The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Is only Harry trying the various sports or is Meghan also actively participating in some sport activities?
Apparently Harry will be on GMA today to talk about Invictus AND King Charles’ cancer.
Colour me surprised. Not.
Apparently Harry will be on GMA today to talk about Invictus AND King Charles’ cancer.
Colour me surprised. Not.

I hope this is just a broadcaster hyping something up to gain interest. I hope it will be a very bland comment - “he’s fine” etc and a small part of the interview. No doubt he’ll be slated for it either way.

It does beg the question would GMA be covering invictus if King wasn’t ill?
I hope this is just a broadcaster hyping something up to gain interest. I hope it will be a very bland comment - “he’s fine” etc and a small part of the interview. No doubt he’ll be slated for it either way.

It does beg the question would GMA be covering invictus if King wasn’t ill?

Like you I am hoping this is the company hyping it up, and that Harry keeps any comment simple but polite, concentrating on the IG only.

Reporters have asked the family after the King and the Princess of Wales and been met with polite bland answers, GMA are bound to ask Harry, lets hope he follows suit.

I would question how much he actually knows anyway.
I hope this is just a broadcaster hyping something up to gain interest. I hope it will be a very bland comment - “he’s fine” etc and a small part of the interview. No doubt he’ll be slated for it either way.

It does beg the question would GMA be covering invictus if King wasn’t ill?

I suppose any coverage is good coverage for the event. So whatever the motivation of the makers, it is positive for Invictus that attention will be generated.

As for the comment about the illness of the King: indeed, it will probably be one or two generalities. What else can be said by anybody in a situation like this. One can only hope and take the steps that are needed.

it would be a bit odd to interview the Duke and NOT ask him about his father's health perhaps.
I suppose any coverage is good coverage for the event. So whatever the motivation of the makers, it is positive for Invictus that attention will be generated.

As for the comment about the illness of the King: indeed, it will probably be one or two generalities. What else can be said by anybody in a situation like this. One can only hope and take the steps that are needed.

it would be a bit odd to interview the Duke and NOT ask him about his father's health perhaps.

Yeah, but to put it in the blurb…
Yeah, but to put it in the blurb…

Let’s be honest all forms of media do that whether it is on line or print newspapers, trailers for tv programmes. It goes with the territory, how many times have we moaned on here about mis leading headlines, calling it clickbait.

Harry is only responsible for his own words and actions.
Let’s be honest all forms of media do that whether it is on line or print newspapers, trailers for tv programmes. It goes with the territory, how many times have we moaned on here about mis leading headlines, calling it clickbait.

Harry is only responsible for his own words and actions.

Then it should go both ways. And he is, as you very well say, responsible for his words and actions.
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Just seeing excerpts of the Interview. As many correctly posted here, it was just in generality's about Charles.

He did say "Um look, I love my Family, I think any illness, any sickness brings Families together".

Does he not realize how hypocritical that sounds ?
I couldn't help but wonder what Thomas Markle would make of that.
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Just seeing excerpts of the Interview. As many correctly posted here, it was just in generality's about Charles.

He did say "Um look, I love my Family, I think any illness, any sickness brings Families together".

Does he not realize how hypocritical that sounds ?
I couldn't help but wonder what Thomas Markle would make of that.

I haven't seen the interview, but, from the excerpts you quoted, it seems like he is taking advantage of his father's illness for PR purposes.

I will reserve judgement until I see it in full.

Prince Harry on visiting King Charles after cancer diagnosis: 'I love my family'
ByKatie Kindelan, Taylor Behrendt-Rhodes, and Amanda McMaster
February 16, 2024, 7:29 am

Harry told ABC News' Will Reeve in an interview for "Good Morning America" that he spoke with his father about his diagnosis, which was announced publicly on Feb. 5, and quickly made a plan to see him in person.

"I jumped on a plane and went to go see him as soon as I could," Harry told Reeve in Whistler, as they toured the site of next year's Invictus Games. "I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I’m grateful for that."

Harry, who declined to comment further on his father's diagnosis, added that he hopes to see Charles again soon, saying, "I’ve got other trips planned that will take me through the U.K., or back to the U.K., and so I’ll stop in and see my family as much as I can."

When asked about the possibility of Charles' illness having a reunifying effect on his own family, Harry reflected on what he has seen happen firsthand among the families of Invictus athletes.

"Throughout all of these families, I see it on a day-to-day basis,- again, the strength of the family unit coming together," Harry said. "So, yeah, I think any illness, any sickness, brings families together. I see it time and time again, and that makes me very happy."
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I haven't seen the interview, but, from the excerpts you quoted, it seems like he is taking advantage of his father's illness for PR purposes.

I will reserve judgement until I see it in full.

