The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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If he desired to attain U.S. citizenship, I doubt that losing his status as a Counsellor of State would be that much of a deterrent (it's highly improbable that HRH The Duke of Sussex will be called to play that role), nor would having to forsake other governmental entities including his father as head of state beyond personal feelings (there are many people with dual U.S./U.K. citizenship). I doubt that HRH The Duke of Sussex would run for American public office where he would need to relinquish all of his foreign titles, but who knows? We'll cross that bridge if we get to it.
If he desired to attain U.S. citizenship, I doubt that losing his status as a Counsellor of State would be that much of a deterrent (it's highly improbable that HRH The Duke of Sussex will be called to play that role), nor would having to forsake other governmental entities including his father as head of state beyond personal feelings (there are many people with dual U.S./U.K. citizenship). I doubt that HRH The Duke of Sussex would run for American public office where he would need to relinquish all of his foreign titles, but who knows? We'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

As a naturalized citizen, he would have by law to renounce all of his foreign titles prior to naturalization. Curiously, a natural-born citizen does not have to renounce foreign titles (although he/she cannot accept one while holding a public office without Congressional consent ), but naturalized citizens do.

I don’t think the renunciation would actually have any legal effect in the United Kingdom though as British law does not allow people to disclaim a peerage except within one year after succeeding to one, which does not apply to Harry.

In any case, it would be weird for Harry to continue calling himself Duke of Sussex after renouncing the title. And, given that their whole brand (, the coat of arms, etc. ) is built around him and his wife being called Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, I don’t see Harry giving that up to become an American citizen.

Thank you.

Separate answer (unrelated to the comment above): Here is US State Department guidance on reliquinshing or keeping U.S. citizenship when accepting a position in a foreign government. Apparently, a review has been ordered on existing policy, so I cannot guarantee that the information on the link (from 2022) is still valid.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Invictus Games One Year To Go Winter Training Camp at Hillcrest Community Centre yesterday, February 16:

** gettyimages gallery **
In Vancouver now and again Harry is taking an active role while Meghan is just looking on.
My theory on the Sussex rebrand grows. It appears to me that Harry has received media training. His answers were diplomatic, reconciliatory, and sympathetic - but they didn't come naturally to him. Either way, I'm glad the fire and fury are gone(or hidden). The Sussex need this rebrand if they are to have a successful, multi-tiered, future.

Yes - he has been training. But I think it was more for this interview and those questions. IMO his answers could have been refined - his response of "It's classified," was supposed to be playful and charming - came out rather abrupt and matter-of-factly.
Yes - they have a brand specialized and a brand rehabilitation person now on staff which is why they are playing down the rhetoric previously used with the RF. However, his interview was done to show action man Harry, a man of the people with veterans on the world stage as a leader and humanitarian. They have clearly defined the images that they want to convey to the world and are very mindfully going about it.
Kaye1850, thanks for posting I'm going to go out on a limb and say......"not happening". As much as Harry would love to get back in the game, as it is the ONLY life he had ever known, it simply isn't possible. He isn't wanted or needed. Not after what he has done. He is a polarizing and destabilizing person for The Firm.

I do love reading these Articles though.
Archived link to the Times:

There might be a slight, slight chance for Harry to come back and do a couple things — but I can't see how there's one for Meghan, and indeed there's no mention of her.

Which would make it another "half in half out", maybe.
Archived link to the Times:

There might be a slight, slight chance for Harry to come back and do a couple things — but I can't see how there's one for Meghan, and indeed there's no mention of her.

Which would make it another "half in half out", maybe.

Thanks for posting archived link❣️
Interesting article in The Times:
Reports that Harry is interested in a temporary royal return to assist KCIII.
I skeptically read that as making a move before the possibility of a King William, who may be less likely to welcome him back.

If it's true that Harry genuinely wants to assist the King, he'll make a public apology to his family for all the insults he's thrown at them in interviews and in his book. He'll do everything possible to mend the rift between him and his brother. He'll eat humble pie and pledge to never again exploit his family for financial gain. That's the very best assistance to the King he could provide.
I've also seen that in the press today. I'm pretty sure that it won't be happening!
I've also seen that in the press today. I'm pretty sure that it won't be happening!

