The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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You have a point there. If a Canadian came to DK saying she's 43 % Danish I'd react (and so would most here, I believe) with a: Okay, interesting.
If she called DK: "my country" I would react with slight amusement. Because to me she would first and foremost be a Canadian who just happens to have some Danish ancestry. She would not be Danish.
I suspect the Nigerians, being polite to their guests as most people are, would think the same.

I'm not sure what this visit is in the eyes of H&M but to be brutally honest I'm pretty confident that to most Nigerians present this was a case of wanting to "see the giraffes". - H&M are celebs, novelties if you will. This weeks story. Not much more, I'm afraid.
I spent my childhood looking at the ‘Americans’ big summer visits with the cameras and the mac coats. I more acceptable, and clued in conversation about your ancestry in a country would be to say a country whose DNA is my bones and as such feel by coming here I have been called home.

Then loads of people run around saying they are Italian etc and it’s an oh really. To be honest it’s more to do with the communities they may love in. Is she from a Nigerian community in the US.
It's not my impression she is a part of a Nigerian community and in any way it might not be that simple, because Nigeria consists of quite a lot of cultures, ethnicities and languages.
IMO before she can say "my country" she will at least have to visit the country several times, preferably live there for an extended period, learn and understand the culture and history, form bonds and friendships with Nigerians living in Nigeria and at the very basic have an extensive knowledge about the country as it is today.
Then she can claim to feel an affiliation with Nigeria, even calling it "home" but that will take years and a lot of work.

So like I said in my previous post: it comes across as slightly amusing.
It's not my impression she is a part of a Nigerian community and in any way it might not be that simple, because Nigeria consists of quite a lot of cultures, ethnicities and languages.
IMO before she can say "my country" she will at least have to visit the country several times, preferably live there for an extended period, learn and understand the culture and history, form bonds and friendships with Nigerians living in Nigeria and at the very basic have an extensive knowledge about the country as it is today.
Then she can claim to feel an affiliation with Nigeria, even calling it "home" but that will take years and a lot of work.

So like I said in my previous post: it comes across as slightly amusing.
Well quite. Nigerian is almost an external generic term for the people of that country. Anyway she is just being her usual self talking in generic platitudes.
Incidentally in this latest US polling on the royals Meghan has spiked upwards.

I don't get the second part of the headline, "Meghan Markle's popularity soars in the US as most-loved royal stateside laid bare"

This poll is done regularly by Newsweek and Meghan is nowhere near the most loved royal in the US, that distinction goes to Catherine, and when it is not Catherine, it is William. I don't know if there is something I am missing with this headline or in the article, or if it just represents The Express journalistic standards / penchant for click bait headlines.

The Newsweek article is below. I think with or without the new PR person, Meghan's "surge" would be the headline, but it is his job to get (or amplify) positive stories out about his employers.

This is a glimpse of exactly how they wanted their royal life to be that much is true…. Don’t forget just weeks ago Meghan launched her own brand (whose name I genuinely can never rememeber American Riviera…) and now she is getting alot of free PR thanks to Invictus and Nigeria paying for her and her hubby to visit people in a country where half the people live below the poverty line, oh yes all filmed for netflix as well. Next week she’ll be back trying to sell her exclusive over priced jam.
So yes, this may be a quasi royal tour in some peoples eyes, but it is also the perfect representation of why the way they wanted to stay in the RF would never have worked.
Meghan and Harry are so good at being royals on the international stage. That's the truth the haters can't accept. They do it with ease and flare. The King is just missing a trick for the monarchy by not asking them to represent the UK on the global stage.
First of all , because you criticise somebody does not make you a hater, we are all entitled to our opinion:
Secondly: They didn't want it, they were the ones who walked away, they were not ostracised or deported.

They wanted to go to America to build their brand and make money, then come back to the UK for certain royal events. In other words , pick and chose what they would attend.
They were told that would not work, but they left anyway.
I am just going to add another part on here, if Meghan cannot leave the airport when she is in the UK what makes you think she would want to represent us on a tour. Why would the King ask people to represent this country when they obviously do not like the country or their family members, as they have made very clear.
The friends of stories have started again, Harry is so hurt that the King would not see him. etc etc. Their new publicist is earning his money alright.
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I really don't get the fuss about opinion polls. As we've seen with elections in a lot of countries, they don't usually reflect the situation anyway, because only a small number of people are asked. Come the UK general election this year, we'll be getting a "poll of polls", which is taken because every newspaper and TV channel does its own poll, and they all produce different results!

