the House of the King.

The same sources indicated that until the next Friday it will not be known if finally the Princess moves to her natal city before the inconveniences that she has suffered in the last weeks as consequence of her second pregnancy.

The Prince will receive tomorrow in hearing the awardwinners with the Medals of Asturias 2006, to the students who achieved Prizes End of Career 2005 of the University of Oviedo and to executives of the new Television of the Principality, between other representatives of the Asturian society.

Later, Don Felipe will inaugurate Sebastiao Salgado's exhibition, I reward Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1998, which will exhibit in primicia world a hundred of unpublished photographies in target and negro that the Brazilian photographer has realized during the first three years of his project 'Genesis'.
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lula said:

Don Felipe comes this evening to Oviedo without the Princess of Asturias

Don Felipe de Borbón will come at the last hour of this evening to Oviedo without the Princess of Asturias, which she will remain in Madrid, though dona Letizia ' she has intention of being next Friday in the Theatre Campoamor ' in the delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, said to Efe a speaker of the House of the King.

The same sources indicated that until the next Friday it will not be known if finally the Princess moves to her natal city before the inconveniences that she has suffered in the last weeks as consequence of her second pregnancy.

Oh no:bang: I'm starting to feel worried that Letizia is not going to Oviedo. Buet I realy really want her to go:sad: It is still not sure though right? It is still posible she'll go.
then it either does not go east year to the prizes?
Ok ladies, dont worry, probrably she preferer arrive tomorrow to Oviedo!

I´m hope, and sure of that. dont worry, we see Letizia on friday.
Noooo...:bang::bang::bang: Why they do that? I'm not talking about Letizia, if it's better for her to stay, it's fine, anyway, it's not a pleasant thing to get sick in front of the whole country (and world) during the most important act of the year, I'm talking about casa real. They have said several times that she "surely will go", the director of the fundation'd said "he can't imagine her not going" and now what? Wouldn't it be better to say that the decision of her presence is a matter of short notice and don't change the mind so many times?

As far as I want to be optimistic, I'm 90% sure she won't attend eventually:sad: It sounds strange that she would come to Oviedo on Friday, change the clothes, have her hair done and then go to the ceremony wthout any time for rest. It would be better if she went there tonight, with nauseas or not, and had the whole day to get used to the climate (there is surely more humid and colder now) and have some rest and sleep.

Just imagine how sad she must be now!:sad::sad::sad:
Paty said:
Ok ladies, dont worry, probrably she preferer arrive tomorrow to Oviedo!

I´m hope, and sure of that. dont worry, we see Letizia on friday.

Your are so sure that i want to beleive you but when your sick because a pregnancy you can't neither thing to rest and stay at home Princess or not:flowers: I fear that Letizia can't go to Oviedo.......:sad:
I agree in that the attitude of the Royal House is not normal, they had to be clearer, it is a shame that they repeat it of last year. La Nueva España published this morning the news, which means that yesterday in the night already they knew it, and until the last hour of today the Royal House has not confirmed it, it is not normal.:mad:

On the director of the foundation, I believe that Graciano García was sure and they had convinced him that the Princess would represent. I believe that after the Princess, probably it is to him whom more her absence hurts. He invented the Prizes, he goes working 25 years to extract them forward and he is who works more these days to receive Princes, authorities, rewarded. When everything is prepared and organized, and ultimately the Princess does not appear a disappointment is for him.
I just wish they would give us a clear answer. It's better for everyone to know for sure if Letizia is going or not. But leaving us in the dark like this, is just not fair :sad: Maybe she;s still not sure herself. It will be difficult for her to decide not to go, but if it's better for her health and for the baby, then that's better
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"Just imagine how sad she must be now!:sad::sad::sad:"

I agree totally with you La Chica Madrilena, it would be absolutly awful to stay in Madrid very sick and nauseous in spite to be in a place of your heart!

All my wishes are for the Princess of Asturias... could be here friday for the Prizes! I know it's a very egoistic wishes, but it's so important day for them!
The Prince has arrived alone. I've just seen him on tve but I didn't hear what he said. The journalist said she will maybe come on friday. Just wait see an hope!!
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