I am not surprised. In fact, I predicted Harry would see his father's illness as a window of opportunity to resuscitate his "half-in, half-out" proposal.

The problems are that, first, the Royal Family may not agree and, second, I think Meghan now wants 100 % out (while of course keeping her brand as "Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex", and the coat of arms). I don't see Meghan returning even part time to the UK, so Harry would have to do it alone, probably staying several months away from his family.
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IIRC when she has taken a more active role like giving a speech, she has been criticized.

I don't think she would be criticized if she was also trying out some kind of sport. Giving a speech is indeed more appropriate for Harry himself.

As to Harry wanting to return (based on the Times article, I am not sure what the source for that information or speculation is), that ship has sailed. There are sufficient people within the family that have shown they are trustworthy to take on some additional royal duties if needed.
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Ultimately, it's not for us to decide whether or not HRH The Duke of Sussex's assistance to the British Royal Family is necessary. If HM The King feels that it would be helpful and reestablishes HRH The Duke of Sussex and/or HRH The Duchess of Sussex as working royals and they accept it, even in the "half-in, half-out" basis, then there's nothing anyone can do about it. Sure, there's a low chance of that happening, but unless you can see into the future, no one can say that it won't happen with 100% certainty.
This is one of those stories I think will end up getting blown out of proportion. I'm sure Harry wants to offer whatever support he can to his father while he is ill and maybe made an offer along the lines that's suggested in the article but maybe in a "let me know if you need anything" kind of way. Not in a serious way where he would genuinely expect an actual resumption of royal duties with a positive reaction. He's had his moments but I don't think lacks that much self awareness - surely he knows how he, and especially his wife and children, would be treated. I don't think he would subject them to that. After all, as he rightly said in the GMA interview, his family is in California and that is where they are happy.

It's been lovely to watch him and Meghan over the last couple of days. Whatever challenges they might be facing business wise, they really do seem at peace - more so than in the past. I think it would be unwise to go knocking on closed doors that are not just locked but bolted shut. JMO, of course.
I don't think she would be criticized if she was also trying out some kind of sport. Giving a speech is indeed more appropriate for Harry himself.

As to Harry wanting to return (based on the Times article, I am not sure what the source for that information or speculation is), that ship has sailed. There are sufficient people within the family that have shown they are trustworthy to take on some additional royal duties if needed.

Well considering Harry was on national television saying his home and life if in California— this so called source seems off the mark.

Similar to the story on the front pages now about how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides. Odd story considering Harry was confirmed for days in advance to attend the NFL Hionors.
Well considering Harry was on national television saying his home and life if in California— this so called source seems off the mark.

Similar to the story on the front pages now about how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides. Odd story considering Harry was confirmed for days in advance to attend the NFL Hionors.

I would be surprised if he said on American national Tv that he doesn’t feel at home in California and misses the UK. That is the type of statement that is a faux pas for a non-citizen resident to make in the USA as it leads to the inevitable “ if you don’t like it here, why don’t you leave?”.

It seems plausible to me that Harry might want to spend part of the year in the UK. But again, Meghan does not, so, unless Harry is willing to spend extended periods of time away from his family , I don’t see how he could do it.
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odd that harry has offered his assistance 'on a temporary basis' to help whilst his dad recovers. i personally don't think there is a chance that would happen. whilst there are little people who can take on his duties (just really camilla, W&K, the edinburghs and anne), i think they'd be mad to let him in again after the damage they've done.

and shame on him if he is using this opportunity to revive his half in half out proposal.
Similar to the story on the front pages now about how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides. Odd story considering Harry was confirmed for days in advance to attend the NFL Hionors.

Where is the online version of the story? (I don't think it has been posted here.) On which publications' front pages did it appear?
I would be surprised if he said on American national Tv that he doesn’t feel at home in California and misses the UK. That is the type of statement that is a faux pas for a non-citizen resident to make in the USA as it leads to the inevitable “ if you don’t like it here, why don’t you leave?”.