Didn't Joe Biden, a man of mixed Irish, English and French heritage, whose family have been in the US since the mid 19th century, once say "I'm Irish"? People say these things!
I have not posted on this forum for some time, though I've been a member many years. I'm usually a lurker.
I just wanted to point out, Meghan is not 47% 'Nigerian'. There was no such country as Nigeria when her ancestors (from whatever side) were brought to the US (most probably during) the Transatlantic slave trade. 'Nigeria' still is not a place where most citizens would identify themselves as being 'Nigerian' but would identify rather as belonging to some people group such as 'Ibo', 'Fulani' 'Hausa' etc. People belonging to these groups are also found in other nations which formerly supplied the slave trade as well.
So having had a DNA test done that states her DNA matches up with people from Nigeria does not make her Nigerian and it's really not specific enough about what people(s) she's descended from and saying she's Nigerian is not scientific, as has been pointed out. DNA tests are very scientific and accurate for matching you up with relatives (wonderful for adopted people and others), and for crime scenes but not great at sorting out your various ethnicities. This is true for European descent also. Not only have the various borders changed so much but people have always moved from place to place and there are other factors.
The bottom line is that no nation on earth will accept someone as a citizen based on a DNA test and for good reason.
And it is still best and most accurate to use DNA results in tandem with records, family records and historical records, to get a real idea of your ancestry.
So we should be taking the 'Nigerian' ancestry of Meghan with a large pinch of salt, not that she doesn't have a right to make a trip to Nigeria based on whatever she wants and the authorities there don't have a right to play up thus angle and get publicity (and maybe, the Invictus games).
But to speak if this as some heritage her children can now get in touch with is absurd.
It's all very interesting because Prince Harry is one of a very, very small minority of people on the globe who can trace his ancestry back with complete certainty for about 1,000 years with names, portrays, documents etc and so his children of course can too-- but are being cut off (I'm not saying by who)from this unusual heritage. Harry himself has of course shown little interest in this (I was stunned by his historical mistakes about family in 'Spare').
Full disclosure: I'm of mostly African descent myself so do not need to have posts written in answer explaining how African Americans long for more knowledge of their family history and can't get it easily . This fact does not mean we should make history up or even speculate because of wishful thinking.
I'm also one of the many, many colonials of color who was hugely disappointed by how the Harry/Meghan marriage turned out in terms of her fitting into the monarchy, and I don't want to go off topic discussing that other than to say that in my family's personal experience the RF are not racist and we are happy to be part of (the imperfect but who's perfect) Commonwealth.
I'm bringing forward an earlier post regarding "Meghan being Nigerian". Once again, thank you Chen Bao Jun for your excellent post!!
I can’t believe there has been “God Save the King” played and everyone stood to attention. In what capacity was it played? They do not represent, they stated it clear that THEY DON’T WANT TO REPRESENT THE UK.
Meghan and Harry are so good at being royals on the international stage. That's the truth the haters can't accept. They do it with ease and flare. The King is just missing a trick for the monarchy by not asking them to represent the UK on the global stage.
Meghan and Harry are great at promoting themselves and making money off their connection to the BRF. The King isn't missing anything nor did the late Queen.
Meghan and Harry are so good at being royals on the international stage. That's the truth the haters can't accept. They do it with ease and flare. The King is just missing a trick for the monarchy by not asking them to represent the UK on the global stage.
I will happily concede that Harry is a natural with people & Meghan comes across as charming but I don’t want either of them representing my country. Nothing to do with hate but a dislike for much of they’ve publicly said & done.

If they want to make a public apology for their behaviour & return to their duties then that’s fine. If others in the family need to do something to make amends then that’s fine also. But that’s a private family matter.

Any return has to be conditional on their accepting that they’re part of a team. That their only loyalty is to the monarchy. That they must operate within the confines of the system as it is now structured. That they understand that it is not about them. That if they want change then they need to work from within & take others along with them. A little astuteness, tact & humility goes a long way.

Thus, like the Princess Royal, they could still find their niche as appreciated & respected representatives of the crown.