I am not Harry’s greatest fan and have been critical of some of his actions . I have not seen the interview either but the IG event has been in the diary for a long time, he was always going to do interviews to promote the event . The timing of his father’s illness is totally out of anybody’s control . If he refused to answer any questions at all he would have been accused of being heartless. If his response has been as suggested on here I think it sounds ok.
I suspect that HRH The Duke of Sussex already had the interview planned with GMA with regards to Invictus when HM The King got sick.

From the above comments, it looks like he doesn't provide any new information about HM The King's prognosis (we already knew about the visit), that he was glad to see his father (normal sentiment especially in these circumstances), and brought it back to Invictus when they talked about family reconciliation. It appears to have been an interview well-navigated.
Thanks for posting.

Will Reeve came off wonderful ! So happy to see Will as a successful Reporter, and showed real talent as an Journalist. Framed the questions to Harry quite nicely. Intriguing that Harry stated plans "to see as much of his Family as he can" on his visits planned back to the UK.

That will be interesting to see how THAT all pans out too.........
I am not Harry’s greatest fan and have been critical of some of his actions . I have not seen the interview either but the IG event has been in the diary for a long time, he was always going to do interviews to promote the event . The timing of his father’s illness is totally out of anybody’s control . If he refused to answer any questions at all he would have been accused of being heartless. If his response has been as suggested on here I think it sounds ok.

Agreed. It sounds like he gave fairly generic answers. He may not know much anyway.

I saw he was interviewed by Will Reeve. That was interesting to me.
Thanks for posting.

Will Reeve came off wonderful ! So happy to see Will as a successful Reporter, and showed real talent as an Journalist. Framed the questions to Harry quite nicely. Intriguing that Harry stated plans "to see as much of his Family as he can" on his visits planned back to the UK.

That will be interesting to see how THAT all pans out too.........

I don’t want to go OT- but Chris Reeve’s kids recently participated in a documentary about him that was very well received at Sundance. I really want to see it. All of his kids seem to have done well, which is really nice to see.

Anyway- it’s nice to see Will doing so well in his career. And I think a very good choice to interview Harry. Will was orphaned by 13.

It will be interesting to see if Harry really does go over and spends real time in the UK. And brings the kids.
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We know Harry will be back in London in May for Invictus Games celebrations. I have doubts about the kids going over though, but him sure.

This article has a full transcript of the GMA interview if anyone is interested in reading it.

Thank you both for sharing transcripts. The Daily Mail does refer to its transcript as the full transcript, but the Good Morning America article includes quotes not in the Daily Mail's transcript.

From the latter:

Reeve: 'Just physically being in California, how have you processed the fact that there's so much happening back with your family and where you come from?'
Harry: 'I have my own family, as we all do, right? My family and my life in California is as it is. I have got other trips planned that would take me through the UK or back to the UK. I will stop in and see my family as much as I can.'
Reeve: 'Do you feel American?'
Harry: 'Er, do I feel American? No. I don't know how I feel.'
Reeve: 'Would you think about becoming a citizen?
Harry: 'I have considered it, yeah.'
Reeve: 'Yeah? What would stop you from doing it?'
Harry: 'I have no idea. I'm here standing here next to this with these guys. American citizenship is a thought that has crossed my mind but certainly not something that's a high priority for me right now.'

That should quiet speculation about the prince losing his legal domicile in the United Kingdom, which would only occur if he cut ties with the country (see the Counsellors of State thread).
I think Harry handled these the questions about his father and his feelings regarding American citizenship pretty well. I’m sure his family back in the UK sighed with relief that there’s relatively little for the media to pick at.
Thank you both for sharing transcripts. The Daily Mail does refer to its transcript as the full transcript, but the Good Morning America article includes quotes not in the Daily Mail's transcript.

From the latter:

Reeve: 'Just physically being in California, how have you processed the fact that there's so much happening back with your family and where you come from?'
Harry: 'I have my own family, as we all do, right? My family and my life in California is as it is. I have got other trips planned that would take me through the UK or back to the UK. I will stop in and see my family as much as I can.'
Reeve: 'Do you feel American?'
Harry: 'Er, do I feel American? No. I don't know how I feel.'
Reeve: 'Would you think about becoming a citizen?
Harry: 'I have considered it, yeah.'
Reeve: 'Yeah? What would stop you from doing it?'
Harry: 'I have no idea. I'm here standing here next to this with these guys. American citizenship is a thought that has crossed my mind but certainly not something that's a high priority for me right now.'

That should quiet speculation about the prince losing his legal domicile in the United Kingdom, which would only occur if he cut ties with the country (see the Counsellors of State thread).