It seems plausible to me that Harry might want to spend part of the year in the UK. But again, Meghan does not, so, unless Harry is willing to spend extended periods of time away from his family , I don’t see how he could do it.

Harry has never been shy about expressing his opinion. He also flat out said “no” when asked if he would ever return to royal life. So not sure why an anonymous source of a source is more believable than his actual worlds on public record.

The don’t disagree he probably will try and see Charles when he is passing through the UK. He said as much. Again his own words. .
Where is the online version of the story? (I don't think it has been posted here.) On which publications' front pages did it appear?

The current front pages literally are about the sandringham “block”. William and courtiers preventing Harry from spending extending time with Charles. .

As for the NFL? The woman who did the voice over announcement on the show went on her social media the next day talked about it. She said how the “secret guest” had been known about but only a small group of people knew the identity. She only learned the night before (about 24 hours) that it was Harry because as the announcer she needed to practice.

Even the Commissioner of the NFL spoke of how he personally invited him.

So based on that info, not sure how Harry was planning on spending days in Sandringham. Clearly no one had a clue he was going to Vegas except those in the loop.
Where is the online version of the story? (I don't think it has been posted here.) On which publications' front pages did it appear?

The current front pages literally are about the sandringham “block”. William and courtiers preventing Harry from spending extending time with Charles.

Thank you for responding, but my questions were about where to find the online version of the story (as it hasn't been linked in this thread) and which specific publications featured it on their front pages.
Similar to the story on the front pages now about how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides. [...]

Where is the online version of the story? (I don't think it has been posted here.) On which publications' front pages did it appear?

The current front pages literally are about the sandringham “block”. [....]

Thank you for responding, but my questions were about where to find the online version of the story (as it hasn't been linked in this thread) and which specific publications featured it on their front pages.

Here is a imagine of tomorrow's papers.

The Sun, Mirror, etc all featuring the story.

Thank you. However, of the nine front pages shown in the image, only The Sun's appears to mention the story about (quoting your original post) "how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides" (though many (not all) others feature different stories about Prince Harry).

Could you post a link to the article itself?
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odd that harry has offered his assistance 'on a temporary basis' to help whilst his dad recovers. i personally don't think there is a chance that would happen. whilst there are little people who can take on his duties (just really camilla, W&K, the edinburghs and anne), i think they'd be mad to let him in again after the damage they've done.

and shame on him if he is using this opportunity to revive his half in half out proposal.
I agree with you! And the new website just happens to come out soon after all the health issues:whistling:
Thank you. However, of the nine front pages shown in the image, only The Sun's appears to mention the story about (quoting your original post) "how Harry was going to stay in Sandringham for days but was blocked by aides" (though many (not all) others feature different stories about Prince Harry).

Could you post a link to the article itself?

I’ve just read this one:

The telegraph has this one:

And The Sunday Times has a very acid one but, as it is an opinion piece, i can only offer to PM it.
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The future of the BRF is King William, and he will have a major say in case Harry wants and should get some kind of royal role in the future. We all know the answer to that question. Charles will decide not against his heir's view on this.
A private reconciliation, especially with an ailing father, is a different matter altogether.
Yet ANOTHER relaunch and re-branding of Meghan and Harry isn't to me surprising, since Archewell didn't seem to be generating much interest, or more importantly money.

The cynic in me NOW though feels that the VERY hasty and unbelievable short visit by Harry to see Charles was most certainly done with ulterior motives too. Sure, an opportunity to see his father and begin *some* reconciliation of fence mending. Because the never ending attacks, complaints
and estrangement were only hurting The Sussex's reputation.

BUT, now knowing that the Good Morning America Interview WAS most obviously scheduled and in the pipeline, it perfectly dovetailed with some much desired positive PR for Harry. A heartwarming gem of how Harry immediately flew back to upon hearing of Charles cancer diagnosis.
How much he loves his family and looks forward to seeing more of them on anticipated trips coming up to The UK.

Hopefully, it is to much of the cynic in me. We will see.
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