But none of this is likely to happen of course. Inevitably, gradually, they will fade away from public consciousness, lit along the way with the odd flurry of activity.

And as for the perceived glamour of overseas visits, look at old newsreels of Princess Alexandra. Once feted by thousands but now largely forgotten in those countries. Not that she would mind at all of course because she understands that it wasn’t about her as an individual but because of her role as a loyal representative of the crown.
You have a point there. If a Canadian came to DK saying she's 43 % Danish I'd react (and so would most here, I believe) with a: Okay, interesting.
If she called DK: "my country" I would react with slight amusement. Because to me she would first and foremost be a Canadian who just happens to have some Danish ancestry. She would not be Danish.
I suspect the Nigerians, being polite to their guests as most people are, would think the same.

I'm not sure what this visit is in the eyes of H&M but to be brutally honest I'm pretty confident that to most Nigerians present this was a case of wanting to "see the giraffes". - H&M are celebs, novelties if you will. This weeks story. Not much more, I'm afraid.

Couldn't agree more. I'm of Nigerian origin (Ibo). I left the country twenty years ago but still in touch with family and friends there. Nigeria is a country of 200m people with over 250 tribes with distinct cultures and languages. It is also a modern creation of Lord Lugard who drew a line on the map to carve out the country 'Nigeria'. Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon. Nigerians know this but they don't feel strongly enough to react. It's just entertaining and they are always up for entertainment.

The truth is that on Nigerian terms, this visit is not significant and cannot be compared to a real royal tour. The Sussexes are not being treated as royals though it suits the media to pretend they are, knowing the British and American audience don't know the difference and don't know much about Nigerians or their culture.

While Nigeria is still a developing country and has its issues, I think it is slightly insulting to look at this mess and take that as representative of the Nigerian government hosting an international event or hosting royals. This visit and all the activities have been hosted and organised by the Nigerian army and military wives and it shows. The Nigerian government is not involved , that is why you see no Ministers or Federal Govt officials at any event. This is not on their radar as an official event. State Governors are autonomous so Kaduna and Lagos State governors can receive them without crossing diplomatic lines and governors receive celebrities all the time.

In my view and that of many Nigerians, the army didn't really go out of their way to put forward their best foot. The attempt feels very 'low effort' and cheap. The state of the locations and banners, the attempt at an inspection of the guards at the Defence HQ security post with mismatched soldiers. They could easily have pulled together a couple of platoons (of soldiers) and staged a proper inspection if that's what they were seeking to do but the Defence Chief is being very careful not to cross diplomatic lines while indulging his visitors with minimal effort and, in my opinion, he hasn't. He is entitled to host visitors without involvement of the Nigerian government. He obviously has his agenda for indulging in it but I promise you he doesn't give a hoot for Harry's feud with his family. He will do the same for any minor royal or celebrity as long as he gets something from it and is staying within his lane.

The whole itinerary for the Sussexes could be replicated, and probably better organised for other international visitors e.g. Kanye , Jay Z, Beyonce, Bill Gates etc. depending on who is hosting them. The difference is in the coverage outside of Nigeria. These celebrities I mentioned don't take their photographers and media to record every reception or visit and send out copy. This is the crux of the matter. The Sussexes and their media enablers are manipulatingthe fact western audiences don't know much about the country to present this visit as more than it is. From Nigeria's perspective, this is a nothingburger; the government is not involved, no recognised traditional ruler is involved, a gathering of c30 Nigerians around some visitors does not represent a country with a population of 200m. Nigeria has had previous royal visits and the difference is clear. There are longstanding issues but they can and have done way better than this.

This OTT coverage provides content for the media and opportunity to poke the BRF. It will blow over in less than a week and everyone will move on to the next thing. We've seen this movie before with the OTT coverage of the 'revenge' tour, the New York adventures etc. rinse and repeat. Nothing to get outraged about, none of these shenanigans affect the BRF or their diplomatic standing. It's just manipulative noise. The media wants to push an agenda and provoke reaction. The best antidote is the BRF's approach of just getting about their affairs which will stand the test of time.

I, for one, am grateful that they are no longer part of the BRF. Going by their activities since they left, they would have been a huge liability and the BRF dodged a bullet there in my opinion. Royal service is not about flash and noise but steady dignity, quiet prestige and disciplined resilience.