I am not sure if becoming a US citizen would necessarily mean cutting ties with the UK since the UK allows dual citizenship. However, holding a public office in the UK such as Counsellor of State may be problematic for Harry as a US citizen..
Will be interesting to see what happens re: taking American citizenship.

The citizenship oath requires the person to 'renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen'.

Will giving this oath cause legal issues of any kind? Even just with respect to his titles, position as Counsellor of State etc? Time will tell, I'm sure.
I am not sure if becoming a US citizen would necessarily mean cutting ties with the UK since the UK allows dual citizenship. However, holding a public office in the UK such as Counsellor of State may be problematic for Harry as a US citizen..

Once again possibly a diplomatic answer. By the way does the USA permit dual nationality.
Once again possibly a diplomatic answer. By the way does the USA permit dual nationality.

Yes, it does. However, holding an office in a foreign government, especially in a so-called “ decision-making “ position may be an expatriating act under US federal law. It does not necessarily imply automatic loss of US citizenship, but may create some problems.

Sorry, I don’t have time now to post the US State Department guidance on this topic, but I’ll do it as soon as I can.
My theory on the Sussex rebrand grows. It appears to me that Harry has received media training. His answers were diplomatic, reconciliatory, and sympathetic - but they didn't come naturally to him. Either way, I'm glad the fire and fury are gone(or hidden). The Sussex's need this rebrand if they are to have a successful, multi-tiered, future.

I don't see any issues with Harry becoming a US citizen. The US doesn't recognize titles anyway so when he swears his oath he will be doing it as Henry Charles Albert David M-B/or Sussex. I imagine in becoming a citizen he would, in theory, be unable to act as CoS. That isn't an issue anyway as the King has notified parliament that only "working" royals would be called upon to be CoS. In theory, he would have to renounce the King, which to me would be the biggest personal hurdle for Harry, but plenty of Brits take the oath and maintain dual citizenship. The Daily Mail would have a field day though.
Yes, it does. However, holding an office in a foreign government, especially in a so-called “ decision-making “ position may be an expatriating act under US federal law. It does not necessarily imply automatic loss of US citizenship, but may create some problems.

Sorry, I don’t have time now to post the US State Department guidance on this topic, but I’ll do it as soon as I can.

Thank you.
My theory on the Sussex rebrand grows. It appears to me that Harry has received media training. His answers were diplomatic, reconciliatory, and sympathetic - but they didn't come naturally to him. Either way, I'm glad the fire and fury are gone(or hidden). The Sussex's need this rebrand if they are to have a successful, multi-tiered, future.

I don't see any issues with Harry becoming a US citizen. The US doesn't recognize titles anyway so when he swears his oath he will be doing it as Henry Charles Albert David M-B/or Sussex. I imagine in becoming a citizen he would, in theory, be unable to act as CoS. That isn't an issue anyway as the King has notified parliament that only "working" royals would be called upon to be CoS. In theory, he would have to renounce the King, which to me would be the biggest personal hurdle for Harry, but plenty of Brits take the oath and maintain dual citizenship. The Daily Mail would have a field day though.

The requirement for Harry to remain CoS is that he is domiciled in the UK. Applying for US citizenship could be construed as him changing his domicile from the UK to the USA.
Applying for US citizenship could be construed as him changing his domicile from the UK to the USA.

In isolation, I don't think it could. Crossposting from the Counsellors of State thread:

To change domicile, you generally must sever all ties with the UK. So the Revenue might consider you still to be UK-domiciled if you had moved to Spain but returned to Britain to visit friends or family.

2 ‘Domiciled in some part of the United Kingdom’ refers to a concept of domicile derived from common law. Everyone receives a domicile at birth; this is known as a ‘domicile of origin’. Every independent person can at any time change their domicile of origin and acquire a ‘domicile of choice’ by the fact of residing in a country other than that of their domicile of origin with the intention of continuing to reside there indefinitely. There is a strong presumption against a change from a domicile of origin to a domicile of choice.


Domicile of origin

At birth every person acquires a domicile of origin.

The domicile of a new-born child's depends on the domicile of their parent at the time of birth.


Domicile of choice

A person can acquire a domicile of choice instead of their domicile of origin. To do
this they must both:

• reside in a place
• form a clear and fixed intention of making their permanent home or indefinite residence in that one country


The degree of proof required to establish that a domicile of origin has been displaced in favour of a domicile of choice is high. The courts have said that "unless you are able to show with perfect clearness and satisfaction, that a new domicile has been acquired, the domicile of origin continues" (Bell -v- Kennedy LR 1 Se & W App 310). This can mean that, whilst a range of evidence will normally be needed to show that a change of domicile has occurred, a single piece of evidence may be enough to show that there has been no change of domicile (such as a statement by the person concerned that they had no intention of making the place in question their permanent home).​
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