For the Sussexes sake, I hope they are able to find a purposeful niche and peace in their post-royal lives. This flailing around and seeming inability to move on from the BRF or seeking adjacency to royalty is not sustainable nor is it conducive to their long-term wellbeing.
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It's all gone quiet in terms of updates. Have they gone home? It's Mother's Day today in the U.S., so it would be nice for Archie and Lili to see their mother.

The Sussexes are no longer TRH or HRH, please respect that.
I do agree with you ppetrica, as like many British posters here I don't care for it being used; however like it or not technically H&M are still TRH/HRH and just not allowed to use it officially and as I understand it, in an official capacity it should not be used by anyone else either.

We've been down this road before, many, many times. And in fairness to HenRach, I believe she always uses the full titles for all the working members of the BRF too.

Now if a prominent UK person e.g. our PM Rishi Sunak started calling them TRH/HRH, that really would annoy me (I don't think I've ever heard him mention them, to be honest :ROFLMAO: ) but here on a discussion site it doesn't have the same significance (no offence intended) so it doesn't really matter.

I choose not to recognise their titles at all, as I consider them to be redundant and worthless, not unlike the Windsor dukedom. PH is a prince by birth, but hell will freeze over before I recognise MM as a Duchess again (even if I met her, heaven forbid). So I just use their initials, because to me they are just ex-working royal Prince Harry and plain Meghan Markle.

It's all about personal choice.


I really don't get the fuss about opinion polls. As we've seen with elections in a lot of countries, they don't usually reflect the situation anyway, because only a small number of people are asked. Come the UK general election this year, we'll be getting a "poll of polls", which is taken because every newspaper and TV channel does its own poll, and they all produce different results!

Didn't Joe Biden, a man of mixed Irish, English and French heritage, whose family have been in the US since the mid 19th century, once say "I'm Irish"? People say these things!
I've never considered opinion polls to be very scientific personally. At best they tell us what we already know; at worst they are open to being manipulated and thus used to suit an agenda, or ignored completely if they don't say what a person wants to hear. So I question their usefulness.

I can’t believe there has been “God Save the King” played and everyone stood to attention. In what capacity was it played? They do not represent, they stated it clear that THEY DON’T WANT TO REPRESENT THE UK.

I heard about that yesterday. I perceived it as the Nigerians making a point to H&M themselves. I doubt they enjoyed it very much.

Meghan and Harry are so good at being royals on the international stage. [...]. They do it with ease and flare. The King is just missing a trick for the monarchy by not asking them to represent the UK on the global stage.


With all due respect, this post is so inaccurate on so many levels.

1. H&M aren't royals any more (only PH is connected by birth, and he is no longer a working royal).
2. I suspect most people aren't taking an awful lot of notice, they're an awful lot of much more important stuff going on.
3. Who are these "haters"? I see no "haters" here. Personally, I despise the pair of them; that's a big difference. They're not worth hating. Also, criticising someone doesn't mean hating them. I criticise my cat for scratching my living room curtains but I certainly don't hate him!
4. What are H&M doing with "ease and flare"(sic)? Dressing inappropriately, spouting the usual word salad, upsetting local people including their military hosts (I've seen the video evidence to prove this) and re-creating Princess Diana in staged pictures by their own private photographer?
5. The King can't really do that because they quit, remember, like big sulky children because they didn't get what they wanted. He's probably relieved (like me and millions of others) that they are not representing the BRF or the UK. He will, however, also be watching closely.
6. Thank you for making me laugh.

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Couldn't agree more. I'm of Nigerian origin (Ibo). I left the country twenty years ago but still in touch with family and friends there. Nigeria is a country of 200m people with over 250 tribes with distinct cultures and languages. It is also a modern creation of Lord Lugard who drew a line on the map to carve out the country 'Nigeria'. Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon. Nigerians know this but they don't feel strongly enough to react. It's just entertaining and they are always up for entertainment.
Thank you so much Rael for all of your wonderful post (I've cropped it purely to save space on the page).

I really appreciate your perspective and information about both Nigeria and the "tour", as I'm sure many of us do, and I agree with your remarks about H&M entirely.


Couldn't agree more. I'm of Nigerian origin (Ibo). I left the country twenty years ago but still in touch with family and friends there. Nigeria is a country of 200m people with over 250 tribes with distinct cultures and languages. It is also a modern creation of Lord Lugard who drew a line on the map to carve out the country 'Nigeria'. Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon. Nigerians know this but they don't feel strongly enough to react. It's just entertaining and they are always up for entertainment.

The truth is that on Nigerian terms, this visit is not significant and cannot be compared to a real royal tour. The Sussexes are not being treated as royals though it suits the media to pretend they are, knowing the British and American audience don't know the difference and don't know much about Nigerians or their culture.

While Nigeria is still a developing country and has its issues, I think it is slightly insulting to look at this mess and take that as representative of the Nigerian government hosting an international event or hosting royals. This visit and all the activities have been hosted and organised by the Nigerian army and military wives and it shows. The Nigerian government is not involved , that is why you see no Ministers or Federal Govt officials at any event. This is not on their radar as an official event. State Governors are autonomous so Kaduna and Lagos State governors can receive them without crossing diplomatic lines and governors receive celebrities all the time.

In my view and that of many Nigerians, the army didn't really go out of their way to put forward their best foot. The attempt feels very 'low effort' and cheap. The state of the locations and banners, the attempt at an inspection of the guards at the Defence HQ security post with mismatched soldiers. They could easily have pulled together a couple of platoons (of soldiers) and staged a proper inspection if that's what they were seeking to do but the Defence Chief is being very careful not to cross diplomatic lines while indulging his visitors with minimal effort and, in my opinion, he hasn't. He is entitled to host visitors without involvement of the Nigerian government. He obviously has his agenda for indulging in it but I promise you he doesn't give a hoot for Harry's feud with his family. He will do the same for any minor royal or celebrity as long as he gets something from it and is staying within his lane.

The whole itinerary for the Sussexes could be replicated, and probably better organised for other international visitors e.g. Kanye , Jay Z, Beyonce, Bill Gates etc. depending on who is hosting them. The difference is in the coverage outside of Nigeria. These celebrities I mentioned don't take their photographers and media to record every reception or visit and send out copy. This is the crux of the matter. The Sussexes and their media enablers are manipulatingthe fact western audiences don't know much about the country to present this visit as more than it is. From Nigeria's perspective, this is a nothingburger; the government is not involved, no recognised traditional ruler is involved, a gathering of c30 Nigerians around some visitors does not represent a country with a population of 200m. Nigeria has had previous royal visits and the difference is clear. There are longstanding issues but they can and have done way better than this.

This OTT coverage provides content for the media and opportunity to poke the BRF. It will blow over in less than a week and everyone will move on to the next thing. We've seen this movie before with the OTT coverage of the 'revenge' tour, the New York adventures etc. rinse and repeat. Nothing to get outraged about, none of these shenanigans affect the BRF or their diplomatic standing. It's just manipulative noise. The media wants to push an agenda and provoke reaction. The best antidote is the BRF's approach of just getting about their affairs which will stand the test of time.

I, for one, am grateful that they are no longer part of the BRF. Going by their activities since they left, they would have been a huge liability and the BRF dodged a bullet there in my opinion. Royal service is not about flash and noise but steady dignity, quiet prestige and disciplined resilience.

For the Sussexes sake, I hope they are able to find a purposeful niche and peace in their post-royal lives. This flailing around and seeming inability to move on from the BRF or seeking adjacency to royalty is not sustainable nor is it conducive to their long-term wellbeing.
An interesting read thank you. I too noticed that there has been an absence of central government involvement. No meeting with the president or first lady for example.
I can’t believe there has been “God Save the King” played and everyone stood to attention. In what capacity was it played? They do not represent, they stated it clear that THEY DON’T WANT TO REPRESENT THE UK.

I’m not sure whether to be annoyed or amused by it. True- they absolutely don’t represent the UK. Meghan seems unable to even set foot in the UK. (And yet very able to use her title. Lol) They complain a lot about the UK, BRF.

They’re technically there regarding invictus, mental health, the military, etc. Their own interests. (I think more accurately Harry and Meghan are primarily in Nigeria to promote Harry and Meghan.)

But- with “God Save the King” we’re all reminded why they’re even on this fake royal tour. Why anyone would invite them anywhere. And it’s not because Meghan is less than 50% Nigerian. Or any other reason except their relationship to the King.
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An interesting read thank you. I too noticed that there has been an absence of central government involvement. No meeting with the president or first lady for example.

As it should be. Harry and Meghan represent Harry and Meghan. They’re not important. It’s a celeb visit mimicking a royal tour- one of the few things Harry and Meghan really wanted to do in their HIHO plan.
In the USA, we have people saying they're Italian Americans, or Irish Americans, or German Americans, or Cuban Americans, and so on, and most of these people have never stepped foot in these countries. yet, I have never seen anybody question what percentages they are of these countries. So Duchess Meghan saying she is Nigerian American is fine.

By the way, President Joe Biden says that he is Irish American, do we ever questions what percentage?
I think the questioning was over the term Nigerian as an ethnicity. As Rael explained:

"Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon"

Because of European colonialism modern day borders in Africa don't make a lot of sense in ethnic, cultural or linguistic terms. Unlike most of the modern day borders in Europe for example, which do for the most part follow ethnic lines with certain exceptions like Belgium or Switzerland for which there are historical reasons.

It would be like an American with ancestors from the from the old Hapsburg empire calling themselves Austro-Hungarian when in fact they were Czech or Polish or Slovenian or whatever.

So German, Italian, Irish etc does make sense as they are nationalities distinct from their neighbours.
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Ultimately, if you want to blame anyone for the constant focus on TRH The Sussexes, blame the media, especially the British media, and the people who consume it. I say especially the British media because they uniquely prey on the British citizens who feel bitter about TRH The Sussexes' being treated as significant in spite refusing to specifically represent them. It's British media who constantly call TRH The Sussexes' visit "quasi-royal tour", "almost royal tour", etc...even though neither TRH The Sussexes nor the Nigerian military ever presented it as such. The British media do so because it will rile up a subset of their consumers enough to engage in and/or buy their product.

The rest of the BRF are quiet, hardworking, and, unfortunately for the media, uncontroversial. British citizens overall appreciate that aspect about the BRF, but it's expected, so when a new story about a BRF event happens, the response is generally "Oh, that's nice." (Of course, this year is unique due to the health challenges of HM The King and HRH The Princess of Wales, which has garnered more focus on BRF events.)

I would presume that the majority of Britons are over TRH The Sussexes and therefore don't engage in any new information about them. Enough Britons, however, hold on to the resentment they had for them for the past 2, 3, 4 years, and British media feed into that by constantly framing TRH The Sussexes' actions in respect to those of the BRF, collecting their cheques along the way.

Whether TRH The Sussexes succeed or fail in their current or future endeavors shouldn't matter to any except for their ardent fans, but as long as there are a subset of people who will consume media on TRH The Sussexes in spite of, and oftentimes because of, their dislike of the couple, media companies are going to continuously churn them out. Once that subset finally let's go of that need, then TRH The Sussexes' will fall into relative obscurity.
Whether TRH The Sussexes succeed or fail in their current or future endeavors shouldn't matter to any except for their ardent fans, but as long as there are a subset of people who will consume media on TRH The Sussexes in spite of, and oftentimes because of, their dislike of the couple, media companies are going to continuously churn them out. Once that subset finally let's go of that need, then TRH The Sussexes' will fall into relative obscurity.
What matters to people is not for anybody to say. It is up to the person to appreciate what matters.

On the other hand, all that the Sussexes want is to NOT fall into obscurity. Remember how Harry said he only has a few years to be relevant before George becomes the star? (Something along those lines). HLMQEII saw their goal clearly, hence the fight about HIHO, “service is universal”, “all this was unnecessary”, use of the word “royal” and so on, and the revenge in attacking TRF cesslessly in the lowest ways.
And now shamelessly copying the activities of the RF in a sloppy way.
Playing God Save The King was ridiculous. They are not there in any sort of official capacity. It's no more appropriate than playing God Save The King when Joe and Josephine Bloggs arrive at a hotel for their summer holiday.
In the USA, we have people saying they're Italian Americans, or Irish Americans, or German Americans, or Cuban Americans, and so on, and most of these people have never stepped foot in these countries. yet, I have never seen anybody question what percentages they are of these countries. So Duchess Meghan saying she is Nigerian American is fine.

By the way, President Joe Biden says that he is Irish American, do we ever questions what percentage?
Has Meghan said she is Nigerian American? I don’t recall.

She did refer to it as “my country.” That is unusual to me.

In my experience most people who refer to themselves as Italian American or whatever are people with very recent ties to the country.

I personally could care less what percentage Meghan is of anything. It’s irrelevant to me.

As best I can tell this is only based off Meghan taking one of those DNA/genealogy tests. That’s literally it. That is the sole basis of any ties she has to anything Nigerian.
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Ultimately, if you want to blame anyone for the constant focus on TRH The Sussexes, blame the media, especially the British media, and the people who consume it. I say especially the British media because they uniquely prey on the British citizens who feel bitter about TRH The Sussexes' being treated as significant in spite refusing to specifically represent them. It's British media who constantly call TRH The Sussexes' visit "quasi-royal tour", "almost royal tour", etc...even though neither TRH The Sussexes nor the Nigerian military ever presented it as such. The British media do so because it will rile up a subset of their consumers enough to engage in and/or buy their product.

The rest of the BRF are quiet, hardworking, and, unfortunately for the media, uncontroversial. British citizens overall appreciate that aspect about the BRF, but it's expected, so when a new story about a BRF event happens, the response is generally "Oh, that's nice." (Of course, this year is unique due to the health challenges of HM The King and HRH The Princess of Wales, which has garnered more focus on BRF events.)

I would presume that the majority of Britons are over TRH The Sussexes and therefore don't engage in any new information about them. Enough Britons, however, hold on to the resentment they had for them for the past 2, 3, 4 years, and British media feed into that by constantly framing TRH The Sussexes' actions in respect to those of the BRF, collecting their cheques along the way.

Whether TRH The Sussexes succeed or fail in their current or future endeavors shouldn't matter to any except for their ardent fans, but as long as there are a subset of people who will consume media on TRH The Sussexes in spite of, and oftentimes because of, their dislike of the couple, media companies are going to continuously churn them out. Once that subset finally let's go of that need, then TRH The Sussexes' will fall into relative obscurity.
I do agree that the British media like to stir things up, particularly the tabloids. Personally I avoid the tabloid stories about PH and MM like the plague, although I do sometimes read the comments at the end which are quite amusing. I prefer to use other sources for researching and posting here if I can. I've also previously noticed how the Daily Mail and such will "weave" H&M into a royal story that doesn't really have anything to do with them.

In my case, with a lifelong interest in British royal history (it stretches back over 1000 years, remember) H&M are a bit of a unique case. Apart from the Edward and Wallis affair, I can't recall anyone else publicly quitting the BRF by choice. Hence my interest, and I don't think the expression "being over them" (or not) is appropriate; rather, it's being interested (or not) in what they say and do, in light of the last few years' events and what they continue to do whilst using (or abusing) their titles. People still read, write and talk about not only Edward and Wallis, but also the English Civil War and execution of Charles I back in the 1600s. It's history. That's why this forum is here!

Rest assured, those of us who are interested are not lying in our beds at night muttering to ourselves saying "I'll never get over H&M leaving!" (I sincerely hope no one is doing that!) We're just happy enough to invest some of our time in observing what they do and commenting upon it. No further reason or analysis required!

I'd also say it's the right of the individual as to whether or not they want to be interested in H&M or for it to "matter" as you put it (and that goes for anything really). Some people may not be particularly into history or the BRF, but be fascinated by the "human drama" family element of the whole thing; perhaps their own family have been through the same sort of problems, so they can relate to the BRF. It could be for many other reasons. There is no "entry requirement" to be interested in something like this. I love reading about people who climb Everest and K2, but I've never climbed a mountain in my life!
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Why does Meghan only mention her 43% Nigerian DNA and not the rest of her heritage? Why is that 43% more relevant than 57%? 🤔
As far as I know, those tests are not entirely reliable, years ago I saw a video on YouTube where two twins had sent their DNA to different of these agencies and it gave them completely different results from one lab to another. How can we assume that Meghan's DNA was completely reliable? It's just an approximate esteem at best.
When it come to Italian-Americans or Irish Americans, their parents or grandparents immigrated to USA and kept their culture. So their children and grandchildren assimilate part of that culture even if they are not related to that country anymore. Meghan wasn't raised in a Nigerian immigrant family or community so Nigerian culture, like we noticed in this trip, is completely estranged to her.
What matters to people is not for anybody to say. It is up to the person to appreciate what matters.

On the other hand, all that the Sussexes want is to NOT fall into obscurity. Remember how Harry said he only has a few years to be relevant before George becomes the star? (Something along those lines). HLMQEII saw their goal clearly, hence the fight about HIHO, “service is universal”, “all this was unnecessary”, use of the word “royal” and so on, and the revenge in attacking TRF cesslessly in the lowest ways.
And now shamelessly copying the activities of the RF in a sloppy way.
Indeed. This is their way of showing that they're still unhappy about "having" to leave the BRF (they didn't have to, it was their choice) and that they didn't get half in/half out. So no, they haven't moved on whatsoever IMO. Otherwise, why keep playing at pretend royals?

As you say the last thing they want to do is disappear and live quietly. She's now hooked on the fame, and he feels he should still be treated the same as he has been all his life. Well, tough! It doesn't work that way!
It seems like the Nigerian trip has been a roaring success for TRH The Sussexes. Hopefully they’ll be able to plan similar trips to other countries in the future!
Why would they? They were said to have been invited by the Nigerian military organization to improve Nigeria's chances of getting the Invictus Games and Meghan apparently wanted to explore her Nigerian roots. Unless Meghan wants to explore the other 57% of her genetic heritage, or other countries invite Harry because they are competing to hold Invictus, I don't see any similar trips in the future.

It is important to remember that Harry and Meghan need ongoing PR wins in order to further their commercial interests, and WME is certainly working hard to ensure that the opportunities present themselves. It is important for these opportunities to have the aura of altruism and good works in order to support that component of their brand. It would be important to highlight the fact that they were invited rather than just deciding to go on their own; that Invictus was at the heart of the visit, and that Meghan isn't just tagging along but has legitimate interest in Nigeria. I am not sure if the original invitation was engineered or spontaneously offered, but it provided Harry and Meghan with a golden opportunity to gain positive press and even to look "royal". The visit could have been low key. Harry and Meghan could have indicated that they didn't want a "royal tour" welcome and still have accomplished what they said were the goals of the trip. While the "royal tour" label is partly a media fantasy, Harry, Meghan and WME would have known that there would be public aspects that would resemble a welcome to royals (appropriately scaled down from what would happen for a head of state such as the King). In my view that wouldn't have suited Harry, Meghan or WME.

I would give Harry all the respect in the world if he were to make a trip to meet with representatives of African Parks, following up his letter of last year in which he is said to have expressed concern over the serious issues that have come to light with that organization. That would be real change leadership.
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I love history of all the royal families and that’s why I joined this forum. It’s not always pretty, but history is history. I’m interested in the cultures, intrigued at their similarities and differences equally. I enjoy immensely their etiquette and protocol and the way in which they receive dignitaries when they visit (loved the recent one to Sweden by the new Danish monarch).

I was onto Meghan from the spooning bananas, but even I couldn’t imagine what a nightmare that would turn out to be for the BRF. I have been scolded by loved ones for not supporting the “black duchess” (I’m black by the way). But why should I support someone who is so inherently selfish (my opinion and my trying to be polite here). I’m not in the least bit interested in someone who uses her race, conveniently and only when it became advantageous, for her own benefit solely. Does racism exist? I could go on for infinity, but I’m offended when people like her use a very painful and a real injustice to get revenge for not getting her own way. Hard no.

Representation matters. [mods removed insult] She didn’t understand and was incapable of seeing what a unique position she had been handed. Let’s take Michelle Obama as an example (and this is not a political statement by any means), who faced overtly hostile and racist rhetorics in her time in office. How did she respond? By rising above it all. And you want to know why? It’s always harder to be the first, so she exhibited her own saying “when they go low, we go high”, and thus she’s setting herself as an example for those who wish to follow. She is a strong and intelligent woman who understands her place in history.

She also really believes she’s smarter than she is. Her lack of self awareness, not to mention her husband’s, is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I understand the husband somewhat because he grew up in a bubble. But I’m at a complete loss to comprehend how someone who grew up in a meritocracy didn’t understand the very basic concept that is taught to anyone entering employment, which is you should never burn your bridges. You do not **** (excuse my language) where you live and you don’t wash your dirty laundry in public. That’s true of all families. That’s something I was taught. So I’m here watching this saga because Freud left us too early and cannot break it down for me.
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